Friday, December 10, 2010

Hello Tax Hikes

Remember, it was democrats, who control both the Senate and House, and the presidency for that matter, who are about to raise everyone's taxes this coming 01 January and are attempting to steer the country right back into the ditch - the dreaded "double dip recession:"

  • During an angry and emotional meeting of their caucus, Democratic lawmakers voted overwhelmingly against bringing the Obama package to the floor without substantial modification. "Just say no!" many shouted in the Democratic caucus meeting.

    Though the voice vote amounted to a recommendation to party leaders, it marked the first major challenge to Obama from his party in Congress as he navigates in a new political reality by negotiating with Republicans, who will have the majority in the House and greater numbers in the Senate in the new Congress.
Remember, Republicans are the "Party of No" according to the liberals and evil Republicans are all about corporate greed. Be sure you look at the withholding next month on your check, courtesy of Obama and the democrats. And any guesses on what the unemployment numbers are going to look like next year since this will kill the "recovery" we've been hearing about for two years?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats 'Forget nothing and learn nothing'
Barry's tax boost on top of the Quinn/Madigan/Cullerton tax boost coupled with ever rising property taxes will doom all of Illinois.

12/10/2010 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is addressed and industry and commerce are returned to the USA there will NEVER be a recovery!

12/10/2010 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The democrats are the party of hate and class warfare! They constantly attack the top wage earners as though they are evil, when the truth is they are the job creators. Has anyone ever got a job from a poor man? The answer is No! The dems got their 13 more months of unemployment and other goodies, along with no tax increases for all Americans, but they will kill it, all just to make sure the wealthy get their taxes raised. Remember this is not a tax break, it's just an extension of the tax limits we have now and it's not permenant. This needs to pass or we will be seeing another economic disaster.

These goofs in congress still follow Nancy Pelosi's lead which is so amazing since she is one of the reasons they lost so many seats. The dems need to stop worrying about one class of people and do some good for all. It really matter to us average joes how much the rich pay in taxes just as long as ours don't go any higher.

12/10/2010 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the taxes go up,,it will be Barry's downfall,,,,,nobody, but nobody--including libs wants to pay more money.

The only people that don't care are the 47% that don't pay income tax at all.

12/10/2010 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is addressed and industry and commerce are returned to the USA there will NEVER be a recovery!

12/10/2010 01:01:00 AM

One other issue, stop paying the Federal Reserve to print our money.

12/10/2010 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you might want to read that again. i dont believe the bill says anything close to what you says it does. the president is supporting tax cuts. the opposition to the tax cut compromise are some hard core democrats but for the most part, most everybody, the president included, realizes that the tax cuts will help create jobs and help get the economy going. this is a pretty simple assessment, but if you read the article and maybe look at the proposal and who is for it, you may want to rethink your position on this one....just sayin

12/10/2010 05:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We haven't seen Quinn's tax hike yet. Don't count on that 2% due us on Jan 1 in your long term financial planning. It likely will go straight to Springfield.

12/10/2010 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting that they are doing this considering their own income. Nancy Pelosi, as speaker of the house, makes on average $223,500/yr. Minority leaders make around $193,000. They are also guaranteed a COLA each year. If they serve 5 years, then they can look forward to a pension, health care and my favorite, social security benefits. Now this only holds true for the House of Representatives. Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension.

12/10/2010 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tax on capital gains will hit the pension funds hard and any sell off (to avoid these upcoming taxes)will too. Plus no deduction for mortgage interest.......who are they hurting again? THE MIDDLE CLASS. Democrats lying as usual.

12/10/2010 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guns and ammo!

12/10/2010 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know plenty of rich people that don't employ a soul.

12/10/2010 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Daley - reduce alderman from 50 to 25
you want to cut working police officers pensions , yet you pay 2 patrolman commanders pay and 30 patrolman sergeants pay to protect you and Maggie
hire private security for $1600 an hour like OEMC does , our lifeline 911 isn't worthy of sworn police officers , but your body guards receive premium pay

how about all tyhe other politicians with 24 hour police body guards , this city needs change now

12/10/2010 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats' "War on the rich" is nothing more than an attack on those who....

