Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Video Leaked

Everyone demands transparency.....until suddenly, they don't. Why is that?
  • Brittany Hill was killed Tuesday, but Chicago Police Department footage leaked on social media shows the shooting for the first time.

    The video is from a city camera in the area of Division and Mason. CBS 2 has decided to only show a small portion of the video because of its sensitive nature. It has been confirmed as authentic.

    The footage shows several people standing in the area, including 24-year-old Hill who was holding her 1-year-old daughter in her arms.

    A car pulls up and opens fire, striking Hill, who eventually died from her injuries. She can been seen in the video running to take cover behind a parked car, and slumping over while still clutching her child.

    The Chicago Police Department is investigating how the video ended up on social media.
Well, first of all, it completely destroys the narrative of "protecting the child." The baby is having what appears to be marijuana smoke blown into her face. Mom ran from the gunfire and collapsed on the baby by coincidence. You can see the boyfriend run out with the semi-auto and jump into a car to chase the shooters. A neighbor has to pickup the child abandoned in the street. It's sad and sickening at the same time.

Oh, and Mom's record includes nine arrests in the past twelve months alone - still haven't seen that one on the news.

And now there's an investigation into how the video got leaked (you can find it on a bunch of social media sites) because you aren't allowed to tell or show the truth we guess.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are crying foul - the offenders will not get a fair trial!!
This ruins the investigation!!
Stop playing the video!!

Reminds me of JVD—taste of their own medicine

6/04/2019 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone ADD the link here so EVERYONE can see how these pieces of shit live.

6/04/2019 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gerat thread. Let's post some ideas on how to spread this thread (the truth) to the public who only gets their info from Ch2. I'm printing the tread in a word document and bombing public places. Especially the friggin Starbucks on the corner.

6/04/2019 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So THIS is the kid who got smoke from a blunt!
Test that child, since THC is fat soluble and stays
in the body >30 days.
This is a fucking crime. Administering a Schedule I
drug to an innocent infant. It's a felony.
Take that baby out of that environment.
It was in the news the other day that a mother gave
fentanyl to a very young child in a "sippy cup."
God DAMN these parents, these monsters, these
inhuman animals.

6/04/2019 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Lemmer the Morale Killer said...

Did you see them rayciss poe-lease pull up and fire they guns? I mean it was crazy! I demand a full investi....

Oh... It wasn't? Not the police? The usual, under reported suspects?


Move along. Nothing to see here...

6/04/2019 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet the video of a a drugged out knife wielding shitbag was played over and over and over by these same assholes and NOW they fear the pretrial publicity is harmful. Count on Fuxx to go hard on this. There will be no Juicy Smellit deal. BTW, where the hell is the outcry about the document dump which shows Fuxx was coached on how to structure the Smellit deal ?

6/04/2019 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...And when the shooters curbed the car to
check for the asshole they were targeting,
said asshole was jockeying for position
using the wounded brood mare as cover in
case the vehicle borne shit-heads started
shooting again...

...They did.

He ran out-of-frame to the left, leaving
the brood mare and child to fend for themselves.

Holding up those sagging britches as he ran
like the little prison bitch in training he is...

Fuck these savages and their "having a seat at the table."

They've contributed NOTHING but grief,
shit and unending violence.

But alas... The Police are the problem...

Point & Laugh.

6/04/2019 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need to make up their minds. They leak Police involved shootings and it’s OK? Either it’s good for all or good for none. Just saying!

6/04/2019 01:41:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

My peeps in the know at HQ are telling me that GoogleMe leaked the video.

6/04/2019 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the videos of public streets should be available to the Citizens of Chicago.

Your tax paying dollars at work.

6/04/2019 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and of course, loud mouth JaMal Green claiming some upper level link to the Lightfoot administration has called "someone" for an investigation into this leak and he says, he's got (the officers) their "career in his hands."

Also, he posted on his fb page a link to an oped he wrote and was published(not sure if he knows the meaning of oped) in the SunTimes. If you read it, you will note that it sounds Nothing like Green, in spoken or written word. Just read his social media posts and you will know he did not write that with his CPS HS education (12 schools)

6/04/2019 05:43:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew Petersen said...

"And now there's an investigation into how the video got leaked (you can find it on a bunch of social media sites) because you aren't allowed to tell or show the truth we guess."

