Sunday, April 03, 2011

Scandal Grows

Not a good time to have associated with the two accused:
  • A third Town Hall District police officer has been stripped of his police powers in connection with an investigation into allegations that his two partners sexually assaulted a North Side woman at her home and in a police SUV early Wednesday while on duty, Chicago Police confirmed Saturday.

    The third officer, who is a partner of the two originally accused and is assigned to the same police car, was not on duty that morning. But police sources said the officer was present during a similar incident that allegedly occurred in the past involving his two partners.

    Late Saturday, police said in a written statement that “an outcome of this investigation is the identification of an earlier incident that previously had not been reported.’’ Details of the incident were not provided.

Stormy weather for the foreseeable future.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one surprised that Steve Peterson is now the Cubs Manager?

4/03/2011 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This does not look good for the officer that was not even working. Plain and simple city of chicago politics. They do not have any allegations against the 3rd person on the car, but he will still get treated the same just for sensationalism for the city showing how hard they are on the rogue cops. Sounds just like the Commito, Thiel story. What ever happened to the 3 man on that car ? Plain and simple the city trumped up some bs complaints and fired him also, even though he was not working the innocent little good citizen Mearday was schooled for being a filthy criminal that no one in the city wants in their neighborhood, but never has the guts to admit to it.

4/03/2011 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 more and out sorry to say what a fucking joke this job has become. there are no more old school coppers anymore everyone is looking to step on someone to make it up this shit ladder we used to be a family I DONT KNOW YOU people anymore...fucking losers ..LIFM

4/03/2011 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...



4/03/2011 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy are heads going to roll! No doubt the WC's will be dumped along with the DC. Downtown is PISSED!!! Everyone knows the WC's knew about them, but let them go out and play anyway. Big changes coming to 023 just because of a few jerks! Lets see how many babes you can bone in Stateville, assholes!

4/03/2011 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a female copper. Before I came on this job I was raped by the vice president of the ad agency I was working for. It was after a party to celebrate the acquisition of a new client. Had I been drinking? Of course. Was I drunk? Probably. He could have had any woman in the room, and he singled me out--I was young, unsophisticated, with stars in my eyes. I was his prey, although I didn't know it.

I was 22, and he offered me a ride home in the company limo, since we both lived in Oak Brook. He asked me if I wanted to see the orporate apartment, right around the corner. I said yes. "NO" did not mean "NO" to this man. I got back in the limo with ripped clothes, and the driver just looked at me with a sad look on his face.

He dropped the VP off before me, and he proceeded to tell me how sorry he was. I know how that girl with the 23 district coppers felt. It all boils down to the power to take advantage of another person, to manipulate and intimidate them into a position where they see no alternative but to comply.

I've been there. I can tell you it was rape.

4/03/2011 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those writing about other's like S.L. still being on the job. Well each case has different circumstances.

I am not defending these guys if they did it on duty with a citizen of course they should and will be fired, most likely will do time also.

On the other hand at least one commander in chief of our country and head of the executive branch did it in the oval office, on duty while married, probably perjured himself to and skated. In the end as it's always been and will be $ and power talk.

I've always been amazed that to be a cop etc. you get drug and alcohol tested etc. but an individual can have the power to destroy the entire world and not even be subject to that.Kinda crazy to me.

4/03/2011 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

4/03/2011 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about you being raped. Some of us on the job still have feelings- some of us have empathy for our fellow human beings.

Academy isn't training minds to defend against the corruption of police powers, some animals seek the job to get their jollies.

Some coppers, all they see is liberal-this and cry about every fucking minute thing.

My skin is thicker though, I care about my fellow human beings- even the dirtbags.

These 3 are in a world of hurt because they deserve it. Do your job right and you'll never see this shitstorm in your career.

4/03/2011 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one surprised that Steve Peterson is now the Cubs Manager?

4/03/2011 12:15:00 AM

I was surprised Drew's brother would hired so close to the scene of the crime.

4/03/2011 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

4/03/2011 05:26:00 AM

SOS already did.

4/03/2011 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday was my first day on the street. So now what? A confused PPO.

4/03/2011 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Serious question about this post: Was he convicted?

1 more: Did this change your career path toward Law Enforcement?

"I am a female copper. Before I came on this job I was raped by the vice president of the ad agency"

Sorry for what happened to you, these Roid heads in 023 must bring bad memories to you, I bet you have good family and friends supporting you. Good luck and Much Success!

4/03/2011 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

4/03/2011 05:26:00 AM

Who was P.O. Summerdale?

Did he work for Mayor Cermak? Is he the guy in "Boardwalk Empire". That guy is disgusting.

4/03/2011 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wild times, wow, this stuff never happens in 004. Most of the time, you're not clear long enough to shoot the shit with even coppers, let alone other people.

It goes to show, spend your career in two different districts, and you'll have two very different perspectives about this job, the city and the residents, etc. Maybe merit promotions should be limited to coppers in the busy districts. I'm amazed that these guys had time to give her a ride, buy booze, play strip pocker and have sex.

4/03/2011 07:22:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

if this would have been normal civilians the sgt probably would have responded and told you to do a case report just to cover all bases---- as soon as you would have called the dick's and told them she willingly had sex that would have been the end of it--- here's my name kid, charge him with simple battery--- not saying that these guys were right, but the cross hairs are now on their backs and they don't stand a fart's chance in a wind storm---- will the fop bail these guys out of jail after they are charged just like they bailed out the dic from a/5 (summerville) many years ago--- how about fop legal representation because this is an on duty beef ????

4/03/2011 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came on the job in '86. When I did, my Dad, who was a fireman, told me that I should get used to the fact that people would not like me, that it would color a lot of my encounters with people.

I scoffed. But I soon came to learn he was right. But still, I was proud of being CPD.

When I came on, things were different. I truly was taught by some old-timers, the likes of which we will never see again. They had common sense, and a sense of decency.

I don't recognize this job anymore. There are and never have been, rewards for hard work or good behavior. But we were proud. Instead, clout still rules, and corruption runs rampant, from the mayor on down.

If I could leave now I would, but I still have 2 years to go. I will spend the next 2 years biding my time, no longer proud of being a part of CPD. I will not arrest anyone unless it is iron-clad. I will no longer go the extra mile. I truly feel sorry for the younger officers, who never got to experience what a great job this used to be.


4/03/2011 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy are heads going to roll! No doubt the WC's will be dumped along with the DC. Downtown is PISSED!!! Everyone knows the WC's knew about them, but let them go out and play anyway. Big changes coming to 023 just because of a few jerks! Lets see how many babes you can bone in Stateville, assholes!

4/03/2011 01:20:00 AM

Agreed. WCs talk a big game but rarely back it up.

4/03/2011 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

4/03/2011 05:26:00 AM

Are you trying to be funny? None of this is funny.

4/03/2011 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference between us and the idiot in the white house (Clinton) is that we're supposed to have Honor- not like politicians who have none. Including our current messiah.

4/03/2011 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a 35th Street reliable source, Mayor elect Rahm Emanuel has decide to utilize his "never let a good crisis go to waste' philosophy in pushing forward the re-deployment of District personnel agenda. Due to this latest crisis, the Department realizes there is a tremendous amount of "down time" in many of the "slower" Districts. CPD brass is going to move substantial amount of personnel from the "slower" Districts to west and south side Districts. The belief is; this should help alleviate the constant "rap" and "backlog" situations in these faster Districts.

4/03/2011 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a few of the skulls boys!

4/03/2011 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This does not look good for the officer that was not even working. Plain and simple city of chicago politics. They do not have any allegations against the 3rd person on the car, but he will still get treated the same just for sensationalism for the city showing how hard they are on the rogue cops. Sounds just like the Commito, Thiel story. What ever happened to the 3 man on that car ? Plain and simple the city trumped up some bs complaints and fired him also, even though he was not working the innocent little good citizen Mearday was schooled for being a filthy criminal that no one in the city wants in their neighborhood, but never has the guts to admit to it.

4/03/2011 12:21:00 AM

No comparison, but nice try. Do you know the real story about 023? Didn't think so. Find out the facts before you stand on the soapbox and make a complete ass out of yourself.

4/03/2011 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous 025th District said...

In 025 1st watch we have a very good Sgt. who supervises and watches over some of the P.O.'s. He goes strictly by the book and he will reject most case reports because they are not done by his high standards. This is the type of Sgt. most districts need.

4/03/2011 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow the world is ending because of another incident involving some idiot P.O.'s- thats all this is but the problem is everbody thinks we(policemen) are something more then what we are- and that is "human garbagemen" nothing more nothing less and sorry if that comes as a dissappointment to the hard charging beat cop, guys in in "special" units or even the brass. Your a garbageman specializing in humans - thats it!

4/03/2011 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a female copper. Before I came on this job I was raped by the vice president of the ad agency I was working for. It was after a party to celebrate the acquisition of a new client. Had I been drinking? Of course. Was I drunk? Probably. He could have had any woman in the room, and he singled me out--I was young, unsophisticated, with stars in my eyes. I was his prey, although I didn't know it.

I was 22, and he offered me a ride home in the company limo, since we both lived in Oak Brook. He asked me if I wanted to see the orporate apartment, right around the corner. I said yes. "NO" did not mean "NO" to this man. I got back in the limo with ripped clothes, and the driver just looked at me with a sad look on his face.

He dropped the VP off before me, and he proceeded to tell me how sorry he was. I know how that girl with the 23 district coppers felt. It all boils down to the power to take advantage of another person, to manipulate and intimidate them into a position where they see no alternative but to comply.

I've been there. I can tell you it was rape.

4/03/2011 01:20:00 AM

Thank you for sharing your experience. These two cops deserve everything that is coming their way. What in the world were they thinking? How could they have done this to someone who was impaired? While on duty?

