Monday, June 06, 2011

Transcript Anyone?

This sounds silly to the extreme:
  • Did you hear the MacStupid on 102.7 this morning? He was asked outright by the radio host exactly what led to the shutdown of the beach on Memorial Day. Before he answered the host played interviews from individuals at the beach. Each one mentioned gangs, fights, rowdy crowds, etc and then a police presence shutting the beach down. When it was his turn to respond, I bullshit you not, he said, "I've been trying to set the record straight for a week now. That's not what happened. It was extremely hot and the water was cold. People were trying to stay cool but weren't going in the water and they passed out. Emergency personnel had a difficult time getting to them with all the crowds so the decision to shut the beach down was made."
Seriously? The Chicago Fire Department has been responding to beach emergencies for over 100 years now. We think they can manage quite well. And if CFD was even a little slow, we'd either (A) be hearing about it from some aggrieved party looking for a payout or (B) be hearing about how half-a-dozen good Samaritans carried the "victim" to the bike path, parking lot or street for the ambulance to treat. Neither of those things has happened and the DJ played interviews from people on the scene! We'd really like to see a transcript to see if this actually got broadcast.

And this part is looking like "The Return of J-Fled:"
  • Second statement regarding gangs. He wants to have a meeting with them and let them know they need to change their behaviour. He is going to tell them, "We aren't going to arrest you, but we will if we have to? Now what can we do to help you change?"
Another meeting to tell them to "knock it off"? That worked so well last year with J-Fled. We think the gang involved only killed eight people the following week. God help us.



Blogger Henry Bowman said...

Spoke to a retired NYPD copper today. When I told him who the new sup was his exact words were, " Don't trust this prick. He's been connected from day one and if you get on his bad side you're screwed".

I have no idea since I've been retired.

Watch your backs.

Stay Safe...........

6/06/2011 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT I like McGuff better. You have to be a everyday SCC blog reader to get the meaning of McGuff. McStupid allows the public to get a quick understanding of how we feel about him. You had to be a cop and a daily SCC reader to know how J-Fed changed to J-Fled.

6/06/2011 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wilding: a slang term that refers to the practice of marauding in bands to terroize strangers and to swagger and bully

They are also in mobs.
They also disperse (flash).
They are also mobile.

What shall we dub thee?

6/06/2011 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to give this guy a chance. he appears like the real police from a police and military family. but boy is he dropping fast.

6/06/2011 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're kidding right?

The city is being held hostage by terrorist and we want to negotiate with them?


Legitimize the methods and demands by giving them a podium.

6/06/2011 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous HEARD IT ON THE RADIO said...

McPuppet's theme music:

Let's ALL sing along:

I'm just a toy, just a funny boy
That makes you laugh when you're blue
I'll be wonderful, do just what I'm told
I'll do anything for you
I'm your puppet, I'm your puppet

Pull them little strings and I'll sing you a song, I'm your puppet
Make me do right or make me do wrong, I'm your puppet

Treat me good and I'll do anything
I'm just a puppet an you hold my string, I'm your puppet
Yeah, I'm your puppet......

6/06/2011 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, he has his story and he's sticking with it, you've gotta hand him that.

6/06/2011 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the citizens reading this blog:

The Chicago Police Department is understaffed and will not be able to effectively protect its tax-paying citizens in any neighborhood.

Contact your alderman today and demand that the city hire more police officers now. This is the only remedy.

If no action is taken by the city on this issue, the following are extremely possible.

1 Tourism will decline, resulting in less tax revenue.

2 Your taxes will increase to pick up the slack from the loss of the above.

3 Due to the nature of local politics, more cash will be thrown at the lowest socieoeconomic neighborhoods for more "programs" with no effect.

4 Crime in your neighborhood will continue to rise.

5 The rise in crime will result in home prices plunging further.

6 You or a loved one will fall victim to violent crime.

We no longer have the manpower to make you safe. CALL YOUR ALDERMAN TODAY! TELL THEM YOU WANT MORE POLICE ON THE STREET NOW!

6/06/2011 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a police officer here for more than a decade. My parents are coming this summer to visit from out of state and the lakefront is normally something we would enjoy. Now I find myself second-guessing plans for their trip. Without a doubt, if my parents and I were accosted while trying to enjoy the city, I would not hesitate to put one or more of these wild animals out of their misery. The problem is that I do not wish to put my parents through an experience like that. Trips to the suburbs may be in order this year. Fucking shame.

