Monday, March 04, 2024

Clear the Streets?

Wilding in the South Loop area over the weekend:

  • Two teenagers were shot, one fatally, when a large gathering of mostly teenagers in the South Loop turned violent on Saturday evening, Chicago police said. Dozens of arrests were made as the crowd, drawn to the area by social media posts, overwhelmed community outreach workers and Chicago cops.

    Hundreds of people converged in the area of Roosevelt and Canal after 7 p.m., and police officers were already arresting people within the hour. But the event soon turned violent.

    Part of the group was gathered in the parking lot of BMO Harris Bank, 522 West Roosevelt, when at least one gunman fired shots at 8:06 p.m., according to a CPD media statement and witnesses. Officers, already in the area, immediately called out shots fired on the radio and responded to the scene. They began lifesaving efforts, detained the gunman, and recovered a firearm, police said.

The Contrarian has video at this link here.

Unfortunately, we believe this is going to be the situation all summer long. There is no plan, there is no manpower to field a quick reaction force, and there is no plan to prosecute and hold the demonized yutes responsible. August is going to be insane with the convention here.

Here's the worrisome part we see:

  • “Anybody that’s on the street, they’re going to jail,” David Harris, commander of CPD’s Central (1st) District, announced on the radio. “We’re going to do a mass arrest. All these kids are going to jail.”

    The exact number of arrests made was not yet available, but a source who was at the scene said “dozens” of people, mostly juveniles, were taken into custody.

There were eight juvie arrests, one adult arrest and three curfew violations. Does that compare exactly to the number of persons removed in handcuffs? Although it may feel good to say "clear the streets!" every single discrepancy is a potential Civil Rights lawsuit and the commander (who was suspended for lying about crime numbers AND for getting into a verbal altercation with a crossing guard over a traffic barricade AND accused of striking said crossing guard with his city automobile) doesn't seems to be a meticulous rule follower. 

The order for Mass Arrests runs eight pages long. Did you know there are seventeen separate notifications that have to be made for a Mass Arrest incident? And the number of teams (detectives, ETs, outside personnel, etc) that have to be assembled is quite lengthy, not to mention the transportation issue of moving large amounts of prisoners. And believe it or not, you still need observable, articulate-able and preferably recorded Probable Cause to arrest people in a Mass Arrest situation.

It's enough to give Conehead a stress episode.

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Anonymous John Galt said...

The tiny hat scumbag lawyers were working the phones drumming up clients to sue the department and the city before the phrase "mass arrest" was fully voiced over the radio.

Naturally the money they will win when the city "settles" will kick back to the Democrat filth running Chicago in the form of "campaign contributions " and all their patronage minions will get a piece.

The taxpayers? They get another big tax hike to cover the bill.

3/04/2024 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually special events has a whole order written prior to the event. The supe gives all authorization for a mass arrest to the incident commander IE the 001 commander in this instance. There are already a team of detectives assigned to these protests just sitting in the district waiting incase there is a mass arrest. The mass arrest procedure is actually pretty easy now. 3 of the big prisoner wagons are also stationed nearby these protests and events just incase. It’s not the “mass arrests” like you were thinking about years ago. It’s pretty smooth now and all lairs out in the event order prior to the event. Only a notification to onec and cpic is made once the incident T commander issues the mass arrest. Then cpic does all the notifications afterward. And civil litigation. One dead and another shot with massive fights and disorderly conduct absolutely nessesitates a mass arrest. Justified. They can sue all they want… doesn’t mean they will win. So what do you do then SCC?? Let them just run wild and burn the city?? Not me, me and my kids live in this city and aren’t going anywhere. I’m not just handing it to the criminals because you don’t like city politics. Were police officers not politicians… remember that…

3/04/2024 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spent 20 years living downtown.

Never would have worried about safety once.

I've talked to people who live downtown, they make sure they are home by sundown.

For years I went out to stretch my legs around 10.

Now I don't go down there at all.

Not worth it.

People can't even get dinner delivered.

Thanks Lori!

3/04/2024 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SDI coming back April 15?

3/04/2024 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does 200 moron kids gather and no one see it building up? Did they all come on one bus? Not one beat car reported the mustering disaster?

3/04/2024 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new “spring break”?

3/04/2024 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much stress for a black man with a black wife, rising three black children......

3/04/2024 12:51:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Fuck Dave Harris.

That it all.

