Monday, November 25, 2019

"I'm the Victim!"

  • A short film brimming with sentimentality, galvanizing slogans, a whole catalog of accusations and insinuations, and dominated by Progressive themes of “injustice” and “inequity,” Foxx opened her campaign video to swelling piano music with her driving a car in a light snow. Her voice grating on the ear, Foxx dreamily reminiscences over her upbringing by shining a light, again, on the hardships she faced in the crime-infested Cabrini-Green Homes. Conditions of her past Foxx has expressed unreservedly for years, from her palette, Foxx paints a portrait of her youth in public housing living in fear of police, overcoming racism, enduring poverty, and surviving a sexual assault. Visual junk food for Foxx, the montage depicts public housing projects as being overpoliced and, to taint Chicago police with the patina of criminality, includes a grainy re-creation of uniformed white men resembling Chicago police officers randomly hauling off minority residents of Cabrini to the nearest jail. Slowly and laboriously reaching contemporary Chicago, Foxx describes how the projects were razed, but Chicago police officers’ passion for brutality, violence, and spite for minorities lingered. Unsurprisingly, Foxx recites the names Jon Burge and Laquan McDonald as modern-era emblems of police abuse and random cruelty.

    Resuming her narration a bit awkwardly but with a steely resolve, Foxx carries on by groaning over the burdens of the job, bellyaches at her critics, and bemoans one man and two organizations which she suggests hover menacingly in the background, President Trump, the National Rifle Association (NRA), and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). Artless comments, Foxx’s political ad reaches an absurd zenith when, in a long overdue gesture and in a very Rahm Emanuel-esque manner, she finally acknowledges her blundering over the special treatment her office accorded to B-actor Jussie Smollett. Staring into the camera with a blank face, Foxx numbingly asserts: “Truth is, I didn’t handle it well. I own that.” Only a partial admission of failure in office, Foxx continued with an assurance the Smollett slip-up had obligated her broaden her reform efforts to “do better.” To the surprise of absolutely no one, Foxx declined to offer any specific remedy.
Florian Sohnke makes a compelling case that even though Crimesha has (undeservedly) risen to the top lawyer spot in Cook County, she has been such an abject failure that she has no way to campaign on actual accomplishments. So she's portraying herself as the victim. Still. After all her success, Trump, the NRA and the FOP are keeping her down.

The trouble is dumb Cook County voters will buy it, or at least let their votes be bought.

Go read it all.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

CCW is the answer.

11/25/2019 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Crimunity supports her for the same reason Adam Clayton Powell was regularly reelected even though he couldn't step foot in the US for fear of prosecution; She beez one uf us. An Sheeit.

Wasn't there a Batman movie about the Inmates taking over the asylum? I'd think Bane would at least keep the trains running on time.

11/25/2019 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh... I show people photos of the assholes that CC let’s lose on the public... suck as asshole who got 8 years for raping 2 women... as asshole who severely injured his son during the course of molesting him and this guy only got 6 years. And he molested his daughter too. 6 years pretty nice there Kimbo. These guys will have future victims. And by the way, how much time is being considered for the asshole who murdered that poor nurse? It’s gotta be was less than 15 years in jail, the offender came from a broken home

11/25/2019 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if she now admits that she handled the Smollett case badly, what was with all the talk about the criticism being racist with goal posts being pushed back and all that jazz? That entire press conference at Rainbow Push was her defense that she did her job correctly but now she admits it was faulty??? This sudden admittance of fault proves that she pulled the ever-so-convenient race card earlier.

11/25/2019 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"surviving a sexual assault" ???

nobody is that desperate

11/25/2019 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Foxx picked out Trump, the NRA and the FOP as the bogeyman. This is what the Democrats, who have been failures at governing do, pick out a person or organization and blame them that they are keeping her down. Her fellow Democrats are doing the same in the US Congress. They have spent the last three years wasting time and the taxpayer’s money on trying to find a crime that fits Trump. They have failed in their attempts but will keep on trying. And during that time and the they money wasted, they failed to do their jobs for which they were elected. They made all kinds of promises if they won the House. Well they won the House and they have nothing to show for it for the citizens. They were very successful in lining their own pockets with money from donors, lobbyists and foreign governments. They are despicable.

11/25/2019 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reducto ad absurdm, which is precisely why she'll get votes.