6/06/2011 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this part is looking like "The Return of J-Fled:"

Second statement regarding gangs. He wants to have a meeting with them and let them know they need to change their behaviour. He is going to tell them, "We aren't going to arrest you, but we will if we have to? Now what can we do to help you change?"
Another meeting to tell them to "knock it off"? That worked so well last year with J-Fled. We think the gang involved only killed eight people the following week. God help us.
We're not going to arrest you?
So, we're going to invite them out for a beer and we're going to set up Junior Achievement companies for all of them?
Good lord, we've hired a total FLAKE.
You know, it may be the heat. It's gone to his brain and FRIED IT.

6/06/2011 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're Fu@ked !!

6/06/2011 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL police bosses are POLITICIANS. GMac is no different. No one rises through the ranks of any police dept. being a maverick. Before GMac got the job Rahm & Co made sure he knew how to sit up and obey the Boss. Nothing will change in this town. Before he go the nod GMac was taken to Northwesern Hospital to have whatever was left of his balls removed.

6/06/2011 04:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just woke up with an idea.

A big part of the problem is that the news media has been idnoring this WILDING problem. So let's bring it to them, right to their front door.

Check out some of the cell phones when arrests are made and the phones are inventoried. Get some of the numbers and the lingo straight.

Then send the mob to the front window of Channel 7 news at 5 o'clock and have them act up there. Send them to the lobby of the Tribune Tower. Send them to the Obama compound Oprah's place.

With the right commands we might be able to have them run off the end of Navy Pier like lemmings.

6/06/2011 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous DET. TORQUEMADA said...


6/06/2011 04:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

G-mac is sounding more like G-mope. Check out the Trib today. Even the lamestream media is finally reporting on the roving bands of honor students and publishing names and photos of the mooks. Yet G-mope keeps insisting that it was the heat that required the beach to be closed. Note to G-mope: you have lost the respect of the people you aspire to lead in less than one month. Saying you don't know what gang activity means, sticking to the foolish heat story and now stating that you want to meet with the gangs to help them "change", shows that you are nothing more than the second coming of J-Fled and we all know how that worked out. Save yourself some time and embarassment and go back to New Jersey before you get police officers killed with your stupid ideas.

6/06/2011 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC big name drop for you on WLS Don & Roma today. Thanks to the coppers who called in and the retired copper who were actually allowed to tell the REAL story of what has been going on downtown. Now let's see if Rahm and Super Mc-Shakey actually address the issue now that the public is getting the news, or will it be like Kevin Bacon in Animal House screaming "All is well!!!"l as he gets trampled.

6/06/2011 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is enough info on the roving gangs in the news and in print now that the cat is offically out of the bag---he offically looks like a douche bag.

6/06/2011 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this part is looking like "The Return of J-Fled:"

•Second statement regarding gangs. He wants to have a meeting with them and let them know they need to change their behaviour. He is going to tell them, "We aren't going to arrest you, but we will if we have to? Now what can we do to help you change?"
Another meeting to tell them to "knock it off"? That worked so well last year with J-Fled. We think the gang involved only killed eight people the following week. God help us.

I dunno, it sounds like someone is pulling your leg. I was hoping you'd pick up on this's such transparent behavior on the part of McFib.

NOW SCC, pick his nickname:))))))

6/06/2011 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me, it was broadcast, Sunday, June 5, 2011. The above mentioned segment of the interview was aired between 7:20a-7:35a. The host was Ty Wansley. Around 7:45a the phone lines were open to callers with their questions.

6/06/2011 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There can be No Effective Policing in Chicago as long as the 5th flr at City Hall has it's hand up the Bosses ass calling the shots.

It almost seems like shanks is still calling the shots thru the Dancer.

Send Mac packing NOW !!!!!!!!!

He's J-Fled without muscles & a mellon on his shoulders.

TAX PAYERS are being treated like they were mushrooms. Fed a ton of bullshit & kept in the dark !!!!!

6/06/2011 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw a news clip of Patrick Daley. He looks like a fat, overstuffed 'roid head. 700K in 'consulting fees'? Are you fucking kidding me??????

