Friday, February 26, 2016

Never to be Spoken

Every so often (actually more often), the comment sections here reveal a nugget or three of real wisdom buried among the hundreds we moderate daily. Here's one that, although politically incorrect, is true far more than anyone would like to admit:
  • The percentages of ISR's completed should reflect (A) the population of the District you work in and (B) the population of described offenders in the District you work in.
Seriously, who else are you supposed to be stopping? Is this what they want?
  • "Damn, I'm down three brown people this week...better find someone to hassle!"
  • "Hey, anyone know where I can find a white guy?"
That seems to be what they want. And we guarantee you will never heard that truth spoken aloud by a politician, by a supervisor above the rank of sergeant, or by a lawyer (Corp Counsel, ACLU, plaintiff attorney).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...That seems to be what they want. And we guarantee you will never heard that truth spoken aloud by a politician, by a supervisor above the rank of sergeant, or by a lawyer (Corp Counsel, ACLU, plaintiff attorney). ..."

And you never will.

2/26/2016 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they wanted to hear logic, they wouldn't be liberals or socialists.

2/26/2016 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entire time I worked in Englewood I never wrote a ticket to a white person. Now before you start calling me a racist please tell me where in the hell do you expect me to find a white person in Englewood on midnight and afternoons, the two shifts I worked while I was there (3 years). But according to the ACLU and Black Lives Matter that would automatically brand me a racist. This is what I would automatically be branded by the various liberal and litigious organizations monitoring the actions of the Chicago Police. Chicago is the most segregated city in the world, liberals must be unaware of that as well as the Black Lives Matter paid outside protesters. Additionally I would also like to say that I never wrote a black person a ticket who said to me, "I'm sorry officer what did I do", the only people I ever wrote a ticket to started out the conversation with me,"what you stopping me for!"

2/26/2016 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought no one does ISRS?

2/26/2016 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unspoken truths do not exist, therefore if they are spoken only by and in the lower levels they will never be heard and cannot be true.

2/26/2016 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over 80% of violent crime is perpetrated by and against black and brown people. Should not our interactions mirror these numbers? Should we stop more white people so others aren't forced to face reality and have their feelings hurt about the state of their people?

2/26/2016 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/26/2016 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this just good old common sense? Who's shooting up the expressways? Who's reported killing in the neighborhoods? Who's reported robbing?

DUH! People like them are going to get stopped....and they should be!

2/26/2016 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Chalkie Ret. said...

My Dad was on the original Tac Team in the late 60's, his specialty was pick-pockets working the 1st District. They got so good at it that they were interviewed on a local radio station. When asked to describe the typical pick-pocket they arrested he began by saying they are male black, but was stopped by the host who indignantly said "don't white people pick pockets too"? My Dad said I'm sure they do, however we review the reports daily & the description of the offenders is male blacks. That shut the host down & was pretty slick of ol Pop!

If your gonna go fishing for sharks, you don't go out on lake Michigan...

2/26/2016 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember 'Tuesday is Stop a White Guy Day'. On Tuesday the entire Department can only stop 'white guys and girls'. This should give the numbers that the department and aclu want to see.

2/26/2016 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ISRs should reflect item B. McCarthy said it, our Cmdr said it and the city said it while talking to the ACLU.

2/26/2016 06:13:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Political Correctness is killing our big cities.

2/26/2016 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last 5 ANOVs I wrote were to M/1s, won't write another til I find a M/2, might take awhile.

2/26/2016 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on brother , Austin , Fillmore , Englewood 95% of calls for service made by blacks , 99% of offenders black , traffic violations committed by you guessed it blacks , most victims in those areas , yes sir you guessed it black , maybe a few others hit by a stray bullet or robbed while passing through . Racist , hell no . It's called doing your job . It's black people calling about the dope boys on the corner , loud music coming from car speakers that can be heard a block away , gang bangers sitting on someone's front porch .
It shows aclu could care less about the quality of life that the law abiding citizens that live in these crime infested areas .
Police Officers are the ones that actually care about the victims of rape,robbery,burglary and quality of life issues .

2/26/2016 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same "logic" that the TSA uses, and why they grope 80 year old nuns and two year old toddlers but ignore the burka-clad 20 year old and her two bearded male escorts? We see how effective that's been!

2/26/2016 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The entire time I worked in Englewood I never wrote a ticket to a white person. Now before you start calling me a racist please tell me where in the hell do you expect me to find a white person in Englewood on midnight and afternoons, the two shifts I worked while I was there (3 years). But according to the ACLU and Black Lives Matter that would automatically brand me a racist. This is what I would automatically be branded by the various liberal and litigious organizations monitoring the actions of the Chicago Police.

2/26/2016 01:07:00 AM

Exactly. And if you did seek out a white person to stop in Englewood, just to even out the numbers a bit, that would actually be racial profiling.
You just can't reason with the liberal mind. Liberalism really is a mental illness.

2/26/2016 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alleged victims of hate crime were actually the perpetrators. If the link doesn't work google albany ny hate crime.
This is disgusting. 3 black girls allege hate crime by whites. They actually held a protest on CNN!! Now video has come out showing what really happened and it shows the 3 blacks were the ones who were throwing punches and using racial insults.

2/26/2016 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police Officers are the ones that actually care about the victims of rape,robbery,burglary and quality of life issues


2/26/2016 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long ago, back in the day we heard the 015 officer who always said he was "looking for a male usual".
He caught a lot of flack from his own, but he persevered.
And to the 025 officer who every now and then, would nonchalantly inform the dispatcher that a citizen is inquiring if there was a Starbucks located anywhere in 25 or15 (district). He always got a variety of responses.
God bless these dinosaurs wherever they are, your humor was appreciated.

2/26/2016 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political Correctness is not only killing our big cities, its killing the entire culture. So many people are afraid to speak out as it will be taken as politically incorrect or racist, even though it is the truth.

2/26/2016 10:47:00 PM  

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