Friday, February 02, 2024

Head of CTU Threatens Principal

Has the head of the CTU paid her tax bills yet? Because she might be needing money for a lawyer:

  • Something worth looking at...I'm told Stacy Davis Gates is named in a report regarding some form a threat towards the principal of an elementary school. Reported under JH128838.

And here comes WTTW to verify it:

  • A Chicago Public Schools principal has filed an incident report with the Chicago Police Department, saying that Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates called for union members to commit an act of violence against him.

    According to a copy of the Jan. 26 police report obtained by WTTW News, William Hozian, principal of Stevenson Elementary School at 8040 S. Kostner Ave., reported that Davis-Gates spoke to attendees at a union meeting and said, “In talking to my Stevenson brothers and sisters, I told them they should punch their principal in the face.” 

    Hozian said the information was relayed to him by two witnesses who attended the meeting, according to the police report. The two witnesses provided written statements about the comment to police.

Was this in the papers? Or by a widely watched media report? (WTTW isn't a ratings powerhouse by any means) Why is that?

And why is the Chicago Teachers' Union such a cesspool of violent rhetoric? We remind readers about the threats made by speakers at the St. George of Floyd rally directly against police by these commies back during the summer of Burn Loot Murder.

If we were sarcastic human beings, we might note that violence and violent behavior is the only thing being taught lately in CPS....and it seems to be the only thing kids are learning.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read somewhere it was already downgraded to a "Non-Criminal" UCR.

The communist fix is in with the Chicago Police Department.

2/02/2024 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can just imagine that CTU meeting being something like the big gang meeting in the movie THE WARRIORS, with Gates saying, “caaaaaan yoooooou diiiiiig iiiiiiit?”

2/02/2024 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would not be being sarcastic.

That would be being accurately observant.

Scientically accurately observant.

Mathematically statistically accurately observant.

That would also not be being politically submissively subservant.


And ctu sucks donkey dick.

2/02/2024 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTTW - Winnetka talks to Wilmette

2/02/2024 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your ending paragraph is right on point: "If we were sarcastic human beings, we might note that violence and violent behavior is the only thing being taught lately in CPS....and it seems to be the only thing kids are learning." I am sure you all already heard that CPS is starting the school year late this August, a week late that is due to the DNC. The main purpose is so that the masses of liberal, thugs and idiot STUDENTS can be present to cause chaos during the turmoil that we emerge from the DNC. I know for a fact this is their goal. Now throw a curb ball to all this, TRUMP being the next nominee for the president, this in itself will bring out the best. Police officers should not risk their asses for this fucking city. Just remember the riots, how you guys got shit on and I'm not talking about the public the department itself. Go home to your families, fuck every STUPIDVISORS ON THIS JOB!!!!!!

2/02/2024 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow unreal, sucks city isn’t pay those sell back hours does BJ know how embarrassing it is for a grown man to go to coinstar thx BJ just couldn’t let me sell back my shit what a piece.

2/02/2024 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her true colors are coming out.

2/02/2024 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep saying, it's gangs and thugs running the city. And, I keep getting proven right. It's a new day Chicago, and these people are petty and vindictive, and you'll face a judge just like them....

2/02/2024 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Game on let’s go those jaws never stop flapping but never have the balls to step up to the plate and take care of it herself

2/02/2024 04:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what Marxists, Socialists, and Communists do.

2/02/2024 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You put these things in positions of power, this is the result. Wise up people.

2/02/2024 05:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

Chicago is such a ghetto city now this shouldn't surprise anyone. I bet that CPD recruit that got fired for masturbating can get a job at CPS as a gym teacher...

2/02/2024 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SDG is the Beyoncé of the CTU and shall be revered as such to her loyal peasants and BLM Brandon is their Erkel...

2/02/2024 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this girl, Stacy, the same one that doesn’t pay her bills cheats on taxes living in Indiana will not send her kids to the indoctrination centers that she is the head of the union, the Chicago, public school indoctrination ruining the children center.
But then, again, when they use the tax dollars, they get to buy the mayors position, and they put a guy in there with the same qualities who doesn’t pay his bills either. What a disgrace fuck that again. What a what a coward, letting all the illegals in all the criminals just pour into the city while the governor rides on his head, ordering him what to do that’s why Brandon looks like a deer in the headlights. How many times has he been in the hospital again for his anxiety maybe he’s on too many medication’s!

2/02/2024 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, the best thing that could happen for this principal would be for one of them to take a swing at him. Then let the lawsuits fly!

2/02/2024 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this lunatic was also mentioned to be a candidate for mayor not so long ago.....

2/02/2024 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is no different than the shit head criminals that continue to get released from custody and continue to commit crimes. Hmmm, maybe if there was some accountability you wouldn’t see this bad behavior. Just an observation from someone who’s parents raised right and if I did do something I shouldn’t have done you can guarantee I was dealt with immediately.

2/02/2024 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CTU is chocked full of hard core Leftists . They only have violence .There ideas are rotten to the core.

