Sunday, December 08, 2013

Unions to Withhold $$$

The unions affected by the just-passed pension bill have decided that they aren't going to donate to politicians who made them pie-in-the-sky promises years ago:
  • One year ago, the head of the AFL-CIO predicted Gov. Pat Quinn could not win re-election “without making peace with the unions.”

    Today, Quinn is hurtling into the crosshairs of public labor that is livid over new pension legislation signed into law last week.

    “This week did not close the gap. It widened it,” AFL-CIO President Michael Carrigan told the Sun-Times following Quinn’s closed-door bill signing this week. “Mr. Quinn can’t win in 2014 until he makes peace with public-sector unions.”

    Carrigan’s tone reflects an incensed labor force that is preparing to wage a legal battle against that bill, SB1.

    But it’s also exploring its political options.
They're looking into withholding political contributions. And we imagine "volunteers" for the campaigns. they are even making noise about a "consensus" candidate from the other side of the aisle, which would be amusing.

Politicians understand one thing, maybe two, very clearly - losing elections and not having money to run in elections. Every one of these elected officials ought to be un-elected. If that means voting for their opponent, then that's what should be done.

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Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

"The unions affected by the just-passed pension bill have decided that they aren't going to donate to politicians who made them pie-in-the-sky promises years ago".

Too late, they already got what they wanted from you suckers. Many times over in some cases.

If you're gonna spend your money on whores, at least spend it on the type that'll happily assist you in draining the ol' beanbag. Not the kind that's trying to stick it in YOUR ass.

12/08/2013 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The money wasted on campaign contributions should have been paid on to P.I's to compile dossiers on these corrupt, dog-ass politicians, news media and the host of corporate/money managing people now lining up dick to asshole for positions in muni-gov to grease the rails of pension diversion/divesture/theft.

How altruistic...

The unions should have been fighting dirty a LONG time ago...

Our pensions are the last of the honey pots of "free" money laying around and it's driving the financial bojank artists crazy that they can't quite yet get their hands on it.

Policemen are expected to abide by the rules... These dirty money-changers are bound by no rules, no laws and no sense of decency...

*The Police are the problem in Chicago... Once we fix THEM, everything else will fall into place.*

That IS the overriding narrative, correct?

This is the end result of being "Gentlemen" and playing by the rules when striking the fear of God and upright men into the right people would have been a better long term strategy.

Are ya listening FOP?

12/08/2013 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw the Politicians...strike while legs, no money, no shit. Let them hang with them-selves. They stole the money. Your time will NEVER come again. Look at Ur Kids, Ur wife...don't U want a good life too...stand back and let the Pols hang. They have no shame and no scruples.

12/08/2013 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About time, VOTE out EVERY incumbant politician!

12/08/2013 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let see how many of Madigan's and the other Democratic parties supporters, who are in union's(including CFD and CPD)will be out there helping them get reelcted. You will be a huge ass if you are, and there will be plenty still doing it!

12/08/2013 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should've stopped years ago, the writting has been on the wall.

12/08/2013 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the Sunday Sun Times. They have a nice graphic showing how much each union donated to the different politicians. Its amazing the money Madigan and Cullerton get.

12/08/2013 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, a recall mechanism would be nice.

no more of this two, four, six year contract whereas as soon as you're elected you get to shove-it up the voters ass, forget all your promises, and smile waving your employment contract and there's nothing the voters can do.

they call it 'employment at will' in the private sector when you don't have a union or a contract. you can be terminated at any time for any reason.

too many times unpopular bills are passed right after elections in the hopes that when re-election time comes around the taxpayers will and do forget. an at-will employment agreement would put an end to that crap.

life is too short and things move too fast to allow non-performing politicians to skate until the next election cycle for change, for accountability,

i mean like how many shots do we get to elect the president over ones lifetime. twelve on average. that would represent 48 years of voting.

not very many for sure especially if you get duped or when it takes more that one cycle to send the message we're not going to put up with it anymore.

12/08/2013 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds suspiciously like the unions are engaging in blackmail, or is it bribery? either one is illegal.

