Saturday, January 04, 2020

Is Swiping Dead?

Numerous people have stated that entire watches in certain Districts have stopped swiping and no one has said a word. We cannot confirm this. We do know that we miss swiping in or out a couple times a month because it simply slips our mind.

Then someone threw this in the comment section:
  • Anonymous said...Lori has floated the idea to the union of a 18% raise over 5 years but it’s back loaded as 9% over the last two years so no retro, in return swiping is dead. This is going to be part of the arbitrators decision. Hope you young guys didn’t spend your retro checks yet.
The FOP has historically been pretty tight-lipped during negotiations, citing a "gentleman's agreement" to not negotiate in public. Meanwhile the political actors rip cop early and often, claiming to have money for everything except the police, and not adhering to the "gentleman's agreement." Funny how that happens.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping is not contractual so therefore cant be negotiated.

1/04/2020 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seen this swiping shit being a contract bargaining chip long ago. I’m not convinced exchanging swiping for our retro checks is a good deal. I already committed to not doing shit until swiping is gone and if swiping gets exchanged for our retro, then I’ll have 18 years left of not doing shit.

1/04/2020 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK NO!!! I’ll keep swiping, give me my retro check. Knowing this fucking city they’ll do this and bring swiping back again. You better give me more then 18% over five years for me to give up my retro.

1/04/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4yrs @ 5% a yr

1/04/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do you get this stuff?
The retro check is not a bonus or a gift. It's YOUR DAMNED MONEY!!! If the union gives away your money over a raise that an arbitrator would likely meet anyway then we should join the frick Food Employees Union!

1/04/2020 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh... retro and pay raise is going to be absorbed by property tax hike or some other cost (maybe on your health or ending marriage)

1/04/2020 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18% over three years...back loaded 9% over the last two retro check...? That doesn't make sense. In July we will be three years without a contract. That means, even if the contract were settled by the middle of summer, were it to be a five year contract, we would get a 9% pay raise in year 4 of the contract and another 9% raise in year 5 of the contract. I hope 18% is the pay raise, but I cannot see that raise - even a 15% raise - being back loaded for the last two years. If anything, the city will try to make this a six year contract. The only way to get back at the city for dragging their feet on our contract is if the officers were to *cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle and hit the medical* AND I don't see that happening.

1/04/2020 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So a 5 yr deal and we are 2.5 yr without, so by the time it gets settled it’ll be 3yrs in, so that’s a 3%, 3%, 3%, 4.5%, 4.5% ?

1/04/2020 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep the retro.

1/04/2020 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck back-loading the contract.
Split that 18% evenly over the life of the contract.

Hell, make it 17.5% over 5 years to keep the math simple.
3.5% a year for 5 years.
Or even 3% a year for 5 years split evenly.

By negating retro, the city effectively has gotten away with a contract that has extended years longer than negotiated- without penalty.
Retro will force them to maybe negotiate with a little better faith next time.
If we don’t hit them where it hurts, there is never ANY reason in the future why they won’t drag negotiations out even longer than this contract.

Make them pay, its some of the only leverage we have in regards to the speed of negotiations. Make a delay by the city financially punitive to the city.

1/04/2020 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most likely will be the city will float the back loaded raise with no retro and then say unless the FOP opens up discipline for swiping then it’ll be an even dispersal of the raise so we get retro checks. And everyone will vote for it because people want those retros, not just the young guys. Hell, most young officers don’t even appreciate retro checks. They’ve gotten one at most.

1/04/2020 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention, no retro means that we effectively get no raise over the last 2 years.
In those 2 years we have BURIED FALLEN BROTHERS and as they say, “crime is down” and “murders are down.”
We are out here working effective driving crime down, and we’ve lost family along the way.

To say that we are not worthy of a raise for these past 2 years is a slap in the face.
Especially after how the teachers union got taken care of as they did.

1/04/2020 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


But this comes from an FOP that negotiated vehicle purchase into our contract. Nothing surprises me when it comes to their idea of what is beneficial to membership.

1/04/2020 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many new cops on the job watching CNN and making podcasts like that dumb ass in 22 .. Graham pushed 18% .. this is all fake news from some cop who has never had sex before. As always, God bless the police

1/04/2020 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

012 First... Haven’t swiped out in months, but for late jobs/ ot etc. Possible that the poop might roll come the change, but I’ll take my days happily if it comes to it. Stay strong and united about not swiping and towing the line if you aren’t scared... Crime is down, we want more! Eighteen over five and expired for three means nine and nine = no retro. No to that and screwing those that have put their time in and are waiting for a chunk and to get out of this dump.

1/04/2020 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Jiminy Cricket said...

Call me slow but I don’t see how there wouldn’t be a retro. If it’s backlogged 9% over the last two years of the contract that’s still 3% a year for the last 3 years. Not as big but then again did anyone expect to get anything more than a few grand in that check?

18% raise, swiping dead? Hmmmm seems too good to be true.

1/04/2020 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 18% percent raise over 5 years is absolutely absurd. It would be great but it would never happen. Lightfoot would be contradicting her “we can’t afford it we’re broke “ talk. The city would also have to give raises to the supervisors under the “me too” after they already agreed to 10%. Why would Lightfoot do that? Also, under that agreement anyone that retired in the last 3 years would get screwed. Any raise has to be spread out over all 5 years. The city doesn’t get a break because they put the their police on the back burner. This is going to arbitration and we’ll get 10%-12% tops.

1/04/2020 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that, the retro check is worth thousands, depending on how much OT you made. I like 9 hour days, that last hour can be used in the gym, surfing web, reading book or taking a dump.

1/04/2020 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping or no swiping is meaningless if you work for an asshole who wants everyone on the watch or district to comply to his or her rules. Pay me

1/04/2020 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is complete horseshit about the retro check:
If they say no on the checks, then that money is gone and never seen again. But there is nothing to prevent them from enforcing swiping years down the line at the next contract negotiations

1/04/2020 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make it as fucking painful for her as possible. Time to negotiate ended.

1/04/2020 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be simple but please explain how a salary could increase 9 percent over the last two years and we would not get paid for that increase.

1/04/2020 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My entire district stopped weeks ago. And so have all the others. If we can't strike, then what the hell do we have, cause it sure ain't a damn contract. Not for years now. Plural. So screw swiping. It was never in our expired contact to be an hourly employee. This job doesnt work like that. It doesn' never has, never will. Any real cop knows that. Not a fkin house mouse. A cop. If you bitch about how it can work, well then you're a fkin house mouse horses ass suckup brown noser.
They've killed proactive policing. Everything is racist. Every news article is anti cop. Every 3rd movie on Netflix and hulu and comcast and Amazon has the base story as having something to do with racist dirty cops shooting the quintessential unarmed man of color. People are stupid. And they believe anything. They ignore true statistics, like who does over 80% of crime. The truth doesnt sell. And it takes away votes. They gave the news mic to the shithead brother of the shithead who killed himself in 25 the other day. He was a child murderer. And they let him take the mic and trash us all over tv? We have no one on our side. We are alone in this fight. All we have is each other. And our families. Time to stand up and stop letting them kick us like dogs. We are honorable. And good.
So fuck swiping.

1/04/2020 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No way time clock works with connection with need us.

1/04/2020 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck would swiping be part of the contract ???? The city won’t and can’t tie it to payroll because then it becomes pensionable

1/04/2020 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts -LTS- -Captains union already agreed on their pay - so they will all be getting a retro

1/04/2020 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grout dangles 18% with no retro, hmmmm. Does anyone really think she will agree to that? The City struggles to meet its budget now. Does she suddenly find herself flush with cash because of the consolidation of pension? Of course not. Sweeping? Under Shortshanks the Department was swiping and it had nothing to do with payroll. Swiping now is a joke with no teeth. Cops deserve that retro check and not be made fools of again because the City drags its feet over the course of years. The City has never negotiated in good faith since FOP became the bargaining unit in the 80s.

