Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Levine Misses the Point

The answer is out there Jay. We've said it tons of times:
  • Twenty-five Chicago Public School students have been murdered this year. As shocking as that number is, there is another figure that's very disturbing as well: the number of students who have been shot in a 16-month period is enough to fill an elementary school - 508 students, according to school officials. CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine asks why, and what is being done to stop it.

  • ...on Friday night, an 18-year-old CPS graduate was shot and killed. It was just weeks after his 17-year-old brother was among three young men murdered by an alleged gunman just recently acquitted of murder - within view of a police blue light camera, which anonymous officers on the Internet claim are all too often being used to replace a shrinking force of street cops.
Jay, did you miss this link in the New Orleans press? Shortshanks is quoted by the mayor of New Orleans as replacing cops with cameras. Why don't you call Nagin, get a verification, then confront Daley with it? The file a few FOIA requests for manpower numbers 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 20 years ago. Peg that to the crime numbers. Then start finding out how many cameras are down, broken, unmanned, empty or simply the result of under the table deals for connected firms.

In other words, be a reporter.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

His editor won't let him.

3/10/2009 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Compare today's crime to crime 20 years ago? Like 1990-1993?

It's not even close.

You're talking about 800-1000 murders per year and 5-10 times that in the number of shootings. Back then Agg Batts only included people shot, not people shot at, and Dicks didn't even go out on every person shot because there were too many and they were a waste of time. They're still a waste of time, there just aren't as many.

You think there's more crime today? There isn't. Today's Chicago is a paradise compared to the early 90's crack introduction/public housing peak storage levels. Look at Districts like 012, 013, 002, 014, 018, and even 011. Nothing like they used to be.

The only thing there's more of today is television news. There's a lot more television news. News at 5AM, 6AM, 7AM, 11AM, 12PM, 4PM, 5PM, 6PM, and 10PM. In 1990, there was a 6 and 10PM local newscast and most of that was weather.

All we have today is more TV. And more bullshit. A lot more bullshit. But, that goes along with more TV.

The news covering a gang murder at 87th and Exchange for more than a week? Please. In 1990, there would have been a small notation in the paper after the offender was charged. Nothing more.

You think there's a lot of crime today? People used to expect to get robbed when they went downtown. Today, they broadcast some shithead's face all over the TV after he mugs a couple of women in a downtown parking garage. Women used to be smart enough not to go into a downtown garage by themselves.

But, that's what we have now. A public no longer afraid of criminals. In fact, they like criminals. They like to free them. And hug them. And give them money. Lots of money.

Today, the citizens spend all their time bashing the police and questioning whether the police need to be nicer to the dogshit they pick up off the street.

You think crime's bad today? It's about as low as it will ever get in this city. What the city needs is more crime, so the citizens get their heads back on straight.

3/10/2009 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In other words, be a reporter."

That would require work. Not only that, Shortshanks might cut off access to the hall.

3/10/2009 10:25:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

You will find the scruples of all the disingenuous local media, both print and electronic, in the hip pocket of da Mare.

Even the old Soviet newspaper PRAVDA would be more forthcoming than our "valiant Fourth Estate guardians of the public interest."


Ask once "ace investigative reporter" Peter "Juda$" Karl.
Right, Juda$...

I'll bet you a Pulitzer, you won't prove me wrong, Mr. Levine.

3/10/2009 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, maybe we need to look at this kinda like it is a first step in the process, SCC.

Jay, who has never been a reporter per se, he seems to be more of a good looking tele-prompter reader big head TV guy, not a boots on the street type of guy. Anyhow, he is the first to reference you (albeit discreetly) and the problem/issue/cover up/lies/Daleyisms on the whole blue light camera thing.

That should good enough for him, for now, and at this moment, for us. By next week I would like to see some boots on the street type to look at this blog (as we all know they do) get some ideas, get some balls, and get some information. That is the real problem and outcry we need. Do not blame Jay - thank him for getting the ball rolling.

Where can we find the above reporter? Good question. We all know the Sun Times will not cross the line an actually report on the real news, not if the King says not too. The Trib - Kass maybe, but he has enough on his plate and we already owe him a pass for the solid he did for us with Mette.

Maybe we try to forward this to real reporters, US News, Time, Newsweek... something along that lines.

I do not know, maybe I am the minority on this, but I am glad that somebody at least put it out there on the MSM for more people to see. Think about it, this is two huge blows to Daley. The cameras and the TRUE information, not rumor, about black CFD LT's having copies of the CPT's test before the test began. This is good stuff, we just have to sit back and see if it all gets covered up (par for the course) or if something REAL comes out of this.

One can only hope so.

3/10/2009 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in one of the 'burbs that put up a camera in an effort to stop the streetwalkers from plying their trade. All it did was push the crime down the road a couple blocks and made it another towns problem.

