Mold in 024
You thought the Academy was bad? Look what's seeping through the floor in 024:

There are some truly disgusting work places throughout this Department. Probably more than enough to keep an entire team of environmentalists busy for years.
There are some truly disgusting work places throughout this Department. Probably more than enough to keep an entire team of environmentalists busy for years.
Labels: safety issues
Here is some info on mold from the Mayo Clinic website:
By Mayo Clinic staff
Like any allergy, mold allergy symptoms are triggered by an overly sensitive immune system response. When you inhale tiny, airborne mold spores, your body recognizes them as foreign invaders and develops allergy-causing antibodies to fight them.
After the exposure has passed, you still produce antibodies that "remember" this invader, so that any later contact with the mold causes your immune system to react. This reaction triggers the release of substances such as histamine, which cause itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and other mold allergy symptoms.
Molds are very common both inside and outside. There are many different types, but only certain kinds of mold cause allergies. Being allergic to one type of mold doesn't necessarily mean you'll be allergic to another. Some of the most common molds that cause allergies include alternaria, aspergillus, cladosporium and penicillium.
When it's not an allergy
Although a mold allergy is the most common problem caused by exposure to mold, mold can cause illness without causing an allergic reaction. Mold can also cause infections, or irritant and toxic reactions. Infections caused by mold can cause a variety of problems from flu-like symptoms, to skin infections and even pneumonia.
An irritant reaction is caused when substances from molds called volatile organic compounds irritate the mucous membranes in the body. Symptoms of an irritant reaction are similar to an allergy and include eye irritation, runny nose, cough, voice hoarseness, headache and skin irritation. With a mold allergy, your symptoms will generally get progressively worse with each exposure to mold, while an irritant reaction doesn't get worse.
A toxic reaction to mold is caused by eating, drinking or inhaling substances called mycotoxins. As with an irritant reaction, the symptoms of a toxic reaction may also include flu-like symptoms, eye and skin irritation, and breathing troubles. You may also experience headaches, nervousness, dizziness, difficulty concentrating and extreme fatigue if you're having a toxic reaction to mold.
There's a lot more to this article on the Mayo site. If you look up the aspergillus mold, you will find that a fatal lung disease can be contracted from repeat exposure to this common indoor mold.
You should definitely report this as a safety concern if your workplace is infested. For your own safety, spray bleach and wipe where ever you see mold, but wear gloves and a mask. You shouldn't have to do this at work, but if you work inside it may be worth it, especially if you are experiencing problems. Mold in the carpets is a different story...good luck with that.
Also, make sure you document your exposure to mold at work with a supervisor and follow that up with a visit to the medical section. A little inconvenience now will save your ass in the future should you contract a mold borne disease.
(No, I did not say go on the medical).
Ahh don't worry about it....
When the homeless come in and lay on top of it you can hardly see it's there anymore... right?
how is that possible at ground level???? and didn't they just re-do the academy floors a year ago??
Don't go seeing the new movie Contagion (youtube trailer). Everyone will quit!
After the movie I watched people leaving and no-one wanted to touch anything on the way out.
Put a nice throw rug over it and no one will notice. If this were a hospital, or some place in private business, there would be an uproar.
man does that look nasty--- it looks like the mushrooms should be popping up in a few days....
You should see whats growing at 016, oh wait, sorry that's just Penny moving in!
That Mold pattern Looks Like The Ghost Of JFLED
New Chicago database lets you check and see if there are any complaints about it.
Move along, that's a new art installation that costed the city $50K.
...and the civilian "Facilities Manager" is in Anniston, Alabama training with riot control instructors. Is she ever going to be held responsible? Guess not. 33 administrative days last year and not a peep from bosses.
how is that possible at ground level???? and didn't they just re-do the academy floors a year ago??
And which minority company was hired. You hire crap you get crap.
30 years ago the 002 locker room had mold seeping through the walls.
Looks like Gacy's crawl space. More daley machine "skeletons" surfacing ??? Give those construction contracts to "friends of the machine", just like our streets & highways, they aren't meant to last !!! Just means more "favors" get repaid !!!
