Monday, July 08, 2013

More Fast and Furious Deaths

  • Another weapon lost in the Obama administration's failed Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation has purportedly been traced to two more killings, including the fatal shooting of a police chief in Mexico.

    The officer was killed Jan. 29 in the city of Hostotipaquillo when gunmen intercepted his patrol car and opened fire, according to Justice Department records obtained by The Los Angeles Times. The chief’s bodyguard was also killed and a second bodyguard and the chief’s wife were wounded.

    Operation Fast and Furious was run out of an Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives field office in Arizona. The plan was to sell guns to buyers and trace them in the black market as the crossed the U.S.-Mexico border, with the expectation they would lead federal officials to drug cartel leaders.
Fully operational weapons were sold to straw buyers, even as gun shops across the southwest raised red flags and notified the feds about the gun running, all to promote the fiction that America was supplying Mexican drug cartels. It turned out to be complete bullshit and a product of an out-of-control political agenda. Hundreds of Mexican citizens have lost their lives and a few Americans as well, including a Border Patrol agent.

This scandal faded a bit in light of the continuing scandals popping up almost weekly in "the most transparent Administration" in history. It shouldn't be so, but the media continues to carry water for Sparklefarts, so don't expect this to raise any eyebrows.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and no-one in the administration will talk about/investigate it. Just like the gangs in Chicago: "Snitches Get Stitches"

The criminal banking cartel is still running free too.

But after all, doesn't empowering the thugs create the fear and crisis's that can be used as a tool to gain more power and control over money and people.

Yeah, and you can play the victim the entire time while doing it. We are so concerned about your safety? B.S,.Oh these' gangs. Oh these drug cartels..ha..who we kidding as they pass conceal carry laws with restrictions to empower the criminals, ignore other laws and arm our enemies with the weapons they want to ban from law abiding Americans.

More cameras. That's the answer. More warrant-less wire taps, recording of email, phone calls, mail. Film everything. Oh hey, if you're not doing anything wrong you should have nothing to worry about we are told.

Wonder how much money is being made on Wall street by recording All the phone calls and emails in the USA? Think about that as the investment return on all of our pension plans bottom out from the rigged system. Yeah, don't worry about it.

However what about the NSA and Snowden. The man spilling his guts about the government snooping? If the government is doing nothing wrong they shouldn't have anything to worry about just like we all are told.

There's another man like Manning. Snitches about to get their stitches from the powers that be.

What's ironic about the last six years or so is that the nation elected a pres. that boasted no more business as usual. Boasted about openness and change. We've had more people changed with espionage for snitching on the government than at any other time in history haven't we? I think so.

The Snitched Get Stitches in the political apparatus just like the gang bangers.

Wake the hell up people.

7/08/2013 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anti-gun politicians put together Fast and Furious so they could point their fingers at it and say "See how dangerous these guns are". That is just crazy. Think about it for a few seconds.......

We the people should be Fast and Furious and demand answers, then vote them all out of office if we don't indict and incarcerate them.

7/08/2013 05:34:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished "myopia"

You're quoting from a CNN blog? Are you fucking serious?

CNN has been carrying water for Obama from Day 1, so if you think they aren't toeing the democratic and liberal media party line, you're sadly delusional.

7/08/2013 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Corruption in Mexico defies belief. Why are they not putting pressure on the U.S.? At some point the tax-payers of this country are going to be paying tens of millions of dollars to Mexican citizens for the deaths and injuries caused by Eric Holder's incompetence.

7/08/2013 07:23:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Myopia needs to report to Random Drug Testing, 3510 S. Muchigan Ave.

7/08/2013 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well alrighty then...

Secure and fortify the border and kill everything and everyone that tries to cross it and let Mexico sink under it's own weight.

What's so fucking hard about that?

WAH! How dare you have prosperity and don't want to share with us.

As a matter of fact, cut off all foreign aid, call our troops home so we can give them some rest/stop letting fucked up foreign policy being the cause of intentionally burning them at both ends so they can't defend US when shit REALLY hits the fan when the screaming starts about "How dare those greedy Americans try to save themselves while the rest of the world goes to shit."

Take care of home... Fuck everybody else.

7/08/2013 09:48:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished "Blame Bush for everything:"

Did you know that under Bush, the weapons were rendered inoperable and tracking devices were attached to shipping crates or the guns themselves? Or that the program was canceled when they realized that the safeguards just weren't enough?

We didn't think so.

7/09/2013 04:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Corruption in Mexico defies belief. Why are they not putting pressure on the U.S.? At some point the tax-payers of this country are going to be paying tens of millions of dollars to Mexican citizens for the deaths and injuries caused by Eric Holder's incompetence.

