Friday, March 14, 2014

Double Property Taxes?

  • Illinois has one of the worst pension messes in the nation as the cost of government employee benefits is sending state, county, and local governments into bankruptcy crises all across the state. No place has more trouble than Chicago, prompting Mayor Rahm Emanuel to warn that property taxes will have to double to serve that spiraling debt.

    In 2015 Chicago faces a looming financial disaster with a municipal pension system that is in worse shape than that of any other major U.S. city. Chicago is under the gun for a whopping $1.07 billion balloon payment on its $19.4 billion pension debt for city employees. Chicago's mayor is struggling to figure out how to pay the balloon payment, which is equal to one third of the city's entire budget. According to The Wall Street Journal, the balloon payment alone could pay for the salaries of the Chicago Police Department's entire 4,300 officer force or for the re-paving of all 16,000 blocks of roads in the city.
So now we're down to 4,300 officers? Okay, that part is obviously a mistake, but Rahm is pushing hard to alienate every single government worker from the citizens who we're supposed to be serving. Here's an ugly graph showing what's up:

Not pretty at all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Raccoon Eyes has been in secret discussions with Madigan and Cullerton to postpone this balloon payment and push it down the road a ways. The mayor is up for reelection next year and certainly having the few remaining property owners pay double would hurt his chances.

3/14/2014 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like any ballon payment Rahm has had 3 year to put cash in the pot.\\

But of course he decides that if he can delay the payment with the state legislator he can be gone by then.

Does tiny dancer want to be the next PREZ!

So its time to pay up like when everyone get those speeding camera tickets.
May be the governor can throw in some of that terrific cease fire cash all the convicts get...

3/14/2014 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could Rahm and Richie please explain why New York is in great shape in regards to pensions being at the bottom of the list? And Chicago is number one on the list being the worst in the country?

NYC has the largest police department and fire department in the country. NYC cops' overtime (in the last years) is included toward their pension. NYC cops can retire younger than CPD. NYC lost hundreds of police and fire in 9/11, which forced greater and larger amounts of pension monies to go to the spouses.

You would think NYC would have suffered a huge loss of pension in the past 10 years due to the above. But no. And why? Because their greedy politicians don't steal all the taxpayers money and lie about it.

3/14/2014 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad I voted for Mike Shields because he has such a big impact and influence on our pensions while he was our FOP president. He is so influential.

3/14/2014 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm in 16, he will do for the nation what he did for Chicago.

3/14/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rahm Do the words DePaul Basket Ball mean anything to you?

3/14/2014 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor is 'struggling' to figure out how to make that balloon payment?
He just borrowed an aircraft carrier load of money, which could be directed toward debt.
Then, he could postpone building the Bloomingdale Trail/312/606 or whatever we're paying someone this year to name it.
Then, he could hold off on that new basketball stadium for the losing team which plays for the already well-heeled private university.
In other words, he could ACT RESPONSIBLY.

3/14/2014 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard bruce Rauner say that Emmanuel needs his help to reform the pensions instead of a bandaid. I think we're fucked.

3/14/2014 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet he says he won't raise taxes this year? Instead, he runs around waving his 'taxes will DOUBLE' banner, shrieking it's all our fault.

WHAT deal did he make with the devil that he has NEVER ONCE criticized Richard the Second?

3/14/2014 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Chicago, and Illinois for that matter, had thinking voters, they would not be upset with public workers, some of whom risk their lives doing their jobs.

They would instead be upset with the politicians who have squandered the funds that were supposed to be paid into those pensions but were instead doled out to "connected" family and friends.

As this mess unravels, people are beginning to wake up and realize just what the real problem is. It's not the public workers and first responders that are the problem. It's the politicians who come into public office from nowhere and leave millionaires on the backs of tax payers. It's' laughable that they can talk about 1%ers when they stole millions for themselves.

They can spin all they want to, but the truth is hard to quash. This is going to end in revolution at some point, and ballerinas from the North Shore are not going to fare well against those they are attempting to blame with their diversionary propaganda tactics. I don't see liberal metrosexuals boding well against military vets, cops and firemen.

3/14/2014 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot of people to blame on this. Richie, a couple of governors, the heads of the unions that didn't hold the City's feet to the fire to make the payments, the heads of the various pension boards that didn't demand their money. All went along to get along.

And yet Rahm wants to give $70M to build a sports arena for De Paul's basketball program that only draws about 1,800 per game. Some high schools draw better.

Maybe as an example of being a good corporate citizen, Rahm could have companies make contributions to the pension funds. Instead of nonsense like Maggie Daley Park.

Nero wasn't the only fiddler.

3/14/2014 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only assume that Nebraska SHOULD have a much lower income-to-debt ratio than Illinois (Chicago).


3/14/2014 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't afford a doubled tax bill. It would take away from my donations to the National Rifle Association.

I would suggest that Daley give back the millions he was able to keep from his political war chest and donate it to the public servants he screwed.

3/14/2014 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4,300 may have been a slip. That's what they want to the department shrunk to. After they privatize much of what we do, they may get their wish. The wholes in personnel can be handled by those who work VRI and whore themselves to Rham.

3/14/2014 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy does Rahm want Rauner as Governor. These stories will keep on coming ........"never let a crisis go to waste"

Keep in mind that the last Governor to make pension payments was Republican Jim Edgar - his Chief of Staff was Kirk Dillard.

3/14/2014 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like City delaying officers sell back days.

3/14/2014 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't help notice where Wisconsin is on this list.

3/14/2014 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pols don't make the payments as required by law and then blame the workers and punish the citizen.

3/14/2014 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people are leaving as it is.
and he wants to double them?
I can't see anyone affording it.
the people who are going to get screwed are city workers that have to live in city limits.
real estate will crash because nobody will want to buy there because of the taxes.

3/14/2014 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner won't rule out taxing retirement income

9:32 p.m. CDT, March 13, 2014

"Republican governor candidate Bruce Rauner wouldn’t rule out taxing retirement income as part of an overhaul of Illinois’ tax system, saying he didn’t have a position on the issue during the final debate before Tuesday’s primary election.

"It marked a theme for Rauner on Thursday night. The wealthy venture capitalist from Winnetka also didn’t know the details of his running mate’s slip-and-fall lawsuit against several government agencies. And Rauner said he was unsure about Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan’s request to spend $100 million to encourage President Barack Obama’s library to come to Chicago...",0,4029287.story

3/14/2014 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Casino and 100 percent of profits go to pensions

3/14/2014 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then how is it that he spends millions for a private university stadium, millions in a hotel deal with the Prizker family (the richest family in Illinois) bike paths that probably less than 1% of the population uses and the list of pork, earmarks, and waste goes on. Why because there's no money for him in paying bills that are due. Enough is enough. Are the people that dumb. Answer Yes. The media is equally guilty, for trying to blame the reytires. Yet the Politicans find new money for their next money making scam.

3/14/2014 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, doubling of the CITY OF CHICAGO PORTION of your property taxes not the fucking con job lie they're trying to shove up everyone's ass to make them believe your ENTIRE tax bill is going to double.

Typical fucking shitstick Emanuel and his usual fuckery with the numbers trying to piss everyone off.

Fuck this jagoff, in my case, in Edgebrook, my fucking taxes will go up a whopping fucking 386 BUCKS A FUCKING YEAR with this cocksucker's "doubling" of my taxes.

FUCK YOU Emanuel, you're a fucking coward and a shitheel on top of being a fucking shitheaded fucking liar, you motherfucker.

3/14/2014 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repeal the "Gold Braid" pension fraud both future and retroactively. It's nothing more than "rewarding" political hacks for selling their souls to the corrupt politicians.

3/14/2014 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so screwed. We voted for this and now all of us are going to get what these democrats deserve. I'm less than 5 years from retirement and I have never been so disillusioned about my future. I have an IRA, I put more money in def comp than my pension, I have a rental property, I'm going to get maybe 40% social security and a pension here. They crashed my IRA and Def Comp in 1999 and again in 2008. They crashed the real estate market on me and the next thing will be to take my social security away and then clip my pension to half of what it's supposed to be. What the hell am I going to do? I guess a job after retirement is all I have to look forward to. I'm so glad I've worked and saved my whole life so I can have an income like a public aid recipient. The only problem is, I've worked for over 40 years, done without many things and I'm still screwed. The public aid leech didn't spend all those hours working. They spent them chilling.

