Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Expanding the "Brass"

Here's Ed putting out the bullshit he's been told to put out:

And here's the announcement of what's been appearing in our comment section for a few days now:
  • Three high-level civilian employees have been hired to oversee reform, strategy and finance for the Chicago Police Department in a continuing shake-up ordered by Supt. Eddie Johnson.
And the $428,00 in salary for these three new positions?
  • OT cuts, especially in the Areas. No VRI only gets you so far
The justification is amusing, too:
  • “We made a commitment to change the way CPD does business and to put these reforms into place. We weren’t just saying we were going to do it. We’re actually going to do it. So this is just another mechanism for us to ensure that we’re basically policing ourselves. I need the sworn personnel to focus on the crime fight. For so long , what law enforcement would do is pick a police officer and say, ‘You’re in charge of this’ with little or no expertise.”
That's called the "merit" system Ed. You were raised in it, you benefited from it, you continue to hand out the undeserved product of it. And Ed is already setting up the force-feeding of it to the rank-and-file:
  • Johnson openly acknowledged that cops don’t trust civilians and, as a result, there might be resentment to three new bosses.

    That’s particularly true of Classen, given his role on the Task Force on Police Accountability that portrayed the Chicago Police Department as racist and was promptly denounced as “biased” by the Fraternal Order of Police.

    “I’m sure there’ll be some resentment. But if we want to be successful, we need expertise in certain areas. So, we’re bringing in experts,” the superintendent said.
Rest assured, there will be consequences for resisting the assimilation.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can I buy the Wild Cherry refills?

1/30/2018 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kidney Bean is concocting an idea of how to fire Rialmo—- just a matter of time; perhaps when Rham has bad news a brewing or on a Friday when no is paying attention

1/30/2018 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are screening up the city. If special ed needs them, than why do we need special ed. One I can't wait to retire. Two I can't wait to move out. Three, in the mean time I can't wait to vote against this administration.

Screw this shithole!

1/30/2018 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We are COPA. Your distinctivness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.

(said in Star Trek Borg voice)...

and for the Trekkies out there, we all know how that worked out for those turds. Yeah, no phasers or photon torpedoes in this universe, so the best weapon is to: Remain Fetal.

1/30/2018 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four more years of this bullshit.

1/30/2018 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Park got Shear's job. It should have been eliminated.

1/30/2018 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor won't be happy until we are more messed up than Detroit.

1/30/2018 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for elections to come and watch the Mayor and the Superintendent ran out of town. I plan on getting drunk on Old Style off duty that night on my sofa watching the returns stuffing my face with Chicago style piazza. I just can't wait!!!!!!

1/30/2018 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ reform” ... gotta love these liberal buzzwords. Do gooders-political correctness champions- social justice warriors- big change/big reformers and big brain thinkers. The harder they try, the more the turn things to 💩. And will still keep trying harder with the same results💩

1/30/2018 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean if I am RDO for a holiday weekend this summer the department won't cancel my days off at the last minute?

1/30/2018 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed has officially become they worst Superintendent ever. Openly saying he can't do the job! Ed, you are not the Police. You have disgraced our city and your profession. I will now refer to you as slick ed. The mayors point man on BS!

1/30/2018 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful Ed, the last time Rahm had his hands that far up your ass you ended up needing a kidney transplant. Who are you trying to BS, claiming that the decision to bring on these “experts” was all your idea? Oh and fuck you for relating that you believe a simple minded policeman couldn’t perform the tasks these three asshats were hired to do. You are a spineless sellout, that thinks very little of the men and women that work for your organization. When I, and I’m sure countless others, say “fuck you, Ed” I want you to remember that it truly was earned, not given.

1/30/2018 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reform? Well someone better send the message to the low level dimwit bosses that the days of chasing down meaningless stats while violating general orders are over. There are soft supervisors out there still worried about their numbers believe it or not.

1/30/2018 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huge secret. Moe Claussen is a big pickle magnate. Claussen Pickles. He put the crunch and snap into those pickled cucumbers and 9.5 and Heavyhand got it figured he can slip us the cucumber and put the crunch on us in a snap. Dilly-dilly!

1/30/2018 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the department issue a new order that requires everyone to remain "fetal" until told otherwise? These new hirings will do just that. The 400k plus in salary could be saved instead.

1/30/2018 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add Dan Miahopolis to the group of people who block people on Twitter for castng a question mark to their reporting over at the Sun-Times. So let’s refresh the list:

Raechel Perrotta who started campaign to make sure that Rialmo doesn’t get help via-godundme

Dennis o’neil, who is head of the university village association, or something like that...who said that the cops who stand down are a bunch of whiners and that Rahm has everyone’s backs

And Dan miahopolis is the Sun-Times, who doesn’t like to be accused of carrying Rahm’s water by slamming vallas before he is in the race

Fuck Rahm. Stand down. And let him deal with the consequences of his actions in an election year. Assholes, cowards, all of them

1/30/2018 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cops don't trust merit/clout employees of the chicago police department.

1/30/2018 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's your report and have a nice day mam, squad can i have personal, squad can i have lunch, squad hold me down on a bus check, squad i need a uniform adjustment. There's your tour in a nut shell.

1/30/2018 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Moe, Larry, and Curly. "For duty and humanity!"

1/30/2018 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put me in Charge. I can bleach my shirts.

1/30/2018 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I volunteer to be a B.T.O. "Brass Training Officer. In grade pay, of course.

1/30/2018 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dept. has been dumbed down past C.P.S. and the post office.....throwing money wont help

1/30/2018 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want different dept.....Pension Buy-Out? Forget about retraining.

1/30/2018 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit by seniority if not by test score.

1/30/2018 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 hour tours. Gilligan's in charge!

1/30/2018 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

change some community members instead....

1/30/2018 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

co worker left dept and city with less than 20......a sign?

1/30/2018 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all a civilian from Seattle is going to develop strategy. Gotta be a joke. Eddie if you can't develop a plan with a dozen or so officers through the ranks that's pathetic.
Secondly, the whole purpose of a chain of command is to make sure the mission is being accomplished. You really need a civilian at that price tag to remind you of a deadlines.
Thirdly, a civilian in finance I can deal with. Hopefully understands that strategy in policing has a cost.
Lastly, can I use civilians on patrol? I'm could be good at delegating my job too. "Put down the booze and write expired plates" to the piss bum. How bout " Using the cigarette salesman to disperse shit heads. All this brass and can't run a department what a joke!

