Friday, February 09, 2024

County Wasting $$$

Dart continuing to burn through money, even while doing less:

  • Cook County’s jailed population has shrunk by more than half over the last decade, but the massive reduction hasn’t led to big savings for taxpayers or a major boost in funding for crime prevention, a WBEZ analysis of county budget records has found.

    Jail detainee numbers last month averaged 4,675, a 58% drop since the population peaked at 11,248 in September 2013. But inflation-adjusted operating expenditures for the jail and the sheriff’s electronic monitoring program fell just 18% from 2013 to 2023. The funds spent last fiscal year, which ended Nov. 30, totaled more than $412 million.

The Slum Times is piggy-backing off of WBEZ's reporting.

But neither the Times nor WBEZ is looking at that other massive waste of government spending - the Chicago Public Schools. 

CPS has lost over 82,000 students over the past ten years, yet every time we open our property tax bill, the school levy has gone up the maximum allowable. and a few weeks ago, we posted that list of under-utilized schools that are operating at under 10% capacity with full staffing.

If they're going to post about government waste, how about covering ALL of the egregious spending.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much grift and so little time to harvest.

All together now

All together now

Grifting the graft

Crafting the grift

Raking the swag together....

2/09/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois/Cook County has pretty much given up on law enforcement, prosecution, and incarceration of offenders. At the same time they have a growing population of illegal immigrants. Here's an idea: HOUSE THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN THE JAIL. No more Bidenvilles, no more living in police station lobbies, no more living at O'Hare. 3 hots and a cot for the newest members of the democratic party.

2/09/2024 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mafia in its heyday would not be able to compete with Democrat thieves that are holding us hostage.

2/09/2024 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the teachers will go on strike for more money while they "teach" fewer and fewer students, while living outside the city, and educating no one.

2/09/2024 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So has the police budget

2/09/2024 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

53 schools in Illinois have zero kids that can do math at grade level some of the schools are spending over $40k per student


Chicago’s top cop claims CPD solved 20 of 26 murders in January. It actually solved 3.

In two separate public appearances last week, Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling made a remarkable claim: The department’s detectives had already solved over 70% of 2024’s murders.

2/09/2024 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aides making 100 grand and schools empty imagine that

2/09/2024 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Guy posting:
Wait a minute SCC, that would amount to good journalism and there are not any journalist nor “investigative” journalist left in Chicago beyond CWB and the Contrarian .

2/09/2024 05:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they're going to post about government waste, how about covering ALL of the egregious spending.

And risk exposing the democratic cradle to grave reparation plan, never...

2/09/2024 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pizza ingredients are expensive now

2/09/2024 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like time for layoffs at Cook County Corrections.
Cut the numbers by 50%. Use those funds to help the migrants.

2/09/2024 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Defund Dart and CPS. Give the money to police pensions.

2/09/2024 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s no waste. Tax payer money is being stolen away carefully and expeditiously.

2/09/2024 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Email from Kern to the administration.

Good Morning,
I would like to start this email by saying how completely disgusted I am about the lack of response from the Sheriffs department and administration regarding two( 2) officers taking there own lives 24 hours apart.
The lack of response surrounding these tragic events further proves the disconnect you have with your staff and this department. If two detainees committed suicide inside the jail within 24 hours there would have been a full press release and we would see our administration all over the news placating to the public about mental health issues in the jail to win over the publics trust. Meanwhile, the needs of the fine men and women of the Sheriff departments go unnoticed. The daily stress of this job has been documented to cause depression, PTSD, Anxiety, and it is completely ignored by this administration.  The old saying that " We are just a number" could not  be more clear then it is now. This administration does not care about there employees unless it benefits them.
We learned today that the very sad and untimely death of a young woman who is not associated with the Sheriffs department was granted a full escort with all available squad cars, but the two Officers who gave almost half of there lives to this department have been denied any honors, including casket watch, sending squad cars for procession, and wake services, apparently because they are not politically connected.
I personally knew the two(2) officers who took their own lives. I am going to to specifically speak about Bobby Moore. Bobby and myself have known each other since day one and went through the academy together. He was our class commander and would lend a helping hand and offer words of encouragement to everyone just to make sure we made it through to the next day. 
What some of you don't know is that when Bobby received his notice to report to OPR and HR, I was the first person he called to represent him, which I did.  I was also the last person Bobby talked to before he took his own life. 
Cont below

2/09/2024 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The OPR investigation that was opened on Bobby was nothing but a way to remove him from a specialty unit that he earned. Roe Conn used the system  knowing he could get him removed by taking  away his ability to carry his weapon and embarrass him by sending him for a fitness for duty evaluation. Being sent Fitness for duty puts a brick on the rest of your career and Bobby knew this. Bobby took his life because he felt ashamed and embarrassed by what this administration was putting him through and he thought the most honorable thing to do was take his own life.
Roe Conn I want you to know that you specifically played a role in Bobby Moore taking his own life. I want you to remember him everyday, and live the rest of your life knowing that it was indeed your fault. I don't care how many people try to tell you that its not your fault, I'm here to tell you it was absolutely your fault. I had many conversations with Bobby and I know for a fact you are the root cause of his death.  I have to live knowing I was the last person Bobby ever talked to; you're  going to live with this burden also. I'm taking this very personal because I didn't just lose a brother, I also lost a friend. Roe Conn for your actions you should immediately resign from this department. You will never be one of us, you will always be the Radio DJ with no law enforcement background, that was given this job because you protected the rest of the political hacks, and so they gave you a six figure position, a title, and let you play dress-up in a sheriff uniform. 
I see that our Sheriff will be on the Channel 9 news tonight discussing how drugs are being brought into the jail, but has the audacity to not speak about the two officers who took there own lives, or the mental strain working at this department has on his employees. I'm closing this email in utter disbelief of what this department has turned into. I'm praying for the day the Officers at the CCDOC unite and show you who really runs this place because I promise you, its not the politicians. You should be ashamed of yourselves and I hope you realize that the officer's blood is on your hands.
Edward Kern
Business Representative
Teamsters Local 700
1300 W. Higgins Road
Park Ridge Il 60038

2/09/2024 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago’s top cop claims CPD solved 20 of 26 murders in January. It actually solved 3.
Did this idiot drop a barbell on his head while no one was looking or did his head get slammed into the headboard one too many times by an overeager recruit who was riding big Larry?

