Saturday, July 12, 2008

Taste Videos

Some of the mayhem:

And another:

We see hands being put on a number of people, but no cuffs. No wagons to put the troublemakers in. And the fancy helicopter doing nothing at all - they certainly aren't going to rappel down and arrest people. In cases like these, a few dozen arrests, a few blasts of OC, even the judicious use of a stick will show the crowd that police are serious about maintaining order.

And a truly disturbing video of what could have been. The last 5 seconds of this video should give every tourist pause:

That bullet went through two panes of glass, at least 4 layers of drywall and still managed to exit the room.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first 2 videos dont suprise me one bit. Animals acting like animals. You can take the beast outta the jungle but you cant take the jungle outta the beast.

The last video is truely scarey. That family was truely lucky. That hotel is attempting to be "urban pioneers" in an area just south of the loop.

I predict that if the Olympics are denied to Chicago that SCC will recieve a lion-share of the blame.

The day that King Dickey gets indicted or gets a visit from the G is the day that I start working again.

2 years to KMA and several more furlo picks.

7/12/2008 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to monday morning quarterback, but alot of standing around with hands on hips trying to look tuff. for gods sake, if you tell shit head to move and he does his bullsh*t slow trot and give you a dirty look....lock him up... refusing to follow a lawful order to disperse.. hopefully next year arrests are in the hundreds...or more.

7/12/2008 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old news, we all saw that footage on the news. Ha Ha Ha. My stomach hurts....No wait Ha Ha Ha I saw that on.................................................................................................................The Blog? Really, has the media ever aired this footage? Good luck Chicago, I'm gone next Month into the great Oasis of RETIREMENT! Stay safe CPD

7/12/2008 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking with another P.O. this afternoon. He suggested that the city put up temporary fencing (and not that cheap, brown wooden shit they use to keep the snow off of LSD) and charge $20-25 bucks a head to get in. Included in the price of admission would be $10-15 in food tickets.

Have a few dozen P.O.'s on bikes, foot, etc walking the perimeter. Everyone gets a plactic wristband, no stamp (too easily copied), a different color each day.

Both P.O.'s and civilans who were down there said none of the "problem children" were even eating anything. Admission price will keep the thugs out of there.

7/12/2008 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Angry PO's Wife....

This is what all you "HEROS" missed.

Don't forget to read the comments.

7/12/2008 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned, this is one time where profiling was/is needed. And before you ACLU loving SOB's start screaming racism, I happen to be Black.

This is one of the (many) times in the past year that I have been truely ashamed of my race.

I used to go to the Taste and even braved the crowds for the fireworks a few time. But over the past few years, it's become nothing more that a thug and hood rat showcase.

I can't wait to see what happens at the Bud Biliken Parade. If this same bullshit starts up there, this would be one time where I'd turn a blind eye if some of the OG's stepped in and put their collective feet up these kids's asses!

7/12/2008 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and Daley expects families to enjoy that... sorry mumbles... if I wanted to be surrounded by animals I'd go to the zoo (which I probably can't go there anyway because shitheads ruined that too).

7/12/2008 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the video, anyone see anything in common? I'm gonna call Jesse call Jesse

7/12/2008 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes tie police hands and let the animals run loose

7/12/2008 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many arrests were actually made at the taste?

7/12/2008 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the credit is going to the DICK DALEY and J-Fed, but what about Special K(Dep Chief James Keating, Car 47) who was in charge of this event. Well thats what happens when you put a merit hack of Daley's in charge of something like the TASTE, and the down-town area. I guess this must not be that important, did Dick call his guy Special K, to ask him what happened.

7/12/2008 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm what is the common denominator in these videos?

Say no more.

We lost this City.

Gave it away to those who contributed nothing to it other than violence and freebies.

7/12/2008 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish the national news would play these videos and maybe the midget fuck mayor would really let the police do what they should do.

7/12/2008 04:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Mayor Daley would explain to the public, those are good gangbangers running to catch the train. Nothing to worry about, its all safe at the Waste of Chicago.

7/12/2008 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really have to wonder, what are those lilly white tourist from far away cities thinking to themselves when they see this in person.

This isn't the ghetto, this is downtown Chicago. It truly is ashame to have this go on.

7/12/2008 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the common denominator of all the problems is......??? anyone anyone? chime in anytime--- revs? care to answer? buhler? buhler?

7/12/2008 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

27 seconds into the second video there's dude holding his side running right in front of the alleged po-po. Could The Exempt PPO recognize something like this? Geez Jody and all you house mice, I wonder what that savage was hiding under there. Welcome to everyday on the westside and southside.

7/12/2008 05:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone in their right minds volunteerily going to the Taste of Chgo. After seeing
those videos I'm throughly convinced that the last 10 years plus I haven't missed a thing skipping it.
The olympic committee should review this. All those screaming, howling, animal mimicking people is what you can expect at every event. I'm sure some thousands "underprivledged" people will be getting free passes to the events. Chicago blows. Can't wait to move out of this cess pool.
The yuppies can have it.

7/12/2008 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so is the city going to give this couple a free stay at the hilton next year?

7/12/2008 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't the PO's just happen to knock any ass filming with a camera phone? Then smack these assholes with the club and take them away.

7/12/2008 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope that family sends a copy of their FAMILY VACATION IN CHICAGO video to the Stuttering Prick.Oh wait,he wont care because it's one of those "isolated incidents" that happened "off sight".
J-FED,here's something else your gonna take the heat for.YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.

7/12/2008 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Mayor....I see bangers on the videos, but no families with them.

7/12/2008 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

not to monday morning quarterback, but alot of standing around with hands on hips trying to look tuff. for gods sake, if you tell shit head to move and he does his bullsh*t slow trot and give you a dirty look....lock him up... refusing to follow a lawful order to disperse.. hopefully next year arrests are in the hundreds...or more.

7/12/2008 12:36:00 AM
you guys just dont get it do you?first off they dont want arrests. do you think that looks good for the olympics. 230 people arrested at the 4th. secondly they start the tac teams at 3. do you think at 10:30 when the show is over someone is going to lock someone up when they get off in a 1/2 hour? for days like the taste they need a team to start at 2 and work till 10 then teams should start at 8 and work till 4am...who makes arrests when its time to go...unless of course someone gets shot cuz they know we arent doing anything.

7/12/2008 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you could have shelved the link to the second "fountain" video. Shakey and didn't really show all that much.
The video of the bullet that passed completely through a meeting room and, apparently, two other rooms, is disturbing.

7/12/2008 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is one of the (many) times in the past year that I have been truely ashamed of my race."

I doubt that this was even submitted by a black officer, but if it was, you have no need to be ashamed. You're not responsible for others who fail to respect the law, or fail to raise their children to do the same.
I've never heard any white officer step up and admit to any sense of shame for Abatte, Finnegan, or any of the recent scandalous episodes involving people who aren't black.
Nor should they. People who mess up are accountable for their own mess, and no one else.

7/12/2008 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...









7/12/2008 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 3rd video says it all. Civilization now has to accept the quality of life expectations of the lowest wrung on the ladder. Forget race, its about stupidity, arrogance, lack of concern for your fellow man.

It is NOT the police officers fault. In every city in America the game has become the same. The departments are being controlled by lawyers. Lawyers with the equivalent ethical standards as the stereotypical used car dealers.

The city gets sued, who cares!! A connected friend of the party will represent the city in court and bill the city a boatload of cash for his troubles. Then he kicks up hefty contributions to the PARTY.

Another connected (to the reverends) goof will represent the shooters, if ever cought, and fliece the county for his quality representation. He in turn will make an appropriate cash, non-taxable, donation to whichever churches turn it is to get paid.

Don't take it personal, its just a money grab. Truth and justice died in this country's courtrooms before the paint was dry.