1/30/2018 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

still here, bad lotto ticket on fire dept.

1/30/2018 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

new pay phones being installed in districts to ensure every P.O. has a "phone call"

1/30/2018 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why even have a command staff if you have to hire these dildos. How did the CPD get along all these years without these political plants ?Will he fool the citizens again and win the next election? How true the adage, The beatings will continue until morale improves. Rahm is turning the CPD into Democrat Andy Frain ushers.

1/30/2018 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It won’t matter one bit. The smart copper is going to continue the fetal mode. Stop the OT and VRI? Sure. Go ahead. And once the Killing Machine fires up in the warmer weather, the bodies start stacking up, and the already dismal clearance rate drops into single-digit territory, Rahm will tell these guys to change it up, because Rahm needs the black vote. Worst case scenario, Rahm loses and all these idiots get replaced in 2019. Just sit back, grab the popcorn, and answer your jobs. Can’t get in trouble for doing that. “Here’s your report. The det’s will be contacting you for the follow-up. Have a nice day.” No car chases, can’t tase, they’re discouraging foot chases, and now three so-called “experts” are going to straighten us out. As others have pointed out before me...look, laugh, leave.

1/30/2018 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m not disagreeing with your point, but I’d like to see one officer who would turned down his salary and pension, to do the same thing. I’d say maybe 5%. When I was on the job my fellow officers would do alot more for a lot less, inside job, caps, plainclothes even a early car. You are your own worse enemy sell your soul for a lil vri or Cta pathetic.

1/30/2018 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consequences, only for the police...in Chicago.
Where will this strategy lead ?

1/30/2018 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the giant clusterfukk we have been waiting for. Liberal progressive civilians telling cops how to do their jobs. What could possibly go wrong. The police dept. is finished. Chicago is finished. Do any work beyond the absolute required minimum and you will be out of a job. And you could very well wind up in prison for your well intentioned efforts. These three Libersl Einstein's need police heads on stakes outside of police headquarters to justify their huge salaries.

1/30/2018 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Supernintendo forgot to also mention how the department promotes Lts into Commanders with no expertise. Just like Escamerit in 025. Outside of being a suckass to the Alderstooges, what are his qualifications to be merit promoted four times? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a couple of Lambert Tree medals laying around his home.

1/30/2018 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“We need the sworn Personel to focus on the crime fight..” lol. No you don’t. You don’t want law ENFORCERS. Remeber you want real justice. Not criminal justice. There is no real fight against crime until you send the ACLU packing and abolish COPA for something better. Just a bs political perception of it. Your precious homicide numbers may be down but the quality of life is in the toilet. Don’t forget to tell the media how carjackings have skyrocketed and shootings are increasing in places not known for gun violence. And we will see yet again our taxes go up. “..we need expertise in certain areas. So, we’re bringing in experts..”. that statement is probably the biggest slap in the face to a Chicago Police Officer as any. But I guess that would make sense to a command staff primarily comprised of merit promotions. We already have the expertise and we have the know how and have the man power. We’re just not allowed to do our jobs without being called racist or sued or fired. There is no crime fight. The last guy who fought crime got stripped to call back for not descalating the situation instead of fighting. Shot spotter, paid civilian “experts”, all these things that do not involve stopping people and putting your hands on them. But spend our tax dollars. This is one expensive omlet that has the be made without cracking any eggs.

1/30/2018 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go away Ed.

1/30/2018 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought there was an order that we had to snitch on a fellow copper for breaking the rules? Like cheating on a LT. exam and committing felony theft???? NO?

1/30/2018 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make this Classen fool go for ride alongs in fast districts on hot summer nights

1/30/2018 03:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed has taken the phrase “sold his soul to the Devil” to a whole new level.
Rahm is a slippery, evil bastard.

1/30/2018 03:15:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

"For so long , what law enforcement would do is pick a police officer and say, ‘You’re in charge of this’ with little or no expertise.”

Fathead Ed just described 98% of the gold star Bossholes. Ditto "merit" and management selections of every position and rank.

So on that note, fuck your hypocritical, fat ass, Ed. Can't call you a man as you've been bought by The Machine like a cheap, filthy whore.

Starting with the theives who benefitted by recently making lieutenant illegally, may every single, last compromised turd that parlayed cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, inside information and/or extracurricular carnal activities for their promotion(s) meet Karma on its worst day.

I was raised in a family of public servants - and my military experience reinforced - that said one is supposed to respect the rank even if they don't respect the individual. For me, CPD is the exception to this rule. With very few exceptions, I haven't been able to respect the rank for a long time now. Not since I've witnessed just how cheapened it has become, lavished upon the most undeserving, corrupted and compromised people willing to tank what was once a proud institution for their thirty pieces of silver.

We are experiencing history, SCC. This is the culmination of decades of the ignorant, undereducated and incompetent at the helm. These are the death throes of CPD.

1/30/2018 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Merits can't do the job that's is why I left the job in 2004 best move ever and still getting pension checks 20 and out!

1/30/2018 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“I’m sure there’ll be some resentment. But if we want to be successful, we need expertise in certain areas. So, we’re bringing in experts,” the superintendent said.

Riiiiight. Because no one from our ranks is qualified to be an expert in Chicago policing. Ed, please say, I have no real authority. I will do what my master bids. We are a joke.

1/30/2018 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like the OCP! Why not?! It worked out well for New Detroit. Just ask Dick Jones.

1/30/2018 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous DaveL said...

Exactly what is Classen's claim to expertise?

1/30/2018 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you sir, have gone too far!

How could you compare Ed to a PEZ dispenser? That is not right! Everyone knows that a PEZ head would do a much better job of running this department. Now take it back!!

And, the PEZ dispenser would give out tastey candies too.

1/30/2018 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago is officially toast. Watch the 10 pm news....every night people are getting robbed, beaten and raped downtown and in high end and high taxed northside neighborhoods. The criminal element knows police are handcuffed. The south and west sides are just beyond repair. I feel for the elderly and working people of those areas because they have no chance. Dummycrats and liberals got the police dept. they wanted. Working coppers getting dinged for actually doing police work by pussy boss....i.e.; 022 tact guys. Blinders are on.....19 boy!

1/30/2018 06:28:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

One day sanity will return. Hopefully before it is too late.

1/30/2018 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG....Fuck these 3 and this ENTIRE Dept.It sure is getting harder to tell the men and women of this Dept. to hang in there...