2/02/2024 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the video from the Communist Teachers Union meeting

2/02/2024 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s hard out here bro

2/02/2024 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTTW isn't a ratings powerhouse by any means. Why is that?
No more check please

2/02/2024 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTTW has stepped up their game and now are the place to send tips on CPS employees and CTU leaders and others behaving badly. Tips to the Sun-Times to Nader Issa or Lauren Fitzpatrick, CBS 2 Dorothy Tucker, and WBEZ Sarah Karp end up in the hands CPS and CTU spinster and the tip info disappears. 

A couple months ago, a newly hired WTTW investigator reporter (Jared Rutecku) found 3 former members of the CPD that were DNH'd by the city working as security guards and coaches for CPS. Nothing was said in the other media outlets on this. 

Due to CPS poor vetting process for their coaches found by WTTW, CPS made all their coaches reapply for their positions and this time made them go through a more stringent background check. We'll see in the future if they did or not.

One former PO was Darius Alexander and he was let go by the CPD for sexual misconduct with a minor in 2019. Alexander tried to have sex with the girl after her car was impounded

WTTW has stepped up their game and now are the place to send tips on CPS employees and CTU leaders and others behaving badly.

A couple months ago, a newly hired WTTW investigator reporter found 3 former members of the CPD that were DNH'd by the city working as security guards and coaches for CPS. Nothing was said in the other media outlets on this.

One former PO was Darius Alexanderand he was let go by the CPD for sexual misconduct with a minor. The reporter found him to coaching girls flag football at Lane Tech.  School officials initially denied it, but later confirmed he was coaching at practice and games in the presence of their varsity coaches.

The reporter found him working security and coaching girls flag football at Lane Tech.  School officials initially denied it, but later confirmed it.

It's likely the media hid this story because Lane Tech's girls flag football wom the first state championship of the sport and the team was honored by the Bears, NFL,  and the city. 

2/02/2024 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's part of their culture.

2/02/2024 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I read somewhere it was already downgraded to a "Non-Criminal" UCR.
The communist fix is in with the Chicago Police Department.
2/02/2024 12:35:00 AM"

For us civilians, what is a UCR?

2/02/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the incident report number for a teacher at the same school threatening to slash the principal's car tires?

2/02/2024 08:07:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Ghetto person speaking ghetto, what else would one expect?

2/02/2024 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She has nothing to worry about Her friend is the mayor. I’m sure she has a good relationship with Kim Fox too. Probably the police brass also. Just like the criminals running wild with no consequences in Chicago nothing will happen to her either. She has the democrats to protect her. Carry on

2/02/2024 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired in Texas…..

Sorry I’m late to the party.

Is this the Stacey L. Gates with the naturally-aspirated donkey ass?

The same Stacey L. Gates with the horse hair wig?

Just axing.

Stay safe boys and girls in Blue.

2/02/2024 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...Bill is a nice guy.

2/02/2024 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tolerant left..................

2/02/2024 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punk needed to be put in their place, that's all....


2/02/2024 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like CPS and CTU both need some kind of consent decree from the Feds to deal with their behavior. They should all probably have a few weeks of really useful "retraining" on tolerance in the workplace also.

2/02/2024 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

She is a ghetto low life to the core ! The perfect example to be head of the communist teachers union !

2/02/2024 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

Isn't some guy being investigated by a special prosecutor for allegedly telling people to commit violent acts on January 6th? Chicago values and double standards anyone?

2/02/2024 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

She is not SpankDaddy worthy.

2/02/2024 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read somewhere it was already downgraded to a "Non-Criminal" UCR.

The communist fix is in with the Chicago Police Department.

2/02/2024 12:35:00 AM

It should have originally been documented as non-criminal. Saying someone should punch someone else in the face is not a threat. It's a stupid thing to say, especially for someone in this idiot's position, but it's not criminal. I think most members of the CTU should be punched in the face repeatedly, and it's not criminal for me to say that. I think this principal should punch the idiot who said that in the face. Actually though, he should probably just file a lawsuit.

2/02/2024 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CTU and its Gansta leadership and thug mayor take care of one another. BJ learned quickly about mob loyalty from his patron, Fat Tony and her crew. CTU is fertile ground for thuggery and corruption. BJ was schooled well in socialist theory and tactics, pro crime and anti-police policies but the guy isn't wrapped too well. Panic is his problem among many other weaknesses. All are consistently on public display. Even the portly governor questions the idiocy displayed by BJ on many issues, e.g. illegal aliens.

2/02/2024 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only Conehead had somewhere to look for those elusive root causes...

2/02/2024 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Her true colors are coming out.

2/02/2024 03:30:00 AM

You mean colours

2/02/2024 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys know Gates and John Kitty are the same personality type, right? Only difference being it's okay for Gates to be a jerk.

2/02/2024 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Education Mafia has always been an anti-american indoctrination camp. It was very under the radar in the 70’s and ignored by many veteran education-centric older teachers, but as the colleges became more and more openly hostile to America and the brainwashing of future teachers took center stage, no one should be surprised that in most school districts, this anti-american, anti-freedom, anti-parent’s rights, pro-violence mantra has taken full-root.

