Tuesday, July 10, 2018

It Happened Again

  • A Chicago Police officer fatally shot himself in the head at a Far South Side police station Sunday evening.
We don't have the actual statistic in front of us, but the CPD suicide rate is obscene, double-digits over the national rate. CPD is top ten, perhaps the very top, of this sad category. It was so obvious to the Department of Justice that they cited it their hatchet job report.

We're paraphrasing here, but you think we're short-handed on the street? You ought to see the EAP. People say they perform miracles? Well, they have to what with they're given.

We have the EAP link on the right hand side, directly under the FOP in the "Police Related Websites" category. Please use it if you are so far in the dark you cannot see a way out. These people will help, will listen, will get you anything within their power.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this sad story. God bless this Officer and my prayers are with his family.

One point for the Department is trying to treat the illness by encouraging EAP, Peer Suport or Members can use their insurance to seek help. Which are great options and highly encouraged. But no one ever addresses the cause; WE ARE TREATED LIKE SHIT! By everyone up and down the ladder. Why has the Chicago Police Department have the highest number of members taking their own lives.

Sorry I just had to let that out. This place sucks!

7/10/2018 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EAP is like just about every other unit, program or initiative on CPD. It is window dressing. I am Not referring to the dedicated officers involved with EAP. I am talking about the resources, funding, planning and long term thought of the department. We do everything half ass. We are an untrained, undisciplined, non-strategic, politicized department, whose so-called leaders have allowed us to be manipulated by rahm in ways that no other mayors ever could. The only hope is that little North shore dancer is sent packing.

7/10/2018 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a cop, but my dad is a retired paramedic. The only time we talked was after his shift and he would start his 3 days at home resting. He would spend those three days drinking and often I woke him up in the car on my way to school. Now his body is fucked up from the drinking and depression. I cannot even imagine being a cop and witnessing the ugliness of reality. There must be a stigma to taking a few days off and talking to a therapist. Depression and anxiety is real. Talk to your friends and partners, see someone. Please.

7/10/2018 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of these suicides over the last couple of years have been over relationship issues. Even more so with PO's who have under 4 years on the job.

7/10/2018 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job is depressing, but not worth anyone’s life, wish it turned out differently.

7/10/2018 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cpd is now 29.8 percent per 100,000. The national average is 17 percent. We’re not winning...

7/10/2018 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/1 Marines 2009-2013.

7/10/2018 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So far this year we’ve had 12 CPD suicides.

7/10/2018 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking.....I'm sad to say we tend to have these tragedies in clusters, so please try to help each other. Personnel used to do a psychological autopsy to figure out where it could have changed the outcome or what the Dept. needed to provide as help before tragedy. After Rahm and Gary emptied out the "Bldg" that went away along with a true BIS and other relevant personnel functions. That was low hanging fruit for the DOJ report, and they were right to spank the Dept. about it. They really should have reported on what happens to a Dept. that gets (hit and)run(over) by politicians posing as police experts. So I'll ask a question. Would having a real Watch Commander, not a Watch Operations 'person', make a difference here? Would having one leader in charge of each Watch, responsible for and to the officers, have detected a problem as it arose? And I'd qualify this by saying it would have to be a competent leader. You got any better ideas on how to care for the team?

7/10/2018 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job isn't worth your life.

7/10/2018 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, it's bound to happen. There is a lot of stress and uncertainty out there. RIP officer.

7/10/2018 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please talk to someone if you feel like this. We all go through dark and shitty times. Sometimes it might feel helpless but it really isn’t. There are a few really down to earth and discreet officers in every district and unit and they would want nothing more than to help you in any way they could. OCD has a lot of premadonas but there are some really good people. You were always a nice guy BK. I Really wish I could’ve helped.

7/10/2018 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop. I do come from a cop family. I'm a psychologist.

These stories, and the sheer amount of deaths by suicide within the first responder community, is heartbreaking. It's the same trap with medical staff seeking help and facing the threat that your job is in danger doing so. It's even the same within the therapist community when we are asked to disclose if we've sought mental health treatment for licensing purposes. It's fucked up that the ones whose livelihoods are most threatned by seeking treatment, are exposed to unhealthy physical and emotional environments, citizens, etc. Your responsibilities expose you to a type of trauma others don't always understand. Maybe you just care so much about your loved ones that you don't want them to know shit about the world you wish you didn't know yourself.

