Sunday, March 18, 2012

Clinics, Cameras and Silence

A very well thought out comment:
  • Wait until the mentally ill run out of their meds from the mayor and governor closing down all those mental health clinics in order to save. They'll be hitting the streets soon if you haven't taken any calls already.

    Let's see how much we save as the E-R rooms and trauma centers go on bypass. Yeah boy, we're saving now eh.

    Don't look at that over there though.

    Look at this over here at how many kids have been struck by speeding vehicles in schools zones and near parks. Look at them all. Where are they? How many where there today, this week, this month, this year?


    That's funny. I haven't seen a single story in the press about this speeding vehicle carnage. Have you?

    Nevertheless we got to get those speed trap cameras in baby! Millions of dollars are at stake and the mayors friend needs a contract.

    Fine the children and take their lunch money too because their shoe laces are untied that will teach them disciple and to not mess with authority. Get them ready for their mindless corporate factory welding jobs. Just sit down and shut up and pay your taxes like the city council told you to do.


    Sixteen people shot and not one aldermen in the main stream media demanding anything of the mayor. Not one. Maybe I missed it, there's gotta be one right? How about you, any of you seen the aldermen speaking out?

    What are we paying taxes for? What? Tell me. To be told to sit down and shut up?

    They're not even passing out flyers anymore to tell you to shelter in place inside our homes because it's too dangerous. These are our elected representatives? Are there ANY leaders among them or are they just here to collect a paycheck and go with the flow of whatever the machine wants and then play the victims? Yeah you know the answer and so do I

    They're useless.

    So showcase it mayor. Showcase what the elite NATO leaders have created.
That sums up quite a few of the issues we've been harping on lately. And the Reader. And anyone with half a brain.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is that consolidation working?

3/18/2012 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Install thorazine dispensers on every block in 007 and 011. I like to watch the zombies do the thorazine shuffle.

Also have storefront "clinics" that specialize in outpatient lobotomies.

3/18/2012 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And anyone with half a brain.

which, in this city and county, might approach 10%, max, of the entire breathing population.

maybe, on a good day.

a very good day.

3/18/2012 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's past time to get some trigger time!

3/18/2012 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

slightly OT

My FTO, a Vietnam veteran with 30 plus years of experience, taught me you ALWAYS drive towards the blue lights. ALWAYS. You never know when another PO might need an assist. I continue this practice to this day, and try to impart this wisdom to other POs when I feel it's needed.

This is what gets me riled up most about these bullshit zones. We have been told in rollcall that we may only leave the zone to assist a 99 unit if they are responding to a priority call or a 10-4 unit if it is a 10-1. FUCKING BULLSHIT! I still leave the bullshit zone to assist guys, no matter what the priority. Obviously, I am not about to allow harm to come to another PO because of what some POLITICIAN pretending to be the police says. It just pisses me off, because I am sure there are some of us that adhere to these ridiculous rules regarding these ridiculous zones.

Keep each other safe, and fuck these rules. When you see someone on a stop, slide by and make sure they're ok.

3/18/2012 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What are we paying taxes for? What? Tell me. To be told to sit down and shut up?"

Yes. This is Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.

Now pay up and shut up.

3/18/2012 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This message is being posted by my 13 yr old nephew, so that I wont be brought up on some type of case by McMush..... Ok. it was learned during CON STAT that McMush is demanding that police officers start violating the rights of citizens to stand on corners. He ordered commanders to take corners and move people off the corners.

Hey NEWS FLASH ASSHOLE (My uncle said I could say that) we used to do that until your predecessors DEBALLED the police department.

You stupid fuckers (he said I could say that too) got exactly the police department you asked for and now you are not happy with the results. I hope you officers working in the shitholes of 3,4,6,7,8,10,11 don't open yourself up to bullshit lawsuits for this stupid stat clown.

3/18/2012 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so thats the trick McDope is trying to convince dicks and their supervisors to clear as many crime patterns even if the victim cant ID anyone, all about the stat clear up....