4/03/2011 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did IAD know about these guys? If there were prior cases, why weren't they being more closely monitored? What 'instructions" did IAD phone into the DC regarding the management of these goofs? Maybe the finger pointing should begin there, especially if the rumor of 'previous cases' is true.

And to the poster comparing this to Commito and Thiel, give it a rest already. They beat the drug dealer, broke his jaw, took him to a FIREHOUSE to be treated, and lied about the use of their mag light. It's done. Time to stop blaming OTHERS for their own mistakes. There are no more 'miracle workers' out there to fix or repair stupid. Today they would wind up like Cozzi. Think about that.

4/03/2011 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

4/03/2011 05:26:00 AM

Most of you pups weren't around in the days of the Summerdale Scandal. It was a time when trusting the police was routine. When residents of the old 020th district called and asked the police to pay special attention to their homes while they were out of town on vacation, it was assumed that they would return to their home and find it had successfully been protected from burglars.

Then it was learned that some officers were actually using those special attention requests to start their own crime spree. Eight officers from the Summerdale police district on Chicago's Northwest Side were accused of operating a large-scale burglary ring. News of the scandal was splashed across the city's newspapers and was the biggest police-related scandal the city had ever seen at the time.

4/03/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a female copper. Before I came on this job I was raped by the vice president of the ad agency I was working for. It was after a party to celebrate the acquisition of a new client. Had I been drinking? Of course. Was I drunk? Probably. He could have had any woman in the room, and he singled me out--I was young, unsophisticated, with stars in my eyes. I was his prey, although I didn't know it.

I was 22, and he offered me a ride home in the company limo, since we both lived in Oak Brook. He asked me if I wanted to see the orporate apartment, right around the corner. I said yes. "NO" did not mean "NO" to this man. I got back in the limo with ripped clothes, and the driver just looked at me with a sad look on his face.

He dropped the VP off before me, and he proceeded to tell me how sorry he was. I know how that girl with the 23 district coppers felt. It all boils down to the power to take advantage of another person, to ymanipulate and intimidate them into a position where they see no alternative but to comply.

I've been there. I can tell you it was rape.
That was your situation. you were NOT in that squad car, you were NOT in that apartment. Therefore, you don't know shit about this case

4/03/2011 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So they are looking back into other beefs and now a guy who worked with them and wasnt even there in this incident is stripped. Thats typical IAD crap. The same kind of thing thet did to JT when his partner sold a weapon to a gang banger. He was stripped for 4 years and then oh you arent accused go back to work.
They are gonna try to have thios guy flip on those 2 as having a pattern for this type of shit.
Iad do you own investigation and stop middling guys/gals just because.

4/03/2011 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

23rd district commander what happen did u forget how to be visible to your officers and supervisor is there anyone in charge of that district how could this happen i think its time to retired this is what happens when these bosses only care about the fews not everyone commander i hate to say this but as donald said "YOU ARE FIRED".

4/03/2011 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical IAD move. Happens a lot. I'd sue em good if they have nothing.

4/03/2011 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Witch hunt.

4/03/2011 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Three Stooges? If he was voluntarily working with the other two some of the crap will stick to him, guilty or innocent.

4/03/2011 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 more and out sorry to say what a fucking joke this job has become. there are no more old school coppers anymore everyone is looking to step on someone to make it up this shit ladder we used to be a family I DONT KNOW YOU people anymore...fucking losers ..LIFM

4/03/2011 12:21:00 AM

Sorry buddy, YOU are the loser and a sad excuse for a police officer. There is no way to justify the conduct of these two officers and if the stories are true, no way to justify the conduct of the watch commander and district commander. The next five years can't come fast enough for those professional police officers so they will be rid of your useless ass!

4/03/2011 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

4/03/2011 05:26:00 AM

Not even close. Do your homework.

4/03/2011 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
5 more and out sorry to say what a fucking joke this job has become. there are no more old school coppers anymore everyone is looking to step on someone to make it up this shit ladder we used to be a family I DONT KNOW YOU people anymore...fucking losers ..LIFM

4/03/2011 12:21:00 AM

I was 3rd generation CPD. When I started here everyone was looking out for their own interest. You are right, there was no family. Watch parties sucked, bosses sucked and morale sucked. The watch was divided, nobody backed each other up and coppers drove by other coppers when they needed assistance. I left to go to another Department, best move I could of made. It makes me sad to see what this job has become but we as coppers pretty much fuck everything up, now don't we...

4/03/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly poor supervision. If the tax-payers knew that we pay supervisors over six figures plus administrative time and they cannot even account for their personnel.

I worked in the private sector before on signed on to this department. McDonald's has better supervision of its employees.

The old days of hiding sergeants and above are over. Act like a supervisor and earn your pay.

4/03/2011 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trying to compare this incident to what Clinton did is just plain stupid. Adultry by the country's chief executive is hardly new and it was clearly consensual. Two officers in uniform in a squadcar offering a woman a ride home and then having sex with her while on duty whether consensual or rape is using the job for nothing more than "trolling for babes" - not what I expect my tax dollars to used for. Once again, coppers thinking with the wrong head!!!!

4/03/2011 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Tell your family and friends -


* JUNE 4 at West Leyden High School, Northlake, IL.
...* JUNE 25 in Springfield at the IL State Police Academy

Further testing information will be provided at the application site. Only web-site accessible applications will be accepted. No paper/hard copy applications will be accepted. Please visit

The application process will close April 29th, 2011 at 12:00 PM.See More
Contact Special Agent Patrick McGreal (former CPD of nine years) with questions. (708)633-5512.

This is a very good job. Take home car, no roll call, on duty when you leave your house and off duty when you return home. The ISP just started testing again...don't miss this opportunity. You can check out the details at

4/03/2011 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the comments sections are receiving comments that during Weis's time no scandals occurred.

Well, they did keep it all under wraps didn't they? now it is coming out... none of it makes the Feeb's tenure here a good thing...

4/03/2011 12:06:00 AM


Well, if it's true that, as one comment said, Brust covered up earlier complaints on these two, JPWeis isn't going to come out of this looking so good.

Makes you wonder what other truths will start coming out about what really happened during Weis' tenure here.

And, as Weis himself said earlier this week, "the truth always comes out". Can't wait.

4/03/2011 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put the cover over the barbeque. This dept is more than well done. Such a shame. Used to be fun coming to work and actually "working". If proactive policing hasnt already died off, this last incident has killed it. remember when I was little, I was in awe of CPD. Last 5 years or so, this uniform has been a burden wearing down our souls.its not the exempts alone that break us, its us the blue shirts. There is no loyalty to one another. Please lets change this. For those who dodge jobs, think of your fellow blue shirts. We all have issues coming to work. we me be tired, stressed out, sick, hurt or just lazy. think of your fellow co workers when u think of sticking it to them when u are doing some fucking bs.

4/03/2011 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Sgt. said...

I love the guys that are on here calling for the Sgts. head. You will be the first one squealing when the knee jerk micro managing comes because of this. It's coming.

Think about what that means. The best workers won't even notice it. The ones that will complain the most are the ones who need it the most.

4/03/2011 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's face it, these jerks have tarnished our credibility.

We carry a gun, and have a badge. We are adults who swore to think and operate differently because of our position. Supervisors are there to keep track and manage manpower, coordinate in areas of criminal issue...and discipline and correct discrepancies.

Even though I may have five supervisors working over me, I am in control of what I do, my choices, my time....I am on my own and in control.

If I need a supervisor to babysit me, or don't take initiative...then I need to leave the job.

Wake up!!! Do not blame the supervisors on decisions you make are big boys and girls!! You are out here to work regardless the political atmosphere. You have no control on how the system works, good or not. But you do have control of yourself. If you don't you need to leave.

I don't like the respect I get from people or the department, but I can't stomp my feet trying to change that. I can however respect myself, I bring my self home and to work everyday.

Your concerns should be coming home safe, alive. Exercising lawful articulable actions that cover both civilly and criminal aspects of your course. Being careful on approach....being observant....watching gout for ambush...both on the streets and in your job.

No, it isn't the job I thought.....but its the job I got.

God help us...and protect us and our family, the field and at

Prince Valiant.

4/03/2011 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am a female copper. Before I came on this job....."

First of all, I'm very sorry that happened to you. I hope the guy is rotting in jail somewhere.

Second, I think your story hits the nail on the head with this whole situation. So many people are using alcohol as a factor in determining the validity of the csa. As you showed, it wasn't the alcohol, but the position of authority that was used to manipulate the victim. I believe the same thing happened here. If they had just been 2 regular guys driving down the street and saw this woman walking, I doubt they would have approached her and I'm sure if they did she wouldn't have accepted a ride. If this all turns out to be true then they are nothing but predators and need to be in jail.

And when the dust all settles, if the whole thing was indeed consensual, they still had sex while on duty and should be fired. This isn't even about us being held to a higher standard. If you get caught having sex at work in the private sector, there's a pretty good chance you'll get fired too.

4/03/2011 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont support these guys having sex on duty, or with a drunk women who cant give consent, but if you cant handle your booze and your actions afterwards, dont fucking drink. Your a grown person, handle yourself accordingly.

4/03/2011 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

gimme a break..........

4/03/2011 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a female copper. Before I came on this job I was raped by the vice president of the ad agency I was working for. It was after a party to celebrate the acquisition of a new client. Had I been drinking? Of course. Was I drunk? Probably. He could have had any woman in the room, and he singled me out--I was young, unsophisticated, with stars in my eyes. I was his prey, although I didn't know it.

