Tuesday, February 25, 2020

PAR Forms Flying

You can tell a lot about what a failure an appointed commander is when the PAR forms start flying around the District to leave. You'd think that downtown would notice this and maybe start asking questions like, "What is it about this particular District that is making everyone want to leave?" It's not a difficult management tool, but then again, seeing how many tools we have in charge, they probably don't even think of it that way.

Take 025 for example. If someone at Personnel had alerted higher-ups about the PAR forms coming out of that place, maybe someone would have looked into what Escamerit was doing and prevented a couple of scandals. Or 015 when Cato was in charge. Or the current disaster in the making:
  • SCC, I work at HQ and all of us were amazed at the number of PAR forms coming out of 011 this past period. Over forty PO's, nearly a dozen sergeants and two lieutenants. What the hell is going on over on the west side?
We don't know....except for the current six-year run at the top of the homicide chart. And they're leading this year again. It doesn't seem to affect any of the bosses though who all seem to get promoted even after failing again and again. Oh, and the new multiple "merit" captain is reducing weekend time due to 10% instead of 15%. Why stick around that shithole?

Maybe everyone is getting burned out finally.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commander Spencer is a Coo coo dumb bird

2/25/2020 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect a MASS exodus from Area 3 (North) due to goofball Cesario.
Apparently he has cut OT in 2019 by 45%, now this guy is trying to outdo himself in 2020, he had the LT send an email to all SGTs scolding them for OT approvals.

Cesario recently DENIED overtime to 2 dicks who were going to interview two eyeball witnesses to a HOMICIDE and is now requiring all detectives to write HIM a to from if they want even an hour of OT and that every single hour of OT will be approved by him.

Apparently homicide investigations take the back burner all in favor of saving $$$$, you listening Lori? Please send this goof back to OEMC to be in charge of the broom closet.

2/25/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noone cared when everyone left 005 because of CW or 007 because of Capt Rozelle . NOone cares

2/25/2020 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the benefit working theses ghetto shit areas? Youre micromanaged to the fucking teeth. Not the Sgt’s fault, that’s how shits designed now. You get no fucking plays, more days off cancelled, see more death and injuries, likely hood of getting injured is greatly increased, you get mother fucked on a daily bases, chance of getting sued or investigated is greatly increased, the shit criminal sub cultural element is never called out for their crime.....it’s just the polices fault, and mix that in with some incompetent bosses, and I have a hard time understanding why anyone would stay. CPD needs to really be revamped from the top down.

2/25/2020 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

35th could care less about any of the people working in the districts or who wants to move around. I seen this many of times in my career. Very sad for the people unhappy and miserable.

2/25/2020 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyone hit the medical

2/25/2020 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t work there nor would I want to!!

Was there for branch court and seen the boys as girls walking through the halls. Looked like the opening scene from Joe versus the volcano when Tom Hanks was in a dark and shitty office building with flickering halogen lights. POs looking pale...guys from my academy class with their face sunken in...stress of the job weighing heavy on their faces. I couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of there!!!!

Fuck the cowboy running and gunning shit!! Ribbons and medallions will do your widow no good!!! Why be there?? You’re either going to get hurt chasing a guy or get caught by an FNG crossing an intersection blindly going to a dumb call. FUCK!!!!

Keep your heads up brothers and sisters! Get home safe and fill out those PAR forms. Your health is way more important and your family will thank you for it.

2/25/2020 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Elf on the Shelf Sgt should get on the case

2/25/2020 12:37:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

What’s old is new again.

Who here recalls the Great Sergeant Exodus from 011, circa 1992-93?

One ignorant, militant DC by the name of Nate ‘The Snake’ Gibson being the catalyst behind +/- a dozen good sergeants bailing for greener pastures.

Ricky Young, Phil Greco, Dave Catalano, George Zotto, Marty Barrett - just to name a few that immediately come to mind. Sergeants that were good men and fair, competent supervisors who treated this Austin transplant like family when I got my marching orders. I vividly recall the plaque in the sergeants office downstairs that proudly listed all the sergeants who were successful bidders out of that shithole.

That asshole Gibson also ran out countless good patrolmen who opted to drop that PAR form rather than suffer the whims and fancies of a racist bastard. It’s been nearly 30 years ... I pray all mentioned and thought about while constructing this post are well.