I've never heard any mention of this camera being used in an arrest or to make any case, and I do believe said camera has been broken for a year.

3/10/2009 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I watch coppers at the desk watching these stupid cameras and I'll be honest; I don't know if the people they are looking at are holding a gun or reading a paper. THAT'S HOW BAD these things are. It's like watching the first television back in the late 1920's . . A FUCKIN' JOKE!!

3/10/2009 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay isn't gonna confront shortshanks about his comment to Nagin because he's too busy sucking him off just like a majority of the chicago media. There are exceptions like Kass who loves to stick it to him.

3/10/2009 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media gives all these stats yet refuses to give the racial makeup of the victims and offenders. Why? Hmm.

3/10/2009 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer to rising crime is simple. Chicago had thousands less Police Officers on the street. Ask any citizen that has called the Police - "How long did it take the Police to respond?". The Officers are still in the budget, so where is that money?

Less Police Officers makes it more dangerous for the Officers responding to jobs. Do we have to wait for another Rick Francis? I know the union has a contract to finish, but how about calling the Mayor out on this issue?

Pull the sheets in the Districts and show them on the 5:00 news. Why are there so many empty and one man cars? We are not "de-policing". We just don't have the manpower to "be policing".

3/10/2009 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

check this out.....the 25 worst schools in the country....the whole fuckin country.....thats thousands and thousands of schools....and out of the 25 they picked as the worst out of all of these thousands 4 are in chicago....awsome...:):):)


3/10/2009 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not going to happen. Daley owns the press. With luck, Sun Times will be out of business at the end of the year. Hopefully , will eventually get an honest reporter besides Kass.

3/10/2009 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...on Friday night, an 18-year-old CPS graduate was shot and killed. It was just weeks after his 17-year-old brother was among three young men murdered by an alleged gunman just recently acquitted of murder


OK, if he was a CPS graduate then how can he be considered a CPS student in the statistics? If that's the case, there are way more than that in a 16 month period.

3/10/2009 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay come on you have been shitcagos newsman for a long time! We have no police the cameras are nothing more than a way for the daey crime family to enrich themselves via payoffs! jay we have not bought any new police vehicles in years,we have failing 911 system,computers that are junk and a political structure that is so idiotic with no clue what to do! We have no contract and a mayor who is getting frequent flyer miles constantly what can the tax apyers expect? Crime is and will rise,the police are afraid to do their jobs with the liberals at the top and when they sue old eddie burke just pays them off big time! WTF!

3/10/2009 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levine is a typical Chicago "reporter" and has no balls.

3/10/2009 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All jobs today seem to be done half-assed, including the reporting of the news.

States Attorney's only approve slam bang cases.

Detectives don't go to crime scenes anymore; "fax us a copy, kid".

Major Accident only wants to know if there are fatalities. If he is in intensive care, no big deal.

PO's go from 19-Paul to 19-Paul, wearing blinders the rest of the time.

Aldermen spout off about passing city ordinances against Police Impersonation or Pet Sterilization knowing full well there's no one who will enforce them.

Same goes for State lawmakers and their passing more and more stupid laws.

And how many jobs aren't even being done at all anymore, due to layoffs ?

It's just Damn depressing !

3/10/2009 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the link.


Daley spokeswoman Kawada said "we have thousands of cameras" and then goes on to report how last December they were able to track a thief who took some money from a Salvation Army kettle.


Crime fighting at its finest.


3/10/2009 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real questions lies in the billing of such trips. Did Da Mayor write any of this off so the tax payers had to cough up or is this a perk that he and maggie share?

3/10/2009 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're asking for too much, SCC. The best-known reporters in this city are afraid of King Daley, so they back off on investigative reporting of any wrong-doing on his part. Lately, it seems like the smaller subgroup newspapers (like The Herald) are the only ones with the balls to dig into what Shortshanks does. But they probably have limited resources.

3/10/2009 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dig a little deeper jay, you will find it... we need some reports to defend us for once and go after the real problem...its not the policing or "depolicing" its the political bullsh*t that is killing us and this city...we want to be the police but cant!!! and the city and citizens are the ones who ultimatly are going to pay for it. as being an officer and a proud lifelong resident of chicago its sad to see this city go the way that it is... i love the city, but hate the politics.