012th dist station should be condemned. It's a shithole! Flooding and pools of standing water are commonplace in the mens basement locker room. The smell alone down there is enough to keep some po's from using a locker to store their duty gear. Osha was called out by the union a couple of years ago and violations were cited. But all the city did was put bandaids on the problems. Exposed pipes covered in asbestos patched over. The FOP was recontacted about the reoccurring flooding problem shortly after OSHA came out but nothing was ever done about it. There's a huge hole in the ceiling of the front entrance that was opened up for some unknown reason and had the pungent smell of death emitting from it for weeks and never patched over to this day. Seems the city is hoping to skate by until the new station is finally finished sometime in the next 2 years until then all 012th dist personnel hold your breath while in that toxic dump and try your best to make your presence in the station as brief as possible. For all of you go-getters that means the minimal CB #'s possible to avoid toxic exposure during processing in the station.
I'm sure there are many many of us who have suffered with sinus problems and breathing problems and headaches. And we just keep popping aspirin and pay doctors for antibiotics 9-10 months per year, and go on medical for it, yet the sickness is still there.
Once I left the job, most of which was at area five, maxwell, homan, it was a miracle. The chronic head and sinus pain went down to almost nothing.
No - it isn't you, its the fkg city buidings.
The mold is a result of the lousy construction done by the clouted contractors who overcharged the city for substandard materials and work. Why doesn't the fed look at that. These are all relatively new buildings that were to replace some police stations that were almost 100 years old. The "new" buildings are worse than the old buildings. And none of them will last 50 years much less 100.
I would be fucking pissed!
Somebody needs to start bitching. Although I guess being on your blog is getting the word out there for them. Thank God for that. Nobody has to be the weasel or little bitch.
thats because noone has walked a prisoner down those halls in months....
We have mold in Area Five, it usually wears Lt.'s bars and walks really funny, is insecure, incompetent and thinks she knows everything. How do we get rid of our moldy problem.
Several guys had contacted OSHA about this and other things, all they got was the runaround.
call OSHA
Anybody think to bring a $2 bottle of bleach? Didn't think so. It's not your job.
I worked in 024 for 20+ years. It seems that over that span of years we lost an unusually high number of relatively young people to cancer and other types of rare ailments. Did and does seem very odd. Be safe.
Want to see some city action? Try this on for size. When the homeless take up residence this winter, they'll be contracting all kinds of respiratory illnesses. Then they'll sue the city for millions, and the Aldercreatures will line up to give it to them... Bunch of dummies. LOL.!!
Do you see this, police-hating media trolls? Is this considered acceptable in YOUR workplace? The next time you sit down (in your non-mold ridden offices) to type out one of your latest slam pieces about how exorbitant the police medical policy is, consider this: In addition to the indescribable hell-holes we are a called to enter countless times during just one tour, the sub-human filth we are called to haul away, fight with, and sit in the same room with for the hours of bureaucratic paperwork we are required to complete, THIS is how the...wait, how did our esteemed mayor phrase it...CITY OF BIG HEARTS treats it's police officers. A former mayor is provided with thousands of dollars of police security & chauffeur service, while the men & women doing the DIRTY work don't rate high enough to work in a building free of this type of contamination. City of Big Hearts. Good one.
Officers, wake up and demand something be done about this. Do you think this would be ignored if it was on the 5th floor at city hall? I don't think so. But nothing will get done if we don't come together and demand action.
How about the 005th District? After every rain, the second floor is a lake.
no pictures yet. . .
That looks like a tile floor. How the hell is mold growing under tile? Is there a toilet that's been leaking nearby? WTF! Just looking at that makes me want to gag.
Yike! someone please mAke an OSHA complaint
I Just filed a coplaint with OSHA regarding 024. I work there. It is easy to do on-line and although you have to leave your name and a contact number, you can opt to tell OSHA to NOT tell your employer that it was you who complained. I think we need to stop bitching and start acting to fight for what is right. If your building has issues please file a complaint and let the city know we will not stand for being treated like second class citizens anymore.
OSHA Contact Info. This is unacceptable folks. (civilian post - not an officer).