Studied in school

Graduated college

Probably did not become a parent by 15

Probably never been arrested or convicted og a Felony

Either are a two parent household or chose to never become a parent

Pay their taxes/bills on time

In other words..those who have done what you are supposed to do

I will never make $250,000 a year but I will never demonize those who do

12/10/2010 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Kirk just betrayed every 1st responder in the USA, the 9-11 1st responders deserve health care!!

12/10/2010 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with them??

12/10/2010 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any way the Left and the Media spin the story, it still means that there is going to be a tax increase. Plain and Simple and we are all going to be fucked by the Democrats.

Many thanks to those who voted in Obama, I hope the white guilt that led your mind in the voting booth makes you feel better when you lose 3 grand more a year to entitlements to the 47% of Americans that don't pay taxes.

12/10/2010 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There we go again with illegal immigration as the main culprit for the bad economy. There are many other major reasons the economy is what it is and saying illegal immigration is the head liner is incorrect. As for Democrats attacking those who have and giving it to those who don't...I rather have the abililty to give as the bible says, than to have to wait to receive. There is nothing but hate and no one is offering any solutions.

12/10/2010 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real problem is politicians stealing not only our pension, but our tranquility. We chase robbers down dark alleys who took maybe five bucks, but we do nothing when these scumbags steal millions.

12/10/2010 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not extending the tax law will mean a 3 grand tax increase for every middle income worker, and a substantial increase in capital gains tax. Lookout! Now add this to the coming increase in state income tax and the failing of the pension funds and you have the making of a true financial disaster for police and fire, both active and retired.

12/10/2010 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Only Mama Knows said...

This is a scripted little play where the DEMOS who will be up for election soon can say they were against the vote and have public proof. They already know there are enough votes for it to go through.
Obama had to be sat down and told a little about economics and how a country works and realized leaving the tax rate as is was the way to go.
Its ALWAYS a learning moment with him. Its tiring to deal with an inexperienced kindergartener who never did anything substantial in his life besides winning political beauty contests by claiming he is an African-American; when, in truth, he is a biracial individual raised by fairly wealthy grandparents on his white (although goofy)mother's side.
Its very expensive to live in Mercer Island, WA and Honolulu, HI

12/10/2010 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending SCC an Interesting video, please post it on this thread if possible.

12/10/2010 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy ammo!

12/10/2010 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see the so-called tax breaks having much effect when it comes to job creation.

Corporations are already holding and hoarding cash in the trillions of dollars - do you see the money being spent creating jobs...IN THE USA? I don't.

So now we have another tax break,

We allow people to contribute less of their paychecks into their social security retirement plans. It's like intentionally underfunding your own pensions.

Look, the tax break money is going to Asia or it's being hoarded.

Asia is where the jobs will be created. That's where the expansion of business will be. If the middle class has any money left over to invest they will unwittingly invest it in the high tech companies here that are compounding Americas problem, buying smaller companies, laying off and off-shoring and idling the USA workforce for personal profits.

Yeah the tax breaks are only a band aid on a gaping wound and so are the unemployment extensions. Nothing is fixed.

12/10/2010 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a more local level with regard to property taxes.

Housing values have fallen 30% from their peak and just as the city needs more tax revenue to fund things like police and fire and education - Chicagoan's are demanding real estate tax assessment appeals in increasing numbers.


[...} In Illinois, pleas for relief arrive every week on the desk of Louis Apostol, executive director of the state Property Tax Appeal Board.


“These letters are heart-wrenching. I’ve got drawers and drawers of them,” Apostol said in a telephone interview from his office in Des Plaines.

Illinois may have 19,350 property appeals this year, 10 percent more than in 2009, he said. The backlog is about 35,000, to be processed by a staff of 21. Fifty-four people handled roughly half the workload in 2003, he said.