3/10/2009 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What percentage of the CPS students were shot between 10pm-5am? The news won't report this. It's always a blanket statement that a CPS student was shot. If you look at the numbers, being IN school is actually pretty safe. It's after curfew that these people get shot. And if you are expelled or a drop-out, do these numbers still count?
Now onto the cameras. I work in a fast district and i know i've never gotten a call about a fight or a large group forming due to a pod camera. I HAVE been given jobs of a car parked on a sidewalk or crosswalk though from the pod people. Can cameras be useful? Sure, if used right. But what good is a camera if there is no one on the ground to actually respond to the call? The camera isn't going to restrain anyone. If there are cops on the street, the faster the criminal is caught which therefore frees up more detectives who don't have to waste as much time chasing people down. This also COULD lead to a downturn in retalliation due to the offender is caught so no random street fire to shoot him down.
No matter how much we rely on computers everyday, humans still are still what's needed. When the plane landed in the Hudson River, the pilot had to land it. Not the millions in computer equipment, the human. Technology can't replace boots on the ground, but Daley gets what he wants and the citizens take it bent over every time

3/10/2009 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger ispeeved said...

Now that the 360 National Guard Troops departed on March 2nd, Chalkie and his cuzzins in the Big Easy gonna be bizzy.

3/10/2009 03:41:00 PM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

Jay Levine and all the other so called reporters always miss the point. And I personally believe it is on purpose. Mayor Daley is a man known that once he has a grudge on you, it's for life. Nobody wants to cross this power wielding mad man.

All the TV news anchors and reporters want to be invited to all the free Mayor Daley parties and social events. Dinging the Mayor for anything and your off the list - for good!

3/10/2009 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levine is dumb as a Stump, always was, always will be, a real Lib-TARD.

3/10/2009 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 year old student? Is there a age limit for CPS? Do they ever graduate?

3/10/2009 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shortshanks and Nagin are forming the GMA...thats Ghetto Mayors Association....

3/10/2009 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can hurt the mayor. He's an FBI informant.

3/10/2009 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think there's more crime today? There isn't. Today's Chicago is a paradise compared to the early 90's crack introduction/public housing peak storage levels.
Um, doctors are better at saving people today than they were 20 years ago.

3/10/2009 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You're talking about 800-1000 murders per year and 5-10 times that in the number of shootings. Back then Agg Batts only included people shot, not people shot at, and Dicks didn't even go out on every person shot because there were too many and they were a waste of time. They're still a waste of time, there just aren't as many

hey dummy when did people being shot at start being agg batts....

3/10/2009 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"In other words, be a reporter."

That would require work. Not only that, Shortshanks might cut off access to the hall.

3/10/2009 10:25:00 AM

Well, John Kass still manages to get it right--and Shortshanks must fantasize about his chosen method of the tortures he would subject John to.........and his manner/method of death.

3/10/2009 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Twenty-five Chicago Public School students have been murdered this year. As shocking as that number is, there is another figure that's very disturbing as well: the number of students who have been shot in a 16-month period is enough to fill an elementary school..."

...or even enough to fill five teacups sixteen times.

Shocking, disturbing, shit. Every kid in town can be described as a "Chicago Public Schools student." This is a false premise -- a meaningless emotional "hook."

It's on a par with the equally meaningless "violence in the workplace." Christ, even a desert can be considered to be someone's "workplace."

Just another phony issue to spawn various "commissions" to "study" the problem, as well as "community activist groups" who will "combat" the problem if they can get a big enough grant to buy brightly-colored T-shirts (always 5-XXL, it seems), baseball caps, and D-cells for their tinny megaphones.

Not so many years ago, all these people just went to bed at night. They were tired from pushing steel through a machine all day.

Dare we say it? W-O-R-K.

3/10/2009 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...within view of a police blue light camera, which anonymous officers on the Internet claim are all too often being used to replace a shrinking force of street cops..."

Levine forgot "and, like a few new police SUVs, a crate of shiny rifles which will never actually be used, a 911 center with collapsing beams, an emergency communications van with no FCC license to operate, and a citywide network of warning speakers, half of which failed to operate in their first test, are all window dressing to impress the International Olympic Committee in the five minutes they'll be whisked past in limousines..."

Hey, Jay. Not so "anonymous," at all. The web site is called "Second City Cop." Tell your viewers.

3/10/2009 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...






3/10/2009 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 10:18

You are wrong look up the stats, we are about the same level. Many crimes are now re-classified including homicides. The homicide rates are also lower thanks to advancements in the medical fields. If you look at actual agg. batts and agg. batt w/ firearm the are a little higher today then they were in the 90's.

3/10/2009 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC ya did great!

NBC did a story on you.

I get tired of the MSM drone about deaths of "children" by guns.

We all know that included in the "children" statistic (lie) are punk, gang-bangers 17 to 20 years of age.

3/10/2009 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anybody in fourth district know anything about IAD/FBI stripping four coppers? Heard it for the third time today.

Callback is going to be 'standing room only.'

I conduct myself out on the street as if there were a camera right in my face. Because it's true.