1/04/2020 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city will back stab us if true. If we agree and 2 days after contract is settled boom back to swiping. I’m not allowing the city to take money that is deserved, we haven’t had a wage increase in over 2.5 years... but guess what has gone up, food, gas, electricity etc. I’ll swipe everyday I don’t care. Give me money and retro.

1/04/2020 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. .. 012 District 3rd Watch, Sgt. L apparently continues to handpick people who sign up for overtime initiative extension of tour based on his OWN grid made up system. NOT by seniority like 2nd Watch or 1st Watch because it makes SENSE but by his OWN handpick system without realizing that he is creating such a grey area of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or what not. He’s even picked PPO’s to work... Whispering voices claiming they didn’t get the OT or people don’t sign up because of fear they might not get picked because he doesn’t like certain people. With a new interim Superintendent and Mayor isn’t this nonsense suppose to or at least should stop?

1/04/2020 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may make sense. She avoids a colossal retro payout and kicks the can down the road for the next sucker to deal with.

1/04/2020 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one should be swiping anyway! Let’s all stop!! Where has the FOP been on this issue??!!

1/04/2020 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well maybe the union should tell EVERYONE to not swipe what are they going to do fire everyone especially since we have been having record turn outs for hiring riiiiight.

1/04/2020 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a chance the greedy whores on this job would go for this. Coppers always have and always will sell their souls for that almighty retro check. I’d take that offer in a heartbeat.

1/04/2020 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great. Way to publicize it. Now they’re going to up our butts again looking for swipes. Maybe if everyone just lets it slowly fade away unnoticed we would’ve been a lot better off.

1/04/2020 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard when they went to the second swipe, the city did that pretty much just for and extra hand to play during negotiations. Looks like that might just be the case.

1/04/2020 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No retro for residency sounds like a better deal.

1/04/2020 04:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st watch in 015 swipes. Bosses check off people when they swipe out at 0723.

1/04/2020 04:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that as a policeman, having to swipe in and out of work every day makes me feel like I work at McDonald’s. Policeman is supposed to be a profession, not an hourly wage gig. If they want us to act like professionals then they should start treating us as such.

1/04/2020 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout new year drop compstat. The single handed most detrimental thing ruining our department. Cmdr’s make decisions solely on not getting called out at compstat. Pull tons of manpower off the watch to create mission teams who’s sole goal is to get tss cards so the cmdr doesn’t look bad at compstat. It needs to go.

1/04/2020 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I can assure you that Lori Lightfoot is NO gentleman

1/04/2020 04:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me my retro check before I lateral out!!!!

1/04/2020 04:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do you get this stuff?
The retro check is not a bonus or a gift. It's YOUR DAMNED MONEY!!! If the union gives away your money over a raise that an arbitrator would likely meet anyway then we should join the frick Food Employees Union!

If the FOP negotiates or is saddled with 0%, 0% for the first two years or god forbid 3 years, guess what?


Don't laugh kid, they've done it before.

1/04/2020 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taking away swiping only benefits the bosses and the connected. It will just benefit the city.

1/04/2020 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My district swipes ; and most I know do too, a lot of tough talkers of how they don’t , but they lying

1/04/2020 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a Commander checking swiping every week and has a list and people are talked too.

1/04/2020 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that part of the reason swiping came about is because numerous haters kept contacting the IG snitching on their coworkers. Ig got fed up and now everyone has to swipe. The haters who worked only a half day of work..screwed themselves because not they have to stay a full day. No b.s

1/04/2020 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wrong with swiping?

1/04/2020 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't laugh kid, they've done it before.

1/04/2020 04:42:00 AM

Exact when did the union do this before ? I’ve been on 27 years and I’ve gotten a retro check every time the contract was settled.

1/04/2020 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no retro sets a precedent for future contracts. no retro will cancel out any raise, remember we have worked for 2.5 years without a contract. myself I will swipe and take the money.

1/04/2020 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I come here for only two reasons. Salary and Def comp. Bad idea.

1/04/2020 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in 019 the capt and his brilliants has decided to tie swiping to payroll if you work overtime (extension of tour). If an officer works overtime and that officer swipes in later then 7 minutes window at the beginning of their tour the capt is docking the officer 15 minutes pay. The district FOP rep has filed a grievance regarding this issue.

1/04/2020 05:49:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

It was a bad idea in the first place.

1/04/2020 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets bargain for more cars u goofs. So stuuuuuupid. What u think we are gonna walk? How about a stipend for midnights. neglecting sleep undercuts your creativity, problem-solving, decision making, learning, memory, heart health, brain health, mental health, emotional well-being, immune system, and even your lifespan."

1/04/2020 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: a couple of days ago I asked in another thread “how the FOP board could vote themselves a raise in the middle of their term?” I’ve asked Kevin Graham for a copy of the Board meeting minutes and if there was a roll call vote. He has blown me off twice. He and his vice presidents are the biggest bunch of do nothings I have ever met.

To all of our FOP members if you know who’s wet dream this was please post the names. Who made the motion to go forward on this? Who voted for it?

I would ask everyone who sees these people at roll calls to ask did you vote yourself a raise? Use the inside cover of the book to keep score and please post their names.

My dad helped form this union and he has to be rolling in his grave.

The only place the should be swiping is FOP HQ.

1/04/2020 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping is not tied to payroll and it is unworkable for law enforcement therefore the plan from the beginning was to use swiping as a negotiating chip for us to give up something in the next contract. Don’t fall for their BS and stick together to get a fair and just contract, including a retro check for the last 2.5 years of working without a contract (no raise) while the cost of living in Chicago has gone up every year. If the city incurs no penalty for delaying our contract then they are going to delay our contract every time for as long as they can.

1/04/2020 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a chance the greedy whores on this job would go for this. Coppers always have and always will sell their souls for that almighty retro check. I’d take that offer in a heartbeat.

You’re an idiot! Obviously you must have no more then 5 years on for you to be trusting the city to get rid of swiping. That retro is money you have earned already, it’s not a bonus check. How can you consider someone greedy for something that you already put the work in for??? You sound like a damn libtard. You know how much of his hard earned money a guy with time would be giving up? 10k easily

1/04/2020 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Magic number is a solid 3 % a year for 5 years

The exempts wants swiping gone they should have asked for it in the white shirt contract but once again lazy college graduate did even ask for a real raise.

The few of you who watch the news know LORI threw out 3 low ball offer to teachers. Take a breath and bring your ass to an FOP meeting. Your sofa can take a breather while your gone 3 hours.

1/04/2020 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw that. How about making them front load the pay raise FOP so the city will stop pulling this crap every time we are due for a contract?

1/04/2020 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOJO’s are out. Staples and Beck, here is you chance to restore the D-Unit with supervisors who were once actual detectives not administrative IAD investigator. Supervisors who presented their own cases before Felony Review when they were detectives.

1/04/2020 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a LEO, just a lowly cityworker. All contracts should be give and take compromises. If the employer expects or demands an endloaded contract, then it should be the employees choice to take the raises on either the front end or the back end. That should be the unions arguement.
Mike the cityworker

1/04/2020 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all...WE pay Union Dues...which MEANS we are supposed to ALL VOTE and have our say about what gets approved...the UNION works for US....they don't make OUR decisions!!!! WE WILL VOTE ON OUR CONTRACT!!!!!! WE vote on what get a yes or no...not Graham.

1/04/2020 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want me to swipe? I’ll swipe. Pay me!!!!!