I was 22, and he offered me a ride home in the company limo, since we both lived in Oak Brook. He asked me if I wanted to see the orporate apartment, right around the corner. I said yes. "NO" did not mean "NO" to this man. I got back in the limo with ripped clothes, and the driver just looked at me with a sad look on his face.

He dropped the VP off before me, and he proceeded to tell me how sorry he was. I know how that girl with the 23 district coppers felt. It all boils down to the power to take advantage of another person, to manipulate and intimidate them into a position where they see no alternative but to comply.

I've been there. I can tell you it was rape.

4/03/2011 01:20:00 AM

Great point may God bless you

4/03/2011 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Summerdale Scandal"??? WTF are you comparing??? That was a district wide conspiracy to burglarize houses in 020. Stick to the SOS scandal you asshat, it was more recent. You were just a thought in your daddy's pants when that summerdale scandal broke. "un-fuckn-believable".

This is not such a scandal. It's an isolated incident conducted by 3 officers who chose to ignore rules, regulations, and morale code of conduct.
Those officers that were caught, needed to get caught. The remaining officers are true to their OATHs... You can have IAD., media., Reality TV show.., follow any officer in 023 and find "NO" wrong doing.. Hell.., all they'll encounter is idiot sheeple from the area acting belligerent and wonder how tolerent the police have become.

I believe "The Department" is seriously looking into charging these officers with a crime. However, they have "NOTHING".. Hence the "Commito/Thiel" doctrine is being inacted. They're looking for any past misdeeds and digging up old victms/witnesses that may want to pursue charges. However, that's all going to fall apart in court becoz just like this case, it was "CONSENSUAL"..... But due to the outrage of this caper, any judge who has to preside over this case will definitely be bias becoz of the City's outrage. Not the citizen's outrage but the City...

BTW.. Uncle Terry was the Supt. during that Commito/Thiel incident and the only way for the Department to get those guys then was to open a old case involving a third partner whom wasn't even on duty during the Mearaday incident. That officer got stroked... However, unlike that case. The 3rd officer in this case is definitely a creep.., and has no business being the police. He's out there preying on women and using the uniform to do it.

As for the WC and the DC getting dumped... Highly unlikely... They are top shelf as far as bosses go... The one who should be launched is that asshat 3rd watch Capt. who's ambition outweighs his ego only but a fraction. Maybe Uncle Terry can find a spot for TL at "equipment and supply". That way there won't be washrooms in any district without wipes....

"Old School Copper"........

4/03/2011 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rape or not rape --unless you are a hooker, NORMAL people do not have sex on the job, any job.
It doesn't matter if it is 1955, 1972, 1990 or 2011. Your employer is not paying you (unless your employer is a pimp or a john) to have sex while at work. I am not sure why this is so difficult for some people to comprehend.
There is no rationalizing this situation.
The officers involved are ignorant fools who should not have jobs with so much responsibility. They deserve to be caught, lose their jobs, lose their pensions and other benefits, and whatever else needs to happen to them.
If they have families,I am sorry for them but I bet their wives had an inkling. And if they didn't, I am certain that they did not want to contract a disease from them sleeping with strangers.

4/03/2011 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of "scandals growing"........what is going on in the 018th dist with broken noses?

4/03/2011 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

iad should reinterview other victims , they may have been threatened into dropping charges

cpd now is hiring gang bangers

watch commanders not performing duties , ordering a sgt to let it go , he should ' ve demanded a red line and immediately checked gps
of the beat car
this is what happens when you have multiple clout merit appointments

let's hope Rahmbo gets ris of captains and give more resonsibility ti sergeants

all captains should be reassigned to other districts , captains are in a comfort zone , many come and go as they please and have to many favorites on their watch
most believe they deserve the rank of captain

4/03/2011 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was written up years ago for having a goatee , on tv i see a dick with a big smile on his face standing in back of his detective commander and the dick has a goatee , this is a joke , a commander cannot enforce grooming standards , can we say merit

4/03/2011 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This scandal is going to be worse than Abatte. The previous complainant are going to come out of the woodwork. Just by coming out as the complainant and hiring a good attorney, they will be hundreds of thousands or even a million dollars ahead. Shame on these two officers. I hope they get what is coming to them.

4/03/2011 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which Summerdale scandal?? The burglary crew or the gangbang crew at the old Travel Lodge? I wrote about the gangbang crew but for some reason SCC never printed it.

4/03/2011 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: "I am a female copper. Before I came on this job I was raped by the vice president of the ad agency I was working for..."

As a female non-officer, but from honorable CPD family, and as a fellow rape survivor, my heart and my respect go out to you. There is truth ringing out from everything you report about the sick crime perpetrated against you. I don't know if you ever saw justice served against the slime who raped you. I hope you did. I did not pursue it because the scum in my case was my older brother's good friend, a popular high school football player, and so, my own brother asked me not to "tell". I was 14 yrs. old and my rapist pounded the shit out of my slim frame while I was opening the freezer in my family's kitchen to get myself a popsicle. I never even heard him coming from behind. I bit so hard on the hand he used to cover my mouth that he still had gauze on it the following week at school, when I saw him walking in the school hallway holding hands with his steady girlfirend. And when I shot him a dirty look- he laughed at me. That's how arrogant and entitled sexual predators are. Justice was ultimately served when the shithead died of a brain tumor about 12 yrs. later. I suspect he was the one who raped our high school secretary. And I believe he also raped that same girlfriend of his a couple years later. A lifetime later, not too many days go by that I don't sigh in relief that he no longer walks this planet. I admit to this day I entertain fantasies of pissing on his grave if I knew where it was. Maybe one day that will go on my bucket list.

But, even as a survivor of the most violent act other than murder, that a man can perpetrate against a female, let alone a child, I still believe in innocent until proved guilty in a court of law for all three alleged attackers. I ask you to consider not taking the path often taken here against accused officers- that of "guilty until proved guilty". I only say that because this is the type of forum that can turn lynch-mob in a heartbeat. For the sake of the CPD, hold strong until verdict.

That being said, if they are proved guilty- on that day, I would hope they suffer the heaviest sentence that could be doled out officially, and unofficially in prison- I would hope they'd pay in spades until their dying days.

4/03/2011 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who can, Do.

Those that can't, Supervise

Those that can't Supervise, are exempts in CPD.

4/03/2011 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To every one of you CPD officers out there who read negative comments on this blog and media headlines and can think only the worst of your department, I want to tell a story about a ride I got from a fellow officer of yours. His name is Officer Carl Cuevas. And I wrote a letter to your 8th District Commander John Kupczyk thanking him and Officer Cuevas and the CPD for an officer going above and beyond when he took me to my original destination after a cabbie took me to a bad neighborhood in the opposite direction of where I'd requested to go. I'd been forced to bail out of the cab while it was still moving in traffic. And thank God, I spotted Officer Cuevas's patrol car. Officer Cuevas didn't assault me. He didn't come on to me. He made me laugh and calm down. And he drove me the rest of the way to where I needed to go- I rode in the back seat with the cage thing in between the two of us- as it should have been. He was my guardian angel in that moment as I know most of you are as you serve and protect each and every day. Period. God bless the CPD. Support each other and therein lies your strength.

4/03/2011 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been there. I can tell you it was rape.

Sorry for what you went through, unfortunately in this case you were not there. And as a police officer you are there to report the given facts. You are already condeming these two bozo's. Bad choices were made by all involved. It is what it is...........

4/03/2011 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep one thing in mind as this runs its course. Those two idiots don't represent the thousands of good cops who do God's work every day and night.

I'll apologize for them when doctors and dentists who have raped apologize for their entire profession or when pedophile teachers apologize for their entire profession when one of them is caught with child pornography or in a relationship with a student. I don't even need to talk about the catholic priesthood given their world wide scandals. And reporters? Please. If we published their dirty laundry...

These are unfortunate and horrible events that take their toll on the organizations that the offenders are a part of, but they in no way reflect on the good people in those organizations as a whole or the magnificent work they do.

Keep your chins up and remember that we, more than those other professions, hold ourselves to a higher standard and punish more harshly our own bad apples than all those others combined.

This too shall pass. We'll police our own and continue to do that work which our harshest critics know they need but don't want to acknowledge because they never have, nor ever will have, the courage to do it.

Be safe and hold your heads up.

4/03/2011 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the other hand at least one commander in chief of our country and head of the executive branch did it in the oval office, on duty while married, probably perjured himself to and skated.

Clinton was/is a prick, but I wouldn't say that he totally skated.

He was impeached in the House, only the second time that's happened in our country's history. And while he wasn't convicted in the Senate, down the line history will strip away all of his supposed charisma and other BS and reveal him for what and who he was.

Presidents can and do get away with a lot. It's not called the most powerful office in the world for nothing.

4/03/2011 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"5 more and out sorry to say what a fucking joke this job has become. there are no more old school coppers anymore everyone is looking to step on someone to make it up this shit ladder we used to be a family I DONT KNOW YOU people anymore...fucking losers ..LIFM"
Amen. their is very little unity amongst us today, take note that some jerkoffs wont even wave while passing in a squad car. the other bunch came on the dept to impress chicks (always taking time on the end to hit the club}, then theres the single mothers club and PO's who have no interest in police work cus its only a pay check to them. a few of us wanted to be and are the police, but we are a dying breed, the old breed.

4/03/2011 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put the blame where the blame needs to be placed. Chris Hansen, you're fired!!! (In My Donald Trump Voice)....Who is Chris Hansen? He is most known for the “To Catch A Predator” segment of Dateline NBC, which involed catching potential sexual predators (Of Children).