6/06/2011 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think his nickname should be McDumbass because very shortly he is going to realize what a dumbass mistake it was for him to accept this position as the CPD super. This ain't NYC.

6/06/2011 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garry McCarthy may surprise us and grow a pair, but because of this incident alone he is either McNoccio or McPuppet. Charlie McCarthy is too long and lost on this generation.

They used to have a Monday morning meeting with the exempts. Maybe we can have a Monday morning thread to name him every week depending on his performance. Sort of like Comstat for the Superintendent. Sort of 'holding him accountable'.

6/06/2011 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And only about 8 were killed over the weekend. Wait until the bodies start dropping at the beaches. Then what is he going to say?

6/06/2011 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who

6/06/2011 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McMoron meet with the gangs,I thought being from NY NJ was and asset guess not same or worse that old boss! McDumb your over your head,pack your snack packs and go back home!

6/06/2011 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no no no say it ain't so joe - not again! Mac- no meet- just treat- with lead putting'em to bed

6/06/2011 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Todd Gak said...

Back in the late 70's early 80's the spanish gangs in 013 requested a meeting with then Commander of 013 Joe McCarthy who was causing them much pain at the time. . His response to their request was, " I don't meet or bargain with criminals." Boy, have times changed!

6/06/2011 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Woody Shampoo said...

Get out in the trenches of 007 and 011, McGuff. Unlike J-Fled the coward, lead by example. Are you afraid that you might revert to your younger days and administer well-deserved "Bronx Party Hats" to these savage pieces of shit?

6/06/2011 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Mac has to say what he's told by RahmShanks. Mac hasn't been appointed by city council yet.
Sure the water was cold, but stanky ho gangbangers don't go in the water anyway. They likes to 'just stanin' aroun'.
Though it's too soon to get a real feel for the new Supt., but if the bullcrap continues he's going to lose a lot of credibilty from us.
Once appointed will Mac take off the gloves?
Has anyone one seen Jpud & Gmac in the same room?
Hope it's not Jpud wearing a mask, because he sure sounds it.

6/06/2011 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats like someone pissing down your neck while telling you it's raining outside. Obviously he is saying what someone else above him told him to say. I think people would have a lot more hope and respect if he just said that Chicago will not tolerate any gang takeovers of the beach, and will shut down any beach where it's not safe due to some sort of human behavior whatever it may be. At least legit citizens might consider going back one day to a response like that. North Avenue and Oak street used to be primo beaches at one time, and it makes my stomach roll in my guts to know shitheads have taken it. Just rename it the Golan and Gaza beach

6/06/2011 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Second statement regarding gangs. He wants to have a meeting with them and let them know they need to change their behaviour. He is going to tell them, 'We aren't going to arrest you, but we will if we have to? Now what can we do to help you change?'"

The room explodes with derision. The sweating, muscular young men slap their knees, cackle, roll their eyes, and mock. "OOOOOO. He gon' 'rest us!"

Another voice from the back booms over the tumult.

"We scared!"

And another. "How you gon' he'p us? You got a dollar?"

How can someone pass through the crucible of Newark, New Jersey and emerge from the flames smooth, unruffled, and expressionless -- having learned nothing at all except how to negotiate a huge salary for himself?

Equation --

Daley/Weis = Emanuel/McCarthy.

Pass the Seroquel, please.

6/06/2011 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Superintendant Big Mac, or Super Big Mac for short?? Just thinking out loud. Now if the other voices in my head would just stop arguing on a new name I might get some sleep!!! Stay safe.

6/06/2011 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best McCarthy nickname so far: McGuff because he's full of guff (bullshit).

6/06/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous AverageJoeCitizen said...

What the media needs is some raw video of these people in action. I plan to roam the lakefront over the next few weekends, Flipcam in hand, and hope to get some footage.

If I make it out alive, Ill be sharing it with every media outlet in the city.

6/06/2011 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is a rule 14 violation

6/06/2011 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... no gang problem at the beaches..just heat right? Then tell me why all GEU bosses were sent an e-mail telling the guys to montior the radio for any requests for help at the "Northern" beaches and to be at the ready to respond as such??????

6/06/2011 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What shall we dub thee?

6/06/2011 12:47:00 AM

rat packs?

6/06/2011 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supt. It was with guarded enthusiasm I looked to a new mayor and new police supt. One who would act in the interests of the taxpayers. It seems we're just getting more of the same. Go back to Jersey.

