Friday, February 15, 2013

Once Again, We're Babysitters

  • Chicago Police can safeguard students “crossing gang boundaries” to get to new schools after their Chicago Public Schools are closed, but there’s a “lot of work to do to make it happen,” Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said Thursday.

    One day after Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett narrowed the hit list to 129 schools, most of them on the South and West Sides, McCarthy acknowledged the security concerns that have parents across the city on pins and needles.

    “What…is lurking in the back of that is crossing gang boundaries and putting various gangs together who may be in conflict in the same schools,” McCarthy said during a taping of the WLS-AM program, “Connected to Chicago,” to be broadcast at 7 a.m. Sunday.

    The superintendent said he’s working closely with CPS to take the larger hit list of 129 targeted schools and narrow it down to schools where Chicago Police can guarantee safe passage of displaced students.
Instead of taking a stand, the superintendent and schools are admitting that the gangs will dictate school closings. No making parent(s) responsible for their spawn. No having them raise their own children. No, the Chicago Police Department will safeguard all.

Better double the day shifts Garry, instead of the manpower cuts you made earlier this year. Or tell Rahm to hire the 2,000 we're short already.



    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dont worry RAHM always throws out a high number.

    In a few days he will make an announcement that he will only close 60% of the listed schools.

    The simple parents will think those paper signs and chants worked.

    2/15/2013 12:06:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So, instead of decimating the gangs, we are enabling them?
    Instead of enforcing the laws, we will encourage and support gangs?
    This is SO insane, there are no words. We have entered the Twilight Zone.

    2/15/2013 12:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just dupe this job to 1070 and watch his beady eyes twitch and his big head get all hot & sweaty. Then POOF!

    2/15/2013 12:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Like you were saying a year ago...

    2/15/2013 12:57:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cleopatra, please go home and mourn the senseless loss of your child. Your 15 minutes of fame are up.

    2/15/2013 01:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Liberals are pussies. We know that. To admit defeat to gangs like this is not that simple, however.

    Gangs pay politicians off. Check out Chicago Magazine's article on that one. This is why the babysitting thing is going to happen. It's a conscious effort to deplete a skeleton crew of a police department and increase drug sales.

    But don't worry. The cops will be by to get your guns after you register them. Because YOU are the problem.

    2/15/2013 01:22:00 AM  
    Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

    McOuttaIdeas reflexively kicked himself in the ass when he read about the number of schools closing.

    *BOOF! EEK! Murder rate going up!*

    Normally, he doesn't give two shits and a naked back flip about the safety of the inmates at CPS.

    All he saw was the upward fucking of his narrative of decreasing increases by overdubbing with the urban soundtrack of yelling, glass breaking, running feet, car doors slamming, screeching tires, random sundry "street furniture" being knocked over and somebody(s) getting kakked/kakking somebody(s).

    >Muhfuk! Kiisshh! Scurry! Ka-Slam! Screeeeeeee! Stumble-Thump-Thud! KAK-A-LAK-A-KAK-A-LAK-A-KAK!<

    *FSSSSSSST! More of THE USUAL cps honor-roll tee shirts being air brushed*

    McCarthy is on that "Chicago DOESN'T have the nation's strictest gun laws" BULLSHIT again.

    *Squeaky-Squooky-Squeak! - Another freshly twisted balloon animal of distraction for the public*

    Everybody is too busy watching the clowns twist balloons into funny shapes to notice...

    *Those who succeed in hijacking the narrative, get to control the content, pace and cadence of the dialog in accordance to THEIR whim*

    Tutu's and McBushmill's answer to this insanity is to continuously beat on, deny and deprive The Police instead of the armed wing of the Catered to Constituency.

    Well... Society has no fear of The Police "getting mad" and burning this city to ashes for slights real and imagined... Right?

    *Off-The-Air Tone. Laughing Indian Chief test pattern*

    "Babysitters," SCC?

    Please... Any Catered to Constituent will tell you quick, who is the slave and who is the master in this eye-wateringly awful production...

    2/15/2013 01:28:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When will the police realize that most of the gang bangers parents are right next to them, stealing and killing or at home giving directiions? They are responsible for their devil spawn, they taught it to them.

    A.citizen who seen it!

    2/15/2013 02:07:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When will the police realize that most of the gang bangers parents are right next to them, stealing and killing or at home giving directiions? They are responsible for their devil spawn, they taught it to them.

    A.citizen who seen it!

    2/15/2013 02:07:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That would be fine if we had the troops to man those posts; or even to man the cars and tasks we have now.

    In NYC, like many other cities they had a separate Public School Police Department, which was put under NYPD control in December 1998.

    The School Safety Division has 4,500 Special Patrolmen who are recruited, trained, and deployed separately from regular NYPD officers.

    The NYPD's current authorized uniformed strength is 34,450.[per Wikipedia] There are also approximately 4,500 Auxiliary Police Officers, 5,000 School Safety Agents, 2,300 Traffic Enforcement Agents, and 370 Traffic Enforcement Supervisors plus civilians currently employed by the NYPD.

    That is a lot of personnel, plus they have Port Authority Police Department of about 1,700.

    Now I have wanted to ask Rahm and McNumbnuts this simple math question. (A - B = C)

    A. How many sworn Police Officers were employed by the CPD when you took officer?

    B. How many sworn Police Officers are employed by the CPD today?

    C. Compute the difference

    If asked, either one of them would dance around and give you a load of smoke and mirrors. They will never give you a straight answer.

    Stay Safe, it's time of a real manpower audit.

    2/15/2013 02:20:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Place is turning into one big "prayer vigil" interspersed with the snap-crackle-pop of gunfire.

    Drop all the new gun laws, cancel the presidential visits, send the revs back home. Everything is cool.

    Family: Hadiya Pendleton slaying suspect 'good kid'

    There it is.,0,3977389.story

    2/15/2013 02:21:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why can't we just say that it is a cultural difference. Some cultures promote education. Others don't. My kids walk to school every day at CPS school and get a great education. We don't worry about shootings. When 400 parents walk there kids to school and pick them up there is the difference... Lets talk about parental involvment...

    2/15/2013 02:21:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I work 2nd watch in a fairly busy south side district.
    We're barely getting by at times manpower wise.
    No way , with our current staffing, that we'd be able to do this.
    Maybe if Rahm and McFailure would stop fudging the numbers on manpower and address the "hard truths".
    Like that will ever happen.