2/25/2020 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't care, plain and simple. The people in charge know when the par forms are flying. They respond to this by claiming that the DC is making the police in the dist. work and the malcontents are leaving. The new sheriff in town bullshit to justify ignoring a serious problem and they know it's bull. Losing to many with bids, send recruits. That's the thinking. Always was, still is.

2/25/2020 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired now, but back in my day, I worked in quite a few districts, and I always felt the safest when I was assigned to 011. Every hot call I ever responded to, there were always other cars there, it was a given. Yes, it was a serious hazard tour every night I worked there, but the camaraderie and backup was always second to nowhere else.
I have no idea what it's like out there today, but I know we have a different breed of officer out there on the streets today, one who is more unsure of themselves than we were back in my time. I also see that these newer officers are tearing up squads at a rate unseen from my time on the streets, and I don't exactly know why. Maybe the job needs to spend more time with the pups in defensive driving classes, or maybe the officers driving these squads today need to also put down their phones and just drive.

2/25/2020 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good with that guys... sounds like hell over there.. retiree 2014👍

2/25/2020 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Coppers in 011 are tired
of being beaten like rented mules?

The days of fair/square bosses like Dahlberg, Lendino,
"The Hat" and Mulligan are never to be seen again.

011 was ALWAYS a shit hole but they at least
tried to make it bearable.

All hail "The Blue Hoody Police!"

(Running joke. If you weren't there, you wouldn't get it.)

2/25/2020 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ought to see how bugged up is at Area North.

2/25/2020 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First- You're in a District
Second- You're in a Shitty District that NO ONE CARES ABOUT.

So, no one cares about YOU. You're just a number. An ass filling a seat in a beat car.

Don't think things will be any different in 015, 007, 003, 005.

I hate to break it to you, but those are the facts. I'm not slamming P/O's, Sgt's or Lt's that work there, and there's some great people that do work there. But if they (the Department) cared about you, you would be in a better place.

I learned this the hard way years ago in 005 when Cynthia White fucked that place up.
There were 60 - 70 PAR Forms a period to get out of there. Coppers were jumping ship to go to places like 003! When asked, a Boss at 35th St said "Well, we can't demote her, and we got to put that idiot somewhere. It's NOT going to be 022, 004, 008, 009, 001 or 018; too many coppers live there, too many political heavy-weights."

In the end, yes, it WOULD be smarter, or more prudent to dump or transfer ONE idiot, (regardless of rank) to be in-charge of a broom closet at 35th Street that deal with 20, 30, 40, 50 PAR Forms. But that's not the way things work.

Whoever that one person is, is a boss for a reason. Heaven forbid we dump that person and make them (and THEIR juice) look bad.

And at the end of the day, it's 011. Who fucking cares?!?
I want you to think about that before some 511 pants & Grunt Style Tshirt wearing, bearded super-cop has a melt down.

Think about all the money, all the manpower, all the resources, the outside units, the Fed's that have been in and out of there in the past 5 (7, 10, 15, 20+) years...

What's changed?
NOTHING! Not one fuckin' thing!

If someone really gave a fuck, 011 would look like Mayberry by now.

So don't be afraid, don't let your ego get in the way, put that PAR form in. Go to somewhere different, somewhere better. Don't be afraid of change. Feel what it's like to be appreciated by the community for a little while.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence!

2/25/2020 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are lucky enough to be 50 years old with 20 years just get out. Hopefully there will still be a pension for you. The city is toast!

2/25/2020 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8 PARS out of 019 tact! Unfortunately only 3 made it. These were to get out of the district, not just to get off tact! Way to go Sperma Kane and Big Papa ! Does anyone get it? We’re done! Treat us fairly, all we ask

2/25/2020 02:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s the point of staying in 011? The commander and kato’s answer to everything is a post or mission. Sit on this post, drive around a small box, get out and do foot patrol, keep your blue lights activated at all times, etc... Event numbers, event numbers, event numbers. Spencer would rather be in a backlog or RAP than have cars up and answering jobs. Not to mention all the hospital details that arrestees and POs need. Accidents, accidents, accidents. And this is just the cold months. Just wait until it gets warm and the animals really come out. The few non-fixed post/detail cars are left to defend the district. In the summer far too few cars just herd the animals like cattle as they move from block to block to block invading whatever they feel like. This goes on until they get tired and eventually disperse as the sun rises.

Now there are also the young coppers who think it is 20 hrs ago. Young coppers love being a “Fillmore Ranger”. They get to run and gun. With hardly any old timers left to help, advise, guide the young kids, they are left to figure things out by themselves. “That’s how I did it last time” “that’s how tac does it” “that’s the way we do it in 011” are all common phrases. They are doomed.