3/14/2014 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a raise in our contract will be out of the question. Gonna have to get a second job to pay for my taxes. This guy blows. I hear he wants to make a run for the white house. God help us all... Enough liberal assholes out there that would vote him in.

3/14/2014 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Donahue was an advocate to do just this. He is Dougherity's symbolic God Father. Donahue supported reform to minimize our pensions when it was proposed regarding the Chicago Park District. DO YOU HAVE AN ANSWER MARK? Donahue supported this alleged reform!

3/14/2014 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to quit and go on welfare.

3/14/2014 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course he's pushing for one term. . . So he can campaign as a moderate Democrat -Hillary's VP- and have claim to have "fixed Chicagos pension crisis" and give stump speeches about it

3/14/2014 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ODPO killed in chase by Cal Park PD at 87th and Lafayette. My thoughts and prayers go out to the officer and his family.

RIP my brother in blue.

3/14/2014 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incredibly every City or State run by a Democrat is in trouble. Every Republican run city or state is not. As the Superintendent is so found of saying at Compstat: "Am I making sense here? Is everybody getting this?".

3/14/2014 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm wants his guy Rauner in for Governor, so that they can freeze pensions and start a new 401k style for all government employees. Similar to the State of Utah. It was on Fox Business news.

3/14/2014 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Dillard.

3/14/2014 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May every one of you thieving POS politicians that embezzled, swindled and PISSED away the taxpayers money instead of paying the required contributions into the pension funds ROT IN HELL!
Every government worker paid their required share into the pension funds via payroll deductions. And now they want to vilify us and turn us into the greedy public workers? To that, I say FUCK YOU ALL!
I don't give a shit how or where they have to get the money from! They seem to find it for every bullshit pet project these useless politicians want, but now they want to fuck me out of my hard earned, measly pension i sacrificed over twenty plus years for this thankless shithole? GFY!

3/14/2014 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voting Dummycrat really does work.

3/14/2014 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disgusting what he is doing! The media, Springfield politicians, investors, and most importantly, our FOP need to start going line by line over the last 15 years on all the BS big $$$$$ the city has spent on unnecessary pet projects. Call him out! It's all right there! Ask him, "aren't our first responders an investment in chicago also?" "What about the agreement you made to them when they were hired?" "They put into the pension every check per the agreement, why can't you.?

3/14/2014 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

**Since Rahm Emanuel pretty much has the aldermen in his pocket, here is what I would do if I were mayor. Common sense things to fix the budget.


Chicago is NOT broke. There are simply too many leeches draining the system. How about completely getting rid of CHA. Seriously no one should live for FREE. Next ,have a fire sale of city owned properties. The city is sitting on THOUSANDS of vacant properties. This fire sale should generate millions more for Chicago.


1. Turn northerly island and around mccormick place into a huge amusement park to compete with six flags. Call it "New Riverview".. Great America alone brought in $912 million last year. Say half of that Chicago could get, especially with people staying downtown. (This easily could be accomplished in 1-2 years!! )

2. Have a citywide lottery drawing.

3. Tax breaks for companies that CREATE jobs in Chicago. Give a tax break to Google next time they take an old abandoned factory and turn it into a tech hub. The more high paying jobs come to Chicago, the more high tech people SPEND their money in the city, groceries, touring, partying, etc.


Imagine if Michigan Avenue was closed off to traffic. They do this in Europe and downtowns are busting with economic activity. Allow for more bars on Michigan avenue. Also,you need more of a police presence to keep the wilding black youth mobs away. Suburban people currently don't feel safe shopping downtown.

5. Have a HUGE convention with businesses and listen to other ideas how the city can help CREATE jobs. Allow for companies to pitch radical ideas, any ideas that will help the budget.

- Chicago COULD be great again and solve their budget woes. I see so much potential with Chicago if Rahm and the city council get their heads out of the sand and do what I mentioned above.

3/14/2014 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago property taxes are really cheap compared to the surrounding suburbs.

3/14/2014 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the politicians created this mess and now my taxes have to double to fix it???? screw you ....quit giving money to DePaul, Maggie Daley park and all your other BS.....

3/14/2014 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/14/2014 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - does anyone know when we are getting the money for selling back our personal and baby furlough days? In prior years it's come in with the 16 Mar paycheck however it didn't come in this time

3/14/2014 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like Colorado is doing very well with selling pot legally. As a City,why not jump on that bandwagon quickly and collect the tax dollars?

It's cheaper than arresting people. It would put the gangs in jeopardy of continuing to supply employment opportunities but the City and State needs the money.

3/14/2014 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck him - go ahead and raise the City's portion of my property taxes.

3/14/2014 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stick it in Rahm and Rauners ass and pull a republican ballot and vote for Dillard. The Pension ass that you save will be ours.

3/14/2014 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sell the rights to Midway Airport and make the fucking payment. Problem solved. Next.

3/14/2014 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

House going up. I'm out before this hits. 17 years on but screw this. Bub eye Illinois

3/14/2014 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a trailer bill that politicians are considering passing to put off that balloon payment in 2015 call your political hacks and tell them not to vote for this and stick to the original bill to force Rahm to pay in 2015 !!!

Also go on city of chicago website and there is a real estate tax link where you input your current property tax amount and they tell you what you will be paying in 2015 better be seated when doing this!!

3/14/2014 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no problem beating the shit out of the working middle class--- they are easy targets--- but the gravy train rolls on for the 50 percent of the state that gets some form of assistance every month--- start clamping down on the massive fraud occuring every month with welfare leeches and you won't have to pick the bones of the carcass that is left of the middle class....

3/14/2014 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They shouldn't have allowed anyone to start collecting a pension till they hit 63. The funds would've been fine then.

3/14/2014 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The balloon payment will not happen. The pols will cut a deal to stop it. Rahm will give something up to get it. Then the fun begins as far as what kind of pension deal will come out of the legislature. Of course it will go to court but that is meaningless as who put the judges there to begin with?

3/14/2014 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now it's the potholes that need money, and the children. Potholes and the children. And bicyclists.

3/14/2014 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband is in a Union (a private one). That being said I don't hold city workers responsible but on the same note I do think they should be hold their union responsible for not making politicians accountable. Is that not one of the features of paying your union dues? Your lack of participation and knowledge and action about what's going on with your money (dues and pensions) now means I have to bend over and take a tax hike?????When most of the non union people don't have the luxury of your job security. When they says that 63% of people are not or under employed. I keep saying this and not one person has a reply. You should be sewing your union for mismanagement and fraud and maybe you should stop voting democratic.

3/14/2014 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Casino and 100 percent of profits go to pensions

3/14/2014 01:40:00 AM

Yes... A perfect solution, which is why it won't happen.

This idea has been floated many times before, but been shut down by the politicians because they want US to pay for the pension problems that THEY created. THEY want to have the casino money for themselves to siphon off of. And don't think for one second that this is only from the politicians... the mob's gambling interests in Chicago would be severely curtailed if a casino opened here, and since the mob is in bed with the politicians... well, you get the picture.

3/14/2014 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like City delaying officers sell back days.

3/14/2014 01:18:00 AM


FAX message is out:

Sell back days will be in the form of a check.. available for pick up after 0900 from 35th street.

Payroll is fucked up probably because they were overworked from adding up the sergeant's retro last week.

3/14/2014 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Double property taxes? No problem, just work more VRI.

3/14/2014 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's for the children!!

3/14/2014 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could Rahm and Richie please explain why New York is in great shape in regards to pensions being at the bottom of the list? And Chicago is number one on the list being the worst in the country?

It's simple my friend. If the city had made their payments over the past 20 years, instead of deferring the money for other pet projects, the pension would be funded somewhere in the 90% range and there wouldn't be a problem. Now, because he has to make that big payment under state law, Rahm once again wants to defer the payment the state legislature is telling him he has to make. According to recent articles in Moody's, if that payment is deferred to 2023 there is a very good chance the pension system will be broke by then. NYC city, on the other hand, has always made their contributions as required.

3/14/2014 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Rahm should talk with New York and see how they survive since they employee far more people/ublic safety personnel than Chicago but do not appear to be facing the same crisis.

3/14/2014 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember Dougherty said Obamacare is a . good option for retirees. At least we will have health insurance.

3/14/2014 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish people would stop saying "You voted for them!" I didn't vote for any of these fuckers--and it's always been my belief that most of these elections are stolen anyway. I still vote, but I still wonder why I bother.

