Saturday, February 11, 2012

Crime Down!

  • Chicago police Supt. Garry McCarthy said Friday that a crackdown over the last month in two high-crime areas on the South and West sides has already produced “tremendous results.”

    Since the new initiative began in mid-January, homicides have fallen 63 percent and shootings dropped 36 percent in the Englewood and Harrison police districts combined, compared with the same year-earlier period, according to McCarthy, citing initial data.
Just as a side note, we were talking to some northside detectives yesterday and they told us there are at least a couple of crews, maybe 3 or more, hitting houses up in 016, 017 and points east.

We also dined with some southside buddies of ours and imagine this, there are more than a couple of emerging patterns in their neck of the woods, too. Burglaries and the like.

We just point this out to be helpful - and remind Garry and Rahm that all crime isn't shootings and all crime isn't confined to "boxes" on the west and south sides. But you probably already knew that.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all need to stick together...I'm sure most of the officers making "a difference" in 007 and 011, actually live in either 016 or 022. How about we get the same officers to work in 016/022 every other period, and then hold a news conference!
Please look out for each other, and each others families!

2/11/2012 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he gets a cr# because he used the H-bomb.

2/11/2012 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous ***BREAKING NEWS*** said...

Police Union Sues Burge Attorneys (and Greg Bella) Over Fees

"...On Jan. 28, 2011, Gamboney submitted a bill to the FOP’s former third vice president, who is also named as a defendant in the lawsuit, requesting $203,500 for legal services and additional expenses for work performed outside the scope of the appeal, according to the complaint."

"The former union official, Greg Bella, then authorized the payment even though the union says it did not owe Gamboney any money, the lawsuit states..."

2/11/2012 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Three shot up at the Frontier restaurant and the clerk at the Subway sandwich shop killed up in Noble Square and Ukrainian Village neighborhoods last night about an hour apart...followed by another man shot up in Hanson Park.

Edgewater and Rogers Park seem to be getting an increase of home invasions.

If it's all working out so great why are the terms "homicide" and "aggravated battery" being removed from the CPD lexicon?

Oh and that reminds me...speaking of bats, the victim on the north side standing over her friend screaming "you killed him -- you killed him..." last night as four male Hispanics with baseball bats jumped back into a dark SUV and sped off.

It's the exact same propaganda with Jobs.

Notice how the media is boasting about Illinois creating Manufacturing jobs? Well, that's just one sub-sector of the total jobs picture.

It's been posted here. I wouldn't call adding 1,800 manufacturing jobs at Chrysler while sixteen other companies layoff a corresponding 1,800 employees, many of them working in the high tech fields requiring four year degrees a win.

Yet the political apparatus wants you only to look at the new jobs we're creating over here -- pay no attention to the old jobs we're losing over there. Heh, we're churning living wage jobs for slave labor jobs. We're shifting crime from one district to another.

Another example is Caterpillar.

Google "Illinois Jobs Caterpillar"

Illinois lost out on a Caterpillar plant here. There's a lot of main stream media and the Gov. presenting the image that the only reason Illinois lost that plant was due to access to ports.

That's not what Caterpillar said at all. That is only half the story. Caterpillar stated in their rejection letter:

"...even if your community had the right logistics for this project, Caterpillar's previously documented concerns about the business climate and overall fiscal health of the state of Illinois still would have made it unpractical for us to select your community for this project."

Continue reading on Caterpillar: Springfield, we have a problem - Chicago Business News |


You can't trust any of them can you?

The 4th and 5th amendment to the constitution is gone.

Warrant-less searchers, wiretaps, right to detain people without a hearing indefinitely, drone strikes approved on US citizens.

We don't have a presidency it's a monarchy, a dictatorship where the man in charge can order be-headings and assignations and we're suppose to trust their decisions as honest and morally right because they say so. They don't have to provide prof of anything!

Yeah it may sound like a good thing to some. That it may make things easier.. Yeah I mean you trust Obama's decisions to use that power only for good. But what about the next guy and the next guy...etc.. Will Newt, Romney, Paul or the next guy after them?

What are we protecting and which side of the skirmish line we gonna be on? The side of democracy and freedom or the monarchy and dictatorship?

2/11/2012 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke. Stats off of a month of work.
Has anyone noticed its been cold out and the savages don't like the cold.