In our little town, blame the States Atny. The prosecution rate for gun offenses is non existant. Blame the State for not having the capacity to house our violent offenders during their most violent years of age. Screw the educational and skills development, just wharehouse the beasts if that is all we can afford. Oh, thats right, that method does not work.

So we should accept one of those children in video three having his brains splattered all over the bed sheets because he was jumping on the bed while waiting for his bedtime story. At least we would know that the shooter was getting laborers training and a GED for the 10 years he is away.

The system is not failed. YOU are just not the one profitting from the failure. So either go to law school and get a piece of the action, or continue to enforce the law, in its ethical spirit, and go home safe at night, able to look youself in the mirror.

Is the blood money these leeches reap worth your soul. Not mine. They can have it.

7/12/2008 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like a real kid/family affair. Chicago should be so proud! Daley wants the olympics . Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe some people will see what the police deal with every day. Where are the reverends now?

7/12/2008 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the helicopter would be more usefull it was loaded up w/ napalm.

7/12/2008 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta love you tube!

7/12/2008 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is that bullet was fired from the "El" structure just North of there. The bullet entered the window at chest to head level and exited the first room just a little bit higher. Not like it was fired from the street directly below. A scary thought, just like those bullets fired into the air on New Year's Eve.

7/12/2008 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now my two daughters know why I forbid them to go to the Waste of Chicago with their friends.

7/12/2008 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight 12 Jul 08 in 007,on the 5700 block of Sangamon was the same nonsense. There was some party for some shit head that was kilt in 2001. When we (1st watch) got there, it was a crowd of at least 150 strong dinking, smoking weed, and gettting their juke on. Party was shut down and party goers were just milling around in the street. Same as the police, everyone just standing there, not doing a thing, and looking at everyone. On scene was a sector sgt, tact sgt, area gangs sgt and Lt. Along with a few tact, gangs and gun teams. And not to mention the enitire 1st watch roll call And everyone was just standing around.

WTF! These peices of shit were challenging the police from the start and no one would step up. Just sat there and took it, all the while these scum were loitering all over the place, and continuing to drink on the street. Finally i thtink it was a midnight gang team was locking someone up and all hell broke loose and anyone dicking around was told to leave or get locked up.

For some reason, some p.o.'s were just sitting there waiting for someone else to do something. And I don' think this has anything to do with low morale, no contract, or whatever. Too many timid p.o.'s here. Too many people here who had an early midlife crisis and decided on a new career. Or this depatment will hire anyone who signs up. THis is happening way too much, and I'm sure its not just in 007.

7/12/2008 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only lock an animal up if he is gonna try and hurt one of us. Otherwise, let him run wild. No CONTRACT - no Arrest. Years ago that scene would of been different but the city and its citizens would of turned a blind eye. Now, they want to hang you for doing police work. Especially if it's on video. Hopefully those coppers told them to leave the area and all come back now next year and behave the same way.

7/12/2008 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Won't you please come to Chicago

just bring your body armor and remember to stay low and make sure the bathtub is cast iron so you can sleep in it.

Better yet, get a room up high that does not face the street. Sleep well away from the windows.

Please remember, the police are not in control anymore, the thugs own the streets, you innocent naive citizens are on your own, it is all smoke and mirrors.

Won't you please come to Chicago

7/12/2008 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John M. Browning is a genius. He is the man who designed the .45acp in 1905. Thank God no one was hit by it.

7/12/2008 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I have to ask you Mr Weiss, that move you made to have the FBI look into possible civil rights violations by Officer Cozzi, was it worth it? You lost the hearts and minds of this police department before you spent day one on the job. Good going. And the crime rate, even the past superintendents, with all their flaws and outfit connections didn't fuck it up this badly.

Is it safe?

You're talking to me?

Is it safe?

Is what safe?

Is it safe?

I don't know what you mean. I can't tell you something's safe or not, unless I know specifically what you're talking about.

Is it safe?

Tell me what the "it" refers to.

Is it safe?

Yes, it's safe, it's very safe, it's so safe you wouldn't believe it.

Is it safe?

No. It's not safe, it's... very dangerous, be careful.

7/12/2008 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC: can anyone attend this meeting on tues that j-fed will be at with the aldermans?

7/12/2008 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't the PO's just happen to knock any ass filming with a camera phone? Then smack these assholes with the club and take them away...

Yeah that would be worth doing...I know the city will back me up and if not, I will find another way to support my family. But at least I showed those animals whose boss......

7/12/2008 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/12/2008 06:40:00 AM

Do you like your fucking job fucktard? It isn't 1969 anymore.

7/12/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hats and bats, lets give the park a taste of blood again.

7/12/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told from numerous officers who worked the fest on the 3rd that they were instructed to avoid making arrests if at all possible. Keating relayed this message to the sgt's who in turn infromed the P.O.'s. They didn't want any bad publicity. Guess it backfired.

7/12/2008 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Police are caught between a rock and a hard place. The bangers were tauting the police and if necessary force was used to effect an arrest that would also be caught on a cell phone video and be shown on channel 2,5,7,9,cltv,msn,and the city would pay out millions of my tax dollars. The citizens of this city need to wake up and start supporting the police,otherwise we'll lose this city.

7/12/2008 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wheres the wgn film, thats the best one. all of these are childs play.

7/12/2008 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Civilians who look at these videos will ask....why the police didn't do more?
The answer: Our hands are tied. Touch one of those savages and the video cameras come out, the editing starts, and the media makes the officer out to be a BEAST!
The Mayor and ALL of you damn liberals are getting the city you deserve. We WILL NOT ruin our lives for those savages. Let the masses march against us...let them say we are not doing our jobs.....BUT...we WILL be going home to our families...we will keep our houses from being taken from us from a stupid lawsuit!
We, the police, need to be able to kick some ass and make arrests to combat these SAVAGES! AND the city and MUMBLES should NOT pay these idiots when they run to the media and say "poor me"! They are thugs and criminals and should be treated as scum of the earth.
I feel bad for the good and decent people that live in the hoods where these SMUCKF**KS do! BUT they have to quit turning a "blind eye" to the illegal activity and get their hood in order. THEN and only then will we do our jobs!

Less than 3 years and counting. STAY SAFE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!

7/12/2008 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the credit is going to the DICK DALEY and J-Fed, but what about Special K(Dep Chief James Keating, Car 47) who was in charge of this event. Well thats what happens when you put a merit hack of Daley's in charge of something like the TASTE, and the down-town area. I guess this must not be that important, did Dick call his guy Special K, to ask him what happened.

7/12/2008 03:50:00 AM

You mean Sgt. Keating

7/12/2008 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked the TASTE many a time but no more. Im on the watch working Days drinking my Americano on the veranda watching hotties walk and jog by. My last TASTE was 4 yrs ago and it was a joke. The writing was on the wall do more with less. Hey JFED way to go putting recruits on the street w/ their Kaki shirts, police cap and NO WEAPONS. This is the height of imcompetance on all the Exempts involved. At roll call the other day it was revealed that any time due not related to furlo during the BudBiliken Day parade has to be approved by Chief of Patrol Beatrice "bar keep" Cuello and 1st Deputy James "DY-NO-MITE" Jackson.
Also Chief Barkeep wants all her Deputy Chiefs to submit violence reduction strategies to her and the Deputy Chiefs want us in the district to submit any ideas we have. What a joke, these appointee's, Exempts, hacks, etc... have no clue, they are bereft of any ideas to quell this upswing in violence. Gangbangers wilding at the TASTE, Daley says its not TASTE related, 3 shot , 2killed at the 2008 TASTE of Chicago. Way to go J-Fed, Jackson, Cuello, I can't wait till next year.

7/12/2008 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit that aint nuttin office, last night on Madison Av. from Cicero Av. to Ashland looked like a Freaknik. Motha Fukas everywhere, ho's walkin in packs, escalades double parked everywhere poundin the gangsta rap, the the po poleese runnin around with they blue lights on running from job to job. If only people knew how ghetto this city really is, you no wat im sayin?