Supervisors get worn down by all the stupidity, long hours, isrs, trrs , spars, crash reports, iods, exposure reports, request for supervisors, two and three page logs, etc. Why should they stay? Why would they stay?

Then there’s the horrible and old building. The place is falling apart, every thing is broken, and people are crammed in any open space available. The grass IS greener in almost any other district in the city. PAR forms submitted!

2/25/2020 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sucks. It’s unfortunate. I love most of the coppers in 011, old and younger. I’ve always gotten along with everyone, I enjoyed going to work. Yah, 011 is a murderous shit hole, but we had good sergeants and lieutenants. It made working in this shit hole tolerable and even times fun if for no other reason than seeing everyone and having laughs. Past few years? Awful. Many of the good sergeants are all gone, the few good lieutenants have moved on, and we are stuck with Spencer and this fucking dill hole merit house mouse know nothing McKenzie as a captain who cant stop sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. There’s still some good sergeants, but we have a large amount of straight up jagoffs who you can tell dont know what’s going on. The supervisors and bosses have ruined any small amount of fun that was to be had. For those of us that didn’t have the juice to be in a cushy spot, we know how valuable a good sergeant or boss is in a ghetto district. And that same group of us also know how miserable a bad sergeant or boss can make things. Unfortunately, 011 is filled with them now. May god bless the boys and girls of 011, try to have fun with your fellow officers, hopefully better days are to come. Remember at the end of the day, this is just a job.

2/25/2020 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just look at this dept. Beck takes escamerit supposedly demotes him to an inspector? A boss who for his whole career breaks rules, taken out of 011 in cuffs and is now in charge of enforcing rules? Only the best and brightest merit promotions! Only in shitago!

2/25/2020 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area south SVU pars flying to. Whole section of SVU getting slammed bc of one dog and even funnier no punishment for him, go figure. Area 4 might just get filled with bids maybe that’s the plan.

2/25/2020 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the 011 Captain? With 95% of all exempts having multiple merit promotions it hard keeping score. Oh and Waller says "be proud of your merit promotions. Own it I have 3 of them"

2/25/2020 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is how it should be every bid opening. There’s no reason to be in 011 unless you have some westside, inside do nothing spot like secretary or SDSC officer. Even working the desk is no longer coveted with all the walk-ins and reality that you’re a target for the next mentally ill gunman walking in.

2/25/2020 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area North

2/25/2020 05:41:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

The era of the Fillmore Ranger is long past.

2/25/2020 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"E-O Eleven"

2/25/2020 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would they not want to leave 011, regardless of who the commander is?

Zero benefit to staying in any ghetto district in the current political environment.

Every officer in 011 and the rest of the “community” districts should submit a PAR form monthly until they escape.

2/25/2020 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commander of 25th district took his 2 piece spicy with him and she’s shitting on his admin crew

2/25/2020 06:13:00 AM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

We are either too dumb to bid out or complacent in that we can code out our jobs and do the least amount of work. I speak for most of 2nd watch and we are dog ass lazy yet there is nothing that can be done to us.

2/25/2020 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AH, Phil Greco, class act. By far one of the most decent people I ever met.

2/25/2020 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things will get better with the merit hack being promoted to captain.

2/25/2020 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HQ actually does take notice. CKS got moved out of 002 after multiple periods of departures. The problem is it took over a 100 sworn to leave. HQ will let it slide if its only a period or two of PARS. CPD is always slow to react when the clouted are involved. HQ will think its just a few malcontents and some vets just finally moving on at first.

2/25/2020 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If true this is a contractual issue, fop rep should be involved and grievance filed!

2/25/2020 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nate still Sucks!


2/25/2020 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well all the new kids on this job all want to go work in 001,018,012 or 019. They have no clue about the rest of the city because they are not from here. They don’t want to actually be the police and they don’t want to work in the ghetto. Coming out of the academy we prayed we got a fast district. Times and these idiots coming on this job now have changed.

2/25/2020 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous democRAT for LIFE! said...


That was SERGEANT JOHN ZOTTO #1737 RETIRED. Yes, I remember them all also.

2/25/2020 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...and I always felt the safest when I was assigned to 011. Every hot call I ever responded to, there were always other cars there, it was a given. Yes, it was a serious hazard tour every night I worked there, but the camaraderie and backup was always second to nowhere else."