3/10/2009 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
check this out.....the 25 worst schools in the country....the whole fuckin country.....thats thousands and thousands of schools....and out of the 25 they picked as the worst out of all of these thousands 4 are in chicago....awsome...:):):)


3/10/2009 12:07:00 PM


WOW, just checked out the link. If you click it shows the worst 100 High Schools. Chicago is well represented on that list. Then click the link to the 100 best. Not one Chicago School on there. Thank God Arnie Duncan is in D.C. to save the nations public schools.

3/10/2009 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From other comments...

The answer to rising crime is simple. Chicago had thousands less Police Officers on the street.


All jobs today seem to be done half-assed, including the reporting of the news.

Yes, but reading all these comments at SCC shows us a good number of Chicago cops (or at least a good portion who read SCC) don't write tickets, don't make stops and avoid arrests as much as possible. That's kind of half-assed too. Fewer cops - actively doing less police work.

I get it. The place sucks. Equipment is lacking, management is corrupt and thanks are nonexistent.

But in some ways a few of you who brag about doing no work are just as bad as those who you say cause you do do no work.

Quit already.

Imagine if a thousand or two cops quit all at once. Seriously. That'd send a message. And you'd be happy doing something else.

3/10/2009 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...

You're talking about 800-1000 murders per year and 5-10 times that in the number of shootings. Back then Agg Batts only included people shot, not people shot at, and Dicks didn't even go out on every person shot because there were too many and they were a waste of time. They're still a waste of time, there just aren't as many

hey dummy when did people being shot at start being agg batts....

3/10/2009 04:53:00 PM


Sorry. Wrong. Back in the 90s people being shot at by a handgun but missed was classified in the case as Agg Battery. It was changed in the early 2000s that if shot at but missed it became a Agg Assault case report. This was done to drop the Agg Batt stats. Also the reason Dicks go out now on every person shot is because of Phil Cline and his idea that everyone shot and injured was just inches away from being killed. Yes there are fewer Agg Battery case reports because a lot of them are now re-classified as Agg Assault. Also Doctors are better these days and can save Pookie now a days but 20 yrs ago Pookie would have died.

3/10/2009 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you hit the big time MSNBC has a story claiming you blme cameras for the murders of CPS students. Watch your back Daleys worse than a bitch on the rag when he gets bad press.

3/10/2009 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Compare today's crime to crime 20 years ago? Like 1990-1993?
It's not even close.
You're talking about 800-1000 murders per year and 5-10 times that in the number of shootings.

BETTER MEDICINE! highly trained surgeons!!!
If you are alive coming into a trauma center chances are now you will survive!!!
If we had this type of care in
Vietnam then alot more of our men would have come home!!!
Look At Tammy Duckworth!!! 2 fake legs and she is home with her family and alive!!! Not even a wheel chair!!! Battlefield trauma, just like the streets of Chicago!
More citizens in Chicago have been killed during the war in Iraq than soldiers serving in the front lines!!!

3/10/2009 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12:07. You must have attended the "worst fuckin school" in the country because your spellin shure looks like it.

3/10/2009 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 year old student? Is there a age limit for CPS? Do they ever graduate?

Actually he was a freshman,those that live long enough to make it
to their senior year are usually in their 20s.

3/10/2009 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm willing to bet that 98% of the victims of Agg Batts and homicides are and were at one point CPS students.

3/10/2009 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You're talking about 800-1000 murders per year and 5-10 times that in the number of shootings. Back then Agg Batts only included people shot, not people shot at, and Dicks didn't even go out on every person shot because there were too many and they were a waste of time. They're still a waste of time, there just aren't as many

hey dummy when did people being shot at start being agg batts....

I guess you don't have much time on the job. There was a change in UCR's...you big DUMMY

3/10/2009 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is whats being done. ANOTHER platoon of goof balls in MSF, I mean SWAT, no I really meant SOS, no scratch that, SOG. Watch MSF takes on SWAT roll. It's coming.

3/10/2009 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
check this out.....the 25 worst schools in the country....the whole fuckin country.....thats thousands and thousands of schools....and out of the 25 they picked as the worst out of all of these thousands 4 are in chicago....awsome...:):):)


All these schools have one thing in common.

3/10/2009 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you man. I just needed to say it, But don't get any funny ideas.

3/10/2009 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anybody in fourth district know anything about IAD/FBI stripping four coppers? Heard it for the third time today.

Callback is going to be 'standing room only.'

I conduct myself out on the street as if there were a camera right in my face. Because it's true.

3/10/2009 05:56:00 PM

You didn't hear shit, your the same girl that keeps spreading rumors...you know it's not true. Now mind your own business and keep looking in the cameras.

3/10/2009 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANYONE can report the news.....but NO ONE follows it through. Breaking stories get buried or fall off the face of the city people. Can't just ONE of you people who call yourselves a "reporter" reports the news, follow up on the news regardless of who's involved. Does a PRESS CARD really make you blind???? what ever happen to journalism??? keep your heads buried in the sand or up Shortshanks azz but as reporters.....you all fail to meet the real requirements.
stay safe out there

3/10/2009 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police involved shooting in 007, copper ok, bad guy's nine lives are up.