    2/15/2013 02:36:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I see a new special opportunity in the making. The sad thing for us is people will jump at the chance making it again possible for the city to do more with less. They never will need to hire as long as people keep working special and I understand it's good pay and people need it but it would be great if we could all agree to one 48 or even 24 hour period that no one works special but I'm a realist and no it'll never happen.

    2/15/2013 03:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off the subject but, did you see the memo out that now requires all CPD Officers to disarm upon entering CCJ property when bringing prisoners to the jail? If you have a M-4 in the trunk you have to take that out also and turn it over to the Jail Guards.

    2/14/2013 08:09:00 AM

    Don't be scared hairgel. There's a lot of good officers at the jail that'll help prevent you from shitting your pampers.

    2/15/2013 04:00:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How the hell are we supposed to safeguard passage to schools. Like we know or care to learn all the ways these idiots will fight over new schools. Its an impossible task with low manpower. I think most of us are just sick of all this savagery. Take reaponsibility for your own community for god sake.

    2/15/2013 04:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Instead of taking a stand, the superintendent and schools are admitting that the gangs will dictate school closings. No making parent(s) responsible for their spawn. No having them raise their own children. No, the Chicago Police Department will safeguard all."

    Sad to say, neither you nor McFairyGodmother are being realistic. Protecting (as opposed to responding) is aspirational in the best of times and with current manpower shortages is not happening.

    As for making parents being responsible for the kids they popped out...hahahaha. That's sarcasm and silliness, right? How's the city supposed to do that? The schools have to give them a Walgreens gift card just to get them in to pick up their child's report card.

    We're fucked.

    2/15/2013 04:43:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How stupid is stupid?
    Nothing in life is guaranteed.
    The old saying is so true: "you can't fix stupid".

    2/15/2013 04:52:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Are we allowed to do 2 crossings at once???

    2/15/2013 05:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I watch closely as my town (Kansas city) is heading the way Chicago is. There is no push here to squash the gang violence. I believe this is because it involves almost entirely of the African American race. The "dont crack down, just throw more money at it" approach that NEVER WORKS.

    2/15/2013 05:42:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off the subject but, did you see the memo out that now requires all CPD Officers to disarm upon entering CCJ property when bringing prisoners to the jail? If you have a M-4 in the trunk you have to take that out also and turn it over to the Jail Guards.

    2/14/2013 08:09:00 AM

    "Don't be scared hairgel. There's a lot of good officers at the jail that'll help prevent you from shitting your pampers."

    Whoa, simmer down there tough guy. That was an ignorant response. Even if the question was from a "hair gel", what's wrong with him/her asking? Go back in the basement.

    2/15/2013 05:55:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    VRI VRI VRI and more VRI

    2/15/2013 06:00:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Rhams agenda - Mission Accomplished - Thanks Sgts Board of Directors

    Increase Retirement Age- check

    Increase Employee Contributions - check

    Increase Retiree Healthcare Contribution - check

    Reduce COLA - check

    Extend date for City to meet its contribution requirement - check

    Fracture We Are One Coalition - check

    2/15/2013 06:37:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Squad,can I get an Event Number for a Nanny Mission?".

    2/15/2013 07:10:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The most depressing part of my day in the getto district I work in is school dismissal. I was rdo the other day and happened to be at Belmont/Austin (ST. PATRICK H.S.)at dismissal. I kid you not, I actually got goose bumps comparing these students with the filth I'm forced to babysit on a daily basis while at work.

    2/15/2013 07:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Turning in your weapons at the armory at the CCDOC is nothing new. It's been going on before you were born. Don't be afraid kid, I'm sure most of them know how to do their job and you'll be safe. WTF.

    2/15/2013 07:23:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Garry ol buddy ol pal, just a random thought here from a 25 year beat slug. What do you anticipate happening once we get all these rival "honor roll students" into the same building for the day? Just AXIN.

    2/15/2013 07:31:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Maybe this will be ANOTHER VRI program.

    2/15/2013 07:40:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When the final bell rings and the inmates are released for dismissal that's when shit will get real.

    2/15/2013 07:50:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    cps will by reflective vests and pay these low lifes to walk their kids to school , stand around and talk on cell phones .

    2/15/2013 07:51:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can just see it now--- car xxxx, can you please handle the vice lord crossing at xxxx--- car xxxx, can you please handle the gangster disciple crossing at xxxx--- squadrol xxxx, please pick up a load of mickey cobras over at shitbird elementary and transport them to xxxx--- holy mother of g-d, what is happeneing to this job....

    2/15/2013 08:07:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have to babysit? Fuck you pay me!
    Need protection? Fuck you pay me!
    Need a crossing guard? Fuck you pay me!
    I'm retiring ASAP? Fuck you pay me!

    2/15/2013 08:23:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Simply put Rahm and Garry don't care about black children.

    2/15/2013 08:25:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey I have an idea

    lets take a list of all the gangbangers, find their parents, give them the orange crossing guard bands and stick their dumb asses out there

    oh wait ... these are the same parents on the news bitching

    2/15/2013 08:34:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just dupe this job to 1070 and watch his beady eyes twitch and his big head get all hot & sweaty. Then POOF!

    Do you mean Mr LT. ego himself.. BC

    2/15/2013 08:34:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    as 2:20 a.m. stated: what did chicago have then and what do they have right now?
    well according to wikipedia
    and this is for 2012 : 12, 244.
    now i believe Tiny came in 2-22-2011
    ( for some odd reason there is no audit for 2011).
    now i understand the number is now around 8500 or so give or take.
    so unless McMandrake The Magian can pull officers out his ass and 8500 is correct i my self don't see how

    2/15/2013 08:35:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just another component of the " cradle to grave " subculture that can't to anything that calls for individual responsibility, and relies on Gov't. for everything.

    2/15/2013 08:41:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Citizen Gigi here: Are you officers human shields now? Unbelievable.

    2/15/2013 08:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Off the subject but, did you see the memo out that now requires all CPD Officers to disarm upon entering CCJ property when bringing prisoners to the jail? If you have a M-4 in the trunk you have to take that out also and turn it over to the Jail Guards.

    2/14/2013 08:09:00 AM

    Don't be scared hairgel. There's a lot of good officers at the jail that'll help prevent you from shitting your pampers.