Coming from an old timer who's still here, 011 is still the way you recall, that's why many of us stay. Yes we're crazy for staying here but don't think I could go police "normal" people in "nice" areas.

2/25/2020 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd contribute some more, but those previous posts written by people in 011 pretty much sum it up.

2/25/2020 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

011 is a great place to serve your apprenticeship, then get out of dodge! You learn quick there and the bosses in other districts appreciate your experience. Or should I say, they used to. Good times back in the day, than you get assholes like “give ‘em a day” Nate Gibson and it all went south. I believe it was totally by design. What was the name of the boss who told everyone to lock up anyone who commits a crime and he will take care of the beefs? We all actually reduced crime in that shit hole and he wouldn’t even put everyone in for an award. He ended up working for the county....

2/25/2020 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daddy once told me " Bosses are like clouds, workers are like the ground.. the workers stay and the bosses, like clouds, come & go and keep changing"
Many of us survived many horrible bosses in 011 and I learned not to jump ship JUST because of a boss, they'll be gone sooner than later. Saw it here in 011 when Glen Evans was commander. Came in, tried to shake things up, stepped on alot of toes and caused many sgts to leave 011...guess what? He got in deep shit shortly after and wasn't our problem anymore. Same thing will happen again.
It really doesn't matter who's in charge of 011. The "011th district way" of being the police, the way that we used to do, that worked, that had Joe nervous when you drove by, is DEAD. COPA, ACLU, etc have put an end to it. You could put the most loved boss in charge and it still doesn't pay to stick our necks out to be the next lawsuit, YouTube star or COPA target. That will not change with a change in bosses. We are stuck in 011 doing more with less. Sending ppo's isn't the answer. Cancelling time due definitely is not the answer. One of the ONLY perks of ever being in 011 was easy time off. You take that away and you will not be motivating anybody. Alot wrong in 011 but not much Spencer has to do with.

2/25/2020 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah blah, crime, shootings, morale, blah blah... But are all the officers clean shaven and in possession of a bump card?!?! THAT is THE important issue to focus on whilst trying to boost morale and bring down numbers.

2/25/2020 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats easy to answer its Commander Fix Post Spencer

2/25/2020 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost rooting for Spencer to finally get promoted. That stupid fuck made 011 unbearable.

2/25/2020 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do any of you "Why would you work and stay in 011?!" Officers ever consider that it's easier to police an area where you assume most people don't want you?? Easier to blow off jobs, Easier to code jobs when today's victim is yesterday's or tomorrows offender. Easier to not give a shit overall. Working in a nice area you have legitimate victims and crimes, forcing you to give it your fullest...which can still get you jammed up. They give you a fuck you look, you give it right back to them. Also, anyone who has worked in the ghetto knows if you "wait long enough" to go to jobs, they usually take care of themselves. It's more like babysitting or zookeeping than doing actual police work. Granted, your odds of shootings etc. are higher, but see the "wait long enough" part above... Give the service the community deserves and this community generally hates the police, so it's an easy nobrainer.

2/25/2020 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change is a good thing. Makes life interesting. Meet new friends. See new sites.

2/25/2020 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know why Spencer doesn't call for reinforcements from outside units etc. Instead of stressing that beat cars , you know the ones answering job after job in a perpetual RAP, get arrests. You have a few tact teams out there, 1106 teams, 4-5 guys go in on a 1 body laughable few bagger arrest, they call for a transport which holds down another beat car. Guy hits lockup says he's sick...another beat car for hospital transport, taking ANOTHER car off the street. Make teams and units sit on their own sick prisoners (but since Spencer is a unit guy, we know where his loyalties lie) So many ways to tweak 011 to make it more efficient and possibly successful. Why are so many officers in the schools? You're perpetually short officers and the answer is to restrict time due?? Funny how some of the best bosses (in recent memory) like Bartolli, had the best uptick in numbers and morale, but as ALWAYS with the best, well liked bosses, they don't stay in 011 too long.
We have Saturation teams lurking in 011 all the time and all they do is longform suspended drivers and make more work for our lockup. Make all these SAT teams, bike teams, gang/gun teams come to 011. Make THEM accountable for numbers if you want them to justify their existence. Beat cars should not be getting narcotics calls. Send narcotics officers. Beat cars shouldn't be getting gun calls. Send a gun team. Trying to do more with less in 011 while all the specialized units and teams come & play without being held accountable in any way. Maybe time to create a "hazzard" or "combat" pay incentive to get more bodies into 011!

