Tuesday, December 10, 2013

School Board Referendum?

Rahm says "Hell no, I'm not giving up power!"
  • For the second time in two years, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s allies have used their political muscle to keep off the ballot a referendum asking Chicago voters whether they favor a switch to an elected school board.

    Instead, the City Council’s Finance Committee decided Monday to ask March 18 primary voters whether:

    ◆ They favor a cab fare hike.

    ◆ The Illinois General Assembly should ban high-capacity magazines.

    ◆ Gun owners should be allowed to carry concealed weapons in restaurants.

    Since only three referenda can be placed on the ballot, that guarantees there’s no room for the elected school board question.
Because having a school board answerable to the voters would create all sort of problems for the mayor and current political structure. Next thing you know, someone will start circulating a petition to reduce the number of aldercreatures. What a joke this place is.



    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The one we need on the ballot is TERM LIMITS.

    Just think - a two-term limit on aldermen would guarantee we wouldn't ever have to pay any more aldermanic pensions after the current crop passes on.

    12/10/2013 12:19:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What did you expect? The Major worked as the CofS for the most powerful president in the past century. He is not about to let the peasants run amok regarding important decisions.

    12/10/2013 12:39:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey SCC heard a story this morn on 780 about an IDOC Policy Administrator on the payroll making over 100,000......

    The best part is he has 24 arrest! Including Felonies.

    Robbery, Narcotics and so on! How about that! Only the best and brightest hired!

    And he's setting IDOC POLICY!

    never made the real news tho. Sounds like a Pam ZecKman invest!

    12/10/2013 12:50:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    term limits.

    if the taxpayers demanded term limits of one term taxpayers would no longer need to offer and pay for glorious golden pension benefits...for the gov, the mayor, the legislature, the aldermen now would they.

    the political career gig would be up and maybe...just maybe we could begin the return of public servants that served in the public interest instead of personal interest.

    these positions should not be lifelong positions handed down from family members like they are royalty.

    one term and out. therefore, no reason to offer a golden pension and that would save 'much needed' dollars 'for the children'

    term limits baby.

    let's get the ball rollin'

    12/10/2013 01:18:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Joe More failed to file by 2mn

    12/10/2013 02:37:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    --- survey says ---

    A new data snapshot is out, showing Illinois, by the numbers, over the last three full years. It's the American Community Survey from the U. S. Census

    [...]...The three-year surveys replace the old “long form” decennial census form. Illinois home ownership slipped 1½ percentage points, and average home value dropped almost 15 percent, from the three years ending in 2009 to the three years ending in 2012. The numbers are 68.8 to 67.3 percent for home ownership and $207,300 to $179,900 for average value.

    [there goes the tax base that pays the bills -- ok, and now here comes the media spin...ready]

    Still, there is reason for optimism, with Friday's news that the nation's unemployment rate is at a five-year low, at 7 percent for November. That does not necessarily account for, say, a bank president who lost his or her job and now works a shift at a convenience store.


    first off. notice how they mix apples and oranges.

    we start by talking about 'illinois' housing and then talk about hope as 'the nations' unemployment rate is 7 percent.

    so guess what.

    illinois unemployment is not 7 percent it's 8.9 percent

    guess what else.

    illinois unemployment rate is not at a five year low. we had 8.9 percent in sept 2012.

    to beat illinois 5 year low unemployment has to fall to 5.5 percent.

    'illinois' =/= 'the nation'

    i'd like to add that the above quoted unemployment rate also does not take into account the rapidly declining workforce in illinois nor the stagnant wages, nor the lost of disposable income as workers attempt to offset their pension thefts with savings.

    case in point.


    using this above link.

    compare june 2013 to oct 2013 you will note that the chicago metro areas unemployment numbers fell from 433.8 thousand to 341.6 thousand.

    nice eh.

    92,200 people must of found jobs right.

    well, now look at the 'employed' line. no additions there in fact we're looking 3,774.3 going down to 3,760.0 a loss of 14,300.

    okay maybe we added 92,200 people in the non-farm payroll jobs line.

    nope. while the numbers do show an increase it's only a lousy 5,500 jobs jun-oct. so where did the unemployed go. the 92,200 -- 5,500 == 86,700

    oh look.. the chicago labor force declined from 4,208.2 to 4,101.6 a loss of 106,500 workers.

    in other words. 92,200 people are no longer counted as unemployed while 106,500 people left the chicago workforce. dropped right off the map as the ben-ees ran out and we are fed the b.s. about creating jobs, making progress.

    if we could only get the remaining 341.6 thousand people to quit looking for work rahm could claim zero unemployment

    12/10/2013 04:21:00 AM  
    Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

    Or circulate a petition to include the alderman's pension fund in any type of Rham's bullshit pension reform. (Cue my crickets again...)

    12/10/2013 05:08:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Is anyone surprised?

    12/10/2013 05:37:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Really can't wait to put this shithole of a city in my rear view mirror.

