Sunday, March 06, 2016

Cops On Call

A new site, attached to the Police Memorial folks:
  • Hello SCC,

    I was hoping you could help me promote my new website. I, with the support of the CPMF created a non profit peer to peer website for police officers. It is a secure site that is locked down from the general public. I have created several forums on various topics that officers face each day, from dealing with tough jobs to post shootings. My hope is that it will give officers across the nation a safe place to help one another and prevent suicides.

    I would be forever grateful if you would help me promote it and link it to your blog.
The link to the site is here. A lot of interesting stuff at first glance.

UPDATE: Link fixed



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link doesn't work

3/06/2016 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until the defense attorneys subpoena data.

3/06/2016 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A site that allows you to discuss the deep dark, the trials and tribulations related to the job. I would not trust it till the site and everyone connected with it, is vetted and cleared. What if every soul exposing revelation is funneled through the DOJ and whispered into Rahms ear? Sharing the life with others in the know is a good way to cope. A burden shared is a burden halved. However,Loose lips, sinks ships. Don't be thrown onto the rocks.
Concerned Citizen

3/06/2016 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be wary of anything called private. Servers...peer to peer, can all be monitored, just be careful.... "Beware of "GEEKS" bearing gifts"......

Prince Valium

3/06/2016 04:41:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Great job. Stick with it.

3/06/2016 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sargeant in Area Central Sat put on hotseat for his teams lack of activity LMAO

3/04/2016 10:17:00 AM


TROLL ALERT! I know that no one here is supposed to be the spelling police but if you can't spell Sergeant right, you are obviously not the police.

Not so fast. There are plenty of police who couldn't spell CAT if you spotted them the C and the T !!

3/06/2016 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I click on the site it takes me to a blank screen

3/06/2016 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea.I'm not a cop and will not be able to read it, but cops need to be able to vent. No problem.

3/06/2016 07:17:00 AM  
Blogger D 2012 said...

The link is blank

3/06/2016 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Man stabbed on CTA

ALL THE MORE REASON conceal carry should

Be allowed on


3/06/2016 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and it doesnt work

3/06/2016 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion. I would highly caution officers not to participate in any law enforcement blog (other than anonymously) especially one that makes you identify yourself for verification purposes! Discussing any mental and/or emotional issues could come back to bite you in your ass. If you need help there's EAP and the Chaplins Ministry. Both are confidential, local and cost you nothing. Be smart.

3/06/2016 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT anyone know if they gonna do another class of detectives off of old list?

3/06/2016 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Julie Joyce said...

I started the site so please let me clear up any misconceptions. It us similar to posting in this blog.I worked very hard to address all of the above concerns. You don't have to use your real name. You can create any username you want. Information can't be subpoena if no information is maintained on the server. All volunteers are under a clinician ( retired cpd) which gives us doctor patient confidentiality.
I have tried to make sure none if the info could ever be used against an officer.
In this day and age we need a place to support one another away from the public.
I'm tired of losing officers to suicide. Iall I want to do is help my brothers and sisters in blue. I don't get paid for this site and I've worked very hard to get it up and running so we can address some of the issues we deal with that we can't talk to civilians about. Before you cast judgement I hope you will join it and check it out. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Anyone who knows me knows where my heart is. I appreciate your support!thanks SCC!
Julie joyce CPD my email is:

3/06/2016 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont Vote for Kimisha Fox,Preckwinkle Puppet.

3/06/2016 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have personal and professional experience with both the founding officer and the psychiatrist (retired sgt) involved in making this website a reality. They both have invested a lot of time and effort into this website for all the right reasons. There is a need and it is an excellent resource for ALL LEOs. If there's anyone I'd trust with my life and well being it's them...and I have. It's not often something so genuine comes along. Take advantage... I'm proud of them and their caring hearts to do so much for their fellow officers.

3/06/2016 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And their coming to take me away. Haha Hehe Hoha to the funny farm where things are peaceful and their coming to take me away.