If you are uncomfortable using EAP - and you shouldn't be, I know some and they are top notch - then google Psychology Today and search for a therapist anywhere you want. Drive to the burbs if it's better. Call one. Give them a fake name if you want. Tell them you don't want to use insurance. Tell them you are law enforcement and you are concerned about confidentiality and job security. Just start a dialogue and get a feel for the individual professional. There's thousands in the city and collar counties. Find one your comfortable with and ask if you can pay in cash and for a sliding scale if you want to avoid insurance. I promise you that you will find one who will get it and be there like you are for us. I know countless colleagues who would see any first responder, or other peer exposed to the worst of society, without insurance for 5 dollars if it meant you gave yourself at a chance of health. If you don't want to do that, use chaplain services. Peers have done it for us. It's our way of giving back.

Your health, happiness, and life deserve health.

Thank you, and God Bless all of you and your friends and family.

7/10/2018 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sad to hear.

No other words to be said.

7/10/2018 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need to reach out for help before it becomes so critical, even to ask a physician for help. Many Copper's mindset it, " I can handle it". But there is nothing wrong with neededjng, and getting help.

7/10/2018 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll miss you but your family will miss you much more. Damn it.

7/10/2018 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF? Was this on the news? RIP officer and may God provide that his family endures the strength provided them through him. Damn!

7/10/2018 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May the Police officer find the peace he sought...

7/10/2018 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never knew this officer— given the situation- I hope he is with G@d. from what I heard the poor guy had a family a kids.... guys, I grew up with out a father, my dad died of a heart attack because he didn’t give a fuck how or what he ate. But at the end of the day, if this bullshit job is straining your life and family— then be a bigger man, woman, or TV... and seek medical help or change of career. It not worth the headache to yourself or family to go down that road. Look out for yourself and fellow human beings

7/10/2018 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the culmination of what this job will do to you, your family, and your friends. I’m sorry you felt that was the way out, brother. If only you knew there was so much more out there for you. Prayers for your children if you have them, they lost the most today.

7/10/2018 05:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He had 5 years on, the job had nothing to do with his decision. Was a great guy and copper.

7/10/2018 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PTSD is not just in the military.

7/10/2018 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st, my deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues.

2nd, I've lost a couple along the way. One close friend (had problems - but nothing more than anyone else) and a colleague. (That I know chose to leave) Others who have past, was told "natural" R.I.P. to all

3rd, I know of some who have sought outside assistance (no insurance route) and thankfully all of you are still here.

4th, you never know what happens behind closed doors. What prisons we create in our own minds. And then there's genetics (my father was a health nut! Exercised and ate well, had a massive heart attack 'poof' gone)
So to the poster who responded " dad died of a heart attack because he didn’t give a fuck how or what he ate " slow your roll, take a long hard look inward (how your actions affect others and their choices or coping) before you start looking harshly outward.

Lastly, take care of one another. I'd say take care of yourself, but all know we can help/fix/motivate etc everything so easily and clearly for everyone else. Because thats our job and we're pretty amazing at it.but for ourselves, to take time for us...

P.S. limit or just stay off social media!

7/10/2018 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gone to EAP. All they ask for is your 1st name. They dont even take notes. No danger of anybody finding out ever. Great bunch of people. Just go if you need to.

7/10/2018 07:38:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Too sad for words.

7/10/2018 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job being a Chicago police officer has become a joke. The bosses in charge of this dept. are a joke. The bosses in charge of them and this city are fucking snakes, most of them anyway. If you can't take this job anymore walk away. Don't lose your life for these fucking spineless scumbags who couldn't give two fucks about us.

7/10/2018 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t use EAP if you don’t feel comfortable after the first session. Our PPO insurance covers multiple sessions to include an extension if needed. Sometimes the road back starts with a phone call then a visit a few weeks later or even months but making just the first call can relieve so much stress and heartache.

7/10/2018 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of these suicides over the last couple of years have been over relationship issues. Even more so with PO's who have under 4 years on the job.

7/10/2018 12:29:00 AM

Yes, but the relationships are usually doomed from the start because an officer is struggling to cope with what they are seeing on the street. They can't share the atrocious experiences because they don't want their loved ones to suffer and most people don't believe the stories anyway. Civilians can't accept that other humans are so barbaric. No human should have to see the things we see, and then on top of that they paint us all as the bad guys. It's a lose-lose situation. Who are you going to tell about the microwaved baby you found or the gang raped toddler, and on, and on, and on! You can't tell a counselor, they could never possibly understand unless they experienced it themselves. The only source of venting is too talk or laugh about it with other cops. The laughing is just a defense mechanism to keep us all sane. This is why cops are seen as cruel when we are seen laughing at crime scenes. I've known over a dozen cops over the years that opted out of this nightmare with the too convenient source that rests on their hip. It's a never-ending tragedy. Then it's still not over If you survive the show and make it to retirement. It is then that the nightmares begin if they already haven't been constant over the years. Good luck and may god help us all!