7/12/2008 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car 47 my ass...more like a helmet headed waste of money on a cart, barking orders ! Send in the wagons and the real police, lock the bums up like the old days.

7/12/2008 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mandatory arrest qoutas are now being implemented for tac, gang and TRU. I would remind all officers that the city does not back you up on lawsuits and that the feds are still looking into that whole drop case thing. This city isnt worth it and wearing blue jeans sure isnt. Jody and the bosses are desperate and it is there failed policys and bad promotions along with lack of manpower and no contract that put us here. If you leave the TAC organg team for any reason you are by contract allowed to work the watch you could have bid to. Plus you wont have to go to Bud Biliken. Signed complaints by the caller is the only arrest worth making. Because police arent believed in court and throwing some PO's under the bus for BS arrests to meet a qouta would make Jfraud and mayor mumbles look good to the media.

7/12/2008 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The last video is truely scarey. That family was truely lucky. That hotel is attempting to be "urban pioneers" in an area just south of the loop."

You're a Stone Stooge,
500 S.Dearborn Is the South Loop. As a matter of fact, one of the more pricier areas in Chicago. Even if you & your 9nine inbred cousins cobbled your money together you still couldn't afford a studio that location. What a Goof!

7/12/2008 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nothing. If the people were to see the TRUE ghetto..they'd call it racism and say it's everyone else's fault.

They have to charge an admission fee in the 'Taste'..even if it's $2.00. It keeps the scum out.

That's how the old Chicagofest was and there were no problems.

7/12/2008 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why don't the PO's just happen to knock any ass filming with a camera phone? Then smack these assholes with the club and take them away.

7/12/2008 06:40:00 AM"

Because you'll miss the other 99 cameras that tape the afore mentioned incident.Then a Battalion of Lawyers marches on city hall,Patrick Fitzgerald goes for the direct indictment
(With the RUNTS Full Blessing& encouragement)& before you say "What the Fuck happened?" your find yourself being Bill Cozzi's cellmate.

7/12/2008 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez Jody and all you house mice, I wonder what that savage was hiding under there.

**Who cares?

7/12/2008 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special K's problem, like a lot of exempts they are such micro-managing, wanna be supermen that these debacles will continue...
Stop taking your lead from the king of micro managing, Daley, and learn to trust those that are working with you, WITH YOU
being the secret you egotistical imbeciles, you can't do it all!!!

7/12/2008 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

start the special k post(car 47) let's see what happened at the taste thought he new evrything and he dropped the ball he should take responsibility and step down

7/12/2008 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lack of manpower and absolute lack of management. Keating is useless. Police lacked any paroactive behavior. Is morale so bad on CPD that everyone is hesitant to be involved? Sgts and LTS stand by while gang bangers rule the land. Inside officers is not the answer. There is a reason why we have had a version of SOS for the last 30 years. We would still have SOS if there was proper leadership and supervision. We are paying the price for that mistake.

7/12/2008 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 injured in packed bull run at Spanish festival....


7/12/2008 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That bullet went through two panes of glass, at least 4 layers of drywall and still managed to exit the room.

As Dirty Harry would's the most powerful handgun in the world.

7/12/2008 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm what is the common denominator in these videos?

Say no more.

We lost this City.

Gave it away to those who contributed nothing to it other than violence and freebies.

7/12/2008 04:20:00 AM

It's a shame, isn't it? The city used to be a great place to grow up.

7/12/2008 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to monday morning quarterback, but alot of standing around with hands on hips trying to look tuff. for gods sake, if you tell shit head to move and he does his bullsh*t slow trot and give you a dirty look....lock him up... refusing to follow a lawful order to disperse.. hopefully next year arrests are in the hundreds...or more.

7/12/2008 12:36:00 AM

Good point. Summerfest in Milwaukee had 134 arrests throughout festival.

7/12/2008 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

send the videos to the Maury Povich show

7/12/2008 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why don't the PO's just happen to knock any ass filming with a camera phone? Then smack these assholes with the club and take them away.

7/12/2008 06:40:00 AM

Because that would be a violation of their civil rights and grounds for dismissal.....welcome to the modern world my friend!

7/12/2008 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't the ghetto, this is downtown Chicago. It truly is ashame to have this go on.

7/12/2008 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
From Angry PO's Wife....

This is what all you "HEROS" missed.

Don't forget to read the comments.

7/12/2008 01:23:00 AM

Honey Pie, we read your comments on the other post. First, don't drink so much before you go on the blog. Second, tell your fat husband to lay off the cheeseburgers, he's wrecking all the chairs at the desk. Third, understand that this blog is making a HUGE difference, even though you can't see it. Fourth, stop belittling other CPD officers. People like you are, to put it in a word - DISGUSTING.

7/12/2008 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just paid my water bill it went I bought my city stickers they went up gas is way up electricity bill up food up property taxs up sales tax up. Guess what no contract no raise. Screw this city daley I will be ignoring everything and everyone. no tickets no proactive policing if someone isnt signing complaints then let the mayhem continue. We are understaffed mismanaged and crapped on every day. No contract nowork. F U Alderpimps.

7/12/2008 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The taste was a complete success!!
Our geriatric helicopter pilot in his obsolete toy that's too slow and overweight with all the gadgets he bought for us (most of which don't actually work) got lots and lots of event numbers so it must have been a success.....I mean it must've...Harry said it was a glorious day for the CPD helicopter unit so it must be true....Harry wouldn't lie...he wouldn't......

Harry learned a lot from World War II. That war was won using aircraft that were unable to fly far enough or fast enough and were never quite able to carry enough weight so Harry went out and bought us a helicopter that matches those characteristics exactly. But man can that thing compile vast amounts of event numbers in a single mission.

The event number will win the war on crime and Harry the Hat Hohm will be the hero with the most event numbers at the end of the day!!!

7/12/2008 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame Jody, blame the Lieutenants, blame the weather,blame racism,blame the school system, even blame the mayor.....just don't point out the fact that everyone of those thugs is black. The best way to solve a problem is to ignore it or make excuses for it. Just ask Mr.Cut Your Nuts Off, hes made a fortune making excuses for his people.

7/12/2008 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

check out the article about the Olympics coming to Chicago on

its a great article of the corruption involving the Olypmics.

7/12/2008 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always loved these National Geographic videos......VERY Educational

7/12/2008 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I predict that if the Olympics are denied to Chicago that SCC will recieve a lion-share of the blame."

Make that "the credit".

"The day that King Dickey gets indicted or gets a visit from the G is the day that I start working again."


7/12/2008 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"not to monday morning quarterback, but alot of standing around with hands on hips trying to look tuff. for gods sake, if you tell shit head to move and he does his bullsh*t slow trot and give you a dirty look....lock him up... refusing to follow a lawful order to disperse.. hopefully next year arrests are in the hundreds...or more.

7/12/2008 12:36:00 AM"

Either you haven't been paying attention, you're an idiot or, most likely, a career house mouse.

7/12/2008 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why don't the PO's just happen to knock any ass filming with a camera phone? Then smack these assholes with the club and take them away.

7/12/2008 06:40:00 AM"

And yet another mouse honors us with a squeak or two.

7/12/2008 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mr. Mayor....I see bangers on the videos, but no families with them.

7/12/2008 07:32:00 AM"

The bangers are their own family, in the happy land of Stuttering Prickville.

7/12/2008 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will all change when Obama is elected. He has a plan, he has change, he has a lot of bullshit.

7/12/2008 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(which I probably can't go there anyway because shitheads ruined that too).
Was at Lincoln Park Zoo earlier this year with a group of kids on a field trip. When they're lining up for the buses, the groups lining up are in a sort of fenced-in area. Well, waiting to get out of the fenced area and onto the buses, all of the sudden rocks, sticks, you name it, are being thrown at the people in the fenced-in area. By shitheads.

