Saturday, January 25, 2014

CompStat Temper Tantrum

We suppose he might have been suffering from a McHangover:
  • McPrincess walked out of his own comppost meeting yesterday and made everyone come back today. He looked like a complete ass. Bosses, even the suckholes were calling him a goof and laughing at him.

    Today was no better. Ranting, almost frothing at the mouth. He said, 'let me make this clear...(re tact)--the days of bringing in a head are over.'

    They had all kinds of stats where tact in 011 has not made a single arrest after 1900 and no activity. He does not want heads brought in. He wants areas saturated, quality arrests, more contact cards, more anovs. He wants tact to bring in cases that will shut down drug corners immediately, then afterward to stay in the area and keep making arrests, but not for simple dope.

    Tac should now suck as much as patrol.

    He also about had a stroke when talking about how 11 district personnel only wrote 26% of contact cards written in the district. (out of 3000 total). Said 11 officers should have a ton of free time to do contact cards due to so much help from outside units and even tho it's 10 below outside you should be out of your cars writing CC and anovs.

    Hopefully you guys in 11 will come in with less than 1% of the contact cards written, maybe a big fat goose egg across the board. If you heard how he talks about the beat officers, you wouldn't do one f*cking lick of work except go to calls. He has NO respect for you and thinks you should want to produce for him since he's such a great leader! Do what you want, but WTF could they possibly do to you? Take back what little power you have.

    He's so clueless it's embarrassing.
Remember, this guy invented police work. He and he alone can bring the benighted and back-ass-ward CPD hicks into line. And if he's having a bad day, then by golly, everyone else is going to have a bad day, too. And when he wants to cancel CompStat meetings at the drop of a hat and make everyone come back the next day, well then who's going to tell him "no?" A gold star? A leader?

Don't make us laugh.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 'bass ackward', SCC.

1/25/2014 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC said: And when he wants to cancel CompStat meetings at the drop of a hat and make everyone come back the next day, well then who's going to tell him "no?" A gold star? A leader?

Don't make us laugh.

We scrimp on copy paper and he whines about overtime, yet HOW MUCH MONEY did that little stunt cost in manpower, between time spent commuting to a second unnecessary meeting and reshuffling of other scheduled meetings and obligations on the part of all the participants?
I'd be willing to bet a hundred man-hours were WASTED because of McItsAllAboutMyEgo. What a petty jerk.

1/25/2014 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/25/2014 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the great leaders are in 015, not 011. If you. Want to talk about a joke

1/25/2014 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's attitudes like what's being posted here that got Cmdr. Washington dumped & demoted from 011 the first time. Everyone knows that a lot of the people in 011 aren't doing much at all on the streets over there. I feel sorry for whoever is going to be selected as the permanent Cmdr in 011, he/she is going to have a hell of time getting the coppers there to earn their keep and more importantly, keep the Supt. off their back.

1/25/2014 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank GOD i work in 011 or i might get dumped there... dude stole my car in July i wanna report!

1/25/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dildo, my pen don't work in this cold.

1/25/2014 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? For years, tact guys have complained about having to get stupid heads. Instead of doing stupid heads for activity, this guy wants anov's and CC's for stupid activity- but wants you hunting for GOOD arrests. Not the typical 2 bag delivery case. I know the anov's and CC 's suck, but is that really any worse than a handful of reckless conducts, SUB 's, or CTTL pinches? Enjoy the ability to hunt!

And furthermore, I wasn't at compstat, and I don't crunch numbers, but not even 1 arrest after 1900hrs? That's embarrassing. I understand that the dope game shuts down early on in the day, but you can try branching out to other stuff like PSMV, burglary, UUW, etc. stuff that might sit someone down for a minute, instead of the usual west-side 3 bag mfg/del special , which is generally plead down and probationable.....

Why is it that it seems like coppers on here agree with not locking anyone up after 1900 hours?

1/25/2014 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McPanniesInABunch doesn't give 2 shits. He makes $260,000 a year to do this. He's a politician. He acts pissed off and points the finger at everybody else but himself which is where the problem really is.

But this makes him look good. It makes him look like he's coming down hard but its all bull. 100% of what he says and does is bullshit.

1/25/2014 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the thing of which political leadership are made. Not tactical or field leadership, but political.

1/25/2014 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is a blow hard goof. Walks around like he can beat anyone's ass. Is love to run into this tough talking New York mustache

1/25/2014 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If no one is out due to the sub-zero temps, what is a cop suppose to do to generate a contact card, commit a home invasion for the names? The guy is clueless. Or maybe wait for the Sunday worshippers and write up the congregation as they leave.

1/25/2014 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or was he the one asshole that wasn't invited to Commander Gormans retirement party so he made sure everyone was home early to come back to silly Comstat??

1/25/2014 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous 011 Tactical said...

Hey STUPIDintendent,

I work 011 tact and I promise you I will not make any arrests after 2100 hours unless I want to. I will not write a contact card or ANOV unless I want to. You see, Ive been on this job for quite some time and supervisors don't scare me. You don't scare me. I've never met a man on the street in the ghetto over the last couple decades that has scared me. Come to think of it, no man scares me short of my father, God rest his soul. There is ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING you can do to me. Launch me from the tact team back to a beat car? So what. I'll march to the beat of my own drum on the watch just like I do on tact. This is a job, nothing more for me. I'm a lowly patrolman responsible for nothing but the safety of me and my partner. My accountability starts and stops with me. I learned early on how to pimp this job and make it work for ME - not the gold stars, not the WC, not my sergeant and certainly not for your drunken ass. I've been thru several Supe's and you'll soon be just another name on the list of asshole figurehead puppets that I've outlasted. Go fuck yourself Garry. That's if you can put down the bottle long enough to do so. Go back to St Sabina and suck Fplegers ass some more you pathetic excuse for a man.

1/25/2014 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

011 district tact no activity past 1900 hrs? Thats bs I'm not assigned to 011 but work there frequently. 011 tact always has prisoners being processed in there office. In fact on any given night you would be hard pressed to even find a available computer anywhere in the station.

1/25/2014 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- Who got the two coppers into Intelligence who did the NATO case. I hate to say it but they are very unprepared for trial. The Judge even recommended the one copper to go home and re listen to the overhear tapes. Who approved this mess. The female cop doesn't even know that a "bowl" is used for smoking weed? Really? Where are these rangers from????

1/25/2014 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope my spots safe


1/25/2014 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goose eggs would be nice, but probably not gonna happen. I can't speak for 011, but down south there are two types of tac guys. 50% of them are normal, friendly, regular people. The other 50% come from some strange alien planet that have no personality, strange orange colored skin, and believe that locking up pissers, drinkers, and loose cigarette czars makes them a tough guy.

The normal tact cops would just go back to the watch if they lost their perks. The other half of goofs would keep on producing even if you took away their furloughs and made them wear baby diapers over their Jeans.

If tact guys are going to be fucked with, then let them lead a revolt. It's not often that you hear of any type of rebellion among coppers, but when you do, it is usually the blue shirts that do it. I would be surprised if they messed with tact very much though. That might mean that eventually reverse seniority would have to be used to fill the teams if they become too undesirable. McCumstat probably wouldn't like the resulting statistics if that happened.

1/25/2014 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic a bit , but did anyone read this week's Chicago Reader? Mike Dumke wrote an article saying Tony Preckwinkle wants authirity to decide who can be released from Cook County jail. The article talks about overcrowding in the jail, and the Supreme Court apparently wants Cook County to lower the population in the jail. Read the article, it is interesting. She buried this legislation in another bill, but this still needs to be passed by the Government.

1/25/2014 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy needs to be fired. He is considered a "toxic leader". He has lost respect from everyone in the police department and city hall.

1/25/2014 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jaggggg offffffffff
Go back to NY

1/25/2014 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That was some thought provoking reading. Good contacts. Well done SCC.

1/25/2014 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work on 011, just do your damn job bring on activity
It's really not that hard, but then again a good part of the
Department is lazy as hell and doesn't want to really do anything because this is their first job and they don't know how hard it really is in the private sector. Just work beyond what is dispatched to you

1/25/2014 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All tact should soon be like in 020, where they use reverse seniority to fill the spots.

1/25/2014 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he should concentrate on the broken judicial system. we lock em up, a lot of them but they keep letting them go. theirs a major part of the problem. Hey McCarthy, go sit in prelims and see that 75%+ are found NO PROBABLE CAUSE when there is probable cause for the arrest. Then if a copper is lucky enough to have his case assigned to the criminal court bldg for trial another 75% of those are found not guilty, downgraded to from Felony to Misdeameanors, enhancements disregarded, violations of parole and probation disregarded and awesome plea deals offered and then taken by the dirtbag that is soon back on the streets to commit more crime.

1/25/2014 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tact was always that way.
At the beginning of the month the Sgt would go on and on about how he wanted quality over quantity.
Then, towards the end of the month. ....sweep the corners, lock up every swinging dick.
patrol is better. They have low expectations and you couldn't give a fuck.
Works out great.

1/25/2014 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we do nothing they might not give us retro. Right! F*** You... this city gets what it pays for. If we aren't worth raises or pensions then this city can kiss our asses.

1/25/2014 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many contact cards do the Sargent's bring in? Lead by example. Show me yours Sarge then I'll bring in mine. Hey Mc Asshole make your Sargent's set the bar. I'd love to see our Sargent's do something more than flirt with the desk dollies.