One of the Lovely Clout babies at OEMC probably shipped it to their Store Front Revrund to check and see if the narrative could be changed to place blame on 018.

We all know how it works in the Richie Guidice OEMC.

6/04/2019 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be great to release the whole video and also the W. Hasting video to the press! Great video to help the public and press understand the danger Chicago Cops face.

6/04/2019 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not going to hear about moms extensive criminal history or about how her "boyfriend"didn't immediately render aid to her but instead chose to get a gun and take off in pursuit of the offender or anything about their involvement in the drug world. We can't even talk about that. It would be RACIST you silly hoot. Didn't you get the memo?

6/04/2019 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can’t remember how many times I saw the McDonald video on CBS.

6/04/2019 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't fit the narrative so it has to be suppressed, the left won't allow anything that tells the truth about the community. Its someones else's fault, never the fault of the community or how live.

6/04/2019 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Investigate the police for the leaked video but lets not investigate why these mutts were out of jail in the first place. We wouldn’t want to actually hold someone, other than a police officer, accountable for their actions.

6/04/2019 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever leaked that video (which is the property of the citizens of Chicago anyways) deserves a promotion. That officer (or civilian) did more than any white-shirt at Media Affairs or any representative at the FOP ever did to counteract the recent anti-police narrative and Democratic propaganda campaign. The internet is lighting up with comments because of that video. Thank you!

6/04/2019 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see the entire video?

If they want to be fair and transparent, release the video?

If we had to sit through the replay of Van Dyke shooting a million times we can survive this video!

To see this would show the rest of city what is actually happening on daily basis in ChiRaq.

As for tainting the jury pool that is completely wrong! The Media lawyer is a joke!

The offenders had no expectation of privacy on public street that has crime camera activated to protect the public!

Same defense have been used in bank robberies all over country and all thrown out since the camera is used as a way to prevent crime.

The court case will have to prove the two offenders were inside of the vehicle where the shots came from!

As for victim being a female holding child it adds nothing to the crime! But shows her standing with know gang members who are targets
of the pending shooting

6/04/2019 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show all fuck'n videos to the public. Let the public see what the police have to deal with on the street.

6/04/2019 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Family gonna sue the police for not protecting their privacy in 3,2,1

6/04/2019 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, did anybody call 911 from the scene, or was the Uzi toting dad just going to handle it himself By spraying the offender's car with shots if he caught up with it? And had he caught up with them, would he give any thought to any bystanders or other motorists in the line of fire? Is he cooperating in the investigation? Will he testify in court?

His need to retaliate obliterated any normal instinct to check on the mother of his child and his baby.

6/04/2019 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s funny. The media doesn’t want to show the truth to how these people live. They refuse to show mom getting shot, but can replay Laquan McDonald over and over and over again.

6/04/2019 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only human shield I saw happening in the video was when the man moving off to the left and down in the video puts the mother and child between him and the assailants. Nice one there. So many selfless heroes in that video.

What’s Lightgroot upset about? Are people outside of Chicago going to see that the people and folks from the community have no humanity? What a public relations nightmare!

Any word on charges for the baby daddy with the illegal weapon? I mean, Farmer John gets his old man balls in a sling for letting his FOID expire when he heads out to shoot some ducks. Gang member is Cook County with a felony record, no FOID, and an illegal weapon? Naw! Released on home monitoring - if even monitored.

6/04/2019 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did this pillar of the community spend her Mother’s Day?

6/04/2019 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're offended that the fake narrative of "mom/dad protects child" is disturbed by the actual video of shooting: mom smoking dope, hanging around known gangbangers, gangbangers flee and mom drops baby when shot, expensive cars (with no legitimate jobs by their gangbanger owners), gangbangers later scoop-up shot mom and leave baby in street, dad comes running with uzi, etc. Doesn't fit narrative. Doesn't fit SJW's profiles of "victims". Doesn't fit Lightfoot's "poverty causes shootings" narrative.

Hey Mayor Lightfoot, I'm a taxpayer and a former card-carrying democrat, but I'm disgusted by Chicago, disgusted by its politicians, disgusted that I'm expected to tolerate this hell-hole that Chicago has become.