Hey McCarth and Rahm,
Run these stats when summer gets here. I'm sure you will see crime down......not

2/11/2012 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Crime Is Rising Up North said...

On the other hand, citizens are noticing increased criminal activity in Uptown as they are reporting in the Uptown Update blog.

Someone's Knocking At The Door (Or Maybe The Window)

Readers are talking a lot about property crimes lately, including burglaries to homes and cars.

2/11/2012 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Forget not; generate no revenue for this shitty of ShitCago.

Stay strong. Stand together. Support each other.

FUCK the tiny dancer!!

2/11/2012 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the dunning neighborhood and I never see any police.

I'm sick of these freeloading neighborhoods where no one pays taxes getting all the police services. I call my alderman all the time about this and he never has an answer.

2/11/2012 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What??? Can it be??? The savages killed a poor M/1 in 010 about 4am, dont worry it wasn't in 007 or 011

2/11/2012 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the revs are going to work in their communities without first getting money and then continue working when it comes in. So if no money then the work will stop.

2/11/2012 04:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Numbers Guy said...

What kind of pipedream BS is "down 63%?" Over what period of time? Compared to when? Yesterday? 1976?

Oh, wait. January's homicide #s were UP over 50% compared to last year...but now homicides are DOWN 63%?

Who writes this? How do they continue to inhale with brains that do not function?

2/11/2012 04:34:00 AM  
Blogger chicago guy said...

Way to Go!

I guess we don't need this gun registry thing now, do we!!!

Go team go!

2/11/2012 05:25:00 AM  
Anonymous DaBadCop said...

This just proves we're under staffed if you have to pull all the "extra" officers and place them in two districts. Detroit here we come but that's ok I'll finally get banker hours 9-5.
Maybe they can out source 911 and someone from India can make a report after you press 1 for English and 3 for non emergency :-D

2/11/2012 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What kind of pipedream BS is "down 63%?" Over what period of time? Compared to when? Yesterday? 1976?

Oh, wait. January's homicide #s were UP over 50% compared to last year...but now homicides are DOWN 63%?

Who writes this? How do they continue to inhale with brains that do not function?"

2/11/2012 04:34:00 AM

Good question....but,
G-Mac: "give me something that will make me look good".....
City Hall: "It's all for the children"

2/11/2012 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Air strikes would have been cheaper and more effective. Just a thought.

2/11/2012 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: I came across this, and think it says a lot about our job....

Police officers battle life-threatening situations every day as part of their job. A battle not every officer wins.

According to Officer Survival Solutions, in 2011 173 police officers were killed in the line of duty by gunshots.

In 2011, over 59,000 officers survived being shot by a gun while on the job.

2/11/2012 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's all bullshit!

They think you are stupid and that most of you are white trash or ganbangers anyway. The strategy is to parade a bunch of "experts" from NYC around the news shows and throw alot of numbers around to confuse you.

Its dropped 36% !

After a 15% spike, dramatic reductions are being seen!

A day without a homicide! Ooops, I mean murder!

Bottom line:

Can real, taxpaying people move from Park Ridge into Englewood and not be victimized? NO!!!!!

Where are all of the "extra" police coming from, and where did they patrol before they were sent to the hood? THAT'S RIGHT, YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD!

You're not going to learn any of this from the "Human Centipede" chain that is Kurtis, Levine, and Jacobson who voraciously devour Emanuel's bullshit.

2/11/2012 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crime down city stickers are up

2/11/2012 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste said...

Anonymous said...
Three shot up at the Frontier restaurant and the clerk at the Subway sandwich shop killed up in Noble Square and Ukrainian Village neighborhoods last night about an hour apart...

It's the exact same propaganda with Jobs...
2/11/2012 01:06:00 AM

Rahm's take on this?

Rahm: I'm proud to say that our new law enforcement strategy has allowed our ghetto children to expand their horizons and take field trips with their fellow ...I mean, social club buddies to learn about other cultures in our other, diverse neighborhoods. In fact, it has even created four jobs in the food industry on the north side...

2/11/2012 07:53:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Obama said...

Obama's first step in controlling infidel blogs like this is complete.

Shaved's entire blog was wiped clean.

More to come.

2/11/2012 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The New York "miracle" will be explained by Franklin E. Zimring, a criminal justice expert from the University of California, Berkeley, when he speaks at an "A-list symposium" hosted by the University of Chicago Crime Lab. Read about that promise of a "miracle" for Chicago in the NY Times, "Another City’s Lesson About Crime Reduction".
Wonder if they'll dare to confront that expose of the "NY miracle" in Silverman and Eterno's "The Crime Numbers Game"?