7/08/2013 07:23:00 AM

Tell your fellow Americans to just say,"No." Americans were doing coke,heroin,and smoking weed before Holder was born. Guys are always complaining about the failure of personal responsibility. When Americans stop getting high the drugs will stop. Don't hold your breath.

7/09/2013 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC said...
To the unpublished "Blame Bush for everything:"

Did you know that under Bush, the weapons were rendered inoperable and tracking devices were attached to shipping crates or the guns themselves? Or that the program was canceled when they realized that the safeguards just weren't enough?

We didn't think so.

7/09/2013 04:09:00 AM

Then tell us SCC, who died after it was discovered by the cartel that those guns were bogus? That would be equivalent to selling dummy coke;with the same punishment:death!

7/09/2013 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then tell us SCC, who died after it was discovered by the cartel that those guns were bogus? That would be equivalent to selling dummy coke;with the same punishment:death!

7/09/2013 09:33:00 AM

if i understand your point here, you're heart is bleeding over the speculated demise of an unknown number of gang members being punished for not test firing their illegally imported/exported purchases?

7/09/2013 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

7/09/2013 05:21:00 PM...



Jack-Pot and righteous answer!

Another bleeding heart lib gnashes their teeth.

They just will NOT take ownership of Sparkle-Farts being a typical over-sold Chicago political fuck up.

Daley should have let that buster run for mayor instead of being a chicken-shit and pushing him up and out.

This nation is fucked and afflicted because Daley couldn't stop stealing.

If Sparkle-Farts was just mayor, at least this nation wouldn't be so badly fucked up.

Blame Daley Inc.
Blame the Illinois Combine.
Blame the media for giving Sparkle-Farts the free nationwide publicity and propaganda to shut out any serious inquiry as to his bona-fides, experience and credibility...

Why don't you libs own that funky shit right there?

7/09/2013 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Then tell us SCC, who died after it was discovered by the cartel that those guns were bogus? That would be equivalent to selling dummy coke;with the same punishment:death!

7/09/2013 09:33:00 AM

if i understand your point here, you're heart is bleeding over the speculated demise of an unknown number of gang members being punished for not test firing their illegally imported/exported purchases?

7/09/2013 05:21:00 PM

I'm referring to the undercover agent(s) that delivered the guns. Once discovered the guns are inoperable,what happens to the agent once he is found? You think the cartels will just shrug their shoulders and walk away. Understand my point before you start with that worn out diatribe of liberals and bleeding hearts.

7/10/2013 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To:7/08/2013 12:34:00 AM

Private First Class Manning and Mr. Snowden are traitors to the United States. They are not whistleblowers. Do you tell citizens what the department is doing? No! And they should not have told what the United States was doing either.

7/10/2013 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm referring to the undercover agent(s) that delivered the guns. Once discovered the guns are inoperable,what happens to the agent once he is found? You think the cartels will just shrug their shoulders and walk away. Understand my point before you start with that worn out diatribe of liberals and bleeding hearts.

7/10/2013 08:45:00 AM

now you've got me wondering if you have even the slightest clue about how an intelligent uc op works.

i'll give you a few hints:

1. you won't find a single clue watching a movie.

2. nor watching a tv show.

3. nor studying the recent past, present or future activities of the current obamanation incarnations of any of the alphabet law enforcement agencies.

4. nor applying any of the typical less than thorough thought processes of the thinking impaired.

one word bonus hint:


7/10/2013 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm referring to the undercover agent(s) that delivered the guns. Once discovered the guns are inoperable,what happens to the agent once he is found? You think the cartels will just shrug their shoulders and walk away. Understand my point before you start with that worn out diatribe of liberals and bleeding hearts.

7/10/2013 08:45:00 AM

now you've got me wondering if you have even the slightest clue about how an intelligent uc op works.

i'll give you a few hints:

1. you won't find a single clue watching a movie.

2. nor watching a tv show.

3. nor studying the recent past, present or future activities of the current obamanation incarnations of any of the alphabet law enforcement agencies.

4. nor applying any of the typical less than thorough thought processes of the thinking impaired.

one word bonus hint:


7/10/2013 05:13:00 PM

You are a goof. If I load the weapon and pull the trigger and it doesn't go BANG!! What then? If I load weapons 2-50 and pull the trigger and again the weapons don't go BANG!! What then? It's that simple. If you bought a gun,loaded it and pulled the trigger and it didn't go BANG! What would you do!! Duh? I'm going to find the local metallurgist and let him fix it. Goof!

7/10/2013 09:13:00 PM  

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