    2/15/2013 04:00:00 AM

    Hey, you're that handjob who arrested the guy in 016 for having a legal carbine, right? I guess it would be a waste of time to explain to you why guns are important, but you just go on following your socialist masters and disarm yourself. You should keep your guns at work to show what a good little dog you are. Traitor. Wake the fuck up.

    2/15/2013 08:57:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I was assigned a school crossing and a "parent" wasn't happy about me sitting in the squad car instead of holding the kids hands as they crossed the street (a four way stop sign intersection). She went to desk and demanded a white shirt to complain. I was called in and explained that I could not read the paper, drink coffee and hold their hands.

    2/15/2013 09:14:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why not just have McStupid tell the gang bangers that there will be a "timeout" an hour before and after school in order to allow safe passage. Sort of like taking it to the alley.

    2/15/2013 09:18:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Chicago Police can safeguard students “crossing gang boundaries” to get to new schools after their Chicago Public Schools are closed, but there’s a “lot of work to do to make it happen,” Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said Thursday."

    1980s ad jingle --

    "We-e-e can make it happen. Wecanmakeithappen."

    Well, aren't we being "proactive" with all our uptalking corporate gibble-gabble.

    Used to be a copper would raise a stick and snarl, "Here's your fucking boundary."

    As they say today, though, "You can't have the police acting like cowboys."

    Better to have Generation Raised By Wolves XVII out there, acting like savages.

    Oh. News reports today -- the gang in the Harsh Park shooting "does not mark the neighborhood with grafitti. They use the Internet."

    So, on one side -- who's "deprived, disenfranchised?"

    On the other side - so what smartphone block-club beautification-committee up-and-comings ain't hip to this as well?

    So how many others ran like hell from that shooting scene -- and they all know and their parents all know what was going on there but there is like a great public vacuum. Better to have revs and presidents come and go, do the talking. Let's ascribe any "Code Of Silence" to the police, whole we listen to the Oakenwald Crickets.

    ...and NOBODY knows where their kid is or what they're doing anymore, but the family and its many "pastors" and "spokesmen" will come forth to declare that "they're a good kid" on both sides of the line, deceased or killer.

    What the...I mean, how can every mixed-up, rudderless, "blended family" have a "spokesman?" Are they a hot news item, something significant? It would seem that a TV camera makes them so. Instant "community activist" no one ever heard of before, Rotunda Williamson-Wa'Aali-Jones, holdin down that front step all by herself.

    It's too weird.

    2/15/2013 09:18:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Rahm will hire a few thousand inner city yoots who are turning their lives around to escort the chillens to and from screwel. We don`t need any more stinking coppers for this task.

    2/15/2013 09:20:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off topic, I was at the JISC the other day and seen a wagon man from the 010th District. I asked my partner who it was and he said that is P.O. J****O****, everybody knows him. Now that is what a wagon man should be, someone who carries himself with authority and has that been there done that mentality. Nobody under 10 years should be working a wagon.

    2/15/2013 09:22:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Of the topic: merit selection for Lt and Sgt due march 1st. How many will be promote from both rank?

    2/15/2013 09:25:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cpd as school bus drivers?!? What next?

    2/15/2013 09:27:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just think of al the money the teachers union have the democrats to cut 30,000 teachers jobs in the next few years.
    And yes, they knew about it and still drank the Kook-aid.

    Same thing with the SEIU

    2/15/2013 09:29:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    BCP points out the existence of "the armed wing of the Catered to Constituency."

    2/15/2013 01:28:00 AM

    Ugly, huh? Let's see Andy Shaw from the B&B, I mean BGA, go after gangbanger revs and aldermen.

    City Treasurer Susana Mendoza handing $1000 to a banger woo-boo-hooing he's being bad-mouthed -- instead of helping, say, an elderly crime victim...

    2/15/2013 09:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When will the police realize that most of the gang bangers parents are right next to them, stealing and killing or at home giving directiions? They are responsible for their devil spawn, they taught it to them.

    A.citizen who seen it!

    Oh, teach us wise one. I'm sure you have seen more than all of us put together.

    2/15/2013 09:38:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The POE-LEECE failed to protect my baby man child from getting kilt while just hanging out by school.
    Result: one million dollas for every incident (30% to atty)
    I want my money and I want it now,
    Thanks J.G. McGoober!

    Btw, is there a pool going for which District will have the first murder in the wake of the potus sowside visit?

    2/15/2013 09:44:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off topic

    But does anyone use creatine as a workout supplement and if so, is it accepted by the Department's random drug screening??

    2/15/2013 09:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Cleopatra, please go home and mourn the senseless loss of your child. Your 15 minutes of fame are up."

    2/15/2013 01:17:00 AM

    It's not like the shooting stops for even a minute while the latest "national dialogue" goes on, either.

    Bangers have the place marked out "on the Internet," and everyone acting all surprised when something blows.

    Dirty little -- not even a secret, right there but everybody just looks down most of the time. I don't care how much money they make or what pretensions they put forward. How much signifyin goes on in your home while we see this smooth, affluent multiscreen Comcast pajama-party construct on TV?

    2/15/2013 09:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Partial Nightly Carnage Report,0,620855.story

    Everyone can see the listing, darkened city being towed agonizingly along with sewage and rotten food slopping out the portholes, desperate passengers waving "HELP!" bedsheets...

    2/15/2013 10:24:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    One day after Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett narrowed the hit list to 129 schools,


    Better hire more cops!

    2/15/2013 10:39:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I live on the North Side can I get more police too?

    2/15/2013 10:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hire police.

    Put together a gang unit with experienced willing pos. Unit not detail.

    Go after all gangs in the city. North, West and South.
    (yeah, like we had a long time worked)

    Gang crimes unit, gang intel, gang enforcement are all the same put them in same unit.

    Watch shootings drop.

    2/15/2013 10:53:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I want to see accountability from

    Cease Fire's million dollar boondoggle.

    Where is it. What have they done?

    It's my $$$$$

    Also, Why doesn't any media outlet want to know WHY NO GUN WAS RECOVERED IN THE HI-IDEA caper?

    NO GUN !!!! no remorse, no parole ,no early out, no short time, no deals.

    2/15/2013 10:57:00 AM  
    Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...


    2/15/2013 12:11:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How about students stop acting like ruthless savages! Where are the parents? Why does only certain schools get more protection? Arent my children just as important?

    2/15/2013 12:35:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    vee must create the crisis so that we can used the crisis!

    "We all know that our problems are less economic in nature and more political in nature," says Mohamed El-Erian, CEO and co-CIO of PIMCO. "The biggest setback is that [Congress] fabricates problems."

