Friday, November 29, 2019


  • Friday the city of Chicago honored men and women who put their lives on the line every day.

    Mayor Lori Lightfoot presented Chicago firefighters and police officers with medals of valor at city hall.

    “It’s not just their heroism but their humility,” Lightfoot said. “Not just courage, but pledge to a city you love and serve.”

    The Award of Valor for bravery in the line of duty honored those who went above and beyond and put their lives on the line under extreme conditions in order to save others.
We are told that out of fifty aldermen, only four - all former cops or firefighters themselves - even bothered to show up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not surprised one bit. All we have is US, remember that. Other than our loved ones, everyone else including the aldercreatures could give two shits about us.

11/29/2019 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Think about that when these same aldermen
and the mayor tell you that you're being
too greedy for expecting to meet or even beat
the 16% raise the teachers got...

"Thank you for your service Officers, but..."

Shameful how this city treats The Police
but holds the teachers up as heroes.

God's Blessing on ALL First Responders.
Especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice...

At least The Almighty loves and rewards them.

At the very least...

In the meantime?

Police Like You Have No Friends.

11/29/2019 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all 19th ward residents, we need a new alderman. This guy plays the pancake breakfasts and backs the blue when it matters but he plays both sides better than any of them. He doesn’t care about us. He cares about the position. We need to find someone who is more interested and more supportive of the people living in his ward.

11/29/2019 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will people realize that the mayor only attends out of obligation and media attention? No one else besides the aforementioned Aldermen give a fuck. Charges against teachers committing crimes get dropped after we become liable while the same assholes get a better contract. Please read the Police Board Findings website. Many officers receiving ten plus days suspension for doing their job. Officers will be disciplined for chases that do not end well, just wait. Why continue to fuel the witch-hunt fire while enriching those filing civil lawsuits?

11/29/2019 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why even show up to these which gives these mayors an opportunity for a photo op that they can add to their collection and show how much they support the police which in reality they don’t. If they supported the police things would be a lot different here. I think the only one who really cared was Jane Byrne. She took care of police during her term and much of it quietly. She would come up to you and talk and ask your opinion. The rest were just glad handers when the cameras were rolling. Why not have these ceremonies internal for the families and leave the politicians out.

11/29/2019 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These fuckers have no shame. In fact they see CPD and CFD as the enemy.

11/29/2019 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A pledge to the loyalty of the city of chicago which is why you still have no contract after 2.5 years.

11/29/2019 03:17:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Shameful? Yes.

But why would you really want any of those assholes there?

When they do attend, it’s not to honor the police, it’s because it benefits THEM to pretend like they give a fuck about us. Just like when they visit injured coppers in the hospital or attend coppers’ funerals. A bullshit photo-op, nothing more.

Fuck them all.

11/29/2019 03:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

92% stayed away.
"Serving the people" in the words of the Bridgeport Tahoe Slumper.

11/29/2019 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disgraceful. But then why spoil a nice event with creeps?. They were too busy lining their pockets with ill gotten gains.

11/29/2019 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And out of courtesy, Rahm did not attend because of
the gridlock and security nightmare

11/29/2019 04:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are told that out of fifty aldermen, only four - all former cops or firefighters themselves - even bothered to show up.
Labels: un-fucking-believable

Keep in mind acquiring little blue pills, body massages and accepting envelopes of cash can take up most of the day...

11/29/2019 04:40:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

It probably smelled better without them being there.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

11/29/2019 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“It’s not just their heroism but their humility,” Oh yes, humiliated by you and yours at every given opportunity.

Lightfoot said. “Not just courage, but pledge to a city you love and serve.” I'm glad one of you loves it, because after living here a good portion of my childhood, almost every year of my adult life and never really considered moving away, I'm actively looking to move away from "you people". No, I'm not talking about an ethnic group or race of "you people". I'm talking about moving away from "you people" because you're intolerant, totalitarian, bigoted, small minded, petty, spiteful, greedy know it alls bent on the suppression and extermination of any free thought, or action "you people" don't agree with and enabling every anti societal standards that exemplify a well run society. Enjoy your 1 term in office Groot, Hey, lard ass, I hope these drones that voted for you wake up and send you off to your ice cream and candy kitchen to indulge a little more. I will be here long enough to cast 1 last vote against you both before packing up and leaving from this self created nightmare you've helped foster and create.

