Monday, July 08, 2013

Why We Gotta....?

  • A 48-year-old man was killed and seven others were wounded in a drive-by shooting Saturday on Chicago’s West Side that police said was gang-related.

    A 72-year-old woman was among the wounded, according to the police, who said she was shot in an ankle and not among the most seriously injured.

    The man, shot in the chest and groin, was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 6:26 p.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

    “It’s crazy,” said Rashauda Tolbert, a niece of the dead man. “Kids can’t play outside. People can’t sit on their porches.

    “The shooting has been going on for days,” said Tolbert, who said she was on her way to her security job when she heard about what happened and rushed back to her family. “Why we gotta be prisoners in our homes?

As we noted in the post just above this one, involved people make a community work. Decent people do their damnedest to make sure that gangs and shitheads don't terrorize and take over a community. How many people over around Francisco and Flournoy are actually getting involved? We're going to take a guess and say, "not many."

"Why we gotta..."

"Gotta?" This is America. You don't have to "gotta" unless you truly want to be free and enjoy all that this country has to offer:
  • Why do you "gotta" treat the streets as your own personal garbage dump?
  • Why do you "gotta" use the alleys as open air port-a-potties?
  • Why do you "gotta" have so many children out of wedlock? Can't afford the wedding? How about a stable two-parent household? Or even an involved two parents living apart?
  • Why do you "gotta" adhere to the "no snitching" culture that aids and abets not only the dope dealers, but the shooters that got a 72-year-old woman, a 5-year-old and a 7-year-old child this weekend?
  • Why do you "gotta" have a 5-year-old out at midnight where he manages to catch a bullet?
  • Why do you "gotta" have four and five generations living in squalor in the same roach-infested government housing, never paying the rent, the electric, or the phone bills, while wearing the latest $300 gym shoes and bling?
  • Why do you "gotta" condone teenage girls hanging out with "men" in their late 20's, even 30's and 40's and not acting surprisd at what follows?
  • Why do you "gotta" support rappers degrading girls and women and then wonder at the massive amount of domestic violence that pervades the community?
  • Why do you "gotta" demean those who attempt to use education as a way to get out of the never ending spiral of despair?
  • Why do you "gotta" call the police to solve every single disagreement and argument that arises from the lack of coping skills, a shortcoming that is a direct result of everything we've listed above?
  • Why do you "gotta" listen to race baiters like Jackson, Sharpton, Meeks, Farakhan, Phleger, Brooks, and even Obama, who blame everyone and everything - except the face looking back in the mirror. A face that shouldn't be asking, "Why we gotta..." and instead, should be saying, "Maybe we oughta...." Then maybe something will be solved.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. It is also by no means a blanket indictment of the community referenced in the Tribune article. We're sure that there are decent people living in the 011th District. We're also sure that they are hopelessly outnumbered by the "Why we gotta..." crowd that is just looking for the next bit of our tax dollars.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why We Gotta...?"

"Huh? Who had said sump'n?"

Fixed it nice and pretty for you SCC...

7/08/2013 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous xcop7903 said...

Cause duh gubmint PAYS me to bees dis way.

7/08/2013 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post!!!!

7/08/2013 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why you gotta deeeeeeeeezzzz!

7/08/2013 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Belly of the Beast said...

"Why we gotta..."

It's amazing how during the Great Migration (1910–1930), 6 million dirt-poor black Americans made their way hundreds of miles across various states in search of a better life

But now their descendants pitch a hissy fit if a school gets closed and their kids have to walk a couple of extra blocks


Not to mention that there are plenty of places in the USA where gang-warrfare is not a daily occurrence. "Why we gotta" is absolutely false

The real problem is, "Why we choose to"

7/08/2013 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great points. I have one for your list: Why do we taxpayers "gotta" be subjected to your arrogant, snotty behavior all over the City - get a job and pay a few taxes to support the police you keep shooting at so they can afford vests". Anyway, as one of the taxpayers who had to get through the crowd at Division and LakeShore, I'd like to thank the police who did their best to keep the mayhem under control.