7/10/2018 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very tragic.May God comfort his family.

7/10/2018 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depression is a disease. It is treatable.
Our daily job experiences makes us very susceptible to its wrath.
It's not your fault, it comes with the territory.
Seek care as you would any other disorder.
Peers, chaplains, doctors, wherever you feel most comfortable.
WE love you, do it for yourself, do it for us.
God Bless and watch over ALL our fellow first responders.

7/10/2018 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Valiant Knight said...

Very sad situation. Praying for his soul and his family. To anyone else even approaching this choice...STOP. Seek help. Call someone. You and NEVER alone. However bleak and terrible the road ahead appears, it isn’t.

7/10/2018 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you surprised? I am not. Look at the big picture here: amount of stress this job generates may be only eased if you see the purpose behind it. In Chicago there is no purpose. No matter how much you care, how much effort you put in performing your duty you are just a public enemy. Some good people will appreciate your work but in the city ruled by thugs, where American values are forgotten they are the minority.
I know many officers are haunted by the images of crimes. And the more you see if you work narcotics the more helpless you feel. Because you know, whatever you do it is not gonna end. Let's face it. Gangbangers rule this city. And PD became a political cover for the Muppet Show of City Hall.
I don't know why p.o. B.K. shot himself. I have no idea what was going in his private life. But I know, if this sucks your job is everything you have. If you lose the purpose in life you are going to the dark.
In honor of all officers, who took their life in this ungrateful, crooked city let's stop taking medals. Let's send a message to Rahm.

7/10/2018 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Heartbreaking.....I'm sad to say we tend to have these tragedies in clusters, so please try to help each other. Personnel used to do a psychological autopsy to figure out where it could have changed the outcome or what the Dept. needed to provide as help before tragedy. After Rahm and Gary emptied out the "Bldg" that went away along with a true BIS and other relevant personnel functions. That was low hanging fruit for the DOJ report, and they were right to spank the Dept. about it. They really should have reported on what happens to a Dept. that gets (hit and)run(over) by politicians posing as police experts. So I'll ask a question. Would having a real Watch Commander, not a Watch Operations 'person', make a difference here? Would having one leader in charge of each Watch, responsible for and to the officers, have detected a problem as it arose? And I'd qualify this by saying it would have to be a competent leader. You got any better ideas on how to care for the team?

7/10/2018 12:49:00 AM

Just as I thought, Johnson is not a Police Supt. He is actually a Police Supt Monitor.....who just reports to his boss.

7/10/2018 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s my advice, never get jaded. Yeah you can hate the politics of the department and everything else, but never lose yourself. Control what you can and make it positive. No pity party of drinking off duty digging yourself into a hole while the wife and kids miss you and worry about you. Go to the park, the movies, just play catch in the backyard. Your life is beautiful while the world might be ugly. I’ve done this job for 20 years and never became jaded. Why? Despite the pain, suffering or disgustingness of some we see, when I punch out, my home is my home. I don’t live that life of a roach infested, drug using bottom dweller. You are better than this. We play in the sandbox of human misery. Dust it off at the door and enjoy life.

7/10/2018 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so focused on helping/de escalating/and helping others with crisis intervention,we have failed as a Dept. To ensure the mental well being of our own officers. Just knowing EAP is there if we need it is not enough. We deal with crap everyday, deal with crazy hours and work way too much with days off cancelled, time due restricted etc.

7/10/2018 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is terribly sad. Unfortunately I had a very good friend who committed suicide. It hits you in ways you didn’t even know were possible. It’s always hard losing a loved one, but, for me anyway, there was just something so extremely difficult in knowing that your loved one chose to end their life instead of asking for help. I beg everyone to seek out help. I have personally gone to EAP for extended periods of time when I’ve struggled with certain things in life. I can’t speak for the others counselors, but Kathy is wonderful and helped me tremendously. When you call, you only have to use a first name, real or made up. She/they do not write anything down or keep any type of written record, other than putting your name in their calendar for the appointment. You’ll have to be a little patient in the beginning of each session while they recall your situation, etc, because, like I said, they don’t write anything down. But I promise you that seeing EAP will NOT hurt you!!!