3/14/2014 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick, just rak'n it in:

3/14/2014 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doubling the cities portion of property taxes will not double your tax bill as the cities portion is relatively small. It is the board of education that you have to be worried about. They will be one billion in the hole this year and are facing bankruptcy as an institution along with the teachers pension fund. And, yes, the school system and the teachers fund can declare bankruptcy separate from the city.

3/14/2014 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'll just quit making my house payment and they can come and have it. It's under water anyway.

3/14/2014 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let me get this right Dean Angelo Sr was a launched from our union along with every single incumbent, where for the first time in the history of the FOP, the entire board of 27 members were swept from office in the 2001 election because they lied to the membership . Imagine that, our members must have been pissed off to launch Dean, who at the time, was a Trustee and Chairman of the Trustees and on the contract Negotiating Committee. Now 13 years later, everyone is singing praises of Dean Angelo Sr. for what, permanently attaching a percentage to our paycheck for our healthcare so every time we get a step raise or contract raise the City gets a raise in our healthcare contribution and lying to the membership causing us to vote the contract down only to be told by the arbitrator, sorry guys your contract negotiating committee signed off on a temporary agreement for healthcare and I can't touch this issue because you and the city agreed on it. Imagine the surprise of the membership after receiving the arbitrators ruling. Our response, Dean and his entire crew were launched from office. 13 years later he resurrects himself with the help of some attorneys who are financially supporting him with the hopes of him getting elected and returning to the glory days of the FOP where the members money was squandered paying attorneys 300% of the normal and customary fees, just like Bella paid $200,000 of your dues money for a flat rate fee that was quoted at $50,000 to represent one of our members, a case that is currently in court and charges are pending in the FOP concerning this matter. Anyone who wants to bring this guy back to the FOP deserves to get fu*ked. It will be interesting how the spin masters try to spin these facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Change for the sake of change, you have been forewarned.

3/14/2014 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats promised the moon, knowing that they would be long gone when the sh_t hit the fan.

Now we got the moon.

3/14/2014 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am retired now. Over the years, several officer made suggestions that made sense and would have made more money for the funds. However, the mayor killed these ideas, mainly because it would stop the theft by his buddies, and of course his brother would not make the money he did by working for the banks.
Lets also remember, Madigan set up the treasurer and sent her to jail for looking into the funds.
Don't believe me? Look up the article from the Trib.

3/14/2014 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Could Rahm and Richie please explain why New York is in great shape in regards to pensions being at the bottom of the list? And Chicago is number one on the list being the worst in the country?

NYC has the largest police department and fire department in the country. NYC cops' overtime (in the last years) is included toward their pension. NYC cops can retire younger than CPD. NYC lost hundreds of police and fire in 9/11, which forced greater and larger amounts of pension monies to go to the spouses.

You would think NYC would have suffered a huge loss of pension in the past 10 years due to the above. But no. And why? Because their greedy politicians don't steal all the taxpayers money and lie about it.

3/14/2014 12:26:00 AM
I can answer that question. Go to their pension website and you will see 12 board members on their pension board. 8 are police officers and 4 are city appointees. Our board consist of 4 city appointees and 4 police officers. Bottom line people watch out for their own money better than someone else especially in a corrupt cesspool like Shitcago.

3/14/2014 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner will solve the pension crisis by forgiving the City's obligation, break Unions and decrease pension benefits regardless of IL Constitution law.
The choice is clear...


3/14/2014 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Emanuel is deferring this doubling of the property tax until
after he is re-elected which will
probably happen due to the sheeple
voting for name recognition or feeling a duty to vote for the
current mayor, regardless of how he
has screwed-up the city's finances
and shows little or no regard for
city workers or the voters, and
former alderman Shaw yesterday
announced his candidacy for mayor
and if he does he will split the
black vote which will all but guarantee Emanuel a second term.
This prompts one to ask, is Shaw a
"stalking horse" as Dorothy Brown
was when she ran for mayor, knowing she did not stand a chance
of getting elected to the post ?
Use your head and common sense, DO

3/14/2014 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Double the taxes, pay the pensions, let the chips fall where they may. Problem solved. Free enterprise. Laissez faire.

3/14/2014 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Keep in mind that the last Governor to make pension payments was Republican Jim Edgar - his Chief of Staff was Kirk Dillard."

Illinois State Rifle Association endorses Dillard in GOP primary

The Illinois State Rifle Association's Victory Fund is is calling on their 1.5 million supporters to vote for State Senator Kirk Dillard in next Tuesday's GOP primary.

3/14/2014 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a fucking snake rahm is. god forbid you fulfill the obligations initially given to your city of chicago employees. instead you lie and lie and try to further contribute to the downfall of this city. rahm should have never been a chicago mayor and hopefully just a one term stooge. god help us all.

3/14/2014 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This chart does not show the BILLIONS in TIF funds the city council hides in their treasury. Chicago is far from broke, and they all know it. The mayor and his 50 thieves just want the public to ostracize the first responders so that he can rally support to use that money to fund more BS projects, e.g. "swan lake park", that he will funnel back to his political supporters and friends through granting them city contracts to perform the work on the same projects he gets the council to approve. They wouldn't have to raise property taxes at all if they curbed their consumption of city revenue on the things that they "want" vs. the things the city "needs". Funny how money was never an issue when this mayor hired his new staff and gave them very generous pay raises- as high as 12%, and still money is never an issue when the 50 member city council voted themselves 30% raises, nor was money an issue when approving $50 million for that park named after the former thief mayor's wife, nor was money an issue for $90 million bike lanes, and of course the latest expenditure of $70 million on DePaul stadium. Just more excuses to avoid responsibility to those who provide critical services to the city.

3/14/2014 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Casino money will be diverted to
other "uses" just as the lottery
money was supposed to fund schools
and reduce dependence on property
taxes. The lottery rolls on and the
state claims the school fund is
bankrupt, so, yep you guessed it,
property taxes across the state will
need to be increased.
The sixty-four thousand dollar question: Where is the one-hundred
million dollars that Mike Madigan
plans to contribute to the " Obama
Library " coming from ?

3/14/2014 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of law is it that states he has to pay into the pensions. Who is suppose to In force this law.. Lisa Madigan? The FOP needs to get their in house lawyer going and make the law work for us like it is suppose to. If not why should anyone obey any law.

3/14/2014 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like City delaying officers sell back days.

3/14/2014 01:18:00 AM

Why don't you try reading and getting the facts before you post your nonsense.. The sell back days are on hard checks, not direct deposited..

3/14/2014 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Donahue came into 009 dist. campaigning. He said He was Cullerton's go to guy(January 2014). He bragged how he was having special private meetings with Cullerton without Mike Shields(FOP President at the time) regarding putting off the balloon payment. I will NOT vote against my pension. I will NOT vote that Mark Donahue loving Bill Dougherty..

3/14/2014 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A gull flies over Burnham Harbor" -- Emanuel borrowing carries steep price tag -- $412 million cost for taxable, 30-year bonds

7:15 a.m. CDT, March 14, 2014

"Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration sold more than $883 million in bonds this week to pay bills and maintain services, a strategy that will cost taxpayers down the road but lets him put off some difficult choices leading up to his re-election campaign.

"Aldermen, whose terms are also up in the spring 2015 elections, voted last month to grant the mayor wide latitude to increase the city's debt and spend the money as he sees fit with few questions.

"The council also authorized doubling, to $1 billion, Emanuel's short-term borrowing authority — essentially the city's credit card — a move that allows the mayor to cover operating expenses such as legal settlements, back pay for city workers and day-to-day maintenance.

"Wednesday's bond issue allows the city to pay off the bulk of its existing short-term debt, freeing up that credit card for spending into next year.

"A well-balanced and well-managed government would not be issuing debt to pay for its operating expenses," said Laurence Msall, president of the Civic Federation, a government budget watchdog group.",0,3339863.story

[This article was accompanied by a scenic filler photo, the caption of which is "A gull flies over Burnham Harbor as the city skyline glows against the rising sun."

Boy, does it ever. Fly, I mean.]

3/14/2014 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for spotlighting the Breitbart article. This is an issue on which we need to have greater public awareness and discussion N-O-W. If we wait until we get the bill in the mail, it will simply be too late.

Rahm has said numerous times he will not raise property taxes, see e.g.,0,3339863.story

2 problems, tho.