1/04/2020 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC....The CITY filed a motion in Court to keep the changing of hours for the Dept. effective next Thursay (new pay period)….The FOP and The City had an emergency court time with a judge to decide wether or not the City can change our time without negotiating it (FAIR LABOR PRACTICE). That was supposed to take place at 2pm on Wednesday..anyone hear on the ruling???

1/04/2020 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City income is invested, before its paid out - city HAS money.....she been giving it away to every Tom, Dick and Harry to come with his hands out. She got TIF money....she sure had enough money for the teachers, her own staff and security and tell the FOP to stand tall.....and get the CPD what it’s due. We too are citizens....we too are homeowners....we too pay all these taxes and we too need to be fairly compensated for the last 3 years and going forward for the next two. FAIR IS FAIR. Contrary to “some people’s Thinking” - we are NOT second class citizens.

1/04/2020 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s hope this weak ass union doesn’t give in to this. I’ll continue to swipe but want what’s owed to us offices. FOP fight for our retro we earned it!!!!!!!

1/04/2020 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. A whole department so afraid of working a full shift that they would forgo money they’ve already earned in exchange for not having to work a full shift.

Half of CPD would never make it in a better department. Try working 12’s and swiping in and out every day. Of course that’s why other departments top out at $100 k for a patrolman.

Stop acting like goofs and negotiating like goofs and you can demand more and get more. Chicago has the money to pay you. Go out and get it.

1/04/2020 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are the teachers swiping?

1/04/2020 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we balk on the retro, WE WILL NEVER GET IT AGAIN!!! The retro is OWED money!!!! Graham, you agree to this and we'll vote your ass out faster than a hair gel can buy a new lifted Jeep Wrangler!

1/04/2020 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been a loyal blog reader for 17 years, first time that I'm disappointed with you guys for one of your post. Why would put this out there?

1/04/2020 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Make them pay, its some of the only leverage we have in regards to the speed of negotiations. Make a delay by the city financially punitive to the city."


Cops complain out of one side of their mouth that the public does not respect them, what is the other side say? F the taxpayers, lets be financially punitive to them.

1/04/2020 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the slim chance that swiping Will be sh*tcanned, who benefited from the implementation? Somebody got paid for the hardware and software. I'm sure there were consulting fees. If they're not going to do it, how much money did they piss away?

1/04/2020 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hell, make it 17.5% over 5 years to keep the math simple.
3.5% a year for 5 years.
Or even 3% a year for 5 years split evenly"

Keeping it simple is for simpletons. You just took it from 18 to 15 in the interest of "keeping it simeple".

Lets hope you are not on the negotiating team!

1/04/2020 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody on our watch has been swiping in months. We all just said, screw it.

1/04/2020 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want my money that is owed to me, so swipe in and out. It's not that difficult. So many jobs out there make you swipe in and out so do think we are above anyone else and just simply swipe.

1/04/2020 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping is alive and well. Bosses are going to start being held accountable. But, nice thought though.

1/04/2020 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired in 2018. I want my retro....I’m on a fixed income!

1/04/2020 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they continue to make us swipe in and out then we become hourly employees. This means all overtime has to be pensionable. This happened in California and when they presented these facts to their mayor, they said F that and took it away. This is not a bargaining tool it’s a form of bullying to try and rule us by fear and show us who’s in charge. Now that it’s in the hands of a mediator, we have to voice. Only one person voted against going to an arbitrator and that’s who I’m voting in the next FOP election.

1/04/2020 08:38:00 AM  
Blogger The Song Remains The Same said...

DO NOT let them get off the hook with retro!
Retro applies to EVERY DOLLAR you made, whether it's salary, VRI, OT, holiday pay, sell back days...EVERYTHING!
Whether it's only 2% or whatever, it makes a huge difference in your retro paycheck.
Plus the raises compound as the percentages accumulate.
Don't let this slip away!

1/04/2020 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same game they played with pensions. More in the future for less now pay now. Only now they're ain't money for pensions.

1/04/2020 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous I miss Rahm said...

Sounds about right to me. We all knew they could never connect swiping to payroll so it was just a sham. As far as retro, I wouldn't doubt they would try to manipulate the numbers to screw won't be zero, but we wont get the full Monty.

1/04/2020 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping was dead from the start. They've tried it several time before. It's important at first but then no one cares. With the brass in confusion, swiping is no longer at the forefront. They knew it wasn't going to work but there were people trying to make a name for themselves. The Sgt they had in charge of the design and rollout didn't have a clue how to do it anyway. It was done very Mickey Mouse.

1/04/2020 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I may be simple but please explain how a salary could increase 9 percent over the last two years and we would not get paid for that increase.

1/04/2020 01:16:00 AM

I must be simple too, because I was thinking the same thing although I haven't had my coffee yet....most likely I'm just simple. But it's nice to have company. Hello fellow simpleton!

1/04/2020 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Groot is afraid of the contract fight that she will get when John Catanzara gets elected FOP president. Therefore, Groot (and it wouldn't surprise me if Graham is in on this) figures she settles the contract under Graham which may help Graham get re elected, she then won't have to deal with John Catanzare. Not going to work, Groot! You gave the city away to the teachers, now pay the people who REALLY do the work!

1/04/2020 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good bye CPD and Illinois Find some other suckers

1/04/2020 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My entire district stopped weeks ago. And so have all the others.
Not 001. The XO pulls the report and told the WOL to "remind" those who were slacking.

1/04/2020 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police union Negotiators have act like assholes like Sharkey did. They reward that kind of behavior.

1/04/2020 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read the statement correctly it says 9% would be over the last 2 years... so obviously NO retro for that amount.
HOWEVER, the first 3 years of THAT 9% WOULD be eligible for retro pay.

1/04/2020 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Negotiating swiping is as stupid as negotiating new vehicles in a contract.

1/04/2020 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not a chance the greedy whores on this job would go for this. Coppers always have and always will sell their souls for that almighty retro check. I’d take that offer in a heartbeat.

1/04/2020 03:30:00 AM

You're claiming those who want retro are greedy whores but you'd rather skip the retro for swiping.
Sounds like YOU'RE the greedy whore!
Every percent of a raise you get is compounded onto your salary year after year.
Maybe you can sit down with someone who's a little sharper at math than you to show you the benefits of the raises going back to the expiration of the contract. It's not just a retro check, it's every raise that is added to your salary which is then compounded as the years add up.

1/04/2020 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So a 5 yr deal and we are 2.5 yr without, so by the time it gets settled it’ll be 3yrs in, so that’s a 3%, 3%, 3%, 4.5%, 4.5% ?

No, If the City does not want to pay Retro, It would be 0%, 0%, 0%, 9% and 9%. that means the contract would be over in two years. But when the contract is settled your salary would increase 18% over those two years, Ok, sounds good. I'd be making 124,000 with duty avail. and Uniform w/o OT in two years,,, Sign on the dotted line please.

1/04/2020 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all Retro Money should be put into the pension fund.It's not necessary for you kids to get that money. You are all working, making monster money already. Stop being so greedy, and be concerned with your future. Kids, before you know it, you two, will be retired. Signed, A very very old retired Guy. I'm totally Joking. HA, HA, HA. Smiles Everyone, Smiles.

1/04/2020 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why the fuck would swiping be part of the contract ???? The city won’t and can’t tie it to payroll because then it becomes pensionable

1/04/2020 01:20:00 AM

Swiping has NOTHING to do with what's pensionable.
OT, VRI etc is not pensionable so I'm not sure where you're going with this.

1/04/2020 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP is wrong. Negotiations should be made public,just like CTU Chicago Teachers Union did, CTU made their negotiations public and to the news media to strengthen their cause. FOP should do the same, not behind closed doors. FOP sucks!

1/04/2020 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swipe in, swipe out!!!!!

1/04/2020 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me my retro! I’m not trading my extra 10 minutes in the district for retro some unit guy can work half days and get more not there OT!