    I wouldn't limit that statement to the US Congress. How about the Illinois politicians?!

    Quinn creates a prison crisis. Closes prisons, the officers and staff of the prisons get attacked and injured and it's so what!

    Then Quinn accelerates the prisoner early release program which in turn makes a mockery of the system and increases crime on the streets.

    Meanwhile Rahm and McCarthy put on AN ACT of getting tuff on crime. LOOK at all the people we busted and tool off the streets. What a farce you're running. Sure, you made some arrests and there's no room in the prisons and Preckwinkle is screaming about her budget because we're locking up the poor minorities and illegal immigrants.

    WHo the f--k do you think you're kidding!?

    The city gives back cash, in essence the cities paycheck, to pay the public's bills and obligations in the form of corporate tax breaks and creates another crisis.

    The city tries to hide new revenue from things like the school speed trap camera's, dragging their feet on the install to create another crisis that is being used to justify pensions cuts, healthcare cuts, wage cuts and layoffs.

    The city closes down mental health centers to create a crisis. Now the mentally ill have to be shuffled to the overcrowded prisons.

    If the city get's a little unexpected money they hurry up and blow it on no-bid contracts with their clouted friends.

    Where's the pension money?

    Well, try going and sitting in Maggie Daley park when you retire -- where they just blew $55 million dollars.

    You can take the six-figure dollar value per mile bike path to get there -- if Peoples Gas didn't tear it back up as fast as we put it down to check their pipes -- you can eat dirt and have no medical care to speak of because of it.

    Look at the park. Ain't it pretty?

    How much money is it bringing in? Mayor Transparency never told us did he? You know these things: "We don't negotiate them in public"

    These are self created crisis to be used for personal gain not for the overall public's gain.

    Let's close some more schools and hand out some more corporate welfare tax breaks and tax incentives and bullshit the people on how the corporations just can't find qualified people.

    It's like the Titanic. It's all going down soon.

    2/15/2013 12:50:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How does incompetence and lieing to your boss equate? It is doomed for disaster.The public elected officials have bosses, the public,for we will not seek to reelect this group of incompetencies,lying to us,cheating us of our safety,and cheating our future with abandoned schools! It's a total shame where this city stands at this time!

    2/15/2013 12:59:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    off topic- scc are we getting a retro check or did mikey really screw up ,anyone know?

    2/15/2013 01:00:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    and the drunk post of the week award goes to....................
    Please... Any Catered to Constituent will tell you quick, who is the slave and who is the master in this eye-wateringly awful production...

    2/15/2013 01:28:00 AM

    2/15/2013 01:01:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That would be fine if we had the troops to man those posts; or even to man the cars and tasks we have now.

    In NYC, like many other cities they had a separate Public School Police Department, which was put under NYPD control in December 1998.

    The School Safety Division has 4,500 Special Patrolmen who are recruited, trained, and deployed separately from regular NYPD officers.

    The NYPD's current authorized uniformed strength is 34,450.[per Wikipedia] There are also approximately 4,500 Auxiliary Police Officers, 5,000 School Safety Agents, 2,300 Traffic Enforcement Agents, and 370 Traffic Enforcement Supervisors plus civilians currently employed by the NYPD.

    That is a lot of personnel, plus they have Port Authority Police Department of about 1,700.

    Now I have wanted to ask Rahm and McNumbnuts this simple math question. (A - B = C)

    A. How many sworn Police Officers were employed by the CPD when you took officer?

    B. How many sworn Police Officers are employed by the CPD today?

    C. Compute the difference

    If asked, either one of them would dance around and give you a load of smoke and mirrors. They will never give you a straight answer.

    Stay Safe, it's time of a real manpower audit.

    Wikipedia is not a source of reliable authortative information.

    2/15/2013 01:29:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Typical...this is how we teachers feel. 33+ in a class is not teaching and learning. Straight up busy work, damage control, and babysitting. Godspeed rank'n'file coppers.

    -cps teacher

    2/15/2013 02:25:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    CTA Special 4th watch handles the schools. I can see an expanded special employment either coming from Mass Trans or a seperate entity. Show me the money.

    2/15/2013 03:04:00 PM  
    Anonymous More crossing guards needed said...

    Guarantee their safety? Seriously? If he can guarantee the safety of anyone, he can guarantee the safety of everyone. There should never be another person shot, stabbed, robbed, beaten, sexually assaulted or verbally threatened ever again. WOW! He is our savior! We shall canonize him and call him Messiah. What a fool. His mouth is back at the bottom of the scotch glass without his brain even in the same room.

    2/15/2013 03:42:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    WOW bob beckel from the five on fox news just called Chicago cops COWARDS and that were afraid to get out of our cars and get involved in gang warfare. Fuck you, you democratic fat slob.

    2/15/2013 04:17:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Babysitters, I would love to. Here is why: 5dollars a kid a day x 100 kids (let's say) is 500 dollars a day. X 5 days a week is 2500 a week. 8 x 4 weeks is 10,000 dollars a month. X 9 months! 90k a year at babysitter wage. I just charged daily, now if Barry raises the min wage to 9 bucks an hour... You do that math. Ill take it!

    2/15/2013 04:18:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Mayor: we need more gun control! more laws, I say! get the guns!
    staff: well, you know there are about 300 million firearms in the US?
    mayor: well, make a law! anyone who has a gun lost or stolen, they have to report that!
    staff: why?
    mayor: so.....we know where the guns used in a crime came from!
    staff:, when we find a gun used in a crime, we might know if had been stolen or lost, but...what does that have to do with the poor bastard that got shot with the gun? and....if some gang banger (there's a 100,000 or so in Chicago) loses his gun, do you think he'll call the cops to report his gun (which he wasn't supposed to have) lost or stolen?
    mayor: never mind! I want to run for President! Get Garry on the phone!
    GMac: okay, I think we can keep the kids safe, when they switch schools after some schools close..
    Mayor: okay, sounds good
    GMac's staff: is he fucking kidding? why not tell him that there is no way to keep these punks from shooting each other?
    GMac: oh, no, I want to get back to New York....
    Anita (State's Attorney): we are going to get tough on crime....
    Preckwinkle (Cook County Board): there's too many minorities getting arrested!
    Quinn (governor): no money for prisons!.....
    and so it goes

    2/15/2013 04:39:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Guarantee a safe passage"???