7/10/2018 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The majority of police suicides have been associated with officers who are experiencing relationship issues. That tracks with suicides of people who are not police as well.

The thing is you have have to get away from the job as much as possible. it's just a job. It is not worth dying for.

If you spend all your time on the job or with other cops, there is a good chance your relationships with your family are going to suffer severely. If you let the job come first you will lose the family eventually and that will screw with your head in ways you can barely imagine. Does not matter if you are a cop or a janitor. Family first.

If you can't get away from job while you are still employed, find employment elsewhere before it does permanent damage to you and your family.

7/10/2018 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too sad! May God look kindly on your troubled Soul, Officer.

7/10/2018 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My condolences to the Officer and his friends and family. As other posters said seek help preferably in the burbs. There are specialists who work with police, 1st response, ex military vets for PTSD. PTSD can occur at anytime and very real. Look for a PTSD specialize person.
I am not an officer, but had an assault at CPS and that along with the violent behavior I witnessed on a daily basis gave me PTSD and most important !Lack of support from supervisors sent me into a PTSD spin. The lack of support, not having your back, is very major in causing PTSD. My doctor said it happens to military who are not supported by their superiorr in battle. He would know he was a Vietnam vet.

7/10/2018 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sight of Kidney Bean marching arm-in-arm with Phlakey probably didn't help.

7/10/2018 10:10:00 AM  
Blogger Birds&Blooms said...

I am so sorry hearing this. Hopefully, he is in a better place without pain. Prayers for his family.
My brother, CPD, committed suicide August 2017. He had three daughters and four siblings.

Please, get help. There is a lot of stress on the job, and yes, personal problems are part of the problem.

Get help. If concerned, find a doctor outside of the department.

7/10/2018 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Partners must look for signals , supervisors should be notified to get help for a fellow officer that is having trouble .

7/10/2018 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never knew this officer— given the situation- I hope he is with G@d. from what I heard the poor guy had a family a kids.... guys, I grew up with out a father, my dad died of a heart attack because he didn’t give a fuck how or what he ate. But at the end of the day, if this bullshit job is straining your life and family— then be a bigger man, woman, or TV... and seek medical help or change of career. It not worth the headache to yourself or family to go down that road. Look out for yourself and fellow human beings

7/10/2018 05:17:00 AM

When born into this world, each of us has, by now existing, the opportunity to love. Not to yearn to be loved, but to love.

That is the only true freedom each has. To choose to love or to choose to not love. Being loved by is a bonus, not a neccessary precursor.

Knowing this world, by experiencing it's nature, in excruciating details for many, does not alter the above.

To love is to sacrifice, to endure, to bear the burdens the world imposes, to remain for those we choose to love, for their sake, not for our own benefit.

The most the nature of this world allows is temporary. The most love requires is instantaneous. Each moment of loving is all that this world permits, and each moment is of value beyond quantification.

Value your opportunity to love. It is all that we are allowed within this temporary existence. All else experienced is mere distraction.

7/10/2018 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So very, very, sad. May God rest his soul. Prayers for his family.

7/10/2018 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of these suicides over the last couple of years have been over relationship issues. Even more so with PO's who have under 4 years on the job.

7/10/2018 12:29:00 AM

We need more time off enough of this day off canceled from April to October, that shit outs a strain on relationships. All relationships I’m not just talking wife kids but extended family and friends as well whenever anyone asks if you want to do something your response is always ‘can’t I’m working’ eventually you might feel that work is your whole life. Years ago the only time you got days off canceled was on tact for the taste, then came lollapalozza. And a million other tests and then VRE and every other thing. All these days off in districts because the commanders want coppers out there tripping over each other so there isn’t a shooting and they can get a bump up the chain.

We need more time off a better schedule. 10 hour day is amazing gives you time off to decompress and spend time away from work. And if you need the money or whatever and have to work one of your days off you still have two or three days off.

7/10/2018 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horribly sad.

CPD officers, if you cannot tolerate the toxic environment of policing in Chicago anymore, please please PLEASE remember that the US is a huge country and that there are a lot of us out here that respect you and what you do and would be glad to have you in our towns. Flyover country is full of good people and we'd welcome you to join us. The cost of living out here is low, the crime rate is much lower, and we still live a reasonably old fashioned traditional American way of life.