    Pension reform=residency reform

    12/10/2013 05:37:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The concealed carry questions are meaningless because the outcomes they seek are both preempted. Only the State can change the laws regarding handguns. That was the whole point of the preemption provision - to prevent the asshats in the City Council from passing unconstitutional abridgements of the 2nd Amendment. Poor little Rahm just hasn't accepted the fact that he and his machine are powerless to regulate handguns.

    12/10/2013 06:53:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    NO. NO. Yes.

    I agree, we do need TERM LIMITS. The current system isn't working because of the corrupt fucks that game the lines and get 'donations'...

    12/10/2013 07:18:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I guess when it comes to education, it's NOT for the children.

    12/10/2013 07:41:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Local school boards and school councils are wonderful ways of introducing people into the political process. If that happens, some of the current aldermen might get challengers. We can't have that happen. Gotta preserve the status quo.

    12/10/2013 07:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Under Rahm, we live in an autocracy, not a democracy.

    Nelson Mandela would not approve

    12/10/2013 07:57:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    thats why we need to be able to get out of here somewhere between 7-10 yrs,pension reform=residency reform!

    12/10/2013 08:06:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Let's see, Rahm is ruining the City just like he and his brother Zeke ruined Health insurance in this country. He was replaced by a retarded Daly and he replaced a thieving, retarded Daley. What did you expect?

    12/10/2013 08:06:00 AM  
    Blogger CPS Teacher said...

    Elect the school board? No way! Think of all of the educational profiteers who would suffer. Without the guise of "serving" the poor kids of CPS through peddling goods and charter tran$formation, the educational profiteers might have to downsize their summer homes. Or post-pone that face lift.

    12/10/2013 08:36:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Here ya go 12:50. These democrats make me sick.


    12/10/2013 08:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I like that everyone here supports an elected school board because I wouldn't be surprised to see an elected police board in two years.

    12/10/2013 08:56:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My answer:
    Mag limits -- No.
    Carry in restaurants -- yes
    Thug's answer:
    Mag limits -- yes
    Carry in restaurants -- heck no

    12/10/2013 09:09:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Really can't wait to put this shithole of a city in my rear view mirror.

    Pension reform=residency reform

    12/10/2013 05:37:00 AM

    I second that motion. We can only do so much here. I am padding the savings with this VRI nonsense/illusion. there is nothing more important than our retirement and that is going down the toilet to corrupt politicians. so i am taking this free vri money and what's left of my pension and leaving this shithole. i would urge others to consider too because there is far better situations out there than shitcago. this is a business just like in sports. you can't get attached and need to roll with the punches that best suits you and your family. good luck all and be safe and fuck off rahm.

    12/10/2013 09:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Really can't wait to put this shithole of a city in my rear view mirror.

    Pension reform=residency reform

    12/10/2013 05:37:00 AM

    well, why else would someone stay here unless they're close to retirement. look at what these scum politicians are doing to the current retirees. they screw with our pensions/benefits, don't let us move out of the city, crime is out of control, they refuse to hire the proper amount of officers as needed and schools(not private) are awful here. plus, our fop who is supposed to have our best interests at hand ABSOLUTELY DO NOT. this place is full of backstabbers who are only in it to win it for themselves.

    12/10/2013 09:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    [there goes the tax base that pays the bills -- ok, and now here comes the media spin...ready]


    Just because the market value of real estate goes down doesn't mean that taxes levied will go down...

    12/10/2013 10:32:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I would support term limits in a heartbeat. I'm tired of working to line their pockets and fund their bogus kickback projects. They are squeezing the middle class out of the city like a boa constrictor around its final meal.

    Bike lane posts on crumbling roads in neighborhoods where no one rides. Speed cameras set to 33? on 4 lane blvds with no schools or houses nearby. Police, firemen, teacher, mental health clinic cuts while Depaul gets a new stadium, the Bloomingdale line is built up, and politicians' salaries and pensions are inflated.

    What other state has families passing on seats on the neighborhood, city and state level for generations like IL? Most pols here have forgotten the concept of public service, they're so entitled.

    12/10/2013 10:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's a joke alright but not a funny one!

    12/10/2013 10:52:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How do we get "two term limits and out" question on the ballot that would be binding and enforceable!

    I'm all for it!

    I'll bet all the political crooks would fight tooth and nail to stop it!

    Da Pelon

    12/10/2013 11:10:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well said voters voted in the alderscum who gave daley control of the schools 19yrs ago. They got what they wanted, perhaps they need to let their displeasure be known by voting out all the alderman and the mayor. If not, shut up and deal with it!

    12/10/2013 11:32:00 AM  
    Blogger SpankDaddy said...

    Rahm has us right where he wants us---nowhere.

    12/10/2013 11:35:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Resolved: That slimy politicians who are caught in lies may be summarily executed the next morning at dawn and then fed to feral dogs.

    12/10/2013 12:07:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    The one we need on the ballot is TERM LIMITS.

    Just think - a two-term limit on aldermen would guarantee we wouldn't ever have to pay any more aldermanic pensions after the current crop passes on.

    12/10/2013 12:19:00 AM

    Aldermen elected from 2007 on have to be in office for 20 years to qualify for the pension.