Isn't it something, every state in this dying country "you people" run has thousands of their citizens planning to move to a free state to escape your lunacy and taxes. Kalifornia, Illinois and New York are where lots of ppeople want to escape. New Jersey is the champ, where HALF of the CITIZENS WANT TO MOVE away. The problem is the people that want to leave still have the dreaded progressive virus and have begun ruining Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Oregon, Colorado, Montana, Washington state, Virginia, the Carolina's and Florida. We are headed for interesting times and if you want to remain free, just moving away won't get it, you need to explain to your family and friends just why this virus is so deadly and must be stopped.

11/29/2019 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who were they and what did they receive the award for? It seems the aldermen are not alone in not caring who these heroes are.

11/29/2019 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sposato (38)
Napolitano (41)
Gardiner (45)

Who was the 4th?

11/29/2019 05:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This shouldn't surprise anyone.


11/29/2019 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Guy said...

Congratulations to all the men and women receiving awards, your aldercreature might not care but some of us do.
Thanks to all for jobs well done. Be careful out there.

11/29/2019 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ego maniacs don’t show up unless it’s about them.

11/29/2019 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical. Wait until contract negotiations, I’m sure they lll all be there for their temper tantrum.

11/29/2019 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we as officers love shiny pins and medal.

They end up in a drawer at home when you retire with your birth certificate.

You must decide

11/29/2019 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So why even show up to these which gives these mayors an opportunity for a photo op that they can add to their collection and show how much they support the police which in reality they don’t. If they supported the police things would be a lot different here. I think the only one who really cared was Jane Byrne. She took care of police during her term and much of it quietly. She would come up to you and talk and ask your opinion. The rest were just glad handers when the cameras were rolling. Why not have these ceremonies internal for the families and leave the politicians out.

The part about Jane Byrne? Pure fiction. In 1980 when the firefighters went on strike, a by-product of the pissing contest between Jane Byrne and Firefighters Union president Frank "Moon" Muscare. Byrne during her campaign promised firefighters a contract, got elected after Biliandic botched the City response to the blizzard of '79. Fireman asked the progress of their contract and Byrne responded "the fireman aren't ready for a contract". And the fireman walked, for about a month. So to further stick it to the CFD, Byrne negotiated a contract with the FOP who won bargaining rights for the police.

If you go back and check the archives, Byrne's administration was a non stop revolving door. Initially referring to Alds Burke and Vyrdolyak as a "cabal" of evil men, she eventually threw in with them. Point being, Byrne could give three shits about anyone but Byrne, but rewarded the police to show up the fire department. Why do you suppose all the fireman backed Daley in '83?

11/29/2019 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The alderscum especially the black caucus hate the police. Sophia “I’m friends with the Obamas “ King, a total fake hypocrite who plays progressive and was appointed by Rahm but sucks up to Cabrini Kim, takes thousands from unions, contractors and lobbyists, has an ethically challenged husband whose friends with Rahm,and allows Burke’s butt boy Pigott to take cops from the taxpayers in the south loop and loop to babysit the feral predators in the community must be defeated and will be next time. And hopefully will be indicted along with her unlicensed lobbyist DJ husband.

11/29/2019 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fucking shameful how they treat out first responders.countless members killed or maimed in the performance of their duties.on a bad day,a teacher might get in the line of fire of a spit ball.police and fire protection are the most vital services of this shit hole city.streets and san will get more consideration come contract time,God forbid the trash piled up.

11/29/2019 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

01:59 am...well said

11/29/2019 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True about Jane Byrne. When I was a PPO my class was taken out of the academy and put in the Loop and N. Michigan av for traffic control. Much of the time I had Michigan and Chestnut, the mayor lived on Chestnut a half block away. Met her quite a few times and she was always very nice. After the first meet she always called me by my first name.

11/29/2019 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why show up for these awards? She dissed the POTUS what do you think she thinks of you? Get the award in the police mail. ♠️

11/29/2019 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was the awards banquet cancelled in May?

Because BubbleHead has no stones??

11/29/2019 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a part time job for these asshats your u can’t expect them to be there all the time.

11/29/2019 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should be thanked for not showing up. Police officers are not supposed to fraternize with criminals and other assorted low life scum.

11/29/2019 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To all 19th ward residents, we need a new alderman. This guy plays the pancake breakfasts and backs the blue when it matters but he plays both sides better than any of them. He doesn’t care about us. He cares about the position. We need to find someone who is more interested and more supportive of the people living in his ward.

