Thursday, November 14, 2013

Report Corruption or Else!

  • Mayor Rahm Emanuel proposed a measure Wednesday that would require city contractors to immediately report knowledge of corruption to Chicago's inspector general or risk losing their contract.

    The mayor lauded the one-page ordinance as a "key reform" recommended by Inspector General Joseph Ferguson — the city's top watchdog whom the mayor has blocked from accessing City Hall records.

    It's unclear how much impact Emanuel's proposal would have because corrupt contractors are unlikely to tattle on themselves given the potential legal and financial repercussions.
Tattle on themselves? Has anyone at the Tribune noticed where most corruption begins in this town?

What happens when contractors start snitching on aldercreatures and connected politicos who solicit "contributions" and kickbacks for contracts? Or form shadow companies fronted by connected minorities that funnel dollars to Outfit members and nephews of mayors?

We're sure Rahm ran right to federal regulators when he scored an $18 million payday without having any background whatsoever in high finance - right after his check cleared.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeeze...if they did this they could undo the Parking Meter fiasco.

11/14/2013 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the mayor is in mexico city we're hearing.... wondering if it has anything to do with all those guns that the so-called top cop has taken off the streets...not trying to imply anything... it's just that... you know how hard-up the city is for money and stuff and what was that number again..7,000 and counting.

that money could be used to build a political monument in a park and that monument would attract corporate elites from around the world to come and look at it in awe..

of course we would still have to hand out tax breaks and bribed them to move here tho..


11/14/2013 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Of course Rahm ran to the federal regulators after his $18 Million dollar check cleared.

No background in accounting.
No background in finance.
No background in management.

Just a slick and greasy, fast as doo-doo through a Garfield Park goose finangler, coat-sleeve tugger, ear-whisperer and player of both shitty ends against a dubious middle while laughing up his rather shortish sleeve at the joke he wants so desperately to be on everybody for failing to appreciate how "brilliant" he is...

The tragedy is the apparently fully functioning adults buying into what this insecurity riddled maniac is so desperate to sell.

Alas... This IS the new Chicago. The wrath of the majority will fall upon you for advocating old fashioned, hard-eyed common sense.

"That ain't fair..."

What does Rahm "Report Corruption or Else!" Emanuel bring to bear to re-image the gloriously decaying corruptocracy that is Chicago?

B.A. in Dance...
M.A. in "Communications" i.e. how to spin bullshit, fuckery, double-talk and slippery syntax into gold...

Far better if he had just stayed home counting his ill gotten gain...

The corruption in a dead dog's ass will be reported before these stinking, decaying alive upright walking weasels at City Hall will be made to stand on a scaffold.

This city is destroyed beyond all hope, care and salvage.

*The Police are the problem in Chicago... Once we "fix" them, everything else will fall in place.*

11/14/2013 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course he did. Just like Hillary squealed when she was able to turn a thousand dollars into a hundred thousand dollars all within a few weeks, by buying/selling pork belly futures. Politicians and lawyers are just smarter than regular folks.

11/14/2013 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone feel this the old 'Ramifications' angle IAD used to bone coppers on? Oh, a new definition is born; 'Rahmifications.'

11/14/2013 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and Richie are in Mexico together for 'Sister Cities'...what's that all about? Rahm can't go alone...who's the Mayor anyhow?

11/14/2013 03:32:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

Okay c'mon, this has to be from The Onion and the Tribune got punked. Or it's the equivalent of April Fools Day on the Jewish Calender and Rahm's having a nice yuk-yuk at everyones expense.

I mean, really. Who the f--k does Rahm think he's kidding -- don't answer that. A corrupt mayor, in the most corrupt city in the world, okay 4th in the world, in the most corrupt county, in the most corrupt state in the USA, pretending he wants to end corruption.

Not to mention, this is the same Rahm who was the Chief of Staff of The Most Corrupt President (aka POTUS) in the history of the USA and the same *man* who gave that corrupt POTUS many if not MOST of the corrupt schemes to that president foisted on Americans now, all of a sudden this guy wants to play 'Carl Crime-Fighter'.

He's a funny guy. (And yeah, he does dress like a clown. well, except in a Gym Locker Room)
[but he certainly doesn't, 'amuse me']

11/14/2013 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I can see it now. Walsh Const. or Reyes Const. etc... ratting each other out. Or the myriad trade subcontractors that the aldermen force upon developers...if they want their building to go up in their ward. "You'll get your zoning and permits, if you use my guys."

11/14/2013 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: If you report corruption and the case goes before a corrupt Socialist-Democratic Judge, what was the point?