3/06/2016 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/06/2016 06:03:00 AM

That was said about terry bradshaw back in the day!probably true.

3/06/2016 10:38:00 AM

i hope eap has improved since last time i called them.never got a call back.good thing i wasnt thinking of "taking to the tower". and it wasnt for myself, but another copper.

3/06/2016 03:30:00 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Unfortunately, seven guns in a week is not even the needle in a haystack in an area the size of Chicago. Their undermanned system is not even making a dent and if they can't find a more efficient method they should allocate the resources elsewhere. But for starters they need to make the program statewide, not just in the Chicago area.

3/06/2016 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sargeant in Area Central Sat put on hotseat for his teams lack of activity LMAO

3/04/2016 10:17:00 AM


TROLL ALERT! I know that no one here is supposed to be the spelling police but if you can't spell Sergeant right, you are obviously not the police.

Not so fast. There are plenty of police who couldn't spell CAT if you spotted them the C and the T !!

3/06/2016 06:03:00 AM


Unfortunately, you are right.

3/06/2016 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Until the defense attorneys subpoena data."

And has happened before to realpolice...

3/06/2016 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not suggest writing about any mental or emotional issues on-line. Remember anything you put out on the net is permanent. If you need help, reach out to the services in place with the department or your own doctor.

3/06/2016 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember When, Tony Preckwinkle said Ronald Reagan deserves special place in hell for his War on Drugs for putting so many Blacks and Browns in jail.....Im a Latino PO and She is the biggest piece of Shit in this State...Make sure you Vote against Kim Fox..

3/06/2016 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not do it. Nothing is secure enough to share this kind of information. A court would not find there to be any type of privelge involved in these type of exchanges. As such it would all be fair game to a subpoena.

3/06/2016 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

defense attorneys just subpoena your ISR activity to be used at your deposition hearing and to impeach you on the witness stand-go figure stay fatal my friends!

3/06/2016 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Cops on call' is a great idea and needed. Records aren't kept. Everything is confidential. If you choose not to use it, that's your personal choice. Don't stop another from using it if they feel they need to. The people involved want to give you a safe outlet for what troubles ya. Use it.

3/06/2016 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOID: no mental health related issues or,

domestic violence!

don't be a pendejo!

3/06/2016 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Anything that has the blessing of the Memorial Fund,it would behoove someone to take a huge amount of caution and skepticism.

3/06/2016 09:17:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is a very sensitive subject for me, and I feel that "we" can help or get some answers.

3/06/2016 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know other officers who have serious problems but most of the time, most of us do nothing about it. It's simply part of our culture. If an officer is hurting and wants to anonymously speak to someone, then perhaps this is a place to start.

3/06/2016 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Richard said...

To those that protect us and serve us, I am not an L.E.O, but have been a combat veteran who became an owner of an IT business once I landed in Chicago after Afghanistan.
I have Cisco Security certification and have plenty of friends on the force. Please listen when I say that you may be tracked easily on any site by your computer's address and if someone really wanted to pursue anything you may have disclosed on the "Cops On Call" website it can be done without much effort.
As another poster stated, stay with the anonymous services provided for your care and do not risk anything you have laid your life on the line for. The only person you can trust is your enemy as you know they want to harm you.
Be safe, be smart and it will be interesting to see what becomes of this. Better to watch from the sidelines than in front of a judge.
Richard, whose family still respects and appreciates what is done on a daily basis for us.

3/06/2016 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CAUTION: This does not have the confidentiality guarantees that a doctor/patient or priest/confessor has.

Same goes for talking to an FOP Rep vs. a FOP Lawyer.

3/06/2016 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't recommend sharing anything at all with co workers sorry. If you don't have close family or friends off of the job, buy a therapist. TRUST ME.

3/06/2016 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell, half the people who they made Sergeants off the last list couldn't spell it. And lieutenant? Forget about it.