2/25/2020 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m not sure how you can call the bosses failures although I agree
Many many of today’s bosses cannot hold a candle to the ones
That we had 20 years ago but the truth is this cities politics and the continuous
Action of blaming the police and the handcuffs that they’ve put on us
The fucking 11th district is never going to see better days it will always
Be a shit hole
No matter how much bullshit you try to explain away with personal problems
And no matter how big a jag off the bus is there try to be to the PO’s
It’s never going to get better

2/25/2020 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two names. Spencer and Dari. There's your two reasons for the par forms.

2/25/2020 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been retired for some time now, but I remember back in the 70s a North side district had such a bad watch commander that after roll call they refused to hit the street. They had to get a First Deputy over there to straighten things out. Wish I could remember the Captains name, but if I recall he had a son that was just like him.

2/25/2020 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word of the day in Area North is SUSPEND.

2/25/2020 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area North (Soon to be Area 3) will lose a lot of great detectives because of their Commander. Looks like Area 4 and Area 5 will get the Area North dicks with a lot of experience and institutional knowledge when the bids open up in March. But like always, their tool of a commander will get promoted down the road.

2/25/2020 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad to say, but the P.O'S working in the busy Districts, get treated like shit from the citizens that live there, to the Bosses that work there. Granted some bosses do the best they can, too look out for the troops, however if crime numbers go up the bosses get scared. I never understood why the Department, from the top down, caters to the politicians. Why can't the bosses take the politician play book and turn it on them. Look the Politician, as well as the Clergy, right in their eyes, looking like you are concerned with what they are saying ,reassure them everything will be taken care of, go back to work and do what you know as a Police Officer needs to be done, to make the City and the good citizens that live there safe. I'm sorry, perhaps that's the problem. Too many Police personal, who have never worked the streets, who worked inside as secretaries become merit bosses. Sad Very Sad.

2/25/2020 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once these bid forms in the Detective Division come out Friday, they’ll see that the coveted Area 3 will have to be back filled. Commander Rocco has his sergeants so scared to send detectives out in fear of them getting any sort of OT, that they’re holding Murders and Agg Batts for 2-3 hours to wait for the next shift to come on. Aren’t they opening area 4 and 5 for faster response times by detectives??? There’s no incentive to be thorough anymore. After 2-3 hours there will be nobody left to interview. That’s not how you run an investigation. That’s not how you raise your clearances. Just sayin’!!!

2/25/2020 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of good departments hiring laterals right now.

2/25/2020 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Expect a MASS exodus from Area 3 (North) due to goofball Cesario.
Apparently he has cut OT in 2019 by 45%, now this guy is trying to outdo himself in 2020, he had the LT send an email to all SGTs scolding them for OT approvals.

Cesario recently DENIED overtime to 2 dicks who were going to interview two eyeball witnesses to a HOMICIDE and is now requiring all detectives to write HIM a to from if they want even an hour of OT and that every single hour of OT will be approved by him.

Apparently homicide investigations take the back burner all in favor of saving $$$$, you listening Lori? Please send this goof back to OEMC to be in charge of the broom closet.

2/25/2020 12:07:00 AM

Boo hoo. The dics couldn’t tell you the difference between their asshole and elbow, let alone piece together enough information to solve a homicide. It’s about time the OT is cut for these slugs. Now we can scratch it for the weed arrests from tac, hype buy busts from narcotics, and we’ll be getting somewhere.

2/25/2020 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Sgt. Exodus .... Adding; Guy DeSalvo and Michelle Owens too?..... Stay strong 011. "The Hat."

2/25/2020 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just don’t crash our fucking cars when you make the bids out of 011 because you’ve destroyed all of their cars.

2/25/2020 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

35th could care less about any of the people working in the districts or who wants to move around. I seen this many of times in my career. Very sad for the people unhappy and miserable.

2/25/2020 12:22:00 AM
Bingo simple and to the point! Get it through your heads young chargers, the jacked up $70,000 jeeps are just not worth it! They don't care your family matters, never forget we have a great medical time off thanks to the bastardized union, use it!