7/12/2008 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think we should blame the police for this.

Blame belongs to the people causing the trouble. Not the police.

You have a delicate balancing act.

Come on too soft, and there's trouble.

Come on too hard, and you'll get a riot.

There's only so much a small group of professionals can do to keep a lid on a crowd that big.

I think you did a very good job.

This was NOT the fault of the police.

Keep up the good work.

7/12/2008 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many people showed up for the pro gun rally downtown?

7/12/2008 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part was Keating blaming the coppers the next day at a briefing prior to our tour of duty on the 4th. Then when it was brought to his attention that several covert officers were to be issued wristbands (for identification purposes) but they didnt have enough for everyone. Then a sergeant in the briefing said that his team was never informed that covert officers would be in the crowd and they could be identified by the blue wrist bands. Keating says "Well thats on me then" Yea no shit. The whole fucking thing is on you and your superiors dont put this shit on the POs. The worst decesion ever by this department was not disorderly arrests.

7/12/2008 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why was helicopter one even there? to make noise? of course it went to midway a couple times too blowing taxpayer money on fuel

7/12/2008 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook County Jail statistics: Under 9,000 in custody in teh divisions. CPD, keep up the no work!

7/12/2008 03:15:00 PM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...


Chicago Tribune Online Edition:
Video shows stray bullet entered family's hotel room
A video posted to YouTube appears to show where a bullet entered and exited a family's downtown hotel room during their stay in Chicago. The video was apparently shot a day after gang-related shootings left one dead a three wounded following the July 3 fireworks display. Watch the video and tell us what you think.

7/12/2008 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to monday morning quarterback, but alot of standing around with hands on hips trying to look tuff. for gods sake, if you tell shit head to move and he does his bullsh*t slow trot and give you a dirty look....lock him up... refusing to follow a lawful order to disperse.. hopefully next year arrests are in the hundreds...or more.

7/12/2008 12:36:00 AM

That's the thing. Where do you put them once you cuff them?
There were no prisoner vans or wagons that were readily accessible.
I'm all for ask, tell, make, but it sure wasn't made easy to do by the higher ups.

7/12/2008 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can borrow my typewriter cover and electrical ball shocker anytime you want J-Fed. Believe me it works.

7/12/2008 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These savages were walking around looking for trouble. They did not purchase any thing (food) again they came down for one reason only. I worked the waste in the past never seen such disregard for the police. We get no respect. Hey Mayor take a look at these videos these videos show maybe 1% of what happened, you think Chicago is safe?????

7/12/2008 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until the Olympic Commitee sees this footage

7/12/2008 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do all the thugs swarm to a fight like stink on shit?
Mind your own damn business.

7/12/2008 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suntimes 12 July,2008 page 2...Weis wants another SOS unit....HAAAAAAHAAAAAA about time nitwit!! Why not another TRU unit??? answer?? Because they can't do the job....period! Like I said dozens of times before...NOBODY could ever match the old SOS as far as results....and I'm talking pre Jerry Finnigan so all of you morons out there that are going to start talking shit about SOS and Jerry Finnigan....stuff a cock in it...I'm not talking about Jerry Finnigan....I'm talking about good hard working police officers getting the job done. So....again Supt Weis....why not another TRU unit or squad,platoon or whatever you call them?? answer=.....They can't do the job....arguments welcome.....let's hear it.

7/12/2008 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was standing with my hands on my hips and looking tough. and guess what i'm not getting indicted for violating pookies civil liberties. If you think all of the cameras at the taste were for pookie control you are sadly mistaken. Every ten seconds scooter boy keating would watch the feeds from the cameras and tell p.o.s to keep moving instead of watching pookie. hey keating get off of that segway and walk eight hours and then let me know how does it feel to walk around in the heat with 20lbs of gear. No leadership skills. why would i want to bust my ass with no contract.

7/12/2008 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see special k James Keating was in charge of the taste. So when hes not out apprehending the dangerous church goer. Hes giving a free pass to the harmless gang banging thugs! WHAT A COUNTRY! Wheres all the press releases on this story? J-Fed if you don't see how your boy Daley works. You never will!

Special K, he is very special. When they feel he did something good. His name is all over the papers. When he messes up they do a good job of hiding him. What a joke!

7/12/2008 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

watching these makes me ashamed to be th police. we used to be able to be proud of our office. not any more. Just collecting a check now. cant wait to retire. hate this job so so much and most people above sergeant suck.

7/12/2008 05:37:00 PM  
Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

Give money to mothers to have children without fathers, and they will. Give money and housing to adults because they don't have jobs, and they will never get one. Stop enforcing law and order in the hopes that it won't provoke disorder, and it will only speed lawlesness. Every well intentioned liberal needs to wake up and understand the damage that these policies do to the black community. Hate black people? Want to keep them in the ghetto? Vote Obama.

7/12/2008 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't be happier that this shit happened at the Taste. Let all the liberal suburban dumbasses see for themselves what we deal with on a daily basis down here. As far as the Bud B parade? Why make any arrests? Why bother? Let them wild all they want, just back each other up and come home safely. Daley wants this shit in this city, so let him take some responsibility for what his aid-for-everyone programs has produced.

7/12/2008 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Alderman Carruthers:

I may be mistaken, but didn't Monique Bond say after the Taste, that the "same three bosses" who ran the Taste this year have been the same one's who ran it in the past??? Who would they be.
Keating - Daley's childhood chum -- you know better then to blast him.
Cmdr Ryan - 001 - who's clout is Mitchell from the Park District, again you know better then to blast him and Georgas -- who is related to Mara G. from the corp counsel. Again, you know better then to go after him. So when Jody gets in front of you and gives up these 3 names as being on - site and in overall command, will you call them in and get up in their faces. Of course not, because you don't want bubble head Daley to get mad at you. Daley wants Jody to get a little mud on him so that a case can start being built in case Daley needs to launch him later -- but once Jody tosses out these names, you'll back down and nothing will come of this meeting.

7/12/2008 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a great place to build a childrens museum.

7/12/2008 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these the gangbangers that were not causing trouble and were with their families, as the Mayor stated?
Gangbangers with their family, huh!

7/12/2008 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know all you guys do is bitch, bitch, bitch.....Enough already!! Either have a recall vote on FOP and/or march on city hall..I for one can't stand men who do nothing but bitch and take no action..It's getting real old....Like a bunch of old blue haired women....

7/12/2008 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we get a Mayor and Boss that stands behind us, then and only then will changes occur. LA had one once.
We need legislation to stop the bs lawsuits. When a police officer acts in good faith there is no grounds for a lawsuit. Stop the madness! Stop taking the bullshit CR's.
Chicago is a great city, why give it to the animals?
Come on politicians do something other than sit on your hands and collect a fat pay check.

7/12/2008 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just saw a blip on the news that the third video will be on ch 09 news after the sox game.

7/12/2008 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the types of people the machine allows to criticize officers:

Police and DCFS are investigating the deaths of newborn twins found in a Southwest Side home Thursday morning after an autopsy Friday ruled the deaths homicides.

Paramedics responded to 2400 W. 66th St. about 6:10 a.m. Thursday and found two unresponsive infants, according to police News Affairs Officer JoAnn Taylor.

Baby Girl Johnson and Baby Boy Johnson were pronounced dead at the scene at 9:35 a.m. Thursday, according to a Cook County Medical Examiner's office spokesman.

7/12/2008 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and that's why i shoot a .45.

7/12/2008 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

marathon man....nice

7/12/2008 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn, how I long for the days of the good old "wood shampoo"

7/12/2008 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis also apologized to aldermen for his failure to communicate with them and pledged to include aldermen in monthly meetings with district and area commanders.