11/25/2019 01:26:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

Foxx is heavily funded by outside "Progressive" Left Wing money. It has become quite clear, that this Progressive anti-White and anti-American Movement, has permeated the Democrat Party and the politics of Cook County and Chicago. The Cook County Board President, State's Attorney, Mayor, and President of the Teachers Union, are ALL Socialist Progressives! And Foxx is Preckwinkle's political Protege. It has to be clearly stated and understood, Burge is History. Many of the Officers working today were not even born, or were in elementary school when Burge was operating. And Burge did his work, with the blessing of another bumbling State's Attorney, named Daley, who later became Mayor "MUMBLES" Daley. In her ad, Foxx tries to imply that "Smell-it" was some minor error; failing to mention the involvement of Deep State Insiders, like Michelle Obama and her staff. Yet running an ad that claims the Police and FOP are the problem is astute politically and will work well in her world of Identity Politics. Once again, as is the case always when dealing with Progressives: the Police, not the criminals; only the Police are the Problem. Control the Police, and criminals will stop committing crimes!Criminals Commit crimes, because of Racism and Capitalism! Remember: YOU ARE THE PROBLEM, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE WHITE! Baby "G"

11/25/2019 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She don't have the funds for that film. Question is who
paid and who wrote it. I'm tired of these cliches "I own
that." Bitch, you own a '56 Buick too? Her attack list:
Trump, NRA, FOP puts her in the big league. But her
performance is clearly sub-par. She really don't deserve
the job so somebody cooked up a Hollywood storyboard
set to film with snow effects. Fuck this shit. They take
the public for morons. Bitch, you were NEVER qualified
and these Gabrini-Green sob stories have to stop. Point
is you used your race and past misfortunes to take the job
away from a truly qualified person. Go fucking sell
Mary Kay. I'm not buying this technicolor shit show story.
The truly poor and hungry would be better off with the
money wasted here. Want to play in the Big Leagues?
Do Big League work and quit the heartstrings commercials.
They're insulting.

11/25/2019 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There isn’t a viable candidate stepping up to challenge her, is there?

11/25/2019 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is that offender who strangled that UIC student ......

11/25/2019 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked those same high rises she so often speaks about for years. Think about cramming the west and south sides into roughly 2 square miles. Rockin' and rollin' 24/7. Yes, they were a hellhole and a failed social experiment. But, they didn't start out that way. There were some good people, for whatever reasons, stuck in those buildings. We tried to do a job and make things a little safer for those people while they tried to get out. Thanklessly then, even more so now. Instead of vilifying the police that did the jobs nobody else would do, she chooses to align herself with the lawless element that made those buildings so dangerous. And today's south and west sides the same. You either stand with law and order, or you don't.

11/25/2019 04:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

communie manifesto bullshit.

11/25/2019 04:59:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

The Great Unwashed Democrat welfare voters do what they are told to do.

11/25/2019 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She left out the part about being "saddled" throughout her life with a set of chompers that looked like Mr. Ed's. The horse, not the horses ass.

11/25/2019 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP should HIRE a professional Film Crew and DOCUMENT her FAILURES as the States Attorney and get it out to the PUBLIC so she isnt RE ELECTED . As good as SCC is , The word wont get out to the PUBLIC from this BLOG....ALONE !

11/25/2019 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hated working in those fucking projects. Piss and shit smeared in the elevators, walls, and stairs. Rats eating chicken bones from a discarded Harold’s chicken bag. Empty baggies everywhere. Random screaming from apartments. The obligatory destroyed pay phone. Having cans of food, trash, televisions, or flaming hot Cheetos bags filled with piss or bleach thrown down at you. The roaches. The disgusting storage closets on each floor. The more-disgusting garbage chutes, having to walk up and down the stairs several times a night-AND responding to up to 30 calls per night.

The only reason they may have been “overpoliced” sure as hell wasnt my choice to do so-the only reason I ever set foot in those shitholes is because I was dispatched there.