1/30/2018 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) so you throw money at separating the people democrats and you have this:

6-year graduation rates at many HBCUs lower than 20 percent


But yet President Trump is reducing black unemployment nicely and you complain!

1/30/2018 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media says nothing about the city being on fire with the out of control crime.

1/30/2018 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more proactive policing is what they want.

1/30/2018 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see these 3 Social Justice Stooges in their ill fitting police exempt uniforms! How proud will they wear their new gold stars?Remember what the posters in the districts and at the academy say, "EARNED NOT GIVEN!" 🐂💩

1/30/2018 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone recall when they sent Masters out to the burbs to take some law enforcement class. So he was given a star and carried a gun?

How long before this NFG (new f*uckin guy) gets his?
Remember Kirby and her slogan Earned not given?

I recall all this garbage when 35th street was full of merit coming up with all kinds of stuff like analytical predictability unit? VRI?

All that money going to waist again

1/30/2018 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Detectives never should have been doing a patrolman‘s job in the first place for VRI. Isn’t that why they became detectives to not do the patrol job?

1/30/2018 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't granny Clampet come from Seattle or some liberal shithole out west? Didn't take her ass long before she ran away.

1/30/2018 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Supernintendo forgot to also mention how the department promotes Lts into Commanders with no expertise. Just like Escamerit in 025. Outside of being a suckass to the Alderstooges, what are his qualifications to be merit promoted four times? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a couple of Lambert Tree medals laying around his home

No defending Escalante but Wysinger had a Lambert Tree award. He nominated himself.

1/30/2018 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just about anyone on the job would sell their souls for a better spot or advancement on this job. The complainers are the ones who never get the chance.

1/30/2018 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riccio if you have any self respect you’d put your papers in and leave immediately. Otherwise you’re going down with the ship.

1/30/2018 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed must have been on of those guys in the '80s that we had to tell the test answers to to get him thru the academy. He's so far behind in the race he thinks he's in front. Honestly, I think "he" thinks he's legit and its all on the up and up.

1/30/2018 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's telling rahmie to hire these assholes? Rahmie is throwing some big money to fix nonexistent problems. This money could be used to fight crime in high crime areas. Or better yet use that cash for a grade school class teaching right from wrong, a basic skill obviously not taught at home.

1/30/2018 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

police are bad, we get it

1/30/2018 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed was said to be a good guy,but e has turned out to be one of the dumbest officers going. He's in the top spot because he's a "good guy?" What qualifications do you have Ed, other than the color of you skin?

1/30/2018 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you promote those with no skills and put them into jobs not qualified for and wonder why things don't go well. Business as usual in the windy city. Or put another a perfect example of the Chicago Way. So what does fat Ed do, spend 450K to try and correct problem, however the people he puts in place are not qualified at all. Those hires will have to have a bloated overpaid staff so there goes another million or so down the shithole. That's the Chicago Values at work. Already set up the failure of new hires by saying the rank and file will fight the change. So bottom line it's the police that are to blame for yet another colossal failure. Keep up good work fat Ed. Not a total loss the new hires counting extended voting families will be another 100+ democratic votes for only 1.5 million or so.

1/30/2018 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just look at the management in 002, that Special
Ed doing!!! The most inept bunch of people in one spot.
From Sgt Bridesmaid to Comm Camel .... Cantbget any worse!!

1/30/2018 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Merits can't do the job that's is why I left the job in 2004 best move ever and still getting pension checks 20 and out!

1/30/2018 03:50:00 AM

---God Bless, but you can't even narrow it down to the merits anymore. I blame Harvey Grossman, the whole distortion of what happened in Ferguson, Obama and Eric Holder III, and the SJW's.

It's over.

1/30/2018 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a waist of taxpayer money

1/30/2018 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To add insult to injury to the taxpayers each gets a new take home car.
Forget about getting squads to the districts and units that can really use them.

1/30/2018 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey FOP now how about doing your job instead of stealing the union dues to line your own nests. Start with a no confidence vote on the entire system. What no balls?
Pretty soon with new dues rules about to come out of Supreme Court you will loose 30-40% of your dues paying suckers. Better start acting like you care now or the losses will be much greater. Do something that's what your being paid for. Silence is not an option, unless your being paid to remain silent which given Chicago politics is a likely possibility.

1/30/2018 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rampage Rahmulitis is at it again. Trying his best to control and manipulate the PD. And guess what, they are still shooting each other, carjacking and stealing. It's NOT working. No matter who he puts in there as the "superintendent " this narcissistic mayor thinks he knows everything, esp. how to run a police department that he himself has run to the ground. Let us pray .....

1/30/2018 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to hear Ed mention rank and file concerns. Good thing he did because the FOP sure isn't saying a word. Hey guys it's your union force them to do something. Their silence is deafening. Time for new leadership, in fact way past time for new leadership. Wake up it may be to late but you have got to try.

1/30/2018 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed don't go away mad ........Ed just go away.

1/30/2018 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Claussen is just using his connection to Rahm to get a job he doesn't deserve so that he can pander to the ghetto. He is using the Democratic strategy of becoming another political parasite. When all the taxpayers flee, who's taxes will fund the never ending out stretched hands of politicians looking to enrich themselves and the eternal entitlement society? At some point in time even the sheep who were shielded from the criminal element will wake up. The Democratic socialist model is not sustainable. I hope Trump tears Rahm and this city a gaping new asshole.
Next year Mr. Trump, welfare reform! Will save this country trillions. Then we can set up a go fund me page for every welfare parasite who wants to leave this country on a one way ticket. I guarantee there will always be money in that fund.

1/30/2018 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hit 5 years, I've decided to leave. The transition part is hard but I have a few offers outside of IL. What a hell hole chicago is.

1/30/2018 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago is doomed with libs ruining the CPD. Poor management, corrupt leadership, bankrupt, pandering to criminals. Fat dumb and Democrat is no way to go through life. Flee Chicago and Illinois, and go to states that you can do your job and be appreciated.

1/30/2018 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sooooo glad I'm retired.

1/30/2018 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fat Head Ed, you are an embarrassment of a "leader". You are nothing but a puppet. Leave already. Take what is left of your manhood, if any thing is left, and squirm away.

As for these so called "experts", if they are such "experts" then they should put on a vest and gun and go work a beat.

Any Officer out there doing ANYTHING needs to have their head examined.

1/30/2018 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the eventual result of merit promotions; people getting promoted based on connections and/ or affirmative action. It's the vicious cycle of having unqualified people moving up and over more qualified candidates. The expectation here is these merit, unqualified people are now your boss and you are now expected to follow them into hell based on their "leadership".