Jody-----Remember when you were the F.B.I.????? Remember what most of the Aldercreatures were about? Don't be a wimp.

7/12/2008 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You know all you guys do is bitch, bitch, bitch.....Enough already!! Either have a recall vote on FOP and/or march on city hall..I for one can't stand men who do nothing but bitch and take no action..It's getting real old....Like a bunch of old blue haired women....

7/12/2008 07:07:00 PM"

Apparently, you can't stand a working strategy.

Sorry, Charlie, only the BEST get to be STAR KISSED.

7/12/2008 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"watching these makes me ashamed to be th police. we used to be able to be proud of our office. not any more. Just collecting a check now. cant wait to retire. hate this job so so much and most people above sergeant suck.

7/12/2008 05:37:00 PM"

Don't hat the job or be ashamed of being the police.

Despise the cocksuckers who have perverted it into just another haven for themselves and other cocksuckers.

7/12/2008 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 7/12/2008 07:07:00 PM

Since you're so enlightened why don't you read up on the laws regarding decertification of the FOP. Contact the Illinois Labor Relations Board if you're so disenchanted.

7/12/2008 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I was viewing Fillmore with the video at Buckingham Fountain. Looks like the whole west side was there hee hawing.

7/12/2008 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



7/12/2008 08:08:00 AM"

That ought to be good, meter maids in the ghetto!!!

I wonder how that's gonna work out?

Also, no self respecting Sworn Peace Officer should ever stoop so low as to do revenue agent 'work'.

7/12/2008 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daley daley is not only a stuttering midget prick he looks like he smells.

7/12/2008 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
not to monday morning quarterback, but alot of standing around with hands on hips trying to look tuff. for gods sake, if you tell shit head to move and he does his bullsh*t slow trot and give you a dirty look....lock him up... refusing to follow a lawful order to disperse.. hopefully next year arrests are in the hundreds...or more.

7/12/2008 12:36:00 AM

Ok, tough guy. You would have 20,000 arrests and the pods would show you losing your j-o-b

7/12/2008 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope they show these videos at the next city council meeting. Wish we had video of bosses telling po's don't make any arrests.

Next year waste of Chicago will be worse if we don't have bosses who have some "nuts"....that includes supervisors, bosses and Daley. The city will be out of control because city hall is not letting the police do their job. City hall has to tell the revs to get their flock in order and obey laws and stop kissing everyone's ass in exchange for votes, money, olympics, whatever.

I saw waaay too many gangbangers i.e. solo black makes (without their babies and babies' mammas---i.e. family) strolling around holding their pants up or holding on to their weapons in their waistband. The tourist family at the hotel got a "taste" of chicago, and I'm not talking food. Thank God they weren't hurt and could go home never to return to this shit city again.

7/12/2008 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight 12 Jul 08 in 007,on the 5700 block of Sangamon was the same nonsense. There was some party for some shit head that was kilt in 2001. When we (1st watch) got there, it was a crowd of at least 150 strong dinking, smoking weed, and gettting their juke on. Party was shut down and party goers were just milling around in the street. Same as the police, everyone just standing there, not doing a thing, and looking at everyone. On scene was a sector sgt, tact sgt, area gangs sgt and Lt. Along with a few tact, gangs and gun teams. And not to mention the enitire 1st watch roll call And everyone was just standing around.

WTF! These peices of shit were challenging the police from the start and no one would step up. Just sat there and took it, all the while these scum were loitering all over the place, and continuing to drink on the street. Finally i thtink it was a midnight gang team was locking someone up and all hell broke loose and anyone dicking around was told to leave or get locked up.

For some reason, some p.o.'s were just sitting there waiting for someone else to do something. And I don' think this has anything to do with low morale, no contract, or whatever. Too many timid p.o.'s here. Too many people here who had an early midlife crisis and decided on a new career. Or this depatment will hire anyone who signs up. THis is happening way too much, and I'm sure its not just in 007.

7/12/2008 08:53:00 AM
And, you did what exactly? No one steps up, but from the way you have it written, neither did you.
Yet, you want to bitch about no one stepping up.
What was keeping you from acting like the police?

7/12/2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"For some reason, some p.o.'s were just sitting there waiting for someone else to do something. And I don' think this has anything to do with low morale, no contract, or whatever. Too many timid p.o.'s here."

Sounds like you didn't do a damn thing either and waited for the gang team to do it. Step up next time and quit bitching about other PO's.

7/12/2008 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...























7/12/2008 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC: Please post our intelligent Mayor speaking a few days ago about the gangbangers having the right to be at the "Waste" with their families. It was on most of the local channels. That needs to be on this blog.

7/12/2008 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lawyers with the equivalent ethical standards as the stereotypical used car dealers.

The system is not failed. YOU are just not the one profitting from the failure. So either go to law school and get a piece of the action, or continue to enforce the law, in its ethical spirit, and go home safe at night, able to look youself in the mirror.

Is the blood money these leeches reap worth your soul. Not mine. They can have it.

7/12/2008 08:26:00 AM"

Most of what you say is dead on target.

The only few things I disagree with are:

1. You can 'trust', if that's the word, a used car dealer far more often than a lawyer, because, at the very least, you've never been conditioned to believe that you SHOULD be able to trust a used car dealer.

2. The 'system' HAS failed it's 'claimed to be' purpose. It only appears to be succeeding in it's hidden and un-admitted purpose, BECAUSE it's purpose has been concealed from the general public, by, you guessed it, the stellar performances of our own, dear to our hearts, NEWS MEDIA.

3. As for the either/or you embrace, life ALWAYS presents more than two, opposite ended solutions to every problem, and "...continue to enforce the law, in its ethical spirit, and go home safe at night, able to look yourself in the mirror." IS a huge part of that solution. The law contains much authentic wisdom and the potential for true justice. It's how those who are butchering and abusing/misusing the implementing and applying of the law that's resulted in our present fucked up conditions.

What that say, 'all that evil requires is for good to do nothing'?

7/12/2008 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10pm news on 7 mentioned certain 'unauthorized' police blogs.


7/12/2008 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"For some reason, some p.o.'s were just sitting there waiting for someone else to do something. And I don' think this has anything to do with low morale, no contract, or whatever. Too many timid p.o.'s here. Too many people here who had an early midlife crisis and decided on a new career. Or this depatment will hire anyone who signs up. THis is happening way too much, and I'm sure its not just in 007.

7/12/2008 08:53:00 AM"

Another clueless knucklehead who either can't see the forest for the trees or is trying to reverse the irreversible.

The genie is out of the bottle and he ain't getting back in voluntarily.

7/12/2008 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"7/12/2008 09:34:00 AM"

I loved that movie.

7/12/2008 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Guess it backfired.

7/12/2008 10:08:00 AM"

Bang, bang, bang.

7/12/2008 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why cant they make any festival and the surrounding area a gang hot spot?

7/12/2008 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Also Chief Barkeep wants all her Deputy Chiefs to submit violence reduction strategies to her and the Deputy Chiefs want us in the district to submit any ideas we have. What a joke, these appointee's, Exempts, hacks, etc... have no clue, they are bereft of any ideas to quell this upswing in violence. Gangbangers wilding at the TASTE, Daley says its not TASTE related, 3 shot , 2killed at the 2008 TASTE of Chicago. Way to go J-Fed, Jackson, Cuello, I can't wait till next year.

7/12/2008 11:06:00 AM"

In what kind of organization do the 'leaders' ask the 'followers' for advice?

7/12/2008 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worth repeating:

"If you leave the TAC or gang team for any reason you are by contract allowed to work the watch you could have bid to.

Plus you wont have to go to Bud Biliken.

Signed complaints by the caller is the only arrest worth making.

Because police aren't believed in court and throwing some PO's under the bus for BS arrests to meet a quota would make Jfraud and mayor mumbles look good to the media.