1/25/2014 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cracking He'll be gone soon

1/25/2014 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wished someone video recorded these meetings

1/25/2014 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know who should be embarrassed? The punk ass Lietuants and Exempts that have no balls. Georgas, Schmidt, Kennedy, Rotti, Roussell and the band played on....... You Lt's call you're self leaders? Not one of you have the balls to stand up to him. So scared of you're pensions. You're little spots. You don't deserve those pensions. And extra 34k a year when you retire. C'mon Captains wipe you're mouths from all that sucking. Haws getting tired? Poor babies. You guys are not respected. In prison you would be the bitches. Wearing heels, wigs, make up. Doing the laundry and making us grilled cheeses. Not one Lt., Captain or Exempt has ever stood up to to McDrunk. CPD=Circus Police Department. We have the funniest clowns. Pathetic!!!!!

1/25/2014 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grow up you fuck.

1/25/2014 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mc Stupid! Fuck You! From: Da Pelon

1/25/2014 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Squad, my balls ache. Can I get a number?

1/25/2014 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These Southside shitholes 006 003 007 etc are the same way. Most tact has no time of job and or no real police experience. But they all walk around like their shit don't stink

1/25/2014 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He sounds like a guy who never spent a day on the street. What a complete fucking moron.

1/25/2014 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I receiving emails from several citywide candidates on my dept email? Thought candidates were supposed to use a mailing to communicate with us. Sounds like an unfair labor practice to me.

1/25/2014 07:17:00 AM  
Blogger cpd765 said...

Does not surprise me one bit. We have no leaders or bosses here in 011. The sgts do their best to take care of us but the no ball XO R.B. is a complete company man through and through. We had 2 LT's bid out of here cause the lack of leadership from our gold star. You got a LT on days who while a nice guy outside of the job, is a complete micromanager to the point the Sgts do things behind his back because of his lack of common sense. Now we got LT. VR coming here, another merit hack who will continue to destroy morale throughout this once great District. Mc Super wants to know why the shootings are up and the numbers down??? Here in 011 we just don't care! I answer my jobs, play on my phone and watch movies all day. That is what a worker has become in 011, dog ass and proud of it!

1/25/2014 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to the robbery Sgt on giving the smack down to Tracy.
In case you don't know Tracy likes to bring up obvious wanted persons or patterns and ask the detectives if they know about them. Well Tracy post a picture of a guy he likes for a robbery pattern nicknamed pooh bear. He asks the robbery Sgt if he knew anything about pooh bear. The Sgt says yeah he's not the guy who did the recent robberies, seeing as how he has been in Idoc since oct 2013.
Tracy was like what?! He glares at his staff and says to the sgt ok we will look into it to see if a mistake was made.
Tracy here's a tip, instead of holding the info for days to throw it in peoples faces, how about get it to them so we can look into it immediately. Stop being a 2 yr old hoarding toys in the corner.

1/25/2014 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not really a fan of his but no arrests after 1900 hours from tact? That is pretty pathetic if true.

1/25/2014 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOOD!! It's about time these worthless tac teams got held accountable just like the rest of us!!

1/25/2014 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the Garry that I knew and hated! The one who goads bosses into having seizures and heart attacks by trying to make them as hated as he is. Hey Gar- this advice is free and from my retired couch: Sit back, shut up and let the d/c's get the job done! Compstat's only purpose now is to show off your new suits and where you have a captive audience for your grandstand speeches. Enough already!

1/25/2014 07:46:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

If it wasn't for merit, most of our "leaders" wouldn't even be sergeants.

Back in the day, we respected our commanders. Too sad.

1/25/2014 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This idiot is going to cost the city millions in contact card law suits. The CPD is getting sued left and right over its illegal contact card policies and Mcjersy shore keeps demanding more and more. If you are writing contact cards for any reason other than reasonable suspicion a crime has been committed or is about to be committed you are stupid. Supervisors if you are approving contact cards without reading them to ensure the stop is proper your stupid. Contact cards will be drunky the clowns downfall. Don't expect him to admit he demanded contact cards when in federal court he will deny it then.

1/25/2014 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So he thinks we are dirt? Lets show him how lazy we can really get! Shootings have spiked the last couple weeks so he is feeling a little "eggshellish". Maybe Rahm will have a bad day and show him the door heading back east soon!

1/25/2014 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carckin up McCompstat is losing it
Is the end near? we can only hope

1/25/2014 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's time for a psychological eval.

1/25/2014 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Dr. Feelgood said...

If the troops really cared about our fearless, micromanaging leader, we'd gift him with a triple ram's horn IV pole on wheels to support his IV bags for Thorazine, Xanax and Prozac. Toss in a discreet flask to settle his nerves.

1/25/2014 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McBipolar would be an ideal candidate for high octane medical cannabis.

1/25/2014 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous 1127X said...

The good thing about being in 011 is that they can't do shit else to us. I mean, we're already in 011. I don't do VRI. So, I have absolutely zero reason to do a buncha bullshit contact cards. And I don't. FUCK THAT! McAssswipe can bite me.

1/25/2014 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all pays the same. Make me come back day after day after day. I don't give a shit, counting the days.

1/25/2014 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy needs a videographer.

1/25/2014 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

soumds like the 2nd watch Lt in 08.

1/25/2014 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the few organizations where being a high level boss is actually a disgrace. Who would want to be counted among them?

1/25/2014 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a former resident of the 11th, the policing of the district seems to have gone downhill with the departure of Cmdr Starks. And that was a loooong time ago. Granted, things may appear different from the inside.

1/25/2014 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyical of a person whos head is on the chopping block. What these idiots do not understand is, treat people right and then the rest falls into place. Degrading and alienating does nothing. Well maybe for a few select balless. I for one, after learning this will only answer calls and give good police service. Thismis not corporate america. Any of you that do a damn thing havent got a hair on your ass.

1/25/2014 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't this guy a believer in the broken windows theory of policing back in NY? Quite a turn around in strategies.

1/25/2014 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fan of McNumbnuts; BUT IT IT TRUE! TAC IS STILL LIVING IN A 1980'S TIME WARP, AS IF NOBODY CAN DO THE MATH!The time of arrest is clear as is the lay down or early duck afterwards. That's what Tac has been about for decades. As long as the numbers balanced out, there was no accountability for after that one head. I miss the days of Sgt. A at CTA/Special:"Two and You Through", "A Gun and You Done","go hide till Check Off". "And stay away from that house you gave your ex-wife."

1/25/2014 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said that he was disappointed in us. Us - as in the men and woman of the CPD. Fuck him.

1/25/2014 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep working VRI and Special and helping this asshole and that other asshole at City Hall out. In the mean time he talks about us like we are dogs and Tiny Dancer keeps trying to F us on our contract and pension.

Yep, keep working that VRI and Special. I hope selling your dignity and soul are worth it.

1/25/2014 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you are a powerful influential leader, you are allowed temper tantrums.

1/25/2014 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the famous so called "Copper's Cop" eh?

McCarthy was hyped as "Son of a Real Policeman who bleeds blue and has what it takes to restore CPD to it's proper place as a showcase Police Department."

Garry McCarthy is a fucking devoid of principles and integrity, anti-police turn coat who showed his true colors with his comedy skit at St. Sabina.

Just like j-fled, his pudding-like head was filled full of bullshit by the mayor, the City Hall apparatchiks planted in the Department and the media about how "out of control" the patrol contingent of CPD is.

McCarthy KNOWS he lost this department and any viable chance to use the hoped for "re-invention of Policing" hype as a springboard to national fame and fortune as a future head of Homeland Security/U.S. National Police Directorate...

And just like j-fled, he is beyond pissed because his pudding head is full of "those dumb, unruly Chicago Blue-Shirts fucked up my plans for bigger and better things."

That's why McCarthy is so openly disrespectful and dismissive toward any and all things pertaining to CPD is is basically engaged in a scorched earth campaign against the department he is supposed to be leading.

He has no one to blame but himself and it's plain to see from his CompStat Temper Tantrums that it's burning him the fuck up.

Boo-Hoo... Baby shit himself because his sippy cup rolled away.

Ugh! He wanders around like the typical urban urchin... A diaper full of He-Man sized shit and stinking like the very Devil with a cloud of flies kicking him in his ass.

"Who stankin' ugly baby dat is?"

Maybe McMooky and j-fled can convene a focus group on how successive oh so smart and overhyped L.E. "experts" by their very own actions somehow managed to completely lose CPD.

1/25/2014 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men/Women of this Department if you have the slightest inkling of ever collecting a pension from the city;
STOP WORKING THE OVERTIME Being done in lieu of hiring people. The $ sign is alluring and clouds the consequences if we continue to participate in this insanity.

1/25/2014 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well then...step a side you scared ass brass and let a P.O. with some balls tell him. Dear Mr. Superintendent the reason your contact card and ANOV's are down is because we don't have enough cars to get out there and get them. You see each watch every day in every critical district has 6-8 patrolmen sitting around 1-2 hrs waiting for the previous watch to come in to turn over vehicles. The recruits in the districts who should be saturating the critical areas are riding 4 officers to a car and in some incidents 6-8 in a van so there goes spreading out the coverage so essentially what should be 7 or 8 visible cars creating high visibility is really only 3. It is about coverage....right. Oh and regarding the cars that do operate well some don't have heat in them and in half of the vehicles we don't have computers, I havn't had a PDT in 5 weeks. Oh and after talking to several recruits these guys are not receiving all of their training, they are being shorted a few weeks not to mention I spoke to 2 guys who have only made 1 arrest their entire time with their FTO, I kinda see that as a problem. Well I guess I scratched the surface on some issues and with this being out there in print the people who probably prevent you from hearing ongoing issues in our department may now have to approach you before you read it here....unless your already aware and have been ignoring it. Well have a great day.