3/04/2024 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written old timer but yet we have a dept run by buffoons . Be careful of inept bosses and just for fun get a cr on the incompetent ones .

3/04/2024 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the orders of Harris coppers will be held accountable for months, years; while civil suits and criminal prosecution hang over their heads. Harris will be allowed to walk, fade into the shadows and when called upon will claim ignorance or no memory. Coppers always get fucked over. Bosses not so much.

3/04/2024 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those japanese android dogs, with pooch cams, are looking better and better.

Pony up for the optional flame thrower attachment, and, bingo, bango, we got a tango...

3/04/2024 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The circus is in town....

The circus is the town.... never get out of town.


3/04/2024 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

3/04/2024 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me an M-60...I'll clear the streets. John Rambo.

3/04/2024 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“There is no plan, there is no manpower to field a quick reaction force,”………….

We have the “People’s Plan For Community Safety” which will find out, the root causes of crime. All is well.

3/04/2024 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really SCC....

....that burning auto parts stores and stealing shoes from Target are some kind of remedy for racism.

3/04/2024 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is lost.

3/04/2024 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Midnight basketball would solve this...

Who can I bill for this advice.


3/04/2024 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit show! Nothing but chaos!

3/04/2024 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....dey jus funnin

3/04/2024 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That blowhard jagoff is the last person I'd listen to on this department. That dumbass isn't the one who's going to be sued and fired for violating someone's civil rights when you arrest the wrong person. Just ignore the dipshit. Dealing with a pissed off supervisor is better than dealing with a pissed off wife and kids when you lose your job.

3/04/2024 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep voting democRAT and enjoy your ride!

3/04/2024 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let the lil monsters run the terror they came to do...

why keep the lid on the nonsense, let the yutes get the freedom of being ...wild

when the DNC hits town...well that's the real payoff for them ...honing their skills...

Vote democrat....cause your racist.


3/04/2024 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If big tech was able to censor references to COVID during the plandemic, why not the same treatment for the social media postings that initiate these "trends" or "gatherings" for the non-demonized yoofs?

3/04/2024 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't the city have snow plows still....

Use them.

Why didn't someone think of this before, I should be the Mayor.

I have a dog and three cats.....

3/04/2024 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get Tally to clear them....

3/04/2024 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet, in 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... the A-Team


3/04/2024 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One person says something stupid, and the other stupid people hear him, and the next thing you know, you're getting tortured in a gulag.

Welcome to democracy, where your rights depend on the howling of the mob.

3/04/2024 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prison barges a few miles in the lake at anchor.air drop the cheetos and grape drank.keep them there until the graduate Harvard on zoom then give them a kayak and a compass and a map to kanada to see castros kid.

3/04/2024 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

001 iz a cesspool and the CO is a jerk.
If you were stupid enuff to arrest a juv with no probable cause your fukd.
You think that CO chump going to back you when the lawsuit comes down?

3/04/2024 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having trouble with a bunch of kids will be nothing compared to the professionals who will flock here in August. Let COPA go deal with them, they are the police experts.

3/04/2024 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shhhiiit old skool don't need all that! You doing stupid shit? You violating (what used to be) laws? Police grab-n-u-going-to-jail hahaha

3/04/2024 05:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you live in a mental institution, you will have to deal with frequent moments of insanity


3/04/2024 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous J. Backstabvich@541 said...

Don’t be callin’ us over here at the Lodge when you step on your dick following Diamond Dave’s illegal orders. I don’t like taking calls when I’m busy posting pix of what I ate on my 3 hour lunch and thinking up new excuses to use when talking officers out of filing grievances.

3/04/2024 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about if city hall gives away free cheese...


3/04/2024 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as those protection details are working...Who cares ?

3/04/2024 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roosevelt and canal is straight up ghetto when in the ghetto do as the ghetto rats do join in and have some funnin and playin dawg

3/04/2024 05:36:00 AM  
Blogger Was that a SPEEDBUMP?! said...

Make the parents serve the terms of the juveniles.

3/04/2024 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another MOB ACTION by a bunch of thugs, take that BJ.

3/04/2024 05:48:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Where is Lt.Kennedy and the gas team when you need him?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

3/04/2024 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A dusk to dawn curfew needs to be enforced in troubled sections of Chicago.

3/04/2024 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was Mayor Dumbass the day after the South Loop Wilding (what he calls a Teen Gathering) where a 17 yr old was shot and killed? Grabbing a photo op by taking a dip in the lake in his suit at the Polar Plunge.