    Why are we pandering to this criminal element, also known as street gangs?

    just axin

    2/15/2013 04:43:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    dont worry they will bus them to north westside schools.

    2/15/2013 04:46:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Please post this. I e-mailed this to Fox News. I am so pissed I can't see straight.
    I am a huge fan of The Five. I record it every day. I am also a Chicago Police Officer. I just heard that goof Bob Beckel call Chicago Police Officers cowards. Perhaps he should research how many police officer involved shootings there are in Chicago. I am immediately removing your show from my DVR. I am going to the Second City Cop police blog and Thee Rant (our brothers and sisters from New York) and asking all Officers and their families to boycott your show until that idiot is removed. If he is going to be a guest on O'Reilly, Hannity or Megan Kelly (all favorites) I am going to post it on our blogs and ask for a boycott that day.
    Officer Rose Miller
    Chicago Police Department

    2/15/2013 04:47:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    there no money for police but billions of dollars over the years to organization like ufo and other ethic and minority groups which are not minority in chicago..

    2/15/2013 04:51:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    reward criminal behavior. we have to pay to advance these shitheads at all cost.

    2/15/2013 04:59:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off topic, I was at the JISC the other day and seen a wagon man from the 010th District. I asked my partner who it was and he said that is P.O. J****O****, everybody knows him. Now that is what a wagon man should be, someone who carries himself with authority and has that been there done that mentality. Nobody under 10 years should be working a wagon.

    2/15/2013 09:22:00 AM

    Signed, I'm just out of the Academy and they put me on the wagon.

    2/15/2013 04:59:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is something that is a long time coming. Yes, gangs do dictate school boundaries and if you ignore this you put innocent children at risk. I think McCarthy is right on with this. However, the manpower is not around to make this plan work. I think a lot of people are coming to realize that the CPD is undermanned for this town. Some of the changes made by McCarthy were a long time coming, but he is being handcuffed by the mayor when he says we have enough cops. They should hire at least 1000 more right away.

    2/15/2013 05:05:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    gangs run your reverends and they run the politicians they are all the same if any of them did a honest day of work without begging or scamming for money that would surprize me.

    2/15/2013 05:05:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The police cannot be expected prevent criminal violence any more than firefighters can be expected prevent fires.

    It's ridiculous to think otherwise.


    2/15/2013 05:25:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Like you were saying a year ago..."

    Wait. He LIED? A month or so ago he indicated that he wasn't interested in the presidency.

    Hmmm..."his public" must be demanding he run. He's simply got no choice!

    Does this mean Hillary will also be proven a liar when she makes her presidential move? Remember Benghazi!

    Lying politicians. How unusual.


    2/15/2013 05:29:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    MARCH MADNESS - There's gonna be a whole new meaning to the term in the World-Class Sanctuary City I think.

    We ain't got no money honey!

    CTA bus fares soaring, Metra fares soaring, now gas prices are soaring. Parking rates soaring, fined, feed and licensed to DEATH.

    Comm Ed got a rate increase in 2011 and they're whining it wasn't enough - they can't run their business. Peoples Gas has their lobbyist banging on Springfield's door wanting a 5% increase EACH AND EVERY Year for the next ten years....and Rahm wants to give the unions a lousy COLA EVERY OTHER YEAR?

    Hello trickle-up poverty.

    State prisons overcrowded with inmates sleeping in gymnasiums and guards and clergy getting jumped and beaten by gang members and the Gov. ready to crank-up the inmate early release program while Rahm and Gary are trying to sell us that we're gonna get tough on crime, demand longer prisons sentences.

    NEWS FLASH: We have no money to pay for longer prisons sentences.

    Remember it cost about $53K a year to keep an inmate locked up.


    Remember the: " with a wage of under $250K is going to see a tax increase..." LIARS! The impact of the 2% increase in the payroll tax is being felt across business.


    Wal-Mart Executives Sweat Slow February Start in E-Mails

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. had the worst sales start to a month in seven years as payroll-tax increases hit shoppers already battling a slow economy, according to internal e-mails obtained by Bloomberg News.

    “In case you haven’t seen a sales report these days, February MTD sales are a total disaster,” Jerry Murray, Wal- Mart’s vice president of finance and logistics, said in a Feb. 12 e-mail to other executives, referring to month-to-date sales. “The worst start to a month I have seen in my ~7 years with the company.”


    “Have you ever had one of those weeks where your best- prepared plans weren’t good enough to accomplish everything you set out to do?” Geiger asked in a Feb. 1 e-mail to executives. “Well, we just had one of those weeks here at Walmart U.S. Where are all the customers? And where’s their money?”

    Gonna get ugly if you can't even afford to go to WalMart.

    2/15/2013 05:30:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Family: Hadiya Pendleton slaying suspect 'good kid'

    Aw, c'mon. Everybody makes a mistake. He didn't mean to kill Hadiya. He was just doin' some shootin' and the next ting y'know, she's all dead an' shit.

    2/15/2013 05:32:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off topic

    But does anyone use creatine as a workout supplement and if so, is it accepted by the Department's random drug screening??

    Unless you are chasing it with some roids, HGH, or other similar drug, you're all good Arnold.

    2/15/2013 05:33:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    rahm wants the firemen at the schools in the mourning and afternoon to stand outside thinking this may calm down the savages,brought up in contract talks.

    2/15/2013 05:42:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    80 coppers retired today! How many more by summer ? Great job Garry keeping street coppers happy!

    2/15/2013 05:55:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    FOP website has open letter to sergeant and new actuary report showing exactly how bad the sergeants f___ked us. Please post it. We have to stop this trainwreck.

    2/15/2013 06:00:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is one Fu#$%^&ed up operation. RHAM needs to GO !

    2/15/2013 06:10:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's all about the children. Just wait and see how this works out for the children Rahm!

    2/15/2013 06:23:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ok, I might be stupid. But if you wear neutral clothing and don't flash gang signs, how would anyone know what gang you're affiliated with? Or if you're even affiliated with a gang? And why are you in a gang anyway?

    I hope this makes national news too...that we have to have more police taking care of gang-bangers. Our murder rate is out of control because this city allows savages to flourish and the entitled do-nothings to suck up city resources.

    As long as it's "for the children." Gun-toting, ruthless, vicious, murdering ghetto-rat children.