3/07/2016 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't trust any bullshit post with your psychological or emotional issues. This is the last place to discuss these types of concerns. Like the previous post stated Chaplains Ministry and EAP are excellent places to start. So many jag-offs are out to screw us, don't make it easy for them. Many of us are faced with all sorts of bullshit that can sometimes be overwhelming. Seek out trusted sources for help. You won't regret it.

3/07/2016 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Julie : you said "I have tried to make sure none if the info could ever be used against an officer. ". What does that mean exactly?

3/07/2016 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catholic Bishop needs to go, him and mikey r 2 close, no more donations to them.
I swear 2 god i'm going Atheist?

3/07/2016 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We are a anonymous to help listen...log.....I mean get deeper into the psychology of your group thinking....I mean....try to port and IP scan finding that delicious post of brutality and or Crap.....we ...I mean ... I ...don't give your info to any pro bono lawyer.... Ok let me start again...

We students of the various websites used to tally police corruption use this material with other social media information gathering to hep promote the anarchist way with solutions of putting in our own. Hey it's like the snake eating itself!!

Talk about attorney payoff they get like 35%...I keep the rest, a new Galaxy 7 for the price of posting, and an occasional march...

You cops will help us help you in our social experiment!!!

- excerpt from " ......"

3/07/2016 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea. But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Be careful.

3/07/2016 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is people like you who make officers afraid of getting help. These people have tried to make a safe place for officers and all you want to do is bash it without knowing how the program works.
I guess you would rather see and officer kill himself then reach out for help. Perhaps you should read some of the bio's of the volunteers. ie, chris p.
the only time a defense attorney is looking for something is if you give him a reason too.
this site was created by people who genuinely care about officers well being and we should be supporting them. especially when everyone else is coming down so hard on us lately. i'd rather an officer seek some assistance online then lose him by his own hands. maybe thats just me.

3/07/2016 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P2P traffic is very heavily monitored -- the big entertainment companies are looking for downloads of latest music or full-length movies. Remember what happened to Napster and Megadownload?

Install a copy of PeerBlock; you will not believe how many people are watching, all over the world. "China Telecom anti-P2P," etc.

"Refugees" in European "asylum camps" have been hitting it so hard that some of them have actually been tracked down and sent bills for $1000 or more. The government doesn't know who the hell they are but Sony can find out...

3/07/2016 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be careful what you say, don't give traceable details about situations, and this may help. Just be smart.

3/07/2016 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use the Tor Browser before posting on any site like this And even then dont post anything that can land you in the clink or cause problems for you on the job. We all know CPD , depending on your clout , is a mean spirited POS that will hang you for say "Boo" so do be careful. Personally I'd go to a therapist instead of posting on the Internet. And DONT tell none of your so called "friends" on the force.

Sorry, yes there are good people out there. But Life has rules and one of them is dont tell other coppers shit.

3/07/2016 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read the disclaimer that should be enough to keep you away.

3/07/2016 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is people like you who make officers afraid of getting help. These people have tried to make a safe place for officers and all you want to do is bash it without knowing how the program works. I guess you would rather see and [sic] officer kill himself then reach out for help."

3/07/2016 08:08:00 AM

Something really is wrong when any FAQ-type questions, any discussion at all, gets heavy-guilt-tripped like this.

Definition --

"Cult -- any group in which doubt is equated with guilt."

3/07/2016 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Frank Rizzo said...

Just talk to Sizer. There's nothing he hasn't heard before.

3/07/2016 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These officers are very into mental health and well being, it is a safe way to get help when you need it. Use whatever is available to you when feeling down tell a friend, tell a relative, tell a clinician, just dont tell a bottle.

3/07/2016 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The main point of all this is that every officer should have an outlet other than alocohol or God forbid drugs! Talk to family, pastor, or a counselor. Everyone and I mean everyone goes through shit and,we can't do it all on our own. You're not weak for seeking help, you are weak for not seeking help. We are human after all.