So far no response on the South Loop Wilding, another Black Teen Gathering.

3/04/2024 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back SDI. It was very effective and money well spent.

3/04/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This gonna be one long summer.

3/04/2024 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incompetent leadership is the problem!
Harris, Showers and Shoshi formerly known as MOE, LARRY and CURLY enough said!

We need DON!

3/04/2024 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just funin.

3/04/2024 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At some point America is gonna have to name the problem. It's not youths and it's not teens, it's ethnic ethics. And it's going to get worse. There is no cure either until the jails are overflowing. Let them serve some time, after they get a few years of probation. They get a GED and no further infractions and they're OK. But, they need to understand there are repercussions to actions.

3/04/2024 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this would have been cleared in ten minutes if Sgt Dowling was on scene!

3/04/2024 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of koolaid comments here….good luck guys.

3/04/2024 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Commander said he speaks for the Mayor and the Mayor wanted the arrests made.

3/04/2024 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ongoing, the trials and tribulations of having a black wife and three black kids on the west side of Chicago.

And now, shrinkage...

Anonymous said...
Where was Mayor Dumbass the day after the South Loop Wilding (what he calls a Teen Gathering) where a 17 yr old was shot and killed? Grabbing a photo op by taking a dip in the lake in his suit at the Polar Plunge.

So far no response on the South Loop Wilding, another Black Teen Gathering.

3/04/2024 06:33:00 AM

3/04/2024 08:09:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

So I presume the Social Media Team only works M-F?

3/04/2024 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The K-9 unit at the Roosevelt CTA station has got this.

3/04/2024 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy answer! Just designate Conehead's battalion of servant-bodyguard-bootlicks as a ready response team. Imagine the fear their arrival at a street "situation" would inspire! Dozens upon dozens of political hacks, house mice. girlfriends, boyfriends, exempts and medical roll abusers!. Oh the humanity!

3/04/2024 08:36:00 AM  
Blogger ga6 said...

"The circus is in town...."

3/04/2024 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just our (Non Demonized) youth's reaffirming those "Chicago Values" we hold in such high regard...They must have learned them from their parents.

Seems like we are losing control...I'm sure our fine Meritorious leadership will come up with a plan. The gas teams used to work pretty well...How about a "flail tank"? They will also come in handy for the protestors.

Pitiful...just Pitiful...

3/04/2024 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
001 iz a cesspool and the CO is a jerk.
If you were stupid enuff to arrest a juv with no probable cause your fukd.
You think that CO chump going to back you when the lawsuit comes down?

3/04/2024 03:37:00 AM

You spell like a shithead. That’s all.

3/04/2024 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually special events has a whole order written prior to the event. The supe gives all authorization for a mass arrest to the incident commander IE the 001 commander in this instance. There are already a team of detectives assigned to these protests just sitting in the district waiting incase there is a mass arrest. The mass arrest procedure is actually pretty easy now. 3 of the big prisoner wagons are also stationed nearby these protests and events just incase. It’s not the “mass arrests” like you were thinking about years ago. It’s pretty smooth now and all lairs out in the event order prior to the event. Only a notification to onec and cpic is made once the incident T commander issues the mass arrest. Then cpic does all the notifications afterward. And civil litigation. One dead and another shot with massive fights and disorderly conduct absolutely nessesitates a mass arrest. Justified. They can sue all they want… doesn’t mean they will win. So what do you do then SCC?? Let them just run wild and burn the city?? Not me, me and my kids live in this city and aren’t going anywhere. I’m not just handing it to the criminals because you don’t like city politics. Were police officers not politicians… remember that…

Dave Harris

3/04/2024 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear a squad guarding Groots house was hit by a bullet. Maybe that bullet came from Sox Park.

3/04/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

001 used to be a nice place to work. Its downfall probably began sometime around when Piggot took the helm. The majority of coppers that worked there for years have pretty much all left or retired. To the Officers saying just write “Offender placed in custody per 100 or 199” in the narrative… not good enough. Been there, done that. Put his beat and star in Box 1 (good luck getting that approved). Otherwise, see you on LaSalle Street for the next couple of years. You and your fellow blue shirts will be down there listing your assets. Car 100 will be nowhere in sight.

Watch how their tone changes when you put them in Box 1. Then ask yourself if everything about this arrest is on the up & up.