Don't let the ugliness destroy you and certainly don't let it convince you to end your life. If it gets to be too much, up stakes and run. You'd be in good company,red state America is full of people were disgusted by progressive dystopia and uprooted for greener pastures.

You are worth more than any of the scum trying to tear you down, don't let them convince you otherwise.

7/10/2018 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used the eap for a drinking problem , every day I drank for 18 years maybe a year off but I was sent to west palm beach for 45 days for my problem. After I left I was given the proper tools and 12 step program and I’ve been sober by the grace of god and fellowship of AA and go to meetings at least 4 times a week and attend cop out on Tuesdays. Give eap a chance it saved my life and I got my family and kids back being sober, remember one day at a time.

7/10/2018 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Heartbreaking.....I'm sad to say we tend to have these tragedies in clusters, so please try to help each other. Personnel used to do a psychological autopsy to figure out where it could have changed the outcome or what the Dept. needed to provide as help before tragedy. After Rahm and Gary emptied out the "Bldg" that went away along with a true BIS and other relevant personnel functions. That was low hanging fruit for the DOJ report, and they were right to spank the Dept. about it. They really should have reported on what happens to a Dept. that gets (hit and)run(over) by politicians posing as police experts. So I'll ask a question. Would having a real Watch Commander, not a Watch Operations 'person', make a difference here? Would having one leader in charge of each Watch, responsible for and to the officers, have detected a problem as it arose? And I'd qualify this by saying it would have to be a competent leader. You got any better ideas on how to care for the team?

Rahm and Gary “emptied out” the “Bldg”? You are kidding. Guess you haven’t been there in a while

7/10/2018 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another female officer died at the suicide scene yesterday in 005 district. Damn it.....

7/10/2018 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad to hear of this tragedy.

Peace to their soul and family.

7/10/2018 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Chip Bagg said...

I feel it would be totally inappropriate for me to make any comment at all, except to say I offer condolences to their families.

7/10/2018 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a very high cost to caring even if you claim not to. Right now things are bad and I'm so sorry that to this officer his pain exceeded his resources available to deal with it. Honestly, I'm a nurse and if I see an officer that just has that overwhelmed look I'll approach the officer just to be sure they're Okay. I love you all and I appreciate absolutely everything that you do and give on a daily basis!

7/10/2018 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May he RIP, praying also for this sister in Blue:
CPD officer dies after falling unconscious on duty at Far South Side station


7/10/2018 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you live, work, play, in a shithole like Chicago, with total shit politicians, that shift blame for societies ills to the police, with merit supervisors and political hack exempts that will fry you for their own gain, shit like this happens.
RIP brother.

With a good economy, departments can’t find people, leave this now-shit department if for nothing else but a better geographic environment.

7/10/2018 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is because CPD officers work long hours, do their job professionally, effectively, rarely get personal time off and are told do generate BS activity.

Slow it down. Realize that family are friends are more important.

7/10/2018 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RIP Brother! Please we are all we have, Blue saves blue, look after each other listen to each other! it is so hard with a dishonest media, "we hates the police" political democratic structure,and clown show exempt ranks who only care about their next promotion and pension ripoff schemes!

7/10/2018 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you truly give a shit....stop bullying each other! Management...stop the bull shit promotions! You're killing moral,literally, period, end of story.

7/10/2018 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall not reaching for the radio while being over run at a melee in Humboldt Park, during the riots. I was couple years on the job, and didn't want to look bad, fortunately somebody else got on the air. A few years later I was seriously injured, and my drinking had taken over my world. I believe another officers action made me realize that on this job your going to need some help at times. I did call the EAP office and that wasn't easy to do, they listened and I got myself an education. Life is never perfect but its better.

7/10/2018 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this type of tragedy is becoming an epidemic because law enforcement is becoming an

marginalized group thanks to our weak "leaders" especially in the urban hubs of

the united states, sadly becoming the divided states of america due to increased

political polarization and hate towards police officers, yes the police too can be

victims of hate

I wish him peace on the other side and condolences to his family and friends

he WILL NOT be forgotten

7/10/2018 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finding supportive family and friends in your life is one of the most important things you can do. Just like smoking and drinking, toxic people are no better, and absorbing their negative baggage is just as bad. There are many officers who have miserable family lives because they are involved with the wrong people. You hear talk of domestic physical abuse in relationships all the time, but rarely of officers getting verbal, mental, and emotional abuse constantly from their selfish, ungrateful, and often very vindictive spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, and yes -even their own young adult children. This goes on more than I think people realize because we become numb to receiving negative attention from the public, so naturally when it is encountered in the home most officers just tune it out as they would some ghetto rat screaming and yelling for public show. Remember that this behavior can be just as detrimental and as hard as it may be, sometimes you need to leave that situation for your own sanity and health. The same goes for those "friends" who you may have known for years, but are critical of your job and like to preach on their liberal soapbox accusing you of being all those nasty things the leftist media feeds them. Get these people out of your orbit and find others who really appreciate and respect what you do.