11/29/2019 12:49:00 AM

I’ve been saying that since the Beale shooting on 111th street. O’Shea couldn’t help himself but to pander to the communist supporters and BLM movement during the marches in Mt. Greenwood. That was his opportunity to represent his constituents on the big stage but instead he literally was leading the marches holding his own banner supporting said movements. It was sickening and cowardly and I’d never vote for him again.

11/29/2019 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God the aldermen got a nice 40% raise to their expense account, so they can hire more patronage to make sure they keep their positions while shitting on the police.

11/29/2019 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is proof that this city is such a shithole and full of waste!

Just look at the City Counsel and their attitudes towards first responders!

President Trump is right about the Peoples Republic of Chicago!

VOTE Trump 2020!

11/29/2019 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is typical of democrat politicians. At least most democrats nowadays. Personally I wouldn’t want any of those pieces of shit anywhere near me or my family anyway. They are truly the enemy to working class folks. If you want your hard earned money redistributed to the lazy able-bodied leeches to the government and who blindly support the new socialist democrats then you deserve to be poor. Democrats are the enemy to the middle class and working class.

11/29/2019 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats a good measuring tool to use for an actual number of aldermen chicago really needs

11/29/2019 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor wanted to cancel the awards. Then she was told it’s required by ordinance. I wouldn’t be surprised if her office never told the aldermen about it and the ones that showed up found out informally.

11/29/2019 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never participated in any of these award ceremonies. I took pride in being the police but I knew that Most of these bosses didn’t give two shits about any of us. All just a big show. These fucks give you your awards in one hand and in the other your suspension. All my awards were filed in a trash can! Some officers need a wall to hang their awards and that’s ok but you will not find anything in my house other then my retired credentials that identifies me as the police. I was proud to be the Police I loved catching the bad guy and helping people. I loved the camaraderie back in the day. When an officer’s life is taken, these lying politicians do not give a flying fuck. That lil punk mayor who could turn his tears on in a split second didn’t give a shit about us and neither does this lil clown. We were always waiting for a contract and you guys are still waiting and this “Mayor” doesn’t want to give you a fucking crumb. Fuck these lying thieving politicians. fuck them all and their award ceremonies!!! Do your job to the best of your ability. Treat people with respect walk tall and take no shit from anyone. Your award will come on the 1st and the 16th. God bless the CPD.

11/29/2019 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from Tribune:
“You’re talking about a 100% increase (over the past 18 months),” said Lurigio, a professor of psychology and criminal justice at Loyola University. “That’s something you need to pay attention to. That’s not likely statistical variation.”
Harvey officials are at a loss to explain the stark increase in killings, all 19 of which this year have been gun-related.
“I think that as opportunity presents itself, those folks (who want to commit shootings) are taking advantage,” Eddie Winters, a former Chicago Police Department lieutenant who was installed as the city’s police chief in May,...

Eddie Winters --was a clouted incompetent member of CPD- given great resume builder positions where he failed to do anything or learn anything--and he was part of the Gene Williams secret study group (stealing his promotion = along with other truly inept sets who were crappy supervisors, disinterested and confused employees --and magical test takers)...street crime is addressed at street level- but shitty police departments are rotten at the top. Harvey is being taken advantage of by this piss poor police "professional"- he is hopeless and too stupid to realize he is over his head (with no-one carrying his sleeping absent ass)

11/29/2019 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just more proof that these alder-thieves are nothing more than entitled, self serving, enrichment seeking, private agenda whores and definitely DO NOT represent the people who elected them! At the same time maybe they should be wearing cameras and there should be reviews in place for every dollar stealing deal they approve!!!

11/29/2019 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shameful does not adequately describe it. Four officers lost in one year and the people they worked for- mayor and state's attorney- treat them as the enemy. Obama's legacy. I don't know how you guys do it.

11/29/2019 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody else surprised the mayor showed up, bad community optics being seen with cops.

11/29/2019 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we just have to elect MORE COPS AND FIREMAN to the city council.

11/29/2019 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shocking thing is Mayor showed up to give out awards.

11/29/2019 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:56, th y should be punished for chases that do not end well. Remember the do not chase orders? You all just saw an innocent shot and had his musical life ruined because of a chase gone wrong. The bird in air could of tracked him until it was safe to engage. Only good thing is the day over was killed, good until the multi million dollar checks have to be handed over to daily of injured and probably dead guy as well. Wise up do not chase for any reason.

