Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Blue on Blue Battle Continues

Prickster "standing up against" Washington DC, probably trying to demonstrate his "outsider" credentials before the DNC drafts him for the big seat:

  • With asylum-seekers expected to arrive in Chicago at a rate of 25 busloads a day, Gov. J.B. Pritzker is stepping up criticism of the federal government’s response to the crisis, writing in a letter to President Joe Biden on Monday that Illinois is in an “untenable situation.”

    “Today, Illinois stands mostly unsupported against this enormous strain on our state resources,” Pritzker wrote.


    On the call, Pritzker and Johnson warned that Chicago is expected to see 25 buses a day from Texas beginning this week, potentially bringing in 1,250 migrants a day, according to a source with knowledge of the call. The city is receiving about 10 buses a day, with 40 to 50 people on board each.

Wow. Twelve-hundred-fifty a day, while Texas and Arizona are seeing ten thousand and more.

Porky also took a shot at the VP:

  • “A single office with an identified leader must be assigned to work for the cities and states across the silos of government to manage the challenges we all face,” Pritzker wrote.

That would be the VP, right? And she's now pulling double duty as the anti-violence czarina or something.

Amazingly, the Tribune actually reports a fact that isn't getting a lot of airplay:

  • The governor on Tuesday once again accused Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of attempting to “cause chaos in the places he’s sending asylum-seekers.”

    “The more that people feed into that at the local level, the more likely it is that he will increase the number of buses, and you’re seeing that now,” Pritzker said, neglecting to mention that some of the recent buses arriving in Chicago have been sent by the Democratic mayor of El Paso, Texas.

And over at this link, Pilsen is getting squirrelly about the South Americans:

  • A new shelter opened in Pilsen Tuesday amid growing backlash from some in the Latino community who feel that immigration reform and the neighborhood’s recent property tax hike has taken a back seat to the migrant crisis.

    Just weeks after a volunteer-run shelter in Pilsen was forced to close because of a lack of funding and volunteer support, the new migrant shelter, now operated by the city, quietly opened in an empty warehouse near Cermak Road and Halsted Street. A security guard paced back and forth in nearby parking lot and a couple of white utility vans backed into the loading dock behind the building.

    News of the shelter was met with mixed reaction from about 150 residents Monday night at a meeting at Benito Juarez Community Academy, where city officials advocated for the shelter as they scramble to house a surging number of migrants arriving from the southern border.

"Mixed reaction" is just the ones who were moved enough to show up and complain. As it gets worse, more will show up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tribune article (unblocked):

10/04/2023 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woke people say that these "migrants" are not illegals ... they are "asylum seekers."
This is not true.
They all crossed the border illegally, so they are all illegal aliens.
The Biden Administration then orders Border Patrol to process their arrival here as "asylum seekers," to justify letting them stay, but that is a lie because:

Real asylum seekers are fleeing a government that is trying to torture, kill, or imprison them. None of these illegal aliens are fleeing anything like that.
They come from dirt-poor countries where there is no way to earn a living.
They are here because they know that once here, they will not be deported, and they will get free housing, food, health care and education for the rest of their lives.
They are basically welfare bums.

10/04/2023 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Refresh my memory, what percentage of Pilsen voters voted straight ticket Democrat? Yeah, thats what I thought. What's the matter Chicago Democrats? You got the sadz because you finally have to face real consequences for voting the way you do? I guess all that "no humans are illegal " and "hate has no home here" virtue signaling bullshit goes right out the window when you're personally inconvenienced huh?

Keep those busses rolling, Governor Abbott, and dont forget to spread some of that illegal alien love to the clueless, douchebag white liberal assholes in the north suburbs as well. They deserve to get in on this as much as anyone.

10/04/2023 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can everyone please stop with the Pritzker getting the DNC nomination to run for president.

Gavin Newsome will be the chosen one. And you can bet your sweet snookie on that!

10/04/2023 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lardass is looking for more money so he can again say he has a balanced budget. Normally i would say this farass has no chane of being president but with his money anything can be bought

10/04/2023 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

,,,,,as they scramble to....

Get their piece of the hog trough pie......

10/04/2023 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!
Keep those Buses Rolling!

10/04/2023 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

25 buses a day?

Not even Governor Abbott and Texas are that rich. How many of those buses are leased by Catholic Charities?
10? 15? 20?