1. Politicians lie! Pat Quinn promised no increase in taxes when he ran for re-election last, yet pushed thru an increase in the Illinois Income Tax with 60 days of taking office. Complete. Fucking. Douchebag.

2. We do know that the 9 digit midget has a $600 Million Dollar bullet headed straight for his forehead in 2015. If he does not raise property taxes (and I hope he does not), just exactly WHERE will he get the money???

Other than a legislative kick the can down the road or an impermissable slashing of contractually promised retirement benefits, nobody I have talked to, seems to have the answer to that question.

Democrats own this one big time, because as usual, "you can't blame the Republicans, there aren't any".

3/14/2014 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Casino and 100 percent of profits go to pensions

3/14/2014 01:40:00 AM

New proposal from Rita is that Illinois will own the casino, not Chicago.

3/14/2014 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/14/2014 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm going to quit and go on welfare.

3/14/2014 03:22:00 AM

Interesting how government claims they do not have money to pay contractually promised and constitutionally guaranteed retirement benefits, but they never seem to run out of money for welfare.

This city and this state are just so fucked up.

3/14/2014 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so screwed. We voted for this and now all of us are going to get what these democrats deserve. I'm less than 5 years from retirement and I have never been so disillusioned about my future. I have an IRA, I put more money in def comp than my pension, I have a rental property, I'm going to get maybe 40% social security and a pension here. They crashed my IRA and Def Comp in 1999 and again in 2008. They crashed the real estate market on me and the next thing will be to take my social security away and then clip my pension to half of what it's supposed to be. What the hell am I going to do? I guess a job after retirement is all I have to look forward to. I'm so glad I've worked and saved my whole life so I can have an income like a public aid recipient. The only problem is, I've worked for over 40 years, done without many things and I'm still screwed. The public aid leech didn't spend all those hours working. They spent them chilling.

3/14/2014 02:02:00 AM

You are so right! The puritan work ethic is dead in this country. The working man and woman are the target. Their pensions and social security comprise and are viewed by politicians not as something scared which must be protected, not as a promise which must be fulfilled but rather a vast untapped resource of money for them to carve up and redistribute to those who have done nothing. Yet at the same time these same politicians boast about extending benefits to those who do nothing. More giveaway programs. You don’t see any of the candidates stumping for cutbacks in these programs. Quinn squanders 54 million to political hacks and “ex” gang members. Emmanuel put money into everything but pensions. Rauner would cut all pensions and tax all retirement income. No one stating we have to cut these social programs. Go back to the old Roosevelt tactics. If you are out of work we won’t let you and your family starve. Tent cities, 3 meals a day and you work on roads or construction projects.

3/14/2014 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our beloved mayor has been taking in the sights and sounds of the South by Southwest music and film festival during the past week in Austin, Texas. Someone please explain to me exactly what this has to do with Chicago? The mayor's public relations crew tried to sell this trip as "official business" for the city. It looked like another vacation/fundraiser to me.

3/14/2014 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did somebody say "Wisconsin?"

Soros-backed group pores over emails as it targets Walker

"Gov. Scott Walker has a new opponent this year — a super PAC heavily funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.

"In anticipation of Walker's re-election campaign this fall and possible presidential bid in 2016, American Bridge 21st Century is already hard at work in Wisconsin.

"The group unveiled on Wednesday a new website called, devoted to exposing information about Walker. The site was launched the same day emails were released from a secret John Doe investigation into links between Walker's staff and his political campaign.

"American Bridge received $1 million from the Soros Fund Management firm during the 2012 election cycle and funding from individual donors and labor unions. Organizers say they have committed about two dozen of their Washington, D.C.-based staff to poring over the 27,000 pages of emails.

"Soros is a backer of Hillary Clinton, widely viewed as the Democratic front-runner in the 2016 presidential race."

He sure is...

Hillary Super PAC fundraiser linked to Soros, Media Matters

9:56 PM 06/26/2013

"A founding member of the Ready for Hillary PAC’s Finance Council is a member of George Soros’ progressive donor network, The Democracy Alliance, and has links to controversial progressive organizations Media Matters for America and the Tides Foundation...."

...and the chain goes on and on...

3/14/2014 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think NYC would have suffered a huge loss of pension in the past 10 years due to the above. But no. And why? Because their greedy politicians don't steal all the taxpayers money and lie about it.

3/14/2014 12:26:00 AM

Well, that and their taxes are way higher than ours. NYC has its own income tax, among others. Don't worry, their democrat politicians are still greedy and corrupt.

3/14/2014 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so screwed. We voted for this and now all of us are going to get what these democrats deserve. I'm less than 5 years from retirement and I have never been so disillusioned about my future. I have an IRA, I put more money in def comp than my pension, I have a rental property, I'm going to get maybe 40% social security and a pension here. They crashed my IRA and Def Comp in 1999 and again in 2008. They crashed the real estate market on me and the next thing will be to take my social security away and then clip my pension to half of what it's supposed to be. What the hell am I going to do? I guess a job after retirement is all I have to look forward to. I'm so glad I've worked and saved my whole life so I can have an income like a public aid recipient. The only problem is, I've worked for over 40 years, done without many things and I'm still screwed. The public aid leech didn't spend all those hours working. They spent them chilling.

Calm down and relax. You are in better shape than 99% of the CPD and retirees. You are not screwed.
First the market declined in 2008 ,but now the DOW is at an all time high was up like 30% last year. You have rental property so the rent is still being paid.
As far as the real estate market you have to live somewhere so if you sell your house at a low price,you buy a new one at a low price.
More money in IRA and deferred than your pension and your complaining.
Get it together, you are better off than most people.

3/14/2014 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could Rahm and Richie please explain why New York is in great shape in regards to pensions being at the bottom of the list? And Chicago is number one on the list being the worst in the country?

NYC has the largest police department and fire department in the country. NYC cops' overtime (in the last years) is included toward their pension. NYC cops can retire younger than CPD. NYC lost hundreds of police and fire in 9/11, which forced greater and larger amounts of pension monies to go to the spouses.

You would think NYC would have suffered a huge loss of pension in the past 10 years due to the above. But no. And why? Because their greedy politicians don't steal all the taxpayers money and lie about it.

3/14/2014 12:26:00 AM

Wrong. It's because New York imposes a CITY income tax, which goes to the pensions.

3/14/2014 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he has the money to pay in tif funds and secret accounts!THE MAGICIAN IS PULLING OUT 100 MILLION ONCE A MONTH FOR PET PROJECTS!

3/14/2014 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city portion of property tax is 18% of your total Cook County property tax bill. Even if the citys portion doubled it would not have the same affect as people believe the total tax bill will double.
City hasn't raised their portion for a few years,but the CPS has raised theirs to the max allowable by law for years and nobody complains.

3/14/2014 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, doubling of the CITY OF CHICAGO PORTION of your property taxes not the fucking con job lie they're trying to shove up everyone's ass to make them believe your ENTIRE tax bill is going to double.

Typical fucking shitstick Emanuel and his usual fuckery with the numbers trying to piss everyone off.

Fuck this jagoff, in my case, in Edgebrook, my fucking taxes will go up a whopping fucking 386 BUCKS A FUCKING YEAR with this cocksucker's "doubling" of my taxes.

FUCK YOU Emanuel, you're a fucking coward and a shitheel on top of being a fucking shitheaded fucking liar, you motherfucker.

$386 a year additional tax in Edgebrook is not the worst thing in the world. Agree it is bad, but if for around $30.00 a month you can save your pension. None of the other suggested solution would only affect the pension to that degree.
Am not justifying any of this but there are alot worse and more expensive solutions out there to this problem. Just sayin.

3/14/2014 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This fucking thieving jagoff of a mayor just wants to scare the shit out of the public to put more pressure on Springfield and the police to delay making payments into the pension fund and to let him keep giving out gold braid pensions to his favorite suckholes.

3/14/2014 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say we start correcting this mess by seeking every politician that aided and abetted this mess.
Publicly list their names and then force them to forfeit their own pensions.
Then, and only then, should we start hosing the taxpayers by doubling their property taxes.

3/14/2014 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We are so screwed. We voted for this and now all of us are going to get what these democrats deserve. I'm less than 5 years from retirement and I have never been so disillusioned about my future. I have an IRA, I put more money in def comp than my pension, I have a rental property, I'm going to get maybe 40% social security and a pension here. They crashed my IRA and Def Comp in 1999 and again in 2008. They crashed the real estate market on me and the next thing will be to take my social security away and then clip my pension to half of what it's supposed to be. What the hell am I going to do? I guess a job after retirement is all I have to look forward to. I'm so glad I've worked and saved my whole life so I can have an income like a public aid recipient. The only problem is, I've worked for over 40 years, done without many things and I'm still screwed. The public aid leech didn't spend all those hours working. They spent them chilling.