7/08/2013 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/08/2013 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outstanding post!

7/08/2013 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the best article you ever wrote.

7/08/2013 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't alway agree with you SCC but well fucking said!

7/08/2013 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear scc:
I just gotta say amen!

7/08/2013 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said. A truthful indictment of a society that does not want to help itself.

7/08/2013 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aint nobody got time fo dat!!! I GOTTA get my hair did!!!

7/08/2013 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen SCC!!!

7/08/2013 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post, SCC.

Thank you for putting into words the thoughts that any law abiding citizen has been thinking for ages.

With 28 years on CPD, I can't remember a time where there was such a pervasive sense of hopelessness.

7/08/2013 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

STOP BLAMING BLACKS, its the WHITE LIBERALS that give them what they want, laws to protect them and loans so they can spend on anything. WHITE LIBERALS are the problem, the blacks are just part of the WHITE system that tolerates them and keeps them dependent.

7/08/2013 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you hit the nail on the head.

7/08/2013 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Gotta Run..."

7/08/2013 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After all it takes a village to create a thug.

7/08/2013 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should turn Northerly Island into "Whywegotta Island" with only 1 way off.

7/08/2013 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1141SCC you have laid it on the
line and set out the true
reasons for the plight of
the people on the south and
west sides and why they are their own worst enemy.
Now the next thing to do is
print copies of the article
and put them in the churches, currency exchanges, liquor stores, "neighborhood stores", and any other hang-outs or gathering places, yes, even the alderman's office and the CAPS meetings. It may pi** people
off but it's the TRUTH and it hurts. Like the saying
goes, ignorance is not bliss
it is bondage. Stay on the case SCC, you tell it like it and don't have to answer
to public official or entity.

7/08/2013 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bingo! Thank you!

7/08/2013 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much the blog author is blinded by white privilege.

7/08/2013 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work on the west side and I feel sorry for the few good people who live there--because there are some. People who go to work and have their apartment burglarized while they're gone or who are robbed on the way to work. They're few and far between, but they do exist. God only knows why they live there.

I totally agree with your post, but I feel for the people who are trying to make something out of themselves and are trying to get out of there. It also makes the shitheads who rob them even worse if you ask me. Rob another shithead, not someone who's trying to be a decent citizen.

7/08/2013 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, SCC. Been feeling it lately and needed a voice.

7/08/2013 09:47:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

You didn't "have" to get through the crowd at Division and Lake Shore Drive, you chose to be there. If you didn't know that the beast infests like that, you certainly do now.

7/08/2013 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why We Gotta...?"

Honest and heartfelt answer from the taxpayers:


"...Smell it bitches!"

THAT should be their answer every time they start their "Woo-Woo, we gots rights!" about how they want what everybody else has without working for it or making a positive contribution toward making this city livable...

"Why y'all act like y'all don't want us around y'all?"

The lack of introspection, along with the inability of the willfully ignorant to look in a mirror is astounding.

Everybody else has a right not to be bothered with this ongoing foolishness...

This shit is NOT ok!

Race card playin'.
Poverty pimpin'.
Tragedy pimpin'.

Cynical, politically motivated crisis manufacturing and crisis management.

Has anyone managed to fix bayonets and poke the smartest mayor ever and that Police God and second coming of Sir Robert Peal from their hiding places under their beds yet?

They've been hiding for five days...

7/08/2013 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

Great post. I will give you a few more from my side.....

Why I gotta respond to your domestic of she took my two rocks....

Why I gotta pay for your 12 children, you had them now you support them

Why I gotta pay for your housing

Why I gotta pay for your link card

Why I gotta see your fat ass hanging on the porch all day but you wont go to work

Why I gotta clean up all your bullshit

Why I gotta hear you yell at me for giving you a ticket for driving on a suspended license

Why I gotta hear fuck you white boy when I come to your 911 call

Why I gotta get robbed by savages when I am walking on Michigan ave

Why I gotta everything else.................