1/04/2020 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The contract should have additional language and penalties for the city for not negotiating in a timely manner. If we were to say yes to that bs they could drag their feet ratifying it for another couple years and we wouldn’t get anything.

1/04/2020 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Negotiations are over its arbitration already.

1/04/2020 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There has been no talk about money . That typical nonsense spread to create conflict . Sounds like someone whose throughout his career has done nothing but obtained Cr Numbers on other cops ! Don’t believe the bs !

1/04/2020 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT. .. 012 District 3rd Watch, Sgt. L apparently continues to handpick people who sign up for overtime initiative extension of tour based on his OWN grid made up system. NOT by seniority like 2nd Watch or 1st Watch because it makes SENSE but by his OWN handpick system without realizing that he is creating such a grey area of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or what not. He’s even picked PPO’s to work... Whispering voices claiming they didn’t get the OT or people don’t sign up because of fear they might not get picked because he doesn’t like certain people. With a new interim Superintendent and Mayor isn’t this nonsense suppose to or at least should stop?

1/04/2020 02:31:00 AM

Grieve it. You will win for being denied OT. Some bosses think that extension of your isn’t by seniority. It’s in the contract that it is. So is overtime on days off. The only spot it’s not is VRI. The grievance determined it’s a sort of special employment.

1/04/2020 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If swiping isn’t the way you get paid (like the civilian time clock) why are you doing it?

1/04/2020 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts -LTS- -Captains union already agreed on their pay - so they will all be getting a retro

Yes, but we have “me too”
If you guys get more, then we get more .....and if you get less, then we get less

We did not receive any retro yet..

1/04/2020 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who killed himself in 25 the other day. He was a child murderer. And they let him take the mic and trash us all over tv? We have no one on our side. We are alone in this fight. All we have is each other. And our families. Time to stand up and stop letting them kick us like dogs. We are honorable. And good.
So fuck swiping.

1/04/2020 01:17:00 AM

Yes, you are honorable and good, but you are not alone in this fight. The media and liberal political class are the whores and they have their agenda, but most of the good people are on your side. They are the silent majority that is so often spoke about. That is why Trump won nationwide and will win again in 2020. The pendulum will swing back again

1/04/2020 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about just making the “Administrative” jobs with the steady hours swip? IAD can have a swipe unit. Their jobs would be to review the camera footage of the station doors and compare that with the swipe times.
Just think the city would be getting 8 for 8 from the house mice.

1/04/2020 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total BS. Swiping has nothing to do with any contract. Your just showing that you worked the hours you’re paid for. 18% was never offered and never will be. The city already settled with the supervisors for 10%. They’d have to bump them up to 18% also because of the me too. Not a chance in hell. Retro is important because it also effects the pension. Anyone who retired or is about to retire gets screwed. Pension is based on percentages and time at those percentages. We need a raise for all 5 years. Arbitrate now!

1/04/2020 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping? It lasted about a month and even our Sgts don’t care. We arent workers on an assembly line in a factory.

1/04/2020 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you trying to say - 5 year contract 18% raise — back loaded to be a 9% raise in year 4 and a 9% raise in year 5?
So year 1 = 0%
Year 2= 0%
Year 3= 0%
Year 4= 9%
Year 5= 9%

1/04/2020 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arbitration was a bad move we are going to lose all of our contract protections for a raise and get us in line with the consent decree bad move FOP better working under current protections with same pay.

1/04/2020 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had mandatory retirement back in June. There better be a retro check.

1/04/2020 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can we get a Teamsters Union In here that will fight for us and not play buddy buddy with the city?

1/04/2020 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area North Commander is making dicks drop paper for missing swipes.

1/04/2020 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP won't get hgher percentage than white shirts (not sure if the "me too" applies to wage increases or only other benefits)...and why would "not swiping" be part of a negotiation---the whole city swipes- except CPD (because we trust them, they are so special)---or perhaps noon in the city will need to swipe and the city will just start firing time thieves as they find them

1/04/2020 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m going to swiping in and out only if there is no residency requirement or they assign officers to work in the district they live so we don’t have to waste 2-3 hours a day being stuck in the fucking traffic. And why is that city want us to swipe? It’s just another fucking tool to fuck with us.

1/04/2020 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No retro for residency sounds like a better deal.


Amen on that!!

1/04/2020 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point the union should push residency for the safety and well being of our own children. The school system is a complete an utter failure and it’s has become a social justice bastion of inverse racism. Those who grow up to commit all our murders are protected wolves in the education system with early intervention hug a thug programs meanwhile if your not the equal but special case your kid is treated with contempt, it’s a joke, an embarrassment, and a travesty of justice. Our children deserve a better education and should not have to fight off the offspring being raised to earn cr numbers of the future in the gang ridden environment the city has endowed upon the citizens. Jagoffs like the 016 district Alderscum are salivating over transformation of neighborhoods of police families to brain wash our children and move the scum of the earth in to live alongside us. They can’t change the hood rat but they can make him your neighbor with tax dollars as long as your in the city. Remember how they stood back as the VanDyke family suffered don’t allow that to happen to another blue family!

1/04/2020 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2% a year for 5 years just like the others and keep swiping. This union is useless and will not get us a damn penny more...and the next union leadership will be just as pathetic.

1/04/2020 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are still doing it you might just be the only one. Stopped months ago and won't even do it at VRI and my checks still come. Enough of being treated like children.

1/04/2020 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Where do you get this stuff?
The retro check is not a bonus or a gift. It's YOUR DAMNED MONEY!!! If the union gives away your money over a raise that an arbitrator would likely meet anyway then we should join the frick Food Employees Union!

If the FOP negotiates or is saddled with 0%, 0% for the first two years or god forbid 3 years, guess what?


Don't laugh kid, they've done it before.

1/04/2020 04:42:00 AM

No retro is an absolute non-starter. It’s not just about getting a check. There’s much more to it than that. Retro also increases your pension benefits. We must get a percentage for each of the five years. Besides, the city would never go for 18%. Think about it.

1/04/2020 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do you get this stuff?
The retro check is not a bonus or a gift. It's YOUR DAMNED MONEY!!! If the union gives away your money over a raise that an arbitrator would likely meet anyway then we should join the frick Food Employees Union!

If the FOP negotiates or is saddled with 0%, 0% for the first two years or god forbid 3 years, guess what?


Don't laugh kid, they've done it before.


1/04/2020 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well maybe the union should tell EVERYONE to not swipe what are they going to do fire everyone especially since we have been having record turn outs for hiring riiiiight

Do you read what you write. The union tells everyone not to swipe and guess what, nobody swipes? Why not have them tell us to strike? They can’t fire us all. When the union tells EVERYONE what to do about 100 officers listen.

1/04/2020 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
No one should be swiping anyway! Let’s all stop!! Where has the FOP been on this issue??!!

1/04/2020 02:57:00 AM

Right They should call a news conference and demand to know where the mayor gets the authority to have officers swipe to show 8 hours pay for 8 hours work.

1/04/2020 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT. .. 012 District 3rd Watch, Sgt. L apparently continues to handpick people who sign up for overtime initiative extension of tour based on his OWN grid made up system. NOT by seniority like 2nd Watch or 1st Watch because it makes SENSE but by his OWN handpick system without realizing that he is creating such a grey area of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or what not. He’s even picked PPO’s to work... Whispering voices claiming they didn’t get the OT or people don’t sign up because of fear they might not get picked because he doesn’t like certain people. With a new interim Superintendent and Mayor isn’t this nonsense suppose to or at least should stop?