2/11/2012 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous What's In A Word? said...

Numbers Guy said...
What kind of pipedream BS is "down 63%?" Over what period of time? Compared to when? Yesterday? 1976?

Oh, wait. January's homicide #s were UP over 50% compared to last year...but now homicides are DOWN 63%?

Who writes this? How do they continue to inhale with brains that do not function?

2/11/2012 04:34:00 AM

So, what's in a word?

You people just don't get it, do you?

On 07 Feb, the order came out:

"Effective immediately, the terms "Aggravated Battery" and "Homicide" are strictly forbidden. The terms "Shooting" and "Murder" will be used in lieu of the previous terms."

So what does this mean?

It means Rahm can now say that under his administration as Mayor, his law enforcement strategy has completely and effectively ended "homicides" in Chicago.

All hail Rahm! Yea!

And the sheeple said... "He's like a God... We MUST make him our leader"... and the Divine One, The Obama, told his sheeple, YES! After I leave office in 2016, the screwing of the middle class will continue under Emanuel. He will continue to tax and take from the WORKING class and give to the REFUSE TO WORK class and your checks and programs will continue. He will continue to share the wealth (except his own).

And it will be so...

2/11/2012 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pay about $9000 in taxes. I live in Sauganash and haven't seen a police car patrol my neighborhood since July 2011. That is the last time I saw a police car in my neighborhood.

All Mayor Emmanuel and Supt. McCarthy are doing is putting more officers in the south and west sides. While the north, northwest and southwest sides of the city are extremely short. So short that in the so called good neighborhoods there are several cars down every single night.

Does anyone think that these criminals are that stupid? If the police are over saturated in their hood they will simply go where there are less police.

2/11/2012 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Forget not; generate no revenue for this shitty of ShitCago...

2/11/2012 02:15:00 AM

I've always felt that this was NOT the best idea. I liked to write parkers on the gang bangers and hit 'em for equipment and insurance violations and tow their cars (aka drive-by shooting enablers), at every opportunity. It also shows SOME activity, so they couldn't beef that I wasn't doing anything.

But that's just me...

2/11/2012 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the mayhem popping up around 011 lately, I'm reminded of Chief Judge LeFevour's lecture to then "young" crime fighters about "squeezing the sausage". He didn't want us to clog up his courts with too many felony arrests, since when you put the squeeze on crime in one area, it'll pop up somewhere else, anyway.

2/11/2012 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a supervisor on the southside, I am approving 6-8 burglary case reports a day, everyday. Not to mention 3-4 robberies a night. It pays to be a burglar - and most of these seem to be teens just going around kicking in doors. But with no cops to proactively work these patterns ( too busy going from call to call) this will continue to rise. Crime is down my ass.

2/11/2012 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one of the G-8 instructors training the officers from the street. Despite our best efforts to prepare them for the upcoming event, there is one thing that is hard to ignore. The morale of the officers, from blue shirts to white shirts is low. I mean everyone is concerned with safety and surviving this event but overall, the morale in patrol is very low. They seem defeated and resigned to a horrible situation on the street. I am sure they are capable of standing tall to the protestors but they have no faith in the leadership at 35th street. At the beginning, officers were either curious or angry. Now they are resigned and lost faith that we have the leadership to survive this mess. In the past, we always had a few street experienced leaders to raly the troops. Today, there is a vacuum. I am concerned.

2/11/2012 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flood the areas of takers and take away from the makers. Let them all kill each other, who gives a shit?

Fuck all the media, especially those who got snowed and hosed by Little Herbie. We were right and called the city out on this little POS gangbanger asshole.

Even Rahm's area is going up for grabs.

More politician bullshit to pander votes.

It is up to all of us to stand up and demand what we pay for.

Make me buy a "gun title" ? You can kiss my hairy ass!,

In the meantime, anybody tries to come into my house is going to have either .45 or .223 sized holes in them

2/11/2012 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1:06PM.....

oboma IS a socialist/communist/marxist/fascist/revolutionary/islamic sharia law sympathizer. HE IS destroying the Constitution, OUR freedom and OUR libertry. oboma MUST be defeated and removed from OUR White House. And his jackboot must be removed from our necks.