1/30/2018 09:04:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

>>>> Johnson insisted that the selections were his alone — not foisted upon him by either the mayor’s office or Police Board President Lori Lightfoot, who worked closely with Classen.
“That kind of thought process is actually comical to me. It is. That’s funny to me that people have that notion of how this thing goes,” Johnson said. <<<<

Yeah. as he said while stepping over the puppet strings connected to Tiny Dancer's skinny ass (every time Rahm farts, Special Ed gets an idea).

You guys are soooooo screwed.

1/30/2018 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:52am, you forgot the “positive community interaction “.

1/30/2018 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FatHeadEd was heard telling Rahm “Thank you sir... may I have another?”

1/30/2018 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So here's an idea. Disband the CPD. They are not allowed to police anymore and have become overpaid paper pushers. By their own admission they have become fetal, can't blame them for that. Give each Alderman a budget of 2 million dollars and allow them to hire 100 ward security people. The communities who hate the police will love this idea. The security force will be equipped with arm bands and whistles like the English Bobbies. No more unarmed thugs being shot by mean police. Pension problem instantly solved, disband COPA no need anymore since community policing themselves. Take all monies saved and invest it in casket and body bag companies. Also invest in gun and ammo companies. Everyone wins the Alderman become warlords with own police force, city saves tons of money and community no longer has police to hate. What could go wrong? Oh, besides that.

1/30/2018 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So another round of merit promotions to fix problems caused by previous merit promotions. Finally the Peter Principe has caught up with the CPD, so the brilliant answer is to bring in outside civilian merit hacks. Soon the three will become six then 12 all with bloated staffs and assistants to assistants and a budget of 20 or 30 million. Only in Chicago could this happen. If California ever gets serious about leaving the 50 states could they take Chicago with them, birds of a feather.

1/30/2018 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There once was a time within the dept. that a future leader was "groomed" to become command personnel. The individual would have been sent to Northwestern University school for Command Staff and Personnel studies, he or she would have then gone on to the FBI academy in Virginia, then called to the Superintendents staff for several more weeks of command leadership development (keep in mind that not all of the training occurred back to back).. The dept. would have developed its own "brass" to fulfill the positions of reform, strategy, and finance instead oh creating three civilian positions and inflating the police departments budget. Eddie Johnson has failed as a leader and should retire. He no longer knows how to organize a the department at the top. Do the civilians have any idea about how real police work is accomplished? Are they going to be sent to our police academy for instruction and be sent on field training to observe how the public reacts to the police?

1/30/2018 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So in other words, All the Merit hacks that were promoted, DIDN'T know what they were doing, YET , GOT PROMOTED ANYWAY????. And NOW they are realizing this. Seems like WE, You, SCC, were saying this for sometime. How much MORE can this Dept keep FUCKING UP?????? .Everytime I read Shit like this I keep sneezing because I'm allergic to BULLSHIT....

1/30/2018 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"For so long , what law enforcement would do is pick a police officer and say, ‘You’re in charge of this’ with little or no expertise.”

says the supe who did not even apply for the job---he was just picked by Rahm and put in charge

1/30/2018 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t they have civilian bosses telling sworn cops what to do in Robo Cop the movie?

1/30/2018 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hit it dead nuts IFIYGD. Well said.

1/30/2018 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your damned "commitment" to change the department is getting a lot of folks hurt and killed.


1/30/2018 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@1247: rachaelpr.com

1/30/2018 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All dispenser, no PEZ.
The ball-less man is an empty mechanism.
Constantly chattering his racism spiel.

People like this all say this bs on their way out the doe, We need, We have, We did, We have to, We can.
It won’t be much longer when Jugghead will deliver his State of the Dept address listing all his accomplishments.
To hell with the lying, backstabbing idiot.

There’s no movement to downsize the amount Merit Exempt spots, just shift them and add them to many newly created diversity units.
Clowns like Jugghead Special Ed and the accompaniment are needed to get stand behind a podium chanting the new world social justice order.

Rahm’s expensive CPD civilian hierarchy with its built in public relations staff, is going to attempt to bypass the Contract and rewrite the Disciplinary code altogether this year.
It will be their rules and unchallengeable firings based on only their opinion, not any politically complicit Superintendent.
Its going to be very difficult, if at all to get an Unfounded or Not Sustained outcome anymore.
Every nitpick allegation or infraction may be costly, even events that happened in the past.

Does anyone want to stick their neck out for social justice pandering weasels?
The line starts to the left.

1/30/2018 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think crime is bad now. With these jackasses steering the reigns the knee deep pile of shit this city is covered in just jump to 10 feet above our heads.

1/30/2018 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His bio is already gone from previous post.

1/30/2018 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Hey guys

What if all this stupidity is a grand plan. The city has no real way of solving its pension problems. So what if the plan is to make things as stupid and unbearable as possible in order to get all of you to quit before 20, and fire those with 20+ for cause and eliminating their pensions.

1/30/2018 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pension buy out! YES... Where do i sign?

1/30/2018 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will these 3 have to swipe in and out like the rest of us?

1/30/2018 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its almost like someone is using goerings notebook on how to run a police department.

1/30/2018 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnson insisted that the selections were his alone --not foisted upon him by either the mayor's office or Police Board President Lori Lightfoot, who worked closely with Chasen.
"That kind of thought process is actually COMICAL TO ME. That's funny to me that people have that notion of how this thing goes," Johnson said.

You know what is comical to me... that you could even say something like that. How do you look at yourself in the mirror. You are a Bible reading man, or so you say, so remember this verse :

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Matthew 16:26).

You have truly sold your soul....

1/30/2018 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Kidney Bean and the 3 Stooges. F**K YOU. The Chicago Police Dept. has been the target for all these liberal wanna be's who don't give a flying F**k about the Dept and have a different agenda to boost their careers at the expense of the men and women in blue who are not guaranteed that they will go home to their families after every shift. Does FOP see whats happening? Do we have a voice to protect us from whats being done to us? Kidney Bean, you like so many before you are going to line your pockets and take care of your cheating girl and your cronies before you leave with your big pension. Tiny dancer I pray that you end up with Blago at club Fed. I love this job but HATE where its been taken. The only time that's good to be the Police is off duty.

1/30/2018 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous WE said...

Think rahm wants to abolish political landmine of. P.D. and let it go metro p.d.such as Las Vegas or Indianapolis?
Here ya go tommy and bullwinkle, all yours.