BTW - I agree all the JOs coming downtown causing chaos should be locked up. The days of rolling out the wagons and Mob Action charges for everyone are over. Lawyers have destroyed any sort of peace existing in this City and there is a stream of them waiting to shake the City’s settlement tree.

3/04/2024 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No way this is still happening, commander Harris said crime was down...what a clown

3/04/2024 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could be worse:

I wonder if Lightfoot is the mayor of Port-au-Prince?

3/04/2024 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave Harris is the epitome of a merit hack. He’s never been the police and he has no clue how to be the police. Only that proven liar would get on Zone 4 and tell coppers to lock everyone up. Ummm, Dave, what are the charges and who is the complainant? Dave Harris is followed by a long list of do nothings that got promoted way over their heads because they knew someone or blew someone. CPD is a total joke . Dave you can nominate yourself for “ the commanders belt” and then put yourself in for a ribbon so everyone knows how great you are. Dave Harris = Douche Bag

3/04/2024 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
A dusk to dawn curfew needs to be enforced in troubled sections of Chicago.

3/04/2024 06:29:00 AM

Oh, there will be curfews, but they will be used to keep law abiding citizens in check. These intersection takeovers and general wilding incidents are being perpetrated by the democrat’s shock troops so don’t expect them to be held accountable. Besides, this fits in with the left’s narrative of never letting a crisis go to waste, it is a chance for them to erode more of our liberties.
Somewhere Rahm is smiling.

3/04/2024 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont do shit, fuck these voters, they wanted it now they are getting it good and hard. 19P

3/04/2024 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the gas teams.
Worked before..

3/04/2024 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The supe gives all authorization for a mass arrest to the incident commander IE the 001 commander in this instance. There are already a team of detectives assigned to these protests just sitting in the district waiting "

Uh, I was working in 001 at 2230 hours on the date that this incident occurred. The LTs and sgts were all still waiting to see if the detective mass arrest team would be dispatched to 001. So ... Maybe I just stumbled into the wrong district. I dunno.

3/04/2024 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any reason its a block from the last one? Other than there’s no residential in that hood(rehearsal)Bring back the 1968 jeeps covered in barbed wire and run the city out of sutures, Like you did to the white kids in 68.

3/04/2024 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Incompetent leadership is the problem!
Harris, Showers and Shoshi formerly known as MOE, LARRY and CURLY enough said!

We need DON!

Don Jerome ? Are you kidding? You honestly think he’s a competent leader?

3/04/2024 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m not just handing it to the criminals because you don’t like city politics. Were police officers not politicians… remember that…

Hilarious. Great comedic talent on this blog.

3/04/2024 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Newbie who posted at 12:15am regarding PLANNED EVENTS. Yes, a long written plan is in place and authority for such mass arrest actions/responsibilities are granted after phone calls have been made and after continual observations, warnings etc etc etc. I've read those plans. Now for what happened last weekend and will continue to happen are the yutes flooding an area and creating havoc. An Unplanned event. Where P.O.s Citywide will respond to the area AFTER the chaos has started. There will be zero pre-planned mass arrest personal on scene. Make sure you get home before the street lights come on kiddie.

3/04/2024 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These kids have no futures. If they don’t get killed or end up in prison they’ll end up being the bust out hypes drinking on the corner. And then the future generation will call them old school or old head

3/04/2024 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just be funnin and shit. Need more “grants” in the millions to figure this out. In the meantime, que in the counselors and social workers because it’s all due to racism.

3/04/2024 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous 183f said...

Commander Harris still awarding coppers with championship belts? Heard he's mandating all coppers where those belts for intimidation factor.

3/04/2024 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've talked to people who live downtown, they make sure they are home by sundown.

For years I went out to stretch my legs around 10.

Now I don't go down there at all.

Not worth it.

People can't even get dinner delivered.

Thanks Lori!

3/04/2024 12:21:00 AM


Yep. Ever since the BLM riots, I don't go on side streets either, which probably kills the businesses that can't afford prime locations, but safety comes first.

3/04/2024 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A dusk to dawn curfew needs to be enforced in troubled sections of Chicago.

3/04/2024 06:29:00 AM


3/04/2024 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of off topic but could very well apply to this situation. Everyone that’s gets arrested goes on e.m. But instead of ankle jewelry everyone gets a shock collar. Zaps ya every time you’re outside of your confined zone. Guarantees the criminals stay home and the youtes aren’t out wildin and making silly decisions.