What he’s doing is a violation against the contract, file a grievance. The boom is in the watch commanders office and see how quickly that sgt stops his bullshit. Man up and put pen to paper and don’t complain on the blog

1/04/2020 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT. .. 012 District 3rd Watch, Sgt. L apparently continues to handpick people who sign up for overtime initiative extension of tour based on his OWN grid made up system. NOT by seniority like 2nd Watch or 1st Watch because it makes SENSE but by his OWN handpick system without realizing that he is creating such a grey area of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or what not. He’s even picked PPO’s to work... Whispering voices claiming they didn’t get the OT or people don’t sign up because of fear they might not get picked because he doesn’t like certain people. With a new interim Superintendent and Mayor isn’t this nonsense suppose to or at least should stop?

Duh. We have a new mayor and according to you it hasn’t stopped, so why would it stop?

1/04/2020 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Jiminy Cricket said...
Call me slow but I don’t see how there wouldn’t be a retro. If it’s backlogged 9% over the last two years of the contract that’s still 3% a year for the last 3 years. Not as big but then again did anyone expect to get anything more than a few grand in that check?

18% raise, swiping dead? Hmmmm seems too good to be true.

You really think so?

1/04/2020 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...Lori has floated the idea to the union of a 18% raise over 5 years but it’s back loaded as 9% over the last two years so no retro, in return swiping is dead. This is going to be part of the arbitrators decision. Hope you young guys didn’t spend your retro checks yet.

His last sentence gave this bs comment away. Had any of this been true, the commentator would have just offered the info. No, couldn’t do that but had to throw the last jab about the young guys. Why even bring that in?

1/04/2020 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This contract won’t be settled until after the FOP elections

1/04/2020 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where do you get this stuff?
The retro check is not a bonus or a gift. It's YOUR DAMNED MONEY!!! If the union gives away your money over a raise that an arbitrator would likely meet anyway then we should join the frick Food Employees Union!

If the FOP negotiates or is saddled with 0%, 0% for the first two years or god forbid 3 years, guess what?

Don't laugh kid, they've done it before.

1/04/2020 04:42:00 AM

Conversely, sometime back in the 80's, the young cops on the job, voted in a BS contract just so they could get their retro checks for new toys. We old timers were pissed about that move, as well as the shorted pension contributions back then. I think we got tossed the shift differential ( you know, the one that differentiated against no one, regardless of actual shift) and took that as a non pensionable bone thrown to us.

Soooo glad to have been retired for so long.

Go Fetal!

1/04/2020 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way to get back at the city for dragging their feet on our contract is if the officers were to *cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle and hit the medical* AND I don't see that happening.

That’s it abuse the medical, then cry and moan when the city takes what every other department salivates for away. Some people really do get ill, maybe you. When you do get a catastrophic illness and have no medical remind me to ignore your benefit, abuser...

1/04/2020 11:37:00 AM  
Blogger grunt archangel said...

My entire district stopped weeks ago. And so have all the others. If we can't strike, then what the hell do we have, cause it sure ain't a damn contract. Not for years now. Plural. So screw swiping. It was never in our expired contact to be an hourly employee. This job doesnt work like that. It doesn' never has, never will. Any real cop knows that. Not a fkin house mouse. A cop. If you bitch about how it can work, well then you're a fkin house mouse horses ass suckup brown noser.
They've killed proactive policing. Everything is racist. Every news article is anti cop. Every 3rd movie on Netflix and hulu and comcast and Amazon has the base story as having something to do with racist dirty cops shooting the quintessential unarmed man of color. People are stupid. And they believe anything. They ignore true statistics, like who does over 80% of crime. The truth doesnt sell. And it takes away votes. They gave the news mic to the shithead brother of the shithead who killed himself in 25 the other day. He was a child murderer. And they let him take the mic and trash us all over tv? We have no one on our side. We are alone in this fight. All we have is each other. And our families. Time to stand up and stop letting them kick us like dogs. We are honorable. And good.
So fuck swiping.

Wait till you see the watchmen, Cops and whites are evil as the minorities prevail.

1/04/2020 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot could be gone in 3 years. The next mayor could make us swipe.

1/04/2020 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. .. 012 District 3rd Watch, Sgt. L apparently continues to handpick people who sign up for overtime initiative extension of tour based on his OWN grid made up system. NOT by seniority like 2nd Watch or 1st Watch because it makes SENSE but by his OWN handpick system without realizing that he is creating such a grey area of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or what not. He’s even picked PPO’s to work... Whispering voices claiming they didn’t get the OT or people don’t sign up because of fear they might not get picked because he doesn’t like certain people. With a new interim Superintendent and Mayor isn’t this nonsense suppose to or at least should stop?

Quit making it about color or gender. I work in 12 too. First this is voluntary not mandatory therefore you can not grieve it. If OT by seniority is so important to you go to second or first watch to get it. On second thought make that midnight because you won’t get it on days either. Brah hahaha

1/04/2020 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot allows unpaid parking ticket off of at least eleven million.....
Groot Opens pot dispensaries making money hand over fist.....
Groot ignores us in public...........
Groot has her former feds in our spot s........
Groot bashes us in city council.......
Groot's entire existence is to fcuk the police.....
Groot uses our office/job/career/dees nuts as a punching bag
Groot has TIF monies that should have gone to our pay raise and our pensions.....
Groot has major problems with recruitment of qualified applicants
Groot is cutting our benefits from under us....
I can go on all day

FOP better wise up......they have been too silent as our voices

If you think Groot is out to be fair and straight with us your dumber than she thinks you are..........
Groot Pay Us The Money.

1/04/2020 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seen this swiping shit being a contract bargaining chip long ago. I’m not convinced exchanging swiping for our retro checks is a good deal. I already committed to not doing shit until swiping is gone and if swiping gets exchanged for our retro, then I’ll have 18 years left of not doing shit.

You would be wise if you weren't "doing shit" either way. For now just collect. Fetal is the order of the day.

1/04/2020 12:00:00 PM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Swiping dead?

It never had a pulse to begin with for me.

Never swiped in, never swiped out. Not even for OT, Special Employment or court and haven’t had an issue with pay, overtime pay/CU time credited.

And the first poster is correct. Someone is trolling and all the dummies took the bait and ran the whole reel out.

1/04/2020 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP WAS greedy when they tried to strong-arm shortshanks when the olympics were in play .
Richie made a generous offer and they turned it down .
Trust me , if true ),) then 18% over 3 years take it , start working a little OT , earn your pay .
it'll improve your life style and make that mortgage payment , car note easier .

1/04/2020 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fine debt forgiveness, open 7 day liberry’s, rising city taxes, community investment schemes, deadbeat spending programs.
Ain’t nobody got time for Police wage and benefits.

Rahm’s Preferred Card Swipe vendor was paid so can’t blame them for folding should that hasty system be loaded with programming bugs like that nonfunctional Kronos system which could only count swipes and not tied to timekeeping.
I believe the company that Groot touted is the same as the one PrickWrinkle’s Cook County contracted...which took 2-3 years to finally get operational but still not perfected and it may never be. It’s another example of flip-flop GrootFoot’s acceptance of machine politics.

And that gentleman’s agreement very much outdated, especially now having to deal with even more Sanctuary First angry nitwits.

Somehow financial and negotiation expert, the ill-tempered GrootLoafer, thinks the last 30 months don’t count.
LightLoafer stooping to Rahm level with No Retroactive Pay, which is baloney not even CPS-CTU found unacceptable.
Anticipate that shysters from the city on not budging and a lawsuit to include any retro pay including the overtime.

1/04/2020 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where do you get this stuff?
The retro check is not a bonus or a gift. It's YOUR DAMNED MONEY!!! If the union gives away your money over a raise that an arbitrator would likely meet anyway then we should join the frick Food Employees Union!

If the FOP negotiates or is saddled with 0%, 0% for the first two years or god forbid 3 years, guess what?


Don't laugh kid, they've done it before.