    2/15/2013 06:27:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    But this has BS written all over it:

    Police searched for a man in a wooded area of Schaumburg this morning after a woman said she was carjacked in downtown Chicago and driven out to the northwest suburb, where the man left the SUV and fled. The woman told police the man approached her near LaSalle and Oak streets, hit her in the face and tried to grab her purse, officials said. The woman then jumped into her SUV and the man got inside too, getting behind the wheel and driving to Schaumburg, police said. Read more

    2/15/2013 06:29:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Speaking of baby sitting, I'm sitting here at Chicago State University baby sitting a high school basketball game. I have the easiest solution... No one is allowed to watch the game, only players and the coaches are allowed into the gymnasium. If the violence still persists, then it's time to suspend sports programs. Isn't the purpose of school to learn after all?
    Just my two cents while being bored...

    2/15/2013 06:33:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Was on scene of Hadiya incident. Sorry it happened but lay all cards on the table. The young lady was smoking weed under the playground canope-it was raining-with several other teens whom some were banger thugs. another banger jumped the fence, ran towards the group and fired 7 shots at rivals. all ran away. Ole boy-shooter-hopped fence and ran to vehicle waiting around corner. Hadiya died after gettin high with the thugs. She aint the prim n proper media would lead you to believe.

    2/15/2013 06:34:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When will the police realize that most of the gang bangers parents are right next to them, stealing and killing or at home giving directiions? They are responsible for their devil spawn, they taught it to them.

    A.citizen who seen it!

    Oh, teach us wise one. I'm sure you have seen more than all of us put together.


    Please ignore this asshole copper. Don't judges us all by this jag off who thinks he is in the only profession that sees this crap in the ghetto day in and day out. Sorry for this jag off copper. This is why we are our own wrost enemy here is an obvious citizen who supports us and we have to insult him

    2/15/2013 06:43:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Deal with the gangs. All of the gangs.

    2/15/2013 07:00:00 PM  
    Anonymous Teechur said...

    Everyone can see the listing, darkened city being towed agonizingly along with sewage and rotten food slopping out the portholes, desperate passengers waving "HELP!" bedsheets...

    2/15/2013 10:24:00 AM

    This would make a great cartoon. Whoever you are, congratulations on one of the best comments ever!

    2/15/2013 07:14:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...




    "Navy invests in CPS science, tech program "

    Mayor Rahm Emanuel is calling in the Navy — literally — to give Chicago Public School students the expertise they need to qualify for technology jobs.

    The U.S. Department of the Navy on Friday disclosed plans to make a five-year, $2 million investment in students at Chicago’s Rickover Naval Academy and at five schools specializing in science, technology, engineering and math — known as STEM.

    Thanks to the Navy, up to 1,000 students attending those six schools will benefit from intensive summer enrichment programs, year-round mentoring and free computer science classes at Chicago City Colleges to earn advanced college-level credit.

    The Chicago program is still in the design stages, but it was described as a “full-day, STEM summer camp” that will build on what students learn during the school year.

    Summer program leaders will provide year-round mentoring to students. The Navy will also pay for students to attend computer science and other STEM-related courses at City Colleges so they can pile up college credits.

    Since when is Rahm now in charge of the Navy "to call them in"?

    Obama is in town tho.

    So yaayyy. Wait. Where did the NAVY get their money for this anyways? The Navy didn't build that -- the taxpayers did. So the money comes out of a different pocket that's all.

    Also I wonder if Rahm's kids of any of the 15 y/o girl that was murdered (and made a martyr of) -- her family or friends or neighbors will qualify for this camp that will enable them to "pile up college credits"?

    Picking and Choosing The Winners.

    Taxpayers fund the Navy so this is not like it's a freebee from corporations.

    The government either borrows more money and hits us with the tax increase bill later so that the avg. Joe will not be able to connect the dots or the Navy has to free-up money from somewherez..

    Oh here...what about this:

    "Nearly 90 are losing their jobs in O'Fallon"

    Nearly 90 well-paid professionals will soon be out of work after their company lost a contract with a federal agency at Scott Air Force Base.


    Layoffs may begin as soon as this Friday, according to a report required by state law to be sent to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

    Those working in the industry within St. Clair County averaged more than $105,000 in annual income in 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

    Read more here:

    At $105K per employee and 90 employees why that's $9 million dollars freed up for a $2 million STEM program. Ya think?

    What's more the layoffs in downstate Illinois are jobs in the STEM field so are we holding a training camp for jobs that do not or will not exist?

    What was it Sarah Palin use to say?


    Nevertheless, don't look over here at the 90 well paying defense department Illinois jobs and associated tax revenues lost with the lost of $9 million in economic activity.

    NOpE. look over here at the $2 million dollar school STEM program and HAIL TO THE KING IS HE NOT GENEROUS?

    2/15/2013 07:17:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    SO I work in 009 and this morning they took a call of a parent calling on a 6 year old refusing to go to school. Within a few seconds the dispatcher caught and qaushed it. What a fucking joke. Why did the dipshit call taker even take the call to begin with? I am so tired of this city, this job and the people running it. Are you kidding me? "I be havn' problems wit my child. You needs to do someting!" I can just hear Thelma Lou "Uh huh girl. Let me send da cops over fur ya." Get the fuck out of here already.

    2/15/2013 07:18:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off topic

    But does anyone use creatine as a workout supplement and if so, is it accepted by the Department's random drug screening??

    a) it's not any kind of 'banned' substance

    b) they can't test for it

    2/15/2013 07:29:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Well there's always those high tech STEM jobs that Rahm "called in the Navy" for to train the kids -- like in energy -- like in solar and wind right?

    Wrong again Bob...

    "Iowa layoffs affect jobless rates in Illinois, Missouri counties"

    One large job loss in the Tri-State region was felt across state lines in December.

    Jobless rates in Hancock County, Ill., and Clark County, Mo., rose 1.4 percent and 1.8 percent, respectively, due to job losses in neighboring Lee County, Iowa.

    Siemens Corp. laid off 407 workers at a wind turbine blade factory in Fort Madison, Iowa, in mid-November. The company retained about 220 workers, with officials announcing the planned layoffs in September. The cuts were due in part to a failure by Congress to renew wind energy tax credits and an increase in gas-powered electric generation facilities as natural gas prices have plummeted.

    "Quite a few people worked up at the Siemens plant. That's the biggest change I can think of in the last couple of months," said Jim Sherwood, Clark County's emergency coordinator

    Well that was pretty close to a 66% layoff of your workforce because they can't make money without a tax break.