3/04/2024 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Lori’s first downtown wilding, she excused the kids for not having the money to visit Disneyland on their spring break.
Now Mayor Conehead defends the kids because they’re starving for opportunities in their oppressed communities.

3/04/2024 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

If you think that will save your ass, I have some (insert any Chicago sports team) playoff tickets to sell you.

3/04/2024 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: The real reason why these officers are getting denied is due to the legal representation provided by the FOP. The FOP has an obligation to pay you to hire outside their in house attorneys. But what ever you do stay away from the midget FOP attorney Ralph Licari. If you want to know what a human piece of shit looks like just look at him. He will set you up for failure. He talks a good game but he will throw you under the bus. That little fuckers almost got me but didn't go his way.

3/04/2024 12:55:00 PM  
Blogger Just a guy said...

I still think Trump should announce a rally here a few weeks ahead of the Democratic shit show.
That way, the nation can see just how truly stuff has gotten out of hand under Democratic "leadership" when all of those unfairly demonized yutes show up from all over the country.

3/04/2024 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

3/04/2024 02:09:00 AM

Officer, you are still responsible for your own actions. You are still the Arresting Officer. You are still the one making the arrest.

The whole "I was just following orders" does not work.

Also, don't ever believe that a boss will ever fight and advocate for you when you were "just following their orders". A boss never suffers any consequences. Only officers suffer consequences.

3/04/2024 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philadelphia’s head of LGBT affairs and her husband were arrested by a state trooper Saturday, in what the mayor is calling a “very concerning,” interaction, according to a video circulating on social media, which was confirmed by police.

Celena Morrison – the executive director of the City’s Office of LGBT Affairs – recorded a portion of the arrest of her husband, Darius McLean, on the Vine Street Expressway, her sister told CNN Sunday.

Morrison can be heard on the video repeatedly saying, “that is my husband,” as McLean is on the ground.

Morrison can then be heard saying, “I work for the mayor.”

“It’s cause I’m Black,” McLean says in the video.

The unnamed trooper responds, “It’s not cause you’re Black.”

The officer shown in the video then walks toward Morrison and the camera goes unstable.

A police report of the Saturday incident said the two individuals were both resisting arrest at the time of the traffic stop.
great work by the Pennsylvania state trooper
of course had that occurred in chicago the officer involved would be 30 days pending

a big f-ckyou to bj snelling barack n eric holder

3/04/2024 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DC Harris must be a racist merit commander.
Narrative of Arrest resort,per order of commander harris , youth was arrested for gathering mmmmm sign his name and initial compalaint
did this clown ever pass an exam,make an arrest

3/04/2024 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don jerome please stop posting we know that you think you are the greatest asset to law enforcement

but you are also very clouted and never had a bad day on this job

you sir ride the shirt tails of the working non clouted police officers

3/04/2024 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this crap started years ago when rammie , cps leaders invited these wilding youths to visit dowmtown to commit thefts,grope women and punch out people,jump on cars,busses
it's not the Amish,Asian or Caucasian youths

3/04/2024 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Process them in area two and release them from there. Wish them luck getting back home.

3/04/2024 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

Maybe in 1950 when you first came on, this won’t work today because you have to be smart enough to know what is legal and not. Your supervisor orders you to shoot someone, you doing that?

3/04/2024 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back SDI? For what? So you can sit your phat ass down and not do shit!!

3/04/2024 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/04/2024 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a goof who never EARNED a promotion? This is exactly why the department is so f--ked up!

3/04/2024 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should change the order to state “when any mass arrest orders issued the person issuing the mass arrest goes in box one on every arrest and has to go to all court proceedings that follow.’”

3/04/2024 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send in the scoops!!

3/04/2024 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday in the burbs I watched over a 30 minute period 60 motorcycles showed up, paired off & took off down Frontage Rd. From Bolingbrook thru Lemont & ending in Darien. They got back on I-55 heading South & I’m sure right back to the starting area on South Frontage. It was very well organized. Sadly not a police car in the area. I’m not crapping on the Police. (I still believe they are the ONLY people keeping the animals from harming my family). I also understand that they were most likely in county territory & there AINT enough Deputies in any county!

3/04/2024 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much longer will this assholery be allowed to continue?

3/04/2024 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curfew still applies right? Someone got shot, they're throwing fireworks in stores, the usual bullshit: Jumping on cars, hanging on buses...

Fuck it: Arrest them all, lose them for 48 hours, take them all one-by-one in front of the Judge... Let that Tennessee Tuxedo-looking fool of a States Attorney deal with it.