1/30/2018 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Make this Classen fool go for ride alongs in fast districts on hot summer nights

Yea like you can make him do anything. They will be kissing hisa

1/30/2018 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it does. Academy is packed and they will be out by summer

1/30/2018 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come we are taking orders from a guy whose own wife cheated on a promotional exam and knew exactly how many "study groups "she was involved in, yet she flatly DENIED being in ANY study groups . CPD leadership is "Theatre of the Absurd" or characterize it as a Shakespearean farce. Now Now I think I'll take a trip up to the great state of Milwaukee (sarc). Go ask the great test taker ms fenn.. I mean ms scammer, er, I mean Mrs. superintendent about the great state of Mikwaukee.. In the meantime, hold me down squad for a personal so I can vomit. The rhetoric from the village idiots who are running the show is making me physically ill.

1/30/2018 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just proves the fact that EVERY SINGLE MOVE Rahm makes is political and only done to protect his job. He knows he is poison anywhere else in politics now. Thanks Rahm for destroying the city with your gutter politics.

1/30/2018 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD is finished. Supt has nothing to say about anything. This is the federal mandate and consent decree that hasn’t been signed yet. They control the money and will implement the reforms and changes that the DOJ wanted. Big difference this time there is federal oversight and they, the three will see that changes come in a timely manner and all those suggested changes will come.
Before when they would say officers would wear body cameras a pilot program would get started and the idea would be forgotten dropped and never heard of. Not so this time, cameras came out of nowhere and they found the money to pay for them. Changes are coming and not for the good

1/30/2018 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


we need expertise in certain areas. So, we’re bringing in experts,” the superintendent said.

Little does BUBBLE HEAD ED know that he was the guy who should know how to do all those things!
All that junior college knowledge and that traffic college of merit that sworn go to an ED is DROWNING in IDIOTIC S.

Did anyone see these positions posted In ant City websites? I did not who did the interviews? You have to take a test to be an FTO yet to be number 2 in the department you can stroll in with out police expertise and fixes all problems???

Anyone notice the race of the experts? And what pension is this cash coming out of you know they can carry over other government pension into the police departments?

Pension Board gonna fight this?

1/30/2018 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm's new crime fighting strategy in action ...https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/fewer-crimes-get-counted-when-police-are-slow-to-respond/

1/30/2018 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susie Park is getting a $25K raise from $124K to $149K.

1/30/2018 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now we know why Navarro bailed

1/30/2018 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are even "liberals" against rahmy because of crime, btw we did NOT vote for him

1/30/2018 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

has Second City Cop and the real b.s. cops go through even been a topic on CHICAGO P.D.?

1/30/2018 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the 3 civilians investigate a tactical lt that made over $150,000 in overtime , later merit promoted. When did he sleep check his cell phone , vehicle GPS emails. Credit cards. I find it hard to believe. Who approved OT When he is fired then only then will o believe the civilian board is honest

1/30/2018 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous In the know...OR NOT said...

"Johnson insisted that the selections were his alone — not foisted upon him by either the mayor’s office"
“Nobody else got involved. I have a staff here that I trust immensely. I confer with them about different ideas or thoughts that I have. Other than that, that’s it.”

These statements are comical to almost all of us S(t)upEd, except to the sheep in your inner circle. The decision was finalized last week while this bozo was out of town an ONLY communicated to him after it was a done deal. Remember that early morning phone call from Rhamie...the one you bitched about about all morning S(t)upEd. Its clear to everyone on the 5th floor (and City Hall) that S(t)upEd is lazy, spineless and is only good for photo op's (hence Riccio replacing Navarro - so that day-to-day operations can be managed. Navarro saw the writing on the wall & was just killing time himself). S(t)upEd is just killing time (and us in the process) in that spot until he gets his time in-grade since he has to run all decisions by his COS, who now has to run them through these 3 political stooges (who hate the police) who have to report back to 9.5's people. What's also very glaring is that our next Sup will be a civilian (already being discussed within City Hall).

A Superintendent's job is to advocate for his troops and their well being, not condemn them to the political winds of a liberal agenda for many, many years to come.

1/30/2018 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Promotions are put on hold due to the shake-up! New tests will be announced by the end of this year.

1/30/2018 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the "Gun Unit" teams still going on or am I just an old man?? I've been on this job forever working a beat and NEVER got asked. Am I doing something wrong??

1/30/2018 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. Ok. As soon as the warm weather hits and crime and murders are out of control again , we ll see

1/30/2018 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they going to wear the uniform?

1/30/2018 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Rahm is trying to round out his dance troupe. His dance tights aren't getting any looser.

1/30/2018 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed gets downright indignant in Sun Times article about people not believing these moves were made solely by him.
He must think we all fell off the turnip truck.

This has Rahm’s slimy 9.5 digits all over it.

1/30/2018 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Ed ratted out Wheezie yet?

1/30/2018 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI: Superintendent Johnson will be the speaker at an open meeting on Thursday
Feb 01 at 6100 N Cicero, the Polish National Alliance building. The meeting
starts at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 7:30. Also on hand will be the Commanders
of 016, 017 and OEMC

Questions will be taken in a written form on provided index cards. You may
put your email address on the card to receive a response to your question
by the Superintend's Command Staff.

Sponsor of the meeting is the 39th Ward. Click on the link below if you
wish to read the flyer.


1/30/2018 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

To add insult to injury to the taxpayers each gets a new take home car.
Forget about getting squads to the districts and units that can really use them.

1/30/2018 08:30:00 AM
Not just a take home car, nope but a brand new fully police spec explorer with all emergency equipment so they can get to the scene quickly to screw over the coppers! WTF happened to "weak ed!" This man really needs to resign and get his balls back from rahms desktop jar! But then again these new clowns are just like the clown club of laughable inept exempt rank stars! We make good money they don't want you to do anything the problem is the young coppers still being stupid running and gunning and getting into trouble constantly!

1/30/2018 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just sit back boys and girls and watch this department self destruct. All brought to you by none other than Democrats. ♠️

1/30/2018 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need more "Special High Intensity Training" or (S.H.I.T.) The more these liberal politicians and Do Gooders screw things up the more S.H.I.T. they can give us.