1/25/2014 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chief of McPoopTroop (compstat group) was incredulous that none of the debriefings done by narcotics ended with any shithead giving up info about murders. He kept repeating something to the effect of, 'you mean to tell me that out of a hundred or more debriefings, that nobody had a shred of information to give us'? (Regarding violence info he means. He said he doesn't care about dope info).

He asked who was doing the debriefings and when he found out it was narcotics (or gangs/tac), he said that he thinks det's should do them. Someone in the PoopTroop piped up that they could have an in-service training class on interviews and interrogations up and running soon---FOR DETECTIVES, so they can take over the narcotics and other tact/gang debriefings!

McPoopTroop King insinuated we should be doing what's necessary to get info.Threats, intimidation, who knows what's in his pea brain. Yeah, uh huh, who's going to risk their career when McIdiot would not only throw you under the bus, he'd call the bus and tell it where you will be in the roadway.

Maybe he doesn't realize det's just don't give a f*ck anymore with his bullshit restructuring and bouncing around from district to district, and having them do debriefings in addition to their workload now will give him the same (zero) results?

Maybe someone should tell him that nobody believes he has our backs, that nobody can get a day off, that patrol gets f*cked with nonstop by changing cars, start times, partners? Maybe someone should tell him we're working without a contract, that the city f*cks us every chance they get, that they are first in line trying to take away or diminish our pensions.

Every time there is a shooting/murder, he wants all the dope buys rounded up, cases put on them, and they are supposed to be told that violence will not be tolerated. He thinks that will make them understand and that corner won't have any violence anymore....hmmm, maybe they'll just settle their vendettas a couple blocks over then?

Yes Bosswad, we'll get right on those contact cards for ya and start clearing the dope corners. If you're a beat officer and you do a single contact card or anov for the rest of the year, remember it's like giving McBeerBubble a kiss on the asscheek each time you do. There's not a lot we can do to send this clueless ass a msg, but you could start there. 011, wait for the lectures to begin, since McStupid reamed your new commander at compstat.

One last thing. He wants all lunches taken early so that everyone can bring in more activity (arrests, contact cards, anovs) after 1900.

Stay safe all. McCarthy truly does not give a shit about your safety.

1/25/2014 06:41:28 AM

1/25/2014 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The telling comment here was " what are they going to do to you"? Yes, that is the problem with this job, or one of the problems, anyway. The do nothing attitude because the city can do nothing to you has permeated its way deep into the department. You cannot get away with this in other police departments for one, and certainly not in private industry. It is a job and with a job are duties and responsibilities. The sad fact that follows this is when the city promotes or give good assignments to those with influence despite their poor performance record. That crushes incentive. I was hoping McCarthy could change this attitude, but it is not looking good.

1/25/2014 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So minus the tantrum. He actually wants the TAC teams to make quality arrests. Stop locking up people for loose cigarettes and work close to a whole tour. I'm no fan of Mcdrunky but I dont see the beef with this.

1/25/2014 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont agree with him on many things but I think its crazy you dont have a arrest late in you tour ever, be smart keep half cars late and rotate. If your to dumb to play the tact game which isnt that hard you shouldnt be there and if its to hard quit crying and go back to the watch. When I didnt like my tact Lt. and what he was asking for I want back to the watch that was 15yrs ago.

1/25/2014 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please! Another example of mixed messages being sent to the troops. Ever since McBrokenWindows arrived, it's been "quality of life arrests" and "small pinches lead to big pinches", etc., blah blah blah. And for all the haters who post regularly about tact guys coming in with pimpy one baggers, pissers, and drinkers, understand this: No tact lieutenant in the history of tact lieutenants has ever told their guys "I only want felonies and guns. Don't worry about it if you don't come in with anything tonight" Now, I've had bosses claim they were more interested in "quality over quantity", but the first time they get their asses chewed at Compstat because the team's numbers are down, that message is quickly forgotten. If you want to keep your spot, wherever it may be, you play the game. You may not agree with the game, or like it, but your spot works for you, you play it.

1/25/2014 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Wednesday, Mr Geiger and the FOP filed a lawsuit against Google, one of the world's largest corporations.
So Dougherty and crew are suing Google
Are they f ing nuts
The lawsuit is to find out which CITYWIDE guy illegally recorded and posted to YouTube a board meeting against federal laws and illinois law subjecting the FOP to a civil suit of their own so CALM down junior google isn't being sued they are being forced to hand over the information.

1/25/2014 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's attitudes like what's being posted here that got Cmdr. Washington dumped & demoted from 011 the first time. Everyone knows that a lot of the people in 011 aren't doing much at all on the streets over there. I feel sorry for whoever is going to be selected as the permanent Cmdr in 011, he/she is going to have a hell of time getting the coppers there to earn their keep and more importantly, keep the Supt. off their back.

1/25/2014 12:27:00 AM

......said a clueless boss. Earn their keep? F*ck you. They earn their keep by going to work in that dangerous shithole and responding to calls. YOU earn YOUR keep you moron. And try not to get a paper cut.

Treat the troops with a little respect. Don't fuck with their assignments, cars, starts times, and let them take a day off when they need it (which is time they've earned).

Scream at them, threaten them, do all of the above, treat them like shit, and you reap what you sow.

What goes around comes around. I'm sure the coppers who work under Lt. J.A. are gonna run right out there and work for him. HAHAHAHAHA!

I'm sure when you can't even get a day off for a wedding you're going to run out and work, in whatever district, for whatever boss. Leadership starts at the top. McRatface is an egotistical, clueless maniac who is losing his sanity because he knows compstat ISN'T working and he's running out of ways to hide the crime and skew the stats.

When the mayor hates us, we're working without a contract, and the politicians our bosses love are salivating at the thought of diminishing or removing our pension benefits, why on earth do you think the troops would do ANYTHING?

I do what I do out there for the public. I go out, answer calls, write reports. I do it for them, not suckhole bosses, not McImposter, not Tutu the Mayor and surely not for the crooked politicians.

1/25/2014 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this how the midget mayor treated congress when he was screwing up the county, not just Chicago. The midget loves Mcfart acting tough.

1/25/2014 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And furthermore, I wasn't at compstat, and I don't crunch numbers, but not even 1 arrest after 1900hrs? That's embarrassing. I understand that the dope game shuts down early on in the day, but you can try branching out to other stuff like PSMV, burglary, UUW, etc. stuff that might sit someone down for a minute, instead of the usual west-side 3 bag mfg/del special , which is generally plead down and probationable.....

Why is it that it seems like coppers on here agree with not locking anyone up after 1900 hours?

1/25/2014 12:43:00 AM

You misunderstood. He doesn't care about anything except that which is related to violence. He's having trouble hiding the murders, and that is pissing him off. And I think he said not only were there no arrests after 1900, there was NO ACTIVITY, as in CC's and the like.

1/25/2014 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are there to do a job officer

1/25/2014 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 murders last night nothing on the news

1/25/2014 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contact cards? Those things border on civil rights violations. Citizens don't have to tell you anything. Don't do bogus ones.

1/25/2014 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. What a loose cannon. That's not leadership he is portraying, more like inadequacy.

1/25/2014 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired and Loving It says:

"He wants tact to bring in cases that will shut down drug corners immediately, then afterward to stay in the area and keep making arrests, but not for simple dope."

Does he expect Tac to make tax evasion, RICO, environmental, building code, dog license and treason arrests?

1/25/2014 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy needs to be fired. He is considered a "toxic leader". He has lost respect from everyone in the police department and city hall.

1/25/2014 02:25:00 AM

Absolutely agree. He has zero respect from any and all ranks of the Department and doesn't understand the first thing about leadership. This is probably the worst kind of person to lead an organization. He contradicts himself as to what he wants and therefore instills nothing but confusion. Worst of all, his lack of knowledge about police work beyond writing tickets or anovs makes him look foolish. Nobody will follow such a person and it's the reason why there is very little proactive policing taking place. Everybody is just waiting for this nightmare to end.

1/25/2014 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Rahm realizes whats going on with McCarthy and how even his command staff has lost all respect for him. He's been here almost 3 years and will go down as the worst CPD superintendent since Breczak. Garry will be gone soon and this New York nightmare will be a distant memory.

1/25/2014 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any officer on a tac team thinks they can get ahead or help the public while this idiot is the superintendent of police, just remember what he did when he fired 7 guys from 002, for making an arrest of a felon with a substantial amount of heroin who then pled guilty in court. Then they get fired. Of course 6 of the 7 are back on the job because the superintendent's case sucked and the 7th will be soon hopefully.

1/25/2014 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But this makes him look good. It makes him look like he's coming down hard but its all bull. 100% of what he says and does is bullshit.

1/25/2014 12:48:00 AM

This may make him look good outside the Department for the short term, but in the longer term this will be his downfall. When crime ticks up again, the police will not respond like they have in the past. They are genuinely disgusted by this egomaniac. More and more officers are realizing he has nothing but contempt for the CPD and its members and this kind of thinking always leads to less productivity, not more.

1/25/2014 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If there are no fish, you come in with an empty hook.

The days of creative writing are long gone.

Don't take any stupid risks just to wear blue jeans at work.

Soon, McDrunk will be just a picture on the wall at HQ.

Don't loose you job, get sued or go to jail for him or anyone else.

1/25/2014 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work on 011, just do your damn job bring on activity
It's really not that hard, but then again a good part of the
Department is lazy as hell and doesn't want to really do anything because this is their first job and they don't know how hard it really is in the private sector. Just work beyond what is dispatched to you

1/25/2014 02:41:00 AM

Hey stupid, it's not being lazy for the majority of people, it's adopting the leader's attitude that "it's all about me" and not the organization. When people feel they are a part of something greater than themselves, they generally align with the organization. I would love to know what your private sector experience is.