A Conservative WILL defend and uphold the Constitution, our liberty and freedom. And We The People must make sure that they do.

This country is NOT a democracy...this country IS a republic. We must vote for a Conservative to turn this country RIGHT side up...the chaos and destruction of this country must be stopped, and the leftists who ARE causing this destruction must be destroyed. God bless America.

2/11/2012 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One reception lady at ipra wont let p.o.'s use the bathroom in the ipra office. After denying us the use of thr bathroom she laughed and smiled. Found out it is there for us to use from a ipra supervisor. I wanted cr on the reception lady and they refused. Yes, officers can use the bathroom in the ipra office, we dont have to go down to the first floor. I belive she lives in 007.

2/11/2012 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McNutty and Rahm are quite impressed with themselves. Hope they don't strain a muscle vigorously patting their backs. They say this is working so well they'll consider doing this city wide. Really? With what manpower?
They've neglected most other districts so they can put almost all their eggs in 2 baskets 7th and 11th districts. How exactly could you then do this citywide? Well you could hire a thousand or two thousand cops. That would certainly help get us back on our feet but you know damn well Rahm would never consider that.
Smoke and mirrors sheeple.

2/11/2012 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not so you'd notice, but crime was down in the ghetto....because all the shitheads were elsewhere pillaging the nicer parts of town!!!

Who gives a fuck about 7,11,15 etc? They're useless shitholes that mean nothing to the city and will always be that way. While we fuck about in the ghetto, the parts of the city that keep things above water are being raided by shitheads.

And that asshat Rhambo suggests cornholing the taxpayers with some crazy registration scheme that's just gonna cost the state money. At least the asshat got the state to do his dirty work so the city isn't getting the bill...

2/11/2012 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parents are planning on protesting at the CPS Board of Ed meeting Feb 22. Haven't done this before. Do we need permits or sidewalk protests? Where would I find that info?

2/11/2012 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous 016 District Section 8 said...

I live in the dunning neighborhood and I never see any police.

I'm sick of these freeloading neighborhoods where no one pays taxes getting all the police services. I call my alderman all the time about this and he never has an answer.

2/11/2012 03:20:00 AM
You mean Humboldt Park Northwest
Check out cool new ghetto bar at approx 3807 N. Harlem looks like it moved from 3800 w. lake

2/11/2012 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murders were up last year. McCarthy is playing number games. He intentionally left off the month of December from his stats. His stats show Jan-Nov 2010 and Jan-Nov 2011. He is showing a decrease in homicides. There was actually an increase in homicides if he had included the month of December. There were 399 homicides in 2010 compared to 413 in 2011. Why isn't the media jumping all over this LIAR. He needs to quit using BULLSHIT statistics. Tell him he can wipe his ass with those COMPOST stats. We have no bosses left with balls on this job. They are afraid of losing their spots so they won't say anything. This guy is worse then JFED. He is a politician and not a police officer. Where is the No confidence vote FOP for McCARTHY!!

2/11/2012 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is the director of r&d is leaving. Wait until McGoof has total control of the stats without any oversight at all!

2/11/2012 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime stats are all bullshit anyway, especially when you compare them to stats of last year or even more so when you compare them to stats of yesteryear. What is the real reason that the homicide rate is only about 60-70%of what it was 20-40 years ago? Medical science is the number one reason, combined with a somewhat smaller population. The only way to fairly assess whether or not violence is down is to compare the number of shootings/stabbings and beatings relative to the current population as compared to yesteryear. My money is on the current times being more violent.

Even look at it from a police perspective, I highly recommend everyone read "End of Watch" despite the fact that its written by Burke it is our history. I wonder how many of our brothers and sisters would have survived if they had what we have today, we are work with a partner on 2nd and 3rd watch (I know, doesn't happen 1/3 of the time or more now, but it is our contractural right to refuse to be 10-99), we have a radio (not a call box key or a car radio) and we have body armor and better doctors. With the exception of the 1920s, the late 60s to early 70s and the early 90s, we live in the next most violent period in Chicago history.

Stay safe, we all know this is going to be a tough year, especially with the G8 and the election. Don't worry about the lawsuits, make sure you go home in one piece.

2/11/2012 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job media and rahm keep the public ignorant, stupid and in the back seat to the truth. What happened to "telling the truth will set you free" I guess they drop that motto in liberal media class 101...