1/30/2018 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rhetoric is loud, the job is simple and getting easier, do what your told not that hard for the money we make! the problems occur when you try to be "supercop" or "the real police" they give you a vehicle,fuel,2 personals,lunch and expect you to respond to calls that is about it! So plan your time carefully, get the car fueled,get a car wash, quick is only used for a 10-1 or police family calling for help,otherwise "obey the law" don't run stoplights,stop at stop signs,do the speed limit.take your time going to "ghetto nonsense" the check is always there correct?

You went to college I get that, so how many of your beer kegger drinking buddies are making the money your making? how hard are they working? Oh sorry you work so hard on CPD all the time! Laugh more,look your getting paid extremely well to watch and sometimes get a starring role in "street theater" that makes "keeping it real" a true statement! the bosses come and go, personally I stayed in a beat car my career and had good partners,enjoyed the job, did the job by always remembered the rules,respect people no matter their lot in life,smile and wave a lot, eat well not the fast food garbage (bring your lunch so your food is not tainted or spit on). Yea the mayors a jagoff and the alderman are also along with toni-tommy-and the rest but do you really interact with them? The FOP president from dineen all the way to graham are assholes, that is the thought but again do you interact with them? Have you been to the FOP hall to voice your concerns or do you just cry to other coppers,your family,and on the blog about them? If that is the case get your ass over there,yes I have been there numerous times,talked to Kevin,Greg etc and found out most of the slander if not all was wrong!

Most citizens like the police,there are corners who are anti-police and we all know that,make sure your interaction with people is respectful and honorable,this job gives us a lot of power and privilege, not all people are bad! Watched a young copper on a call of a domestic on 63rd and Artesian go up to house with a family momma says "Thats the pos right there" Young copper looks at him with children present and says "Sit the fuck down" to a big black guy must of been about 300# solid muscle prison style, he asked the copper "What did you say to me" as he stood up,young coppers says "What should I do now?" long story short man was talked to properly by other coppers and everything turned out ok! Not saying to be scared but never ever disrespect any man in front of their family or anytime this could of gone bad,yes the man would of been arrested but we all would of known we were in a fight and ambulances would of been on scene! Bottom line it is a good job,if your to scared,or frightened and clueless find your college buddies and go into their line of work and i can hear you call out "I got my college degree did you want crispy fries with that sir!"

1/30/2018 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Eddie is Rahms bitch you gotta say Joyce and Winstrom following around Maurice and Tina like lost puppies makes them Eddies bitches!!!! Keep chasing those gold stars boys!!!! BWHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!

1/30/2018 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone needs to start a private police force for Chicago. Launch it on D-day when everyone who has joined walks off the job at CPD and onto PPF's payroll. Hopefully there's enough walkers to stuff it in Rahm's ass as policing in Chicago grinds to a complete halt unless Rahm comes to the table and strikes a deal with PPF. Push the MFer smack into a corner. He's involved only as an equal at the table with the mgmt of PPF, not anybody's boss.

Because absolutely nothing will change in CPD until Rahm is removed from the chain of command.

1/30/2018 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just a waist of taxpayer money

1/30/2018 08:29:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous

Just a "waist" of English class

1/30/2018 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gang team taken out and arrested by the feds today. Bad news

1/30/2018 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I can certainly agree that none of our HQ exempt leadership are bright enough to run anything. Way over-promoted for many including top 5. So glad im done next month.
Sadly, there is history in which local law enfocement is completely controlled by the politicians and govt. The outcome generally isnt good. Any good examples come to mind kids?

1/30/2018 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey FOP now how about doing your job instead of stealing the union dues to line your own nests. Start with a no confidence vote on the entire system. What no balls?
Pretty soon with new dues rules about to come out of Supreme Court you will loose 30-40% of your dues paying suckers. Better start acting like you care now or the losses will be much greater. Do something that's what your being paid for. Silence is not an option, unless your being paid to remain silent which given Chicago politics is a likely possibility.

Decision coming out in June. Estimates were 30 to 40% decrease in union members. Could be larger with CPD because so many officers are not happy with FOP. They better step up if they want to retain members
Also Supreme Court decision is a done deal

1/30/2018 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This pure entertainment. Remember there is strength in numbers. You all need to be one voice.

1/30/2018 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Event #’s, contact cards, tss cards, oh my. said...

“The Supernintendo forgot to also mention how the department promotes Lts into Commanders with no expertise. Just like Escamerit in 025. Outside of being a suckass to the Alderstooges, what are his qualifications to be merit promoted four times? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a couple of Lambert Tree medals laying around his home”

Interesting point. How many others? Should be a thresd.

1/30/2018 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

has Second City Cop and the real b.s. cops go through even been a topic on CHICAGO P.D.?

1/30/2018 01:22:00 PM

Have you ever watched a dick wolf show?

The formula:

Casting is crucial; manly men, tough but sensitive; winsome women, with a touch of lesbian firmness; a mix of quirky to mildly common, but not too common, side characters, woven not too complexly into the not too complicated plot lines; sexual innuendoes scattered hither, thither and yon, but not too often to actually induce a viewer boner; as simplified as possible set of emotion inducing arcs, limited in range and trimmed to slightly more than adolescent realness, with the exception being the apparent limitless limit put upon the "give me a fucking break...." anticipated reaction from any stray viewers who actually seek something approaching authenticity.


1/30/2018 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t they have civilian bosses telling sworn cops what to do in Robo Cop the movie?

1/30/2018 09:52:00 AM

Yeah....but they had........ROBOTS!!!!!!!

1/30/2018 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of great civilian hires,what does Robin Robinson do for her 150K a year again?

1/30/2018 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just hit 5 years, I've decided to leave. The transition part is hard but I have a few offers outside of IL. What a hell hole chicago is.

1/30/2018 08:50:00 AMM

Smartest response I’ve seen in a while. The only way to have any effect or fight back to all this would have been an all out dept fetal shut down to bring the city to its knees. Show them what it’s like to have zero pro active police out there. We cant even do that. There’s too many Kool Aide drinkers on this job. The weasel ensured that by placing Merit people in key leadership spots to discourage that type of rebellion and keep feeding the Kool Aide. We are definitely doomed. Those with no escape plan just have to hunker down and navigate around the non sense. Mentally separate yourself from this toxic environment. Don’t fall for the bs the dept spews. 1st and the 16th only.

1/30/2018 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F**k you, pay me

1/30/2018 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Ed Heads" are sugar tax free.
Be sure to buy the Police Blue stacks.
All other colors are knock-offs: beware!

1/30/2018 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proactive police work is no longer on life support.... it’s now DOA.

1/30/2018 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just choked on my coffee seeing this pick. LMFAO!

