Sunday, September 06, 2020

Bring on the OCP

  • A federal judge in Detroit has ordered the city's police to stop using batons, shields, gas, chokeholds, rubber bullets, or sound cannons against peaceful protesters for the next two weeks, according to reports.

    The late Friday ruling granted a temporary restraining order to Detroit Will Breathe, a group that sued the city Monday, claiming excessive police force infringed on protesters' First Amendment rights, according to the Detroit Free Press.

    U.S. District Court Judge Laurie Michelson’s order prohibits police from using force during protests without “probable cause.”
Obviously an Sparklefarts appointee.

The Detroit Chief is pushing back:
  • Detroit police Chief James Craig said police have never used force against peaceful protesters.

    "We're going to continue to do our jobs the way we've done it," he said. "We respect peaceful protesters. We understand the judge's order and we'll make sure the protesters understand if there's any aggression or violation of law, they will get ample notice like we've done in the past."
This is, of course, judicial overreach of the highest sort. Creating Law and Training Board standards is not the job of the judiciary. And all this does is make Detroit cops more wary of enforcing the laws passed by the City of Detroit and State of Michigan.

Robocop is right around the corner for Detroit.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robocop is not gonna be enough for that shit filled hole— robocop was killed/brought-offline how many times— about 3 or 4. In robocop 2 he was cucked out that a team Of baseball kids over ran him. Then his arm was cut off a samurai robot

9/06/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use the Daley Shotgun

9/06/2020 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to tell if Judges like this are actually retarded, or if they are termites on a mission to destroy urban society in particular and Western Civilization in general.

Fuck Groot.

9/06/2020 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another judge, another demoRat city defanging the police. Seems the demoRats back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s rammed thru law enforcement develop non-lethal means of dealing with individuals and crowds. Now liberal judges and demoRat controlled cities are working to remove the very means of non-lethal force from the arsenals of police. All this does is force officers to come into close contact with combatants/rioters, opening officers up to more allegations of police misconduct and thereby create a history of officers with misconduct allegations, the left and MSM don’t care about not sustained or sustained findings, as long as the appearance of an out of control officer is created. The days of police attacking peaceful protesters are decades old, like maybe 70 years in the past. But hey, why not continually promote the appearance of police brutality against peaceful protesters! It plays well with the low information voters and MSM.

9/06/2020 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty much what the friends on the bench did from the safety of their Glencoe and Kenilworth mansions. We're going to integrate the schools by busing kids from way over in from Fillmore or Gresham to maybe, Avondale or west Beverly to achieve integration. I know the judges choose to live where it's safe for them and the schools are good. Just the rest of you poor saps don't try that shit!

9/06/2020 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you win an election and you are instantly an expert in anything you say you are. AOC is an economist. Sanders is, well, sanders is and was a communist. Biden is a genius, you see,. he won a few elections, so he is a budding Enrico Fermi or an Einstein. Hell, that imbecile Al Gore invented the internet! So, is it too much of a stretch that a law school grad and a passer of the Bar deems him or herself an expert at anything they decide they're an expert on? That spiteful little toad Beetle Juice thinks it knows how to run a city. And I'll tell you, she's doing a fabulous job too.

9/06/2020 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No less than lethal methods. Gotcha, Judge. Totally understood.

Attention Protesters: No blocking the roads, highways, driveways, or businesses. No marching through residential neighborhoods before 9AM and after 6PM. No bullhorns. No rioting, looting, or arson. No fighting. No saying "burn this MF down!" or you get shot.

Sorry ya'll, but that's an order from da Judge. Nothing we can do about it. So behave!

9/06/2020 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any pack of feral mutts can file a lawsuit, but can you sue them back for the damages that arise from any escalation of looting and vandalism? Is the judge now financially responsible for the subsequent increase in damage?

9/06/2020 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I think the ruling is F’ing brilliant.
It appears to give the lefties what they want when, in fact, it does nothing.
It prohibits DPD from using less-than-lethal force against PEACEFUL protesters without ‘probable cause’.
As the chief stated, they have never used force against PEACEFUL protesters, only against rioters.
The second a rock is thrown or a window gets broken, it is no longer ‘peaceful’, probable cause is established and the gloves come off.

Yes, there will undoubtedly be whining about ‘not everybody was violent’. That can be handled with the standard announcement that,
“A riot has been declared. Leave the area immediately. Anyone remaining after X minutes will be considered a combatant.”

9/06/2020 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the many reasons why obama was the worst radical president this country has ever had. This is the socialist/commie unsafe change the liberal democRATs has given to this country.

9/06/2020 06:08:00 AM  
Blogger Phil Schitz here said...

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is looking at Detroit PD’s handling of the protests.

The Left (I no longer call theM Democrats) see Detroit as an embarrassment; it didn’t burn because the police took proper action.