Only remember one time where we got our OT for the pay, but not on our CU hours earned

1/04/2020 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is bullshit. If we can't strike and are at the mercy of the mayor on our contracts than why let them off the hook for not negotiating earlier ? I say you go the other direction and get retro and intrest on the money. The market is great , we lost alot of money !

1/04/2020 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you retired while the contract was expired, and your pension is based on a percentage (depending on your time on and age) of your pay then would this effect your pension check? I think it would. Something you have to think about especially if you still have a ways to go on this job. Because if they do this then they'll take more in the future. The city does not play nice.

1/04/2020 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell, make it 17.5% over 5 years to keep the math simple.

1/04/2020 12:46:00 AM

Why in the fuck would give back a 1/2 percent in the name of simplicity? You're a flat out moron.

1/04/2020 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw this swiping thing. How many times have they done this now? Come out with an order that we must swipe in and out or you won't get paid type of threat? Remember that one in the late 1990s I think? We swiped for a week and it was over, although many swipe machines on the walls were mysteriously breaking constantly.
Again in mid 2000s another order came out saying the same thing, but they were really serious this time. Again, swiping lasted a week and noone got gigged for not swiping.
The point is it's been 20 years now of swiping talk. It don't work, it won't work. Don't use swiping as bargaining tool, you don't need to when all you have to do is ignore it.

1/04/2020 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous ask if Grout finally find Hersey flush with cash because of the pension consolidation. Just an FYI, Chicago is not part of the pension consolidation.

1/04/2020 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the swiping & give me my $$. Who cares about swiping? We wrk 8hrs regardless & May or may not get a lunch!

1/04/2020 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Force Review soon to be looking into swiping non-compliance. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

-member of force review.

1/04/2020 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supposedly the word is Beck doesn’t like swiping cause it was a disaster in LA, and he doesn’t want it here. But if it’s Groots demand it’s here regardless. Also supposedly it will cost millions to initiate an effective working time and swipe system along with an outside entity to run it and maintain it.

1/04/2020 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd take no swiping over a couple grand. You'll piss away that $4000 in no time. I look at as "Will this retro change my lifestyle?" The answer will always be no. Big fucking deal. I'd rather have a supervisor be able to do me a solid every now and then; instead of never, like it is now. Don't forget, the retro is coming out of your pocket too, thru increased fees, taxes, etc. A supervisor being able to take care of the help costs no more than your regular salary. And, in fact, if I give you today's lunch tomorrow, I don't have to pay you overtime for the missed lunch, so not only does it cost no more than your regular salary, overtime is saved.

1/04/2020 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exact when did the union do this before ? I’ve been on 27 years and I’ve gotten a retro check every time the contract was settled.


Two contracts ago, maybe three, the first two years were 0% and 0%. The contract was almost three years in arrears. Everyone got a tiny little retro check for the nine months outside of the 0% 0% and something like 3.75% raises on the back end. This is the exact same situation and Lightfoot could save herself a ton of retro by forcing zero percent raises on the FOP, meaning you worked the last two years at the exact same salary. If she got 0% for three years, there will be no retro. All your VRI CTA Special and Court is also at the zero percent raise meaning you've already been paid for it, nothing more coming.

1/04/2020 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping is on the back burner. Several Det. Div. bosses stopped. Complaints were made and rather than investigate them the requirement is once again fading away.

1/04/2020 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I may be simple but please explain how a salary could increase 9 percent over the last two years and we would not get paid for that increase.

1/04/2020 01:16:00 AM

I think the way it works is, a 5 year contract with no raise the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year. Which would be 2017, 2018, 2019. The 4th and 5th year, being 2020 and 2021, would see a 9% raise each year. So you would get paid for that increase, but wouldn’t get a nice retroactive check. Or maybe our fearless leader Kevin O’Gram can comment... Kevin?

1/04/2020 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
are the teachers swiping?

1/04/2020 07:23:00 AM

Yes teachers swipe. And have consequences for not doing so.

1/04/2020 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Exact when did the union do this before ? I’ve been on 27 years and I’ve gotten a retro check every time the contract was settled.


Two contracts ago, maybe three, the first two years were 0% and 0%. The contract was almost three years in arrears. Everyone got a tiny little retro check for the nine months outside of the 0% 0% and something like 3.75% raises on the back end. This is the exact same situation and Lightfoot could save herself a ton of retro by forcing zero percent raises on the FOP, meaning you worked the last two years at the exact same salary. If she got 0% for three years, there will be no retro. All your VRI CTA Special and Court is also at the zero percent raise meaning you've already been paid for it, nothing more coming.

1/04/2020 03:14:00 PM

You’re talking out of your ass. We have NEVER gotten 0% raise on any year of any contract. It has NEVER happened.

1/04/2020 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two contracts ago, maybe three, the first two years were 0% and 0%. The contract was almost three years in arrears. Everyone got a tiny little retro check for the nine months outside of the 0% 0% and something like 3.75% raises on the back end. This is the exact same situation and Lightfoot could save herself a ton of retro by forcing zero percent raises on the FOP, meaning you worked the last two years at the exact same salary. If she got 0% for three years, there will be no retro. All your VRI CTA Special and Court is also at the zero percent raise meaning you've already been paid for it, nothing more coming.

1/04/2020 03:14:00 PM

Go to the FOP website and pull up the old contacts. They go back to 1999. We have always gotten raises in each year of the contracts starting from the end of the expired contract. Always got retro for each year we worked under the expired contract and all OT and special. Generally it’s been 2% for the 6 months. The 4% a year for each year. This last contact was the exception but we still got raises going back to the start of the contract.

1/04/2020 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Swiping is alive and well. Bosses are going to start being held accountable. But, nice thought though.

1/04/2020 08:25:00 AM

Swipe clock has been broken in 017 for two days now. If they really cared it would have been fixed

1/04/2020 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a garbage truck driver when Jane Bryne was mayor. Teamsters contract under her was we passed on retro pay of 2years and got 3 personal days. Never think the city is doing anything to benefits you.

1/04/2020 04:38:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Anonymous said...

Been a loyal blog reader for 17 years, first time that I'm disappointed with you guys for one of your post. Why would put this out there?


Seventeen years? We thought we were only around for fourteen, so thanks for the retro-active appreciation!!! You're awesome!!

First time disappointment? So our batting average with you is 99.99999999%. We're Awesome too!!!

And we didn't "put it out there." It came from a comment (as we stated in the post) and it's labeled "rumor" (down there at the bottom of the post). After fourteen (seventeen) years of reading the blog, we think you'd understand the site is reader driven, especially regarding Department issues and this one popped up on a slow day where we needed a post, and it is something that everyone should be aware of as a (distant) possibility. We need involved members and people asking questions means they're involved, even if it's only for their own self-interests.

1/04/2020 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all...WE pay Union Dues...which MEANS we are supposed to ALL VOTE and have our say about what gets approved...the UNION works for US....they don't make OUR decisions!!!! WE WILL VOTE ON OUR CONTRACT!!!!!! WE vote on what get a yes or no...not Graham.


Huh.. no son.

It's up to the arbitrator now, not us.

1/04/2020 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special ED had some very cute officers exempted from swiping.
Those ladies also RACKED(no pun intended) lots of overtime.

The overtime was nor even close to legit the inspector general was painted in a corner after the officer claimed whistle blower (no pun intended) and sexual harassment.

LORI wanted blood but she found out that clouted dont play be the rule and know how to file EEOC beefs quickly with lawyers.

NOW a deeper look into person exempted from swiping has lead to a GIANT problem
What idiot would exempt anyone from swiping unless they were receiving special favors or cash?

1/04/2020 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they want us to swipe , they will bring it up again in 2 years. Then hold it over our heads again. Let swipe die out on its own. Don’t give up our 3 years of retro for candy like little kids.