Dont fall for this, they tried this shit in the 80's and 90's. The only names on those multiple clear ups are the dicks and the Sgt. Dont be this stupid guys and gals, they will fuck u in the end.

3/18/2012 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the aldermen are going to shut up and keep nodding yes to everything that Rahm does in hopes that when he makes it to the bigs he will take them with him. They, like our CPD "leaders", care only about preserving and possibly improving their position. Their priority is themselves. If we had one gold star with half a testicle, they would tell this jackass that this rehashed beat integrity nonsense has never worked and will never work in a busy district like 007 or 011. Take for example tonight, while we are shuffling manpower to keep cars strictly in the zone there is a shooting one block from Harrison and Kedzie. I pull up the jobs waiting and I see man with a gun calls still waiting for almost and hour. Priority 1 jobs waiting for almost and hour. Why? Because we have to have X amount of cars doing laps in a box. Is the leadership in CPD just a bunch of merit hacks with no street experience who just don't know any better or are they just a bunch of eunuchs who care more about their spot than the people they serve or the people who serve under them. Either way they have failed us. The Sup, we expected failure and we got it, the rest Wysinger, Williams. Please get a backbone, or if you are really buying this crap you need to come out on the street and work to get a clue as to what is really happening out here. When summer comes, this zone crap is going to get officers hurt. As far as response times, forget about it. NO more merit promotions. God I hate this place.

3/18/2012 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have the total number of people shot and dead since it got warm out last week?

3/18/2012 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"posted by SCC (retired)"

Is this true???

Congratulations, good luck & God bless!

3/18/2012 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scc, consider downtown shitcago lost. Tonight was endless baby sitting of the savages throughout the 18th district. They had tact teams from different districts helping out, but yet still extremely short handed on manpower. The shitbirds were at different locations: Clark & Ontario, Oak Street beach, Water tower place and McDonalds on Chicago & State. It was nice to see that shit hole gathering spot, McDonalds shut down for business. A 10-1 was called out in the area of either Chicago and State or Wabash. When the 10-1 was done a group of French tourists asked if it was safe, I replied no it is not we are having gang problems in this area. these tourists said that they were in Chicago 4 years ago, but do not like the fact that the police can not arrest or control the unruly shitbirds and that they do not feel safe as tourists in the city. Looks like tourism is going to drop. Hmmm...can not control gang mobs, yep the city is ready for NATO.

3/18/2012 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the helpless are always first to feel the pinch. I remember when Governor Walker shut down the mental institutions and they moved the patients to those filthy SRO’s in Uptown. They replaced the inpatient treatment institutions with those out patient centers. The streets of Uptown became loaded with the poor bastards, wondering around at all hours talking to themselves and doing mischief until they simply died off due to neglect, drug abuse and crime.

As for the SRO’s, they were beyond filthy, loaded with rats and bugs, holes in the floors etc. They charged rent by the week that amounted to as much as a one apartment in a clean building would cost. For the money the people of Illinois paid on behalf of the mental patient they were stuffed a room the size of a closet and allowed the use of a filthy dilapidated shared bathroom. Do you remember the Blues Brothers movie – Elwood lived in one of those SRO’s, only I assure you his was a paradise compared to real life. The buildings were slums owned by the connected and the building codes did not exist for them.

The helpless always suffer first in a budget cut so that they can come back at us later with the horrors they caused as a reason to jack our taxes up again. The politicians are never affected. We’re their private ATM’s.

The compassion of the Democratic party in action.

3/18/2012 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't you know that cook county jail is the largest mental institution in the state. Nothing better then working the psych building in div 2

3/18/2012 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In what used to be 023 they would go to the half-way houses and make sure the crazies all voted Democrat. So now I guess those votes won't matter, since like the dead someone will vote for them, but it will always be Democrat.

3/18/2012 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about you, any of you seen the aldermen speaking out?

They're gonna ask for bodyguard details ala"Burke" & they're trying to remember where they his the ammo for their pistols !!!!!

3/18/2012 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

before long everyone will get accustomed to this way of one even cares about the h thats being sold on the west side. that has been going on for at least forty years. we need a cold storage facilty for the unclaimed bodies at least until obama sends the cash to bury them.