Regional Office
230 South Dearborn Street
Room 3244
Chicago, Illinois 60604
(312) 353-2220
We have mold in Area Five, it usually wears Lt.'s bars and walks really funny, is insecure, incompetent and thinks she knows everything. How do we get rid of our moldy problem.
9/14/2011 08:14:00 AM
Aaaawwwwwww. Did somebody get yelled at today by the big, bad Lt?
2/3 of the people who work in 024,still don't have a respirator for the upcoming disaster in May. The station is situated in an area that is the #1 focus of the Feds and the Terrorist Task Force, yet the parking lot is WIDE open. Now the station is infested with mold and nothing will happen. Enough is enough, it is time for the F.O.P. demand action on these MINOR issues and address the MAJOR issue of hiring or we will not be available in May.
If this was in a school it would be swarmed by a crew in white bunny suits.
How about Mike Shields gets some Biologists from UIC, some masks and protective shoe covers and makes visits to these work sites.
Then publish the results and see what, if anything happens.
Officers will be carrying this stuff into hospitals, people’s homes and schools, and of course OUR homes.
Invite the Alderman down for a photo op and ask him or her about the spread of this to the community.
P.S. Hand out some Lysol wipes afterwards.
Just think of all the cheese you can make :)
The cleaning lady in 024 was scrubbing away at this to no avail it wouldn't go away.
Bonita Amado is in charge of all the building engineers for the Police Facilities in the City of Chicago. She is a typical political hack that knows nothing about her job and can't even make those city engineers put in a eight hour day. These engineers steal more equipment and material from the city than I make in a year. I wouldn't doubt that they are doing their side jobs on city time because I never see them. They are a joke and take absolutely no pride in the buildings that they are responsible for. This would be a great place to start privatization. Look what happenend after they privatized the janitors. At least now we have clean floors and bathrooms.
We have mold in Area Five, it usually wears Lt.'s bars and walks really funny, is insecure, incompetent and thinks she knows everything. How do we get rid of our moldy problem.
9/14/2011 08:14:00 AM
Aaaawwwwwww. Did somebody get yelled at today by the big, bad Lt?
9/14/2011 04:04:00 PM
Nice try Lt. but first of all you would actually have to know what you are talking about to yell at someone. Plus everyone knows this is you because you are hated by all. Please in typical city fashion get a Command spot and move on you clueless hack.
It will take more than bleach to kill that mold.
You should all be documenting all of this on film and witnessed by other p.o's , so when we all get cancer ,we can leave our grandchildren a better life from the Law Suits , Once 012 is tore down you wont be able to prove shit.......
OSHA please come out to the airport
It is not mold. It is residual sediment build up from a/c condensation leakage and rain leaking through the roof. Take a picture of the ceiling and see.
Update:I got a call from Federal OHSA by 6pm. I emailed complaint to them at about 1 pm re: 024 so that was quick. However, apparently Federal OSHA doesn't have "jurisdiction" over the police dpeartment???? Oh and they don't deal with mold????!!! Whatever, OK soooooo she said to call Illinois OSHA, left me these numbers phone 312 793 1964 and to fax letter complaints 312 793 2081....let's not give up on this yet. Also saw a midnight boss with someone (no clue who he was) showing him the spores of whatever is growing out of ceiling and on the floor, maybe we are making progress.OHHH and the Tribune called the desk today to find out what year building was built so we are being heard...your insignificant blog strikes again SCC!
It is not mold. It is residual sediment build up from a/c condensation leakage and rain leaking through the roof. Take a picture of the ceiling and see.
Hey, smart guy, I honestly don't care what it is. I just happen to think it's disgraceful that I have to look at it grow with each passing week. The building engineers should be ashamed of themselves. If it's that obvious to you, Mr. Fix-It, then shouldn't be obvious to these so-called professionals who I think I've seen in the station a total of 5 times in my 15+ years in 024.
Look at that picture. More WMDs then they found anyplace in Iraq -- Jesus.
I was merely pointing out the origin of the problem. I'm sure with the amount of time you spend in that particular area of the building, it will not harm you. Be happy you are in 024, a stain on a floor is a drop in a bucket.
Mr. Fix It
May I ask, what has President Shields done on this issue, where is FOP 7 on this mess?
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