Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Math Time!

CWB spent a bit of time in the weeds and come up with this humorous article about the obscurities in the City budget filings:

  • Are missing women falling prey to a serial killer in Chicago? How many shell casings do Chicago police officers pick up in a year? If someone calls 311 but only speaks Yoruba, does the city have a translator to help them?

    Those are just a few of the intriguing questions that Chicago aldermen have asked city department heads during annual budget hearings in recent years. And all the answers can be found in memos the department leaders sent back to the City Council after doing their research.

    Many of the questions and answers are real yawners. Every once in a while, though, there are some gems. Here are a few of our favorites.

And they go through a couple of the amusing trivial BS that politicians then use in campaign ads and to show their voters that they're "keeping an eye on the details!" when they run for reelection.

But this was our favorite, and unfortunately, it happened during The Hiatus:

  • As of October 2021, Chicago police officers had picked up 69,290 shell casings that year, an increase from 59,183 in 2020, the department said. For 2021, that breaks down to 303 shell casings per square mile or about 4.74 per block.

We want to have fun with this!

  • If we project the 69,290 over 10 months in 2021, we can estimate that for the year, there were 80,835 shell casings recovered by CPD;
  • That works out to 6,736 per month;
  • 221 shell casings per day
  • meaning that in Chicago, there are about 9 shots per hour, all year long

And that's just the RECOVERED shell casings. there have to be thousands more that get lost in the dirt, overgrown lots, sewers, etc. We have many follow-up questions:

  • what's the breakdown by caliber?
  • how do these recovered numbers compare to pre-Shotspotter years?
  • what does this work out to in pounds of brass? nickel? aluminum?
  • compare these recovered numbers to the numbers of gunshot woulds showing up in hospitals - what's the hit percentage? how many shots does it take to get a single fatality in Chicago?

That's a lot of math, but we'll take a guess that the hit percentage is measured in fractions of a single percentile and the number of bullets it takes to get a single murder is many many hundreds.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forecast for Friday is low 30s to upper 30s with chance of rain sometime Friday morning. I predict 176 vehicles towed

11/29/2023 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to go to the old Breit & Johnson gun range in Oak Park back in the 1990's.
I would gather up 1000's of empty shell casings. Every type of odd ball caliber you could imagine.

When I was at crime scenes I would dump hundreds of fuckin' casings on the ground.
The Dick's would be pissing themselves laughing.

Good times as I think about the past smoking my cigar down here in Knoxville.

11/29/2023 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how many shots does it take to get a single fatality in Chicago?

Ask Mr. Owl.

Owl: Ah 1, ah 2, *blammo* Ah 3... three shots...

Seriously, some of these goofs have been shot in the head and lived, some shot in the armpit with a .22 and died... Anything goes in Chiraq! Just don't use a laser sight, that'd be unfair...

11/29/2023 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's just the RECOVERED shell casings. there have to be thousands more that get lost in the dirt, overgrown lots, sewers, etc. We have many follow-up questions:

And let’s not forget if a revolver was used, or a semi-auto that had a brass catcher, or a P.O. just kicks some found casings down the nearest sewer and 19 pauls it.

11/29/2023 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this whole time they've been stealing cc they could have just been picking up shell casings!? Or better yet, not shot.

11/29/2023 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about all the shell-casings not picked up? What about all the shot-spotter calls where no one really looks into it? Can you imagine if all the brass was actually picked up!

11/29/2023 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it about 7,000 rounds per enemy dead for the US Military?

11/29/2023 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that PICA is the law of the land, all those extended magazines will go away, so the number of expended cartridges will go Waaaay down in 2024! Right!?!

11/29/2023 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What this begs for is a heyjackass area mapped by neighborhoods/communities, perhaps, if possible, by calibers.

On a monthly basis. Just like the hits/kills.

The color coding could be merely rifle/handgun, as the caliber listings would tell the tale.

Yet another meaningful set of stats for the statistically minded.

These numbers may not rival a busy range, however, for the sufficiently normal residents, even here, in big titty city of no pity, they are more than a bit high.

It seems few, if any, value the goal of one shot, one kill.

11/29/2023 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Completely off topic

Minneapolis Businesses around George Floyd Square suing Minneapolis for lost business.

11/29/2023 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PICA will take all these dangerous guns off the streets!

Would Fatso and the Democrats lie about this?

PICA will save us all!