Btw, ask any copper with some years on what their most hated building to go into was. I guarantee they will start rattling off a string of addresses and why they hated that particular building so much

11/25/2019 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is really a pathetic campaign ad but then again it’s the democratic way full of lies, she has accomplished absolutely nothing can she please explain how she got on the Hollywood red carpet for what she did taking care of the Hollywood faker Jussie? Can she also explain why the federal authorities are not prosecuting this piece of shit for what he did with United States mail tampering and lying it’s a federal charge why are the federal authorities not doing anything anyway on their own? She needs to go away the ultimate failure in the states attorneys office all the bodies on the ground all the people that are being beat up stabbed shot and she is behind it letting them all run free.

Enter campaign ad as stated she blames the police sickening pathetic incredibly stupid, watch and see though how many liberal and social justice warriors vote for her of course she has the vote of all the gang members and all the criminals because they love her because they don’t have to go to jail her and her crook county judges they talk about President Trump the greatest president ever and collusion no luck here this is the ultimate in collusion hopefully the feds Will step up their game and start bringing in more of the Chicago swamp cook county swap instead of Illinois swamp the most corrupt and United States of America even a liberal publications state this.

11/25/2019 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if this crazy lady gets re-elected, there is a real problem here.

she shouldn't even be allowed to be on the ballot, but this just goes to show how stupid democrats really are.

im voting straight republican

11/25/2019 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, every year that the Bulls don’t have a Chamionship team are years that you don’t have to put up with their celebration riots

11/25/2019 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So she is running for "public" defender?

11/25/2019 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Chicago Treasurer Conyears=Ervin is competing with Foxx for "most self-entitled ineffective Queen Bee", with her ridiculous claims she's "owed" a police detail and will rely on taxpayer dollars to pay-for private security until her honor guard is reinstalled. She's using the "1st generation college grad/everyone's so proud - so kiss my ring" riff too. All these narcissistic politicans have ridden the Affirmative Action Gravy Train, and seem entirely focused on the perks and privileges of their elected positions while performing those jobs in the most miserable and incompetent manner conceivable.

Foxx refuses to prosecute arrested criminals, despite often overwhelming evidence. Well, that just makes her job easier, because she can't competently perform the duties anyways.

Conyears-Ervin apparently refuses to acknowledge that this sort of "spendiness" (police security for an obscure politician) clearly demonstrates spendthrift attitudes that got Chicago in the desparate financial situation city finds itself now in. Conyears-Ervin wants her perks. She wants her privileges. And if city goes that much faster into bankrupcy, she don't care, because she's "1st generation ghetto folk" and she's extra-extra-extra special, sensitive to any unplanned contact with the people of Chicago, and so must have several bodyguards to hustle her into a security car should anyone dare to approach her uninvited.

It's a neverending sad story of corruption and chicanery in Chicago.

11/25/2019 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never forget that your state's attorney broke the law:

Cook County state’s attorney candidate Kim Foxx was fined nearly $20,000 Monday by the Illinois State Board of Elections after missing a variety of deadlines for filing campaign disclosure forms and failing to report a substantial donation from Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle.

In February, the Illinois State Board of Elections ruled unanimously that Foxx violated campaign finance law by not disclosing a $25,000 donation from Preckwinkle. The donation was used to pay for a campaign poll.

11/25/2019 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What her racist video with your own eyes. Don't want to be a white man in Chicago.

11/25/2019 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So moving..I see that Cabrini LetMyScourgeKeepFunnin Kim, despite her crash diet, still excretes buckets of stanky lard and oily film. Her chair will need to be replaced.

11/25/2019 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really amazes me the stupidity of Crook County voters, that they keep voting these idiots in but then you have to look at who is the mayor!

11/25/2019 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ain't voting for anyone with a D after their name. I especially ain't voting for anyone named Crimesha or Crimedog that's for dang sure.

11/25/2019 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC...Please don’t say go read it all. It’s torture !!!!!

11/25/2019 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Groot. With your endorsement of Crimesha, you just managed to lose all your white voter support in one fell swoop. This will come back to bite you in the ass, come the next election.

And it has nothing to do with the fact that Crimesha is black. It has everything to do with the fact that Crimesha is simply incompetent, as is so very well explained in the article which was linked to.

11/25/2019 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crimesha pointing the finger at Trump, the NRA and the FOP is nothing but blowing the racist dog whistle.

11/25/2019 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That ad would really make the POLICE want to go all out to make arrests.How many ways can you spell Fkn.Idiot.

11/25/2019 08:55:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

That ad of Kimmy's is two minutes and eleven seconds of pure, unadulterated, horseshit.