3/14/2014 02:02:00 AM

1999 and 2008 were paper losses unless you sold out to lock in the losses. I did not.

Every cent of book loss I made back from 1987, 1999, 2007-2008. And then some. I am up again, just for 2014.

I was in the black again by Jan1, 2010, it has been all gains since then. 2008 was a buying opportunity. It went down, buy more, I did, deferred took off after that and when I retired in late 2012 I was up overall. Not a problem.

You only lost if you sold in 2007-08. The classic mistake of the small investor, sells out when market goes down. You don't do that unless you need the money to buy food. I let it ride and added to my deferrals. Buy low, sell high. How would you buy low without the market actually going down?

If you sold and took the loss, shame on you.

3/14/2014 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rauner won't rule out taxing retirement income

9:32 p.m. CDT, March 13, 2014

"Republican governor candidate Bruce Rauner wouldn’t rule out taxing retirement income as part of an overhaul of Illinois’ tax system, saying he didn’t have a position on the issue during the final debate before Tuesday’s primary election.

"It marked a theme for Rauner on Thursday night. The wealthy venture capitalist from Winnetka also didn’t know the details of his running mate’s slip-and-fall lawsuit against several government agencies. And Rauner said he was unsure about Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan’s request to spend $100 million to encourage President Barack Obama’s library to come to Chicago...",0,4029287.story

3/14/2014 01:38:00 AM

That means he WILL tax retirement income. He isn't going to do it in front of an election, however.

3/14/2014 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I heard bruce Rauner say that Emmanuel needs his help to reform the pensions instead of a bandaid. I think we're fucked.

3/14/2014 12:49:00 AM

I hope you took a Republican ballot in early voting and voted for Dillard, we do not want Rauner on that ballot. Quinn will win the Democratic primary, no need to vote for him but this is a primary, therefore you MUST ask for a Republican ballot.

3/14/2014 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT but somehow it just fits --

Rat problem could increase with spring thaw

March 13, 2014 (CHICAGO) (WLS) --
"A spring thaw could begin an explosion in Chicago's rat population and Alderman Bob Fioretti is calling for a new campaign against the rodents.

"The rat problem is city-wide and with warmer weather on the way, the population is expected to multiply.

Like local politicians, "They can grow to be a foot long and squeeze through a hole the size of a quarter."

This is a big surprise. Every sanitation textbook written for a couple of centuries tells you to "PUT GARBAGE IN METAL CONTAINERS WITH TIGHT-FITTING LIDS."

Like this --

Not to worry. Here is a nationwide list of "no-kill" rat shelters, rat rescue organizations, etc.

No foolin.

"If you are looking to adopt rats or you have rats who need homes check out these websites..."

Squeak. Squeak. Nibble. Rustle.

3/14/2014 11:54:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Obama said...

I'm glad I don't own any property.

3/14/2014 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this asshole, Rahm, announces plans to re-pave hundreds of miles of city streets.
No money for pensions.

3/14/2014 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Dillard in Governor race. He is only one backing unions. Please vote! Save our pensions!

3/14/2014 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously what does it cost Chicago to be a sanctuary city .
Look at cost to educate the illegal immigrants , new schools, free breakfast , lunch , preschool ,after school care , armed police assigned to schools.
The money wasted on that would fund city pensions that American Citizens earned .
Our unions have to address the white elephant in the room , cease fire , end violence programs , civilian safety officers walking kids to school , standing around in vests talking on cell phone . Where are the baby mama and baby daddy ?

3/14/2014 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DId anyone else notice that New York was at the bottom of that list? They have triple the amount of police officers that we do. How has this malfeasance been able to continue so long and everyone tolerate it? Illinois is a disgrace to the whole country. I wish the Feds would step in, deport the illegals, stop the entitlements, indict politicians and give this state a thorough douching. But then again, that would just be a fantasy. (And politically incorrect according to liberals, reverends, vast majority of politicians, media, etc. etc. etc.)

3/14/2014 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic, around 2am on 14MAR14 on the 7200 Block of North Oriole a Sgt's from the 018th District daughter and her 2 female friends (16-17) were checking car doors and emptying the contents of the cars. The offenders were caught by 016, but be mindful of your cars and what not. Just be aware.

3/14/2014 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Repeal the "Gold Braid" pension fraud both future and retroactively. It's nothing more than "rewarding" political hacks for selling their souls to the corrupt politicians.

and any disability pension fraud too

3/14/2014 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so screwed. We voted for this and now all of us are going to get what these democrats deserve. I'm less than 5 years from retirement and I have never been so disillusioned about my future. I have an IRA, I put more money in def comp than my pension, I have a rental property, I'm going to get maybe 40% social security and a pension here. They crashed my IRA and Def Comp in 1999 and again in 2008. They crashed the real estate market on me and the next thing will be to take my social security away and then clip my pension to half of what it's supposed to be. What the hell am I going to do? I guess a job after retirement is all I have to look forward to. I'm so glad I've worked and saved my whole life so I can have an income like a public aid recipient. The only problem is, I've worked for over 40 years, done without many things and I'm still screwed. The public aid leech didn't spend all those hours working. They spent them chilling.

I've got another 15 years to go and feel the same way....just told my wife we'll never retire...we'll just work till we die.....

3/14/2014 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He can stay for as long as he wants.
Daley was a jag off too. And look what he did.
He's got the votes and any decent opponent will be swiftly paid off or otherwise taken care of.

3/14/2014 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's put this in perspective. Those with public pensions did all they could to hold up their end of the bargain, and the taxpayers were of course held to their end of the bargain. The savages used and destroyed, while consuming welfare, creating most of the crime, paying no taxes, and complaining because they're not treated fairly, while the politicians lied and wasted and put off the inevitable, while lining their pockets and scurrying to cater to the savages.

Now the pension holders and the taxpayers are going to be punished, the savages are going to continue complaining and consuming, and the politicians will just point fingers, obfuscate, and put it off some more while they get rich. Now you know why nice guys finish last.

3/14/2014 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a Thanks to the 18th District car that responded to the police Impersonator call on Chestnut, March 11th at 20:30 hours. You were gentleman and I, appreciate it. As for 1832 who responded, after the fact, called me a liar and told me that I, could not serve a 16year old, are a racist or stupid.I,have two GoPro cameras in my car for people like you, and the complainant. Engage brain before opening mouth !!

3/14/2014 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paycuts and pension changes coming!

3/14/2014 03:52:00 PM  
Blogger Paul said...


Well the spend spend spend, as per socialist policies, has finally ran out of 'other people's money'.

So that leaves Rahm only the local people's money.

And soon, that will run out to.

3/14/2014 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Imagine if Michigan Avenue was closed off to traffic. They do this in Europe and downtowns are busting with economic activity."

3/14/2014 06:40:00 AM

Imagine. I was there when the State Street Mall went in and I was there when it was ripped back out. It was a disaster for business.

3/14/2014 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
My husband is in a Union (a private one). That being said I don't hold city workers responsible but on the same note I do think they should be hold their union responsible for not making politicians accountable. Is that not one of the features of paying your union dues? Your lack of participation and knowledge and action about what's going on with your money (dues and pensions) now means I have to bend over and take a tax hike?????When most of the non union people don't have the luxury of your job security. When they says that 63% of people are not or under employed. I keep saying this and not one person has a reply. You should be sewing your union for mismanagement and fraud and maybe you should stop voting democratic.

3/14/2014 08:27:00 AM

Although I appreciate your support, here is OUR problem.
We are not represented by a union. It is a fraternal organization.
True union membership has the right to strike if things do not get negotiated.

We do not. All we can do is keep going to work and hope our fraternal organization doesn't screw us too much with negotiations.

3/14/2014 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: just Early Voted: You have to request a REPUBLICAN BALLOT to vote against RAUNER,
that being said, there are no Repub candidates for other office because Dems are running unopposed in the Primary, so be careful when voting for "Friends of".
GET a REPUBLICAN ballot and vote against Rham to keep Rauner out of Springfield and out of OUR PENSIONS.