2/09/2024 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony Soprano types ben Whacking up City/Gov Jobs & Pensions since Boss Tweed.

No Show Union Jobs & Pensions [These go to the Exempts & Leadership]
No Work Union Jobs & Pensions [Work as been redefined as having an appetite and or pulse]

Herman "Hesh" Rabkin types ben Whacking up Gov. Contracts/Departments since the Civil War.

Sweetheart Guaranteed Gov. leases and Extraordinary No Bid/No Details Gov. expenditures.
Unmatched power to turn Gov. Authorities/Agencies into cutouts & sock puppets.

Periwinkle/CTU now the Revolutionary ayatollah's & The Vice lords the Revolutionary Guard.

Tony & Heshie they worked to keep the system functioning.

Women want Blood.

2/09/2024 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous AXEMAN009 said...

I used to work for cook county department of corrections. I was on a sort team,sniper tower,i stuck the needle in peoples arms on death row,janitor,sheriff,i built most of the buildings myself, and watched a tier with 789,00 convicts on it MYSELF. Never took any days off either. I think thats why now i keep getting all these diseases and having to burn time alot. Its not because i want to go to my trailer park down south or anything. Oooof i think my head is going to start hurting better take off. Cheers!

2/09/2024 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember back in 2016

County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and Sheriff Tom Dart pointed Wednesday to diversion programs for nonviolent offenders and other initiatives for a more than 20 percent decline in the number of inmates awaiting trial while incarcerated. The facility’s population has fallen to about 8,000, down from its peak of more than 11,000 in 2002.

Preckwinkle’s office estimates demolition of two buildings by next year and a third in 2018 would save the county $3 million in operating costs during the next fiscal year and $188 million in capital costs over the next decade.


2/09/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Egregious Spending = Money Laundering

2/09/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Tom Dart is useless.

2/09/2024 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of that spending was spent on putting deputies on patrol in the city, just to justify their existence. Putting sheriff's deputies in the city to "reduce crime" because those big bad poleece in blue uniforms are too aggressive. Somehow Dart needed more TV time and decided he needed more money to put his deputies through the police academy so they could play police in Chicago. County is as corrupt, if not more corrupt than Chicago.

2/09/2024 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They might as well use all the empty rooms play like it’s the Governors hotels, they got heat, showers, food and a gated community start throwing the illegal criminals in there so many of them were let out of jail. They would like the experience, and it would save taxpayers, a lot of money, and a lot of heartache from all the crimes. They are committing and will commit. plenty of other room for our urban terrorist felons lock them up and cures them, at least for a while of their disease of hurting the innocent people or killing them.

2/09/2024 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good news. With inmate population so low the budget for the jail should drop substantially and so should are property taxes

2/09/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said..."
Sounds like time for layoffs at Cook County Corrections.
Cut the numbers by 50%. Use those funds to help the migrants.

2/09/2024 07:08:00 AM
Good idea. Use those funds to abolish Tom Dart'sjob, ship the migrants back to their home countries and fence off the border.

2/09/2024 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s good to see axeman 009 is back where have you been hiding afraid you may get your ass kicked crawl back under ur rock

2/09/2024 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart had three major ghost payrolling scandals in last few years. I believe his entire handpicked Covid unit is underindictment.

2/09/2024 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Slumtimes must have realized what complete idiot Dart is. Top story is another bombshell of Dart F-ups. Appreantly, jail inmates stole hundreds millions in covid relief dollars. Dart refused requests to had over Docs. Slumtimes had to sue him.

2/09/2024 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Bobby, he should have invited Roe to go with him.

2/09/2024 08:57:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

AXEMAN009 is da man....and I know men.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

2/10/2024 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

This is what the Commiecratic politicians want along with the socialist progressive communist teachers union want ! Dumb, ignorant, ass poor kids from every race that they can easily manipulate, and do there bidding for them ! Typical democrats keep them ignorant, and uneducated per there progressives commie agenda ! Just keep voting demoratic you brain dead , stupid ass mother fuckers ! Biden is a fucking walking vegetable, and you brainwashed mother fuckers are like fucking sheep , just following one another to the slaughter !

2/10/2024 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous AXEMAN009 said...

 Anonymous said...

It’s good to see axeman 009 is back where have you been hiding afraid you may get your ass kicked crawl back under ur rock

2/09/2024 04:18:00 PM

I used to work for cook county department of corrections. Im never afraid unless the arrestee sits down and refuses to stand up. Then i walk to radio and call a 10-1. Other than that i strap on my leather gloves ready for anything. My appendix,pancreas,and stomach just ruptured better call off. Cheers!

2/11/2024 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0110 SAYS:
Crook County politicians wasting and stealing the Taxpayers dollars, what else is new ? Drunken sailors have more fiscal responsibility than these corruptocrat thieves do.

2/11/2024 10:04:00 AM  

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