7/12/2008 11:25:00 AM"

Take heed, oh ye of the wet behind the ears.

7/12/2008 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They have to charge an admission fee in the 'Taste'..even if it's $2.00. It keeps the scum out.

That's how the old Chicagofest was and there were no problems.

7/12/2008 11:27:00 AM"

You forgot to factor in inflation.

Someone else had a great idea, make the admission fee $10 plus an additional $10 to $15 with a coupon worth the $10 or $15 and color coded wrist bands. Adjust the actual $$$ amounts as needed to achieve the desired effect. That would make the vendors happy, with every admission including a guaranteed $10+ purchase of some vendors' wares.

7/12/2008 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's a shame, isn't it? The city used to be a great place to grow up.

7/12/2008 01:12:00 PM"

It still is, if you want your kids prepared for the future.

7/12/2008 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lack of manpower and absolute lack of management. Keating is useless. Police lacked any paroactive behavior. Is morale so bad on CPD that everyone is hesitant to be involved? Sgts and LTS stand by while gang bangers rule the land. Inside officers is not the answer. There is a reason why we have had a version of SOS for the last 30 years. We would still have SOS if there was proper leadership and supervision. We are paying the price for that mistake.

7/12/2008 12:05:00 PM

Keating has no clue what he is doing! he managed what 12 lackeys at a time as commander of mayors detail? His clout keeps him in great job jimmy!

7/12/2008 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Honey Pie, we read your comments on the other post. First, don't drink so much before you go on the blog. Second, tell your fat husband to lay off the cheeseburgers, he's wrecking all the chairs at the desk. Third, understand that this blog is making a HUGE difference, even though you can't see it. Fourth, stop belittling other CPD officers. People like you are, to put it in a word - DISGUSTING.

7/12/2008 01:22:00 PM"

She was referring to the comments on the posted link.

(I left the above space open, for you to rip yourself a new one)

7/12/2008 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never thought of the .45 as a particularly high power round, but that bullet that went thru thick window glass and 4 panels of drywall....

Says a heck of a lot about Chicago building codes and the quality of construction in these new big money residential units..

Better be careful: You hang a picture on the wall and you could injure your neighbor...

7/12/2008 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(To the tune of "Won't you Please Come to Chicago", apologies to Crosby Stills and Nash)

Tho the Cops are bound and gagged

And they can't bust any heads

Won't you please come to Chicago for the Taste?

Don't aske Dick to help you, cuz he'll say there is no fear

Won't you please come to Chicago, Watch the city crash and burn

We can't Change the World

Can't keep the bangers in the hood

It's dying
(bangers are running the Taste now)

(shooting and scaring the tourists)

(takin' a chance with your life)


Cops and Law and Order who needs 'em?

Throw em all under the bus....

7/12/2008 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope,I am not cop. Never wanted to be. Have a lot of friends and family who are. Nope there are some cops I don't like and have even fought with.
Stupid ego shit on both side,(me and you). I am not a criminal and I believe that you guys deserve better.
For starters I got bored today and decided to look into the whole Olympic ordeal and I have found some juicy stuff! Enjoy the names and contact info of the IOC International Olympic Committee.
Let them know whats going on.

For further information, please contact the IOC Communications Department, Tel: +41 21 621 60 00, or contact Emmanuelle Moreau on +86 13611064576, email:

Jacques Rogge

Gunilla Lindberg
Lambis V. Nikolaou
Chiharu Igaya
Thomas Bach

Gerhard Heiberg
Denis Oswald
Mario Vázquez Raña
Ottavio Cinquanta
Sergey Bubka
Zaiqing Yu
People's Republic of China
Richard L. Carrión
Puerto Rico
Ser Miang Ng
Mario Pescante
Sam Ramsamy
South Africa


Executive Board
Château de Vidy
1007 Lausanne

(41.21) 621 61 11
(41.21) 621 62 16

7/12/2008 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take back the streets ,kick ass like the old days.FORGET ABOUT IT NEVER AGAIN. Cameras , lawyers,liberal bleeding heart assholes,getting indicted,etc.Get used to watching the asshole put on the show hoping you over react.We are going to back off unless something serious is happening, not bullshit disorderlys.Learn to live with it.

7/13/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Says a heck of a lot about Chicago building codes and the quality of construction in these new big money residential units..

Better be careful: You hang a picture on the wall and you could injure your neighbor...

7/12/2008 11:16:00 PM"

Drywall is drywall, not plaster and lathe.

At most, fire code drywall is 5/8th's of an inch thick.

Plaster and wood lathe typically is a 1/2 inch + of sanded rough coat, another 1/4 - 1/2 inch of rough plaster and a final finish coat of 1/8 to 1/4 inch of fine plaster.

That's a minimum of close to an inch to an inch and a half of material more dense than drywall, plus the 1/4 inch wood lathe.

In some buildings, expanded metal lathe was used in place of wood lathe and some sanded rough coat actually contains lime and a small amount of Portland cement.

Huge difference between the typical construction standards of the past and present.

Old construction is closer to 'safe room' standards than anything new, and not specifically designed to be bullet resistant/proof.

I would avoid total gut rehabbing whenever possible, those old plaster walls can turn out to be a life saver.

7/13/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/12/2008 10:28:00 PM"

Except with a forty in his hand.

7/13/2008 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And, you did what exactly? No one steps up, but from the way you have it written, neither did you.
Yet, you want to bitch about no one stepping up.
What was keeping you from acting like the police?

7/12/2008 10:21:00 PM"

Because he/she/it is not the police?

7/13/2008 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also Chief Barkeep wants all her Deputy Chiefs to submit violence reduction strategies to her
Any time Pookie and Junebug decide to drink a fo-tay or smoke a blunt on the public way, set a pack of wild dogs loose on the fuckers.

"Pookie's got biteified!"

7/13/2008 02:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Angry P.O.s wife---

If you ever met SpankDaddy, you wouldn't be so angry.

7/13/2008 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you who talk about "taking cameras" why not just accept the reality of cameras and see the good that can come from them. Just assume that while working you are on camera and you will be better off. Also assume it when you are in the bar after work or before work for those of you who are of Irish descent like me.

These videos show a real aspect of what happened in "da great city of chi cawh gahh" this year at our biggest festival. People watching them "may" begin to realize that large parts of this city and the decent folks who live there are terrorized by these scum daily.

The department needs to start utilizing cameras more. Since cameras aren't going away figure out how to use them to our benefit.

Let's flash forward to 2009 Taste of Chicago. Bangers flashing signs, shouting slogans, grabbing asses and showing mysterious bulges in the back of their white t shirts filmed by CPD or City civilian cameramen. Sworn officers move in to do their "thang". Bangers use "naughty" language or resist. Use the video in court and when defense attorneys question "use of force" make clear that the officers knew they were being filmed.

Put cameras on the Sheriff's buses borrowed to hold the little darlings while awaiting transport to the "Phil Cline Temporary Detention Center at Old Country Buffet" or just open a new location for OCB at Soldier Field next to the Police Memorial. More convenient for our gloriously rotund former superintendent and Memorial Leader.

Film is the new reality. This isn't 1972 and for those of you who lament the past I suggest you look at the numbers of Chicago Police murdered during the 60's and 70's. There were years in that time period when 7 or more Chicago police were shot and killed. I did a very quick online search and I found one year where 9 officers were murdered. There may have been worse years during that time.

Today this is a better city whether some of you want to admit it or not. The number of deaths isn't down merely because of body armor, better medical care, or better training. It's also down because violence is down.

The past wasn't that great. So those of you who lament "wood shampoo" need to get your heads out of your likely ample asses.

Now we can go years without an officer being killed in the line of duty by gunfire. I wish we could go decades.

