Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Another Study....

  • Critics of law enforcement are outraged by the second annual report of the California Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board, which found very few incidents of racial profiling by police across the state.

    The research effort is the first of its kind in the nation, mandated by a state law signed in 2015, at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement. That law established the racial profiling board and required it “to investigate and analyze state and local law enforcement agencies’ racial and identity profiling policies and practices across geographic areas in California” and to publish an annual report of its findings.

    The report found: “Of the racial and identity complaints that reached a disposition in 2017, 10 (1.5%) were sustained, 77 (11.7%) were not sustained, 96 (14.6%) were exonerated, and 476 (72.2%) were determined to be unfounded.” 17 percent of police agencies found no racial profiling at all.
This reflects pretty much the Illinois (Obama) TSSSSSSSSS study currently in the second decade of a two-year study that shows police pretty much don't racially profile diddly-shit. Cops see crime and take action based on the crime.

This isn't the 1950's any more. Minorities own cars, have property, vote and pretty much enjoy a high standard of living associated with successful first world countries. And a highly educated police department (yes it is) raised seeing successful minority business people, companies, media types, etc are far more accepting of different cultures than previous generations and less judgemental than those who came before.

The usual grievance mongers and manufacturers are whining that they know htere's a profiling problem and they just need more time and millions of dollars more to finally prove it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/13/2019 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think California is hilarious naming it the CRIP advisory board

3/13/2019 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice punking of the land of fruits and nuts: the initials of the study spell crip!!!! Fucking idiots.

3/13/2019 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's also interesting to note that the 9 member board is made up of 7 minorities and 2 whites but based on liberal interpretation they are all racists.

3/13/2019 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the obongo study is still looking for that unicorn

3/13/2019 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should have another study group: Board Looking Over Obsessive Discrimination.


3/13/2019 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

***this is not related to this post***

I'm in 010 on 3rd watch. They now have a female Sergeant in the shotspotter room with all the tv's. This is in addition to the desk Sergeant. This is ridiculous! She does absolutely NOTHING. She goes talking to the watch Secretary and other PO's. What a joke.

3/13/2019 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Phil the Thrill said...

Only gave white people traffic tickets after Obama race tally went into effect. When they make a better mousetrap, here come smarter rats.

3/13/2019 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention the fact that police departments aren't exclusively Irish cops now. Many departments are now "minority" majority so if there's discrimination going on, there are't only white guys to look at. These experts are always 2 or 3 decades behind the actual on the ground realities in our society. They stay that way to perpetuate their grievance mongering for blackmail dollars to collect because of that white devil and his misdeeds... That stopped 30 or more years ago.

I'm a baby boomer and I for one, am damn sick and tired of these teen-aged twerps looking down their noses at me for being a bigot. You ill educated idiots, MY GENERATION is the first and last one to to treat others as equals and ignoring color. Communist professors have these young people so wracked with guilt that they hate themselves for being born.

3/13/2019 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about this;

Muslim community patrols in New York City how are they fiunded? Wait a minute this could be a totally new concept for Chicago maybe will sell some prime problems like in the out-of-control neighborhoods have black officers patrol the black neighborhoods due to the black crime in the black people being attacked have Hispanic officers patrol the Hispanic neighborhoods due to a Hispanic people being attacked out of the Caucasian officers patrol the car caucasian n neighborhoods due to the Caucasian people being attacked and so on and so on for all the rest with this work?

3/13/2019 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if the last few moths of news have definitely showed us that there is racial profiling its just not what the studies are looking for. These people doing the studies will not be happy until they find a way to show that there is racial profiling and injustice! The only problem is that it appears the racial profiling "actually: occurring is black against white or black accusations against whites that are fictional, agenda driven, and cost a fortune to prove fictional! At the same time in Shitcago the injustice is the way the board has been tilted in favor of the criminal and with TOTAL DISREGARD for the victim's who a high percentage are white! Sooner or later there is going to be hell to pay if this pattern of behavior continues!!!

3/13/2019 06:50:00 AM  
Blogger Trumpisbest said...

Some people enjoy believing that they are victims.

3/13/2019 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Profiling (the accusation of it) and other claims of racism are part of commie distraction from real problems. I'm white (and old) and me and my friends growing up on the north side were stopped and checked out numerous times, and never took it personally. The commies fill minority kids heads with bullshit about anything they can to keep people apart and pissed at each other. Here's proof.

3/13/2019 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you talking about...there is no.sgt in the shotspotter room on 3rd watch in 10...that assigned to 2nd watch and runs all 3 watches...she is Sgt M....get facts right....she has been there over a year

3/13/2019 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do I get part of that money ?

3/13/2019 08:19:00 AM  
Blogger On the beach in Costa Rica said...

When is the TSSS ending? It was supposed to be two or four years and that was like 12 years ago.