4/03/2011 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This does not look good for the officer that was not even working. Plain and simple city of chicago politics. They do not have any allegations against the 3rd person on the car, but he will still get treated the same just for sensationalism for the city showing how hard they are on the rogue cops. Sounds just like the Commito, Thiel story. What ever happened to the 3 man on that car ? Plain and simple the city trumped up some bs complaints and fired him also, even though he was not working the innocent little good citizen Mearday was schooled for being a filthy criminal that no one in the city wants in their neighborhood, but never has the guts to admit to it.

They have plenty on him, believe it..

4/03/2011 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy are heads going to roll! No doubt the WC's will be dumped along with the DC. Downtown is PISSED!!! Everyone knows the WC's knew about them, but let them go out and play anyway. Big changes coming to 023 just because of a few jerks! Lets see how many babes you can bone in Stateville, assholes!

It was a guest W/C who knew nothing of them. The regular w/c probably did but what do you do? nobody wants to work with them so they put them together, it happens in every district. You can't put them on the desk, those are bid spots, no foot posts on mids, so what is the answer?

4/03/2011 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What this says is what was told to me by the wheel police. Careful who you choose for a partner kid!

4/03/2011 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

solution to lack of supervision
rotate captains and lieutenants every 3 or 4 months
this way they will not have favorites and be required to spend a full tour supervising officers assigned to their watch
assign take home cars if necessary
if captains were required to work all 25 districts over 6 years , just maybe they would supervise
don't tell me it's not fair , i live near skokie and was assigned to the 2nd district for yeqars in the 90's , drove my own car everyday and never late

4/03/2011 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that s why they keep those CR# non sustained around. just ask murph from 025. thee old guilty by association. get those bullcrap cr# s exhonorated or unfounded.

4/03/2011 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does LIFM stand for, I was curious but urban dictionary does not have the acronym definition.

4/03/2011 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Just my opinion said...

4/03/2011 01:20:00 AM said,
"I've been there. I can tell you it was rape".

I'm sorry you went through what you went through. I do not doubt your story. However, you are wrong for judging these two officers based on your history. You haven't heard their side, nor were you there. It's unfair to judge them, as you already have, based on something that happened to you years ago. It appears that something very wrong went on. But, to say it was rape when you haven't heard everything is careless of you and wrong.

4/03/2011 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what is going to be the department's over reaction to the way we transport females?

4/03/2011 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the Neanderthals on this job. For once and forever, while you are wearing this uniform, you do not take advantage of a person who can't protect themselves.

While you are wearing this uniform, you are first and foremost, a policeman, someone who is in a position to protect the vulnerable.

You are not Joe Cool, looking to 'hit it'. This job is not a joke. This woman should have looked at these men as a safe haven.

It doesn't matter if she was 'up for it'. She was in distress and it was their job to see her home safely, not to prey upon her in a time of need.

I can't express how ashamed I am. I am angry that we don't have a better process to weed out people like this. I am horrified that these two, or three, were allowed to continue their escapades unhindered.

I don't know what else to say.

4/03/2011 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the third man on the car was fired during the jerimah meriday fiasco in 025. He was not working that day either. nothing changes. history repeats...

4/03/2011 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was your situation. you were NOT in that squad car, you were NOT in that apartment. Therefore, you don't know shit about this case

So you have done it to.

4/03/2011 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media will forever display this. A lot of people don't realize that the Police are used as a smokescreen. When a politically connected person gets in trouble, lets replay the abbate tape. When some other liberal prick is doing something that has been discovered to be criminal, lets relive SOS. The department is a scapegoat and also a great tool to cover up real stories. Get used to it gentlemen because as far as I've seen, it works.

4/03/2011 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the alleged 25th District supervisor stop posting about yourself.

4/03/2011 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Retired Guy Here;
I don't understand the motivation for Rape. I can't imagine, why a person would force himself on another. They say rape is more about power, than sex. Well....if that's true, I have certainly seen my share of "Bullies". I guess, the same type of person, that likes to push people around, might rape a person ?
To all that read this column, and are not police officers. Please know, these terrible incidents will tear at our hearts forever.

4/03/2011 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....but we as coppers pretty much fuck everything up, now don't we...

4/03/2011 10:56:00 AM

well, not everything.......


4/03/2011 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What this says is what was told to me by the wheel police. Careful who you choose for a partner kid!

4/03/2011 03:18:00 PM

Precisely why I work alone. I only have myself to blame for anything.

4/03/2011 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I could leave now I would, but I still have 2 years to go. I will spend the next 2 years biding my time, no longer proud of being a part of CPD. I will not arrest anyone unless it is iron-clad. I will no longer go the extra mile. I truly feel sorry for the younger officers, who never got to experience what a great job this used to be.


Sorry, but, I don't need your pity. As nine year veteran or you may call "9 yr wonder" or "hair gel police", I could still have fun on this job eventhough all this shit is on the news about the CPD has come up. I don't worry about anything and nothing would discourage me from doing my job as long as I don't break any rules. The hell what the liberal fucks thinks about us , CPD. All I know is my conscience is clean because I have done nothing wrong and I will continue wearing the Uniform and make my son proud of me.

You see, people like you is part of the problem in the Department. If you're not proud of being part of the Brotherhood anymore, then, the Par form is always available when you need it. I don't need to see your SAD grumpy face at work everyday and have this " I don't give a shit" attitude. The type of attitude that myself or YOU can get hurt. Do us, " younger Officers", a favor and retire already. Arizona is waiting.

Be safe everyone and God bless..

4/03/2011 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

15yrs on this dept sux and is getting worse

4/03/2011 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was written up years ago for having a goatee , on tv i see a dick with a big smile on his face standing in back of his detective commander and the dick has a goatee , this is a joke , a commander cannot enforce grooming standards , can we say merit

4/03/2011 01:00:00 PM

What are you fucking soft? Dicks can have facial hair.

4/03/2011 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: To every one of you CPD officers out there who read negative comments on this blog and media headlines and can think only the worst of your department, I want to tell a story.

THANK YOU. Most of us are like that officer that helped you.

4/03/2011 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to the poster comparing this to Commito and Thiel, give it a rest already. They beat the drug dealer, broke his jaw, took him to a FIREHOUSE to be treated, and lied about the use of their mag light. It's done. Time to stop blaming OTHERS for their own mistakes. There are no more 'miracle workers' out there to fix or repair stupid. Today they would wind up like Cozzi. Think about that.

4/03/2011 09:32:00 AM

That is all very true....but they also fired the 3rd man who worked on their car and he wasn't even working that night....I think that is the point he was originally trying to make and it is a very good point!!

4/03/2011 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thursday was my first day on the street. So now what? A confused PPO.

4/03/2011 06:55:00 AM

Don't worry, the jagoffs are few and far between.
Listen and learn the job. The ghetto is a good place to learn and lock bad guys up, and a good place to help the decent people there have a better life.

Don't blow jobs off, write the paper if appropriate. Back every copper up! even if you don't like them. If you put your hands on somebody they go to jail.

Finally, leave the job at work!

4/03/2011 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a female copper. Before I came on this job I was raped by the vice president of the ad agency I was working for. It was after a party to celebrate the acquisition of a new client. Had I been drinking? Of course. Was I drunk? Probably. He could have had any woman in the room, and he singled me out--I was young, unsophisticated, with stars in my eyes. I was his prey, although I didn't know it.

I was 22, and he offered me a ride home in the company limo, since we both lived in Oak Brook. He asked me if I wanted to see the orporate apartment, right around the corner. I said yes. "NO" did not mean "NO" to this man. I got back in the limo with ripped clothes, and the driver just looked at me with a sad look on his face.

He dropped the VP off before me, and he proceeded to tell me how sorry he was. I know how that girl with the 23 district coppers felt. It all boils down to the power to take advantage of another person, to ymanipulate and intimidate them into a position where they see no alternative but to comply.

I've been there. I can tell you it was rape.
That was your situation. you were NOT in that squad car, you were NOT in that apartment. Therefore, you don't know shit about this case

4/03/2011 09:51:00 AM

You are correct, this wasn't this PO's situation...the difference is the 023 dist. case includes armed violence.
And you sir are an ass!

4/03/2011 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday was my first day on the street. So now what? A confused PPO.

4/03/2011 06:55:00 AM

You go home!!!!!!!!!
Then thank whoever or whatever you believe in that you made it home safe.

4/03/2011 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does LIFM stand for, I was curious but urban dictionary does not have the acronym definition.

4/03/2011 04:01:00 PM


It only pertains to this blog. It's lost in fillmore which is the old 11th district moniker but now its called harrison district.

4/03/2011 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now talk of Blackberrys for every officer.
Will be required to have it on your person the entire tour, charged and turned on.

Random spot checks by boss' with severe consequences for not having it.

Sgts blackberrys will have real time tracking of squad cars and blackberrys. Just ask the MSF guys about the squad car tracking Their Sgts already have blackberrys with real time car tracking ability.

Welcome to the 21st century.

4/03/2011 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i was written up years ago for having a goatee , on tv i see a dick with a big smile on his face standing in back of his detective commander and the dick has a goatee , this is a joke , a commander cannot enforce grooming standards , can we say merit

4/03/2011 01:00:00 PM

I agree! Hilliard has a goatee, but I guess that's ok. This department is strange. You see coppers all over the US with nicely groomed goatees, but on the CPD you can't have them. It's ok to have gang tatoos and other visible tatoos all over, but God forbid one of us has a nicely groomed gotee. If or Supt. can have one does that mean we can? Or is it just different rules for the clouted again?

4/03/2011 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the original poster about being raped by the VP of the ad agency. Thank you to those who extended thoughtful remarks.

To those of you who misunderstood what I said, I feel sorry for your lack of understanding.

I simply related that in my case, under circumstances that were in some ways similar, that I could understand the victim's compliance.
And that in that in my case it was rape.