More than 80 percent come from homeowners and the board approves an average of 30 percent of them, he said.

Determining the impact could take two years, he said. In the meantime, Apostol will continue receiving letters of complaint forwarded by Governor Pat Quinn.

“I respond directly,” Apostol said. “I also include my phone number and tell them how they can appeal their taxes.”

more >>

12/10/2010 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember this is not a tax break, it's just an extension of the tax limits we have now and it's not permenant. This needs to pass or we will be seeing another economic disaster.

What is the rush to pass this? Why not wait until the new Republican majority house take their seats? Let the dems shitcan it. Why do you think they are all for reaching across the aisle making deals now? They know they are fucked.

The Republicans can draw up something more advantageous to taxpayers. We have the upper hand now. Make the dems try to shoot it down and take the heat. Fuck Nobama, we won.

12/10/2010 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There we go again with illegal immigration as the main culprit for the bad economy. There are many other major reasons the economy is what it is and saying illegal immigration is the head liner is incorrect. As for Democrats attacking those who have and giving it to those who don't...I rather have the abililty to give as the bible says, than to have to wait to receive. There is nothing but hate and no one is offering any solutions.

12/10/2010 09:39:00 AM

Sorry to say, but illegal immigration does have a lot to do with the sad shape our economy is in now. And I will tell you why in three words, Community Reinvestment Act.

The democrats forced banks to give out loans to people who otherwise would not qualify for a loan (illegals) using banking's lending standards. People (illegals) were given loans basically on a signature, and it probably wasn't even their real name.

These people, who shouldn't have been loaned money in the first place, if normal loan standards were adhered to, walked away when they couldn't keep up with maintaining a household.

Guess who gets stuck holding the bag? No not the banks, we the law abiding, tax paying citizens of this country do, as evidenced by the bailouts.

So don't downplay illegal immigrations role in this disaster. Yes there are other factors involved, but illegal immigration IS the main cause.

Also, as for you trying to justify the democrats redistribution of wealth by implying the bible condones it. Charity comes from ones free will, it is not something forced by the government, because then it wouldn't be charity.

Sheesh, you liberals are so dense.

12/10/2010 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous the chinese economy we deserve said...

Until ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is addressed and industry and commerce are returned to the USA there will NEVER be a recovery!

12/10/2010 01:01:00 AM

Industry? Returned to US? I'll remember that when I go to Wal-mart in mah '76 Datsun.

12/10/2010 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous greetings from canaryville said...

"Has anyone ever got a job from a poor man? The answer is No!"

Has any police officer without an Irish or Italian surname gotten a job from a rich man? Thanks for your input, Officer Pritzker.

12/10/2010 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Mayor Daley , Mrs. Daley and the other family members will continue to have drivers and body guards upon his leaving office?? Is he going to drive himself? Does he remember how??

12/10/2010 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I know plenty of rich people who don't employ a soul.

12/10/2010 08:27:00 AM

Do they pay taxes? Do they own or rent? Do they have water, electricity and heat in their residence? Do they have a car? Does it require service and gas? Do they buy clothing? Do they spend money on jewelry and home furnishings? Do they have work done on their residence? Do they visit a Doctor or Dentist? As you can see, just because they don't have employees doesn't mean they don't contribute to the economy. The rich have more money so they spend more money than we do and cause people to have jobs servicing their needs and wants.

These damn democrats seem to think that unemployment checks are better for the economy than working people and the businesses that pay taxes to fund these checks.

Just a question for you, if someone works, whose money is it that they earn? If you say the government, you are wrong. If you work, the money you make is yours and the government has no right to take any of it for their charitable notions they may have. WHen someone works and they are not allowed to keep the fruits of their own labor, it is a form of slavery and I thought we outlawed that in th 1860's.