CBS/ABC/NBC/WGN/FOX version, cut and paste pre-printed script:

Another CHICAGO POLICE killing of an ALLEGED suspect at (insert tax burden location) According to police spokesperson (insert name) police officers shot and killed a suspect with a (insert weapon of choice) and no further information has been released. HOWEVER, several "witnesses" (those who were no where near the shooting when it occured but have the balls to say "he didn't have a gun, knife, samurai sword, wmd, grenade launcher" "he was on his way to school") while several "community members" (stand in the background and flash gang signs to the camera) Cut to the bereaved family, insert pre recorded video footage of some mama bawling that her son was going to get his GED, MBA, PHD, STD and just never would have had said weapon. Then break for a commercial for Loevy and Loevy law firm. Cut, save for next time

3/10/2009 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all smoke and mirrors to get ratings. None of the reporters or journalists in Chicago care about the truth or any in-depth stories that tell all sides.

3/10/2009 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ou will find the scruples of all the disingenuous local media, both print and electronic, in the hip pocket of da Mare.

Even the old Soviet newspaper PRAVDA would be more forthcoming than our "valiant Fourth Estate guardians of the public interest."


Ask once "ace investigative reporter" Peter "Juda$" Karl.
Right, Juda$...

I'll bet you a Pulitzer, you won't prove me wrong, Mr. Levine.

3/10/2009 10:25:00 AM

Ok, PLEASE...what is the deal about Peter Karl and CAPS? Why do you guys think he's such a jag?

---not a cop

3/10/2009 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Po-po popped another bustout acting thr fool with a gun.

In 007.

9mm bullet - .50¢

Glock Pistol - $450.00

P.O. going home safe. - Priceless!!

Good job office.

3/10/2009 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Didn't these Cameras originate in England (London or somewhere?

I am not sure but just because something works in some European land doesn't mean it will work in America in our land of the "free" and home of the "brave".

In Europe where the basic "rules of the road" as well as their Constitutional rights as citizens are completely DIFFERENT doesn't seem like a great model to adapt to.


Our citizens are much more unruly and out of control and dangerous than anything London England would ever encounter besides a terrorist act!!!

Camera up the DOWNTOWN area of Chicago and THATS IT! To try and catch terrorists dumbfucks!

Putting cameras in the GHETTO...!!!!????!!!

What GENIOUS of SMOKE AND MIRRORS whose career was made by this venture made this decision?


You know people still shoplift with operable cameras in stores......and get away with it so why wouldn't you THINK that this venture (budget management dept.) is a full blown waste of MONEY!

I can think of 3 homicides still under the cameras I know about over the years....1 in 011 and 2 in 025!!!

The people that listen to the PROPOSALS for BETTERING law enforcement in Chicago should be REMOVED and replaced!


3/10/2009 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares, who cares... they are all gangbanger anyway... let them al die

3/10/2009 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no child left behind... what bull-shit.... the gangbangers never go to school and still pass because the no child left behind... what bull....

3/10/2009 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 year old student? Is there a age limit for CPS? Do they ever graduate?

3/10/2009 04:13:00 PM

LOL. Don't they kick them out at 21?

3/10/2009 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is it ever time they get killed its like 1am - 5am... why are they out on a school night,,,, on the weekends too,... they know whats going on,,,, its the parents fualt

3/10/2009 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

never send your kids thru the CPS system...

3/10/2009 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fbi sucks

3/10/2009 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racine, Wis., woman wins lottery with dead son's age

March 10, 2009

RACINE, Wis.--— A Racine woman coping with her son’s death in a drive-by shooting has won the lottery by playing her children’s ages.

Phyllis Canady won $211,000 in Sunday’s Badger 5 lottery. She had played her children’s ages: 17, 20, 22, 25 and, for her dead son, 29.

Markey Canady was killed in a drive-by shooting in August 2005. His shooter has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Phyllis Canady has been helping raise some of her son’s children as well as other grandchildren. She says at one point, she was caring for 10 children and grandchildren.

Phyllis Canady says God must have seen her struggling and given her a blessing. She plans to use the money to buy a house and help her children and grandchildren.

Yup, God saw her and sent her the winning lottery numbers. Glory be, thank jesus.

3/10/2009 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look on the bright side: at least you're not working in New Orleans!