Crime is down and we are more then ready for G8/NATO, HA HA what a couple of professional jerk off's and after what former FBI jodi did to us, you expect us to work with them? your short and funny!!!!

2/11/2012 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wait to May... when all da Po Po at G8...... been hearing the shit heads talk,,,, they are letting shit go without retliation... waiting till may to clean house...

2/11/2012 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke. Stats off of a month of work. Has anyone noticed its been cold out and the savages don't like the cold.

Take a look at your gas bill - the portion that shows the average temperature for the month compared to a year ago. It's been a LOT warmer this winter.

2/11/2012 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becausae the media will lie to anyone and everyone. 1st to sell papers. 2nd to make the tiny dancer look as good as possible. Why hasn't the shooting rates been posted? Might they be up a bit?
There is no mention of other crimes eather or those other crimes in other areas. Gee I wonder why?

2/11/2012 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, of course homicides are down. Ever since we stopped calling them homicides it's amazing how the numbers have fallen. other news. shootings, and beatings are at record levels.

2/11/2012 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get those bar graphs and pie charts ready boys and girls. We're all in for a wild ride of the statistic game.

2/11/2012 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7 and 11 get all the resources and extra manpower, meanwhile my neighborhood has even less officers than the normal skeleton crew partolling my streets. McCarthy goes on to say publicly that he plans to do this citywide. Yeah, with what manpower? We still continue each and every month to lose 30-40 officers and still no hiring. Doing more with less, my ass! You are endangering not only the citizens on the street but police officers by not having and maintaining a full work force. Your continuing ingnorance blows my mind. Your king all mighty know it all attitude at the compstat meetings sickens me too. You dont impress me one bit. I can see right through you and Im still not impressed one bit. Take your hero sandwich and glass of koolaid somewhere else.

2/11/2012 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...okay then...crime is down. If you say so then is must be true.

Okay then with that said I guess there's no reason for hizzhonor to get a handgun registry because crime is down. No one is shooting. What guns? Where? Crime is down.

Stop wasting the legislatures time and the cities resources. Stop the media sideshow distractions away from your failures please.

And if crime is down then we probably can stop the installation of the school speed trap cameras. Crime is down -- no-one is speeding!

2/11/2012 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something McWhiskey said got on the radio today -- approximately that "Chicago seizes seven times more guns than New York, and that has to stop.

OK -- all "man with a gun" calls to 311.

G8 is gonna be great; Rahm'll be hiding, McWhiskey will be in Newark at a statistics conference, and Whatshername, that "stupid gum-cracking PR flack" -- the one who thinks that emergency preparations are "doomsday thinking" -- is gonna be in charge, I guess.

2/11/2012 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All bullshit once again. Crime is NOT down at all. Index crimes for burglary, robbery, and theft are app up thanks to the shift in manpower to the ghetto. Northwest & Southwest side neighborhoods are showing an increase. Problem is that Rahm could care less.

2/11/2012 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Sick and Tired said...

McBoozer said "we don't need to hire more police".

9 1/2 said "we don't need to hire more police"

Mc Boozer and 9 1/2 then bombard 007 and 011 with manpower which was drained from somewhere else and..................
crime goes down.

Pick a frickin side of the argument.

Either more police equals less crime or not.

Just because the press lets you have it both ways, don't think that others cannot see the bull sh-t you two politicos are slinging.

Mc Boozer, please grow a pair. Tell the truth on the little guy.

How about a Mayor over 5'7 for a change?

2/11/2012 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Credit where credit is due

2/11/2012 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

excuse me
i thought i heard McNitwit
on 780 that $ was coming from DEA task force and thus create a "strike force" by putting "additional" officers on the street
are they new hires? DEA?
i thought all the MSF units were disbanded
now of course if you "saturate" an
area with a gazillion officers
the dealers and hookers and come what may will simply move to a new area if it just a different assign ment for beat officers from a different area how are they new?
and more important for how long?

2/11/2012 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to bigiwgs:

the people who live in 016 and 017 pay taxes, too. WE deserve protection just as much as those living in 011 and 007. The aldermen of these districts should really be paying attention, you'll be voted out in no time if we don't get police protection like other parts of the city.

2/11/2012 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Forget not; generate no revenue for this shitty of ShitCago.

Stay strong. Stand together. Support each other.

FUCK the tiny dancer!!

2/11/2012 02:15:00 AM

If you like your Spot...and Like Job security....