Even in the pasty-white, high-tax suburbs, the schools are filled with agitators and propagandists. If parents challenge this, they get threatened with legal action and violence.

Welcome to 2024 America. While we all have been living our lives, the infected rat population has been hard at work building an endless network of tunnels in our society, right under our noses.

2/02/2024 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shes just a criminal law breaker, even violated tax laws wonder her copnnection also to ppp loans, like many in the indoctrination centers took? Wait how about this plan instaed of arresting andhaving kim and her crew of coruption do their jobs and judges lockinmg up felons no lets do this:

Chicago businesses eye barricades as crash-and-grab burglary cure

2/02/2024 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone listens to Chris Plante. St George of Floyd

2/02/2024 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago is such a ghetto city now this shouldn't surprise anyone. I bet that CPD recruit that got fired for masturbating can get a job at CPS as a gym teacher...

Whats wrong with boxin your clown?

2/02/2024 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First thing the Principal should do is ban that bitch from the premises of whatever school he's at.

Then when she shows up flapping her lips and starting shit, just knock her the fuck right out. Gloves off. None of that 'don't hit women' crap should apply - she wants to get him beaten, let her suffer that which she is so eagerly promoting to happen to him.

Done. Crimesha will just call it a mutual combat, or self-defense situation since the CTU goon called for him to get beaten right?

Remember back-in-the-day when Teachers and Principals were the trusted adults (along with cops and firemen) to go to if a kid needed help? They set the example of goodness... (yeah, there were fucked up ones, but by and large, they were the trusted ones). My oh my how the times have changed: Lunatic teacher calling for the principal to get his ass kicked....

Tidybowl head for Mayor and he 'can't handle the stress'...

and more and more... Chicago needs an enema!

2/02/2024 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ghetto trash

2/02/2024 06:23:00 PM  
Blogger Just a guy said...

Once again,she proves to e a FINE representative of The Community.
Cheats on taxes;
Does not pay water bill;
Kills charter schools while kid is in a private school;
Forces members to bankroll Blowie's campaign;
Cheats on residency.
Inspirational role model and success story...truly, her "success" is based on the "soft bigotry of lowered expectations."
I wonder...
If I, an older white guy, had made such a a threat to her...would it be handled the same way?

2/02/2024 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am waiting for the Indiana State Police to come visit her with an arrest warrant for tax fraud.....

2/02/2024 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CTU just an extension of BLM

2/02/2024 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

St Floyd of Felonious Behavior

2/02/2024 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Chicago is such a ghetto city now this shouldn't surprise anyone. I bet that CPD recruit that got fired for masturbating can get a job at CPS as a gym teacher...

Whats wrong with boxin your clown?

2/02/2024 03:56:00 PM

Heard it was speed bag work.

2/02/2024 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A UCR code is what a police report number is generated under. Different UCR codes for different types of battery incident, types of robberies, burglaries, etc.

2/02/2024 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It took 3 days for the Sun-Times to finally mention, after the WTTW report, Stacy Davis Gates' instructions to teachers at Stevenson Elementary School to punch their principal in the face.

SDG is currently on an 13-yr LOA from CPS and is still collecting pension credits while doing so. Isn't her latest antics considered conduct unbecoming a CPS employee and reason for termination/DNH designation from CPS?

Prior to going on LOA from CPS in Sept 2011, SDG taught at 3 schools in 7 years. Now she's queen 'pain in the ass.'

Well, she has Mayor BJ beat as he only taught 4 years at 3 different schools for CPS.

2/03/2024 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Anonymous said...
I read somewhere it was already downgraded to a "Non-Criminal" UCR.
The communist fix is in with the Chicago Police Department.
2/02/2024 12:35:00 AM"

For us civilians, what is a UCR?

2/02/2024 08:00:00 AM

2/03/2024 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old saying of “those that can do, those that can’t teach” was never truer. CTU stands for communist teachers Union. To those of you on the job with kids in CPS shame on you. You are ruining their futures. Get the hell of the city and state while THEY have a chance. Or maybe you just care about their future well being because “being on the job” is your selfish identity.

2/03/2024 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to 2024 America. While we all have been living our lives, the infected rat population has been hard at work building an endless network of tunnels in our society, right under our noses.

Time to flood those tunnels

2/03/2024 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For us civilians, what is a UCR?
Uniform Crime Reporting

2/03/2024 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She deserves to be terminated & her pension seized for all the bs she's pulled!

2/03/2024 08:36:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this lunatic was also mentioned to be a candidate for mayor not so long ago.....

2/02/2024 06:59:00 AM

Her and her family have soooo many skeletons in their closets she cant expose herself to the scrutiny a real election would bring.

2/03/2024 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blacks can’t be accused of inciting violence only the white devil is capable of doing it. This principal should take this and run with it! I can’t sleep at night, can’t work. Always worried now if I’m going to be attacked. Always looking over my shoulder. PAY ME! Play their fcukin game that they are so good at.

2/03/2024 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

criminal ?? does she live in chicago? claims residency for tax breaks? yeah,ok pay your fair share yeah you

2/05/2024 01:44:00 PM  

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