3/10/2009 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seventeen of the 100 WORST HIGH SCHOOLS in the nation are CPS high schools. In descending order to worst, with rank, they are: (police district in parentheses):

86. Austin (015)
84. Carver (005)
81. Vocational/CVS (004)
78. Vines (011)
74. Global Visions (004)
56. Calumet (006)
52. Crane (012)
47. Dunbar (021)
42. School of the Arts (005)
40. Dyett (002)
39. Collins (010)
37. Manley (011)
33. School of Leadership (004)
24. Fenger (005)
21. Englewood (007)
18. Harper (007)
_6. Robeson (007)

No other U.S. city had a worse total. The three worst go to the 7th District (Englewood).


We have the utmost confidence that you will expand your expertise to the entire nation. After all, the "Messiah" picked you.

3/10/2009 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levine is a typical Chicago "reporter" and has no balls.

If the alderman pass the neuter law my dog Mugsy will be in the same boat.

3/10/2009 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jay, if you're reading this, I met you once while I was working an event in the city and you were an arrogant prick. Maybe you can redeem yourself by calling the mayor and his decision makers on the carpet for leaving us lowly P.O.s outmanned and outgunned on the streets of the city that gave you your sense of entitlement. Supporting the police isn't popular, but wouldn't it be nice to be respected by the blood and guts of Chicago? It would be a 180 degree turn from where you stand now...

3/10/2009 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No other U.S. city had a worse total. The three worst go to the 7th District (Englewood).


We have the utmost confidence that you will expand your expertise to the entire nation. After all, the "Messiah" picked you.

3/10/2009 10:31:00 PM

Like Al FREAKen in Minnesota, I want a recount.

3/10/2009 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have 4 of the 25 worst performing high schools in the nation. Fenger(24), Englewood Tech Prep (21), Harper (18), and Robeson (6).
What else are they gonna do. Their parents and supposed role models tell them it's OK to sell dope and shoot at each other. Someone owes you something. They have been sold a bill of goods by their "leaders" which keeps them in these situations. Let them all kill eac other. Sooner or later, someone will have to stop being politically correct and respond with indignation.

3/10/2009 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Didn't these Cameras originate in England (London or somewhere?

The difference is, their cameras work!

3/10/2009 11:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI the 18 yr old that got killed the week after his 17 yr old brother got killed was NOT a CPS student. He was a former student at the same school.

3/10/2009 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol...just caught the 9pm wgn news...da mare was totally dumbfounded when asked how many trips he got from the corp being investigated. He said 1, then had to be stopped by his press secretary d. heard.. lmao ... he lookied like deer in headlights. priceless.

3/10/2009 11:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cameras! This is the answer, right?

Did it ever occur to anyone that someone watching a camera from afar is almost no different than a concerned citizen calling in a crime in progress thru 911? Someone sees something happening and picks up a telephone to call the police and reports everything that they see VS. a police officer watching a camera who sees something happening through a lense and ALSO has to call a police car in the area to respond, unable to provide particulars of the entire scene they are responding to? In theory, there is an increased response time...but is it true in practice? I don't know. But I am sure of the following-

Cameras can be effective as a deterent in a specific area because they will tape "a crime" being committed and might identify, if the camera is facing the right way, the person who did it. But in reality, and at best, cameras usually push the "easy" crimes of opportunity to other areas (drugs, vandalism, theft) beyond the camera's lense.

Cameras do not see a would-be gunman, robber, or other criminal running down the block until it is too late. A police officer driving around might. More police officers increases those chances. But, a police officer also puts in each community a presence that can IMMEDIATELY respond. That presence is fluid and not tacked onto a light pole. Even though a police officer can not record for posterity what he or she sees, the POSSIBILITY of a police officer coming around the corner is more likely to cause would-be criminals to have to consider the only possibility that they care about-being caught-if they have already decided to commit a crime.

Cameras are a great tool. But they are only a tool. And as with any tool, a camera requires a capable operator who knows how to use it. To be effective in stopping crime, more cameras require both more operators and officers to respond to the activity the operator is observing. Cameras are great at collecting and preserving evidence, but they are not capable of replacing police officers and were never designed to be deployed in this fashion. Nor should they be.

- My 2 cents

3/10/2009 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay Levine, if you can't report the truth , shut the fuck up !!!! You are not a reporter/journalist, you're a Daley Ho !!!!!

3/11/2009 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they forgot
south shore
las cases

3/11/2009 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the cameras were the cheapest shit that the mayor could buy from some Bridgeport cronie at the highest price anyone ever paid.

Re: crime...seems to be way down. Don't look at the homicide stats in the 1990's, look at 2000-2004. The bangers had control of some blocks almost 24-7, maybe 20 deep, in the 90's until the squad car came down the street and maybe called for more cars while 2-4 people ran because they were packing, I don't really think medicine has evolved in this decade...to cut down the murder rate by 200 or 300. More jagoffs gettin' shot in the leg, less shooting overall. Since when did anyone ever count the number of CPS victims? 2007?