7/10/2018 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We play in the sandbox of human misery. Dust it off at the door and enjoy life.


Friggen quote of the year. Thanks.

7/10/2018 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pain we experience dealing with the horrors of human behavior tempt us to seek pleasure and excitement
In sex, alcohol and other fleeting feel-good for a moment things. The culture promotes and rewards
Things that drive us further down the rabbit hole till our spirit is broken. Focus on your family, friends and God.
Pick a set of standards and check your behavior against them daily. Read the Bible. There is a reason it has been
A best seller for thousands of years. Check out Jordan Peterson too.

7/10/2018 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always a tragic to hear an officer has committed suicide, you often wonder did anyone see any signs, or could I have talk to them. EAP is always available. Every district and unit have peer support members that are willing to be a listening ear.

Marjority of the times, I blame the department for a lot of the stress we experience. They claim this is a family oriented job but we can't get time off, they cancel our days off, they don't investigate things as they should or when they do investigate things they hold it for so long and make you wonder what kind of punishment you will suffer. They don't cover you when you are doing right and the ones that are doing right get screwed. They hire anybody just so they can say they have the numbers. We have COPA who thinks ever officer needs to fired and we have a Superintendent that can't speak up for himself or his troops.

I hope that family find peace and understandingduring their time of sorrow.

7/10/2018 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless this officer and family. Very sorry to hear of this.

7/10/2018 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems like a lot of the suicides are committed by young officers that don’t have that much time on the job.

7/10/2018 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another calumet CPD officer collapsed and died at the station ....she was only 46


7/10/2018 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless the two officers and their families. St Jude pray for them. Eternal rest grant unto them oh Lord. And may Perpetual Light shine upon them. May their souls and all the faithfully departed souls find Everlasting Life. Amen

7/10/2018 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rip Brother, you will be missed!

7/10/2018 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless this officer, at least he is at peace now.

7/10/2018 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terribly sorry for these two officers, may they both rest in peace, and heartfelt condolences to their respective families.

7/10/2018 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RIP Brother in Blue

7/10/2018 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PPO and HMO cover therapists. But EAP is great also.

7/10/2018 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an ongoing tragedy. According to a DOJ report, the suicide rate for Chicago police is 60% higher than the national average. How did it get to this point? Why is it so more prevalent here in Chicago than other cities across the nation? We can all speculate on the obvious factors, like the lack of trust in our employee assistance programs and chronic exposure to the worst in humanity, but these factors are consistent across the board, especially in major urban areas. What is it about Chicago that catapults us 60% higher than the rates for all police officer suicides nationwide? Should we look at other factors, such as the backstabbing from Emanuel, or the lack of support from our department heads, or from the constant flogging from the media? Maybe it's the destruction of careers by Emanuel, Johnson, COPA, and whomever else wants our heads? While I can only speculate, I would say that all of these are factors.

I can say this for sure; Superintendent Johnson embarrassed me on Saturday. I felt so betrayed and disgusted by what he did. While it did not make me want to take my own life, it DID make me question what the hell I am doing. This job of police officer is supposed to bring about fulfillment and satisfaction, not betrayal and backstabbing. I have given up on that now; thanks Superintendent. When one considers the stressors the police face on a daily and continual basis, I can see how reducing what we have dedicated our lives to can add to the pain.

Superintendent Johnson and Mayor Emanuel, I implore you both to take a long, hard look inward. Emanuel, I wonder if your thirst for votes is being quenched by the blood of my fellow officers. And Johnson, you need to rethink what the hell you are doing. You are a disgrace to the uniform that I have been wearing for the last 24 years.

Guys and girls, the following May 2018 article from Men's Health profiles the suicide of a New York City police officer, and discusses the complications officers face in seeking mental health treatment. It is a troubling read, but worth it. While it doesn't provide any recommendations for improving the situation, it may encourage partners, fellow officers, sergeants, friends and families to make that difficult call.


Please, guys and girls, if you need help, reach out for help.