Just start enforcing curfew again. Under 18 after curfew? Arrested. Smoking under 18? Arrested. Drinkin' out of a paper bag under 18? Arrested. Hanging on CTA bus? Arrested. Throwing fireworks: Arrested.

Go the fuck home and read a book. Get off the street.

Start doing that again and maybe, just maybe things won't be a shit show this summer...


Wow... what a dream.

3/04/2024 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was Mayor Dumbass the day after the South Loop Wilding (what he calls a Teen Gathering) where a 17 yr old was shot and killed? Grabbing a photo op by taking a dip in the lake in his suit at the Polar Plunge.

Think he was wearing the full suit because he had a wet suit under it No way would he be standing around there after he layed in the water with. suit on

3/04/2024 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Anonymous said...
If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

3/04/2024 02:09:00 AM”

Just following orders didn’t work out so good at Nuremberg.

You are required to follow lawful orders. Thus, it IS imperative one distinguishes between the two!

That IS all!

And all IS well!

3/04/2024 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Anonymous Anonymous said...
If big tech was able to censor references to COVID during the plandemic, why not the same treatment for the social media postings that initiate these "trends" or "gatherings" for the non-demonized yoofs?

3/04/2024 02:59:00 A

Because the communists within and running the federal alphabet agencies don’t want folks, or peoples, to know the truth about the bio weapon.

They do want the non-demonized yoofs to be the useful idiots they are!

3/04/2024 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a plan. Its called "Plan 9 from outer space." Probably as effective as the city brain trust can come up with.

Watch it when you have time to kill. You will see some examples of great police work.

3/04/2024 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the water cannons mounted to an armored car. Think of all the great Youtube videos to follow!

3/04/2024 09:01:00 PM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

3/04/2024 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 183f said...
Commander Harris still awarding coppers with championship belts? Heard he's mandating all coppers where those belts for intimidation factor.

3/04/2024 10:51:00 AM

I'm pretty sure he only sprang for one belt and it gets passed around.

3/04/2024 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yesterday in the burbs I watched over a 30 minute period 60 motorcycles showed up, paired off & took off down Frontage Rd. From Bolingbrook thru Lemont & ending in Darien. They got back on I-55 heading South & I’m sure right back to the starting area on South Frontage. It was very well organized. Sadly not a police car in the area. I’m not crapping on the Police. (I still believe they are the ONLY people keeping the animals from harming my family). I also understand that they were most likely in county territory & there AINT enough Deputies in any county!

3/04/2024 04:59:00 PM

And? That's it?

3/04/2024 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who gives a f! this is what Chicago voted for this is what they want. let them have it all day everyday...

3/04/2024 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bring back SDI? For what? So you can sit your phat ass down and not do shit!!

3/04/2024 03:58:00 PM

Commander David Harris

3/04/2024 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes kids just do goofy things...

3/04/2024 10:21:00 PM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

Johnson’s Capone animals on the loose.

3/04/2024 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how the demographics were never mentioned. I wonder why.

3/04/2024 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

3/04/2024 02:09:00 AM
No, you’re not covering yourself. If you know that it’s wrong and you do it because “I was ordered to” then you’re liable as well. There’s an entire order and in service training about this.

3/05/2024 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

3/04/2024 02:09:00 AM

Are you old school enough to believe in the constitution? You can't just make an arrest because your supervisor said so. There has to be probable cause, which you have to articulate on the arrest report. Did you forget about probable cause, old school? An order to make a false arrest doesn't make it a legal arrest. Following unlawful orders doesn't excuse you from responsibility. It just makes you complicit in the violation of someone's rights. I've had several bosses tell me to do things that I knew weren't right. I told them so, and they threw a little tantrum and pretended they were right. But in the end, I didn't do what I knew was wrong. Try using your brain and your spine instead of "just following orders."

3/05/2024 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much longer will this assholery be allowed to continue?

3/04/2024 06:15:00 PM

Until morale improves.

3/05/2024 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still think Trump should announce a rally here a few weeks ahead of the Democratic shit show.
That way, the nation can see just how truly stuff has gotten out of hand under Democratic "leadership" when all of those unfairly demonized yutes show up from all over the country.

3/04/2024 01:00:00 PM

Big problem with this.

Just how many MAGA would show up?

Just how many miscreants would show up?

Just how huge of a riot would result?