11/25/2019 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the Oscar contender for Political Fiction is.....

11/25/2019 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

had a truck driver who worked for me. Hard worker, made a nice living. Lived in Cabrini Green with his mother for 2 years, while working as a driver. I'd no idea. When his twin sons were born, he got custody from their drug addict mom. Kept living in Cabrini for 6 months. Finally, I said to him, "Don't you care about their safety?" This after he'd had to step over a body on the way to work. He says, "You know, you're right!" Gave him the day off to move his family to Wrigleyville. He's still a Truck Driver, only now he owns a fleet of trucks with his own headaches. Those twins, they're grown and in college. Me, I'm old as hell.

11/25/2019 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are plenty of people who grew up in Cabrini who want criminals punished but George Soros doesn't have their phone numbers.

11/25/2019 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Of course Foxx picked out Trump, the NRA and the FOP as the bogeyman. This is what the Democrats, who have been failures at governing do, pick out a person or organization and blame them that they are keeping her down. Her fellow Democrats are doing the same in the US Congress. They have spent the last three years wasting time and the taxpayer’s money on trying to find a crime that fits Trump. They have failed in their attempts but will keep on trying. And during that time and the they money wasted, they failed to do their jobs for which they were elected. They made all kinds of promises if they won the House. Well they won the House and they have nothing to show for it for the citizens. They were very successful in lining their own pockets with money from donors, lobbyists and foreign governments. They are despicable.

11/25/2019 12:59:00 AM

She or any of her 'friends' are not even qualified to clean Trump's bathroom.

11/25/2019 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will shamelessly say anything to get the vote out. The race card or blame trump card, is top card in their deck. They are exactly what they accuse others of being. The woke people need to wake up to reality

11/25/2019 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can someone file a f.c.c. complaint claiming this is obscene and offensive?

11/25/2019 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Lou said...

What a piece of shit. She checked all the boxes and used every trigger word from the progressive playbook.

Hell - she even featured Ja'Mal Green at the 1.25 minute mark!

She claims to want to "change the justice system in Cook County" but fails to add "for the better."

My prediction? She will win reelection using all that Soros money she's getting.
One more step further into the shithole that has become Crook County.

11/25/2019 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical ghetto mindset....

We Are All Replaceable

11/25/2019 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Running for re-election as the Prosecutor in Cook Country on being anti-white, anti-police, growing up in the Greens and being sexually assaulted. Really how fucking dumb are voters.

11/25/2019 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who donates to a person who supposed to lock up criminals?
JUICY SMOLLET showed us that certain people have a special kind of FELONY review
As officer we rarely see it because we will never be notified about dropped cases that disappear 2 or 3 years later.

check out these numbers and tell me it AINT an ethic problem.

Fred Eychaner $811,000.00 Nov 22, 2019
Preckwinkle For President $352,254.66 Mar 18, 2016
Michael Sacks $212,250.00 Nov 22, 2019
Michael Rubin $105,800.00 Aug 28, 2019
Friends of Kwame Raoul $32,479.68 Apr 08, 2016
Heather Steans $56,600.00 Sep 30, 2019

So what are you paying for? You get direct access and if you ask for the STATE ATTORNEY to "check" on a family friend arrest guess what happens? the felony review supervisor actually shows up to BLOW up the case from the start.BUT the media is clue less and GROOT is just learning about this strange power a lawyer has on an arrest.

11/25/2019 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if like law enforcement would like organize and stuff they could like count all the people going into polling places and like investigate valor box stuffing attempts and examples. Of course that would mean arresting those caught...

11/25/2019 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fucking clown. Then again, she’ll get re elected. Have you ever tried to talk to one of these “true believers”? You make a valid point of, yes, this person was an armed felon on a warpath with numerous bodies under his belt, let out for a previous violent offense on low to no bond, somehow arms himself with yet another gun, and then attempts to murder more people at which time officers responded and the offender tried to murder police officers and was killed in the commission of his offense.

To which the response is.....”but but but the POLICE!” Did xyz,

You make another valid point and the response is....but but but Trump!!!!!

Another valid point..... but but but (insert victim mentality, white people, the NRA, etc)

It’s like talking to a brick wall of ignorance. 99 percent of these people believe in the boogey man police, trump, NRA, etc and are so brainwashed trying to reason with insanity is well, insane in itself.