3/18/2012 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! For your viewing pleasure
Not A Cop.

3/18/2012 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get them ready for their mindless corporate factory welding jobs" the writer stated. THAT is what is destroying this country, they are NOT mindless jobs, they are good manufacturing jobs that are fleeing this country because of lack of skilled workers and that attitude. So get them ready to wait on tables and sling hamburgers the rest of their lives. STUPID STATEMENT.

3/18/2012 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until our spineless Aldercreatures become MORE afraid of us than the Racoon nothing will change. I don't see that coming soon. I can only guess what goes on behind the scene at the Hall.

3/18/2012 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" I see man with a gun calls still waiting for almost and hour. Priority 1 jobs waiting for almost and hour. Why? Because we have to have X amount of cars doing laps in a box."

Mother of g-d, is that actually the policy? The priority is to keep so many cars in a particular zone as opposed to where the greatest trouble is in the areas of the city that are actually paying taxes ??

That with $3.75/hr. to park, the obscene taxes & the most dysfunctional city & state government, those that can are getting out of here.

Saw Bill Daley yesterday afternoon dining on the sidewalk at Gibson's (no doubt surrounded with protection). I wanted to give the crook a piece of my mind.

not a cop

3/18/2012 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you vote on Tuesday?

3/18/2012 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at this over here at how many kids have been struck by speeding vehicles in schools zones and near parks. Look at them all. Where are they? How many where there today, this week, this month, this year?


T.D. 9.5 and his business cronies need to make more $$$$. The speed cameras are "For the Children" !

Emanuel's & pals children !!

3/18/2012 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...That's funny. I haven't seen a single story in the press about this speeding vehicle carnage. Have you?..."

Correct. The last I EVER heard of child struck by an auto in an intersection (usually they run from between parked cars) and at even 20 mph there's no real safety, but the last major story was somewhere near Lincoln Park when a goof ran a stop sign. Maybe it's not news, but after the killins' and shootins' stop the media will be advised to cover these human tragedies in traffic stories.
Perhaps we can call our Aldermans office Monday and once again complain about the speed cameras and focus on crime, hiring police and actually putting punks in jail.

3/18/2012 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Was at the FOP St pat's party last night,had a great time,talked to some of the retired coppers all told me , except for missing the camaraderie, they don't miss ANY of the bullshit with bosses and animals on the street,the checks come on time. On another note it was nice to have a small amount of time to talk 1 on 1 with Bill Doherty, Mike Shields, Mark Donohue,and the rest. To the detractors who say the "contract is not being negotiated," sorry but since Shields said "we will not negotiate in the press," he is holding to that mantra. Many things are being talked about, come to the next meeting, they just don't want it public,as the press will like always beat us up on requests.

3/18/2012 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dumb people of Chicago are too busy tweeting and facebooking, instead of complaining to their respective represenatives. Wait till these dumb fucks get snagged by these cameras two or three times a day!

3/18/2012 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you see a group of idiots standing on the corner tell them, hey per the Sup, you guys have to go...move to the middle of the block. Thus, you are accomplishing his (Sup)goal and not violating their civil rights. WIN-WIN.

Who the hell is in charge of our department?? Feels like it's running via New York. Whatever worked in New York, will never work here. We have different dynamics. New York City has become one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Chicago has become expensive buy only to the middle class/blue collar working people. There are big sections of Chicago, where the economy is based on narcotic sales.
The reason we have gangs is because of all the money that can be made from selling illegal drugs. Unfortunately, our leaders love to use "the model" of other law enforcement agencies...WHY NOT GROW A PAIR AND CREATE OUR OWN MODEL? WE HAVE THE POWER, BUT WE DON'T WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE'S FEELINGS! STAY SAFE, AND BACK EACH OTHER UP....NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US, BUT WE CAN TRY TO HELP OUR OWN! Remember, the politicians, the exempt rank members, the religious leaders, they are home. They like to "preach" from their safety zone, when we are the ones cleaning the streets up.