3/07/2016 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hell, half the people who they made Sergeants off the last list couldn't spell it. And lieutenant? Forget about it.

3/07/2016 12:12:00 AM

When I 1st got on the job I wondered, What are the odds that so many of the Lieutenants all had the same 1st name: LOU ? LOL

3/07/2016 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"These officers are very into mental health and well being, it is a safe way to get help when you need it. Use whatever is available to you when feeling down tell a friend, tell a relative, tell a clinician, just dont tell a bottle."

3/07/2016 06:02:00 PM

I didn't say "very into" anything, and you know it. I said "There is lots of private help available -- like after work in your buddy's garage with a snort of Gentleman Jack."

In vino veritas. Modern-day disclaimer like anyone knew or was watching. Have you no sense at all? If it's appropriate and if it helps, like an adult can't tell whether they want to have a drink off-duty and talk or not.

"Clinician," s__t. Ask a 30-year-sober alcoholic first. When you are hurting bad on a winter or summer night, a slug a Jameson's can be good medicine, if you'd like one. The talk that goes with it for hours and hours is even better, vastly more important and helpful, and that is the whole point that you yourself have obviously never experienced. Miserable lecturesome friendless little bluenose. God bless CPD brothers and sisters for the time we spent laughing our heads off and keeping our sorry a__es in a straight line.

Like you would fucking know something more than that rat on the broom handle featured on TV.

Go in peace, now, child, and leave the grown-ups alone.

3/08/2016 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Use the Tor Browser before posting on any site like this..."

3/07/2016 09:35:00 AM

...and please study Tor very carefully before you even install it. THEY, the real authors, tell you that. Where are you downloading it from? What comes with? Etc. Even using Tor is considered by some government agencies to be suspicious, puts you on the "Dark Web" side with the terrs, pedos, etc. Comes to the point (news flash) I am too tired to be an expert on everything.

Anyone who stores their smartphone in their mouth can run like hell in their $300 molded-plastic shoes doing pretty much whatever they want -- at least until they kill someone and the whole plans and photos are pulled up on F__ebook, though. Crazy world, huh?

3/08/2016 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is people like you who make officers afraid of getting help. These people have tried to make a safe place for officers and all you want to do is bash it without knowing how the program works. I guess you would rather see and [sic] officer kill himself then reach out for help."

3/07/2016 08:08:00 AM

Oh, uh, "People Like You" with your fucking lectures?

The old Revolver Police want to know -- you ever actually suck a gun? Superb weapon w/3 1/2 pound SA pull separating you from the Next World. Don't even start to sneeze. Would have gone like a nuclear test. Kept thinking of the honest, straightforward folks -- consummate craftsmen and artists -- who adjusted the action so finely, and let 'er back down. This was, like, 35 years back. We good.

So many people in here who never even seen the door. Just talking s__t.

Another beautiful day dawning! Supposed to hit over 60 deg. F. Dig out your cargo shorts and enjoy.

God bless all here, including the ignorant. Perhaps even they will thusly acquire wisdom.

All Lives Matter.

3/08/2016 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hell, half the people who they made Sergeants off the last list couldn't spell it. And lieutenant? Forget about it.

3/07/2016 12:12:00 AM

When I 1st got on the job I wondered, What are the odds that so many of the Lieutenants all had the same 1st name: LOU ? LOL

3/07/2016 07:28:00 PM
Thanks. Thought I was the only one.

3/08/2016 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Kelly G said...

I know Julie and a couple of the other admins and I can tell you they are legit and have their hearts in the right place. Maybe you don't trust this or any other cop site but I've seen cops reaching out for help on a number of LEO forums and they've gotten the help they need. These other forums are on social network sites. If someone needs help this is another avenue to explore. Don't use it if you don't trust it but don't discourage and scare others with all the talk about defense attorneys and DAs because, quite frankly, if the cop commits suicide none of that will matter. Saving lives is what we do - so let's make sure we save each other as well.

3/10/2016 04:09:00 AM  

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