The way to handle the Taste next year is overwhelming force in the beginning and on the night of the 3rd. That will also include a zero tolerance policy for smoking weed, fighting, ass grabbing, flashing or yelling signs or slogans etc. That means taking the risk of a riot or as I'm sure Patricia Hill would call it a "Peoples Uprising". That means Exempts who have the experience and sense to make preparations for detaining and transporting large numbers of our criminally inclined youth.

Now if things have gotten to the point where CPD can't handle a recurring fest it is time for new leadership at both the Police and Elected levels. Hell, it is time for that anyway.

7/13/2008 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To...>>>Our geriatric helicopter pilot in his obsolete toy that's too slow and overweight with all the gadgets he bought...<<<

As the saying goes, "There are old pilots and there are bold pilots...but there are no old bold pilots." If you can do better, then get the license and volunteer. Slow? speed stresses the airframe and powerplant. The two choppers have FLIRE, the most needed state-of-the-art toy; but can you get better from the midget who once said we would never have helicopters. The only reason we have them is he needs them for the Olympics.

>>>>...why was helicopter one even there? to make noise? of course it went to midway a couple times too blowing taxpayer money on fuel...<<<<

They do a good job of keeping track of crowds and traffic. And remember, our wonderful mayor destroyed Meigs Field in the middle of the night. There was a $20,000 fine for that crime. Who paid that penalty; and who was the Deputy Superintendent on the scene that night?

7/13/2008 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/12/2008 08:53:00 AM"

Another clueless knucklehead who either can't see the forest for the trees or is trying to reverse the irreversible.

The genie is out of the bottle and he ain't getting back in voluntarily.

7/12/2008 10:53:00 PM

You obviously were not there

Its not about seeing this or that. All I ever hear anyone whine about here is morale in the shitter, and dealing with shit heads and everything that these shitheads bring with them from A to Z. So what are we doing here? Watching it all go to hell, or do our job? Well I'm not sure about you, but I still enjoy doing my job. I'm not a theif, or crooked, nor do I beat on people for no reason. As are a few of my co workers.

7/13/2008 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason, some p.o.'s were just sitting there waiting for someone else to do something. And I don' think this has anything to do with low morale, no contract, or whatever. Too many timid p.o.'s here. Too many people here who had an early midlife crisis and decided on a new career. Or this depatment will hire anyone who signs up. THis is happening way too much, and I'm sure its not just in 007.

7/12/2008 08:53:00 AM
And, you did what exactly? No one steps up, but from the way you have it written, neither did you.
Yet, you want to bitch about no one stepping up.
What was keeping you from acting like the police?

7/12/2008 10:21:00 PM

Well ASSHOLE, myself, my partner and about four or five cars on scene went in with heads. A couple of these fucks were charged with battery to the police. SOme with agg assault to the police, and a gun a bunch of dope was also recovered. Oh and 724's car got a brick through the window. Several fights with the police took place, and you know what ASSHOLE? A lot of cops were just standing there and looking. Not helping, which im sure you would have done the same.

If you want to hide in your car instead of help out, don't even show up. JUst go down on a BS traffic stop. As for me, I could give a fuck about a contract or a lawsuit, or morale or what ever. if I see another P.O. in a fight, I'm getting involved till he/sheis ok

7/13/2008 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over 22 years ago I climbed into the wagon in a ghetto district. The old timer in the drivers seat had his long cigar going already. he greeted me with a handshake and a big grin and said, "hello, I'm Jimmy Xxx and I do nothing."

I now understand why thy that old timer felt that way, it is even worse now. Keep yourself safe until retirement. Proactive policing is gone. Until the city shows they will back us I will only answer my calls. Period. No street stops, no traffic stops and no grabbing people.

Citizens of Chicago, you got the police department you have been clamoring for, a bunch of report takers.

7/13/2008 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
"For some reason, some p.o.'s were just sitting there waiting for someone else to do something. And I don' think this has anything to do with low morale, no contract, or whatever. Too many timid p.o.'s here. Too many people here who had an early midlife crisis and decided on a new career. Or this depatment will hire anyone who signs up. THis is happening way too much, and I'm sure its not just in 007.

7/12/2008 08:53:00 AM"

Timid p.o.'s??? That is what the department wants knucklehead! Do anthing differently and you risk getting stripped and indicted. It isn't worth taking the chance on losing my house and going through the hell of fighting department charges, lawsuits and criminal charges.

No where in the General Orders does it say anything about being aggressive and kicking ass. The General Orders are what the Department will use to hang us with, they are what I hang my hat on, I adhere to the rules, nothing more. When the General Orders forbids timid officers and guarantees officers immunity from prosecution for acts in the line of duty then I will be aggressive again. Not before.

J-Fed showed us what he was all about with Officer Cozzi., He made me a report taker that day, no more.

7/13/2008 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like a lot of polices there SCC..

the sky is falling, the sky is falling WAAA WAAAA

7/13/2008 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked the TASTE many a time but no more. Im on the watch working Days drinking my Americano on the veranda watching hotties walk and jog by. My last TASTE was 4 yrs ago and it was a joke. The writing was on the wall do more with less. Hey JFED way to go putting recruits on the street w/ their Kaki shirts, police cap and NO WEAPONS. This is the height of imcompetance on all the Exempts involved. At roll call the other day it was revealed that any time due not related to furlo during the BudBiliken Day parade has to be approved by Chief of Patrol Beatrice "bar keep" Cuello and 1st Deputy James "DY-NO-MITE" Jackson.
Also Chief Barkeep wants all her Deputy Chiefs to submit violence reduction strategies to her and the Deputy Chiefs want us in the district to submit any ideas we have. What a joke, these appointee's, Exempts, hacks, etc... have no clue, they are bereft of any ideas to quell this upswing in violence. Gangbangers wilding at the TASTE, Daley says its not TASTE related, 3 shot , 2killed at the 2008 TASTE of Chicago. Way to go J-Fed, Jackson, Cuello, I can't wait till next year.

7/12/2008 11:06:00 AM

They want ideas from us, cause they have none. Thats what you get when you promote incompetent people!

7/13/2008 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck would u want to come here on vacation anyway!

7/13/2008 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the LEAST stable continent in the world?

7/13/2008 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"For some reason, some p.o.'s were just sitting there waiting for someone else to do something. And I don' think this has anything to do with low morale, no contract, or whatever. Too many timid p.o.'s here. Too many people here who had an early midlife crisis and decided on a new career. Or this depatment will hire anyone who signs up. THis is happening way too much, and I'm sure its not just in 007.

7/12/2008 08:53:00 AM"

Go get em' hero see you at your funraiser to raise monies for your defense goof!

7/13/2008 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know all you guys do is bitch, bitch, bitch.....Enough already!! Either have a recall vote on FOP and/or march on city hall..I for one can't stand men who do nothing but bitch and take no action..It's getting real old....Like a bunch of old blue haired women....

Is this Angry PO's Wife again? Honey, you need to have an orgasm. If your husband can't give one to you, use a vibrator. You'll feel much, much better. You can even hold a gun while you're doing it to give you that extra little thrill.

7/13/2008 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone see a comm denominator? Oh, I'm sorry, we can't discuss that.

7/13/2008 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come Mary Mitchell wasn't there or Jesse Jackson to preach to those poor souls and tell them all to stop acting the FOOL?

Maybe those people aren't so bad if those who defend them publically spent MORE TIME lecturing them all and GETTING to them as opposed to just making politcial agendas and examples of their oppression as excuses all the time.

In other words Mary, Jesse, Obama, Fr. Phleger, Ike Carrothers, whatever other Reverends, and whoever else has defended these people .........GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASSES AND STRAIGHTEN THEM OUT YOURSELVES.....WE ARE ALL PAYING FOR IT!!


7/13/2008 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did it look like one sergeant tried to organize a team to go into the crowd and pick out the loudest idiot to arrest?