3/11/2009 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not going to happen. Daley owns the press. With luck, Sun Times will be out of business at the end of the year. Hopefully , will eventually get an honest reporter besides Kass.

3/10/2009 12:07:00 PM

You may get your wish sooner then you think. I guy I know works in one of the Sun Slimes distribution plant. He says they whacked about 50 jobs from his department and the scuttlebutt is the Sun Times is going out of business by years end. Im sorry the hard working blue collar guys are going to take a hit, but good riddance to scum like Main, Spielman and Mitchell.
Tell those three don't bother applying at Wal Mart, they're laying off too.

3/11/2009 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody in fourth district know anything about IAD/FBI stripping four coppers? Heard it for the third time today.

Callback is going to be 'standing room only.'

I conduct myself out on the street as if there were a camera right in my face. Because it's true.

3/10/2009 05:56:00 PM

You didn't hear shit, your the same girl that keeps spreading rumors...you know it's not true. Now mind your own business and keep looking in the cameras.

3/10/2009 08:33:00 PM

Too funny. Number one, I'm not a 'girl'. I've got close to 28 years on this job, you 2 year wonder.

This info came from three separate sources. You watch as soon as they are charged we will be subjected to more headlines bashing the police.

Go fluff up your hair now Asshat!

3/11/2009 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they were a waste of time. They're still a waste of time, there just aren't as many

hey dummy when did people being shot at start being agg batts....

3/10/2009 04:53:00 PM
you the dummy. benn like that for years

3/11/2009 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of the shooters are Chicago Public School students or former student? That may be a more sociological significant statistic.

3/11/2009 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7 of those schools are area 2 schools--as you know area 2 consists of 3,4,5,6 and 22 and has the highest shootings city wide--correlation? obviously, it doesn't take a genius to figure this out--by the way Fenger is actually the 22nd district not 5.

3/11/2009 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck are they now calling underage victims, "CPS students?" Why not just call them 'gangbanging pieces of shit with no parental involvement, that probably had it coming to them anyway?'

And in the same news segment, at least this morning on channel 9, the IGOLD rally is happening and they were saying that there is "harsh opposition" to a concealed carry law in Illinois - that such legislation would increase "gun violence," (which we already know is a misnomer - guns don't perform actions on their own). What they failed to mention was that only people and politicians in the Chicago area oppose CCW, and that not a single state that has legalized CCW (48 of them), has had an increase in violence with the allowance of concealed carry.

Funny, that. People are even more stupid for believing this bullshit.

3/11/2009 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe levine could talk to his wife maryann childers and she could show him how to report! Though don't forget when Jim Mullins was shot levine was there and gave his time to help with a fund raiser! He is not to bad just getting old and senile! Bring back Andy Shaw he at least liked cpd!

3/11/2009 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, but reading all these comments at SCC shows us a good number of Chicago cops (or at least a good portion who read SCC) don't write tickets, don't make stops and avoid arrests as much as possible. That's kind of half-assed too. Fewer cops - actively doing less police work.

I get it. The place sucks. Equipment is lacking, management is corrupt and thanks are nonexistent.

But in some ways a few of you who brag about doing no work are just as bad as those who you say cause you do do no work.

Quit already.

Imagine if a thousand or two cops quit all at once. Seriously. That'd send a message. And you'd be happy doing something else.

3/10/2009 06:42:00 PM

If I was a regular citizen reading this blog I would think all cops were lazy do nothings. Let me clarify a few things.

The guys who post they do nothing but sleep in their cars always did. the guys that say they don't do a thing never did. It's a small percentage of lazy mutts, just like any job.

What the citizens should be worried about are the twenty percent that always did the heavy lifting. These are the guys that always responded to jobs like it was their family calling for help. This 20% is getting discouraged and the lawsuits and lousy juries are causing them to second guess why they do this crazy job.

3/11/2009 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, PLEASE...what is the deal about Peter Karl and CAPS? Why do you guys think he's such a jag?

---not a cop

Because he gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce worthless fluffy crap that is an embarrassment to any one who took an oath to serve and protect the people of this city. Thanks for stopping by, Peter. The "not a cop" part gave you away.

3/11/2009 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a regular citizen and I don't think you guys are lazy do-nothings at all. I think some of you are pompous assholes, but there are pompous assholes that taint every profession right down to the guy stocking shelves at Jewel. You have to understand, that taxpayers in this city don't ask for much. The people you deal with day in and day out, are probably the scum of the earth. The only thing you can do for them is keep them away from US.

I don't ask that the police protect me. I ask only that my state/city allows me the ability to defend myself with lethal force if necessary, and to not treat me like a criminal for doing so. I was honestly amazed that most cops support CCW, as the news would have one believe otherwise.