1/30/2018 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't insult the sworn officers AGAIN by allowing civilians to wear the uniform and star.

1/30/2018 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Gang team taken out and arrested by the feds today. Bad news

What’s that all about? Sounds like BS

1/30/2018 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ot: raid by fbi on area central gun team? Drugs, money found? If true, what the fuck is wrong with you?? Deserve what you get

1/30/2018 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So rumor is no Sgts -LTs Detectives or captains until end of 2018 because academy has no room .

1/30/2018 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't insult the sworn officers AGAIN by allowing civilians to wear the uniform and star.

14 year kid old without any training wrote parkers, movers, anovs, and drove a squad car first day otj. Afterall this job ain't all that difficult, all you need is a pulse. The kid brought in more activity at checkoff than half my watch. Good job KID, maybe you can be an FTO.

1/30/2018 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn it. Bad things are about to happen again. SOS 2018 about to hit except with a gang enforcement team. More than likely to be on the news tomorrow. Coppers arrested today and are currently down sitting in the federal building pending charges.

1/30/2018 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

watch out noble members and other friends of Williams the reformers are going to prove you all cheated green. Haha right! Useless jagbags!

1/30/2018 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey FOP now how about doing your job instead of stealing the union dues to line your own nests. Start with a no confidence vote on the entire system. What no balls?
Pretty soon with new dues rules about to come out of Supreme Court you will loose 30-40% of your dues paying suckers. Better start acting like you care now or the losses will be much greater. Do something that's what your being paid for. Silence is not an option, unless your being paid to remain silent which given Chicago politics is a likely possibility.

Decision coming out in June. Estimates were 30 to 40% decrease in union members. Could be larger with CPD because so many officers are not happy with FOP. They better step up if they want to retain members
Also Supreme Court decision is a done deal

Stop the everyone is leaving Fop in June crap. Stop paying your dues when it comes out and you will have no Legal Defense.

1/30/2018 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey FOP now how about doing your job instead of stealing the union dues to line your own nests. Start with a no confidence vote on the entire system. What no balls?
Pretty soon with new dues rules about to come out of Supreme Court you will loose 30-40% of your dues paying suckers. Better start acting like you care now or the losses will be much greater. Do something that's what your being paid for. Silence is not an option, unless your being paid to remain silent which given Chicago politics is a likely possibility.

Decision coming out in June. Estimates were 30 to 40% decrease in union members. Could be larger with CPD because so many officers are not happy with FOP. They better step up if they want to retain members
Also Supreme Court decision is a done deal

1/30/2018 06:03:00 PM

Very few will quit, because they will then be without legal defense representation.

1/30/2018 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oak Park had a civilian commander that did not wear a uniform. I don't know if she's still there or not. She did the same thing at Naperville before Oak Park. Who woulda thunk it?

1/31/2018 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Solid plan cut OT for a dept that is undermanned and barley keeping the city from imploding while policing with both hands admin. cuffed = A 1000 bodies and a zero clearance rate in 2018 = Rahm out of a job in 2019.

1/31/2018 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is the federal mandate and consent decree that hasn’t been signed yet. They control the money and will implement the reforms and changes that the DOJ wanted"

Sessions stated the Obama DOJ report on Chicago was based on speculation and antidotes with no real evidence. He did not want a consent decree. This is all Rahm and Lisa Madigan, get it straight

1/31/2018 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Gang team taken out and arrested by the feds today. Bad news
1/30/2018 05:34:00 PM

Spill or STFU with the innuendo...
Or are you one of Rahm's propeller-heads
keeping the shit pot at a rolling, stinking boil?

1/31/2018 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed says “for so long CPD would pick an officer and put them in charge of something with little to no expertise”.... his wifey Wheezie fits that description perfectly. She has absolutely no clue yet she was chosen, and coached/spoon fed, to be a Lie-Tenant.

Do tell Ed... what are you doing about Wheezie and her Cabral if liars and cheaters??

1/31/2018 03:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What this Dept needs is more "Special High Intensity Training: (also known as S.H.I.T.).
The more the liberal politicians and do gooders screw things up the more S.H.I.T. we get.

1/31/2018 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Justa Wise Guy I/F said...

Hello SCC supporters, I'm in my 3rd year of retirement after 30+ years with CPD, and LOVING it! I still had more than a few years left in the tank, being 55 yoa, but I could see where this doomed department was headed, and elected to take the 55/20+ option. In hindsight, it's one of the better decisions I've made in my lifetime. The CPD has always been managed like a private-political club, the haves vs. the have-nots. Nothing changes, except one thing. At least when I started, the asshole-jagoff-pos bad guy still feared some of us when we showed up to engage. All honest efforts to lock up and take Joe Jagoff off the street were universally approved of, encouraged, and rewarded. NO MORE, DONE, DONE, DONE, FINITO! Why you ask? Because of criminal enablers like Rahm (real ass hole mayor), most of the 50 coward aldermen, Cook Co.'s Toni Taxwinkle and wife beater Tommy 'Pizza boy' Fart, and their SJW pals. To the working have-nots, develop and make a plan to maximize what you can out of this job, and have an exit strategy. You'll be amazed how well you can make this thing workout for you after applying some thought to it. Remember, this department, for now, is being run by guys with names like, Rahm and Maurice. Men with names like Frank, or Mike, aren't politically correct. Who the fuck names their kid Maurice? The prick never stood a chance. Come this early spring, Rahm will be wearing the custom tailored CPD blouse (women's size 2) that the BLM-ANTIFA groups will have created for him. Rahm and his CPD management team will then have to lead this broken department against the predictable violence and destructive actions taken by the above groups and their sympathizers after the conclusion of the JVD trial, no matter what the verdict. That's when the poo-poo hits the fan for Rahm and Maurice's lead po-po! Like I said earlier to the CPD's working have-nots, have a plan for this time, and watch how the department's best and brightest handle it. Be careful not to piss yourself from laughing too hard at these clowns. Thanks SCC.

Justa Wise Guy I/F

1/31/2018 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/30/2018 05:16:00 PM

 Anonymous said...

If Eddie is Rahms bitch you gotta say Joyce and Winstrom following around Maurice and Tina like lost puppies makes them Eddies bitches!!!! Keep chasing those gold stars boys!!!! BWHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!

1/30/2018 05:17:00 PM

So true! And when 9.5 loses next spring, the whole cadre will be out of a job, including the water carrying general counsel. Should've stayed an ASA and locked up that pension instead of coming to the sinking ship! Who wants Starbucks?!?