1/25/2014 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
McCarthy needs to be fired. He is considered a "toxic leader". He has lost respect from everyone in the police department and city hall.

1/25/2014 02:25:00 AM

Do you think he gives the slightest shit about us? Fuck no. He won't be going to anyone's wedding here or a kid's birthday or christening or a family funeral. He has no roots here, no friends. Once he goes whose butt will his suckholes gather around?

And when he does go, he will likely never be back except to go to court for the endless lawsuits. Who is going to pay him to go to court? He will be in NY or NJ and tell them to kiss his ass with those subpoenas.

I like the response I read about from a boss, I think it was Walsh. Not sure. McCarthy ordered him downtown for compstat or some shit. Walsh knew he wasn't long for the CPD and had a golf date. He said fuck McCarthy and went golfing instead, he had his time in as a commander and was ready to pull the plug, so, fuck McCarthy. I hope that was true, it was a beautiful thing.

We need lots more of that.

1/25/2014 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. I'm an outside unit and write a lot of CCs in 011. Why? Because that's allows us to focus on good arrests later. We all know CCs are worth as much as dog shit but we do them. 011 district coppers are amazing. They back you up no matter who you are or what you have. To say 011 district coppers aren't doing enough is insane. I guess between assisting on FPs, hot calls, transports, assists and answering jobs, they have enough time to go write CCs? Fuck you McConfused. Am I wrong or is that the whole purpose of outside units; take care of the "extra" shit that districts just don't have enough personnel to address (contact cards, area saturation, hunting, etc.).

Wait til Mr. Company Man himself arrives, LT VR. Watch out for Gary's left over cum from hitting you in the face while this stroke admonishes you

1/25/2014 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the thing of which political leadership are made. Not tactical or field leadership, but political.

1/25/2014 12:54:00 AM

Great observation. This is precisely what the CPD has been lacking, field and tactical leadership. Unfortunately, our mayor doesn't understand this concept. All he understands is politics. That is why he chose this goof.

1/25/2014 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? For years, tact guys have complained about having to get stupid heads. Instead of doing stupid heads for activity, this guy wants anov's and CC's for stupid activity- but wants you hunting for GOOD arrests. Not the typical 2 bag delivery case. I know the anov's and CC 's suck, but is that really any worse than a handful of reckless conducts, SUB 's, or CTTL pinches? Enjoy the ability to hunt!

And furthermore, I wasn't at compstat, and I don't crunch numbers, but not even 1 arrest after 1900hrs? That's embarrassing. I understand that the dope game shuts down early on in the day, but you can try branching out to other stuff like PSMV, burglary, UUW, etc. stuff that might sit someone down for a minute, instead of the usual west-side 3 bag mfg/del special , which is generally plead down and probationable.....

Why is it that it seems like coppers on here agree with not locking anyone up after 1900 hours?

1/25/2014 12:43:00 AM

The issue of not locking anyone up after 1900 hours was not an 011 tac issue, it was a OCD/narcotics issue. Please try to have some of your information correct before you wax philosophically.

1/25/2014 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thank GOD i work in 011 or i might get dumped there... dude stole my car in July i wanna report!

1/25/2014 12:31:00 AM

Dude wanted to report his car stolen one day. Said he lent it to his drug dealer and paid the man but now he can't get his car back and wanted the dealer arrested for appropriating his ride. Only a shithead can come up with that shit with a straight face and then be pissed at the police for not taking his side. I suggested he hire a lawyer or try to get a free government lawyer. I gave him the number of the public defender's office.

1/25/2014 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo McJackass; Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to run a police department.

1/25/2014 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he should concentrate on the broken judicial system. we lock em up, a lot of them but they keep letting them go. theirs a major part of the problem. Hey McCarthy, go sit in prelims and see that 75%+ are found NO PROBABLE CAUSE when there is probable cause for the arrest. Then if a copper is lucky enough to have his case assigned to the criminal court bldg for trial another 75% of those are found not guilty, downgraded to from Felony to Misdeameanors, enhancements disregarded, violations of parole and probation disregarded and awesome plea deals offered and then taken by the dirtbag that is soon back on the streets to commit more crime.

What do you want McCarthy to do about the legal system? Judges are elected along with the ASA. He has no imput into the legal system. Do you think Alvarez is going to let McCarthy run her office.

1/25/2014 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy needs to be fired. He is considered a "toxic leader". He has lost respect from everyone in the police department and city hall.

Not everyone from city hall or he still wouldn't be here. The one who counts,still supports him.

1/25/2014 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- Who got the two coppers into Intelligence who did the NATO case. I hate to say it but they are very unprepared for trial. The Judge even recommended the one copper to go home and re listen to the overhear tapes. Who approved this mess. The female cop doesn't even know that a "bowl" is used for smoking weed? Really? Where are these rangers from????

Its called "Clout city"

1/25/2014 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are districts need are processing rooms without chairs at the desk where our computers lay on top of..... what we need are bar like countertops without chairs, police officers can stand while completing their required reports....this takes away the continuous hours of sitting down, squad car then at station... this stand-up work position can make us more effective and efficient in completion and submission of the required reports on our backs and stomachs....just say'n!

1/25/2014 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't this go against his broken window application of police work. This is what NY is famous for, right? Make up your mind you tool, typical loud mouth New Yorker.

1/25/2014 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work on 011, just do your damn job bring on activity
It's really not that hard, but then again a good part of the
Department is lazy as hell and doesn't want to really do anything because this is their first job and they don't know how hard it really is in the private sector. Just work beyond what is dispatched to you

1/25/2014 02:41:00 AM

That statement is ignorant as hell. This isn't a lazy department. It's a department with NO MORALE you fucking jackass. As far as how hard it is in the private sector, that all depends on what your fucking job is. I know people that make a 100k a year in the computer field that work from home 3 days a week, go into the office 2 days a week, and have weekends and holidays off so don't spew that shit to me about how hard it is in the private sector.

1/25/2014 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC said: And when he wants to cancel CompStat meetings at the drop of a hat and make everyone come back the next day, well then who's going to tell him "no?" A gold star? A leader?

Don't make us laugh.

We scrimp on copy paper and he whines about overtime, yet HOW MUCH MONEY did that little stunt cost in manpower, between time spent commuting to a second unnecessary meeting and reshuffling of other scheduled meetings and obligations on the part of all the participants?
I'd be willing to bet a hundred man-hours were WASTED because of McItsAllAboutMyEgo. What a petty jerk.

Grow up. When the supt cancels a meeting and tells you to come back the next day, if you are an exempt you do it. Don't make it sound like they have this all important schedule and can't rearrange it. They are really loaded with scheduled meetings and obligations, you have to be kidding.

1/25/2014 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what ever happen to making:
Part 1 arrests and
Part 2 arrests, and
Class X,
Class 4,
felony arrests.

nobody keeping count anymore?
If the appointed Commanders never made any of the above listed arrests then their subordinates don't know wtf is going on anymore!

1/25/2014 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
McCarthy needs to be fired. He is considered a "toxic leader". He has lost respect from everyone in the police department and city hall.

1/25/2014 02:25:00 AM


He never had respect for anyone in the CPD, or the city for that matter.

1/25/2014 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! What a joke! McDumbass is a grade A political hack who has no business on this job, especially with that ridiculous price tag of $260K. He couldn't handle the fryers at a McDonald's, let alone a major police dept. That being said, you will always have those fools who will do absolutely anything to be the blue-jeans police, even if it means allowing themselves to be subjected to the whims and rants of incompetent supervisors. It would be nice to see the whole unit send a message to this clown and not bring in any heads past 1800 hours. It would be priceless to see his head spin at the following bs meeting. It would also be nice for some of these bosses to start speaking up and put this fool in his place, however, it all comes down to each man for himself, and they all know they make good pay for doing little if any work. For six-figure paychecks, they will gladly go for the weekly bitching sessions they must endure from this clown.

1/25/2014 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He makes $260,000 a year to do this. He's a politician.

. . . and, apparently, a drama queen

1/25/2014 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 1/25/2014 01:49:00 AM


She thought that they said "pole", not bowl. HA!

1/25/2014 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 1/25/2014 01:36:00 AM

That's great writing.

Gmac and Al Gore are similar in that they both suffer from a severe psychological disorder doctors call SMALL P NYS - A very well known New York Syndrome. One thinks he invented the Internet and the other thinks he invented Police Work.

1/25/2014 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All i do is stand in the Arab store in my beat at night then wait for pookie to buy a quart.

Since it is a hot spot i have about 5 contact cards in 10 minutes. and since i keep copies of them i don't
even need to ask these goofs who they are.

plus i get free smokes and a gallon of milk.

1/25/2014 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no clue nor are you a leader. The department has fallen far from grace. Officers are not lazy its just for years of abuse by the general public and city hall who the hell will put out the extra effort. We have no support from supervisors and headquarters. You do police work and someone complains we are guilty until proven innocent. I personally had a supervisor tell me to go get a contact card on anyone. In other words violate someones rights just to meet this quota. Well I'm smarter than that and not willing to be part of a federal lawsuit..

1/25/2014 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for everyone to go to you tube and bring up "Chicago Comstat 2013"

McNuts must have taken an ass chewing from Rahmmmy about something and shit rolls downhill.

1/25/2014 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You reap what you sow."
Let's see, our contract expired over a year in a half ago. With no raise or retro for the first year.