25 bus loads are still about 10,000 illegal immigrants less than cross the border in Texas every freaking day.

10/04/2023 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“With asylum-seekers expected to arrive in Chicago at a rate of 25 busloads a day, Gov. J.B. Pritzker is stepping up criticism of the federal government’s response to the crisis, writing in a letter to President Joe Biden on Monday that Illinois is in an “untenable situation.”

Pritzker spent 171.5 million dollars to become governor. He is estimated to be worth 3.5 billon dollars. Besides the Governor’s Mansion he has his own Mansion on the Gold Coast. He has a place in the Bahamas, a vacation retreat in Lake Geneva Wi, a horse farm in Wisc with 1000 acres and another equestrian estate in Wellington Fl that he bought for 12.1 million dollars with his neighbors being Bill Gates and other influential people.

Where does he find the time to handle all of this? He has been asking the suburbs and Illinois towns to take in the illegal invaders but they don’t want to step up. Then he needs to show his compassion and leadership abilities by taking these aliens into his fold. By the look of his holdings he could take in thousands. He could groom a lot of jockeys!

10/04/2023 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

READERS, do you want to know why all the migrants are coming to Shitcago? I bet very few of you know, I just found out why yesterday and I was pissed off. My wife and I were out with our three young children and were reached out by some community volunteer who thought we were from Venezuela. Can you believe she wanted our identifications in order to provide us with benefits which included: free medical and dental, shelter, a smart phone,monthly CTA pass (free of course) and $500.00 a month per Child plus $500.00 for my wife and I. I was speechless, I could not believed what I was listening to, at first I thought it was a scam but then lady showed Us the forms on her laptop. But as soon as I said we are not from Venezuela the lady immediately got up and literally fled. I'm assuming she fucked up for sharing the information with us. I felt like heading to 26th st for fake Venezuelan papers. Now I understand why people on section 8 never want to get a job. I've met two coppers who inherited section 8 bouchers and live there, shit even one of them ran for mayor twice.

10/04/2023 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple solution, put them all right back on the bus and buy a one way ticket right to washington d.c. Drop them off right in front of joey's big white house. A lot cheaper than housing and feeding them here.

10/04/2023 04:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all fun and games until there's not enough to go around.
They promised more free shit than they can come up with... expect more taxes.

10/04/2023 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Follow the money. Who is funding this invasion which threatens the stability of this nation? Or as dems like to throw around the term "democracy"? Advocates of felons and recidivist criminals always argue inflated costs to house violent criminals as a reason for early release or non incarceration as lower cost alternatives. As Americans live in fear, this current potus administration introduces monumental financial challenges which threatens the stability of our nation or democracy. It seems democrat rulers find money for non citizen alien invaders to the tune of one estimate of seven thousand dollars a month. Democrat appointed public servants can't seem to find monies to house violent carjackers, shooters and murders in the jails. We are duped into believing it costs too much to house criminals and this is the only spending that alarms democrats. Hey democrats, those violent criminals threaten the new soon to be casting votes migrants as well. Now that will get your attention.

10/04/2023 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what would fix this. REVOLUTION.

10/04/2023 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With McCarthy getting dumped, there will be NO money coming.

10/04/2023 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

K A M L A, aoc & Jamal fire alarm bowman are three of the dumbest people in federal government

10/04/2023 06:04:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Not so sure about more of them showing up. Same goes for the blacks on the south side. They’ll bitch and moan, but the Dems will throw them some candy and all will be good

10/04/2023 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently ole Tubby Lard Pritzker does not pay attention to Eric Adams from NYC who has been begging the Federal Gov. to help him with the illegals in NYC. The Feds have been ignoring Adams for about a year now! It's almost as though The Biden Admin has a specific plan for all these illegals and decided not to tell those Democratic Governors and Mayors.
On a side note, how many busses are being unloaded in Washington DC? Lately you don't hear much about that city regarding the illegals.

10/04/2023 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor and governor are more worried about getting the city’s population back to full strength and surpassing 3 million again than ensuring our manpower is at full strength and filling the 3 thousand voids. Clowns!