12/10/2010 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Got my FOP newsletter today. Hot topic? The pension of course. Donahue covers it for nearly 2 FULL PAGES. It's all sorta irrelevant since everything that happened with the pension ALREADY happened while the newsletter was at the printer. Not FOP's fault, but...

Anyway, considering how BIG the news about our pension is at the moment, I naturally wanted to hear from our pension rep, Mike Shields, on the matter. Lo and behold, FOP has chosen to silence him once more and not allow him to speak to the membership through their newsletter.

I don't know if Donahue or Bella or any of the others at FOP realize it or not, but they are REALLY starting to piss off a lot of us peons in the membership. I, for one, plan on letting them know it in the next lodge election. Thanks SCC!

12/10/2010 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago Civic Committee and now Daley, have made their position on pensions very clear in recent days. The funds should be allowed to go bankrupt and the benefits adjusted much lower. They also have said that their legal position is that neither the state or city have any responsibility to keep the funds from insolvency, that the funds stand alone. If this happens, and it might, there will be court fights at the very least. So, all of the people who keep saying that the city will have to sell McCormick place to fund the debt, think again. Just about everything the city owns has already been sold or leased out. There is no telling where this might go in coming years and anyone who flippantly thinks otherwise is doing everyone a disservice. Stay vigilant!!

12/10/2010 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
...Nancy Pelosi, as speaker of the house, makes on average $223,500/yr. .. also guaranteed a COLA each year....
12/10/2010 07:08:00 AM

I'll buy her a cola a day if she goes away.

12/10/2010 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There we go again with illegal immigration as the main culprit for the bad economy. There are many other major reasons the economy is what it is and saying illegal immigration is the head liner is incorrect. As for Democrats attacking those who have and giving it to those who don't...I rather have the abililty to give as the bible says, than to have to wait to receive. There is nothing but hate and no one is offering any solutions.

12/10/2010 09:39:00 AM

Sorry to say, but illegal immigration does have a lot to do with the sad shape our economy is in now. And I will tell you why in three words, Community Reinvestment Act.

The democrats forced banks to give out loans to people who otherwise would not qualify for a loan (illegals) using banking's lending standards. People (illegals) were given loans basically on a signature, and it probably wasn't even their real name.

These people, who shouldn't have been loaned money in the first place, if normal loan standards were adhered to, walked away when they couldn't keep up with maintaining a household.

Guess who gets stuck holding the bag? No not the banks, we the law abiding, tax paying citizens of this country do, as evidenced by the bailouts.

So don't downplay illegal immigrations role in this disaster. Yes there are other factors involved, but illegal immigration IS the main cause.

Also, as for you trying to justify the democrats redistribution of wealth by implying the bible condones it. Charity comes from ones free will, it is not something forced by the government, because then it wouldn't be charity.

Sheesh, you liberals are so dense.

12/10/2010 04:10:00 PM
I guess there were alot of illegals buying properties in englewood, Chatham , grand crossing. The blame lays on the banks trying to ride the real estate bubble.uncle Sam can alwas bail you out

12/10/2010 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Remember this is not a tax break, it's just an extension of the tax limits we have now and it's not permenant. This needs to pass or we will be seeing another economic disaster.

What is the rush to pass this? Why not wait until the new Republican majority house take their seats? Let the dems shitcan it. Why do you think they are all for reaching across the aisle making deals now? They know they are fucked.

The Republicans can draw up something more advantageous to taxpayers. We have the upper hand now. Make the dems try to shoot it down and take the heat. Fuck Nobama, we won.

12/10/2010 03:23:00 PM

The only one "reaching across the asile" is the White House right now. Remember Obama can veto anything the next congress sends to him. This is the best deal both parties can get now and time is short. If time wasn't so short I would say lets fight, but the economey can't wait.

12/10/2010 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sell your house and move into a small apt. = pay no RE taxes.

12/10/2010 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let all the democrats that make over $250,000 that want the tax increase donate the extra money to charity , maybe our mayor will refuse some of his cook county , state and city pensions

12/10/2010 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

/2010 08:12:00 AM

Anonymous said...
i know plenty of rich people that don't employ a soul.