We just had 5,000 PO's and Det's take the Sgt's test for which there may be what 300 spots, 30% of which are merit, which leaves 210 spots, so top 5% or better. Not to mention these lists stay up for years.

Don't get me started on the "quality not quantity line." If I had a dollar for every time I heard that line I'd be retired by
now. That line lasts for one day then its back to the old we need some heads. Are there quality contact cards?

Here's some advice, settle the contract, make some promotions and commend those that go above and beyond and be grateful for what you have because nothing lasts forever.

1/25/2014 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for everyone to go to you tube and bring up "Chicago Comstat 2013"

McNuts must have taken an ass chewing from Rahmmmy about something and shit rolls downhill.

Even the "Creator of Modern Policing" has to realize that when it is well below zero, even shitheads don't come out.

1/25/2014 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

SCC said: And when he wants to cancel CompStat meetings at the drop of a hat and make everyone come back the next day, well then who's going to tell him "no?" A gold star? A leader?

Don't make us laugh.

We scrimp on copy paper and he whines about overtime, yet HOW MUCH MONEY did that little stunt cost in manpower, between time spent commuting to a second unnecessary meeting and reshuffling of other scheduled meetings and obligations on the part of all the participants?
I'd be willing to bet a hundred man-hours were WASTED because of McItsAllAboutMyEgo. What a petty jerk.

1/25/2014 12:12:00 AM

It is for the greater good. The point had to be made. That is why when I make sergeant I am going to be a hands on supervisor. I took the test and I already bought my white shirts. You cannot make an omelet without cracking an egg.

1/25/2014 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susie likes it like this! - HADDENER

1/25/2014 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heard he question why Detectives aren't ordering ET's to process scenes especially garage burglaries 2 days after the fact. Says we should be monitoring the radio and order the scene processed. He forgets that it was his call not to send cars out and take the report over the phone.

1/25/2014 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
McPanniesInABunch doesn't give 2 shits. He makes $260,000 a year to do this. He's a politician. He acts pissed off and points the finger at everybody else but himself which is where the problem really is.

But this makes him look good. It makes him look like he's coming down hard but its all bull. 100% of what he says and does is bullshit.

1/25/2014 12:48:00 AM

exactly. well said.

1/25/2014 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, CLTV is reporting that the new DePaul stadium and McCormick hotel complex is going to cost substantially more than expected. They are reporting the city is looking for a "developer" (read someone who will line the pockets of rahmulous's cronies) to help keep the project on budget. Great, not even out of the gate and its already over butget. Maybe this will kill this stupid waste of taxpayer money.

1/25/2014 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem in getting rid of McCarthy is that he is doing exactly what Rahm wants. Rahm wants to destroy the CPD and can do it with the complicity of the media. McCarthy stays because he has not embarrassed Rahm PUBLICALLY.

We all know what a goof he is and I know DCs across the city who talk behind closed doors what an ass he is by he is the ass in charge. Does anyone respect him, NO. Does anyone fear him, NO they fear that he can screw things up further and hurt more people. The best he can get
is loathing because he holds the purse-strings.

To get rid of McCarthy he has to embarrass his boss Rahm PUBLICALLY. The only time the lame stream media showed any interest in doing anything that might get right get rid of that goof was when he had that argument at a retirement party on the far NW side. I wouldn't answer "reporters" questions about that incident then and I would now even if I know anything.

It would be great if there were several iPhone videos from different angles of McCarthy's Compost rants. If posted on the web then the media might pick it up because they hate police in general. If it hit viral status and Rahm couldn't put a lid on it then we might see the end of McCarthyism.

Anybody who sees this goof anywhere should point their camera at him and hope for that moment when he blows his top or falls on his ass, drunk or not.

I'd love to get a couple of good looking girls arm and arm with him with those "Chicago Murder City of the World” t-shirts.
Stay Safe. The problem is who would Rahm replace him with. We need to replace Rahm.

1/25/2014 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/25/2014 02:24:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...
McCarthy needs to be fired. He is considered a "toxic leader". He has lost respect from everyone in the police department and city hall.

1/25/2014 02:25:00 AM<<<

We need to show that lack of respect.

1/25/2014 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: Anyone know who the 5 foot f/2 that got grabbed at Mariano's on Elston for shop lifting?? A couple of retired bosses seen talking to store manager, then the thief ran out to her maroon suv & flew out of the parking lot. How stupid are you. The retired bosses should have left her to rot.

1/25/2014 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 11th district tactical calling out Mc Stupid.. You are a scary guy! you are not afraid of nothing. You pointed it out! But it seems you were afraid to give us your name. Just when I thought we finally had a real person to look up to. YOU don't have to stay on tact , leave now before you scare everybody to death.

1/25/2014 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Threats of pension payment increase and benefit decrease, medical payment increase, minimal salary increase- if any at all, increased disciplinary action, change start time and limited time off, manpower shortages and what took you so long to get to your job...
Sure, a contact card after 1900 will look good for Rahm and GMac

1/25/2014 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

011 Tactical said...
Hey STUPIDintendent,

I work 011 tact and I promise you I will not make any arrests after 2100 hours unless I want to. I will not write a contact card or ANOV unless I want to. You see, Ive been on this job for quite some time and supervisors don't scare me. You don't scare me. I've never met a man on the street in the ghetto over the last couple decades that has scared me. Come to think of it, no man scares me short of my father, God rest his soul. There is ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING you can do to me. Launch me from the tact team back to a beat car? So what. I'll march to the beat of my own drum on the watch just like I do on tact. This is a job, nothing more for me. I'm a lowly patrolman responsible for nothing but the safety of me and my partner. My accountability starts and stops with me. I learned early on how to pimp this job and make it work for ME - not the gold stars, not the WC, not my sergeant and certainly not for your drunken ass. I've been thru several Supe's and you'll soon be just another name on the list of asshole figurehead puppets that I've outlasted. Go fuck yourself Garry. That's if you can put down the bottle long enough to do so. Go back to St Sabina and suck Fplegers ass some more you pathetic excuse for a man.

1/25/2014 01:36:00 AM

Maybe this is the attitude the Superintendent is trying to change or at least he's trying to weed out the ones that cling to it.

1/25/2014 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maybe he should concentrate on the broken judicial system. we lock em up, a lot of them but they keep letting them go. theirs a major part of the problem. Hey McCarthy, go sit in prelims and see that 75%+ are found NO PROBABLE CAUSE when there is probable cause for the arrest. Then if a copper is lucky enough to have his case assigned to the criminal court bldg for trial another 75% of those are found not guilty, downgraded to from Felony to Misdeameanors, enhancements disregarded, violations of parole and probation disregarded and awesome plea deals offered and then taken by the dirtbag that is soon back on the streets to commit more crime.

1/25/2014 03:03:00 AM

If 75% of felony arrests are getting no probable cause then it's time to re-evaluate what you are doing, what you are writing, and how you are testifying.

There has been a SERIOUS decline in the quality of CPD officers' testimony in the last 5-10 years. I see a lot of officers who cannot remember what their own reports state when they are being prepped to testify.

Beware, because this department has figured out that the best way around union protections for ineffective officers is to let the Justice Dept. take over under a decree. It is coming.

1/25/2014 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well maybe thats what happens when you get a meritorious tact Lieutenant who always had nice spots, and gets handed the tact spot in 011 just 3 weeks after being promoted from Sgt. He then comes in and starts telling everyone that "011 tact should be leading the city in arrests!!!" "I came from narcotics, you guys need to start bringing in heads! I don't care what you lock them up for!"

1/25/2014 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous eduardo sanchez esquivellareal lopez said...

hes a legend and if anyone of us were half the man and cop he is this place would be a much better place to live .............................................


1/25/2014 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the boy scouts who complain about people not producing number get a life. Just what do the gold stars do for you outside of making your life Miserable, nothing! all they care about is themselves. No time off, breaking up partners,foot patrol in below zero temp and if you do work they want more. Go out and work when the mayor doesn't give a shit about the department, no raise, cut pensions, increase health care cost, and most important no family life just police work "for the children". There is no hope for CPD it will take many years to fix

1/25/2014 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Dick Tracy said...

DO NOTHING accept answer your radio jobs, and just do your more and certainly no less

and take care of the REAL victims

1/25/2014 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous N.Y.P.D. said...

Glad he is with you guys and not us.

He was a pain in the ass here long enough.

1/25/2014 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Proud Old Timer said...

Bring back the "Sons Of God."

Let the "Rangers" ride again.

1/25/2014 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tact had always been and will always be a numbers game. It is what it is. I'm on a tact team (not 011) and I will keep locking up jag offs when they act a fool. If I see an arrest after 1900 I'll make it, if I don't, I won't. I don't need this jag bag to tell me when, where and not what time to lock someone up.

1/25/2014 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything Starts From Leadership!!

1/25/2014 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I work on 011, just do your damn job bring on activity
It's really not that hard, but then again a good part of the
Department is lazy as hell and doesn't want to really do anything because this is their first job and they don't know how hard it really is in the private sector. Just work beyond what is dispatched to you

1/25/2014 02:41:00 AM

Blow me shitbird. You're one of the stupidfucks who doesn't have a fucking clue as to WHY no one is working in 011, you just show up here spouting off how ignorant you are to think it's because people are lazy.

Grow the fuck up junior boy and understand some of us still have the balls to refuse to work for a shithead boss like this fucker. Call it whatever you're stupid enough to think it is, you'll never understand what it means to be the fucking police nor what control we do have over this prick and his dancer pimp.