10/04/2023 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BY the time "it gets worse" it will be to late. The city is fucked. Thank a democrat voter today for the current mess we are in

10/04/2023 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh JB Jelly Belly come on man we have national guard, state police at your disposal turn the busses around watch how quickly your democratic voter drive to ruin Chicago will end! Your coddled a multi-billionaire thanks to your mom and dad starting hyatt hotels that you refuse to use to put the illegal criminals in why is that sir? You sir spent how many hundreds of millions to buy the governors job? How much extra cash are you giving from your unspendable fortune to your staff? Did they sign an NDA for your antics?

Then Brandon over here you could use county sheriffs and CPD to send those illegal criminals back turn those busses back, but you have zero backbone. Wait a minute more democratic voters that are not needed here as democrats have this corruption filled city-state-county locked down!
Heard Joliet is upset with that city manager taking that 9 million grant to house illegal criminals, Joliet mayor who obviously has testicular fortitude is making the goof there rescindWe know cps money put you there is this maybe a plan to fill up the empty schools with illegal kids so you will not have to close more and possibly finally layoff massive amount of not needed so called indoctrination specialists teachers? the grant they don't want them step it up Brandon be a leader!

10/04/2023 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JB thinks he's gonna be a nominee. Maybe appointing a parole board that releases cop murders is a good thing in Cook County. Maybe chasing out major corporations will get him the woke vote but not nationwide. And he's fat.

10/04/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The migrants should not be put into the park districts, those buildings are for the children of our neighborhood working class, tax payers. We have empty warehouses everywhere, put them there.

10/04/2023 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder how much of the 9 million this goof pocketed? Now the mayor wants him to give it back where is this money in his private bank account?

Welcome to the party pal!

10/04/2023 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have to be a big seat for his ass. It will also need to withstand the raw weight tubby da Governor sports!!

10/04/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Texas isn't creating the chaos, Chicago already has.

10/04/2023 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden is too prideful to admit his open border policy is a complete failure. Or, he is just incoherent and believes Micky Mantle is the greatest baseball player playing in the game today.

Pritzker, Gov. Pumpkin Head, won't dare to admit his political grandstanding in making Illinois a Welcoming State ( was a mistake and is blowing up in his face. He knows exactly what would happen if he tried to ship these illegals to any of the blue counties that make up 98% of Illinois.

Brandon Johnson is hiding in a basement closet at City Hall, no where to be seen (just like Larry Lightfoot during the riots) waiting to be told what to do by Preckwinkle and Stacey Gates. He sends his staff out to deal with real people and talk to the press.

When is the breaking point going to come, when these self important, prideful idiots just finally admit they were wrong.

10/04/2023 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm against the National guard being deployed anywhere in Illinois to provide security and quell disturbances at migrant facilities. It sounds like they would/could be used against people (citizens) protesting the migrant sanctuary issue which is a constitutional issue.

If Fatzger wants to use Illinois National guard troops at the southern border to secure the border from the massive invasion we are experiencing, then I support that.

I also doubt that anyone in the National guard wants to be deployed over this issue in this manner. Bringing in natural disaster relief is what they are needed for, and they do it well. Bringing illegal immigrants who flaunt our laws some relief and providing for them rubs me the wrong way. They deserve neither. If they are going to stay here they need to get to work ASAP and begin paying taxes and rent to support the necessary infrastructures they are leaning on.

All the Democrats had to do was finish building the wall and keep the border secure, and this issue wouldn't be an issue. And they couldn't even get that simple task done.

Remember, Remember...2024 in November

10/04/2023 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the Blue city's are almost at the breaking point. Keep sending more fleets of buses our way please...

I can't wait to see these illegal immigrant's response to being downgraded from a downtown hotel to a tent in a parking lot over a long Chicago winter.

Keep those buses warmed up, because some of them may just want to go back...

10/04/2023 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes wonderful things do happen. Like that POS Congressman Henry Cuellar getting carjacked. In all fairness, POS congressmen is redundant.

10/04/2023 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one way to settle this.
President J.B. needs to challenge Governor JB to a push up contest.

10/04/2023 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

READERS, do you want to know why all the migrants are coming to Shitcago? I bet very few of you know, I just found out why yesterday and I was pissed off. My wife and I were out with our three young children and were reached out by some community volunteer who thought we were from Venezuela. ....
10/04/2023 03:35:00 AM

Was she with some so called charity? You should have played along and gotten her name and who she was representing. Maybe contact the Contrarian or CBWChicago with what you know.

10/04/2023 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finish the song.