12/10/2010 08:27:00 AM

When I worked in 002; I coaxed a wealthy polish re-hab contractor to hire security. He was happy and my security company was happy.
The wealthy need security; really!

12/10/2010 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American economy is hampered by unions and their demand for high wages for producing a product of low quality. Can you say GM?
The last two new cars I purchased have been Asian. The next one will also be Asian.

12/10/2010 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if Donahue or Bella or any of the others at FOP realize it or not, but they are REALLY starting to piss off a lot of us peons in the membership

STARTING TO???? Where the hell have you been? I got pissed off about 10 years go.

12/10/2010 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
/.../ If they serve 5 years, then they can look forward to a pension, health care and my favorite, social security benefits. Now this only holds true for the House of Representatives. Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension.

12/10/2010 07:08:00 AM

Wow, your grasp of US government structure is amazing.

12/11/2010 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/10/2010 10:28:00 PM

You are exactly what's wrong with this country- if you are the police, you are a union member. We have the benefits we have because we unionized.

Unions once made up 24% of the work force and we had a strong middle class. Now less than 6% of our country's work force and the middle class is disappearing.

You are a traitor to everything that has made America strong. Why don't you go live in China?

12/11/2010 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sell your house and move into a small apt. = pay no RE taxes.

12/10/2010 10:17:00 PM

Just who pays the taxes on the building the apartment is in? The landlord. Where does he get this cash from? His pocket. Where did some of the money in his pocket come from? The rent. If the city raises his water bill, taxes and if Peoples gas and Com Ed raise his rates, he has to pay, right? Of course he does and the next thing the landlord does is raise the rent on his tenants.

It is the same thing with the oil companies, all these people who haven't thought it through, get all happy when Uncle Sugar hammers them with higher taxes. That's right! Make 'em pay! The next thing the evil, big oil company does is raise the price of a gallon of gas. You showed 'em! With your wallet.

I rarely hear any complaints about big oil countries. Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Iran and Iraq have more oil business than the large, American Oil Companies that we all hate so much. We're working on fixing them the same way we helped fix our auto business. Then the dummies will wonder why it's so hard to get a blue-collar job that pays anything.

When I was a kid, there were dozens of manufacturing plants in what is now the 025th District. Schwinn, Helene Curtis, Coca Cola and Pepsi to name a few. Between the government and unions here, the businesses found it to be in their best interest to leave. The unions are tough on the companies and the government just helps pile on. About the only thing around in those parts now are Subways, McDonald's and some home improvement stores and 1 Wal Mart.

12/11/2010 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The irony is ® Senator Jon Kyl wants us to give a bonus to multi-millionaires and wants us to pay for the unemployment benefits but wants to put [the tax cuts] on the credit card. Go figure.

Where will the money come from to PAY for the TAX CUTS TO THE WEALTHY???


12/11/2010 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess there were alot of illegals buying properties in englewood, Chatham , grand crossing. The blame lays on the banks trying to ride the real estate bubble.uncle Sam can alwas bail you out

Go look around Garfield Ridge, West Eldson, West Lawn areas. The brown hoarde came marching down Pulaski over the Stevenson X-Way and settled in. Now there must be 3-4 for sale signs on every block in those neighborhoods due to illegals defaulting. At least the shitheads in Englewood belong in this country.

The banks were just making the best of the situation that the government forced them into.

12/11/2010 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say, but illegal immigration does have a lot to do with the sad shape our economy is in now. And I will tell you why in three words, Community Reinvestment Act.

The democrats forced banks to give out loans to people who otherwise would not qualify for a loan (illegals) using banking's lending standards. People (illegals) were given loans basically on a signature, and it probably wasn't even their real name.

These people, who shouldn't have been loaned money in the first place, if normal loan standards were adhered to, walked away when they couldn't keep up with maintaining a household.