    Corporations can't make a profit to pay the exec's million dollar bonuses unless they get a tax break.

    Terrorist. Holding jobs hostage for tax breaks and it works!

    Did you notice too the mention of: " natural gas prices have plummeted..."

    When you see the politicians running around repeating the phrase " NOW IS THE TIME " over and over again it's not just about gun controls.

    No, now is the time for Peoples Gas to demand a 10 year 5% per year rate increase too.

    Apparently they are not making enough profit from the plummeting prices of their raw natural gas product that they sell. Nor are they willing to pass on the full effect of those plummeting prices.

    See it's like this.

    People are use to paying a certain price and NOW IS THE TIME to increase their rates and our costs.

    It's like the State of Illinois raising the State income tax rate by 2% at the same time the Fed gave us a 2% decrease in the payroll tax.

    People are used to paying that higher cost so it was easy to slip it in with minimal screaming.

    I call it: "Just The Tip"

    At some point down the road when the raw material prices start to rise again these people can play the victim and raise the price again as they point to their cost increases that have already been paid for.

    Get it?

    One giant pyramid scam.

    2/15/2013 07:33:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    To 2/15/2013 04:00:00 AM

    God help anyone who has to spend any time with you

    2/15/2013 07:36:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    I live on the North Side can I get more police too?

    2/15/2013 10:46:00 AM

    Only if you live on the right block on Hermitage

    2/15/2013 07:37:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Aren't my children just as important?"

    2/15/2013 12:35:00 PM

    Are you asking for the bitter and harsh unspoken truth?

    You most likely raised your children to be respectful, responsible and to honor the unwritten social contract with greater society.

    The reality is that you, your children and other parents and children like you and yours are outnumbered by design in socialist sanctuary utopia of Chicago.

    You and your children are important only for the taxes, fines and fees that can be levied and collected from you by virtue of your uprightness, lawfulness and socially agreeable behavior.

    The Catered to Constituency, whose spawn constitute the majority of which we of CPD are expected to herd in order to prevent them from cannibalizing each other alive; are NOT held to any standard of socially accepted conduct by virtue of their overwhelming numerical superiority and native tendency to vote democratic even unto genocide.

    Nor are they so relentlessly chased, pursued and hounded for punitive taxes, fees, fines, cut-backs and give-backs as yourself and others like you.

    You and others like you are doomed to bow your heads in servitude to them, even though they contribute nothing but pain, death, chaos and destruction.

    The Chicago that Daley Inc. and Rahm & Co. have wrought. Yet the powers that be try like the very Devil to script the narrative to read as if the captive, indentured servant Policemen somehow had the collective clout, money, power and political/media influence to orchestrate the sad, sore and sorry state of affairs currently existing in Chicago.

    You and your children are the victims of what some refer to as "Fuckery."

    Educate yourself and teach your children these hard, bitter lessons.

    Tell them the truth about who their enemies really are.

    Anything less is a failure to honestly and truly love them.

    The array of highly compensated talking heads trying to distract decent people from what the REAL concerns are is astounding.

    Refuse to be fooled...

    Welcome to the painful joy of true discernment and free thinking.

    You AND your children are embarked on a journey of learning what bloody tears of outrage really are...

    2/15/2013 08:52:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OT- I just lost my job at a major insurance company for selling life insurance in the South and West sides of the city.
    I sold too much insurance to the parents of gang bangers. Mama wanted a million on their 16 year olds. My company was dropping 100 K checks like water to the mama' who some did not get their 3rd. preinum in.
    The CPD pension fund should invest in the insuring the bangers. For $33 a month for a million. The chances of collecting fast are a good bet.

    2/15/2013 09:07:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    80 coppers retired today! How many more by summer ? Great job Garry keeping street coppers happy!

    2/15/2013 05:55:00 PM

    80 coppers today retired What r u smoking you fuckin idiot

    2/15/2013 09:58:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This fucking asshole, who said hes not interested in running for president, lied again.

    2/15/2013 11:16:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I live on the North Side can I get more police too?

    The only answer for you and your neighbors is to CONTINUALLY contact your alderman and to beef constantly to the mayors office and to McCarthy.


    While no guarantee, they need to know how pissed off you are, as one of the people who actually pays for this stuff, why you are left to fend for yourself.

    2/15/2013 11:20:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Is sold OTC, so it's all good.

    I recommend you do some research on it, because it may not be all it's cracked up to be and may cause other problems.

    2/15/2013 11:23:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    WOW bob beckel from the five on fox news just called Chicago cops COWARDS and that were afraid to get out of our cars and get involved in gang warfare. Fuck you, you democratic fat slob.

    2/15/2013 04:17:00 PM

    Beckel is not a very smart man, so I'm not offended. I guess this fool thinks gangs only shoot at each other when the police are standing right there. The few times it does happen the police either shoot the bad guy or catch them. Funny thing is, Bob Beckel would be the first liberal clown crying civil rights violations for unlawfull stops. Very silly man.

    2/15/2013 11:25:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    BCP must've hit a nerve for calling it like it is...

    @ 2/15/2013 01:01:00 PM

    2/15/2013 11:33:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey, SCC! Your insignificant blog found its way into the comments section of Michelle Malkin's twitter following site:

    Jim Denney Tangchung • a day ago −
    Cops in Chicago refer to him as "Tiny Dancer" because the little punk took ballet lessons. Anytime you need a laugh read the comments on "Second City Cop" or one of the other CPD blogs.
    25 •Reply•Share ›

    2/15/2013 11:41:00 PM  
    Anonymous J. Jonah Jameson said...

    Anonymous said...

    "Was on scene of Hadiya incident. Sorry it happened but lay all cards on the table. The young lady was smoking weed under the playground canope-it was raining-with several other teens whom some were banger thugs. another banger jumped the fence, ran towards the group and fired 7 shots at rivals. all ran away. Ole boy-shooter-hopped fence and ran to vehicle waiting around corner. Hadiya died after gettin high with the thugs. She aint the prim n proper media would lead you to believe."


    Might be true, but you know, we can't print that stuff in our "highly respected" newspaper! It goes against "dear leader's" anti-gun agenda, and we wouldn't want that now, would we???

    2/15/2013 11:55:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cpd guarding funerals of gang bangers is such a waste of tax payer dollars!!!

    2/15/2013 11:58:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off topic

    But does anyone use creatine as a workout supplement and if so, is it accepted by the Department's random drug screening??