7/08/2013 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear for god! Why you gotta be harassin me fo not stopping at a stop sign! Dey be killas out here yall should be tryin to catch and not be messin wit me!

7/08/2013 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Old 13th District Copper said...

What an awesome post!!!

7/08/2013 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, just wanted to commend you on this post and how right on it truly is!
Also, couldn't help myself but add a few more CPD "Why we gotta's?'
Know I realize all the trolls and haters will take exception to these comments and say this was the career we chose, but that doesn't mean we can't voice our humble opinions, so eat shit to all them anyway!

"Why we gotta"--Live in this god forsaken city? Day by day this city becomes worse. If it's not surpassing the war in Iraq's daily death toll than it's suffering through the corruption and waste that is showcased and blatantly tolerated by the media parsites on a daily basis with no consequences.

"Why we gotta"--Work and pay taxes? The average copper is squeezing every penny we have to get by while the ghetto animal sits in front of his 70" plasma with no job, paying no taxes and not having a care in the world except where his next bag of weed is coming from or how his rims on his car look.--- Well let's see, certain people have been and will continue to be the recipients of government handouts for fear of what could happen should they not receive FREE FUCKING SHIT everywhere they turn. Free phones, free meals, LINK, WIC for bringing forth absolutely nothing to the the good of man.
"Why we gotta"-- Stand by and watch the judges, media and politicians cry for justice as they let these animals and pistol toting savages walk free everyday with nothing more than a free cook county jail visit to show?
Oh, that's right, we wouldn't want to profile or even use common sense and just say who were the majority of people committing these crimes and where the majority of these crimes are occurring. That would be racist and that would effect too much of the Democrats voter base.
There are 2 kinds of cops the media in this city likes, dead ones and ones in handcuffs. They run repeated story after story about gun violence in our city and do nothing more than perpetuate the hatred for the the police and glorify the gang life with everything they do. Never our friend and quick to stick a microphone in any savage's face who can say "pookie didn't have no gun".
Last but not least, how many shootings have been carried out by some piece of shit on probation from some former Public Defender Judge with a bone to pick with the police? Why is no blood ever on the Judges hands? They have no culpability and can't be sued by these animals for letting some gangbanger free time and again while the coppers sit in 30 N. Lasalle every fucking day.

Sorry for the long winded rant, but just so tired of this city and what is has become!!

7/08/2013 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rick perry fpr president

7/08/2013 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, our boss blames us for a five year old getting shot in a park at 12:30 a.m. Thanks jag!!! Liberal in charge of police.

7/08/2013 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's amazing how much the blog author is blinded by white privilege."

7/08/2013 09:26:00 AM

It's astounding how this poster is blinded by the criminal and social impunity enjoyed by the same people crying about white privilege...

Apparently they rather enjoy the death and destruction they're wreaking on each other... It must make them feel as if they're contributing something constructive to society.

"If y'all don't act like y'all care about us and spend MORE of Y'ALL money to save us from ourselves, y'all racist and y'all gonna be sorry!"

*Stands back... Admires handiwork*

It's a war between those who worked and sweated for what little they have and those want to take it because their democratic masters drummed such silliness into their heads for 40+ years.

The real reason they don't want concealed carry... People are going to actively fight back to keep what they worked for out of the clutches of Dude and those who empowered Dude...

"Don't resort to force to keep your property from being taken!"

People are starting to call bullshit because these mouth-breathing fucks aren't content to take your shit and git...

Now they like to beat people to a bloody pudding and leave them for dead...

Now they like to get up in your house with you and make a multi day spectacle of you, your spouse and your children.

The libs cry and wring their hands saying, "No No No! Don't fight back! Just give them everything and they won't hurt you."

When are upright people gonna?

7/08/2013 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your post, but I feel for the people who are trying to make something out of themselves and are trying to get out of there. It also makes the shitheads who rob them even worse if you ask me. Rob another shithead, not someone who's trying to be a decent citizen.