Rolling, rolling, rolling
Keep dem buses rolling
Keep dem buses moving
Don't try to vaccinate 'em
Reload 'em and relocate 'em
Soon they'll be spreading
Diseases far and wide
Just take the pension money
And spend it on
These honeys
Soon they'll be living
Far and wide
Don't try to
Rope or brand 'em
You just don't
Understand 'em
They are the
Democrats new joy and pride
Move away
Don't you say
You'll just pay
Everyday rawhide

10/04/2023 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago's first openly communist run city has two mayors now cuz we all about togetherness not a two tiered system no-no-no. Divide and concur. Diversity is our strength and all that jazz.

City of Chicago's first-ever Deputy Mayor of Immigrant, Migrant and Refugee Rights.Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson appointed Beatriz Ponce de Leon

If we get another mayor I want a white one cuz diversity, equity and inclusion

10/04/2023 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t worry Brandon has another new post chief of homelessness hmm thought the democrats call them the unhoused:

10/04/2023 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when the mayor fakes a pledge for diversity equity and inclusion and doesn't appoint a deputy mayor for jews and a deputy mayor for LGBTQ+

Acts of hate are on the rise in Illinois, disturbing new report says
CBS News on|18 hours ago
CBS 2 Investigator Megan Hickey has been combing through the new report, which highlights a rise in antisemitism, incidents involving white supremacists, and attacks on LGBTQ+ businesses.

Only the illegal immigrants have their own deputy mayor in Chicago. Mayor BJ is a bigot

10/04/2023 12:02:00 PM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Keep the line moving.

10/04/2023 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gov Pricksters (P3) program Pot, Prostitution, Pedophilia at the Capitol Drug Cartel Conference -- gateway to fentanyl keynote featuring David Peel and the Lower East side players

Everybody's Smoking Marijuana

David Peel & the Lower East Side

Recreational marijuana sales in Illinois began three years ago yet this September a record number of cannabis products were sold - 3.68 million, with sales totaling $139.53 million. Out-of-state residents contributed $34.46 million to that and the rest, $105.07 million, was spent by locals.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker was a keynote speaker at the Cannabis Capital Conference in Chicago last week at which he outlined the Restore, Reinvest and Renew (R3) Program initiative and the state's broader landscape of cannabis legislation and social equity.

10/04/2023 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pritzker has often touted the many benefits of marijuana legalization, such as job creation and overall positive impact on the state's economy.

10/04/2023 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire

A two alarm fire broke out at the University of Illinois’ football stadium on Tuesday night just three days before the venue is scheduled to host a game.

According to the Champaign Fire Department, the fire broke out at Memorial Stadium just before 8 p.m. in the southwest corner of the stadium underneath the “horseshoe” where groundskeeping equipment was stored.

Heavy smoke was showing from that part of the stadium, and while the fire was upgraded to a second alarm, it was quickly put out. One firefighter was sent to an area hospital and treated for minor injuries.

Prolly Global Warming

10/04/2023 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the illegal immigrant drug cartel child trafficking just too much risk to bear?

54 minutes ago
CHICAGO — The head of Illinois child welfare agency (DCFS Director) announced his resignation during a zoom meeting with staff today, according to participants. Gov. JB Pritzker appointed Marc Smith to lead the Department of Children and Family Services in April 2019.

10/04/2023 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NIMBY -- Joliet withdrawing migrant grant request

Joliet Township has been awarded an $8.6 million grant to provide services to migrants, but Joliet city officials are not pleased with the development. They said a supervisor with the township applied for the grant without their knowledge.

At a city council meeting Tuesday, the mayor expressed concerns that an influx of asylum seekers would be a strain on city resources. The city has asked the township to withdraw the grant application.

Images of Gunnery Sgt Hartman from Full Metal Jacket are conjured up taking place out of Joliet right now -"Who the fuck said that" scene

10/04/2023 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diversion from the mass homicides in Chicago MSM pinky press propaganda agitprop to justify a state hate speech hot line

someone put some nazi stickers on a window and CPD did not hand out flyers to the neighborhood or what? Quick call the deputy ADL mayor errr. wait we don't have one...YET

80% increase in Illinois hate crimes in just 1 year: ADL

Wake us up when the so-called "massive increase" is above the total Chicago shootings count

10/04/2023 01:30:00 PM  
Blogger thom cody said...

Is It true that every migrant, over the age of 18 receives a free phone and some cash, FROM THE CITY OF CHICAGO?