    Creatine is fine to use. The only thing you should not take that you can buy at the stores are prohormones. Although they are legal, they are modified versions of illegal steroids. Basically they change a molecule in the chemical structure of the steroid and it is technically legal. You will piss hot if you take them. Last time I pissed, which was last year, they were not including the steroid panel. My guess is that it is too expensive.

    2/16/2013 12:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I knew P.O. J.O the wagon man in 010th District back in the 90's. They had some heavy hitters then. Remember Frank Rogers, Timmy Rodriguez, Horace Miller and Aaron Pena. Some old wheel gunners from the day.

    2/16/2013 12:43:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeah, I know J.O on 1071. They do not make them like that any more. He knows how to handle prisoners. But I think his partner is a little soft. I thought he retired.

    2/16/2013 12:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    I was assigned a school crossing and a "parent" wasn't happy about me sitting in the squad car instead of holding the kids hands as they crossed the street (a four way stop sign intersection). She went to desk and demanded a white shirt to complain. I was called in and explained that I could not read the paper, drink coffee and hold their hands.

    2/15/2013 09:14:00 AM

    Is it possible for a uniform police officer to be so lazy? Sitting in a squad car at a school crossing? If a child was hit, what could you say except your coffee got cold? If I was the Sgt, you would not be so smug. Absolutely pathetic.

    2/16/2013 08:58:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Is sold OTC, so it's all good.

    I recommend you do some research on it, because it may not be all it's cracked up to be and may cause other problems.

    2/15/2013 11:23:00 PM

    Obviously, you dont know anything about this subject, hence "is sold OTC, so it's all good." So why do insist on giving out advice?

    Creatine is cheap and it works for most people who use it properly. It may cause GI discomfort, if you cant take it then quit. It's not steroids so its not going to make you huge and you might not notice the results if you haven't lifted on consistent basis.

    2/16/2013 09:31:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off topic

    But does anyone use creatine as a workout supplement and if so, is it accepted by the Department's random drug screening??

    It's legal. It is not a banned substance. It's effects are temporary, however. There are no shortcuts, my friend.

    2/16/2013 09:56:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So paying the ghetto element to be parents part of the time didn't work out? So does that mean Safe passage is out? Or are they still getting paid to stand on the corner and do jack shit.

    2/16/2013 09:57:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Please post this. I e-mailed this to Fox News. I am so pissed I can't see straight.
    I am a huge fan of The Five. I record it every day. I am also a Chicago Police Officer. I just heard that goof Bob Beckel call Chicago Police Officers cowards. Perhaps he should research how many police officer involved shootings there are in Chicago. I am immediately removing your show from my DVR. I am going to the Second City Cop police blog and Thee Rant (our brothers and sisters from New York) and asking all Officers and their families to boycott your show until that idiot is removed. If he is going to be a guest on O'Reilly, Hannity or Megan Kelly (all favorites) I am going to post it on our blogs and ask for a boycott that day.
    Officer Rose Miller
    Chicago Police Department

    2/15/2013 04:47:00 PM

    Easy Nancy. Andrea (sp?) put him in his place. That's how the show works. Boycott? Take a breath.

    2/16/2013 09:59:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    I live on the North Side can I get more police too?

    The only answer for you and your neighbors is to CONTINUALLY contact your alderman and to beef constantly to the mayors office and to McCarthy.


    While no guarantee, they need to know how pissed off you are, as one of the people who actually pays for this stuff, why you are left to fend for yourself.

    2/15/2013 11:20:00 PM

    OK, remember this: Learn how to say to the 911 call taker, "He got a gun, the mo' fo' got a mo' fo' gun." Then scream and go into conniptions and scream some more and give your name as Toshonda Williams or Rufus Williams as the case may be.

    Then do not answer the phone on the call back and speak in the King's own English if the poleese knock on your door, not the ghetto dweller dialect you used to call 911.

    Oh, and answer the door naked and sweaty and declare you and your lover wuz' making love.

    2/16/2013 10:06:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Guarding funerals, babysitting, what's next initiations and drug transport protection?

    On Hadiya, story smelled from the start, hang with dogs you're bound to get fleas.

    I'm surprised they left us teachers alone for the babysitting and safe passage. OOOPs, I forgot your in contract negotiations.

    Rahm lying! (Rahm for Pres) I didn't see that one coming

    The Teacher

    2/16/2013 12:50:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I was assigned a school crossing and a "parent" wasn't happy about me sitting in the squad car instead of holding the kids hands as they crossed the street (a four way stop sign intersection). She went to desk and demanded a white shirt to complain. I was called in and explained that I could not read the paper, drink coffee and hold their hands.

    A one hour school crossing and your lazy ass can't even get out of the squad car and pretend to do a job. What a lazy douche bag , and G-d Forbid a kid gets hit by a car...and now it's on the news 24/7 for the month! Make all of CPD look as stupid as you. You're Sgt should put you in your place.

    2/16/2013 08:01:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    I was assigned a school crossing and a "parent" wasn't happy about me sitting in the squad car instead of holding the kids hands as they crossed the street (a four way stop sign intersection). She went to desk and demanded a white shirt to complain. I was called in and explained that I could not read the paper, drink coffee and hold their hands.

    2/15/2013 09:14:00
    And, i would be willing to bet that you are a regular whinner on this blog and you hate McCarthy and Jfled and just about everything else about the department and everything they try to do and you neve fail to critisize the working cops as " jell heads".? Am I right??

    2/17/2013 11:10:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And, i would be willing to bet that you are a regular whinner on this blog and you hate McCarthy and Jfled and just about everything else about the department and everything they try to do and you neve fail to critisize the working cops as " jell heads".? Am I right??

    Uh, no. You're wrong.

    It's "hair gels"

    Now GFY and get off our blog. Thank you & have a good day.

    2/17/2013 08:01:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh, and answer the door naked and sweaty and declare you and your lover wuz' making love.

    This worked to rid my neighborhood of door-to-door Jehovah's Witnesses, too!

    2/17/2013 08:03:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    WOW bob beckel from the five on fox news just called Chicago cops COWARDS and that were afraid to get out of our cars and get involved in gang warfare. Fuck you, you democratic fat slob.

    Maybe they should ask him if we dont get out of our cars, how does the CPD recover more guns than NYPD who has what 3 times as many officers

    2/18/2013 04:43:00 PM  

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