A very concerned and heart-broken sergeant of the Chicago Police Department.

7/10/2018 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was injured in line of duty and in news several times . 2014 I came close to taking my life. CPD was at my home as well as family. This occured after being drilled by a former pension board members and shamed. After speaking to my own Father the following day he told me not to talk about what happened. One day at a time for me. Thank God for my wife but everyday is a challenge. I have lost my family , my health and a home. . please pray for each other officers .


7/10/2018 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any of you law enforcement officers are interested we can have a friendly meet up of martial arts practioners whereby we can enjoy, train and fellowship. This might not be the ultimate solution but what is? Serious replies please with respect for the fallen officers of law enforcement to include your family in Corrections too. Throw out some parks and places where we can get together.

7/11/2018 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Few years back, I was feeling pretty down and out, depressed, mood swings, anger. I decided to call the new CPD chaplain, I left a message. He called me back later that day, I said sorry to bother you I’m fine. He insisted I meet him, he knew I took first step for a reason. Best thing I ever did, I let my heart out to someone I just met, because he listened. I cried, we prayed and I am forever grateful to my friend Fr Dan.

7/11/2018 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bullying factor is so true! Administration does not give a damn and once they are with those stripes or butter bars many an officers who were scared of their own shadow suddenly become micro managing bullies and full of embellished war stories for the newbies.

7/11/2018 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used the eap for a drinking problem , every day I drank for 18 years maybe a year off but I was sent to west palm beach for 45 days for my problem. After I left I was given the proper tools and 12 step program and I’ve been sober by the grace of god and fellowship of AA and go to meetings at least 4 times a week and attend cop out on Tuesdays. Give eap a chance it saved my life and I got my family and kids back being sober, remember one day at a time.

7/10/2018 12:00:00 PM

Keep coming back. And you are right, the EAP has saved many lives. We know a whole lot more about depression, PTSD etc than we used to, and if you are struggling, know you are not alone. RIP Officer

7/11/2018 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our last day off was Sunday June 24. Our next day off might be Saturday July 14. That with the heat, citizens, supervisor trying to make a name for him/her self, family yelling because your not home missing summer with them, bills,.......what do they expect

7/11/2018 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired now, but when i first came on the job in '76 friends would ask me about how I could stomach all the blood and shit that I saw. While in the academy I worried about it myself. I have a weak stomach and could dry heave watching the Exorcist. Anyway, what I would tell friends was that my frame of reference in viewing something gory was because I visualized the shit as happening to somebody I knew. The reality is that you don't know these victims. Many times the live a life that has nothing to do with the things I believed in, the sense of family, morality, ethics and all that stuff. Bad analogy but it was like watching cartoons, it was unreal. Lots of times disgusting, sometimes heartbreaking. But that separation between my life and beliefs and those that lived in the district I worked in were as opposite as it could get, so for the most part I could forget about it when I went home.

Early on, I decided for myself that the job was just that, a means to honor financial responsibilities and support my family. I tried to only be the police during my shift and avoided the cowboy shit that usually ends up bad for the off duty copper. Leaving the guns at home while drinking was probably the only advice former Supt Brzcek ever gave that was worth a shit.

7/11/2018 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build a life outside this Job. Find a nice Gal, or Guy, start a family, and punch a time clock. Don't let these clout assholes they promote bother you. Dont let these assholes out there on the street bother you. Don't let these asshole newspapers bother you.

You can't save the world so just save yourself.

7/11/2018 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOOK at FOP web site, Death Notices for our members are are 3 weeks behind but we have plenty of pictures of the smiling board members and other secondary crap. doesn't look like they care much about anything but their office.

7/11/2018 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roll Call should be sacred and if administrators were concerned they really cared about officers roll-call would make an officer(s) who is enduring challenges feel as if h/she could reach out to someone.The way things are now that is but a fucking dream!

7/11/2018 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any of you law enforcement officers are interested we can have a friendly meet up of martial arts practioners whereby we can enjoy, train and fellowship. This might not be the ultimate solution but what is? Serious replies please with respect for the fallen officers of law enforcement to include your family in Corrections too. Throw out some parks and places where we can get together.

7/11/2018 12:39:00 AM
I can agree with this, if not that join a gym, work out your anger,personally I have went to gym mad,training upset,but no matter what after taking out any aggression on the weights,or speed bags I felt better! Training makes the good endorphins flow which helps to relax the body and the brain! training gives you a sense of camaraderie and a sense of peace! Beside that concentrating on the "temple" which is your body and taking care of yourselves helps you to think straight,and another added benefit makes you stronger to deal with the animals on the street!