2/25/2020 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why to my dying day I'll always say that Special Ed was the worst Stuperintendent we've ever had. It's been said that it doesn't matter who our Supernintendo is because it doesn't affect you. I learned the hard way that that's not true with Ed protecting that piece of shit Escamerit. When Escamerit made the news for pissing off the ACLU, Navarro wanted to demote him and retard Ed refused. Thanks a lot fuck head. With it being obvious all the people bidding out of 025, you'd think Anthony would be brought into the office and told to quit acting like a retard. Nope. As long as the numbers were good for him, (thanks to the vri quota) no one said shit to him.

Soon as Ed gets fired, Beck demoted Anthony. The mayor and Beck play it off like it's his own decision but I know better. She just doesn't want any of Anthony's chinamen calling her and complaining because Anthony doesn't have a pot to piss in now. Who's Escamerit's clout? I've heard everyone from Burke, to Tony's stepdad being tight with Madigan. He sure sucked off Aldercreature Roybozo while he was the Commander of 025.

Hi Anthony! We all know that you read the blog and that the gals in the CAPS office say that you are hung like a cashew. Fuck you, fuck Ed, and fuck your clout!

2/25/2020 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol at the guy who said it was safer to work in 011. Why would anyone in their right mind want to work in 011 or anywhere else in the city for that matter. What is the point? Ungrateful community that hasn’t changed in 50-60 years, great possibility of getting sued, great possibility of getting injured especially in a car accident, burn out in 3 years. Someone tell me please what the great part of working the west side is? CPD has horrible pay too. Come to the suburbs where you top out in 3 years making 100,000 working zero overtime!

2/25/2020 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They probably want to leave because of all the car accidents!

2/25/2020 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that back when he was a civilian working at a gas station, Escamerit saved some detective that was getting beat on by a criminal. Escamerit ran up and shot the guy. Fake news or real? If true, it must have been covered up otherwise the self serving Escamerit would have bragged about what a hero he is non stop

2/25/2020 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone gets a gold star and guess what? They are more important than you are in the eyes of fellow members of the gold star giant pension club. Bid out, go ahead, good luck in your new unit! They don't give a fuck. I just left after 33 yrs. I liked being the police but eventually they broke me. One shit boss after another was just to much. Incompetents that got promoted thur a bastardized merit system that is used as a monetary reward for who you know, who you are related to or to keep your mouth shut. I saw the light. I started to keep my head down and do what was required but no more than that. Well I got my modest pension. I have my family and friends. I'm working on my health. And none of those incompetent merit hacks will ever darken my life again. This post was my last. On to a normal life! While armed of course.

2/25/2020 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Area south SVU pars flying to. Whole section of SVU getting slammed bc of one dog and even funnier no punishment for him, go figure. Area 4 might just get filled with bids maybe that’s the plan.

2/25/2020 04:29:00 AM

What PAR forms??? There are no openings for detectives to bid yet you douche. Areas 4 and 5 bids aren’t out yet. You’re obviously full of shit.

2/25/2020 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it's not that bad. They painted the walls, remodeling 2nd floor, commander got his offices remodeled, district got a new front desk. So you see it's all good.
What's not good is regular coppers can't find a working computer to save their lives. Maybe 5 computers work in all those processing rooms. For a district that does so many arrests and write so many papers, you think they would spend few bucks on a god damn computer to help them do their job. But no, remodeling his office is top priority, fuck the blue shirt coppers.
Good for them, get out as fast as you can. Glad I got out of that shit hole. Miss the people, bot the bosses and the district.

2/25/2020 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Been retired for some time now, but I remember back in the 70s a North side district had such a bad watch commander that after roll call they refused to hit the street. They had to get a First Deputy over there to straighten things out. Wish I could remember the Captains name, but if I recall he had a son that was just like him.

2/25/2020 10:37:00 AM

I believe that happened in 020 back when that district was actually busy. Captain Tasch maybe? The son was a Captain in 025 on days when I was there. Hard to believe but they said his dad was even worse then him.

2/25/2020 05:05:00 PM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

2/25/2020 08:54:00 AM

I stand corrected and my apologies to JOHN Zotto. Had a flood of old names and faces running through my mind last night, crossed up a few of them as it’s been many years since I successfully left 011 due to making Dick.

That said, do you remember when that asshole Gibson had detectives vehicles towed from Harrison right out in front of the building? Then wondering why detectives weren’t showing up to homicides. Total jagbag, he was (is?).

Like the old-timers told me when I started: “30 years of vaudeville and a pension, kid”. It’s a crying shame just how far this job has sunk.

2/25/2020 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#Ho Ho Sabih Khan Got To Go

2/25/2020 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s old is new again.