    They will never ever impose term limits on themselves. That would require them to be honest, decent and upstanding persons. Have you forgotten who we are talking about? They are one step above baby killer and serial murderer.

    12/10/2013 12:23:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeah, just what I want, the school board picked by Joe Berrios and the ward committeemen. No thanks -- let's leave things the same.

    12/10/2013 01:44:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The people spoke but Rham ignores

    12/10/2013 02:41:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No one dares challenge the man behind the curtain.

    12/10/2013 02:55:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Too much money to be stolen and blamed on the teachers to let the public have ANY say about public education or the (mis)allocation of their tax dollars for the same.

    Rahm has a plan...

    You tax-paying suckers should shut up and keep paying Rahm your taxes without question.

    12/10/2013 03:12:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is what happens when the populace pays more attention to pop culture than what is really important. We truly do have a ruling elite in our country. It is sad, but some politicians are interested in acquiring, maintaining and expanding power over the citizenry. But who gives a fuck. Miley Cyrus was twerking her skinny no curves body all over some dude. That is more important.

    12/10/2013 04:06:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    this one more thing Marxism is spreading. now our pensions and speed cameras next holding cells like the Japanese in WW11. while omar kadaffy is laughing at us all

    12/10/2013 04:55:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Restaurants can ban concealed carry in their restaurant. Hope you know while carrying, drinking alcohol is prohibited.

    12/10/2013 05:17:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    The one we need on the ballot is TERM LIMITS.

    Just think - a two-term limit on aldermen would guarantee we wouldn't ever have to pay any more aldermanic pensions after the current crop passes on.

    12/10/2013 12:19:00 AM

    Aldermen elected from 2007 on have to be in office for 20 years to qualify for the pension.

    They will never ever impose term limits on themselves. That would require them to be honest, decent and upstanding persons. Have you forgotten who we are talking about? They are one step above baby killer and serial murderer.

    12/10/2013 12:23:00 PM

    No, THEY won't impose term limits upon themselves. That is why WE THE PEOPLE need to get the referendum on the ballot, need to agitate to make it happen, need to force the issue. In other words, we take the choice away from them.

    12/10/2013 05:20:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I would support term limits in a heartbeat. I'm tired of working to line their pockets and fund their bogus kickback projects. They are squeezing the middle class out of the city like a boa constrictor around its final meal.

    Bike lane posts on crumbling roads in neighborhoods where no one rides. Speed cameras set to 33? on 4 lane blvds with no schools or houses nearby. Police, firemen, teacher, mental health clinic cuts while Depaul gets a new stadium, the Bloomingdale line is built up, and politicians' salaries and pensions are inflated.

    What other state has families passing on seats on the neighborhood, city and state level for generations like IL? Most pols here have forgotten the concept of public service, they're so entitled.

    12/10/2013 10:46:00 AM


    12/10/2013 05:24:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Democracy loses again.

    12/10/2013 11:02:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The only difference between the state of Illinois and the old USSR is that Illinois does not execute anyone.
    Media is the totally the same. The democrats cannot do any wrong and called on it.
    We can go on and on.... Madigan does look like Stalin a bit !

    12/10/2013 11:43:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Because then he couldn't tell them to raise property taxes every year and take no blame, or close schools to sell to his charter buddies......

    12/11/2013 09:37:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What a thought....police officers, firemen with their families and if they can stomach it; the teachers. All marching in protest of the current administration and alderman. Demanding that they honor the contract they entered into concerning pensions, funding said pensions to sustainable levels and calling for TERM LIMITS for aldermen and the mayor. No one man or woman should hold that much power for that long over the citizens. Return elected office to being truly a public servant. Can anyone imagine the thought of Mike Madigan calling himself anybody's servant? Rahm Emanuel? I didn't think so either.

    12/11/2013 09:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    this one more thing Marxism is spreading. now our pensions and speed cameras next holding cells like the Japanese in WW11. while omar kadaffy is laughing at us all

    12/10/2013 04:55:00 PM

    Marxism is spreading because the voters are idiots. Below is a link regarding that which is both funny and scary.


    12/11/2013 11:06:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Because having a school board answerable to the voters would create all sort of problems for the mayor and current political structure."

    No it would be filled with machine candidates like every other elected post in this city. Nothing would change.

    12/11/2013 02:50:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No, THEY won't impose term limits upon themselves. That is why WE THE PEOPLE need to get the referendum on the ballot, need to agitate to make it happen, need to force the issue. In other words, we take the choice away from them.

    12/10/2013 05:20:00 PM

    Ohhhh, a referendum, I see. My, how clever. Did you see how Rahm manipulated the referendum system this time to keep a question about elected school boards OFF the ballot? What do you think would happen to a referendum on term limits? We the people can shove it up our asses because we will NEVER see it on any ballot.

    Nothing here happens because of the will of the people. Got it? NOTHING! Everything is rigged. Everything. Come on, you aren't new here, they control every goddamned thing.

    Armed insurrection is the only way.

    12/13/2013 09:24:00 PM  

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