6/06/2011 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people on the northside of this lovely city should be lucky "SO FAR" thats all you have are beatings,robberies and criminal damage to property. Wait til these rats bring their guns up there.Down here on the southside there is bodies on the ground along with guns shots everywhere and I MEAN EVERYWHERE!So thank your people like Preckwinkle Daley and the revs for this mess.

6/06/2011 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mcguff to gangs , if my command staff has to close the beach one more time because of heat , we'll be putting the heat on your gang

that should scare them
gotta run it's getting hot out

6/06/2011 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More police the answer to everything.... Why? I guess we will pull money out of a hat. Better get ready to have a carbine as a partner because pretty soon everyone will be 99.

6/06/2011 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Dear SCC,
I do not know where to begin. As a longtime member of the Chicago Police Department I have an extraordinarily difficult time expressing my frustration relative to the current condition of our organization. The powers responsible for our current state of affairs are many. Allow me an attempt to identify those in my view and see if you agree.

I think the most aggrecious offender is the former mayor, Richard M. Daley, for a number of reasons. He allowed our personnel numbers to decline and refused to release the funding to replace the retiring members of our organization. Yet, our budgeted strengeth remained the same, where did all of that money go? Into whose coffers? The general fund? Can you say wrought iron fences, or planters in the middle of the street, most of which contain imbedded sprinklers and are replanted three or four times a year.

The former mayor hired Illyana Rosenwig as head of IPRA. That organization is incompetent and irresponsible relative to how they treat investigations and the officers. Frequently they request that officers be stripped without even the remotest of evidence to support their request. Their investigations routinely stall and fade and aren't investigated in a timely manner and those officers continue to rot in call back. What kind of damage is being done to those officers? When they're vindicated, and yes, many will be vindicated, what will be their work ethic once released to go back to the street? Do you think they'll work hard? Stick their neck out for the community? Not after what their department and their city did to them. How would you like to be doing your job and because of an allegation to removed from the street and sent ot call back and then to be cleeared of any wrong doing--two or three years later--and told to go back out there and do your job. Rosenwig and her relentless, biased, anti-police slant is another huge part of the former mayor's failure.

The former mayor was also responsible for the dismissal of Superintendent Cline, and the hiring of Superintendent Weis. I believe he also demanded that Weis clean house within the command structure, though many of those let go were welcome departures in my opinion.

The former mayor was also responsible for making Mike Masters a member of our organization--this could have been the single worst hire in the history of our department. Masters easily completed with Weis as the biggest boob on the fifth floor, dwarfing Steve Peterson even.

Jody P. Weis also has much to answer for relative to the condition we now find ourselves. He stripped patrol to its bare bones and expected the men and women to keep up. He created exempt positions for his buddies and brought more federal law enforcement into our organization.

Weis should have been ashamed to give Peter Brust a job. Brust spent many hours redesigning the Chicago police car's decals, how'd that work? Brust who stripped record numbers of officers, many of whom have still not received allegations. Brust could of demanded evidence, but he didn't. He could of demanded that some of the allegation be investigated, to have some shred of evidence to back up the allegations, but he didn't.

6/06/2011 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Then there is the media and their relentless, biaed, over zealous coverage of CPD. A beautiful and tragic example is the "SOS scandal." How's that looking now? There was no scandal, not at least what the media would have you believe. Certainly a few bad cops and they got what they deserved, some more than others. But not the crimes against the citizenry that the Sun-Times or Tribune would have you believe. The US Attorney's office and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office have major egg on their face for that. In fact, it's the US Attorney's office attempt to save face that has allowed the story to linger for as long as it has. They were quick, once the CPD got them to take the damn case. Didn't you know they turned it down two previous times? The State's Attorney's too. Yes, the CPD started that investigation and shopped it around. But I digress. The US Attorney's office is quick to say they're looking into misconduct, to include supervisors and gold stars. They claimed it was going to be the biggest in department history. But once the invesitgation has tanked and they've found, not a shred of evdience, that a gold star and no more than one sueprvisor (maybe)is involved, their reluctant to hold a press conference to announce that. Why? Because of the money they wasted on the lies of one man--KH.