3/13/2019 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The “community” needs racial profiling so they can continue their perpetually aggrieved, downtrodden narrative.

3/13/2019 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More and more going after the law and order people this twist though is great:

College admissions cheating scheme: 3 bizarre details from the complaint

Funny how Frank from shameless his real life wife huffman is going down,guess she was watching to much shameless this should be part of the next season and they could huffman as franks Mr and Mrs Gallagher wife if she is out of prison. Lets look at the big picture maybe just maybe hollywood which hates our great President Trump is feeling some wrath,you know the doj walked this by the Presidents people before arresting all these rich criminals! it is hammer time,lets hope the "No trump zone," which rahm touted on Colberts pathetic program gets some of that hammer also with all the criminal activity. To think even the liberal media rags have called Chicago the county and the state the most corrupt in the entire country.

3/13/2019 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many “racist police harassment “ cases were PROVEN to be HOAXES by dash cams and bwc?

These cameras are an honest cops best friend.

3/13/2019 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
***this is not related to this post***

I'm in 010 on 3rd watch. They now have a female Sergeant in the shotspotter room with all the tv's. This is in addition to the desk Sergeant. This is ridiculous! She does absolutely NOTHING. She goes talking to the watch Secretary and other PO's. What a joke.

3/13/2019 01:08:00 AM

Probably merit one, they have to hide those like a pot of gold. Of course she doesn’t do anything, merit ones are clueless. I think 002 has one like that.

3/13/2019 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The false narrative isn’t getting the desired outcome is it? But just like the fake Trump Russia collusion hoax when the outcome isn’t what they want they find excuses and continue down other paths. Sad

3/13/2019 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats never let the facts get in the way, when they are making an argument...We are on the cusp of turning over our future to Generation X, and the Millennials...Anyone besides me scared?

3/13/2019 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

***this is not related to this post***

I'm in 010 on 3rd watch. They now have a female Sergeant in the shotspotter room with all the tv's. This is in addition to the desk Sergeant. This is ridiculous! She does absolutely NOTHING. She goes talking to the watch Secretary and other PO's. What a joke.

3/13/2019 01:08:00 AM

Happens all over. Why need a Sgt. Thought they were promoted to be on the street supervising. Isn’t that what the consent decree want?

3/13/2019 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These groups steadfastly refuse to ever let the truths and facts get in the way of their agenda.

3/13/2019 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
***this is not related to this post***

I'm in 010 on 3rd watch. They now have a female Sergeant in the shotspotter room with all the tv's. This is in addition to the desk Sergeant. This is ridiculous! She does absolutely NOTHING. She goes talking to the watch Secretary and other PO's. What a joke.

3/13/2019 01:08:00 AM

There’s Sgt.’s in those rooms in many districts. You’re not alone there.
Some districts have a Sgt. and a Lt. in those rooms.
You’re absolutely right about them not doing a whole lot of anything though.

3/13/2019 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats will never concede or be satisfied with the truth.
Y’all ain’t stopping, arresting enough of what they want.
Until we get more green man, there will always be disparity.

Most bad or distracted drivers comply and take their tickets without any incident.
It only takes one asshole who is accustomed to lawlessness, especially the feral yoof.
In my book anyone that is sincere, respectful would get a pass no matter what.
Why chance it?
Stop nobody.

3/13/2019 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps when you focus attention on a problem the problem goes away.

3/13/2019 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

02 does have a Sergeant in that cave too. So, you have the dss Sergeant, cr Sergeant, caps Sergeant, school Sergeant.

3/13/2019 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then there's this half-assed 'study' out of Stanford which claims that which the libtards promote:

3/13/2019 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous I said...

Also known as the b.h.o. memorial stop card. Why memorial you ask, cause they will still be in play long after his demise.

3/13/2019 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Obama

3/13/2019 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After the next contract passes all those spots in tv rooms will be bid on by seniority. Unfortunately, the contract may take until 2021 to settle, just in time for the next one to be bargained on.

3/14/2019 03:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw Prickwinkle on TV this morning saying the detective core needs more people of color and women. How about people who can get the job done, instead of what color they are or their sex?

3/14/2019 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
After the next contract passes all those spots in tv rooms will be bid on by seniority. Unfortunately, the contract may take until 2021 to settle, just in time for the next one to be bargained on.

3/14/2019 03:53:00 AM

You are dreaming. Wake up. So will the radio room, security watch and tact secretaries and the front office spots. If you gong to dream , dream big because nothing will change on any of those spots

3/14/2019 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shot spotter tech a fairly worthless scam of tax dollars from studies of its effectiveness done in DC and IIRC Boston, better to have good officers on the street and dead-weight watching that system.

3/15/2019 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minority majority? Does that make me the new minority?

3/17/2019 10:37:00 PM  

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