Guess who gets stuck holding the bag? No not the banks, we the law abiding, tax paying citizens of this country do, as evidenced by the bailouts.

So don't downplay illegal immigrations role in this disaster. Yes there are other factors involved, but illegal immigration IS the main cause.

Also, as for you trying to justify the democrats redistribution of wealth by implying the bible condones it. Charity comes from ones free will, it is not something forced by the government, because then it wouldn't be charity.

Sheesh, you liberals are so dense.

You hit the nail on the head. I read my "neighborhood" paper every week. Looking at the foreclosures is 95% non-American names. Don't call me bigoted, racist, etc. Most of the names are hispanic or slavic and I'm guessing people who weren't here legally to begin with that crossed a border or overstayed a visa. Shame on the banks for not practicing common sense. As a detective, I can tell you that I've arrested a number of illegals for identity theft who stole American citizen's identity including the uber-valuable ss# and got away with getting a mortgage on someone else's name. Many of the victims were American citizens with hispanic surnames. Just try unravaling the mess it causes when someone does this to you. If banks, retailers and everyone else who hands out credit like candy would have done their due-diligence, many would have not reached first base.

12/11/2010 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Got my FOP newsletter today. Hot topic? The pension of course. Donahue covers it for nearly 2 FULL PAGES. It's all sorta irrelevant since everything that happened with the pension ALREADY happened while the newsletter was at the printer. Not FOP's fault, but...

Anyway, considering how BIG the news about our pension is at the moment, I naturally wanted to hear from our pension rep, Mike Shields, on the matter. Lo and behold, FOP has chosen to silence him once more and not allow him to speak to the membership through their newsletter.

I don't know if Donahue or Bella or any of the others at FOP realize it or not, but they are REALLY starting to piss off a lot of us peons in the membership. I, for one, plan on letting them know it in the next lodge election. Thanks SCC!

Should we contact the Lodge and tell them to send out a weekly newsletter? You could check the website and see President Donahue updated us when it was done. Now for the Shields whining. I ask all of you to go the the pension board website and look at the newsletter articles that Mr Shields has placed in there for the last two years. He never writes anything informative, the last one was praising Hauser and other city trustees. Shields was in almost every newsletter until he pulled the bullshit e-mail that he sent us complaining that he wasn't be ing put in the newsletter. Go to the Fop website and look at past newsletters. He was in almost everyone. What would you do if someone sent out a bullshit e-mail about you for political reasons. Shields is a sneak. He has no talents other than taking credit for what other people do.

12/11/2010 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head. I read my "neighborhood" paper every week. Looking at the foreclosures is 95% non-American names. Don't call me bigoted, racist, etc. Most of the names are hispanic or slavic and I'm guessing people who weren't here legally to begin with that crossed a border or overstayed a visa. Shame on the banks for not practicing common sense. As a detective, I can tell you that I've arrested a number of illegals for identity theft who stole American citizen's identity including the uber-valuable ss# and got away with getting a mortgage on someone else's name. Many of the victims were American citizens with hispanic surnames. Just try unravaling the mess it causes when someone does this to you. If banks, retailers and everyone else who hands out credit like candy would have done their due-diligence, many would have not reached first base.

12/11/2010 10:55:00 AM

So, I was wondering, what exactly IS an American sounding name???

12/11/2010 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I was wondering, what exactly IS an American sounding name???

So instead of engaging this poster in a debate about what he thinks, you are going to try to frame him as a racist. Well you know what? Your ilk have cried wolf long enough and it means shit to the people who love this country. People are on to the lefts agenda and we are going to take this country back. You real racists can go live under a dictator in some third world hellhole that you seem to love so much. You think you are fucking cute and oh so superior with your lame post. Fuck off you liberal p.o.s.

12/12/2010 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, I was wondering, what exactly IS an American sounding name???

12/11/2010 07:47:00 PM"

any name you can spell, correctly in English, upon hearing it spoken.

12/12/2010 02:54:00 AM  

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