1/04/2020 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of residency, then you all be batching about your long commutes. Collar suburbs are already infected with section I leaving city. Go out further then your get into pricey real estate. Getting rid of residency will have an immediate effect on city home prices. Expect a 20-25% fall in city values. Two reasons for that, one too many homes on the market at one time and now "nice safe areas" having changing demographics. Gonna be a lot of you upside down on your homes. Be careful what you wish for. Remember for every action there is an equal reaction, look closely before you leap.

1/04/2020 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you retired while the contract was expired, and your pension is based on a percentage (depending on your time on and age) of your pay then would this effect your pension check? I think it would. Something you have to think about especially if you still have a ways to go on this job. Because if they do this then they'll take more in the future. The city does not play nice.

1/04/2020 12:58:00 PM

Yes it does. They will readjust your pension payments.

1/04/2020 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sgts -LTS- -Captains union already agreed on their pay - so they will all be getting a retro

Yes, but we have “me too”
If you guys get more, then we get more .....and if you get less, then we get less

We did not receive any retro yet..

You must be a merit supervisor, you can’t get less.
Retro to be paid by end of 1st quarter, that’s 3.31.20 since you need the help.

1/04/2020 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exact when did the union do this before ? I’ve been on 27 years and I’ve gotten a retro check every time the contract was settled.


Two contracts ago, maybe three, the first two years were 0% and 0%. The contract was almost three years in arrears. Everyone got a tiny little retro check for the nine months outside of the 0% 0% and something like 3.75% raises on the back end. This is the exact same situation and Lightfoot could save herself a ton of retro by forcing zero percent raises on the FOP, meaning you worked the last two years at the exact same salary. If she got 0% for three years, there will be no retro. All your VRI CTA Special and Court is also at the zero percent raise meaning you've already been paid for it, nothing more coming.

1/04/2020 03:14:00 PM

You should go on the FOP website and look up past contracts and read them carefully. I’ve personally looked at the Wages section and there has never been 0% given, not even close. The lowest amount we’ve been given for a retro year is 2%. DONT know where u get ur info dude.

1/04/2020 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anything in the 2020 city budget offering the Retro pay. Would be a large line item close to 70-80 Million? If not there than you could be in trouble. If it is there you can figure out how much city is planning on settling on. Also if not there expect another round of tax increases to cover the Retro shortfall. The hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Will weed taxes cover It? No thought that was going to pensions or CPS. Your between the rock and a hard place.

1/04/2020 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If swiping isn’t the way you get paid (like the civilian time clock) why are you doing it?
1/04/2020 09:52:00 AM


1/04/2020 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is bullshit. If we can't strike and are at the mercy of the mayor on our contracts than why let them off the hook for not negotiating earlier ? I say you go the other direction and get retro and intrest on the money. The market is great , we lost alot of money !

1/04/2020 12:41:00 PM
No... CPD ranks are at the mercy of a FOP ,that has been in bed with Mayors since daley .. with FOP doing Zero for it's members

1/04/2020 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To swipe or not to swipe is the question of the day. Your absolutely right they can't fire you all, but they can........due just about anything else they want to you. Your Clown run FOP will not have your backs. The idea of one for and all foe one is a foreign concept to the majority of the CPD. More like I'm looking out for me screw the rest of you. Time and time again you have proved this how you roll.

1/04/2020 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18%???? Not a chance....LL

1/04/2020 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“We need more police on the streets” unless it’s an hour before your shift changes then screw it you’re going home. I’ve seen officers outside the radio room turn off their radios while an officer is screaming for more cars. The argument for no swiping boils down to not wanting to work a full tour and it is embarrassing

1/04/2020 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, I need a raise to keep up with my taxes! And try to keep my head above water!

1/04/2020 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So , theyre saying f*** all of the guys that have retired in the past 3 years??
No raise or retro check for them??? Hooray for me ? The 5 year wonder???
Bull s***, also no increase on your pension ??? It will never fly and should
be voted down immediatly!!!

1/04/2020 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey SCC....The CITY filed a motion in Court to keep the changing of hours for the Dept. effective next Thursay (new pay period)….The FOP and The City had an emergency court time with a judge to decide wether or not the City can change our time without negotiating it (FAIR LABOR PRACTICE). That was supposed to take place at 2pm on Wednesday..anyone hear on the ruling???
1/04/2020 07:11:00 AM

***FOP Rep has just related that the judge will make the decision on Wednesday.

1/04/2020 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I remember years ago when they tried putting a swipe machine in the auto dicks office on 11'th street. It lasted maybe two days before it was smashed by pissed off auto dicks.

1/04/2020 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most people are swiping, and will continue to swipe until told not too.

1/04/2020 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sgts -LTS- -Captains union already agreed on their pay - so they will all be getting a retro

Yes, but we have “me too”
If you guys get more, then we get more .....and if you get less, then we get less

We did not receive any retro

Incorrect! Me too for the supervisors does not work that way! Our (supervisors) wages and retro as negotiated can not be diminished by the FOP’s bargaining, only improved or stay the same.

1/04/2020 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP should bargain in the public and in the news media just like CTU Chicago Teachers Union did. CTU strengthen their cause by bargaining in the news media. FOP should maybe learn from the CTU and do the same. Bring your cause to the public and to the news media.

1/04/2020 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did i mention how STUPID Kevin Johnson look in the cannabis training video? He is just as stupid looking as this stupid video
Fucking PUPPET should not be in charge of the academy his dumb lying ass should be bust down to a inspector and Hanana should be forced to retire
Fat Eddie products

1/04/2020 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How can we get a Teamsters Union In here that will fight for us and not play buddy buddy with the city?

1/04/2020 10:21:00 AM

I got news for you. The Teamsters invented playing buddy buddy with the company. I was a Teamster before I came on the job. Talk about horse-trading. And besides, Teamsters are mafia influenced. Them representing law enforcement wouldn't look good, and they would end up colluding with the city to fuck us even worse.
What we need to do is hold FLOP's feet to the fire, literally, and wholesale vote them all out if we get screwed again. We also need to watch who at FLOP gets taken care of if we do get reamed, you know promotions for them or family members, sweet retirement gigs ect, ect. If anything appears hinky, hire legal counsel and sue FLOP for not fulfilling their fuduciary duties.
Negotiating squad cars in a contract. WTF, SMH.

1/04/2020 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Supposedly the word is Beck doesn’t like swiping cause it was a disaster in LA, and he doesn’t want it here. But if it’s Groots demand it’s here regardless. Also supposedly it will cost millions to initiate an effective working time and swipe system along with an outside entity to run it and maintain it.

1/04/2020 02:54:00 PM
You guys sound as if he is the next superintendent. He is just keeping the chair warm until the next one is appointed. Doesn't matter what he likes or dislikes about swiping and what occurred in L.A., he isn't going to make such a sweeping decision. Again, he is TEMPORARY and will only make decisions that he must. Escamilla came straight from Groot. Her and Ferguson are friends and Ferguson whined to her about the slap on the wrist Fat Tony got from the "Johnson." Ferguson was pissed big time about this. She told Beck dump him and he did. Would never have happened if her and Ole Joe weren't friends. Forget about him making any earth shattering decisions. Not gonna happen.

1/04/2020 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exact when did the union do this before ? I’ve been on 27 years and I’ve gotten a retro check every time the contract was settled.


Two contracts ago, maybe three, the first two years were 0% and 0%. The contract was almost three years in arrears. Everyone got a tiny little retro check for the nine months outside of the 0% 0% and something like 3.75% raises on the back end. This is the exact same situation and Lightfoot could save herself a ton of retro by forcing zero percent raises on the FOP, meaning you worked the last two years at the exact same salary. If she got 0% for three years, there will be no retro. All your VRI CTA Special and Court is also at the zero percent raise meaning you've already been paid for it, nothing more coming.