6/04/2019 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironic isn't it how videos can be hidden or withheld by the politicians for there political gain and released at just the right moment to sway or reinforce their narrative. Funny when one like this blows up and doesn't support or outright contradicts the Party story now the scream is on for accountability. The same people will comb over hours and hours of body cam footage looking to hang someone but now want the leaker crucified because this doesn't support their narrative. It should be out in the public so that they see the unspeakable treatment of children and the total disregard for human life that exists daily in the "community" that begs for more money and more services and more hand outs . If the general public and taxpayer say 1 tenth of what a blue shirt sees the purse strings would be sewed shut, hence the hysteria over this cam footage

6/04/2019 07:53:00 AM  
Blogger Person of Interest said...

If y’all find a link, please do share it as a new post/ topic

Just googled and came up w/ roughly 200 reposts of the video where they’re not going to share the video.

6/04/2019 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to our trust-worthy local ‘news’ organizations, the real criminals in this case are not the two brazen shooters of Ms. Hill, but the evil CPDept. who had the nerve to leak this video. The media was tirelessly creating the narrative of how Ms. Hill spent the day bringing her ‘precious’ daughter to the doctor for check-ups, went shopping for Pampers and Gerbers Baby Food, consulted wedding planners, searched online for job postings and planted her elderly neighbor’s vegetable garden. Now the narrative is ruined!

6/04/2019 07:54:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

First, don't say peeps.


Kees me you fool!!!!

6/04/2019 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now they’re trying to make this the lead story, leaking the video? It’s called transparency you hypocrites. They’re afraid if everyone sees the truth it’ll be that much harder to let a murderer get a slap on the wrist. All they’re(leftist crazies) concerned about is trying to make the police look evil and be the enemy. The media is an accomplice in all of this too because they further the anti police agenda instead of reporting the truths that blow up said agenda.

6/04/2019 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people that pay the bills, the excessive taxes and are subjected to the animal behavior should see all videos to know what type of savage would do this type of behaviors. Another investigation, but they kept playing that jvd video on loop, and now they are making a bullshit movie premiering at the center for skulls full of mush thinking the university of Chicago, so they can spread that fictional lie to more and more idiots that believe this.

6/04/2019 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone give links to this video?

6/04/2019 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Direct quotes from the story...
"By having this leaked, to have the public see it now could result in problems later on in the trial because jurors, and we’re all potential jurors, can’t be exposed to things like this prior to the trial,” Miller said.
The leaked video could make it difficult to find an unbiased jury, and force the trial to be relocated."

Why then did the same media run the JVD video literally HUNDREDS of times without concern about 'problems' in that trial?

Never mind, I know the answer, I just wanted to hear it from them.

Crickets, in 3-2-1.

6/04/2019 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Transparency for the, not wee.

The Chicago Way, amirite, Lori?

6/04/2019 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep circulating the video, don't allow them to take it down.

6/04/2019 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Pravda media outlets speaks the truth. Making the full video publicly available to the to all is viewed by the Administration as counter-productive and confusing. It will change the Community Hero narrative into one of negativity and we can't have that. Protecting the image of the Community as victims with no accountability is a priority. Blaming the Police for self inflicted Community murder and mayhem is another priority. It's part of Lori's reformation and change. That's why she kept Special Ed. Manipulation and deception of news stories in coordination with the media and Police Brass is an effective tool for Community control, votes and related support for the Administration.

6/04/2019 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hill was a "mom" like I'm the Queen of fuckin England. That baby was a check.

6/04/2019 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/04/2019 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn’t fit their narrative. Cracks me up when they say “ transparency “. Dog whistle word that means they are hiding shit

6/04/2019 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
All the videos of public streets should be available to the Citizens of Chicago.

Your tax paying dollars at work.

6/04/2019 04:36:00 AM

I agree what is she hiding? True Feral behavior. Once everyone sees the truth, they know exists, more will flee and prayerfully, others will stand up to demand it stop. Until everyone can see the truth, nothing will change and the corrupt continue to profit. She knows it. She's demonic possessed aka demonrat.

6/04/2019 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can I find it if I don’t have Facebook? It’s not on World Star or Live Leak yet...

6/04/2019 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes sense that Google Me leaked it. It explains the stupid Mailbag letter and his response to it. Setting up the red herring to fire him.