3/14/2014 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daley-Emanuel death spiral continues.

3/14/2014 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic,
I saw D/C Rick Flair on Chicagoland last night
And he was sporting 21 award ribbons, the
majority if which I didn't recognize.
Anyone know if these ribbons are legit ?

3/14/2014 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're in trouble

3/14/2014 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
DId anyone else notice that New York was at the bottom of that list? They have triple the amount of police officers that we do. How has this malfeasance been able to continue so long and everyone tolerate it? Illinois is a disgrace to the whole country.

3/14/2014 01:08:00 PM

New York City also has triple the population. But only 51 members in their city council.

3/14/2014 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And this asshole, Rahm, announces plans to re-pave hundreds of miles of city streets.
No money for pensions.

3/14/2014 12:25:00 PM

That was a hold back, shit he was going to do anyway but saved announcing for an opportune time.

3/14/2014 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can't afford a doubled tax bill. It would take away from my donations to the National Rifle Association.

I would suggest that Daley give back the millions he was able to keep from his political war chest and donate it to the public servants he screwed.

3/14/2014 01:13:00 AM

Don't believe the politician's bullshit. Rahm says the tax bill will double. It will Not! The Chicago portion of the draw will likely go up but this will NOT result in an overall doubling of the total tax bill.

If the Chicago draw does in fact double, it would result in a total increase of around 25%-35% on the total tax bill. Not insignificant but nowhere near a doubling of the entire bill.

Remember who is spouting this bullshit: Rahm Emanuel.

3/14/2014 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what - anyone doubles my property taxes and I'll walk away from the shit... Keep it.

Fuck Illinois.

3/14/2014 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all is Daleys plan. The blame is all his. Rahm is only sitting on the throne for a minute! Nora is waiting in the wings while the Daleys force Hillary to pick Rahm for her running mate. Nora then wins for mayor! The deal was struck 9 months before Daley announced he was leaving office. Rahm will take all the blame while the Daley name will be an after thought!

3/14/2014 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if we had a state of taxpayers and not freeloaders we wouldn't need to raise taxes

3/14/2014 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This chart does not show the BILLIONS in TIF funds the city council hides in their treasury. Chicago is far from broke, and they all know it. The mayor and his 50 thieves just want the public to ostracize the first responders so that he can rally support to use that money to fund more BS projects, e.g. "swan lake park", that he will funnel back to his political supporters and friends through granting them city contracts to perform the work on the same projects he gets the council to approve. They wouldn't have to raise property taxes at all if they curbed their consumption of city revenue on the things that they "want" vs. the things the city "needs". Funny how money was never an issue when this mayor hired his new staff and gave them very generous pay raises- as high as 12%, and still money is never an issue when the 50 member city council voted themselves 30% raises, nor was money an issue when approving $50 million for that park named after the former thief mayor's wife, nor was money an issue for $90 million bike lanes, and of course the latest expenditure of $70 million on DePaul stadium. Just more excuses to avoid responsibility to those who provide critical services to the city.

3/14/2014 10:15:00 AM

Well put.

3/14/2014 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@1:00: Nail on the head - bravo.

@18:00: Yep. Dillard is our only hope.

Last decent - I said decent, not perfect - guv we had was Jim Edgar. Dillard was his chief of staff.

Dillard is our only hope.

3/14/2014 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Could Rahm and Richie please explain why New York is in great shape in regards to pensions being at the bottom of the list? And Chicago is number one on the list being the worst in the country?

NYC has the largest police department and fire department in the country. NYC cops' overtime (in the last years) is included toward their pension. NYC cops can retire younger than CPD. NYC lost hundreds of police and fire in 9/11, which forced greater and larger amounts of pension monies to go to the spouses.

You would think NYC would have suffered a huge loss of pension in the past 10 years due to the above. But no. And why? Because their greedy politicians don't steal all the taxpayers money and lie about it.

3/14/2014 12:26:00 AM

I don't know if last year OT is pensionable in NYC anymore. They have added several more tiers in the past 10 years or so to eliminate several enhancements that were there for a long time. They are at least at Tier 3.

Any NYPD Officers reading who might tell us how many tiers you guys have in the pension? Do you still have last year OT pensionable?

3/14/2014 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/14/2014 11:54:00 AM

I called the ward office yesterday.2 rat holes in the yard.I'll let you know if the city ever shows up. Probably gonna have to take a drive south/west to the Fleet/Farm and get the good shit.
Fuck this city.

3/14/2014 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dougherty and he whose name we can't speak are blasting Angelo for anything and everything and they even called Fox News who walked away from the story because it's all BS. Here is a novel idea for you two. Tell us what you are going to do to fix this union or will you and Aguilar just sit in the FOP bunker for three more years?

3/14/2014 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe property taxes should double. I am one helluva cop and deserve my pension. Just ask my mom.

3/14/2014 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Off Topic, around 2am on 14MAR14 on the 7200 Block of North Oriole a Sgt's from the 018th District daughter and her 2 female friends (16-17) were checking car doors and emptying the contents of the cars."

3/14/2014 01:26:00 PM

This is why it is perfectly safe to "leave your gun in your car" when entering a signed "no guns zone."

Illinois CCW = "Can't Carry Weapon."

3/14/2014 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic,
I saw D/C Rick Flair on Chicagoland last night
And he was sporting 21 award ribbons, the
majority if which I didn't recognize.
Anyone know if these ribbons are legit ?
3/14/2014 05:31:00 PM

Listen you half assed, jealous fuck. He worked in the projects in the 90's before your sorry ass was probably even on the fucking job. You may not like him, but don't disrespect a man who was doing the job when others were too afraid to go into those buildings. Like him or hate him, he was a worker and earned those ribbons your sorry ass questions.

A cop who also worked the jets.

3/14/2014 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
They shouldn't have allowed anyone to start collecting a pension till they hit 63. The funds would've been fine then.

3/14/2014 08:20:00 AM"

What a crock of Bullshit, the employees never missed a payment, the same can't be said for the city. So go fuck yourself sideways Jagoff.

3/14/2014 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey duffus don't worry about Shmitz's ribbon cluster , worry ABOUT YOUR PENSION!!!!

3/14/2014 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Face Book Post From Tom McDonagh tonight

“In the true sprit fo a “Clean Slate” we feel compelled and comfortable to endorse Dean Angelo in the upcoming runoff election for FOP President.”

“We fell we can work efficiently with him ans accomplish the initiatives and goals that we as FOP 7 members deserve. Safety, prosperity and inclusion is the goal for all of us and we feel Dean Angelo is the right choice.”

Thank you
Tom McDonagh

This should seal the deal. Anyone else think that Dougherty should just withreaw?

3/14/2014 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, but along the same lines: I just got my water bill today, up another 40 dollars from just the summer.

Not even the most far off suburbs that get Lake Michigan water pay rates like that.

Rahm is truly the anti-christ

3/14/2014 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor that a sweet heart deal is in the works for McDonagh if he backs Angelo.

I don't believe it for one second. Everyone I talk to thought that it would come down to Dougherty or McDonagh and not Angelo, because of Angelo's status as a non-working PO and all his connections to Shields.

If it's true, it's a real shame. But I don't buy it. McDonagh is more of a stand up guy than that.

3/14/2014 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Dean Angelo supporters out there: Will he quit his college teaching job and devote himself fully to the FOP?

Is he on record saying that? Will he go on record promising that?

Until then, he's a no vote from me.

3/14/2014 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
They shouldn't have allowed anyone to start collecting a pension till they hit 63. The funds would've been fine then.

3/14/2014 08:20:00 AM"

What a crock of Bullshit, the employees never missed a payment, the same can't be said for the city. So go fuck yourself sideways Jagoff.

3/14/2014 10:37:00 PM

Oh the city made their payments all right but they made only the statutory minimum, not the figure that the actuarials calculated was needed.

The minimum is a multiplier of 2. Twice our contribution. Last I heard they told the city the multiplier needed to be up over 5. Of course the City used only the statutory minimum.

They don't have any problem in NYC with funding and the police/employees there only kick in 3%, not 9% like here. That 3% goes down to zero after a certain number of years.

I don't know how many bloodsuckers draw out of the pension fund there, here in Chicago there are all kinds of leeches sucking funds out. Disability, commanders, gold braid etc. And NYPD pensions and benefits are better than here.

Those people sucking a duty disability pension of 75% tax free who do not deserve it, they are stealing from us so it is us they are getting over on, not the City. I know of a few.