Who here recalls the Great Sergeant Exodus from 011, circa 1992-93?

One ignorant, militant DC by the name of Nate ‘The Snake’ Gibson being the catalyst behind +/- a dozen good sergeants bailing for greener pastures.

Ricky Young, Phil Greco, Dave Catalano, George Zotto, Marty Barrett - just to name a few that immediately come to mind. Sergeants that were good men and fair, competent supervisors who treated this Austin transplant like family when I got my marching orders. I vividly recall the plaque in the sergeants office downstairs that proudly listed all the sergeants who were successful bidders out of that shithole.

That asshole Gibson also ran out countless good patrolmen who opted to drop that PAR form rather than suffer the whims and fancies of a racist bastard. It’s been nearly 30 years ... I pray all mentioned and thought about while constructing this post are well.

2/25/2020 01:07:00 AM

that pos did the same to 005 in 99

2/25/2020 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Submit a PAR for the asshat. The resulting inquiry from the forged par might be enough to trigger a "Lost Confidence in your ability to command" review and a promotion to that broom closet @ 35th st.

2/25/2020 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't really need a shitty boss or two to wanna leave 011. With all due respect to other shitty districts and their shittiness, i.e. 007, 015, 006, 003 etc, 011 is the absolute shittiest place to work in terms of crime and conditions. Been there, done that. And now with all the oversight and bullshit going on, it's even worse. I can't blame anyone for wanting to get out of that hopeless shit hole.

2/25/2020 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't really need a shitty boss or two to wanna leave 011. With all due respect to other shitty districts and their shittiness, i.e. 007, 015, 006, 003 etc, 011 is the absolute shittiest place to work in terms of crime and conditions. Been there, done that. And now with all the oversight and bullshit going on, it's even worse. I can't blame anyone for wanting to get out of that hopeless shit hole.

2/25/2020 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go back and look at successful bidders for the last year and a half. Been about 11 to 12 years on to move on to greener pastures, so to speak. The opportunity is there if one takes the initiative.

2/25/2020 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lots of good departments hiring laterals right now."

Yah, I'm sure they are. Enticing you with promises of the land of milk and honey. Until you piss off the chief, or the mayor, or someone else with power in the small town. Our superintendent,mayor, heck even some of our own district bosses don't know who I am and I like it that way. If shit goes bad I can transfer anywhere else within the city. Try that in a smaller suburban dept. You piss off the wrong person & they will make your career miserable. Promotions? Good luck unseating that 40 year old chief who was just appointed.. he'll be there for the next 25 years. I know people in many burbs. depts and it's always the same. Oh wow! They make so much money and top out early!...btw... "no overtime" until they NEED you to work overtime, then you better play ball. Sorry, we need you to work an extra 4 hours and come in early tomorrow, we're short. You'll also be doing EVERYTHING from beginning to end on your arrest, by yourself. What's that? NO DUI'S this month?? Well we can't have any of that! Bring those numbers up! You ARE a team player right?
No thanks. Grass always sounds greener elsewhere. I like how dysfunctional CPD is. Lets us get away with more shit vs suburban depts.

2/25/2020 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Someone tell me please what the great part of working the west side is?"

One of the last places you can still do police work if you want to. As anti police as society is, you can still get away with shit there. We have to be more careful, watch what we do with cameras everywhere, but can still have loads of fun. Your post is ragging on CPD and sounds like a shitty recruiting attempt for a burb. dept.. I guess between writing soccer moms movers for turning on red before 7pm and hassling teens for skateboarding at the mall, you found some time to criticize that which you don't understand.

2/25/2020 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Great Sgt. Exodus .... Adding; Guy DeSalvo and Michelle Owens too?
..... Stay strong 011. "The Hat."

2/25/2020 12:15:00 PM


Hiya "Hat!"

Hope retirement is treating you well good sir!

2/25/2020 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lots of good departments hiring laterals right now."

Yah, I'm sure they are. Enticing you with promises of the land of milk and honey. Until you piss off the chief, or the mayor, or someone else with power in the small town. Our superintendent,mayor, heck even some of our own district bosses don't know who I am and I like it that way. If shit goes bad I can transfer anywhere else within the city. Try that in a smaller suburban dept. You piss off the wrong person & they will make your career miserable. Promotions? Good luck unseating that 40 year old chief who was just appointed.. he'll be there for the next 25 years. I know people in many burbs. depts and it's always the same. Oh wow! They make so much money and top out early!...btw... "no overtime" until they NEED you to work overtime, then you better play ball. Sorry, we need you to work an extra 4 hours and come in early tomorrow, we're short. You'll also be doing EVERYTHING from beginning to end on your arrest, by yourself. What's that? NO DUI'S this month?? Well we can't have any of that! Bring those numbers up! You ARE a team player right?
No thanks. Grass always sounds greener elsewhere. I like how dysfunctional CPD is. Lets us get away with more shit vs suburban depts.