3/18/2012 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"posted by SCC (retired)"

Is this true???

Congratulations, good luck & God bless!

3/18/2012 02:11:00 AM

Good God, go read the post about the new social media general order. SCC retired is the 'person who posts' anything the Dept might find to be in violation of their UNCONSTITUTIONAL general order.

3/18/2012 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all the Reverands?????
They show up in heartbeat if there is the slightest alligation of police misconduct, but when there own people are blowing their selfs away, they are a no show. Why can't their own people see this??

3/18/2012 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Detective Division is so screwed up now it's beyond repair.

3/18/2012 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We went through the same thing when Reagan cut the funding and then all the clinics, meds and halfway houses disappeared.

And, wasn't it a whole lot of fun on the streets the next few years!

Instead of getting help, all those people ended up in the criminal justice system instead, and became OUR problem. (And the problem of their innocent victims, as well.)

What's that phrase - penny wise, pound foolish?

3/18/2012 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pushing a beat car for 19 years. I honestly can't remember handling "a child struck by a car job". When did this become such an EPIDEMIC? ????

3/18/2012 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get these Sergeants out of the D-unit, they just get in our way. It looks to me they could be used back on the street.

3/18/2012 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"All the aldermen are going to shut up and keep nodding yes to everything that Rahm does in hopes that when he makes it to the bigs he will take them with him."

Hopefully to prison.

3/18/2012 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone has info on how to run for alderman and how that impacts our city job status-ie do we get a leave if elected? How can we get back in after term is over? Etc... Ill get signatures and run. Fuck it. It shouldn't cost that much- get out in your neighborhoods, most of us are known to our neighbors already. Any thoughts, suggestions, info out there?

3/18/2012 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are quiet because they are afraid of upsetting their voting block. The cook county dems aided and abetted this problem, give give and give more money, link cards, etc... without expecting anything in return except for a pull on the lever and then blaming everything and anybody else for the generation of sociopathic thugs that has resulted.

3/18/2012 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get them ready for their mindless corporate factory welding jobs."

What an insult.

Spoken like a true college-kid radical shitass. Boy, the contempt for working people just shines forth here. Spit, spit, spit.

It's not like he knows anything, anything at all, about welding -- or much of anything else, for that matter.

Some people's daily work gets X-rayed to make sure it'll hold 50,000 pounds per square inch so no one will be killed by the failure of a pressure vessel, say.

"Customer Service Assistant" just isn't in the same league.

3/18/2012 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shhhh, don't wake up Rahm when he's taking his afternoon nap. He gets pretty grumpy if you do that.

Rahm and much of Chicago's so called leadership is in it for personal gain and is pretty much just for show after they've enriched their bank account on the backs of Chicagoans.

Remember when they closed down the mental hospitals? I do and we still see the results of that on the streets of larger communities in the form of homeless (many who are mentally ill).

3/18/2012 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its for the children.
J-Bro runs it!

3/18/2012 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ok. it was learned during CON STAT that McMush is demanding that police officers start violating the rights of citizens to stand on corners. He ordered commanders to take corners and move people off the corners.


That explains the confrontation outside the hospital with the press then..

Has anyone ever thought about what they would do if the State or the US Constitution was suspended?

It's been done inside many a third world dictatorships and the way things are going here I wouldn't be surprised if we see it soon.

You know a state of emergency and all that makes it necessary.

I mean... after all as everyone was busy with their BBQ'a and drunkin debauchery Friday/Saturday the president did silently sign this executive order with almost ZERO press coverage!


Obama Executive Order would seize US infrastructure, citizens for nat'l defense

On Friday, President Obama signed a sweeping Executive Order that would effectively nationalize everything - including food, water and U.S. citizens - in order to prepare for national defense.

Worse yet, the order would also allow for a civilian draft - the conscription of “persons of outstanding experience or ability” without compensation.

A post at adds:

The EO also states that the President and his Secretaries have the authority to seize all transportation, energy, and infrastructure inside the United States as well as forcibly induct/draft American citizens into the military. The EO also contains a vague reference in regards to harnessing American citizens to fulfill “labor requirements” for the purposes of national defense.