Dear Media: there aren't many officers on desk duty any longer. There's no more secret people that we can put on the street. Some of the duties inside people do need to be done by people who understand the street and the department. I'm sure there are a few offciers being hidden, but not enough to make a difference. We need more officers. The ones on the street are burned out and frustrated to the point many of them don't care any more. That's dangerous. Why is it that everyone thinks they know how to be a cop? Too many police shows?

6/06/2011 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


And finally, we've ourselves to blame. We're woefully skilled at shooting ourselves in the foot. I'm ashamed to identify myself as a supervisor at times. It's a supervisors fault that Anthony Abbate was allowed to stay on in our organization. A supervisor should have identified his behavior and either got him help or started a paper trail to get rid of him. Time and time again, a member of our organization rises up to embarrass the working men and women and it can be traced back to the failure of our supervisors to do their job. No one wants to be the bad guy and get someone in trouble or fired. If you're reluctant to do that, don't take the promotion. I'm not saying to be an asshole, or unreasonable, but you have to step up on occassion. To not do so puts our organization at risk. And when our organzation is at risk, so are we.

Its getting damn hard to stomach anymore. I'm a lieutenant and try and do what I can to help. But I'm not perfect. I have hope for this new Superintendent, but I see that the new mayor has put him in a bad position. First with the 500 bodies by disbanding tru & msf. Those bodies were always on the street and in the right areas and at the right time. Now their spread out among watches, day off groups and districts. All you've done is eliminate your flexibility. For what? Some politician's campaign promise. Spare me. Not that I was a fan of having both units operating, that was silly. But we've grown accustom to having that operational flexibilty as an organization.

And now he's been made to lie about the beach. Perhaps the beach was close due to heat, on the fire department's orders, but that sounds ridiculous, even if it is true. Once the beach was closed it was a thug thing. And that thug thing moved to Michigan Ave and that's a fact. 001 & 018 don't have the resources to address this growing problem. And you've since eliminated your flexibility. Oh well, the more the mayor has you telling less than the truth, the deeper you'll be to gaining the respect of the men and women on the street. After all, we know what we're dealing with day in and day out. And we're frustrated, burned out, too.

Al Wysinger--good choice. Now, you need to make some more. Get rid of the Weis hold overs: Peterson (please, we've seen enough of the screaming skull, the architect of Jody's blood letting) and Bee and even of JJ (sorry, you're a good man, but in over your head). Klimas--got to go. Daley--see ya. Kirby--worthless. Skahill--less than worthless. Ernie--please, should of been gone when he got caught lying, or dealing with all of his sexual harrassment lawsuits. Don't bow to the rev's, give them some respect, but don't cater, they're spoiled.

We need someone who'd going to speak the truth, perhaps you're waiting until you're under contract. I hope so and wish you the best of luck. But then again, I said the same for "the last guy."


A frustrated lieutenant

6/06/2011 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have canceled our family's vacation to Chicago. The City of Chicago is no longer safe. I feel sorry for the people that have to live there... What a shame...

6/06/2011 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When they start treating the gangs like the terrorists they are we will all be better. Until then they are in control and will only get worse. This is a fine example how tearing down the projects was a mistake.

6/06/2011 12:09:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

oh man is it going to be a long hot summer--- thank god for period 7 and 8 furlos and having the seniority to get them--- with 95 degrees forecast for tues and wed with a heat index of 100-105 gmac will get to see the real chicago in action--- back each other up and stay safe because we all know that when it gets this hot people just go nuts....

6/06/2011 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard Super Mickey-G saying that officers don't need to be redeployed downtown after all the recent nonsense. OK, I'm out. How long is this guys contract? How long until we play the Superintendant lottery again?

6/06/2011 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wilding: a slang term that refers to the practice of marauding in bands to terroize strangers and to swagger and bully

They are also in mobs.
They also disperse (flash).
They are also mobile.

What shall we dub thee?

6/06/2011 12:47:00 AM


6/06/2011 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Early June 5, just after midnight, a UIC student was the victim of an armed robbery on a CTA bus. The student was seated on a westbound #12 Roosevelt bus at 1300 W. Roosevelt (bus 1621) when 8-10 black males, all wearing white t-shirts, entered the bus. One of these subjects struck the victim with a glass bottle on the back of the head and took his Apple i-Pod.  The offenders fled the bus southbound from that location.   The CTA driver alerted Chicago police, who responded to the scene.  The victim was transported to UIC Hospital by CFD ambulance.