1/25/2014 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, he was referring to the buy bust teams from Narcotics assigned to 011 not making any arrests after 1900. Former commander did not want undercover officers making buys when their surveillance teams couldn't see them

1/25/2014 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Am I missing something? For years, tact guys have complained about having to get stupid heads. Instead of doing stupid heads for activity, this guy wants anov's and CC's for stupid activity- but wants you hunting for GOOD arrests. Not the typical 2 bag delivery case. I know the anov's and CC 's suck, but is that really any worse than a handful of reckless conducts, SUB 's, or CTTL pinches? Enjoy the ability to hunt!

And furthermore, I wasn't at compstat, and I don't crunch numbers, but not even 1 arrest after 1900hrs? That's embarrassing. I understand that the dope game shuts down early on in the day, but you can try branching out to other stuff like PSMV, burglary, UUW, etc. stuff that might sit someone down for a minute, instead of the usual west-side 3 bag mfg/del special , which is generally plead down and probationable.....

Why is it that it seems like coppers on here agree with not locking anyone up after 1900 hours?

1/25/2014 12:43:00 AM

It doesn't matter what the Supt. wants. The tact Lt. and the Sgt.'s only understand heads and that's it. they would rather have the guys getting one bagers and drinkers all day than one robbery or murder pinch all week. Nothing will ever change no matter who's the Supt.

1/25/2014 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can a gold star put a cr on the sup for "hostile work environment"? Lol

1/25/2014 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy keeps fucking with the what 10-20% of coppers that do all the work. What if they say fuck it and just answer their jobs and back each other up. What it the job because 100% reactive policing after the fact and never any proactive policing anymore. What do you think this city will do then? Burn...

1/25/2014 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's attitudes like what's being posted here that got Cmdr. Washington dumped & demoted from 011 the first time. Everyone knows that a lot of the people in 011 aren't doing much at all on the streets over there. I feel sorry for whoever is going to be selected as the permanent Cmdr in 011, he/she is going to have a hell of time getting the coppers there to earn their keep and more importantly, keep the Supt. off their back.

1/25/2014 12:27:00 AM

Eric Washington doesn't sign my checks. Hell, he didn't sign my furlo extension requests either. I couldn't get a couple extra days on a furlo extension due to "manpower" issues, however his dollies in the front office come and go as they please and never seem to have trouble getting an extra day off.

Like another poster stated: I work for me and my family. And if Cmdr. Washington or anybody else for that fact expects me to go out and bust my ass to make them look good while I can't get an extra day off? Sorry pal that shit ain't happening.

So in a nutshell I do not care who is in charge of running the 11th district. I don't care who the superintendent or mayor is either. I will push my beat car answering my jobs and that is it. I will write tickets only when absolutely necessary or for when I need my court key filled. I will not produce anything extra or proactively ever again on this job. Case you haven't noticed the police are the enemy and I refuse to do anything that requires sticking my neck out for this administration past the bare necessities.

And as far as "keeping the superintendent off their back"?? That is a rather easy task.... If you have a spine or a set of balls and aren't afraid of your own goddamn shadow. Any man (or woman) worth their salt would tell the superintendent to go pound sand. They would tell him that they have been here much longer than he has and that everything has functioned fine before he got here and it will function fine once he leaves. Like I said that would require somebody who isn't in it just for themselves and that actually has some intestinal fortitude.

There is nothing left but punks and those who have never been the police in top management on this pathetic job. And McCarthy knows this and uses it to his advantage.

1/25/2014 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- Who got the two coppers into Intelligence who did the NATO case. I hate to say it but they are very unprepared for trial. The Judge even recommended the one copper to go home and re listen to the overhear tapes. Who approved this mess. The female cop doesn't even know that a "bowl" is used for smoking weed? Really? Where are these rangers from????

Both are ridiculously stupid and incompetent. But some boss somewhere thought it was a good idea to put them undercover on a terror case. Very sad.

1/25/2014 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't they just eliminate half the teams and put them back in uniform and have them drive marked squad cars? Visibility is more of a crime deterrent then being down in the station for five hours on a dime bag pinch.

1/25/2014 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

136AM put it quite nicely. If Garry is too engaged in the bottle this weekend to read that himself hopefully one of his ass sucking flunkies reads it to him first thing Monday morning. 136AM gets post of the week with that one. I love it.

1/25/2014 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lt garrido is a clown he updates Facebook more than my daughter does. God you are the lt of police not a polition act like one. What a kiss ass.

1/25/2014 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT.. Br.Rice will now be offering a course called The in's and out's of

1/25/2014 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The benefit of a tact team is a bunch of guys who have agreed to have their schedules changed on a moment's notice, in exchange for leaving early (say, 1900) after locking up some drinkers and one baggers. . . . and putting the whole tact team as assisting on the arrest report.

Yes this comes from someone not on tact now, but this is what others see.

Now call for an assist car to transport your drinker(s), so you can all get your lunch, go back to the station, eat, and watch some sporting event.

Sure this is not what happens all the time, but try to deny that it doesn't happen some of the time.

1/25/2014 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea. Don't attend the make up compstat meeting. Our exempts have no balls.

1/25/2014 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't 11 tact it was narcotics that didn't have arrests after 1800 hrs

1/25/2014 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freddy Collins for stuperintendent!!!! It's time for change. He's the man to get this job done .......

1/25/2014 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait till Lt Val comes to the 11th Dist. A true douche bag who can hardly speak English. If you can bid out I suggest you do it immediately.

1/25/2014 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lock em' up and let God sort it out! Where's my hair gel, leather gloves, and reverse baseball cap? Charge to sound of gunfire troops! Follow me, I'll be right behind you.

1/25/2014 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McPenis must be really really really mad not just being really really mad.

1/25/2014 05:45:00 PM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

"Today was no better. Ranting, almost frothing at the mouth. He said, 'let me make this clear...(re tact)--the days of bringing in a head are over.'"

Aawwww! Sounds like McBaby needed a bottle.

Or several.

1/25/2014 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 007, on 1W patrol. I produce what ever I want, bring in an arrest when I please. What's the worse they'll do to me??? Keep me on my watch and district lol! The residents here are savages, no one cares about the south side beyond 009. I'm not clouted and this is where I ended up, wish I could patrol closer to home, but Englewood can't be regular civil residents. The tact team in 007 are cool mostly. I guess we stick to each other and back each other up, and forget the savages that need victimless help.

1/25/2014 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny. When I first started this job my friends used to asked me about stress, drinking too much and cop suicide. My family was all worried about how I would handle it worrying about how cop/citizen interaction would affect me. I don't know about anyone one else but I get zero stress from the people on the street (for the most part). In total I was shot at twice when I worked in PHS. (Really three times as it was twice in the same day)
But nothing stresses me out more than working for incompetent supervisors, bad partners or equipment that does not work properly such as computers and cars. I would not want to be a commander and deal with him nor the mayor. I work in 009 on days and don't do a fucking thing and have two more years to go and don't plan on generating one fucking contact card for this ass hole boss.

2W, 009

1/25/2014 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know who should be embarrassed? The punk ass Lietuants and Exempts that have no balls. Georgas, Schmidt, Kennedy, Rotti, Roussell and the band played on....... You Lt's call you're self leaders? Not one of you have the balls to stand up to him. So scared of you're pensions. You're little spots. You don't deserve those pensions. And extra 34k a year when you retire. C'mon Captains wipe you're mouths from all that sucking. Haws getting tired? Poor babies. You guys are not respected. In prison you would be the bitches. Wearing heels, wigs, make up. Doing the laundry and making us grilled cheeses. Not one Lt., Captain or Exempt has ever stood up to to McDrunk. CPD=Circus Police Department. We have the funniest clowns. Pathetic!!!!!

1/25/2014 06:24:00 AM

And what good would that do in a paramilitary organization? Insubordination is a termination offense. If you are so tough, why don't you go to compstat and tell him off. You really are an idiot.

1/25/2014 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Any rumors regarding another sgt class coming next month?

1/25/2014 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He sounds like a guy who never spent a day on the street. What a complete fucking moron.

1/25/2014 07:07:00 AM

You hit the nail on the head! He can bullshit the mayor and the bimbos but not cops. Cops know who is the real police and who is a poser and cops will never follow a poser. Real cops don't act the way he does.

1/25/2014 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even pretend to care anymore. It's sad to say but absolute evil is winning. I'm not even talking about the people we lock up. The true evil is the political process in this city,state and country that redefines what is good and bad and force feeds it to the masses. After 25 yrs I am done fighting.

1/25/2014 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You know who should be embarrassed? The punk ass Lietuants and Exempts that have no balls. Georgas, Schmidt, Kennedy, Rotti, Roussell and the band played on....... You Lt's call you're self leaders? Not one of you have the balls to stand up to him. So scared of you're pensions. You're little spots. You don't deserve those pensions. And extra 34k a year when you retire. C'mon Captains wipe you're mouths from all that sucking. Haws getting tired? Poor babies. You guys are not respected. In prison you would be the bitches. Wearing heels, wigs, make up. Doing the laundry and making us grilled cheeses. Not one Lt., Captain or Exempt has ever stood up to to McDrunk. CPD=Circus Police Department. We have the funniest clowns. Pathetic!!!!!

I am a lt. And have been for quite a few years. I am not going to play the big man ans say I would stand up to him, but I think before you call me out you should know that myself along with most patrol Lts without clout have never had a conversation with the guy. We are not part of the inner circle. He treats us like dirt just like everyone else. We gave No input. Do not go to Compstat meetings or have any decision making power. I will call you out for saying I don't deserve my pension. I have paid my share for 31 years. Working in uniform and mostly on the street. Apexcept when I was stuck in that shit DSS job. Never had the clout for a spot and I put in my time. So Fuck Mc Carthy and Fuck You.