11/14/2013 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Self report...a Lott like self deport, but different.

11/14/2013 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to report on myself--- until you give us a fair contract and do something to provide some solvency to our pension fund I will continue to lay on my back like a broke dick dog watching the clouds roll by and smelling the crisp autumn air--- signed, a star and a bar revolversaurus....

11/14/2013 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and Richie are in Mexico together for 'Sister Cities'.

Good point. They gotta match up the cartel territory of the Sister City or all &#$^ will break loose.

11/14/2013 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
Rahm and Richie are in Mexico together for 'Sister Cities'...what's that all about? Rahm can't go alone...who's the Mayor anyhow? <<<

Rahm and Richie are on a Voter Drive since they have burned so many voters here. Why wait until all those hords of people get here to sign them up to vote, or for LINK Cards, or Free Phones or Social Security or Obamacare or....

They might migrate somewhere else like LA or NYC. Got to make sure they come here.

11/14/2013 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and the Daley crime family tied at the hip,maybe Daley is telling rahm to call Barry Obama and make Vanecko trial jus go away! He will be found not guilty just a dog and pony show by the press!

11/14/2013 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

Hey Rahm....look in the mirror, there's your corruption!
Now what are you going to do about it??!!

11/14/2013 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's start off with Rahm and his $1 Million payout to Creasefire (it's not Ceasefire, because they're still shooting at each other, and they hardly put a crease in it!).

11/14/2013 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know if they are championing some tough push for transparency or assurance of fighting corruption, it's to use the measures against those muscling in on the fringes...
meantime, you can believe they don't fear those measures themselves because their methods use a different scheme and system that runs out of view of "inspectors."

Come on. Has the damn Shakman decree really stalled political hiring? Does anyone really believe the best qualified people get most of the jobs posted in any department?

11/14/2013 03:23:00 PM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

I will just sit right here and wait for that to happen.

11/14/2013 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/14/2013 12:09:00 AM

It must drive you nuts that no one up there likes you.

11/14/2013 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez. I'm not holding my breath.

11/14/2013 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor murder, could you please advise me as to how to report Garry McStupe for lying and conduct unbecoming? Also, how do I report you, Mayor Tutu?

11/14/2013 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Rahm can come and teach us investigative techniques at roll call.

11/14/2013 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Corruption:

It’s official: Illinois has more local governments than any other state in the country.

With 6,963 local governments, Illinois has 1,800 more than any other state.

Knowing this, it should come as no surprise that Illinois residents pay the second-highest
owner-occupied property tax rates in the country or that it’s the
third most corrupt state in the country.

Illinois is a large state, but its size and population alone don’t account for its high number of local government entities. Florida, which has a 50% larger population, has less than one-fourth the units of local government Illinois does, with just 1,650 units.

Local government in Illinois is more redundant than it is in any other state — 61% of the state’s
residents live under three layers of general purpose local government (municipal, township or county governments). In 40 other states, residents never have more than two layers of local government.

This leads to a duplication of services and higher taxes.

The sheer number of local governments in Illinois makes it difficult for state and federal
authorities to provide meaningful oversight of local governments. A study by the University of
Illinois-Chicago that examined local government corruption in Illinois reported, “Since there are more than 1,200 separate units of government in the Chicago metropolitan region, there are too many jurisdictions and officials for the U.S. Attorney adequately to police.”

It's no coincidence the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Illinois also had 1,531 public corruption convictions between 1976 and 2010 — the most in the country.

More than any other state, Illinois is in dire need of local government consolidation.

Unfortunately, due to Illinois law, the consolidation process almost always has to start with
elected officials. Very rare is the elected official who wants to eliminate his or her own

It’s easier to amend the Illinois Constitution than it is to consolidate or eliminate townships via referendum — the current process requires that any consolidation petition must be signed by 10% of the registered voters in each township of a county within 90 days.

Brian Costin
Director of Government Reform
Illinois Policy Institute
190 S. LaSalle St.
Suite 1630
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Ph. (312) 346.5700

11/14/2013 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous xcop7903 said...

After you.

11/15/2013 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
11/14/2013 12:09:00 AM

It must drive you nuts that no one up there likes you.

11/14/2013 07:16:00 PM<<<

On the contrary, it boosts the ego of people like Rahm and McDufass.

Some people thrive on being hated; it is a real part of narcissism. The fact that people that they consider inferior hate them fuels their ego and promotes the image of themselves as being superior beings.

They don't want to be loved by the common vermin. The narcissist only wants to control them. The only want love from people that they consider their equal and there are damn few of those.

11/17/2013 12:08:00 PM  

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