For all who wondered how it all turned out, it wasn't good. He was related to people involved with Amoco Oil. I can't remember their name now, but they were powerful people. My friend in the ad agency (who was hired because of her Dad) and whose family was friends with this man, told me I could never tell.

You people who are so insenstive don't understand what I am saying. This man was old enough to be my father. I had no clue of what his intentions were. He offered me help, to get me home.

As a VP, he used his position to manipulate me. The story gets worse. From that one encounter, I ended up pregnant and having an abortion. There was no possibility that it was anyone else, since I was not sexually active.

I never came forward. He suffered no repercussions.

Whether this woman was drunk or not, these coppers played on her vulnerability for their own purposes. Please don't insult me with any more comments like I've seen above.

4/03/2011 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont support these guys having sex on duty, or with a drunk women who cant give consent, but if you cant handle your booze and your actions afterwards, dont fucking drink. Your a grown person, handle yourself accordingly.

4/03/2011 11:54:00 AM

Um, if you're a low-life piece of shit, don't fucking pick up women and have sex with them under the guise of being the police.

You dumb motherfucker. I hope some chick really kicks you in the balls someday. You're as bad as they are because you don't even think it was wrong. Piece of shit you are. Hope your momma is proud.

4/03/2011 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad to say but I don't get why everyone is acting so shocked by this. Let's be honest, I bet everyone knows at leat one creepy asshole copper that has done or would do something compareable to this. Don't get me wrong, this one takes the cake for for all time assholes, but you'd all be lying if you said there's not more out there.

4/03/2011 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rape or not rape --unless you are a hooker, NORMAL people do not have sex on the job, any job.
not true! porn actors and people getting pay for sexual behavior studies also have sex on the job.

4/03/2011 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

solution to lack of supervision
rotate captains and lieutenants every 3 or 4 months

You are crazy, that would only make it for sure there would be NO supervision of anyone, because every boss would be just a visitor with not stake in it. A BAD MOVE...

4/03/2011 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what is the answer?
Let them ride with a sergeant!

4/03/2011 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no comment, damn

4/03/2011 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday was my first day on the street. So now what? A confused PPO.

answer ur calls and lay low. esp off duty!!!!!!!!!

4/03/2011 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rape or no rape. With that story she told an ASA would never approve charges. Unless your the Police.

4/03/2011 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: BTW.. Uncle Terry was the Supt. during that Commito/Thiel incident and the only way for the Department to get those guys then was to open a old case involving a third partner whom wasn't even on duty during the Mearaday incident.

It was Supt Matt Rodriquez during Mearday nightmare, not Hillard

4/03/2011 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It goes to show, spend your career in two different districts, and you'll have two very different perspectives about this job, the city and the residents, etc. Maybe merit promotions should be limited to coppers in the busy districts. I'm amazed that these guys had time to give her a ride, buy booze, play strip pocker and have sex.

4/03/2011 07:22:00 AM

Don t know if u were around for Pac Man and the 15th district. 15 is a fast dist. yet u had some cops robbing drug dealers and gang banggers.So don t put urself on a pedistal and act like the only real cops come from fast dist. A lot if dist. get slow in the middle of midnight shift even fast dist.So just stfu and hope it doesn t happen in ur dist.. because the whole dist. will end up taking the hit.

4/03/2011 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the Neanderthals on this job. For once and forever, while you are wearing this uniform, you do not take advantage of a person who can't protect themselves.

While you are wearing this uniform, you are first and foremost, a policeman, someone who is in a position to protect the vulnerable.

You are not Joe Cool, looking to 'hit it'. This job is not a joke. This woman should have looked at these men as a safe haven.

It doesn't matter if she was 'up for it'. She was in distress and it was their job to see her home safely, not to prey upon her in a time of need.

I can't express how ashamed I am. I am angry that we don't have a better process to weed out people like this. I am horrified that these two, or three, were allowed to continue their escapades unhindered.

I don't know what else to say.

I do, I hope and pray these assholes go to prison, those mfers made police officers who do their job that much harder. I am also ashamed and angry.

4/03/2011 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that something very wrong went on. But, to say it was rape when you haven't heard everything is careless of you and wrong.

You got guilt?

4/03/2011 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2011 10:56:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Truly poor supervision. If the tax-payers knew that we pay supervisors over six figures plus administrative time and they cannot even account for their personnel.

4/03/2011 10:57:00 AM

Last time I checked, I wasn't making 6 figures!

4/03/2011 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, these 2 (now 3) guys shouldn't have been allowed to work with each other. But be real, not one of you (myself included) would want to work with any of them once word got out on what kind of dirtbags they are.

As a recruit in 019 back in the late 80's, I had to work with some real characters. The WC and desk sergeant both apologized to me, explaining that no one else on the watch would work with these guys. I was told that if they stopped in the gin mill, or did something else I was uncomfortable with, to tell them I wasn't feeling well and take me back to the station. I would then get excused sick.

The only other solution is to put them 99 or work together and hope they f*ck up enough to hang themselves. In this case they did. Unfortunately for us, it's gonna cost us our image and the city some big bucks.

4/03/2011 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Those who can, Do.

Those that can't, Supervise

Those that can't Supervise, are exempts in CPD.

4/03/2011 01:37:00 PM
Ok HOTSHOT the reason you re not a sgt???????????

4/03/2011 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the ppo that asked what now, first of all as you can see from this post we are bitter and dislike each other, second supervision on this job is non existent, so have integrity remember you are here to serve the public. Follow the law, general orders and you'll be fine. This is a great job its the people that messed it up and I'm glad I only have a year to go and I'm done. Good luck

4/03/2011 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Terry Hillard cares about is getting his daughter promoted.

4/03/2011 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I came on the job in '86. When I did, my Dad, who was a fireman, told me that I should get used to the fact that people would not like me, that it would color a lot of my encounters with people.

I scoffed. But I soon came to learn he was right. But still, I was proud of being CPD.

When I came on, things were different. I truly was taught by some old-timers, the likes of which we will never see again. They had common sense, and a sense of decency.

I don't recognize this job anymore. There are and never have been, rewards for hard work or good behavior. But we were proud. Instead, clout still rules, and corruption runs rampant, from the mayor on down.

If I could leave now I would, but I still have 2 years to go. I will spend the next 2 years biding my time, no longer proud of being a part of CPD. I will not arrest anyone unless it is iron-clad. I will no longer go the extra mile. I truly feel sorry for the younger officers, who never got to experience what a great job this used to be.


You didn't sign your name to this. I wish I could sign my name to this. You told my story.

4/03/2011 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more I read, the less I know, and the less I have to say.


0 0


There are another two Alka-Seltzers for SCC. Tear on dotted line.

It's a big Department, had problems before and will again.

Like the man said, keep your head on a swivel -- they've been coming out more and more now whether it's been warm or not, here come all the elotes wagons and boom cars and "house parties" again...

Be safe.

4/03/2011 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 02:25 pm,, everyone should read your comment,,, well done sir.

4/03/2011 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breakingnews...there is video taken from the incident on the POs phone!also, the third PO is on a video from an earlier incident. Like I said, this is going to be bad!what is wrong with u 023 people!

4/03/2011 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

4/03/2011 05:26:00 AM

Are you trying to be funny? None of this is funny.

4/03/2011 08:04:00 AM

Go to the principal's office!

4/03/2011 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been there. I can tell you it was rape.
That was your situation. you were NOT in that squad car, you were NOT in that apartment. Therefore, you don't know shit about this case

Hey Asshat, so I guess you were there in the squad car and apartment?

You must be in denial about the seriousness of the situation. There are new allegations against the three from previous encounters/ The allegations are eerily similar to what the recent victim alleges.

And your reply to a fellow PO who was a victim of rape shows everyone that your a total softball.

4/03/2011 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The media will forever display this. A lot of people don't realize that the Police are used as a smokescreen. When a politically connected person gets in trouble, lets replay the abbate tape. When some other liberal prick is doing something that has been discovered to be criminal, lets relive SOS. The department is a scapegoat and also a great tool to cover up real stories. Get used to it gentlemen because as far as I've seen, it works.

4/03/2011 05:17:00 PM

Your correct take a look at one of the Aldermanic races. One individual has known gang affiliationthe other runners have a whole contingent of gang bangers in their political organizations, yet the media is strangly silent.

4/03/2011 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These guys were VIDEOTAPING these incidents with their cellphones! What a fucking disgusting group! Fuc# u bastards!

4/03/2011 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
solution to lack of supervision
rotate captains and lieutenants every 3 or 4 months
this way they will not have favorites and be required to spend a full tour supervising officers assigned to their watch
assign take home cars if necessary
if captains were required to work all 25 districts over 6 years , just maybe they would supervise
don't tell me it's not fair , i live near skokie and was assigned to the 2nd district for yeqars in the 90's , drove my own car everyday and never late

4/03/2011 03:35:00 PM

A Great Idea, just like other PD's [legit ones] do.

4/03/2011 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a similar case with the NYPD, the female is suing the City of New York for $62 MILLION.

4/03/2011 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday was my first day on the street. So now what? A confused PPO.


Lesson #1

Stop asking for advice on a blog. Listen to the experienced coppers you work with. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open. Take the good they have to offer, leave the bad, and fill in the gaps yourself.

4/03/2011 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these coppers are wrong and will be fired unless they have clout. THE W/C and D/C DUMPED? What about the ticket scandle in TRU? 3or 4 stripped but the commander allowed the officers who were assigned stay on but yet busted up teams and partners of other officers and even took an entire team away from a well liked sgt. All involved were in the same Lts company who no one likes

4/03/2011 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been through Marquette 10, cynthia white follies,mearday,sos,abbate, and more,this without a doubt is the WORST scandal so far! The damage done to us with the public is uncompromisable.maybe the so called "LEADERS" LOL could maybe just watch watch who they hire! Fuck ups like this should of NEVER passed the psych test. But then again are they "connected" to a certain gang banging Chicago alderman?