You will generate Numbers.

Just the parker and mover variety....cause they don't want to hear real crime.

2/11/2012 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the dunning neighborhood and I never see any police.

I'm sick of these freeloading neighborhoods where no one pays taxes getting all the police services. I call my alderman all the time about this and he never has an answer.

2/11/2012 03:20:00 AM

Of course your alderman doesn't have an answer. The Aldercreatures can only affect the Police if the District or Area HQ is in their ward. Otherwise no pull at all.

2/11/2012 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they ever catch that asshole prowling around Edison Park robbing condos, the ~60 year old black guy?

Not smart on his part - if you haven't picked him up there's a good chance you may meet him with a few extra ounces of lead in him if he picks the wrong house and the owners are home...

You have to wonder what they are thinking trolling neighborhoods where the density of police residences are high.

-Edison Park Resident

2/11/2012 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they ever catch that asshole prowling around Edison Park robbing condos, the ~60 year old black guy?

Not smart on his part - if you haven't picked him up there's a good chance you may meet him with a few extra ounces of lead in him if he picks the wrong house and the owners are home...

You have to wonder what they are thinking trolling neighborhoods where the density of police residences are high.

-Edison Park Resident

In Custody!!! - 016 Tact, Area 5 Dets., and 019th Burglary got him.

2/11/2012 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the weather played a role in the lower crime rate??

2/11/2012 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So if the answer to Chicago's crime problem "is not to put more cops on the streets" then why have more cops on the beat in the high crime districts seem to have had a such a huge impact on the problem according to your numbers?

McCarty you are so full of it.

If crime is down 63% what do we need a gun registry database for? Seems like money being misdirected to me.

If crime is down 63% because we put more cops on the streets then why do you keep denying the solution to the problem?

If "Broken Windows" crime methodology is so important why is the roof-top reverend still on the roof flaunting the city ordinances?

2/11/2012 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pay about $9000 in taxes. I live in Sauganash and haven't seen a police car patrol my neighborhood since July 2011. That is the last time I saw a police car in my neighborhood.

All Mayor Emmanuel and Supt. McCarthy are doing is putting more officers in the south and west sides. While the north, northwest and southwest sides of the city are extremely short. So short that in the so called good neighborhoods there are several cars down every single night.

Does anyone think that these criminals are that stupid? If the police are over saturated in their hood they will simply go where there are less police.

2/11/2012 08:37:00 AM

Isn't that why you live there dummy ??? No Crime??

2/12/2012 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes the 007th district with 400+ officers assigned and another 100 split between the 011th district to police a 25 square block area with 5000-7000 vacant and boarded up properties. 019 and 023 have between them less than 400 officers and would guess a 1000% more dense poplution. This scenerio is similar in all northside districts....if you live in 024, 020, 019, 023 call your alderman and demand a stronger police presence. A neighborhood that is decayed as Englewood does not deserve this amount of should be allowed to die off and bulldozed to the ground. There is no amount of money that will help, its a lost cause and will never rebound in the next 100+ years.

2/12/2012 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can thank our new Alderman of the 36th Ward for this fine establishmentat 3807 N. Harlem Ave.Keep up the good work Yeah Right.

2/12/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Air strikes would have been cheaper and more effective. Just a thought.

AGREED - Good chance for our military aviators to practice before being deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq or our next deployment (Iran, Syria, North Korea.....)

2/12/2012 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous 013th District Copper said...

The #1 reason Homocides are down so dramatically is because we are not to use that term anymore when dealing with someone who has been killed. Next month there will be zero homocides....mark my words.

2/12/2012 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

G-Jersey says he needs more cops in Englewood and the Westside, then says Chicago doesn't need more cops (only there?)......he isn't solving anything, just pushing the problem around.....where do they find people like this?

2/12/2012 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny coincidence, former police boss and convicted burglar/jewel thief Hanhart gets released from prison and the jewelry store burglaries start up. Think he got the old crew back together again? Is there anyone left on the job that remembers those crimes? Are they on the crimes we don't speak of list?

2/12/2012 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you are not paying attention; You wil find out what I have seen over the years before I retired. The only crime the city fathers are worried about is violent crime, robberies, shootings and homicides. That is what brings the heat. They could care less about property crimes, no matter where they are. The detective division policies reflect this. Not much in the way of property crime is investigated.

2/12/2012 08:31:00 PM  

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