Coming Soon - but Not too Soon
It's not a matter of if - it's a matter of when - because recruitment has becoming a major issue:
- With St. Louis leaders unable to agree, Missouri’s Republican-led Legislature could step in and remove the residency requirement for police officers in St. Louis. Attorney General Eric Schmitt said Tuesday he is backing a plan that would lift the requirement in an attempt to boost efforts to recruit and retain officers. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department reports it is down 124 officers this year.
“This requirement has and is keeping good, qualified candidates from applying to serve our communities and to fight crime. Put simply: more officers means more brave, dedicated individuals patrolling St. Louis streets and keeping residents safe,” Schmitt, a Republican who is seeking a full, four-year term in 2020, said at a news conference.
The residency issue has vexed local officials for years. In September, the Board of Aldermen rejected putting repeal of the residency rule for police and most other city employees before voters next year, dealing a political setback to Mayor Lyda Krewson. The mayor has made scrapping the residency rule — especially for the short-staffed police department — a major priority.
We'll probably see some form of it in our lifetimes, but not in our careers.
Labels: department issues
At least St Louis city doesn't have to also fight the county government since there is none.....
Why can't the present Cook County suburbs go the independent route and get rid of the county?????
20k+ used to sign up for the Chicago Police exam and it used to be given every few years. Nowadays they have to give it 3/4 times a year in order to fill the vacancies that retirements are leaving. They got rid of the application fee first. Residency, even more lax requirements for background checks, no more polygraph and/or college requirement will have to be lifted within the next 5 years in order to lure applicants. The current model is not sustainable. No one wants this job anymore
No worries the shithole called Chicago will follow suit. Death spiral in full effect. Just give it time. For the people with no time. Wait, in 20 years you won’t recognize the place. It’s going down the tubes.
Residency is absolutely killing Chicago’s ability to attract applicants and keep new freshly trained police officers that the city spent a lot of money on. I’ve never seen so many PPOs leaving for suburban departments and when I ask why? They all say “because of residency.” Why would any aspiring police officer living in the suburbs want to be forced to reside in Chicago when no other departments require such an antiquated rule? If Chicago lifted the residency rule very few would leave but very many would apply to work here. How about after 10 years the rule is lifted? Or a 35-45 mile radius?
Lift residency. It’s ridiculous. And no, not everyone would leave. I think less than 10% would. Take a look around your neighborhood and notice all the retirees that still live in Chicago. It’s a lot. I know very few that left Chicago.
It will take forever to fight the residency rule through the courts that are also packed with corrupt Chicago politicians, but Lightfoot can lift the rule if she wants as long as city council agrees. The state law gives Chicago the choice to mandate residency so it is up to the mayor. However, Lightfoot may have no choice if she wants to attract new candidates and stop the young ones from leaving.
Residency lifted after 15 years, this contract.
Dont worry there is already officers who cant write a report can barely read and are scared of their own shadow.... I'm sure it will get better as the requirements lower... just do as the comunity wishes send all of the same race to the district they work in.... should be ok then
Keep wishing it will never happen ever! Fight to keep the pension funding it that is what is really important!
Too bad some law and order Republicans can't get past the commie board of elections commissioners. Or the machine voter fraud efforts. Vote harvesting works so well in commiefornia, the local bolsheviks will start it here eventually. Or the Minnesota method used to elect the tit grabber from SNL al franken, with trunk loads of demorat votes "found" after the fact. The demorat hero Stalin said "The people who vote don't matter, the people who count the votes do". Or something to that effect.
CPD and Rosemont PD are the only 2 departments which require residency.
Chicago residency is an ordinance. Would have to be replaced or repealed by the City Council.
Start calling your alderman.
I don’t know why anyone thinks that residency rules actually exist in the City anymore. It’s common knowledge in the CFD that the #2 person, the First Deputy Fire Commissioner has been granted a waiver to live outside the city. Kind of like one of our infamous exempts, family members with special needs are great excuses for changing the rules for those that are blessed. I hear the Union is waiting for the City to bring a residency charge against a fireman but the haven’t had the chance as their IAD is sitting on all pending cases. The media is aware of the situation but for reasons we can all guess is afraid to touch it. You know, in this day and age no one wants to be accused of being called the “R” word.
Residency lifted after 15 years, this contract
What kind of bullsh!t are you spewing? Whatever you are smoking, it's not legal yet.
Who is going to come on the job, get settled in a home, then uproot them? Probably take the kids out of their schools, away from their friends.
About the only thing the Residency ordinance does is prop up the private school system. With out it, most of the Catholic schools would collapse.
LOL this hatred of the residency requirement is ridiculous. One of the only great things Daley the First did, kept Chicago from falling to the irreversible depths so many other rustbelt cities hit in the 70s & 80s. The US doesn't hire citizens of Canada, Mexico, England or Germany to work for the Border Patrol or FBI and then collect a pension - same deal. You wanna police Chicago? Then you gotta live here and have skin in the game.
Residency lifted after 15 years, this contract.
Not a chance she would have given it to teachers first! Just like us u don’t give stuff up u don’t have to negotiate!!! Nice try
citu and county government here are happy with the recruits. They think they are fine and will make great leaders on the CPD We are getting a preview during the last few years
Anonymous said...
Residency lifted after 15 years, this contract.
11/27/2019 03:49:00 AM
What are you smoking? It won’t be legal till January 1
We will get residency when the republicans take over the state and local government which will be never
Anonymous said...
Lift residency. It’s ridiculous. And no, not everyone would leave. I think less than 10% would. Take a look around your neighborhood and notice all the retirees that still live in Chicago. It’s a lot. I know very few that left Chicago.
