Friday, January 02, 2015

Pandering Until the End

  • Dr. Richard Eells became a criminal on a summer night in 1842 when he opened the door of his Quincy, Ill., home to a runaway slave named Charley and, instead of turning him in, tried to help him escape.

    The attempt failed. Charley was recaptured, and Eells, found guilty of harboring, secreting and preventing the lawful retaking of a slave, was fined $400. Appeals all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court were in vain.

    History vindicated Eells long ago, but it wasn't until Wednesday that the law did the same. As part of a wide-ranging clemency action, Gov. Pat Quinn formally pardoned Eells and two other 19th-century abolitionists convicted of assisting escaped slaves.
Quinn must have located the $80 billion dollars to repay the pension bankruptcy looming over everyone's head. Thank goodness there are no more pressing issues to deal with.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

But they were still found guilty. Can't change that.

1/02/2015 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn also left with setting the next year's budget using 5% income tax revenues coming in instead of 3%. (2015)

Like if he didn't know 2015 was going to go back to 3% state income tax instead of 5%. So now, Rauner needs to go in and re-calculate (make that DECREASE) the funding for the state budget because Quinn - and anyone else in the Legislature - did not figure in the reduction of funding based on a lower state income tax.

This is why this state is so F-cked up. No one should be defending Quinn.

When you don't have the simple skills to realize the revenues will be less and that you should have the foresight to reduce spending to reflect that, instead of giving every state agency another 5% raise into their budgets.

1/02/2015 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad he could not pardon a ex governor and some ex politicians currently doing time.

1/02/2015 02:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Empty political gestures from an empty politician.

1/02/2015 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn is leaving office without being indicted? Amazing!

1/02/2015 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not see the point in becoming a police officer or staying on the job as a police officer in Illinois, given this pension business. This is the whole reason I went to the federal gov LEO side. I dont want to be on the job for say 10 years with this pension deal comes to roost. If you can not see it coming, are you in a coma?

1/02/2015 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn, the self proclaimed " man of the people" has been exposed for the political hack that he is. Glad he is gone, but look for him to run for US senator against Kirk. Quinn will make a number of political appointments of his friends to high paying jobs that Rauner will have a fit trying to undo. this will happen just before Quinn leaves office. Good riddance.

1/02/2015 11:08:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Was the good doctor there to get the paper?

1/02/2015 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Quinn also left with setting the next year's budget using 5% income tax revenues coming in instead of 3%. (2015)

Like if he didn't know 2015 was going to go back to 3% state income tax instead of 5%. So now, Rauner needs to go in and re-calculate (make that DECREASE) the funding for the state budget because Quinn - and anyone else in the Legislature - did not figure in the reduction of funding based on a lower state income tax.

This is why this state is so F-cked up. No one should be defending Quinn.

When you don't have the simple skills to realize the revenues will be less and that you should have the foresight to reduce spending to reflect that, instead of giving every state agency another 5% raise into their budgets.

1/02/2015 01:03:00 AM

Even 5% is low compared to some other states. Rauner ought to raise the state income tax right to 6% and make it permanent. And the City needs to enact a .5% city income tax and put 100% of it into pensions.

1/03/2015 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So will the convicted criminal, now pardoned, be entitled to a refund of his $400? Will his estate be entitled to interest for 150 years?

If so, they should take it out of the governor's pension.

1/03/2015 10:37:00 PM  

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