Not only that, but the authority claimed inside the EO does not only apply to National Emergencies and times of war. It also applies in peacetime.

"The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order exploits the “authority” granted to the President in the Defense Production Act of 1950 in order to assert that virtually every means of human survival is now available for confiscation and control by the President via his and his Secretaries’ whim," Current notes.

Oddly enough, the order does not say these are actions to be taken “in the event of a national emergency.” Instead, it uses the term “purposes of national defense.”

Continue reading on Obama Executive Order would seize US infrastructure, citizens for nat'l defense - Spokane Conservative |

3/18/2012 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do like the dems do, blame bush.if the cat had kittens, hed get the blame.

3/18/2012 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get them ready for their mindless corporate factory welding jobs."

Yeah, "mindless."

Here. You try it.

"Welder certification is based on specially designed tests to determine a welder's skill and ability to deposit sound weld metal. The tests consist of many variables, including the specific welding process, type of metal, thickness, joint design, position, and others. Most often, the test is conducted in accordance with a particular code. The tests can be administered under the auspices of a national or international organization, such as the American Welding Society (AWS), or American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), but manufacturers may specify their own standards and requirements as well. Welders can also be certified in specific welding related professions: for example, American Welding Society certifies welding inspectors and welding instructors, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers certifies high capacity fossil fuel fired plant operators and several other professions. Most certifications expire after a certain time limit, and have different requirements for renewal or extension of the certification.

"In the USA, welder qualification is performed according to AWS, ASME[1] and API [2]standards, which are also used in some other countries.

"In Europe, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) has adopted the ISO standards on welder qualification (ISO 9606),[3] with the exception of qualification for steel welders, where a new version of the old European EN 287-1[4] standard still applies. In Europe welders are usually certified by third party Inspection Bodies or Personnel Certification Bodies. Welders involved in the manufacture of equipment that falls within the scope of the Pressure Equipment Directive must be approved by a competent third party which may be either a notified body or a third-party organization recognized by a Member State. [5]

"Once a welder passes a test (or a series of tests), their employer or third party involved will certify the ability to pass the test, and the limitations or extent they are qualified to weld, as a written document (welder qualification test record, or WQTR). This document is valid for a limited period (usually for two years), after which the welder must be retested."

3/18/2012 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Remember when they closed down the mental hospitals? I do and we still see the results of that on the streets of larger communities in the form of homeless (many who are mentally ill)."

--3/18/2012 02:35:00 PM

Oh, yeah -- I remember the wave hitting along Winthrop and Kenmore Avenues, and the sheister landlords stuffing their pockets by turning simple SROs for working people into "care facilities."

Suddenly, you literally had crazy men with long beards rolling down the middle of the street on a skateboard, waving a house brick and shouting nonsense.

Deinstitutionalization, the destruction of manufacturing, the elimination of SROs, the mortgage speculation/foreclosure bubble, and the conversion of rental housing into condominium units all combined to create today's growing homelessness problem.

3/18/2012 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone has info on how to run for alderman and how that impacts our city job status-ie do we get a leave if elected? How can we get back in after term is over? Etc... Ill get signatures and run. Fuck it. It shouldn't cost that much- get out in your neighborhoods, most of us are known to our neighbors already. Any thoughts, suggestions, info out there?

3/18/2012 02:08:00 PM

Yeah, call John Garrido and see how inexpensive it is, and how it takes none of your time or effort to run a campaign.

I'm not trying to talk you out of it. To the contrary, I wish we could get a few of our own into the sacred aldermanic sanctum. But know that it's expensive, all-consuming and people can be vicious. And that's just the campaign.

3/18/2012 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get these Sergeants out of the D-unit, they just get in our way. It looks to me they could be used back on the street.

3/18/2012 01:18:00 PM

You've been posting this all over the blog. What's the matter, bunky? Somebody rained on your parade?
Everybody's in the same boat right now. No organization, no merge-plan, no leadership from the area bosses... buck up, just like everyone else has to do.