12/08/2013 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why aren't these unions invading the capitol in Springfield like they did with George Soros' people in Wisconsin?

12/08/2013 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You don't vote for anyone that Emanuel wants in office, period. Worse than Quinn, is an Emanuel pick.

And as for not getting union money? They've already been hitting up the corporate sector to ensure they have enough money, that's why this entire fiasco is unfolding now.

Government scum no longer needs money from labor.

In general, that was the greatest con of all, government who does the sole bidding of the rich, getting financed to run for them by the middle and lower middle class.

Guess they're gonna have to pay for their own crooks to be in office from now on.

12/08/2013 04:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhhh I see. Now the Unions oppose the very people they have for decades supported.

12/08/2013 05:15:00 AM  
Blogger said...

OH SCC your closing words are like music to my ears...if there ever was a need for clean sweep it is now and honestly anyone and I mean anyone could step into this position and do a better job or at least not cause as much harm as these crooks have done for years or more. Actually maybe we could just not have anyone running the show no elected official for a year or two and sure not having to pay all those wasted salaries will save a big chunk of change but the real hunk of money will be what is leftover while these guys and gals are not around to steal it .;Paradise!!

12/08/2013 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But We'll vote Quinn and Democrat we just cant do otherwise event though we are crewed

12/08/2013 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think real hard.

You cannot allow Bruce Rauner to become Gov. and get his fingers in the cookie jar.

You have to vote for Quinn to cock-block Emanuel, Rauner, Griffin Inc. from stealing the pensions and leaving you with crumbs.

These guys are here to steal what Daley couldn't.

12/08/2013 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that the ones who voted no did so because they don't think the bill went far enough.

12/08/2013 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the FOP and other Chicago unions are silent on this matter. While the recently passed law doesn't directly affect our pensions, it does uncover Rahm's future plans. All unions in Chicago should be meeting and slating a candidate against this maniacal mayor. I believe Karen Lewis is the only person immediately available to defeat him. Yet, the silence is deafening. Surely, she must understand her union pension will soon de decimated too.

12/08/2013 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

General Assembly Pension Benefits ( the people who voted to cut everyone else)

85% after 20 years
3% compounding COLA

12/08/2013 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what I am doing nd letting all my family and friends know about it. Remember we will need to do this in about a year and a half in 2015. Lets set up some opponents for the Alder creatures and give support to a Mayor who will support us.

12/08/2013 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous bobbo said...

Donations? Sounds more like bribes. Any type of donation is a bribe, plain and simple.

12/08/2013 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous old School Turnkey said...

It is about time that all the Unions hold these special interest jackwagon politicians accountable. That means the Labor,Fire, Police, and Civilian Department Members Unions should put due paying members and retirees interest first. I say vote them Madigan and Quinn yes men out. Maybe we ought to send the Puerto Rican Nationals that visited the US Capital in the 1950's to Springfield, IL. to get our self respect back.

12/08/2013 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Withhold the donations as well as Endorsements. Especially disband the ineffective FOP PAC.
It's about time to criticize the poliitcians rather than endorse them for their one simple promise that eventually gets broken.

12/08/2013 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago FOP’s board of directors raised the money to help Walsh and Connor get back on their feet.

12/08/2013 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have to worry about our own union "president", Mr. Mike Shields, who has employed one Adam Saper of Hinshaw & Culberston to represent him. For what you may ask? Shields has been advised that he will mostly likely be sued by his OWN MEMBERSHIP for his failure to file for negotiations on time with the city.

Here's the real question though. Guess who's footing the bill? YOU, Chicago Police Officers!

12/08/2013 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We donate so little to the slim bags in Springfield it does not matter. If fact we spend more FOP money sponsoring Dougherty’s Hockey and Softball teams then we send to that dork Patrick Quinn.

Unfortunately many of Chicago’s State Senators and State Representatives voted for the State of Illinois’s Pension Reform Bill. They promised that they would not do the same for the CPD in that we already have the 30 year window to make the City play catch up. Rahm wants to renege on that. If you want to make a difference start now and every chance that you can remind the reps that we already have a plan on the books and it needs to be followed. Rahm will be gone in a few short years but you will still be here.