1/31/2018 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed says “for so long CPD would pick an officer and put them in charge of something with little to no expertise”.... his wifey Wheezie fits that description perfectly. She has absolutely no clue yet she was chosen, and coached/spoon fed, to be a Lie-Tenant.

Do tell Ed... what are you doing about Wheezie and her Cabral if liars and cheaters??

1/31/2018 03:47:00 AM
SHHH Don't talk about "liar club!"

1/31/2018 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God, Marv Sheared is gone, this guy was a retired PO who held the job of D/S for years and ran Finance along wjthhispal BIG TONY.

1/31/2018 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Solid plan cut OT for a dept that is undermanned and barley keeping the city from imploding while policing with both hands admin. cuffed = A 1000 bodies and a zero clearance rate in 2018 = Rahm out of a job in 2019.

1/31/2018 01:10:00 AM

Rahms working on it. By the end of 2018 he will have the 1,000 additional officers. It’s election year and he will fulfill that promise knowing if he doesn’t he’s out. Academy is full and I mean full. No lockers left, range and gym people have home rooms, they are pushing the recruits through.

1/31/2018 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More like the city is being consumed by an
ever expanding ass...

1/31/2018 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I trust “civilians.” I don’t trust hateful leftists. It’s really that easy.

1/31/2018 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for elections to come and watch the Mayor and the Superintendent ran out of town. I plan on getting drunk on Old Style off duty that night on my sofa watching the returns stuffing my face with Chicago style piazza. I just can't wait!!!!


Your celebration will be short lived and hang over fierce when you realize that the replacement jagoffs will be just as bad if not worse...it’s the Chicago way...

1/31/2018 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahms working on it. By the end of 2018 he will have the 1,000 additional officers. It’s election year and he will fulfill that promise knowing if he doesn’t he’s out. Academy is full and I mean full. No lockers left, range and gym people have home rooms, they are pushing the recruits through.

1/31/2018 10:01:00 AM


Stay off the blog! You play fast and loose with the truth. You have not hired even one additional officer. You are only trying to keep pace with attrition. You have merely hired replacements for retirees and those officers that resigned or were fired or passed away. The word 'replacement' is not a synonym of the word 'additional.'

People Paying Attention.

1/31/2018 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God, Marv Sheared is gone, this guy was a retired PO who held the job of D/S for years and ran Finance along wjthhispal BIG TONY.

1/31/2018 09:47:00 AM

Both were as useless as a sterile rooster. It was about time those two capons hit the stew pot. They bluffed the chicken farmer for too many years.

1/31/2018 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Please don't insult the sworn officers AGAIN by allowing civilians to wear the uniform and star.

14 year kid old without any training wrote parkers, movers, anovs, and drove a squad car first day otj. Afterall this job ain't all that difficult, all you need is a pulse. The kid brought in more activity at checkoff than half my watch. Good job KID, maybe you can be an FTO.

1/30/2018 10:35:00 PM

GTFOH. He certainly did NOT do any of those things. He rode around with some pretty stupid uncommunicative dog ass coppers, and that was it. Vincent Richardson was an inmate of mine when I was a CO at county. Even he knows to being fetal is the way to go these days. Lol.

Nice try but i can tell you’re one of those Kool Aide drinking supervisors.

1/31/2018 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI: Superintendent Johnson will be the speaker at an open meeting on Thursday
Feb 01 at 6100 N Cicero, the Polish National Alliance building. The meeting
starts at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 7:30. Also on hand will be the Commanders
of 016, 017 and OEMC

Questions will be taken in a written form on provided index cards. You may
put your email address on the card to receive a response to your question
by the Superintend's Command Staff.

Sponsor of the meeting is the 39th Ward. Click on the link below if you
wish to read the flyer.


1/30/2018 04:29:00 PM

Great,another "Town Hall" meeting with staged questions from index cards.

The Democrats in action,again.

2/01/2018 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your celebration will be short lived and hang over fierce when you realize that the replacement jagoffs will be just as bad if not worse...it’s the Chicago way...

1/31/2018 11:05:00 AM

So....you're an optimistic pessimist or a pessimistic optometrist.....which is it?

2/01/2018 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The legal defence alone is worth the union dues. Also, good luck when a boss finds ouy your not covered by the union. In todays enviroment you have to be soft as shit to stop paying dues

2/01/2018 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the craziest idea is to force the City's hand to do away with merit promotions. This will probably take either a helluva union grievance or a lawsuit, charging that the City deprives promotional opportunities to more qualified individuals on the basis of politics, and renders the promotional exam system useless. Class members could include CPD officers and Sgts. Not sure if any kind of Section 1983 claim(s) could be raised. Merit promotions should be seen as violating Shakman decree-type requirements that promotions to certain ranks be apolitical.

2/01/2018 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Merits can't do the job that's is why I left the job in 2004 best move ever and still getting pension checks 20 and out!

1/30/2018 03:50:00 AM

50% of 2004 salary? You must be broke! What is that like $35K. Coppers now are making 75-80k. Hope it worked for you but seriously what are people thinking leaving at half?

2/02/2018 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI: Superintendent Johnson will be the speaker at an open meeting on Thursday
Feb 01 at 6100 N Cicero, the Polish National Alliance building. The meeting
starts at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 7:30. Also on hand will be the Commanders
of 016, 017 and OEMC

He never showed up. They sent Betts. City Hall won’t let Ed take question on the civilian hires.

Just quit Ed, you fucked up.

2/03/2018 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rahms working on it. By the end of 2018 he will have the 1,000 additional officers. It’s election year and he will fulfill that promise knowing if he doesn’t he’s out. Academy is full and I mean full. No lockers left, range and gym people have home rooms, they are pushing the recruits through.

1/31/2018 10:01:00 AM


Stay off the blog! You play fast and loose with the truth. You have not hired even one additional officer. You are only trying to keep pace with attrition. You have merely hired replacements for retirees and those officers that resigned or were fired or passed away. The word 'replacement' is not a synonym of the word 'additional.'

People Paying Attention.

You don't have a clue Everyone is wrong but you Read you annual pension letter, call the pension fund, call FOP, they have the figures, check CLEAR,they list the officers by name and rank and will give you a total
I know they are all lying, you are right. Remember the pension fund has to account for any officer. They get the 9% pension contribution every month and are audited every year The DOJ has oversight, but they all lie

2/03/2018 03:32:00 PM  

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