9/06/2020 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Peaceful" protests are always peaceful. Until they're not. And when some jagoff blocks my free access to a public street without a permit, that is illegal and therefore not peaceful. Have to start locking these jags up.

9/06/2020 06:25:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Federal judges can be clueless.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/06/2020 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, Obama appointed this Judge Laurie Sparklefarts Michelson in 2014.

As the Leftists like to say, Thanks Obama!

9/06/2020 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, U.S. District Court Judge Laurie Michelson will be safely ensconced in a million dollar, gated, protected residence during all of this! Just like all the rest of the leftist, SJW cheerleaders!

9/06/2020 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about they hold a protest/riot and no police show up, lets see how that goes.

9/06/2020 08:51:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, if non-lethal options are off the table for violent terrorists, what does that leave?

9/06/2020 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to define, "Peaceful Protesters"? In my opinion, once a protest become's violent, and you remain on the scene, you are no longer a "Peaceful Protester". Willingly or Not you have now become part of a "Riot". Even if you don't participate in any of the profanity yelling, the missal throwing, or the looting. You are being used as camouflage for the rioters. You have now become part of the riot. It is your duty as a "Peaceful Protester" to "Immediately" flee the scene, or suffer the consequences of the rioters.

9/06/2020 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peaceful protester do not need to be shot with rubber bullets or tear gased.

Key word is “peaceful”.

Rioters on the other hand, all gloves are off!

9/06/2020 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just told the criminals and terrorists -- free stuff, and since you gave us a head's up, we are going to think big, not just clothes and shoes, but major stuff. Cool, I'll let my friends in Portland know, thanks for the assurances of not getting hurt. Where's a good four star hotel I can stay, no, money's no object.

9/06/2020 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens in Detroit after two weeks? Will it be any worse than it was in ‘67 ? Look at a photo from 50 years ago and its back to the future.

Rubber bullets and flinging rubber chickens. It takes a clueless nitwit of a judge to order a moratorium on shields, batons, projectiles used by police. These are pretty much the same implements carried and deployed by the destructive feral rioters.

Unsubstantiated complaints by “the press”. Everybody with a cellphone camera is a reporter - photojournalist.
The fact this was brought before a US Court had to have some financial backing. The court could and should have sent them packing. Obviously county and state courts found the issue a bit over their jurisprudential limits. Detroit is hoping to make case law, but locally the elected have already taken that hands-off, give them space approach in the rest of the Dem run country.

There was a story, not much substance about some guy who recently stumbled upon a rioters campground in Portland. I’m sure there’s a tent city in Detroit as well where these feral unemployed unwashed gubmint supported feral are holed up resting everyday only to return by night to peacefully protest.
Remember, the Trinity Episcopal Church welcomed outsider NATO-Occupier groups to set up a base camp on their property in the south Loop.

Nobody is following these groups around after they’re done peacefully ravaging the town square?
One massive roundup in a couple Democrat cities by the Feds would end this mess quickly and rubber bullet and baton retraining orders wouldn’t be needed.

9/06/2020 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect, swing state, maybe a month or two of rioting before and after the election. Maybe target a few Republican areas to really get the message out.

9/06/2020 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually think this order is worded correctly.

9/06/2020 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James "Pushrod" Craig

9/06/2020 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Craig signed his contract in pencil.
I'm thinking David Brown did the same thing.

9/06/2020 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't police use that... Jedi mind power on the confused citizens.

9/06/2020 12:17:00 PM  
Blogger Ex southern LEO said...

Fuck the judge, protect your self and use all the tools you have to do it. She does not have the authority to back up her ruling.

9/06/2020 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any pack of feral mutts can file a lawsuit, but can you sue them back for the damages that arise from any escalation of looting and vandalism? Is the judge now financially responsible for the subsequent increase in damage?

--- Of course you can sue them, but they are all the useful idiots of the left that own nothing, have nothing, and are too young to have anything really to lose at this point in their lives, with the exception of a couple hours in jail waiting on mommy and daddy (or a very wealthy foreign communist benefactor) to bond them out. The judges, well they are about as transparent, accessible, and accountable as the great and powerful Oz was back in the Emerald City. Funny how we as police are forced to walk on a very thin and delicate tightrope while those powers that be who actually created the very laws we are maimed and even killed enforcing, sit very comfortably and securely on steady ground entertaining themselves with popcorn and humor watching us sweat and strain on this rope, always readily cheering when another officers falls.

9/06/2020 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just throw teddy bears and Skittles at them until they disperse.

9/06/2020 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomorrow the students in CPS go back to school to learn a new important lesson in History. Chicago has already approved the 1619 curriculum and they are going to love teaching this unit(s). Let the indoctrination begin.

9/06/2020 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos for Detroit Police Chief James Craig!

Superintendent Brown, please take note of what a real Police Chief acts like.