12/08/2013 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote them out no matter what, each and every person on the list.

12/08/2013 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Unions will do what they are told and continue to send money to Madigan and the Democrats. They have been supporting candidates, no matter what the members say, who have directly hurt the members. After all, the Union bosses work for the Union. How many of them were hurt when Dominicks or Holsum went down? Not the Union bosses, just the members.

12/08/2013 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats in Illinois are so corrupt they will throw anyone -- even supporters -- under the bus if it's to some advantage. Now it's the unions' turn. Those dues you've been paying have gone right into the pockets of the politicians that will now be screwing you.

Here's another example: Earlier this year the Attorney General got her dad to push a bill that would prohibit employees in her own office from unionizing (Public Act 97-1172, "Management Act" modifying 5 ILCS 315(j) & 315 (n)). If a Republican like Scott Walker had done something like this it would be national news and the unions would scream bloody murder. But in Illinois the press and the unions keep their mouths shut.

The Democrats and unions are not your friends, folks. Every dollar you give them jams the knife in your back just a little deeper.

12/08/2013 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The day the unions stop backing democrat politicans, don't look up for you will see pigs flying.

12/08/2013 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of unions, will Mikey S invite those members of the FOP who are also state legislators to come to a general meeting and explain their actions on the pension vote?

12/08/2013 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of late for that. Closing the door after the horse is out of the barn. Their(unions)money and support for year after year have placed all these inept/backstabbing pols in place.
The Dems in this state/city/county have financially mismanaged everything they touch and have made their friends and political agends/allies rich in the process.........all at the expense of the unions and their members and the hard working tax payers who just keep getting hit with higher fees/taxes to support the politicians that the unions supported from day one. It's time to vote independantly for people that will truly represent the hard working tax payers and not be lead to the slaughter by misinformed union support to pols that could care less about us.

12/08/2013 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Union President Shields saved the city 20 Million.

12/08/2013 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold the Bucks and No Vote for Dem-Rats.

Judges, Senators and State Reps MUST have their pension benefits cut, too. They are not sacred cows...Cows, yes but not sacred.

12/08/2013 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ironic, isn't it? the unions were always pro-Democratic, in favor of the "little guy", anti-Republican big business, it's the liberal Democrats that stuck it to their biggest supporters, the unions...welcome to the world of the liberals

12/08/2013 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any public worker that does political work for a "Yes" voter is a sellout to all public workers and should be ostrasized by all especially Police Officers. Many a police were fired over bullshit rule violations but I don't recall any being fired for the rule about political actions. There used to be a triple merit captain who was or still is the number one precient captain in the 19th ward. He is so fat he couldn't walk up the stairs so he would stand in front of policemen's houses shouting that they better go vote. He was on the medical over 100 days a year and still made merit Sgt, Lt and Capt from the 19th ward.

12/08/2013 12:12:00 PM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Leave Big Mike Mags alone.

12/08/2013 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the union must be doing it wrong.

take a look at this infographic showing return on investment results for corporate lobbyist.

and the related story..

as you can see the obanacare that was engineered in part by rahm's brother is paying off big time for the big pharma's... a 77,500 percent return on investment.

this my friends is a prime example on how you first create a crisis to use as a tool in which you can solve the crisis later by grabbing more power and take away more liberties and freedoms.

pharma's have no 'free market'. pharma's have a gov't subsidized and controlled and protected monopoly. the transfer of wealth is divvied-up between corporate execs and politicians to ensure the system stays status quo.

oh and the legacy media that is going bankrupt and cannot be trusted uses this raping of the taxpayer to boast how the usa spends more dollars on healthcare than any other country -- which implies more money == better care. after all more is better right hahaha.. we're the best -look at that

we're number one -- we're number one

you ess ay - u.s.a. -- you ess ay..