CTA bus surveillance video may be available for investigative review.  The UICPD/CPD Robbery Task Force and CPD Area Four Detectives will conduct the follow-up investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call UIC Police at 312-996-2830.

6/06/2011 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: The Troops

From: Superintendent

Subject: Alleged Wildings


6/06/2011 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit you have not been the victim of a crime.

Crime fell last month.

6/06/2011 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the major tv stations should have a "bullshit meter" on the bottom of the screen, usually where they run a scroll of information...everytime a person speaks on camera, the bullshit meter needle can move and measure....

6/06/2011 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed to identify myself as a supervisor at times.


A frustrated lieutenant

6/06/2011 11:55:00 AM

Good, oh terribly long-winded one, because you are not a supervisor. You are a command member, not a supervisor. Check the title of the log you submit for each tour of duty.

6/06/2011 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So today, Mc"saywhateverthemayor wantstohear" states, that if needed, he will stop the administrative functions of the police department to put more officers on the street. Does this guy know how a police department is run? That is a totally ridiculous statement to make and not feasible. What a goof!

6/06/2011 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the votes are tallied from one corner of the roll call room!

Best nickname = G-MACK.

Runners up: G-FIB, G-LIE, McFIB, McNocchio, McPuppet, Jersey Shore.

Worst nickname = McGUFF.

+/-4% margin of error with 4 persons voting.

6/06/2011 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so far this new sup is looking like shit. very disappointed, i hope im wrong. sounds like we got a goof again. prove me wrong sup.

6/06/2011 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone see our new Super on the news last night prancing across the altar at Saint Sabinas with the microphone in hand? Pfleger in the back and the "amens" flying all over the place. He looked a lot like a former commander. Now what was her name??? Oh yeah, PT. And at his swearing in or whatever it was in front of all the aldermen lying his ass off about North Ave. beach again. Wow, we're in for a long four years. It looks like he's nothing but another mouthpiece.

6/06/2011 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Early June 5, just after midnight, a UIC student was the victim of an armed robbery on a CTA bus. The student was seated on a westbound #12 Roosevelt bus at 1300 W. Roosevelt (bus 1621) when 8-10 black males, all wearing white t-shirts, entered the bus

6/06/2011 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the frustrated lieutenants comments. RMD was the #1 problem. #2 is incometent supervisors. Give Rahm a chance to make the changes and get the Revs'boys otta here. However, the North Ave Beach problem is not rocket science. Gangs, first extremely hot weather, cold lake water and serious overcrowding were all contributing factors to close the beach before catastrophe. These factors are not mutually exclusive but all contibuting. Why would anyone want the brass and suits to announce in public that gangs have taken over the beaches. We all lose. It is what it is and everyone knows it. Let's chill , watch each others backs and have a safe summer.

6/06/2011 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Unimpressed said...


A frustrated lieutenant

6/06/2011 11:55:00 AM

If you had put that moniker at the top, you would have saved me all that readin time there.

6/06/2011 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the media needs is some raw video of these people in action. I plan to roam the lakefront over the next few weekends, Flipcam in hand, and hope to get some footage.

If I make it out alive, Ill be sharing it with every media outlet in the city.

Don't exposed your self and buy a pair or dvr sunglasses for about $40 in EBAY
You can record for about two hours or mor, even some of them come with remote control so you don't have to look obvious when turning them on

6/06/2011 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley ruined this city, and hand picked Rahmbo will fare no better. Years ago, when we were at full strength,these punks did their deeds elsewhere cuz they knew they'd get their asses handed to them in the city. Daley cut the size of the Department so deeply, although I'm sure they still budget for about 13,000. Dear Dicky, where did that money go?

6/07/2011 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you had put that moniker at the top, you would have saved me all that readin time there.

6/06/2011 10:59:00 PM

like you had anything else better to do with your time.

6/07/2011 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AverageJoeCitizen said...

What the media needs is some raw video of these people in action. I plan to roam the lakefront over the next few weekends, Flipcam in hand, and hope to get some footage.

If I make it out alive, Ill be sharing it with every media outlet in the city.

6/06/2011 09:56:00 AM

Your mission, should you choose to accept it.......

baaarumpt, dumpt, dumpt da. rumpt, dumpt, dumpt da.......

6/09/2011 06:48:00 PM  

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