Other shitheads got nothing worth stealing AND they might be packing. That's why engle wood and Pullman shitheads burglarize Beverly and the NW side.

7/08/2013 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pardon me for copying this from an OLD post, but it fits..

West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Once again those who contribute little to nothing to society will be rewarded.

Get up at the crack of noon.

Ignore the screaming, crying, filthy, hungry, dirty- diaper-encased bastard kids running around the squalid Section 8-subsidized rathole of an apartment. Damn, Dogg! Weren't some of these kids supposed to be in school hours ago?

Channel-surf satellite TV on the big HD flat screen plasma before settling on Maury Povich (and wouldn't you know it!?!? It's paternity tests).

Dial up some of the "homies" to "conversate" about some of the bitches and hos you met and "kicked it wit" at the club last night.

Throw on some brand new Sean John pants, a Fubu top and the latest Nike kicks. Complete this ensemble with several gold chains, rings and at least one carrot-plus "CZ" in the earlobe that designates your "nation".

Hop into your $1,200 note-a-month new Cadillac, complete with aftermarket custom rims wrapped in Vogue tires, 1000 watt stereo system and Tv's in every headrest.

Roll aforementioned Caddy to the corner store to grab some chips, a 40-ouncer, BBQ seeds and a pack of squares. Swipe LINK card to purchase these items while exchanging forced pleasantries/knowing glances with the Arabs that are also scamming the taxpayers.

Meet up with the fellas on the corner where a bit of dope slinging, dice throwing and weed smoking commences.

Head back to the crib to have some grub, catch a basketball game on the previously mentioned television and prepare to head out for another night at the club.

Spend $20 on the cover charge, followed by a couple of $200 bottles of "Cristal" consumed in the VIP section. Meet some more "hos". Take these hos to the Zanzibar Hotel where you and the fellas "pull a train" on a few of da skeezers.

Fast forward nine months...same scenario as started at the top of this post, only with one more illegitimate, bastard child added to the equation.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a jagoff that's stereotyping the low-income residents of what I'll bet is 21-out-of-21 sites across the city that will be the recipients of this "energy assistance" program.

Fucking disgusting. This country is totally fucked, and this is just another grim reminder of a reality that makes me sick to think that my kids have to grown up with.

7/08/2013 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your Top 5, SCC.

Well said!

7/09/2013 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's amazing how much the blog author is blinded by white privilege.

7/08/2013 09:26:00 AM

What's not amazing is that YOU are responsible for empowering these scum.

You are no better than them.


7/09/2013 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much the blog author is blinded by white privilege.

7/08/2013 09:26:00 AM

White privilege?!!!!

For the last 50 years if you are black and can spell your name you have moved to the front of every line. This means the best and the brightest of any race has taken a back seat to the social equality hand wringers.

How much has this "privilege" set us back? What have they done with it?

7/09/2013 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U "gotta" wanna be human, b4 anything gets better and I certainly don't see that anytime soon in the ghetto mentality. Concealed carry is going to make a difference, the "gottas" are gonna get it.

7/09/2013 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Criminal activity only goes so far as its police/ authority/ counterpart let it. And in this state of Illinois, it lets it get away with much. Although hard lined conservative states like Texas may seem too scary for educated northern liberal taste, you have to imagine why we cannot come to respect the way they handle their criminal behavior. When is the last time you heard of mass uncontrolled wildings and open disrespect of police in those southern states? Extremely rare. Because in those states citizens will climb atop their businesses and homes armed with AR15s and lawfully protect what they have worked so hard for. And the state will back them up. These soft people who make and support the criminal laws here have never spent a day in their life dealing with crime. They don't get it. It's real simple. The law of the jungle. When the predators see an act of compassion or the turning of the cheek, they don't say thank you and reciprocate with kindler action. They pounce on your weak ass and go for the throat. The only thing they respect is fear and force..

7/09/2013 05:23:00 PM  

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