12/08/2013 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Double the impact: instead of just witholding funds from the "Yes" voters, give it to their opponents. That way "Yes" voters miss out on the donations AND have to compete with a like amount raised for the other guy

12/08/2013 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


rahm says;

'...cta blue line project will create 1,500 much needed jobs..'

which imply's that even more people will be returning to work. that chicago is growing and there's opportunities to be had. good times are right around the next corner...ha.

but the cta red line project was suppose to create 1,500 jobs and i would suspect that they are being laid off now as that project has ended.

so the red line workers can apply for positions on the blue line project and the job gains are at best a wash.

but shhhhh. remember the code. the code of silence. look at the blue line hires, don't look over there at the red line fires. crime is down. unemployment is down. everything is down.

12/08/2013 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

learn from rahm and cut off the money

like rahm trying to cut off firearm manufacturers access to bank loans to put them out of business

maybe it's time to stop doing business with the corporations that are funding these campaigns.

if the big banks are doing campaign donations with a candidate that you disagree with take your money out of those banks and use a credit union or something. cutoff their money supply.

i mean if you are not going to vote you can at least do that, right.

12/08/2013 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
General Assembly Pension Benefits ( the people who voted to cut everyone else)

85% after 20 years
3% compounding COLA

12/08/2013 07:30:00 AM

HEY, WeareoneIllinois, publicize THIS. It should cause smoke to come out of the citizens' ears!!!

12/08/2013 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are going to love this:

When it came to pensions, state officials looked out for No. 1

Lawmakers took care of themselves in 1989 pension revamp

May 25, 2012|By Jason Grotto and Ray Long, Chicago Tribune reporters

A year after Emil Jones Jr. retired from the Illinois Senate in 2008, his annual pensionjumped by more than 50 percent to $122,334 — far more than he ever earned as Senate president.

Jones' good fortune comes courtesy of legislation he sponsored in 1989. Under that law, members of the General Assembly who worked long enough to hit their limit on pension benefits — a generous 85 percent of their final salary after just 20 years — would get an extra reward.

For every additional year they stayed on, 3 percent of their initial pension would be added to their retirement checks. For Jones, working an extra 16 years netted him a $41,000 pension boost in 2009; he drew $126,004 last year.

The 3 percent deal, available to no one in state government outside of the General Assembly Retirement System, or GARS, is another in a long line of pension provisions written by lawmakers for lawmakers, a Tribune investigation found. It also stands as a glaring example of how the legislature repeatedly passed benefit increases with little or no concern for the costs.

Jones was a direct sponsor of many of these questionable deals. In addition to helping long-serving state lawmakers, the former senator sponsored legislation that allowed Chicago aldermen to receive the most lucrative pensions in city government and gave labor leaders public pensions based on their private salaries.

Jones justified giving the 3 percent perk to himself and his colleagues by noting that they were still contributing money to their pensions after they had served long enough to receive the maximum benefit.

"For those members of the General Assembly right now who ... have maxed out ... they are still contributing to that retirement system," Jones told his colleagues the day the bill passed. "So all this does is give them a little 3 percent on their own money."

Jones' quote implied that lawmakers' pensions were already fully funded. But that is not correct. Jones would have had to double his pension contributions to cover the high benefit he is receiving, records show, even after generous contributions from the state, healthy investment returns and the extra 16 years of payments he put in.

Even more important to the pension system's bottom line was another provision in the same 1989 legislation, one that dramatically increased the annual cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, for all retirees in the state and Chicago.

It was a subtle change: The COLA formula was switched from simple to compounding interest. At the time, it was expected to cost the state $3.2 billion over the next 40 years. But because consecutive governors and legislatures failed to make payments adequate to cover the increase, the price tag has grown much higher and now accounts for a large portion of the state's $83 billion in unfunded liabilities.

Aside from the political price they stand to pay, legislators have more to lose than nearly any other group caught up in Illinois' pension mess. That's because, along with judges, their benefits are the most lucrative in state government, despite the fact that their positions are part time and many members hold jobs outside of the legislature.

More than a third of all retirees in the legislative pension fund make more money now than they did when they served in government.

Everyone's pension get's hacked except the judges who will rule in court and the General Assembly who make the rules and, of course, Chicago Aldermen.