4/03/2011 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some moron will tell you that Hillard can have a goatee because he's a civilian employee. No shit - it's why certain screw up the promotional exams - they pretend to know meaningless orders.

Unless you are buying dope or working in some UC role, you have no business with a goatee, civilian or copper. Hillard should led by example, but that the problem, we have horse shit, merit hack leaders on this job. Or let everyone have a goatee if they so desire.

4/03/2011 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

the third man is not in trouble for what happened Wed nite

He is stripped, which by the way the dept has the right to do for just about any reason because they are looking further into some stuff he has been accused of

Which, by the way they have the right and obligation to do

I dont know either of these guys
so i wont make any comments except theyd better hope they beat the criminal charges

There was a guy who came on with me who was a dick in A/4

He would drive around A/4&5 and stop women under the guise of an interview

He would then rape them.

Not sure whether he is still incarcerated or not.

But just think of the womenfolk in your lives.
And about what our uniform represents or what it used to represent

IF and I say IF it turns out these guys bullied this woman for sex then may the Lord have mercy on their souls for the next 30 years while they sit in the shit house

4/03/2011 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you fucking soft? Dicks can have facial hair.


Dicks cannot have facial hair Or dread locks or earrings
Or green hair

UNLESS given permission by their C/O of Exempt rank for their assignment

4/03/2011 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a citizen, and I've been very impressed with most of the recent commentary on SSC regarding this incident. There are a couple of Neanderthals, but a majority of you clearly take the charge to "serve and protect" deeply to heart.

In contrast, some of the commentary on the Sun Times site and other news web pages is depressing. Apparently rape is OK with Joe Public, as long as the victim is over the age of 12 and intoxicated. If she doesn't fight to the death then she's clearly "asking for it."

Thank goodness for the Thin Blue Line.

4/03/2011 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And as a police officer you are there to report the given facts. You are already condeming these two bozo's. Bad choices were made by all involved. It is what it is.

Let's look at the facts...At the very least they're out of their district, at least one of them naked in some drunk girls apartment and leave the scene of a citizen screaming for help. Leaving some of their personal items behind in the citizen/drunk girl's apartment.

Meanwhile the decent officers in their district remained where they were assigned trying to make a difference and ready to respond to assignments. Yeah, it's pretty clear to me too. These pieces of crap have no business wearing the uniform and at the very least should be fired. It is what it is!

4/03/2011 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont support these guys having sex on duty, or with a drunk women who cant give consent, but if you cant handle your booze and your actions afterwards, dont fucking drink. Your a grown person, handle yourself accordingly.

I hope that one day youre HBD and you step on your dick

When you wake up the next day I hope you find a little robins egg paper blue ribbon sticking out of your mooon.
That will be the last remnant of the entire General Order collection the Dept will have shoved up your rectum while you slept

Then when you piss and moan about how unfair it is I will remind you that if you cant hold your booze you shouldnt be drinking

4/03/2011 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'As a recruit in 019 back in the late 80's, I had to work with some real characters. The WC and desk sergeant both apologized to me, explaining that no one else on the watch would work with these guys. I was told that if they stopped in the gin mill, or did something else I was uncomfortable with, to tell them I wasn't feeling well and take me back to the station. I would then get excused sick. '

Typical of what I've seen for many years now, pure cowards, hiding behind the rank of Sgt., Lt. Capt. or even Exempt, while wearing the shirt, badge and other adornments of being a 'leader.' I guess it was just too much for that WC and Sgt. to find a quality officer to place you with in patrol, further ensuring that you would manage to keep your job and not get jammed up and fired (and possibly worse) during your probationary period. What a shameful mess this Dept. has become over the years. 18 months and I can walk away from this shameful cesspool forever, and it can't come soon enough.

4/03/2011 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'i was written up years ago for having a goatee , on tv i see a dick with a big smile on his face standing in back of his detective commander and the dick has a goatee , this is a joke , a commander cannot enforce grooming standards , can we say merit

4/03/2011 01:00:00 PM

I agree! Hilliard has a goatee, but I guess that's ok. This department is strange. You see coppers all over the US with nicely groomed goatees, but on the CPD you can't have them. It's ok to have gang tatoos and other visible tatoos all over, but God forbid one of us has a nicely groomed gotee. If or Supt. can have one does that mean we can? Or is it just different rules for the clouted again?

Oh God, shut you you whining bitches! Hillard is a CIVILIAN SUPT. now, and he can wear a goatee if he so chooses. He doesn't walk around in a uniform.
Dets. can wear goatees, long hair, whatever. They are assigned to CIVILIAN DRESS.
As a patrolman, you work in UNIFORM, and there are certain standards for that. Don't like it?
1) Get appointed to Det.
2) Get assigned to OCD/Vice/Gangs.
3) Pressure your union leadership to change the regs.

P.S. If your Sgt. or WC was doing their job, they would have pulled you aside and had you shave that off before it became an official write up. Everybody knows the rules, but front line supervision has always been a weak point on the CPD. Everybody wants to wear the white shirt, but few are truly prepared to be a boss.

Good luck with the 3 solutions. Now back to work!

4/04/2011 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly poor supervision. If the tax-payers knew that we pay supervisors over six figures plus administrative time and they cannot even account for their personnel.

I worked in the private sector before on signed on to this department. McDonald's has better supervision of its employees.

The old days of hiding sergeants and above are over. Act like a supervisor and earn your pay.

How is this poor supervision? we are adults right? we know what our job is right? we know where we are suppose to be right? how can a Sgt. possibly follow around every car on his log all night? on every call? when cars are on different jobs at the same time? There is nothing a Sgt. can do when a car fails to answer the radio and disappears for awhile other than spar them upon return; and this happens plenty in busy districts too, so for those that think it's a slow district thing, think again. If the gps isn't working they can't be traced, if they don't answer their cell, are asleep in the hole, out of the district eating etc. there is nothing a sgt. can do.

The repercussions will be:

micro-managing, your'e asking for it, you will get it soon.

Sgt.s will either get gps real-time tracking on their pdts or through a blackberry, bet on it!

Sgts will be riding on as many jobs as possible, so forget about riding all those jobs to personals and lunch, blowing them off, talking victims out of signing complaints etc.

Assigned lunch times will probably be resurrected.

No more late lunches unless proven to be necessary by a late job or arrest.

No more partial time due on the end.

All officers MUST sign on to a pdt and in-car camera or be able to justify why they didn't.

a female will be strongly suggested for transporting females as often as female personnel are available, otherwise mileage, mileage and more mileage.

Get ready, alot if not all of this will be up and running asap and probably no later than the beginning of the summer.

4/04/2011 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, I wasn't making 6 figures!

4/03/2011 08:21:00 PM

You're doing it wrong.

4/04/2011 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! Hilliard has a goatee, but I guess that's ok. This department is strange. You see coppers all over the US with nicely groomed goatees, but on the CPD you can't have them. It's ok to have gang tatoos and other visible tatoos all over, but God forbid one of us has a nicely groomed gotee. If or Supt. can have one does that mean we can? Or is it just different rules for the clouted again?

4/03/2011 07:05:00 PM

Agreed. Visible tattoos on the forearms and especially the neck are atrocious and terribly unprofessional looking!

4/04/2011 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 025 1st watch we have a very good Sgt. who supervises and watches over some of the P.O.'s. He goes strictly by the book and he will reject most case reports because they are not done by his high standards. This is the type of Sgt. most districts need.

4/03/2011 09:20:00 AM

What? Don't you read the blog? Any Sgt who dares not let pos stay down three hours on a jOb or hang out where they shouldn't is OBVIOUSLY a meritorious hack.any Sgt who doesnt let PO s do what they want is a jerk. A recenlty relocated commander in a district was constantly berated cause he dare crack down and enforce orders.
PO's only want bosses to do their job after goofs make everyone elses job harder. Get pissed off at the Sgt for not cracking down on the PO because he was down and they get a job in his sector meanwhile they themselves take 2 hours getting lunch for the desk.

4/04/2011 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
solution to lack of supervision
rotate captains and lieutenants every 3 or 4 months
this way they will not have favorites and be required to spend a full tour supervising officers assigned to their watch
assign take home cars if necessary
if captains were required to work all 25 districts over 6 years , just maybe they would supervise
don't tell me it's not fair , i live near skokie and was assigned to the 2nd district for yeqars in the 90's , drove my own car everyday and never late

4/03/2011 03:35:00 PM

A Great Idea, just like other PD's [legit ones] do.

This is a great idea!!! Let's go one further and rotate PO's too!!! This will mitigate any bosses having favorites AND getting to close to any one partner where they trust each other enough to do something stupid together.

4/04/2011 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I came on the job in '86. When I did, my Dad, who was a fireman, told me that I should get used to the fact that people would not like me, that it would color a lot of my encounters with people.

I scoffed. But I soon came to learn he was right. But still, I was proud of being CPD.

When I came on, things were different. I truly was taught by some old-timers, the likes of which we will never see again. They had common sense, and a sense of decency.

I don't recognize this job anymore. There are and never have been, rewards for hard work or good behavior. But we were proud. Instead, clout still rules, and corruption runs rampant, from the mayor on down.

If I could leave now I would, but I still have 2 years to go. I will spend the next 2 years biding my time, no longer proud of being a part of CPD. I will not arrest anyone unless it is iron-clad. I will no longer go the extra mile. I truly feel sorry for the younger officers, who never got to experience what a great job this used to be.