3/18/2012 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those clinic were not doing amything for the mentally ill, many of whom should be in their own apartments and gainfully employed, which in many cases also means private insurance and not Medicaid and Medicare. That also means more tax dollars and more money in the economy and less unemployment and people on welfare. Did you miss when these mental health places were using scare tactics to keep the mentally ill in homes and ere caught by the attorney General and had to pay former patients?
Those places needed to be closed and presented more of a hazard to you (cops) than you could ever imagine.

3/18/2012 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE VIOLENCE ZONES ARE WORKING!!!!now shut up and patrol!!

3/18/2012 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If anyone has info on how to run for alderman and how that impacts our city job status-ie do we get a leave if elected? How can we get back in after term is over? Etc... Ill get signatures and run. Fuck it. It shouldn't cost that much- get out in your neighborhoods, most of us are known to our neighbors already. Any thoughts, suggestions, info out there?

3/18/2012 02:08:00 PM

Hey Butthead--if you can't figure that out for yourself, you don't belong in any position of power. Figure it out. For God's SAKE!!!!! Um, gee, I don't know, I'll ask the BLOG! What a moron.

3/18/2012 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

apparently No Aldermen were shot..........therefore no outrage

3/18/2012 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If our reps, won't step up, why doesn't the FOP call a press conference and explain what's happening out here??!!!

3/18/2012 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A North side district put up a sign in large letters "Have you had your Prozac today?"

A white shirt say and told the desk officer to take it down.

The officer told the sergeant "You would be surprised at the number of people that thank us for reminding them."

3/19/2012 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get them ready for their mindless corporate factory welding jobs."

What an insult.

"Customer Service Assistant" just isn't in the same league.

3/18/2012 02:30:00 PM

Man, are you dead on!! That is a major reason for the decline of the USA.

Back in the mid 1970's the libtards running the educational factories decided that EVERYONE needed to go to college to reach their full potential. No blue-collar work was good enough.

So people go to college, rack up crushing debt to get a boring job that doesn't need college.

Makes one worry about who is going to service out plumbing and electrical systems 20 years from now.

The USA is a free country because in the 1930's and 40's we were the "arsenal of Democracy" and build planes, tanks, ships, guns and thousands of other items in unbelievable quantities. All build in factories. Mostly by women.

Now virtually the only factory jobs left in this country are the ones that are too low skilled and too low paying to bother to move to Mexico or China.

3/19/2012 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the Racoon's Nazi Gestapo order to stop all demonstrations during City Council meetings. All protestors would be told to shut up and sit down lest they be arrested. No nothing. Isn't this how Hitler ran his show? I guess even our cowardly spineless Aldercreatures figured this one wouldn't fly. Just shows how arrogant and drunk with power this little midget bastard is. Only thing is he gets away with his shit because WE LET HIM.

3/19/2012 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get them ready for their mindless corporate factory welding jobs."

What an insult.

"Customer Service Assistant" just isn't in the same league.

3/18/2012 02:30:00 PM

"Man, are you dead on!! That is a major reason for the decline of the USA.

"Back in the mid 1970's the libtards running the educational factories decided that EVERYONE needed to go to college to reach their full potential. No blue-collar work was good enough.

"So people go to college, rack up crushing debt to get a boring job that doesn't need college.

--3/19/2012 12:46:00 AM

Yeah -- like this Occupy a__hole who keeps posting this stuff here. He tries to make a sandwich, imitating the talk he reads here, but that liberal elitism always comes through. "Mindless corporate," etc.

Keep telling him he's out of his league, that we are hip to his jive, but he just keeps producing it. He's frantic.

3/19/2012 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fine the children and take their lunch money too because their shoe laces are untied that will teach them disciple [sic] and to not mess with authority."

Sounds just like Andy Thayer, huh?

What a shrill, annoying, hysterical asshole.

3/19/2012 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we just round up all these fucking self serving corrupt political assholes and just hand them over to the Anarchist to do what they want with them. No loss here. Make an example out of these POS.

3/19/2012 04:33:00 PM  

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