We should have been in court years ago to force the City to keep the funding up. The problem is most cops just did not perceive any problem. Some still don't. They see $4 billion in the fund and think that's a lot of money. It needs to be around $8 or $9 billion.

The real danger will come if Rauner is elected governor. Then Rauner and Rahm will join forces and we have to look out, they will try to fuck us big time.

I am one of the few who collects some SS but it is only $280 a month and should be $700. Thanks to the Polish stamp thief, Rostenkowski.

3/15/2014 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That means he WILL tax retirement income. He isn't going to do it in front of an election, however.

3/14/2014 11:51:00 AM
If Rauner wins and decides to tax retirement income, he can expect a mass exodus from this state.

3/15/2014 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the first words out of that the thieving Governor Quinn's mouth after signing off on the state employees theft was " Now we have money for our projects, bridges and things" the state has money just not for the employees than worked for them and the shame of it is that some piece of shit coppers will be ringing doorbells for that Jackass Quinn and as swipe Madigan and his skank daughter Lisa.
Anyone sees a copper campaigning note the date and time and call the FOP and demand they get a CR on the fool for doing political work make the coppers get off their knees with these politicians.

3/15/2014 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you sold and took the loss, shame on you.

3/14/2014 11:49:00 AM
Yup, those paper losses are still with me. I have 6k less in that account than in 1999. No, I didn't liquidate at the bottom but when your account slips 70%, that's a tough nut to overcome. And yes, I'm better off than some but I planned it that way since I was 23 years old. That's when I opened an IRA and I opened a 401k through my job when I was 30. I've been in def comp for 20 years now. I planned this because I heard Jimmy Carter say he fixed social security and I was smart enough to realize he didn't. And I want to be financially independent.

3/15/2014 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, they better vote Scott Walker out of office, they're #49 on the pension list. Look how he screwed that up. He fixed the problem in like 10 minutes.

3/15/2014 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....he was a worker and earned those ribbons...."

really? many people have 21 ribbons--and what is their current rank.......we can all tell stories about ribbon bs (robbery where victim was punched in head =commendation for alderman relative....home invasion/robbery pinch no clout= no award)......his display is window dressing and ego-fuel

3/15/2014 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't have much choice; Twinkle Toes Rahm or the Crook Shaw.

3/15/2014 05:02:00 AM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

You should post an overlay showing the number of corrupt officials. I am sure there is a correlation somewhere.

3/15/2014 05:27:00 AM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

Well I hope if this gets pushed off FOP files an injunction to stop any changes to the law. Funny how the law wasn't challenged years ago right after it was passed unlike the pension law changes. Nothing like waiting until the day the money is due to try to change it and think the cops are appeased in the meantime.

3/15/2014 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more Fed administration like the current one, we're going to have to change the name to the Red House.

3/15/2014 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off topic,
I saw D/C Rick Flair on Chicagoland last night
And he was sporting 21 award ribbons, the
majority if which I didn't recognize.
Anyone know if these ribbons are legit ?

3/14/2014 05:31:00 PM

There are a lot of good policemen out there. Leo openly bragged that he would be meritorious in the first class each time from clout outside the department. When he was a sgt he was begging everyone to get him put in for promotion and then his clout would get him promoted.

3/15/2014 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic,
I saw D/C Rick Flair on Chicagoland last night
And he was sporting 21 award ribbons, the
majority if which I didn't recognize.
Anyone know if these ribbons are legit ?
3/14/2014 05:31:00 PM

Have no problem with a working boss who continues to ride with his people, my issue is with Chicagoland in general. It is becoming increasingly clear that this show is one big political ad for Rahm. While you may hear some negativity, you continue to see his mug and hear his name throughout the series, depicting him as a working mayor. Candidates pay millions for simple one minute ads, he's getting saturating exposure for free. Remember, in politics, name recognition is everything. I think this is a very calculated political move and of course having a brother who has pull as a Hollywood producer doesn't hurt either. Can only hope people don't fall for it.

3/15/2014 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City should suspend all MBE, DBE,& WBE participation on all City purchases & construction. All these requirements do is make everything cost more money than it should. I can't believe that they would go after property taxes before this. Shutting this participation requirement down, would fill a lot of holes in the budget.

3/15/2014 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yeah, doubling of the CITY OF CHICAGO PORTION of your property taxes not the fucking con job lie they're trying to shove up everyone's ass to make them believe your ENTIRE tax bill is going to double.

Typical fucking shitstick Emanuel and his usual fuckery with the numbers trying to piss everyone off.

Fuck this jagoff, in my case, in Edgebrook, my fucking taxes will go up a whopping fucking 386 BUCKS A FUCKING YEAR with this cocksucker's "doubling" of my taxes.

FUCK YOU Emanuel, you're a fucking coward and a shitheel on top of being a fucking shitheaded fucking liar, you motherfucker.

$386 a year additional tax in Edgebrook is not the worst thing in the world. Agree it is bad, but if for around $30.00 a month you can save your pension. None of the other suggested solution would only affect the pension to that degree.
Am not justifying any of this but there are alot worse and more expensive solutions out there to this problem. Just sayin.

3/14/2014 11:23:00 AM

You're spot on. Its just scare tactics that city hall uses the media for.

Just where do these Democratic voters think the money comes from for all their feel-good social programs? All of a sudden, it's an outrage when it starts affecting their wallets. Plenty of money for their welfare state, but none for essential services.


3/15/2014 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new property tax money will not
go to fund the pensions but will be
treated as additional revenue for the mayor to use at his discretion.
And if you feel that your property
taxes are manageable now, just wait
until the mayor encourages the state
to start taking a look at your
exemptions to see which ones they
can take away from you.

3/15/2014 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City has cheaper property taxes than suburbs. Obviously worse schools too. Move out while you can still make money on your home. Fuck residency.

3/15/2014 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

14/2014 11:54:00 AM

I called the ward office yesterday.2 rat holes in the yard.I'll let you know if the city ever shows up. Probably gonna have to take a drive south/west to the Fleet/Farm and get the good shit.
Fuck this city.

Wouldn't wait for the city on that one. Take care of it yourself before its to late

3/15/2014 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could Rahm and Richie please explain why New York is in great shape in regards to pensions being at the bottom of the list? And Chicago is number one on the list being the worst in the country?

NYC has the largest police department and fire department in the country. NYC cops' overtime (in the last years) is included toward their pension. NYC cops can retire younger than CPD. NYC lost hundreds of police and fire in 9/11, which forced greater and larger amounts of pension monies to go to the spouses.

You would think NYC would have suffered a huge loss of pension in the past 10 years due to the above. But no. And why? Because their greedy politicians don't steal all the taxpayers money and lie about it.

3/14/2014 12:26:00 AM
Interesting article and ruling on NYPD pensions

3/15/2014 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous, Chicago is
not broke. The money is there but is
being hoarded or hidden by the mayor
and city council. How else are they
able to find money to fund the
mayor's pet projects especially
with all the taxes and fees that we
Chicagoans pay anmd more are being
developed each month. And it seems
that the mayor is being protected
from having to open the city's books and permit an audit of exactly how much money the City
has and where it is being spent.
If this were a private firm the
Securities Exchange Comission or
some other federal agency would be
all over their behinds demanding
answers but mayor Emanuel and HIS
city council gets a pass.

3/15/2014 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This chart does not show the BILLIONS in TIF funds the city council hides in their treasury. Chicago is far from broke, and they all know it. The mayor and his 50 thieves just want the public to ostracize the first responders so that he can rally support to use that money to fund more BS projects, e.g. "swan lake park", that he will funnel back to his political supporters and friends through granting them city contracts to perform the work on the same projects he gets the council to approve. They wouldn't have to raise property taxes at all if they curbed their consumption of city revenue on the things that they "want" vs. the things the city "needs". Funny how money was never an issue when this mayor hired his new staff and gave them very generous pay raises- as high as 12%, and still money is never an issue when the 50 member city council voted themselves 30% raises, nor was money an issue when approving $50 million for that park named after the former thief mayor's wife, nor was money an issue for $90 million bike lanes, and of course the latest expenditure of $70 million on DePaul stadium. Just more excuses to avoid responsibility to those who provide critical services to the city.