Keep on killing those scumbags, and support the people in this city, like you guys, paying out the nose and getting shit on continually. We're in it together, believe it or not. I lump the welfare-state shitbirds together with the politicians and the store-front reverends. To me it's us against them - the most fucked up thing is, you guys are subject to the politicians as a condition of your employment.

There's another Tea Party scheduled for the 15th of April - having a large turnout of off-duty cops would be fabulous. I was at the last one and amazingly..the crowd was not full of welfare recipients and obama supporters..imagine that! We need to start taking our liberties back, because this liberal mind-fucking and abuse of government and tax dollars has to stop soon.

3/11/2009 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny. Number one, I'm not a 'girl'. I've got close to 28 years on this job, you 2 year wonder.

This info came from three separate sources. You watch as soon as they are charged we will be subjected to more headlines bashing the police.

Go fluff up your hair now Asshat!

3/11/2009 06:31:00 AM

If you have 28 years on the job, and you haven't seen it on the news or here, I wouldn't call your "resources" information. Now quit causing trouble and retire.

3/11/2009 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If I was a regular citizen reading this blog I would think all cops were lazy do nothings.

3/11/2009 12:16:00 PM"

Well, if you were a citizen actually reading, and comprehending what you've read, you would understand that most cops want to 'do something', but the policies and practices of 'our beloved mayor' prevent them from doing so without great risk at fucking themselves up the ass.

But then, I'll give you the point that 'regular citizens' rarely comprehend what they read, even when they take the necessary time and make the required effort to actually read the words right in front of their eyes.

And rarely understand anything other than what they want to understand, or misunderstand, as the case may be.

3/12/2009 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a few questions:

How many of these gang related and CPS student shootings involved a registered gun? I am sure maybe one or two out there but when will our lawmakers realize that the shitheads who do the shooting don't care about the guns laws? They will continue to get guns regardless of the insane number of laws against them. What if they knew there was a possibility that they would be shot back at immediately? I support conceal and carry and feel that the law abiding citizens would help to deter crime.

Where the heck are all of our unions? All the crap going on and not one word!!!!!!!!!! I vote Jay Levine for FOP President. At least he is saying something. He only hit the tip of the iceburg. Hopefully he will follow through.

If your child is not in school and does not pass state tests then mom and (if you can find him ) dad's welfare should be taken away. Your child commits a crime, your welfare check is cut. You don't complete high school and have a kid. No welfare for you or the kid.

Cut out the social services at CPS. CPS should educate and not act as a community mental health center. If someone needs those services,get it from the state. If there are no benefits for doing nothing, they will leave.

3/12/2009 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if you were a citizen actually reading, and comprehending what you've read, you would understand that most cops want to 'do something', but the policies and practices of 'our beloved mayor' prevent them from doing so without great risk at fucking themselves up the ass.

But then, I'll give you the point that 'regular citizens' rarely comprehend what they read, even when they take the necessary time and make the required effort to actually read the words right in front of their eyes.

And rarely understand anything other than what they want to understand, or misunderstand, as the case may be.

3/12/2009 03:38:00 AM

You are describing liberal groupthink - fortunately not all ordinary citizens think this way. Put yourselves in our shoes though...we're not allowed to have guns like you are. We're not allowed to voice our opinions too loudly for fear of retribution (for you its prosecution, reassignment, firing..for us its government scrutiny). There are a decent size, I won't say majority though, number of people who read this blog who do have your backs, but our hands are tied. What can an everyday citizen do to support the police? Nothing really, except wave hello and be responsible for one's own safety (even though, let's face it, responding to a personal threat with harsh language doesn't work).
I have never voted for Daley, and will never vote for Daley and his cronies. You guys are in this shitstorm, and there's really not much you can do about it. We're all in the same (sinking) boat. I've come to the conclusion that the only real solution, is to jump ship and swim to shore someplace else (move).

3/12/2009 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny. Number one, I'm not a 'girl'. I've got close to 28 years on this job, you 2 year wonder.

This info came from three separate sources. You watch as soon as they are charged we will be subjected to more headlines bashing the police.

Go fluff up your hair now Asshat!

3/11/2009 06:31:00 AM

If you have 28 years on the job, and you haven't seen it on the news or here, I wouldn't call your "resources" information. Now quit causing trouble and retire.

3/11/2009 10:24:00 PM

Hey Asshat!

Although I'm sure I'm old enough to be your father (and still kick your ass), it IS on the blog. I put it there. And today it was CONFIRMED to me by a source, not a 'resource.'

I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just wonder why four at once???? Now I know, and I'm not saying.

And it WILL be on the news.

3/12/2009 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you have 28 years on the job, and you haven't seen it on the news or here, I wouldn't call your "resources" information. Now quit causing trouble and retire.

3/11/2009 10:24:00 PM"

It just kills you, to admit you're wrong, doesn't it?

3/12/2009 06:04:00 PM  

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