Not true at all, you must be talking about a rural department. It’s greener on the other side.

Suburb cop

2/25/2020 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Someone tell me please what the great part of working the west side is?"

"One of the last places you can still do police work if you want to. As anti police as society is, you can still get away with shit there..."

2/25/2020 08:59:00 PM

Get away with what shit exactly?

You could've put a bit more thought into what you posted.
It can easily be twisted by some revanchist sjw who wants
to make hay.

You had more room to judiciously exercise your lawfully
conferred, socially accepted latitude to be The Police.

As of Election Night 2008, that latitude dried up
and blew away...

2/25/2020 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/25/2020 12:12:00 PM
Cesario recently DENIED overtime to 2 dicks who were going to interview two eyeball witnesses to a HOMICIDE and is now requiring all detectives to write HIM a to from if they want even an hour of OT and that every single hour of OT will be approved by him.

Apparently homicide investigations take the back burner all in favor of saving $$$$, you listening Lori? Please send this goof back to OEMC to be in charge of the broom closet.

2/25/2020 12:07:00 AM

Boo hoo. The dics couldn’t tell you the difference between their asshole and elbow, let alone piece together enough information to solve a homicide. It’s about time the OT is cut for these slugs. Now we can scratch it for the weed arrests from tac, hype buy busts from narcotics, and we’ll be getting somewhere.

Exactly, Boo hoo. You mopes sit around the Area watching YouTube all day long and then at 1700hrs, four of you decide to canvas for video and interview witnesses. When asked about the investigation you claim that there is no video and the witnesses are not cooperating. Four to five hours of overtime a day on this foolishness.

2/26/2020 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAT, lets have a beer. I got a stories to tell ya about both DeSalvo & Owens. Dumb & dumber for sure.

2/26/2020 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Someone tell me please what the great part of working the west side is?"

One of the last places you can still do police work if you want to. As anti police as society is, you can still get away with shit there. We have to be more careful, watch what we do with cameras everywhere, but can still have loads of fun. Your post is ragging on CPD and sounds like a shitty recruiting attempt for a burb. dept.. I guess between writing soccer moms movers for turning on red before 7pm and hassling teens for skateboarding at the mall, you found some time to criticize that which you don't understand.

Some baseball players like to stay in the minors Probably because they were never in the majors

2/26/2020 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its always been a shit district but at one time it had great Boss's, especially on midnights. Now? All these Pars tell me its still a shit district but also has shit Boss's too.

Even the deuce, back in the day, had plenty of coppers who spent their entire careers there. Yes it was shit but the Boss's were very good and you were left alone. Even Jagoffs like Big Bird and Manley were afraid of going there and fucking with the troops and once you get used to shit it stops being so shitty.

2/26/2020 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many cars sitting in boxes with their blue lights on getting P.C.I.'s, and other useless numbers. Too few cars running from one end of the district to the other answering all of the calls. If this shit doesn't change soon, there will be a mutiny.

2/26/2020 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Someone tell me please what the great part of working the west side is?"

One of the last places you can still do police work if you want to. As anti police as society is, you can still get away with shit there. We have to be more careful, watch what we do with cameras everywhere, but can still have loads of fun. Your post is ragging on CPD and sounds like a shitty recruiting attempt for a burb. dept.. I guess between writing soccer moms movers for turning on red before 7pm and hassling teens for skateboarding at the mall, you found some time to criticize that which you don't understand.

Some baseball players like to stay in the minors Probably because they were never in the majors

Guess you haven’t seen what they’re hiring these days and what they’ve hired in the past. More like everyone gets on the team rather than tryouts...smh

2/26/2020 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love working in Fillmore! Best place in the city to be the police!

2/27/2020 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope there will be openings, I want to see what's so great, and I get to chase cars, if I crash, they always give us cars, no lose situation

2/27/2020 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Zotto was a great sergeant. It was a pleasure to work with him.

4/09/2020 07:15:00 AM  

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