You didn't sign your name to this. I wish I could sign my name to this. You told my story.

4/03/2011 08:37:00 PM

I came on in '86 also. Same for me. Wish I could go today. No more fun going to work and I don't like to tell anyone what I do for a living. Same 2 years till retirement. Just doing time.

4/04/2011 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Now talk of Blackberrys for every officer.
Will be required to have it on your person the entire tour, charged and turned on.

Random spot checks by boss' with severe consequences for not having it.

Sgts blackberrys will have real time tracking of squad cars and blackberrys. Just ask the MSF guys about the squad car tracking Their Sgts already have blackberrys with real time car tracking ability.

Welcome to the 21st century.

4/03/2011 06:58:00 PM

We have GPS in the cars. that was supposed to solve the "where is that police car" problem. So what happened with the GPS? Another waste of money? So we will need Blackberry and that will save us from ourselves?

they spend a ton of dough to put the cameras in the car. Coban makes the cameras, Coban also makes GPS that interfaces with the cameras. Do they get that? Nope. They had a bunch of hillbillies from down south come up here and do the installation out of their car trunks. The GPS system has never worked as advertised.

Same old shit, lousy people making poor decisions gives lousy results. I've been seeing that for years and years. They pretend that someone is in charge but the system is terribly broken and no amount of Jody or Terry can fix it.

Now it is one huge expensive mess after another.

4/04/2011 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It goes to show, spend your career in two different districts, and you'll have two very different perspectives about this job, the city and the residents, etc. Maybe merit promotions should be limited to coppers in the busy districts. I'm amazed that these guys had time to give her a ride, buy booze, play strip pocker and have sex"

Well said....Northside Districts like 019, 023, 020 have no clue...

4/04/2011 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they mean Det. Summerville - A4. Did time back in mid nineties. Had extra keys made for unmarked squads and would take cars out of lot while off duty. Picked up women cuffed and raped em. So many incidents a pattern was created. Sharp 025th Dist. Sgt. spotted him and made info report. Is that the scandle?

4/04/2011 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1.17am,,,,visible neck tatts and "sleeves" look like shit. they have no place on a police officer or any other public employee. Cover them up, sorry if your "expression" would make it so you have to wear long sleeves when it is 100 degrees.

Courts have held that PDs and other public entities can restrict the on duty display of tatts and piercings, just like Starbuck's can.

Nothing looks shittier than an tatt that is old and has morphed into a green blob of ink in some old fart's arm.

Signed--I have a tatt, but only my wife can see it.

4/04/2011 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Great Idea, just like other PD's [legit ones] do.

This is a great idea!!! Let's go one further and rotate PO's too!!! This will mitigate any bosses having favorites AND getting to close to any one partner where they trust each other enough to do something stupid together.
4/04/2011 02:10:00 AM

GFY---I've been in my unit for over 20 years and know it inside and out, where the shit is and am now dealing with the shithead kids of shitheads I dealt with back in the early 90s.

Would you rather see everyone moved to the other side of the city?

I've been with my partner for over 10 years, we have never even go so much as a SPAR form, much less a CR number. We do it right, we do it legit and knee jerk shit like this only jades those left who play by the rules.

Make example of those who deserve it, leave the rest of us alone to do our jobs.

Sounds like someone can't find a partner---

4/04/2011 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4:03, 11:30 pm,,,,Let's not forget Gil Perez, the bus stop rapist. He used to drive around and pull his service pistol on young, hot girls at bus stops, force them into his car, take them and rape them.

The last I heard he's working on a 50 year sentence.

The media had a field day with that guy also and he did all his stuff off duty.

4/04/2011 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said....Northside Districts like 019, 023, 020 have no clue...
4/04/2011 04:23:00 AM

So now we are back to working district coppers vs slackers. You'd work those districts if they had an opening too. Sorry you're seniority sucks and you are stuck in the ghetto.

4/04/2011 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor supervision ? Maybe, but most districts have one, maybe two sgts. On the street for an entire watch. And if there happens to be at trr/ iod etc. , there's no one out there. Start promoting. Books down to poor choices by the coppers. How fucking stupid are they ?

4/04/2011 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It goes to show, spend your career in two different districts, and you'll have two very different perspectives about this job, the city and the residents, etc. Maybe merit promotions should be limited to coppers in the busy districts. I'm amazed that these guys had time to give her a ride, buy booze, play strip pocker and have sex"

Well said....Northside Districts like 019, 023, 020 have no clue...


On the Contrary... Because we "Have a Clue" is why we choose to work North! I worked the Westside, you can Keep It!

4/04/2011 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the problems now being faced by CPD because of the 023 fiasco, I can't even start to fathom that some of you can only bitch about not being able to grow and wear a goatee. These posts epitomize what is wrong with us. Jesus!

4/04/2011 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may exceed the Summerdale Scandal in magnitude.

This statement just shows that you have no idea what the Summerdale Scandal was all about.

This thing is a couple of goofs that need to be launched, if indeed they are found in violation.

4/04/2011 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hope that one day youre HBD and you step on your dick "

You can hope all you want but IF I ever step on my dick after drinking I can guarantee...

It won't be while I'm working, driving around in a marked vehicle in some other district trying to pick up drunk chicks......

Because I'm not a scumbag, lazy-ass moron!

4/04/2011 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rape or not rape --unless you are a hooker, NORMAL people do not have sex on the job, any job.
not true! porn actors and people getting pay for sexual behavior studies also have sex on the job.

4/03/2011 07:26:00 PM

Wrong! Sex on the job is common in every profession but it is consentual not forced. Dating in in the workplace will lead to sex. Get over it. But as PO's we must hold ourself to a higher standard. And never fool around with a emotionally distraught or intoxicated female.

4/04/2011 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every major city where there has been a "scandal", a Commission is usually assigned to give suggestions for preventing another type of incident. One of the first things is "supervision" Of course this is a joke in CPD.

This department lacks supervisors that enforce the rules; allowing uniform infractions, shaving infractions, shells in the hair infractions, dreadlocks to my ass infractions, fingernails over 5 inches infractions, staying on my job for too long infractions, cant write a report in the English language infractions, blue tooth in my ear at all time infractions, sitting at the computer all day infractions, not answering my radio so my co-workers have to do MY job infractions, too much perfume/cologne infractions, too much makeup infractions, and all the ones I have not mentioned.

Sergeants are the front line supervisors. They should be backed up by their Lt and Capt. Same rules for EVERY district..dont give a shit if you work South or North. Those people that have some Whack should be handled like everyone else..never going to happen, but What the Fuck???

Enforce the rules for everyone, and then everyone is on the same page..if you don't like it then leave. There has been poor supervision on this department for all of my 15 years. I don't want you to be my friend, I want you to do your job. Tell that lazy fuck to take his job. Tell that young stupid girl to hit the street, tell that idiot to cut his dreds because there is no way it will fit under his crown cap..the way it is supposed to....I understand it is a hard job, but it has to be done by somebody.

4/04/2011 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northsiders in 019, 020 and 023 have no clue........Yea, cause scandals only hit the slow districts, not SOS, Operation Broken Star (015), Mearday(025), the fellas in 007 who were coming in on their day off to take cars out and rob drug dealers, Marquette 10, Sgt. Hermann (006), Cynthia White's caper (002. Looks like all of them found time to do illegal shit.

4/04/2011 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to the poster comparing this to Commito and Thiel, give it a rest already. They beat the drug dealer, broke his jaw, took him to a FIREHOUSE to be treated, and lied about the use of their mag light. It's done. Time to stop blaming OTHERS for their own mistakes. There are no more 'miracle workers' out there to fix or repair stupid. Today they would wind up like Cozzi. Think about that

My friend read my post again I was not condoning what Theil and Committo did. All I was saying is that the department fired the 3rd guy on that car, and he was not even working. Typical City of Chicago Politics. I do agree that Committo and Thiel did not handle that correct, they f;d up by dropping him off at the fire house instead of calling for an ambulance and arresting him, but if you disagree with my comment about Mearday being a piece of shit that is your entitlement.

4/04/2011 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So they are looking back into other beefs and now a guy who worked with them and wasnt even there in this incident is stripped. Thats typical IAD crap. The same kind of thing thet did to JT when his partner sold a weapon to a gang banger. He was stripped for 4 years and then oh you arent accused go back to work.
They are gonna try to have thios guy flip on those 2 as having a pattern for this type of shit.
Iad do you own investigation and stop middling guys/gals just because.

4/03/2011 09:59:00 AM

And didn't JT's partner plead guilty to a federal charge and do his time at home with an ankle bracelet? Are they still best buddies? As I recall they used to brag about sitting for hours on Rush Street "checking out the scene" when they were supposed to be working.

4/04/2011 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bosses and co-workers suspect bad behavior in some coppers, but they ignore it (plausible denaibility). That has to stop, if no one intervenes at the lower level before it gets out of hand, downtown will intervene. We have to protect ourselves, and this attitude "if I don't see it it wont affect me" doesn't work anymore. I'm not talking about "telling on someone", I'm talking about exhausting whatever options possible to keep this from happening. Stuff like this is a cancer of the department and we can't ignore it because it WILL get worse and affect us.

4/04/2011 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was your situation. you were NOT in that squad car, you were NOT in that apartment. Therefore, you don't know shit about this case.

What a jerk you are. Our fellow police officer is relating to a horrible, life altering incident that happened to her and she can relate to the female that had the incident with the two officers and this is how you respond?

You're part of the problem with this department. The lack of respect for women in general is very sad, on and off this job.

Guys, just ask yourselves once in a while, what if a man were treating my wife, sister, girlfriend or daughter this way? Would it be appropriate then? If not, then it shouldn't be appropriate to treat any other female that way.