1/25/2014 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the Garry that I knew and hated! The one who goads bosses into having seizures and heart attacks by trying to make them as hated as he is. Hey Gar- this advice is free and from my retired couch: Sit back, shut up and let the d/c's get the job done! Compstat's only purpose now is to show off your new suits and where you have a captive audience for your grandstand speeches. Enough already!

Let the DC's get the work done. Have you seen most of the DC's?
Enough said.

1/25/2014 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this guy..... is.tha.worstttt

1/25/2014 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm not really a fan of his but no arrests after 1900 hours from tact? That is pretty pathetic if true.

1/25/2014 07:28:00 AM

Beat guys don't want to make arrests after a certain hour either because they have obligations to attend to (a life).

Tac isn't any different than patrol. Nobody wants to make late arrests unless you really want the OT and are fortunate enough to be able to make last-minute accommodations for kids, etc.

Be careful before you throw stones.

1/25/2014 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OT, CLTV is reporting that the new DePaul stadium and McCormick hotel complex is going to cost substantially more than expected. They are reporting the city is looking for a "developer" (read someone who will line the pockets of rahmulous's cronies) to help keep the project on budget. Great, not even out of the gate and its already over butget. Maybe this will kill this stupid waste of taxpayer money.

1/25/2014 12:55:00 PM

And Rahm keeps saying there's no money for first responder's pension fund.

1/25/2014 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are districts need are processing rooms without chairs at the desk where our computers lay on top of..... what we need are bar like countertops without chairs, police officers can stand while completing their required reports....this takes away the continuous hours of sitting down, squad car then at station... this stand-up work position can make us more effective and efficient in completion and submission of the required reports on our backs and stomachs....just say'n!

1/25/2014 11:04:00 AM

40% of all new hires are under 5'4". How tall is this countertop going to be? Will there be phone books for shorter folks to stand on?

1/25/2014 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work on 011, just do your damn job bring on activity
It's really not that hard, but then again a good part of the
Department is lazy as hell and doesn't want to really do anything because this is their first job and they don't know how hard it really is in the private sector. Just work beyond what is dispatched to you

1/25/2014 02:41:00 AM

That statement is ignorant as hell. This isn't a lazy department. It's a department with NO MORALE you fucking jackass. As far as how hard it is in the private sector, that all depends on what your fucking job is. I know people that make a 100k a year in the computer field that work from home 3 days a week, go into the office 2 days a week, and have weekends and holidays off so don't spew that shit to me about how hard it is in the private sector.

1/25/2014 11:10:00 AM


no I agree with the first poster. This job is filled with premadonna's these days. its now cool to be a "DOG". It was never that way. Now if you have 2 years on your a dog because you fit in with the other complainers. guys who complain about this job never had a REAL job in the private sector...i do agree with that statement. this is not a real job... you drive around in a car, do what you want, answer calls and write paper... ITS NOT HARD WORKING A BEAT CAR!!! Ive done it for 19 of 24 years. keep your nose clean and dont be lazy. If your lazy thats the real reason you dont like a beat car because you have to do some type of work sometimes. if you have a real job you have to do work all day... how would you do there??

1/25/2014 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey fellas, don't be cracking on the tact guys for lack of activity after 19:00. As I recall they have supervisors, their asses should be on the carpet for allowing the lack of activity.

As for cc and anov's, start putting the quotas in writing, because I'm not sandbagging anyone so gmac can look good to 9.5.

1/25/2014 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you are there to do a job officer

1/25/2014 10:14:00 AM

You're right. I serve and protect the public. I respond to their calls for help and service. I give them courteous service and document their incident. I sympathize and empathize with their plight and give them the best service I can. I develop contacts and ears on the ground by doing that. It may seem archaic to McStatBoob, but it works. Just because I don't come in with bullshit contact cards or anovs doesn't mean I'm not serving the public.

You go ahead and meet your 'quotas' or 'earn your keep'. I'd much rather actually serve and protect the good people who end up victims in these shitholes of districts. I'd much rather have these victims feel like they were served with respect and thank me for the service I provided on the scene.

I'm not there to do the job of a clueless, number-crunching, daily initiative-changing clueless hack who wants me to do shit that has 1) does not help the public and 2) has no effect on crime, except to maybe bolster his stats.

1/25/2014 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's offical. 011 is now a shit place to work as far as the bosses go. When we hear about a district over and over like 012, 019, 011 etc. it becomes a shit place and goes hand in hand with the mass exidous from there. When we hear nothing about a ditrict it must be good. Lately 011 and 019 have the most P.O.'s and Sgt.'s on transfers out. By the way what happened to 019. I thought it would be a good place to work?

1/25/2014 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is McFartFace was observed on the roof of headquarters within minutes of fleeing from the meeting. An insider remembers hearing that the drinks were on the house just prior! ROTF

1/25/2014 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work on 011, just do your damn job bring on activity
It's really not that hard, but then again a good part of the
Department is lazy as hell and doesn't want to really do anything because this is their first job and they don't know how hard it really is in the private sector. Just work beyond what is dispatched to you

1/25/2014 02:41:00 AM

Ok boss

1/25/2014 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
to 11th district tactical calling out Mc Stupid.. You are a scary guy! you are not afraid of nothing. You pointed it out! But it seems you were afraid to give us your name. Just when I thought we finally had a real person to look up to. YOU don't have to stay on tact , leave now before you scare everybody to death.

1/25/2014 01:10:00 PM

Scary?? Maybe. But stupid?? Nope. Anonymity is at times required, just as you also chose to remain anonymous. I second the original posters feelings and I work at HQ

1/25/2014 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just lock up these stray street animals and everything else and numbers fall in place. Sometimes a bullshit arrest turns into a warrant or invest' alert. Just lock them up and do your job. No one tells me or my fellow officers who to lock up or what to lock up. Got that McF@ckhead. No one! If we followed you morons every order our department would have suffered great casualties. So STFU from an old vet who has been there done that. I have mouth vomit right now thinking about you and this team of leaders you've assembled. I love the smell of Englewood on the morning.

1/25/2014 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yo McJackass; Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to run a police department.

1/25/2014 10:51:00 AM

Well said Dean Wormer!!!

1/25/2014 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't go into enough detail when I posted about the the compstat meeting and the repast compstat.

McBumbles' rant included the fact that CPD will never change the drug culture in Chicago, never shut down the dope spots. What he wants, is that if there are shootings or murders at those dope spots, they get shut down--for everyone. Lock everyone up until they get the idea....violence = dope corner shut down = cash flow gone...otherwise dope corner can operate unimpeded. I know it makes no sense, but that is what he said. If there's violence, that's when the spot gets blanketed. Otherwise, drive by.

He has no problem with letting the dope spots be--as long as there are no shootings or killings at said dope spots. If there's a shooting at a dope spot, lock everyone up for anything, cut off their money supply. He said if they are good businessmen they will understand that violence will equal bad business.

If there's no violence at the dope spots they'll be left alone. He said it.

1/25/2014 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real reason comp stat got Was continued to Friday?
I'm gonna say to fuck with the people attending gormans retirement party. Mc was pissed about Gorman leaving so he figured he would mess with other exempts by having comp stat the day after the party.

1/25/2014 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so if the days of bringing in a head are over, if u catch someone for dope. your first line should be per the McCarthy. you are not to be processed thereby you are being released. contact card to be submitted.

1/25/2014 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a contact card in my pocket. I used it to write down the desk crew's lunch order.

1/25/2014 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a kid in Gage park in the sixties nothing deterred us more from nefarious activity than to see a uniformed cop nearby. Yet we still allow plain clothes guys to melt with the citizens and screw off on the job till noticed ,ex Bourbon st. Want to deter crime . Everyone in uniform and be visible on every block. Go ahead and flame me but consider if you looked out your window and saw a cop standing there. There are enough inside cop spots to do this, but then we all would have to really work , and we all follow line of least resistance.

1/25/2014 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More police work and stacking the jobs that's what he wants. He contradicts himself everytime he opens his mouth. He embarrasses the bosses and then at the end tells them how good of a job they are doing. Plus how good NY has done it when he was there. And get this we have 12,500 in our department. What a tool we have less than 10,000 officers out here. Remember he will be gone soon.

1/25/2014 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
But this makes him look good. It makes him look like he's coming down hard but its all bull. 100% of what he says and does is bullshit.

1/25/2014 12:48:00 AM

Don't think it made him look too good when everyone walking out of the building was laughing at him and saying, "can you believe this asshole"?

1/25/2014 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No tact lieutenant in the history of tact lieutenants has ever told their guys "I only want felonies and guns. Don't worry about it if you don't come in with anything tonight" Now, I've had bosses claim they were more interested in "quality over quantity", but the...

Let me preface.I'm Retired.I was a Tact Lt. I said those exact words to my Tact & Gang Teams.
I wound up back on the Watch in short time.
Best thing that happened to me.I Retired Happy working 3rd Watch.
Be Safe Officers.

1/25/2014 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the hell does plain clothes come into play. I only watch myself when I see a uniformed cop.

1/25/2014 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think plain clothes was created for cops to not be noticed and to have no visible presence to deter crime.

1/25/2014 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It wasn't 11 tact it was narcotics that didn't have arrests after 1800 hrs

1/25/2014 05:23:00 PM

McBubbles mentioned everyone, including 43**. He also demanded accountability regarding where everyone was on VRI when there was a shooting or fatal on someone's beat there recently. Wish I could have paid better attention to relay better info here, but the entire meeting was so ridiculous, and I was playing Doodle Jump while trying to listen.