6/04/2019 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another day in the ghetto which is Chiraq

6/04/2019 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow who knew they would get so fired up over a leaked video. About time the truth comes out. Watergate would have never happened without inside leaks. That brought down a sitting President. Maybe some more inside leaks would bring down a large portion of city government and CPD brass.. this one leak has them scared shirtless. Whoever is responsible thanks and watch your six. This proves social media can be your friend and help get the truth out. Be very careful how you post anything but please continue any and all postings. Hope to see loto more on UTube. LOL.

6/04/2019 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hope the 'leaker' was clever enough to cover his digital tracks. But I don't know if that's a bet I'd take. Plenty of ways to do it though.

6/04/2019 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And now there's an investigation into how the video got leaked because you aren't allowed to tell or show the truth we guess."

Remember that guy Julian Assange and his source? It is already been established that showing the truth will get you a heap of trouble and possibly a conviction. Although the trouble alone is enough to discourage people.

6/04/2019 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just can’t handle the truth, huh Jugghaid?
At this point with a feral city out of control, totally without any law and order, really what difference does it make?

Ol’ dude grabs his gat and jumps into a car to chase down some revenge.
Reasonable call to action and priority, for the hood.

Moral of the story provided by Aesop
“The loiterer often blames delay on his more active friend”.

The Summer of Ed
Stay Fetal™️

6/04/2019 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the ABLA one is way better even though the POD is not as clear.

6/04/2019 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know how it works in the Richie Guidice OEMC.

6/04/2019 05:45:00 AM

Guidice is a good guy. He never hurt anyone. He inherited the OEMC personnel other than the TMA's.

6/04/2019 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That "mother" who gave the baby fentanyl in
a sippy cup did so, so that the baby would
stop fussing and she could smoke marijuana
in peace. "Mother" is now charged with murder.

6/04/2019 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure looks like she knew the shooters.... How many of these thugs carry around their kids to use them as protection? This is sad for the child who will become just like Mommy and Daddy. That is the root cause of the problems with the community. Generations of kids who have never been taught the correct way to live. No work ethic, no responsibility, no accountability nothing... I do feel sorry for the kids in these cases. The parents however no sympathy what so ever. This song will be played over and over and over. The community is their own worst enemy. Just another video....

6/04/2019 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/04/2019 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With nine recent arrests just when did she find time to get pregnant and spit out the kid. Oh, who cares the bitch is dead.

6/04/2019 09:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the video and I’m showing it to everyone that wants it. Let the truth be told !!

6/04/2019 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, a video may cause a biased jury? NOWAY

6/05/2019 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn thAt video is pretty sad. Poor little girl.

6/05/2019 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, did anybody call 911 from the scene, or was the Uzi toting dad just going to handle it himself By spraying the offender's car with shots if he caught up with it? And had he caught up with them, would he give any thought to any bystanders or other motorists in the line of fire? Is he cooperating in the investigation? Will he testify in court?

His need to retaliate obliterated any normal instinct to check on the mother of his child and his baby.

Word on the street is Oak Park had some scene with a million spent casings shortly after this shooting. Wonder if he actually did catch up with them but missed.

6/05/2019 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So despite the father saying he actually forgives the shooters of his daughter (?!!!), he doe't forgive the Chicago Police and will sue them for millions to somehow feel better about his daughter's murder? In this unbelievable story, in which Ja'mal Green can't miss an opportunity to put his face in front of camera and who also blames the police, nothing is noted about the amount of hours put forth by CPD to find the car and the killers of this senseless tragedy. Only in this city, can someone profit from their daughter's death at the hands of convicted felons trying to gun down the guy she is hanging out with. If it wasn't so sad, it would almost be funny. The worst part, is that some jury will actually feel sorry for the death of Brittany Hill and award millions in pain and suffering to this family.



6/06/2019 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not understand how a father openly forgives the men who killed his daughter, yet wants $2.2 MILLION from the city because CPD leaked the video? The truth? You can forgive someone for taking your daughter’s life, but not the cops for sharing unbiased facts - when the cops weren’t even involved to begin with. I get that it was “illegal” to leak, but this is out of control. You are not a forgiving man then. If you care more about a video than the death of your own daughter... I’m just beyond disgusted. And worse, he will get paid.

6/06/2019 10:20:00 PM  

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