Lastly STRESS is a huge factor in this job,from fake pathetic leadership,to the dishonest media,and the peoples/folks and martial arts and gym brotherhood and sisterhood helps dramatically! God bless the police anywhere and everywhere!

7/11/2018 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading the thread this morning, some posts brought tears to my eyes. I’m so glad that you were able to share your stories. I’m happy that you were able to find help. I reached out to EAP also. My family and friends were there. But, most of all, God listened to my prayers. Your problems won’t go away in days or weeks. But, HE will answer your prayers. Take it a day at a time. There’s no easy way out. We have to face our problems and inner demon is real. Somewhere out there, someone still cares about you.

7/11/2018 09:12:00 AM  
Blogger Birds&Blooms said...

Not all officers who have taken their lives are new on the job.

7/11/2018 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some days the responsibility is so overwhelming and at the end of the day it’s all on you. You work all the time, get no respect from the citizens and then see our leaders stand arn in arm with the very people we are locking up. Then they have the audacity to show concern fir us. No conversations with EAP or anyone else makes that better. People show up when there’s a tragedy but during that daily grind it’s on me/you to get to the end of the tour only to wake up and do it all again .

7/11/2018 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can always spot a problem with a co worker if you know that person. As a Sergeant I tried to keep a watchful eye on the guys in our unit.sgts. dont want to be the bad guy and want to be liked for the most part but it's your job to identify issues. Nobody wants to go for help fearing the job will find out and that there is a paper trail, but if even 1 copper can be saved it helps.Stay safe and healthy my brothers and sisters.

7/11/2018 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These stories make smart people turn away from jobs as cops. Most of the Chicago police love their jobs. They can boss people around and there is nothing they can do because they are the police and they will send their co-workers to harass you and your family. They are also dumb and that is why you get bad policing.

7/11/2018 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
LOOK at FOP web site, Death Notices for our members are are 3 weeks behind but we have plenty of pictures of the smiling board members and other secondary crap. doesn't look like they care much about anything but their office.

7/11/2018 08:0
More truth,and retirees are almost 1 year behind wtf do all the idiots do? The answer we keep electing morons in bed with the city!

7/11/2018 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger BirdsnBlooms1 said...
Not all officers who have taken their lives are new on the job.

7/11/2018 10:17:00 A

Don’t recall any comment that stated “all”. I believe the blogger said a lot seem to be young and not much time on the job and that’s true.

7/11/2018 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s a permanent solution to a usually temporary problem.
There’s always a better way.

7/11/2018 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely hate this job. Its caused me issues and can be down right depressing. I've spent all my available time looking applying and interviewing for all jobs.
Until something pans out I'll have to continue on with cpd.

I wish I could just quit but everyone needs a job to get another job.

7/11/2018 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't begin to imagine what you guys see on the street. When I was a dispatcher many years ago, the only one I had to talk to was my husband, but was met with an eye roll. I had no one, when I needed someone to comfort me when I had to deal with horrible calls. You guys actually see the aftermath of what happens when people become animals. Please don't keep it to yourselves. Get help. Talk to anyone. Don't let the job take your life, too many people do love you. Please.

7/12/2018 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
LOOK at FOP web site, Death Notices for our members are are 3 weeks behind but we have plenty of pictures of the smiling board members and other secondary crap. doesn't look like they care much about anything but their office.

7/11/2018 08:0
More truth,and retirees are almost 1 year behind wtf do all the idiots do? The answer we keep electing morons in bed with the city!

Maybe trying to get a contract for the active duty guys, dealing with their concerns and trying to improve the conditions they are working under.
Not sure a list of retirees is a priority and being a retiree I do appreciate the death notices, but in my case I usually know the person who died if I’m going to attend the wake or funeral

7/12/2018 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I absolutely hate this job. Its caused me issues and can be down right depressing. I've spent all my available time looking applying and interviewing for all jobs.
Until something pans out I'll have to continue on with cpd.

I wish I could just quit but everyone needs a job to get another job.

7/11/2018 11:13:00 PM


7/13/2018 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate so many Officers feel trapped knowing they will never find another job that pays the same or has a pension it gets really depressing.

7/13/2018 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for the Union to push for paid sabbaticals!

7/13/2018 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/11/2018 08:05:00 AM

7/13/2018 08:02:00 PM  

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