To the female police officer, I'm sorry that happened to you. If there is a hell, hopefully the man who did that to you and other women is burning down there.

The police officers involved in this latest incident are predators and they digust me.

4/04/2011 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who posted that Bill Clinton did the same thing on duty, Monique Lewinski never accused him of sexual assault. You had no "victim" in that incident.

4/03/2011 04:54:00 PM

And how was Paula Jones treated? Remember her? The Great Clintonian exposed his engorged member to her and asked her to pleasure it. Her stand against Bill is what brought Monica to light. How was Paula treated by our guardians of truth and justice in the media? Was she not portrayed as a bimbo, hillbilly, or opportunist? The fact is politics and race decide where the media (and just about everyone else) stands on every issue in this country. The "truth" is what they write or broadcast.

4/04/2011 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said . . . . .

Don't worry, the jagoffs are few and far between.
Listen and learn the job. The ghetto is a good place to learn and lock bad guys up, and a good place to help the decent people there have a better life.

Don't blow jobs off, write the paper if appropriate. Back every copper up! even if you don't like them. If you put your hands on somebody they go to jail.

Finally, leave the job at work!

Very good advice for someone just coming on this job. Keep in mind that if you treat everyone the way you would want your family members treated, you cant go wrong.

Most importantly, do not let this job jade you. There are more good citizens out there than bad just like there are more good officers than bad. You just don't hear from the good citizens - but they do appreciate what we do.

Congratulations on your new job - but I have to say, I would not want to be you - I just retired a couple of years ago. Good luck and always look out for yourself and stay safe.

4/04/2011 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous "Me" for Superintendent said...

Prince Valiant said: Even though I may have five supervisors working over me, I am in control of what I do, my choices, my time....I am on my own and in control.

If I need a supervisor to babysit me, or don't take initiative...then I need to leave the job.

Wake up!!! Do not blame the supervisors on decisions you make yourself....

Now thats what I'm talking about!
Supervisors shouldnt have to hold anyones hand. The PAR form is available to everyone who cannot do their job as a Police Officer.

Supervisor's are too few and have their time divided by too many things(ex. Reports, LOG investigations, Court Deviations, Special Attentions, Missions, W/C directed missions or assignments, Supervisor Requests, Award submissions (if you comment on this, you need to do something to get 'em), and still log usually over twelve cars twice a night. Add the IOD reports, TRR's, vehicle Crash/Damage, sitting in the Hospital with injured PO's (no complaints about that) and the extra reponsibility of up to 7 extra cars to watch after the early Sgt goes home for the night, it gets over whelming real quick. I have to constatly check the status of every car in the District if I am able to or not through out my tour. Now, dont forget to stop by Domestic calls and all in progress, person with a gun/knife, assists, tasings, O.C. discharges, fueling my ride, etc., and now tell me about how a Supervisor should know everything about everyone every second of the night.

All I want to ask is "When do I get to have a 30 minute lunch?"

I love this job, but some of the dumbass posters on this blog need a reality check. Take the test, get promoted and see the real world. I would love to make up my night as I go like I used to as a PO. $10,000 more taxed dollars a year just isnt worth it.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself this question.... "Would I want to supervise me??? or him? or her?" Nice to not have to deal with the problems right? Your Supervisors don't have that luxury...

4/04/2011 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said....Northside Districts like 019, 023, 020 have no clue...

You are ether stupid or your self esteem is in serious trouble.

99% of the police in those dist were in the ghetto for years.

4/04/2011 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you fucking soft? Dicks can have facial hair.


Dicks cannot have facial hair Or dread locks or earrings
Or green hair

UNLESS given permission by their C/O of Exempt rank for their assignment


Dep Sup. Petersen recently quashed all the goatees

it was like a St. Baldricks for the chin in the Det. Div.- no more goatees

haven't seen any for awhile - oh wait, there's that one guy - scratch that

4/04/2011 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So they are looking back into other beefs and now a guy who worked with them and wasnt even there in this incident is stripped. Thats typical IAD crap. The same kind of thing thet did to JT when his partner sold a weapon to a gang banger. He was stripped for 4 years and then oh you arent accused go back to work.
They are gonna try to have thios guy flip on those 2 as having a pattern for this type of shit.
Iad do you own investigation and stop middling guys/gals just because.

4/03/2011 09:59:00 AM

And didn't JT's partner plead guilty to a federal charge and do his time at home with an ankle bracelet? Are they still best buddies? As I recall they used to brag about sitting for hours on Rush Street "checking out the scene" when they were supposed to be working.

4/04/2011 10:58:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bosses and co-workers suspect bad behavior in some coppers, but they ignore it (plausible denaibility). That has to stop, if no one intervenes at the lower level before it gets out of hand, downtown will intervene. We have to protect ourselves, and this attitude "if I don't see it it wont affect me" doesn't work anymore. I'm not talking about "telling on someone", I'm talking about exhausting whatever options possible to keep this from happening. Stuff like this is a cancer of the department and we can't ignore it because it WILL get worse and affect us.

4/04/2011 11:08:00 AM
Can't do anything with suspicions. To actually DO anything about these people, they have to DO something that can be moved on.

4/04/2011 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds familiar,,,,

Prosecutors want to appeal ruling for Waukegan officer

Read more:

4/04/2011 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/04/2011 01:10:00 PM
Hey Sgt, you could also fill out a form and go back to D-1! Oh and the pay is about $18,000 + per year + all the hours you can sell back! Stop lying if your not happy come back to patrol we could really use you!

4/04/2011 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came on in '86 also. Same for me. Wish I could go today. No more fun going to work and I don't like to tell anyone what I do for a living. Same 2 years till retirement. Just doing time.

4/04/2011 02:22:00 AM

Another 86er with the same sentiments. Also excited to 86 myself in 2 years.

4/04/2011 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dep Sup. Petersen recently quashed all the goatees

thats cause he's jealose he cant grow any hair LOL

4/04/2011 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/04/2011 01:10:00 PM
Hey Sgt, you could also fill out a form and go back to D-1! Oh and the pay is about $18,000 + per year + all the hours you can sell back! Stop lying if your not happy come back to patrol we could really use you!

4/04/2011 06:16:00 PM

Your continued ignorance is showing:

Sergeants cannot go back to D1, once they are promoted, their only option is to resign. I wonder what you scored on the last exam

4/04/2011 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I came on in '86 also....."

I was six years old in 1986! I have been on the job for 8 years now and I've seen things change dramatically in the short time since I started. I can't imagine all of the changes you have seen. Thank you for your service and for teaching us how to do this job.

4/04/2011 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well said....Northside Districts like 019, 023, 020 have no clue...

You are ether (sic) stupid [,] or your self esteem is in serious trouble.

99% of the police in those dist were in the ghetto for years.

4/04/2011 01:10:00 PM

99% were in the ghetto for years?

Not true. About half were in true "ghetto" districts. Half of those didn't do shit when they were in the "ghetto" districts. Almost all that were in "ghetto" districts were only there for less than 3 years.

The other half that weren't in the "ghetto" districts trained on the northside and have never left.

-Facts from someone inside.

4/05/2011 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 1986 started the mass hiring of 200 a month for about a year and continued a steady hiring for following two years. (give or take)

As you can hear the later 80's hiring group had enough of this department and city. Can you imagine how many coppers will be soon be retiring at a steady rapid pace - especially prior to June 2013 - due to anticipated ugly insurance issues?! The department will be down to 8000 by 2013!!

There was a time when you had to throw a cop off this job with 43 years on. Nobody wanted to retire - just because it was fun stressful dangerous work. Now you see each month almost half the retirees have 25 years or less on the job.

Cops hate it here so much that they are willing to take 50 or 60 percent pension just to get the FK out of here. Sad to say more and more of us know that we can live on less, so that we can live longer and in peace.

4/05/2011 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the viewpoint of a defense attorney, I would think that the SAO might tread carefully here. Only a month ago, the Appellate Court reversed (outright without a remand) the conviction of a former CPD sargeant on Agg Crim Sex Asslt charges and Official Misconduct. The facts are somewhat, although not completely, similar.

4/05/2011 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: Sergeants cannot go back to D1, once they are promoted, their only option is to resign. I wonder what you scored on the last exam

That is not true...You cannot go back to D2 or D2A....You can go back to D1 but your seniority becomes that of a day PO... I was a detective and called to find out...

4/05/2011 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't do anything with suspicions. To actually DO anything about these people, they have to DO something that can be moved on.

4/04/2011 04:11:00 PM

I say suspect, because thats as far as is goes. Once the supervisor knows there is something going on, they are at that point liable for how they handle it. Which is why some of them just don't want to know. There are ways to handle suspicions of coppers that are capable of bad behavior or are loose cannons. The trick is catching it before the act is done. A sup. has to be trusted, be confided in, he has to know all his subordinates' personalities without being intrusive, he has to know when to tighten the reigns and how to do it. its tough, but no one ever said being a good leader/supervisor was easy.

4/06/2011 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dep. Peterson the man behind many a cover up.

4/07/2011 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous digger o'dell said...

The address where this happened is 1369 Greenleaf. The media have been all over there and talked to the “victim” and three others from the building.

The woman admits to engaging in exhibitionistic sex in the car and playing strip poker. She never once indicated she wanted to end her sex acts with the officer/s. She was not sure who she had sex with either.

Additionall she has had numerous very casual sex encounters with a neighbor who is a listed witness.

The “victim” quit cooperating with police in this investigation.
Area 3 un-founded the felonies and turned the mess over for IAD investigation of departmental violations.

These guys won’t likely be charged with crimes but will have to find new occupations.

The media refuses to report what they know and that is the woman has changed her story.

4/09/2011 12:02:00 PM  

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