11/29/2023 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use a revolver, less to clean up.

11/29/2023 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we are doing math lets add up all the times Sergeant diddler Dan is seen creeping his male crushes around the 10th district nightly. Whether its cornering his long time district latino crushes somewhere 1 on 1 to talk privately or those young strapping CST guys who are on to him now or the young hard charging tac men the number has to be in the double digits of nightly creepy diddler encounters where poof he suddenly appears like genital herpes lololol. From their traffic stops or station stops or lunch breaks diddler Dan always seems to magically find the same man or men no matter where they are trying to hide from him lolol. Now we have yet to see him tricep/bicep flexing or posing out there during jobs but no doubt hes trying his best to still impress those young men someway somehow most likely by wearing extra layers to make himself look bigger or tapering his tshirts a size too small for that indoor vascular look then telling war stories about all his CPD fitness medals lolol. Faster than an anal vibrator and softer than a bowl of pudding and able to leap onto large dildos in a single bound its the diddler. And the diddler always creeps his men.

11/29/2023 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The perps definitely need some quality time at the range for sure the kill factor is lagging

11/29/2023 05:23:00 AM  
Blogger Tombstone courage said...

How much of these casings are twice shot, reloaded from once shot brass?

11/29/2023 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew the job was done when white shirts started making a big deal about looking for casings at all of the stupid shots fired calls. And of course , most coppers responded like trained seals. I blame Phat Phil. Then, another certain former Exempt got the State Police shutting down entire fucking expressways to put on dog and pony shows for ghetto crimes that even if solved, would never result in justice. The only thing accomplished was making decent people commutes unbearable.

11/29/2023 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... will give weights for all shell casings. They also offer storage requirements for shell casings per thousand. As of today, scrap brass trades at $1.72 per pound. It seems that all that brass (assuming it’s all brass, but likely not) would be worth about $1,500. That’s a lot more than all these thugs seem to value any individual human life.

11/29/2023 06:24:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Tell them o call 311 in Yoruba, wherever that is.

11/29/2023 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these are our elected officials....Chicago residents should be so proud

11/29/2023 06:59:00 AM  
Blogger Prairiepolice said...

how many 223 556 or 7.62 50 bmg were recovered. fat ass wants to know.

11/29/2023 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and what is the zip code with the most shell casings ???

11/29/2023 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Math is hard.

11/29/2023 07:28:00 AM  
Blogger Mitch McRove said...

I did not see any time of poundage statistic. Turned into a recycling center, the city could make a few bucks back. Unless those "shooters" are all using steel cased.


11/29/2023 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Five-Eleven Pants said...

Recovering shell casings from these scenes with/without an arrest is damn important. I know it's a hassle (especially for the ETs) but that's how we eventually convict offenders. Forensic science will always prevail over eyewitnesses. Always. For all you doubters take the same forensic classes at Western ILL like I did and you will learn something. THIS is the only maintainable crime-fighting strategy going forward. Lesson over.

11/29/2023 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ghetto at home safety check
No brass no ammo mama

11/29/2023 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per, the percentage of kills to total shot is in the low teens.

11/29/2023 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone catch Lie-utenant Fenner kicking out migrants in 005's lobby? CBS news

11/29/2023 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I come here because I was told there would be no math. My head is starting to spin right now and I am feeling a little nauseated, just like I did in grammar school and high school. Knock it off, right now.

11/29/2023 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

67,973 of the shell casings were recovered in districts 10, 11, and 7.

11/29/2023 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I used to go to the old Breit & Johnson gun range in Oak Park back in the 1990's.
I would gather up 1000's of empty shell casings. Every type of odd ball caliber you could imagine.

When I was at crime scenes I would dump hundreds of fuckin' casings on the ground.
The Dick's would be pissing themselves laughing.

Good times as I think about the past smoking my cigar down here in Knoxville

That is fucking funny! Don’t give these cops any ideas. ET’s and Crime lab about to have a heart attack reading this.

11/29/2023 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More math no suspects the savages are running wild no descriptions, people moving everywhere but the criminals elements are out of control in the most corruption filled state no where to run think twice before you move anywhere in this state:

Suspects steal multiple cars in Libertyville, including Lamborghini that fled from officers who tried stop it

11/29/2023 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/29/2023 10:42:00 AM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

How to handle asshole reporters

11/29/2023 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only number that matters is 0110. Wish all of them hoodrats shot ended up in that number..