Bottom line and no one wants to hear this. City has not raised their share of the property taxes for 3 years. Good thing, but everything else has been raised CPS raises their share to the max every year,water bills,etc. Why not raise the property taxes and put it into the pensions.
Would be hard to list anything else that hasn't risen in the last 3 years

3/15/2014 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, but along the same lines: I just got my water bill today, up another 40 dollars from just the summer.

Not even the most far off suburbs that get Lake Michigan water pay rates like that.

Rahm is truly the anti-christ

One reason the bill is going up besides the actual price of the water is that the sewer tax is going up. Originally the sewer tax was 80% of the water bill, but it has gradually been increasedt to the present 96 or 98 %.

3/15/2014 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy that asked about Deans teaching job. He WILL NOT work the teaching job if he wins the president spot. That is the answer. Check his web page and communicate with him. Ask him yourself. He will tell you. That is how I know.

3/15/2014 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ribbons should only be worn on the dress uniform
Show off

3/15/2014 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen Lewis for Mayor
so far she's the Only Union Leader that had 2 knock out matches with ballerina boy

3/15/2014 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ribbons = that guy deserved every merit promotion

3/15/2014 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To the Dean Angelo supporters out there: Will he quit his college teaching job and devote himself fully to the FOP?

Is he on record saying that? Will he go on record promising that?

Until then, he's a no vote from me.

While this is a valid question and concern, it seems to pale in comparison to some other questions. Questions which, even when answered by campaign double speak, really suggest that if this guy gets elected, the union is in big trouble.

Questions like:

Why did all the Angelo guys, including his son who ran with Shields in 2011, vote to keep Shields in office. The "due process" argument is a load of crap. They voted the same way back in October when there was no "due process" question.

Why did his guys, including his son who ran with Shields, try to keep those votes secret from the rank and file?

Why did he personally, along with everyone he ran with then, get voted out of union office ten plus years back?

Why does he think someone out of the loop and someone who hasn't paid union dues in ten years will make a good president?

What deal did he strike with McDonagh and are they gonna dismiss the lawsuit against Bella as part of the deal?

These, along with quitting his teaching gig, are the questions that really matter. These are the reasons that any vote that puts him in is bad for the union.

3/15/2014 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That means he WILL tax retirement income. He isn't going to do it in front of an election, however.

3/14/2014 11:51:00 AM
If Rauner wins and decides to tax retirement income, he can expect a mass exodus from this state.

3/15/2014 12:51:00 AM

Uh, you DO understand that retirement income from Illinois would be taxed by Illinois no matter where you move to, right?

You don't escape paying the tax by fleeing the state.

3/15/2014 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic,
I saw D/C Rick Flair on Chicagoland last night
And he was sporting 21 award ribbons, the
majority if which I didn't recognize.
Anyone know if these ribbons are legit ?

Ya, they are legit but he put himself in for most of them. That man has never met an award that he didn't try to get.

3/15/2014 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to see where Wisconsin is now compared to Illinois since Walker has been in office a couple years.

3/15/2014 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are wrong. It's already been to the Supreme Court. They cannot tax your retirement income if you move.

3/15/2014 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most people we know trust our word, now make sure you tell people and relatives to vote for Dillard, It is to save our asses.

3/15/2014 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A vote for Daugherty, is. Vote for Agu Liar, Obama ears Bailey, Kevin, the Hedgehog, and all of the other losers, that Billy will appoint as Field Reps. Vote Daugherty out! End the fourth reich!

3/15/2014 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wrong. It's already been to the Supreme Court. They cannot tax your retirement income if you move.

3/15/2014 06:35:00 PM

Check that case and see if it doesn't refer to private retirement pensions, not municipal or State retirement checks. Two different issues.
Got a citation? Sure would help.

3/15/2014 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to Rick Flairs awards, if he has them displayed correctly, his highest award is a department commendation, followed by 20 fluff awards.
Ribbons are allowed on the field uniform, it is medals that should only be worn on the dress uniform.

3/16/2014 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I voted for Mike Shields because he has such a big impact and influence on our pensions while he was our FOP president. He is so influential.

3/14/2014 12:28:00 AM
With his vast pension knowledge he made us a promise during his election campaign that he would get us 80% after 20 years and people bought into this bullshit hook, line and sinker. Dumb, uneducated coppers are just as gullible as the average voter, if someone says it long enough and loud enough it must be true, right! These people get elected by telling people what they want to hear with no regard for the truth or reality. Just like the internet, if it's on the internet it must be true????? Where did you here that???? On the internet!!

3/16/2014 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>OT, but along the same lines: I just got my water bill today, up another 40 dollars from just the summer.

Not even the most far off suburbs that get Lake Michigan water pay rates like that.

Rahm is truly the anti-christ

One reason the bill is going up besides the actual price of the water is that the sewer tax is going up. Originally the sewer tax was 80% of the water bill, but it has gradually been increased to the present 96 or 98 %.

3/15/2014 09:30:00 AM<<<

Also the Water Department has to generate revenue and Rahm is always hungry for more.

Does anyone actually believe that crap "free water meters"?

Well as more an more people get those meters the Water Department has to hike up the bills of the non-metered accounts so cover the shortfall.

When al is done, then the "free water meter" will cost an arm and a leg. Waterless toilets, showerless weekends, no more green grass except in the rich areas, piss on the working class peasants. Collect rain and buy bottled water in the burbs.

3/16/2014 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build a Casino and Convention Center by Navy Pier

Salary Freeze to ALL City of Chicago Supervisory positions, pending pension solvency.
All profits only to shore up pension, until solvent.
Limit ALL raises for Union Employees to Cost of Living only. Until pension is solvent.

Cut CPD/CFD Gold-Braid pensions to Civil-Service Rank Pension only. [no more yearly kickbacks to DemocRAT Party by retired Gold-Braids]

2 Married City Retirees collecting pensions, they get only an Average of the 2, and Doesn't change back if they get divorced or widowed if they attempt to avoid it by getting divorced..

Charge Admission to ALL Out of Town Tourists, to Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, Museum of Sci and Industry, Adler Planetarium

Change City Employee Minimum Retirement age to 55. Max Mandatory Retirement age to 65.

CPD-CFD Merit Rank Retirement, payout amount determined by last Civil Service Rank Only, for Retirementpurposes, ie. no Civil Service CPD Patrolman promoted twice by Merit [Clout] to Lt; and getting a Sgt's or Lt's retirement pay, so he or she can continue kicking back to their Alderman/Democrat party. [Thats what they do].

$5.00 Admission to ALL non-Chicago Residents to Chicago park District Beaches.

$7.00 Admission to all Non-Chicago Residents to Taste of Chicago.

Raise Chicago Cigarette Tax $1.00 per pack

Raise Chicago Alcohol Tax $1.00 per bottle/ 6-12 pack

Fine every Chicasgo resident Dog Owner $50.00 and up, for recurrance, for constantly barking dogs.

All bonified drunk/Tavern/Bar Disturbances in their parking lots or property, automatic $500.00 fine.

Increase Fine for Littering to $150.00

Increase Harbor Fees for all boats over 25 ft. long, harbored in Chicgo Harbors.

All "R" or "X" Rated movies shown in Chicago, $1.00 extra Tax to Theater Customers.

Just a Start. Democrat politicians too lazy to institute anything tho. Always take the lazy way out and just Tax the living shit out of Middle-Class Working Taxpayers. Demand your City politicians do something other than increase your Taxes to pay for the mess they've created. Don't take No for an answer.

3/16/2014 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

water rates went up 15% each year for the last 3 years and sewer taxes increased to 96% of water bill

3/16/2014 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With his vast pension knowledge he made us a promise during his election campaign that he would get us 80% after 20 years and people bought into this bullshit hook, line and sinker. Dumb, uneducated coppers are just as gullible as the average voter, if someone says it long enough and loud enough it must be true, right! These people get elected by telling people what they want to hear with no regard for the truth or reality. Just like the internet, if it's on the internet it must be true????? Where did you here that???? On the internet!!

3/16/2014 11:39:00 AM

The po's can only blame themselves for being stupid. How could you fall for that? Everyone knew there was a pension crisis and that the pension fund was underfunded, but this guy says they will knock off years before retirement and add a higher %.
Yea right and I'm going to get you a 50% raise and free health insurance, new squads
Keep listening to and falling for that crap.

3/16/2014 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Legalize weed, make Chicago an Amsterdam on the lake, tourist a casino downtown, you could be looking at a stream of millions of dollars. But this will never happen we are too stupid

3/17/2014 04:15:00 AM  

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