Just how many injured and/or killed would be the result?

And, would you be there?

3/05/2024 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of off topic but could very well apply to this situation. Everyone that’s gets arrested goes on e.m. But instead of ankle jewelry everyone gets a shock collar. Zaps ya every time you’re outside of your confined zone. Guarantees the criminals stay home and the youtes aren’t out wildin and making silly decisions.

3/04/2024 12:14:00 PM

Make that a butt plug.

Granted, some would drift past the zap boundry.

Yet, those would bounce back, drift again, bounce back, drift again, bounce back, drift again.......

3/05/2024 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the gas teams.
Worked before..

3/04/2024 09:50:00 AM

The Fabulous Farting Force.

3/05/2024 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facebook could detect ‘Covid misinformation’ but they can’t detect a potential ‘yute mass gathering?’ These leftist social media outlets (Facebook, Chinese TikTok, Instagram) WANT this is organized chaos by Chicago’s dumbest.

3/05/2024 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

3/04/2024 02:09:00 AM
No, you’re not covering yourself. If you know that it’s wrong and you do it because “I was ordered to” then you’re liable as well. There’s an entire order and in service training about this.

3/05/2024 01:17:00 AM
True in law it has to be a "lawful order!"

3/05/2024 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I vas just following zee orders of mein gruppenfuhrer!"

3/05/2024 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This summer during the Leftists convention will be glorious! It will be a shit show of epic proportions. I wonder how the communist media will cover the chaos?

3/05/2024 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even spring yet. Make sure you have those top wrestling belts ready for the mass curfew arrests go getters. You won't see me downtown unless it's OT. Keep that filthy neighborhood.

3/05/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bring back the gas teams.
Worked before..

3/04/2024 09:50:00 AM

Worked then, doesn't work now. Tactics and techniques have evolved by the "other" side. ANTIFA types have been trained to use gas masks or commercial full-face respirators. Then they use leaf blowers to blow the airborne particulates of CS away.

3/05/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is evident to most people who possess common sense that Chicago is a living failure under Democrats and the media is fully complicit in the Big Lie that all is well. The lack of any success by the Slug mayor clearly demonstrates he is incapable of leading pigs to a trough. With less than a year in office his political sponsors, Prickwinkle and the CTU, are quickly realizing the wheels are falling off BJ's wagon. The city is ruled by the mob. Sanctuary City and the foreign army of criminals is a self-imposed cancer on the city. Crime is rampant and uncontrolled. The media is an abysmal and unmitigated failure. There are no checks and balance to hold the Socialists feet to the fire. All this is bought and paid for by the taxpayers.

As we enter the spring and summer months, the murder and mayhem will increase as the mob solidifies its grip on the streets of Shitty City. The DNC will be the center piece of chaos and the "open and festering wound" for another local "Summer of Joy".

Do nothing to jeopardize your safety and wellbeing. These evil masters of deceit will hang you out to dry in their Kangaroo Courts. We are the scapegoats for their wrongdoing. Never forget who they are and never forgive them for ruining a once great city.

3/05/2024 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you proved the point why the Police were not present for the so called 60 bikers….they behaved well and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

3/05/2024 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gatherings of the feral yutes will continue, increase as the weather rapidly goes from the current teasing of spring to actual spring, blossom fully as summer arrives, just in time for the really big shew, the gathering of retards, aka democrats and their faithfully violent minions.

Those in law enforcement who participate in the dog and pony showing of the rendered impotent enforcement of basic law(s), whether as their butt nuzzling positions require, or as their duty to obey orders, lawful or unlawful or wtf are these fuckwad whiteshirts think they are doing, forfuckssake, will earn their paychecks, the latter most of all, forfucksure.

There is not a more clusterfucked circus than a democrat clusterfucked circus.

All that is missing is the sweet aroma of mountains of elephant shit.

3/05/2024 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2024 01:17:00 AM
True in law it has to be a "lawful order!"

3/05/2024 07:14:00 AM

When you are ordered to do something by a superior, keep in mind the sergeant in 008 who signed the McDonald case report. He was not on the scene, worked a different watch and had no direct knowledge of the incident. He was ordered to sign the case report and subsequently was fired because the case report contained falsehoods. The department actually testified against him.

3/05/2024 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bring back the water cannons mounted to an armored car. Think of all the great Youtube videos to follow!

3/04/2024 09:01:00 PM

Even better the water would ruin their phones and whatever other electronics they are carrying.