They can screw us now because they are all taken care of. Sweet.

12/08/2013 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Our Union President Shields saved the city 20 Million.

12/08/2013 10:50:00 AM

The final page has not yet been written on that one, we may yet get that money.

12/08/2013 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Promotions on Friday 85 Sgts and 43 Lts and 2 commanders, LP is not getting 009.

12/08/2013 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah…who are the unions going to go running to…Rauner? An even bigger LOSER?
They'll swallow whatever bad aftertaste Quinn leaves in their collective mouths…and pretend it's delicious.

12/08/2013 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck these "Unions" They're all Bullshit Artists and Sellouts.

12/08/2013 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did Bruce Rauner grow up?

Who were the 3 grandparents he never speaks of?

Why does he only brag about his maternal grandfather, the "hardworking Swedish immigrant"?

12/08/2013 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start with Rahm!

What an Asshole!

Napoleon complex and short man disease!

12/08/2013 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crain's recently reported that presumptive Illinois gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner used his influence to gain admission to Walter Payton College Prep High School for his daughter in 2008. She apparently leapfrogged over hundreds of better-qualified applicants because Mr. Rauner placed a call to Arne Duncan, then Chicago Public Schools CEO.

12/09/2013 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the unions are the ones that sold ya down tha river, dont expect them to start working in your best interests now, they are looking out for themselves and their business agent inflated salaries and nothing else. if you believe otherwise you might as well vote for Rahm again...

12/09/2013 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how the union leaders have millions do donate but the rank and file are scratching for every penny. Unions don't have the employees' rights in mind, just their union dues. I hate to break that to everyone.

12/09/2013 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats already stole a lot of money and and are all laughing, all the way to their banks!

DemocRATS don't need the dying unions anymore! They just waste money on entitlements now for the idiots to vote for them!

12/09/2013 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never thought I would say it but Quinn is the best choice! Bruce is personal friends of rahm think the pension is in dire straights now? Vote for Bruce it will be gone immediately then as soon as that happens the casinos will be built with billions given away to friends and family of the Illinois/Chicago criminal combine!

12/09/2013 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Crain's recently reported that presumptive Illinois gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner used his influence to gain admission to Walter Payton College Prep High School for his daughter in 2008. She apparently leapfrogged over hundreds of better-qualified applicants because Mr. Rauner placed a call to Arne Duncan, then Chicago Public Schools CEO.

12/09/2013 06:20:00 AM

If I were Rauner I would send my kids to a better private school.

Do you see Rahm Emanuel's kids going to CPS? Not a chance, they go to Lab School at the University of Chicago. Around $55,000 a year for two girls in grammar school.

Ask Rahm about it and he will tell you to go fuck yourself, it is his business.

12/09/2013 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were Rauner I would send my kids to a better private school.

Do you see Rahm Emanuel's kids going to CPS? Not a chance, they go to Lab School at the University of Chicago. Around $55,000 a year for two girls in grammar school.

Ask Rahm about it and he will tell you to go fuck yourself, it is his business.

It is his business and why wouldn't you want to send your kids to the Lab School if you could afford. Thats a no brainer

12/10/2013 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they stuck it right in there ass

12/10/2013 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I were Rauner I would send my kids to a better private school.

Do you see Rahm Emanuel's kids going to CPS? Not a chance, they go to Lab School at the University of Chicago. Around $55,000 a year for two girls in grammar school.

Ask Rahm about it and he will tell you to go fuck yourself, it is his business.

It is his business and why wouldn't you want to send your kids to the Lab School if you could afford. Thats a no brainer

12/10/2013 10:55:00 AM

Exactly. And Rauner is very wealthy. Why would he even bother making a call to get his kid in a CPS high school, even a supposed good one when he can drop some chump change and send the kid to a top flight school.

Maybe that is in keeping with his $18 watch theory. Fucking rich guys want power, they don't need it, they think they can do better because they had the brains to get wealthy. I don't want a guy like that as governor. Of course Clarabelle the Clown Quinn is only a little bit better, or rather, not quite as bad.

12/10/2013 09:35:00 PM  

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