Bottom line is do your job, serve the public...don't give this jagbag numbers for his self-serving purposes. He doesn't want you to do a better job for the public and the public safety, he wants you to give him numbers to show his boss the Tutu and the gullible media.

1/25/2014 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Freddy Collins for stuperintendent!!!! It's time for change. He's the man to get this job done .......

1/25/2014 05:38:00 PM

I'd rather have Freddy Mercury, God rest his soul.

1/25/2014 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You know who should be embarrassed? The punk ass Lietuants and Exempts that have no balls. Georgas, Schmidt, Kennedy, Rotti, Roussell and the band played on....... You Lt's call you're self leaders? Not one of you have the balls to stand up to him. So scared of you're pensions. You're little spots. You don't deserve those pensions. And extra 34k a year when you retire. C'mon Captains wipe you're mouths from all that sucking. Haws getting tired? Poor babies. You guys are not respected. In prison you would be the bitches. Wearing heels, wigs, make up. Doing the laundry and making us grilled cheeses. Not one Lt., Captain or Exempt has ever stood up to to McDrunk. CPD=Circus Police Department. We have the funniest clowns. Pathetic!!!!!

1/25/2014 06:24:00 AM

Easy to say when you choose to remain anonymous, you moron. Your balls are smaller than theirs ...

1/25/2014 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any officer on a tac team thinks they can get ahead or help the public while this idiot is the superintendent of police, just remember what he did when he fired 7 guys from 002, for making an arrest of a felon with a substantial amount of heroin who then pled guilty in court. Then they get fired. Of course 6 of the 7 are back on the job because the superintendent's case sucked and the 7th will be soon hopefully.
For the last time that was an IPRA case. They were lucky that IPRA is incompetent or they'd all been fired.

1/25/2014 09:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Treat the troops with a little respect. Don't fuck with their assignments, cars, starts times, and let them take a day off when they need it (which is time they've earned).

Lots of posts here that I've dealt with.Once again,let me preface, I'm a Retired.Lt. by rank order.
I couldn't stand most of those as the same rank as I. Capt's,D/C's, Area Chief and beyond turned my stomach.I couldn't stand them, so when I hit the magic #'s I quit.I could not stand in front of a roll call and lie to Coppers.
Enough about my stellar career.

If you get fucked with,I can understand your frustration.Be Strong.
Please don't let this fucking job kill you, your relationships,marriage.
It's put me in the hospital while OTJ, and doing the same now in retirement.
Rant Off....Be Safe Officers.

1/25/2014 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it true, according to the new orders, now that there are only two Lt's in 011, Lt. JA has to go the afternoons, Lt. VR to midnights and the Capt. has to fill in on days?

1/25/2014 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not the 11th District Tact team with no arrests after 1700 it is one of the support units that is to execute the plan to curb the violence. At least this guy has a plan. What plan do you have? And if you don't think you as policemen can impact crime than maybe your in the wrong line of work. Everyone says more police than less crime so you must believe police do indeed have an impact on crime. If you believe police do have an impact on crime then it follows that (whether you believe it or not)that a plan to combat crime is better then no plan.

1/25/2014 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is for the greater good. The point had to be made. That is why when I make sergeant I am going to be a hands on supervisor. I took the test and I already bought my white shirts. You cannot make an omelet without cracking an egg.

1/25/2014 12:30:00 PM

You GO, girl!!!!

1/25/2014 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is an event number?

1/25/2014 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was shot at once. The most stressful and angering experience was eating suspension time the job of A lieutnant with anger issues

1/25/2014 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lt garrido is a clown he updates Facebook more than my daughter does. God you are the lt of police not a polition act like one. What a kiss ass.

Hey idiot, un friend him and you don't have to read the post. He was only posting about your pension with a candidate for gov. You are an embarrassment.

1/25/2014 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2W, 009

1/25/2014 06:47:00 PM

Could not agree more with your post.
Stress comes from within the department,not the street.The Street was fun.Got popped at a few times, returned fire a few times(1 Hit). Remember it like it happened 2 hours ago.
Story's that generations of Coppers have told over and over again. Gotta' love the History.

Drinking too much....Check
Police suicides......Check(Handled too many)
Stress...............Check (My Fucking heart is shot)
Be Safe Officers.

1/25/2014 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Wednesday, Mr Geiger and the FOP filed a lawsuit against Google, one of the world's largest corporations.
So Dougherty and crew are suing Google
Are they f ing nuts
The lawsuit is to find out which CITYWIDE guy illegally recorded and posted to YouTube a board meeting against federal laws and illinois law subjecting the FOP to a civil suit of their own so CALM down junior google isn't being sued they are being forced to hand over the information.

1/25/2014 09:54:00 AM

So if fop doesn't know who recorded, then why are there internal charges files against moriarty?

1/25/2014 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you are a dumbass if you think the tact teams in 011 are not making arrests after 1900 hours. The night teams start at 1800 or 1900 hours. Everytime I am in 011 I see the tact guys bringing in heads and they are the only ones I see doing anything when I work vri in 011. They were talking about OCD teams not having arrests after 1900.

1/25/2014 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...crime is down. how can you bring in higher and higher numbers when broken windows is working and the crime is down.

this city ain't seen shit yet. the food stamp cuts have already hit and as we speak there's about 80k Illinoisans that are being cut-off from their extended unemployment benefits.

that would be fine if the ivy-league people that self-proclaim themselves as the so-called best and brightest that create the jobs -- but they have and are still failing.

target stores doing more layoffs / store closings. sears closing it's iconic store downtown.


rahm sends a bunch of people to the city college to learn welding and claims there's a shortage. that if you're unemployed it's you own fault because you picked this major over here in school when you should of picked that major over there. it's bullshit.

airlines laying off airframe [welders] mechanics again. ford doing layoffs again. shortage of welders my ass. get me an foia on how many people got full-time living wage jobs today after following his advice.

more recently rahm called for 'the children' to learn computer programing which is so 20th century.

computer makers dell, hp, ibm, etc are doing more mass layoffs. the jackass political apparatus with their nsa spying has devastated the entire u.s.a. high tech market. the canceled orders are rolling in from everywhere,

and we have jackasses trying to buy time by training people for jobs that do not exist.

lemme ask you. even if a u.s citizen travels abroad to compete with the so-called higher math and science score asians and indians -- who's gonna higher them when they might be an nsa spy.

they fucked up the reputation of this country and no matter how high your math and science score is we're fucked because it doesn't change the fact that you're one of those untrustworthy americans.

it's as simple as that.

social unrest has already broken out in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Spain, Portugal , Ukraine, etc,,

the jp morgan ceo, one of the key criminals that help to create this global crisis is getting a 70 percent bonus for racking up millions of dollars in legal fees for all the crimes. eric holder does nothing while mcnumnuts wants contact cards.


1/25/2014 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know who should be embarrassed? The punk ass Lietuants and Exempts that have no balls. Georgas, Schmidt, Kennedy, Rotti, Roussell and the band played on....... You Lt's call you're self leaders? Not one of you have the balls to stand up to him. So scared of you're pensions. You're little spots. You don't deserve those pensions. And extra 34k a year when you retire. C'mon Captains wipe you're mouths from all that sucking. Haws getting tired? Poor babies. You guys are not respected. In prison you would be the bitches. Wearing heels, wigs, make up. Doing the laundry and making us grilled cheeses. Not one Lt., Captain or Exempt has ever stood up to to McDrunk. CPD=Circus Police Department. We have the funniest clowns. Pathetic!!!!!

Truer words haven't been submitted for print on this blog this year…particularly about Kennedy and Georgas. Having said that, if no arrests are being made past 1900, that's equally pathetic as hell. We're up in shootings this month as opposed to this time last year, so there are some bad guys out there worth pursuing. A once proud PD goes up in flames, led by the clueless.

1/25/2014 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT.. Br.Rice will now be offering a course called The in's and out's of

1/25/2014 04:41:00 PM


1/25/2014 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lt o Shea go cry to matty cline some more. Your the big guy now. Don't trust this guy he will sell everyone out before he looks bad.

1/25/2014 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wants he wants he wants. Well we want a contract we what a raise and we want too

1/25/2014 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Obviously you are a dumbass if you think the tact teams in 011 are not making arrests after 1900 hours. The night teams start at 1800 or 1900 hours. Everytime I am in 011 I see the tact guys bringing in heads and they are the only ones I see doing anything when I work vri in 011. They were talking about OCD teams not having arrests after 1900.

1/25/2014 09:51:00 PM

Then McJag 'misspoke'. That's what he said. The excuse by boss was they were in 11 processing arrests...which we all know could take 8 hrs. or more depending on charge. McStupe said it. Not OCD, not gangs, 11 tac. Were you there? I was, that's what Mcdumbfuckstick said. Unless my own ears lied to me.

1/25/2014 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know who should be embarrassed? The punk ass Lietuants and Exempts that have no balls. Georgas, Schmidt, Kennedy, Rotti, Roussell and the band played on
Rousell claims to be a combat marine but was a Logistician CW3!! Some tough guy image Another Fraud
Semper Fi 0311

1/25/2014 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lawsuit is to find out which CITYWIDE guy illegally recorded and posted to YouTube a board meeting against federal laws and illinois law subjecting the FOP to a civil suit of their own so CALM down junior google isn't being sued they are being forced to hand over the information.

Good to see your back you sleazeball. PG we missed your grezy self.

1/25/2014 10:58:00 PM  

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