9/06/2020 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Detroit area resident here. Chief Craig is the bomb. As noted prior, the muppets are upset because Detroit hasn’t burned. And Chief Craig is a large part of that. Right now, if I were to go to a city, I would go to Detroit before I went to Chicago. And I was stationed at Great Lakes for a bit, so I have been to both places. This suit is brought by a group headed by a guy pretty similar to you Jamal or Chance da fool. I said back in January that it was going to be long summer. I had no idea.

9/06/2020 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Detroit coppers should just go and sit in their cars in tge parking lot after roll call. No point in going out.

Let what's left burn. They elected their fate.

Anyway, here's a cheerful little video about life under Chinese communism and the quality of their infrastructure.

9/06/2020 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A federal judge in Detroit has ordered the city's police to stop using batons, shields, gas, chokeholds, rubber bullets, or sound cannons against peaceful protesters for the next two weeks, according to reports.
Key Words Peaceful Protestors That pinko judge is drunk on the democrats koolaid He believes the lies that 5he now police body cameras prove that 99.9% of the time Police do everything by the book . From the low life criminal to black politicians caught in lies about police conduct . Even that west side , looks like a winehead congressman lied years ago about driving while black as did federal informant Boobie walking zombie rush about police misconduct . It’s a black thang , you stopping me cause I’m black .
Carrying a gun , knife , drugs , is ok for the black democrats . Remember when you vote . DemonRats are not your friend . DemonRats will keep you begging for crumbs , cell phones and welfare . Man up , don’t be a speed donor . Live your woman , children , support them , work two jobs & you Will finally have self respect for yourself . Look in the mirror , that’s your problem .

9/06/2020 04:41:00 PM  
Blogger Advo said...

That seems to be a leftist judge shield to their foot soldiers. I remember Seattle or somewhere that banned all police crowd control through September or something like that.

9/06/2020 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send them all in front of that liberal fucking judges house!

9/06/2020 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A federal judge in Detroit has ordered the city's police to stop using batons, shields, gas, chokeholds, rubber bullets, or sound cannons against peaceful protesters for the next two weeks, according to reports."

Yeah, put all those idiot women in yellow shirts in the front row. MOMS FOR MADNESS or whatever they style themselves. They make a good backstop for baton rounds so Antifa doesn't get hurt.

PD dump all the crowd control gear in a garage, detail one guy to sit and look at it.

"We are conducting inventory, inspections, checking expiration dates, while we review policy. Call us, like, next summer."

9/06/2020 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rust In Peace

9/06/2020 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

find the judge and beat him

9/06/2020 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"U.S. District Court Judge Laurie Michelson’s order prohibits police from using force during protests without “probable cause.”

I have a feeling no one is getting hit with a baton without probable cause of something.

9/07/2020 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheilds, the cops cant have shields.
It isn't just that they can't use anything to control the rioters, they have to stand there and get pelted with rocks, bricks, bottles and God knows what else.
How may protesters have ever been injured by a police officer's shield?

Absolutely insane.
They should appeal the decision and anyone who gets injured should sue the judge personally.

9/07/2020 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't be the only one who would prefer to see ED-209 cleaning up the streets of Detroit.

9/07/2020 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We need to define, "Peaceful Protesters"? In my opinion, once a protest become's violent, and you remain on the scene, you are no longer a "Peaceful Protester". Willingly or Not you have now become part of a "Riot". Even if you don't participate in any of the profanity yelling, the missal throwing, or the looting. You are being used as camouflage for the rioters. You have now become part of the riot. It is your duty as a "Peaceful Protester" to "Immediately" flee the scene, or suffer the consequences of the rioters.

9/06/2020 09:06:00 AM


You can't block the street. You can't march without a permit. If you want to protest stand out of the way with your sign and don't bother people. As soon as these clowns step off the curb it is illegal. Fuck them. As soon as one person throws a rock the other 'peaceful' protesters are now just providing cover.

9/07/2020 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One city won't tolerate the mayhem that's been embraced in Portland, Chicago, and Denver:

Detroit Police Chief James Craig has credited the lack in Detroit of widespread property destruction and violence to a police attitude of “we don’t retreat,” combined with community support.

9/07/2020 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

US District Court Judge appointed by Our Home Town Boy and former Senator from Illinois: B Hussein Obama.

9/07/2020 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't block the street. You can't march without a permit. If you want to protest stand out of the way with your sign and don't bother people. As soon as these clowns step off the curb it is illegal. Fuck them. As soon as one person throws a rock the other 'peaceful' protesters are now just providing cover.

9/07/2020 10:18:00 AM

“...represent an alarming trend in counter-protest violence against those marching in the streets. On foot, protesters are often defenseless against attacks by speeding vehicles; many have been injured and at least one person has died.”

Well GTFO of the street, STUPID!

At least 68 people have driven their cars into protesters recently


9/08/2020 03:02:00 PM  

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