It looked like they are all looking around for some imaginary lieutenant or above to give them some order.

You can tell they had not been there before.

7/13/2008 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bogeyman says---

" have have 20,000 arrests and the pods would show you losing your j-o-b..."

Yes, that is true. Anyone who makes an arrest will lose his job because I, the Bogeyman, says so.

Be fearful, be timid, do not be the police because I, the Bogeyman, is out to get you.

7/13/2008 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 degrees left bank....hold your orbit....expend all ord on target.

7/13/2008 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Bogeyman says---

" have have 20,000 arrests and the pods would show you losing your j-o-b..."

Yes, that is true. Anyone who makes an arrest will lose his job because I, the Bogeyman, says so.

Be fearful, be timid, do not be the police because I, the Bogeyman, is out to get you.

7/13/2008 05:13:00 PM"

I'd suspect this idiot is daley, but daley doesn't have the imagination or the writing skills.

7/13/2008 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is this Angry PO's Wife again? Honey, you need to have an orgasm. If your husband can't give one to you, use a vibrator. You'll feel much, much better. You can even hold a gun while you're doing it to give you that extra little thrill.

7/13/2008 12:53:00 PM"

Didn't you forget to mention an UNLOADED GUN?

Or was that omission intentional?

7/13/2008 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"looks like a lot of polices there SCC..

the sky is falling, the sky is falling WAAA WAAAA

7/13/2008 10:34:00 AM"

Whenever someone posts a comment that contains the 'words': "WAAA WAAA", or something similar, it's a clout monkey; that's their mating call.

7/13/2008 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im a tow truck driver who met a female Tac officer on an accident site.Instead of chasing me off the sceen she let me pitch my deal and we actually went out for drinks a week later.being an accident chaser and having a few minor run ins with the police,I was never a big fan of the cops.I've been with her about a month now and I care for her more than anything.I worry about her everytime she's on the street.She's really changed the way I look at you guy's.the shit you guys deal with is ridiculous and unappreciated.It took me to be with a cop to begin to apreciate the police.I hope I never get that phone call one to many of your families have I tell her everytime she goes out "Be Carefull."

7/13/2008 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

".....nor do I beat on people for no reason. As are a few of my co workers.

7/13/2008 08:26:00 AM"

Like I said, 'can't see the forest for the trees.'

YOU may have a reason(s), but who are the people who will be second guessing your reason(s), likely well after you've forgotten most of what happened.

Better fine tune your writing skills, because what you committed to paper that day will be all that you'll have to justify your reason(s).

And that only if you didn't get your actions captured on video and edited to remove all evidence of those reasons.

Smile, buddy, you're on Candid Camera.

7/13/2008 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"7/13/2008 06:34:00 AM"

Million dollar idea, free:


7/13/2008 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you suburb people dont know what your talking about. The city is changing for the better. Real estate developers are tearing down these thug's turf and they are forced to relocate. 10 years ago west and south loop was not nice areas .. look at them today..

and what happened to cabrini green?.. its gone! and nice condos took its place. eventually there thugs will be forced out of the city and living with you suburb people if they are not already.

7/13/2008 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be mistaken, but didn't Monique Bond say after the Taste, that the "same three bosses" who ran the Taste this year have been the same one's who ran it in the past??? Who would they be.
Keating - Daley's childhood chum -- you know better then to blast him.
Cmdr Ryan - 001 - who's clout is Mitchell from the Park District, again you know better then to blast him and Georgas -- who is related to Mara G. from the corp counsel. Again, you know better then to go after him. So when Jody gets in front of you and gives up these 3 names as being on - site and in overall command, will you call them in and get up in their faces. Of course not, because you don't want bubble head Daley to get mad at you. Daley wants Jody to get a little mud on him so that a case can start being built in case Daley needs to launch him later -- but once Jody tosses out these names, you'll back down and nothing will come of this meeting.


first off, cmdr ryan was and is the real police. he dont take no shit off nobody. if worked with and for the man in the past. he is tough and is not a yes man. takes care of the workers and likes hard work and arrests.

7/14/2008 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hat Cams or a version of a camera like that are already being used in Britain.

From what I recall they were quite compact. Of course they look ridiculous, but then so does my wife in a negligee.

7/14/2008 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you suburb people dont know what your talking about. The city is changing for the better. Real estate developers are tearing down these thug's turf and they are forced to relocate. 10 years ago west and south loop was not nice areas .. look at them today..

and what happened to cabrini green?.. its gone! and nice condos took its place. eventually there thugs will be forced out of the city and living with you suburb people if they are not already.

7/13/2008 09:41:00 PM"

Good thing for many of these suburbs that they don't have a significant percentage of voters belonging to that certain group, so they don't have to concern themselves as much with being 'politically correct'.

7/14/2008 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

British Helmet Cams.

Company for Mayoral Relatives to Invest in.

7/14/2008 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing for many of these suburbs that they don't have a significant percentage of voters belonging to that certain group, so they don't have to concern themselves as much with being 'politically correct'.

7/14/2008 12:46:00 AM


Where do you think section 8 is going to? Willowbrook,Hinsdale,Woodridge, Downers, etc. The projects are exiting Chicago and those Section 8 vouchers are being used in the suburbs. Just look at all the changes at the schools. Look at the CERTAIN new types of people. Politicians and voters have nothing to do with section 8 customers spreading out. Crime sprees HAVE arrived in the burbs. The burbs are just a little better at keeping most of the violent crimes hush hush as they don't have the media monitoring suburban scanners 24/7 like they do in the city. Why don't you get a scanner and monitor the burbs. Get a taste of REALITY.

7/14/2008 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GET RID OF KEATING NOW! He would'nt even make a good sgt. Thanks Again Mayor.

7/14/2008 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What's the LEAST stable continent in the world?

7/13/2008 11:00:00 AM

Antartica. Those huge ice shelves keep breaking off.

7/14/2008 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get a taste of REALITY.

7/14/2008 09:43:00 AM"

I was referring to the politics of pandering to a certain group of voters.
Criminal activities cannot flourish without the politicians pandering to criminals.
And, as we are seeing, politicians pander to whichever group of voters is numerous enough to affect the results of elections, regardless of the consequences of such pandering.

The burbs have a problem, but, their politicians are less influenced by the need to pander to the groups responsible for those problems, since, for now, those groups do not present a political/voter threat at election time.

If there is a danger, other than the obvious one of increased criminal activity, it is that of the burbs experiencing the 'white flight' effect that the city, in certain areas, did in the past, without the benefit of the various factors that have spurred the gentrification reversals that some areas in the city have enjoyed.

I hope this clarifies my previous submission.

7/14/2008 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Of course they look ridiculous, but then so does my wife in a negligee.

7/14/2008 12:43:00 AM"

Is that why you got the 'Clapper'?

7/14/2008 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suntimes 12 July,2008 page 2...Weis wants another SOS unit....HAAAAAAHAAAAAA about time nitwit!! Why not another TRU unit??? answer?? Because they can't do the job....period! Like I said dozens of times before...NOBODY could ever match the old SOS as far as results....and I'm talking pre Jerry Finnigan so all of you morons out there that are going to start talking shit about SOS and Jerry Finnigan....stuff a cock in it...I'm not talking about Jerry Finnigan....I'm talking about good hard working police officers getting the job done. So....again Supt Weis....why not another TRU unit or squad,platoon or whatever you call them?? answer=.....They can't do the job....arguments welcome.....let's hear it.

Here's the arguement you asked for:
You guys from the past could all come back and man this new unit, then try to do the shit you did back then, let me know how that works for you....
Here's a hint, those days are over and will never be back. The TRU unit, tac/gangs does a fine job, as fine as possible in this climate we are in, when your hands are tied, you do your best, that's it, that's all.

7/14/2008 04:38:00 PM  

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