11/27/2019 02:05:00 AM
Very true. In my neighborhood alone I know at least a dozen retirees that still live in the same house. From POs to Deputy Chiefs. Just in the last 5 years I can think of many more of my friends that have retired and still live in the city. I think very few would actually move out. City hall either needs to lift residency completely or make residency for your first 10 years only. That way some will get established and like it and stay. No one from outside the city will take the job if they have to reside here. This is why other departments are doing so well with their lateral transfer program. It won’t work with residency.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lift residency. It’s ridiculous. And no, not everyone would leave. I think less than 10% would. Take a look around your neighborhood and notice all the retirees that still live in Chicago. It’s a lot. I know very few that left Chicago.
11/27/2019 02:05:00 AM
Tru dat. If cops leave, it's AFTER they retire, then they go way south or west. No one leaves and moves to Park Ridge after they retire - they go far or they don't go at all. I think a big part of it is that the property taxes in Illinois are even worse in the burbs. So we are trapped like rats on a sinking ship. Just keep your head above water until retirement.
If it hasn't happened by now, it's not going to.
Residency? I didn't need no residency. Spent last 13 years on the job while loving out of state. Now, 13 years retired. Nice coincidence.
Hard to believe you don't wanna live in a city with rich culture, balanced budget, sincere politicians and citizens who embrace and respect the law.
The political and societal treatment of police is a turn off to potential police applicants.
Its not about what the rule is, all that matters is if its enforced. If the city chose not to enforce residency then it wouldn’t matter and nothing would need to be changed on the books
St. Louis Missouri metro area is a crappy place to live.
Hot, humid and high violent crime.
At least they have a good attitude towards guns.
Can’t find certified carpenters, electricians and plumbers either.
Remove the residency and commute ...on the Metra?
Pain in the ass to drive anywhere in this shithole city. Drive 45mins to an hour through a shithole, spend 8 rotten hours of yammering shithole radio calls and then have to drive back another 45 to an hour back home to do it again the next three days.
Not too many Pleasantville Districts readily available to live, Bid and work in.
I don’t think the City Hall is interested in farming out for help, but lowering the age requirement.
Potheads, deviants, jailbirds whatever whoever.
They’d rather decimate the current ranks and hire $15 hr. unarmed security before they lift residency.
Plenty of applicants too, CPS has tons of grads, some not just the best of the best.
"We'll probably see some form of it in our lifetimes, but not in our careers. "
So too with CTU pension reform... HA, ha, HA, ha-HA, ha, HA, ha-HA, ha, HA, ha-HA, ha, HA, ha-HA, ha, HA, ha-HA, ha, HA, ha-HA, ha, HA, ha-HA, ha, HA, ha
It should be a requirement that once hired by CPD it is mandatory to have to move OUT of the city.
CPD can likely get residency lifted if rank and file is willing to pay a high enough price
in the form of increased pension contributions, benefits etc.
Fishing primarily in the CPD pond for qualified applicants is obviously not working.
I also agree with 02:05 above that the number of CPD that will actually leave Chicago will be far fewer than thought.
What about it? What are you willing to sacrifice for eliminating the antiquainted
residency rules.
Sad situation.
Don't for a second think that if the moon and stars aligned, and residency was lifted, that the city wouldn't enact a city income tax on those that leave, just as NYC does. Live in NYC, no tax. Move to one of those 5 or 6 counties, income tax for you. Want to live out, here's your 10% city income tax. In addition to your 15K property tax, $200 month water bill, $50 month garbage bill. And have you noticed some of those kids in the suburban public schools. Want your kid with his (or her) Mohawk hair do, black painted finger nails, and black trench coat? Or your daughter with her pink,red,green hair and high top gym shoes?
Most of this residency stuff is from those suburban people hired in the last 10-15 years that want to return to their suburban roots.
LL could lift residency despite it being state law. LL disregards federal law (though she was a federal prosecutor). State law is like little league. Crimesha, ditto.
Anonymous said...
LL could lift residency despite it being state law. LL disregards federal law (though she was a federal prosecutor). State law is like little league. Crimesha, ditto.
11/28/2019 11:23:00 AM
The state law DOEN NOT mandate Chicago force residency. Springfield could care less. The state law only gives Chicago the right to mandate it if they want. Chicago could lift residency any time they want.
Anonymous said...
Don't for a second think that if the moon and stars aligned, and residency was lifted, that the city wouldn't enact a city income tax on those that leave, just as NYC does. Live in NYC, no tax. Move to one of those 5 or 6 counties, income tax for you. Want to live out, here's your 10% city income tax. In addition to your 15K property tax, $200 month water bill, $50 month garbage bill. And have you noticed some of those kids in the suburban public schools. Want your kid with his (or her) Mohawk hair do, black painted finger nails, and black trench coat? Or your daughter with her pink,red,green hair and high top gym shoes?
Most of this residency stuff is from those suburban people hired in the last 10-15 years that want to return to their suburban roots.
11/28/2019 07:09:00 AM
That’s incredibly unconstitutional and quite a stretch. Chicago can’t pick and choose who pays the tax. That’s discriminatory. The tax in New York is for all people working in the city. Even visiting sports teams have to pay. However Something like this would destroy Chicago.
11/28/2019 11:23:00 AM
The state law DOEN NOT mandate Chicago force residency. Springfield could care less. The state law only gives Chicago the right to mandate it if they want. Chicago could lift residency any time they want.
11/28/2019 04:48:00 PM
It’s called “Home rule”. They also use it for tinted windows
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