11/29/2023 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drop off guns and shell casings every Monday at the firearms lab. It’s worse than the DMV. The chubby desk guys seem to take their sweet time while everyone inside looks like they are half a sleep. Smh

11/29/2023 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

advice to the rookie cpd officers
respond to shot spotter calls, tour area, look for witnesses, locate spent casings, inventory and write a report.
Chicago is very dangerous, and citizens need to know about it.

11/29/2023 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous AXEMAN009 said...

I used to work for cook county department of corrections. Whenever I do show up for work, which isnt often, I see alot of these illegals getting locked up. When Im on one of my 65 smoke breaks at work, I also see alot of them driving around. I keep an eye on them because i dont want them scratching my wifes truck that I drive. Cant wait to get down south to my trailer park. Looks like its cold out, better call off. Cheers!

11/29/2023 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a P.O. and a street Sgt, I've kicked hundreds of casings down a sewer, where the vast majority belong

11/29/2023 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More math truth hurts:

11/29/2023 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
More math no suspects the savages are running wild no descriptions, people moving everywhere but the criminals elements are out of control in the most corruption filled state no where to run think twice before you move anywhere in this state:

Exactly. The shit from Waukegan and North Chicago are venturing into western Lake County more and more and are wreaking havoc with their shenanigans. They have the green light like Chicago criminals now because of a lib Lake Co. states attorney Rinehart who was “elected”. This is the lefts plan, to destroy the whole country.

11/29/2023 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many guys are sitting in the penitentiary because of recovered shell casings? /s

11/29/2023 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow there won’t be any room for illegals at McCormick place will have to turn it into ERPS. Side comment I don’t who looks more awkward out of place in pictures the Groot or BJ

11/29/2023 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats ensuring Job Security…

11/29/2023 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s something some useless Alderman can ask at the next meeting. How many times do Chicago Police Officers get taunted by criminals with guns while these same criminals operate stolen vehicles? If you’re interested in this intriguing question you can see one example for yourself. It’s documented under RD #JG 514003. It truly is amazing how criminals fear nothing at all. Maybe some of the media might want to do a FOIA request on this RD and see what the police deal with in a lawless society.

11/29/2023 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone catch Lie-utenant Fenner kicking out migrants in 005's lobby? CBS news

11/29/2023 08:39:00 AM

Yes. Normally avoid viewing the local news in order to avoid high blood pressure, but just happened to see the CBS-WBBM-Channel 2 News yesterday evening showing Eddie J's ex-smash ejecting the illegal aliens from the 005 Lobby.

WTF? Was she having a stroke? And, isn't she now a captain? Just a waste of payroll money and, eventually, money from the retirement fund.

11/29/2023 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More money found now the city is into the modular home business 10,000 vacant lots will get homes. How long do you think these homes will last before they destroy them the new residence

Where is Brandon finding all of this money? Will they be building new homes for the people on the south west and north west side the people that take care of their homes to be fair or will he use his racist bullshit to build a Mulligan communities where they have been destroyed and will destroy these homes.

11/29/2023 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I used to go to the old Breit & Johnson gun range in Oak Park back in the 1990's.
I would gather up 1000's of empty shell casings. Every type of odd ball caliber you could imagine.

When I was at crime scenes I would dump hundreds of fuckin' casings on the ground.
The Dick's would be pissing themselves laughing.

Good times as I think about the past smoking my cigar down here in Knoxville

As a P.O. and a street Sgt, I've kicked hundreds of casings down a sewer, where the vast majority belong

Both of these are funny, funny as all hell. Do it in front of a camera and it can conceivably get you in prison, which would be damn hilarious as well. But most of us have intentionally tampered with crime scenes……

11/29/2023 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone catch Lie-utenant Fenner kicking out migrants in 005's lobby? CBS news


Yes. Normally avoid viewing the local news in order to avoid high blood pressure, but just happened to see the CBS-WBBM-Channel 2 News yesterday evening showing Eddie J's ex-smash ejecting the illegal aliens from the 005 Lobby.

WTF? Was she having a stroke? And, isn't she now a captain? Just a waste of payroll money and, eventually, money from the retirement fund.


Are those 2 clowns divorced now?

What ever happened to Eddie's female "driver" who was looking to scam a duty disability because of the "stress" ?

11/30/2023 12:32:00 AM  

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