Granted that would cause crime to spike as they all go out and steal new phones but I still would enjoy footage.

3/05/2024 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your commander orders you to do a mass arrest then you still have to follow orders right? I for one am old school. If your supervisor orders you to do something, then you do it. On the report, I'll just write "per Sgt. or Lt. or Commander...". This way, I am covering myself.

3/04/2024 02:09:00 AM
No, you’re not covering yourself. If you know that it’s wrong and you do it because “I was ordered to” then you’re liable as well. There’s an entire order and in service training about this.

3/05/2024 01:17:00 AM
True in law it has to be a "lawful order!"

3/05/2024 07:14:00 AM


Yea, what they said.... It is refreshing to see that at least some people understand some law. The "old school" common sense officers who do not have any college have a compulsion to appear intelligent by constantly bashing the highly educated officers by saying "that is an example of too much college an not enough common sense." The poor bastards cannot even read or put two intelligent words together. All they can say is, with their southern draw, "you need common sense for this job."

3/05/2024 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what the savages voted for.

3/05/2024 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Kind of off topic but could very well apply to this situation. Everyone that’s gets arrested goes on e.m. But instead of ankle jewelry everyone gets a shock collar. Zaps ya every time you’re outside of your confined zone. Guarantees the criminals stay home and the youtes aren’t out wildin and making silly decisions.

3/04/2024 12:14:00 PM

Make that a butt plug.

Granted, some would drift past the zap boundry.

Yet, those would bounce back, drift again, bounce back, drift again, bounce back, drift again.......

3/05/2024 04:06:00 AM

Are you kidding? The left cries about lethal injection being harsh for monsters that rape and slaughter children. In a normal society criminals should just do time for their crime but not in democrat sewers

3/05/2024 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This punk clown that ordered this he’s a liar, a proven liar, as it is and yet he is still in charge. It shows you what a coward and a complete weakness of muscle head Larry, another one that should not be in this position. Where in the heck is Fred Waller? Does he still have a driver drawing that huge six-figure paycheck plus that huge pension. Where is he hiding? Is he the puppet master behind Larry because if he is, he’s doing a very very poor job of it. Good job of hiding Waldo you’re the best.

3/05/2024 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? The left cries about lethal injection being harsh for monsters that rape and slaughter children. In a normal society criminals should just do time for their crime but not in democrat sewers

3/05/2024 02:27:00 PM

Apparently, a bit too subtle for you, or you are blessed with limited knowings.

They would be drifting back over the boundary with a shit licking grin on their mugs. Again, and again, and again, and again.....

Nothing would keep them tethered close to their zone better....

3/05/2024 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Kind of off topic but could very well apply to this situation. Everyone that’s gets arrested goes on e.m. But instead of ankle jewelry everyone gets a shock collar. Zaps ya every time you’re outside of your confined zone. Guarantees the criminals stay home and the youtes aren’t out wildin and making silly decisions.

3/04/2024 12:14:00 PM

I want the ones that were in the old SciFi movies - exploding collar around the neck. Or the one's in the prison movie - inmates had to swallow the things when they went in... if they escaped, BOOOOOOOM....

Either is good. Would do more than this current "EM w/48 hr furlo" bullshit we have now

3/06/2024 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harris would be in box one as arresting officer. A/O received a direct order issued by CO Harris to make physical arrest without any articulating facts of individual probable cause the arrestee. A/O has no knowledge of above arrest and made arrest in fear of getting kicked out of tact team. The complainant CO Harris has been notified of court info.

3/06/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

Responding to Anonymous @ 04:59 PM...
Yesterday in the burbs I watched over a 30 minute period 60 motorcycles showed up, paired off & took off down Frontage Rd...Sadly not a police car in the area.
LOL This response was even more random and out of place than Joe Biden's last press conference. What are you going to post in response to next weekend's violent teen takeover? Your mother's meatloaf recipe? {clown emoji}

3/06/2024 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harris would be in box one as arresting officer. A/O received a direct order issued by CO Harris to make physical arrest without any articulating facts of individual probable cause the arrestee. A/O has no knowledge of above arrest and made arrest in fear of getting kicked out of tact team. The complainant CO Harris has been notified of court info.

3/06/2024 07:35:00 AM

You're gonna put on paper that you made an arrest based on no probable cause? You think you're getting an arrest approved with no probable cause and the commander in box 1? Silly child.

3/07/2024 11:53:00 PM  

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