This never happened Don’t know where he pulled it from , but I have an idea. Never got 0 and 0 in a contract. Rather than try and blow smoke up peoples a. Would have been easy to find out. Very simple available to everybody. Go to FOP lodge 7 website. They have not only the last 2, but the last 4 contracts in their entirety going back to 1999 They list the % raises each year of the contract. Very easy to check, but why do that.

1/04/2020 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Force Review soon to be looking into swiping non-compliance. Don’t say you weren’t warned. 

-member of force review.

This is coming from Forest Review? Why, because we are being forced to swipe? My God you people have a vivid imagination!

1/04/2020 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT: a couple of days ago I asked in another thread “how the FOP board could vote themselves a raise in the middle of their term?” I’ve asked Kevin Graham for a copy of the Board meeting minutes and if there was a roll call vote. He has blown me off twice. He and his vice presidents are the biggest bunch of do nothings I have ever met.

To all of our FOP members if you know who’s wet dream this was please post the names. Who made the motion to go forward on this? Who voted for it? I would ask everyone who sees these people at roll calls to ask did you vote yourself a raise? Use the inside cover of the book to keep score and please post their names. My dad helped form this union and he has to be rolling in his grave.

The only place the should be swiping is FOP HQ.
1/04/2020 06:06:00


The pay raise was first proposed by Rick King then Daniel Trevivo. The vote was not unanimous. It didn’t pass by a lot. There are three of four people who I do not know how they voted. I too want all the roll call vote results. I have also asked for the minutes to the meeting at which the vote was taken and have also been put off. What disturbs me more is the full timers at FOP taking the stipend on top of their salary.

1/04/2020 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP should learn a page from CTU and bargain in public and in the news media as CTU did to strengthen its cause in negotiations.

1/04/2020 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...Lori has floated the idea to the union of a 18% raise over 5 years but it’s back loaded as 9% over the last two years so no retro, in return swiping is dead. This is going to be part of the arbitrators decision. Hope you young guys didn’t spend your retro checks ye

This is just a bitter old guy trying to stir up the crap. Absolutely nothing in the comment makes sense. Surprised he didn’t add the usual motorcycle and Jeep criticism

1/04/2020 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Are you trying to say - 5 year contract 18% raise — back loaded to be a 9% raise in year 4 and a 9% raise in year 5?
So year 1 = 0%
Year 2= 0%
Year 3= 0%
Year 4= 9%
Year 5= 9%

1/04/2020 10:09:00 AM

That’s what the softball said. First, there’s no way in hell Lightfoot is giving the entire CPD an 18% raise. She just gave a domesday speech about Chicago’s finances. Second, no percentage over the first 3 years would be terrible to anyone who retired or is about to retire regarding their pension. the supervisors agreed on 10% why would she then pay them 18%? It’s going to arbitration. Everyone better vote for Kevin Graham or we’re really going to get screwed. He’s the only president that stands his ground.

1/04/2020 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is finding out that most of the claims about coppers stealing time were be. Also this system costs a ton of money and paperwork due to failures in the system.

1/04/2020 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*uck these news conferences Wally and Kato...they can see the news...let's work on protecting our Officers we don't owe the public sh*t. They can hear about it later or just buy the Daily News...

RWS 012

1/04/2020 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His last sentence gave this bs comment away. Had any of this been true, the commentator would have just offered the info. No, couldn’t do that but had to throw the last jab about the young guys. Why even bring that in?

1/04/2020 11:22:00 AM

You're absolutely right. But he has to sell his bullshit.

1/04/2020 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quit your crying about the OT in 012, the Sgts try to make it fair as possible for everyone to get a day or 2. You guys with a lot of time on work a lot of VRI as it is. How much god damn money do you greedy asses need? PPOS don't get duty availability until 42 months so quit bitching about the Sgts spreading the wealth around. I swear some of the biggest haters you'll ever have are the people who are supposed to have your back. Signed, your fellow 012th district 3rd watch officer.

1/04/2020 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT. .. 012 District 3rd Watch, Sgt. L apparently continues to handpick people who sign up for overtime initiative extension of tour based on his OWN grid made up system. NOT by seniority like 2nd Watch or 1st Watch because it makes SENSE but by his OWN handpick system without realizing that he is creating such a grey area of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or what not. He’s even picked PPO’s to work... Whispering voices claiming they didn’t get the OT or people don’t sign up because of fear they might not get picked because he doesn’t like certain people. With a new interim Superintendent and Mayor isn’t this nonsense suppose to or at least should stop?

Sgt L loves himself and loves to kiss the bosses ass. So of course he’s going to hand pick the ones who kiss his ass.

1/04/2020 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot is going to use the media and social media to bargain, just like she did with the teachers. Step it up FOP!!

1/04/2020 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If FOP gave up our retro, they ll be right where shields is now. These tards are going to stretch this out past FOP election. Look at all the in fighting going on now?? It’s embarrassing. Do you jobs FOOLS!!

1/04/2020 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly I don’t give F. Gone soon. Tired of all those bs, city and state. Will distance myself from it forever soon.

1/04/2020 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of d unit supervisors that were never detectives
They are USELESS!

1/04/2020 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are at the mercy of our own lack of unity. By law we can't strike but we can use our discretion for a month and give everyone a play. No revenue generating activity, no proactive arrests, just keep the holes warm. One month of that and the teacher's strike will look like a recess. But instead we would rather bitch about what others are trying to get. You want an answer, this is it.

1/04/2020 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL the FOP board voted themselves a raise and will not show the members the voting results, sounds like a Teamsters trick to me. See Hoffa, is not dead after all, he is coaching the FOP board. Why anyone is still allowing the FOP to rob your every check is beyond comprehension. You can stop the automatic deduction legally. What in the hell are you all waiting for. They are stealing your money.

1/04/2020 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pay raise was first proposed by Rick King then Daniel Trevivo. The vote was not unanimous. It didn’t pass by a lot. There are three of four people who I do not know how they voted. I too want all the roll call vote results. I have also asked for the minutes to the meeting at which the vote was taken and have also been put off. What disturbs me more is the full timers at FOP taking the stipend on top of their salary.

1/04/2020 08:20:00 PM

but it passed.
maybe not unanimously, but it still passed.

Looks like some people need to be voted OUT.

1/04/2020 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let Force Review look nothing they can do to the whole force. United you stand divided your dead meat.

1/04/2020 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where do you get this stuff?
The retro check is not a bonus or a gift. It's YOUR DAMNED MONEY!!! If the union gives away your money over a raise that an arbitrator would likely meet anyway then we should join the frick Food Employees Union!

If the FOP negotiates or is saddled with 0%, 0% for the first two years or god forbid 3 years, guess what?


Don't laugh kid, they've done it before.

Only remember one time where we got our OT for the pay, but not on our CU hours earned

1/04/2020 12:29:00 PM

Ye, it's YOUR RETRO, but remember this-
It's the City's INTEREST on YOUR RETRO!

While YOUR RETRO money is sitting in a bank, it's collecting INTEREST MONEY that the City gets to collect.

The FOP needs to go after Interest Earned on the Retro!

1/04/2020 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sitting Democratic Machine CITY JUDGE is going to rule against the city. Yea right! Enjoy the new schedule boys and girls and whatever else there might be out there.

1/04/2020 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you all worried as much about doing a good job instead of your contract the city would be crime free. Stop all the moaning and do something about it. Throw out the FOP leaders ASAP. Stop paying your dues, it is legal to do that you know the SCOTUS ruled on it. They secretly vote themselves a raise and you all just sit there, those POS work for you make earn their money. Your being had like a bad internet scam.

1/04/2020 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supervisor unions got 13.5%

1/04/2020 10:36:00 PM  

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