Hate this city. Hate this county. Time and distance from them are the only solutions.

11/25/2019 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, the world is full of sadness, 19paul

11/25/2019 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She forgot the old Regan whipping post and Nixon as well. Oh well will make up for it in next Soros sponsored commercial. Your so lucky to have such a caring and sensitive person to vote for.

11/25/2019 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last time Republicans defeated Democrats, for Cook County States
Attorney was Jack O'Malley over Cecil Partee, way back in 1990. Dick Devine defeated Jack in 1996.

Democrat Conway can defeat Foxx.

11/25/2019 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is no viable candidate to go up against her
this just shows how Democrats squander money.
Even if you got a lock they have to make a Hollywood
production out of it. We learned that with Clinton and

11/25/2019 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There isn’t a viable candidate stepping up to challenge her, is there?

11/25/2019 04:33:00 AM

Nope, not even close.

11/25/2019 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who sexually assaulted her, was that person arrested? And if he was should he be given the bond that he can afford? So if I'm a ghetto piece of shit, who never had or will ever have a job, then I get no bond every time I commit a crime, because of the democratic insanity that is restorative justice? The fact that she is even running again just reinforces the truth that this city and state are lost. Leave it for the shitheads, and let everyone else flee.

11/25/2019 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends of Kwame Raoul $32,479.68 Apr 08, 2016
From 11/25/2019 12:56:00 PM

Wow... Under $50k makes that group the small fry of the corrupt lot.

11/25/2019 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Staring into the camera with a blank face, Foxx numbingly asserts: “Truth is, I didn’t handle it well. I own that.”"

Foxx... Would you like to own a one way plane ticket to some place in the Middle East or in South America? I would gladly pony up and make you the proud owner of such an exit item.

Foxx... A parody of a stupid incapable Democrat at it's worse made real and allowed into office.

11/25/2019 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the vote goes to... Anyone but Foxx.

11/25/2019 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Btw, ask any copper with some years on what their most hated building to go into was. I guarantee they will start rattling off a string of addresses and why they hated that particular building so much about the...
Most hated building to go into-11th & State...

11/26/2019 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really amazes me the stupidity of Crook County voters, that they keep voting these idiots in but then you have to look at who is the mayor!

11/25/2019 08:34:00 AM

And how many voters didn't even bother to vote at all? That too is a problem and why Larry the Lizard won the election. Still Chicago will never change from the corrupt democratic shithole it is. The other problem is that these types are moving and ruining other cities and states and being allowed to do it.

11/26/2019 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the thugs, police wouldn't patrol Cabrini Green. Kim, thugs are the problem, because they murder, rape and steal. Yes, thugs with their Black on Black Crimes are the problem, Kim, not the police. By allowing thugs to go free, you, Kim, are contributing to the problem and must go.

11/26/2019 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mouth open lies coming forth.

11/26/2019 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Pfannkuche is running for CCSA. He's a good attorney, very pro police and would make a GREAT CCSA.

11/26/2019 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an obtuse, willfully ignorant, racist,
revenge-seeking, upright-walking fart bag...

11/26/2019 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a terrific sense of disassociation in this sophist's re-elect commercial: Cabrini-Green was over policed by bigoted cops, but Foxx also claims to have been sexually assaulted while growing up there. Seems to me like the police presence at Cabrini was necessary.

11/27/2019 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Foxx tries to imply that "Smell-it" was some minor error; failing to mention the involvement of Deep State Insiders, like Michelle Obama and her staff."

It ran deeper than that. Remember that Foxx jetted out to Hollywood to be feted by celebrities immediately after the Smollett hate crime was staged. Her buds, US Senators Kamala Harris and Corey Booker, chimed in and cited the Smollett beating as proof that racism and bigotry were alive and well in the USA. Both Booker and Harris quickly changed the subject when the focus of the Smollett controversy shifted suddenly from the actor/singer being a crime victim to a hoaxer who staged the whole thing. If the Chicago Police Detectives investigating the complaint not done such a thorough job, Democratic politicians would trotting out Smollett comments throughout the 2020 campaign.

This was a false flag operation that fell flat.

11/27/2019 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that Kwame had thirty two thousand dollars plus of friends.

5/18/2020 08:10:00 AM  

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