11/29/2019 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don’t believe Luring LightLoafer was that thrilled to have to show up either.
Probably gave them a fish eye when handing out the invitations.

Were the other 46 or so Alderthieves even at City Hall that day ??? Who’s minding the store?
Hey Fergie....check their time cards to see where and what they were up to.

Unaccountable part time employees don’t deserve full time pay and benefits, but LightLoafer decided to give them a nice bump in staffing funds anyway.

11/29/2019 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see it both ways. Guys want to get the award in front of their families. Bravo, great job. I felt used like a political prop. I had awards mailed to the district. To each his own. I remember when you had to catch a homicide offender or get into a shootout to get a department award. Times have changed.

11/29/2019 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should there be a new version of "Wheres Waldo". Lets call it "Where's Matt"?

11/29/2019 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seven different life saving actions, during three different events that were all written up by sergeants who left the districts and were never filed. Meh! Who cares? I got paid the same amount either way and as long as I know what I achieved, that's all that truly counts. By the same token, atta boy award letters they gave us, never meant diddly to me, because for the most part, it just had to do with being friends of the sergeant.
The ones that counted to me were the letters sent to the D.C. by citizens of their own free will and appreciation for whatever service you performed for them. They counted more than any department award.

11/29/2019 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would you expect with a city council with a socialist caucus?

11/29/2019 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To all 19th ward residents, we need a new alderman. This guy plays the pancake breakfasts and backs the blue when it matters but he plays both sides better than any of them. He doesn’t care about us. He cares about the position. We need to find someone who is more interested and more supportive of the people living in his ward.

11/29/2019 12:49:00 AM

Hopefully the Feds have a surprise for him too.

11/29/2019 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U are the police, U work in districts that the alderman is dirty, open an investigation into his criminal behavior and document every action that shows his criminal behavior. Then lock his or her ass up!!!! There’s plenty of them that are DIRTY. Feds will come out with a few more indictments shortly. Even bug eyes 👀 Lightloafers has a few questionable or borderline issues in her toolbox.

11/29/2019 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And not one will ever be considered as meriting a "merit" promotion

11/29/2019 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to the Aldermen that showed up. It is recognized and remembered !!

11/29/2019 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go back and check the archives, Byrne's administration was a non stop revolving door. Initially referring to Alds Burke and Vyrdolyak as a "cabal" of evil men, she eventually threw in with them. Point being, Byrne could give three shits about anyone but Byrne, but rewarded the police to show up the fire department. Why do you suppose all the fireman backed Daley in '83?

Because they were mad Byrne didn’t give in to their illegal strike and thought they could intimidate her. Fireman also backed Daley in 83 because for decades his father treated them like stars and didn’t give crap about CPD. Quinn was treated different than any police supt
Byrne reversed the roles and started treating the police officers like they always should have been. Things changed, 11th ward lost some power to a female from the northwest side

11/29/2019 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I would tell them to mail any award the city might think if giving me, just to not give any bosses the satisfaction.

11/29/2019 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why show up for these awards? She dissed the POTUS what do you think she thinks of you? Get the award in the police mail. ♠️

11/29/2019 07:38:00 AM

The awards at this ceremony are city awards, not CPD. Carter Harrison, Lambert Tree plus the other honorable mentions are awarded by the city

11/29/2019 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could the 4th alderman attending the awards ceremony be Chris Taliaferro (29)? He said he was CPD for 23 years.

11/29/2019 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Useless, self important alderthieves.

11/29/2019 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck this place. Lateral out and never look back

11/29/2019 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck do people work for this department, it’s a joke.

11/29/2019 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rest are all scum.

11/29/2019 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don’t they award the guys from Mount Greenwood the awards that they deserved from years past. O’shea could at the least do that for the officer’s instead of playing both sides of the line. Show he really has our backs when it counted.

11/29/2019 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure all aldermen were invited?

11/30/2019 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the electorate proportion you need to keep your graftings going is the same as the criminally inclined portion of same, well, grafters gotta pander to fellow minded miscreants.

11/30/2019 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares. That award and 3 bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
Anyone who thinks politicians have any respect for police & fire is delusional.

11/30/2019 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago isn't like New York City where medal day is a big deal...Chicago alderman are more interested is shaking people down and trying to get Asian massages with happy endings. Except a happy ending actually requires the person to have a set of balls.

11/30/2019 07:35:00 PM  

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