Also, recently Walmart closed four stores. Each in the area of 20 - 25000 Sq Ft. Lots of room to make seperate rooms as they did during the pandemic at McCormick Place.

10/04/2023 02:25:00 PM  
Blogger rosco said...

How about use the old Zeneth factory building in the 6000 to 6300 block of west Dickens in 025? Been closed for years.

10/04/2023 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is It true that every migrant, over the age of 18 receives a free phone and some cash, FROM THE CITY OF CHICAGO?

Also, recently Walmart closed four stores. Each in the area of 20 - 25000 Sq Ft. Lots of room to make seperate rooms as they did during the pandemic at McCormick Place.

10/04/2023 02:25:00 PM

Why should we accommodate them?

10/04/2023 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about use the old Zeneth factory building in the 6000 to 6300 block of west Dickens in 025? Been closed for years.

10/04/2023 03:09:00 PM

Why should we accommodate them?

10/04/2023 06:04:00 PM  
Blogger Hairbear said...

So BLM doesnt stand for Brown Lifes Matter?

10/04/2023 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One Term BJ

10/04/2023 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor man wants to be rich - Rich man wants to be king .

10/04/2023 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course it was a political stunt, but Jane Byrne stayed in Cabrini green for awhile.
I think jelly belly and mayor short bus should be the first inhabitants of their
tent ghettos.

10/04/2023 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lesson:

Governments are a house of cards, populated by people who have the delusion that they, being government, have potency.

The true people, the masses, the peons, peasants, workers, etc., have potency. Natural potency.

The delusional people of governments have only the powers that the truly potent people allow them to have.

The leading edge of this sword are these rascals doing what people do when they don't give a fuck about any government's authority.

The true people endure this, for awhile, whilst they challenge the people of government to do the fucking job of government, the job that the true people have granted them the authority to do.

This nonsense, delusional shit these government people insist on doing will not endure the wrath of the populace.

In a way, the shitheads doing their shitheaded best to be shitheads, are the catalyst that the political delusionals are way too stupid to realize will be their doom.

MAGA is not merely a slogan.

MAGA is the natural spirit of the populace.

MAGA is the potency.

10/04/2023 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evicted out 001 perfect illegal criminals

10/04/2023 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, recently Walmart closed four stores. Each in the area of 20 - 25000 Sq Ft. Lots of room to make seperate rooms as they did during the pandemic at McCormick Place.

10/04/2023 02:25:00 PM

Who owns the closed Walmart stores? Who owns McCormick Place?
Therein lies your answer.

10/04/2023 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love to see dissension in the ranks with the sanctuary city virtue signalling biting them in the ass.

PS Anybody ask Blue gums if he is going to release the Christopher Columbus statue from jail for Columbus day?

10/04/2023 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now that 15 million illegals are in the country. Joe Biden announces they are going to start building the wall again. Yeah, the one he said in his 2020 campaign. "NOT ONE FOOT". Guess hes going to use the metric system using meters.

10/04/2023 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
25 buses a day?

Not even Governor Abbott and Texas are that rich. How many of those buses are leased by Catholic Charities?
10? 15? 20?

25 bus loads are still about 10,000 illegal immigrants less than cross the border in Texas every freaking day.

10/04/2023 01:43:00 AM"

Catholic Charities and other organizations are nothing but money laundering entities masquerading under the guise of "religion." They're making a fortune off the illegal immigration/human trafficking operation, and have been for years. Don't think so? Check out these numbers, and those were from a few years ago.

10/04/2023 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Poor man wants to be rich - Rich man wants to be king .

10/04/2023 07:14:00 PM"

And the King ain't satisfied till he rules everything!

10/04/2023 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's where the illegals will be hanging out committing crime in the near future:
(Although Joliet is saying they did not apply for nor ask for this grant $$)
Pritzker's administration announced Friday $41.5 million in grants for local governments to accept asylum seekers. Chicago is getting more than $30 million in new grants.
The city of Joliet is getting $8.6 million.
Elgin is getting nearly $1.3 million.
Lake County will get $1 million.
The city of Urbana will get $250,000 while
Oak park will get $150,000.

The money will be used for direct services like shelter, food, legal support and health care.

Pritzker said in a statement Illinois is “a welcoming state.”

10/05/2023 07:18:00 AM  

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