And then one morning, everything changed:

Please use this post for comments during today's remembrances.

Please use this post for comments during today's remembrances.
Labels: terrorism
Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
Labels: terrorism
Gratitude for our police, fire, 9/11 operators, paramedics and other emergency personnel.
We have lost so many not only on this day but going forward as well. I feel much sadness, anger, helplessness as if I have done nothing to fight or improve conditions for you all, etc.
Walking home Saturday night as I had a small bag of groceries, I saw a 008 beat car with an American flag up by the mar light. Every time he hit the brakes, the flag was lit up in red. If there wasn't traffic, I would have rushed to go and give him a hug.
and to all of my Veteran and First Responder friends I will tip this glass and offer a toast, Here's to us and those like us. Damn few left.(respectfully poached from Gardens of Stone)
I remember that morning like it was yesterday. I was off my cycles and doing downtown traffic finishing off my probationary first year. I was walking from my primary traffic post to me secondary and I hear over the radio the dispatcher call out that a plane crashed into the World Trade Center. My first thought was what a terrible accident as I continued to walk to my next post and not much info. provided by oemc on the first strike the zone yells out that another plane hit tower two. At that point I knew that it was more and constantly looked up in the sky for planes. I got to my secondary post and word got out that downtown was going to be evacuated. Surprisingly this went well and quite smooth but the eeriness of an empty downtown was quite amazing in a weird kind of way. For the remainder of that tour of duty at my post we just looked up in the sky, watched and waited fortunately nothing happened here but you know that we aren't ready if it does. Be safe, keep your partner safe and always go home the same way you came to work.
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then.
God Bless them all and their families.....
Cicero PD
We had just Finished Roll Call in 019 when we gathered around the old style big screen tv in the small auditorium. Some of us watched Live as the Second Plane Hit the Tower... Wondered If and When We were Next.
God Speed to the Families of the Victims, Any Survivors, and First Responders who are left to carry on the Legacy!
I was a third shift dispatcher for a suburban deparment not in IL. I got home and was putzing around the house before going to sleep when my brother called me to give me a heads up that some building in NY had been hit by a plane. I turned on the TV in time to see the second strike, which I thought was a recreation of the first one.
In all the rememberances, I just want to say I have mad props for the youngsters that have gone to the two-way range since. When I served, Saigon was evacuated, Carter was president, and the whole two-way range was a possibility, but a long-shot. They stepped up in a BIG way, and continue to step up. Hand salute.
God bless America...9-11-01 was the worst day of my (and many others) life...I thought the end was here...although, the end would mean seeing Jesus so I guess it would be a good thing.
wtf??? the assholes that give them counsel and respect... their only wish is to have us dead.
Heavy heart.
God Bless America!
Stay Safe.
Geh mit Gott
The Best we can do is Never forget. LIFM
god bless us all and keep us safe on the streets..may god bless america.
It was the worst of times.
September 11th 2001 is the reason I'm here.
That day left me nauseated and angry. I want to thank those that flew to NYC right after 9-11. They didn’t hesitate to answer the call to duty. I had to go to NG Drill that weekend and always have regretted not being able to go. One of these heroes is Dave in 023 Dist. He is a great old time cop and a good friend. I have deployed numerous times since 2001and lost many a good friend and fellow soldiers. One of them was my Plt Sgt, an Army Ranger and a Plymouth IN Cop. Afghanistan was his third war. He left behind 3 kids. I am very proud to be CPD. God Bless all who serve CPD/ CFD and All our NG and Resv. Say a prayer for those we have lost, fly your flag and if you care about those in your life tell them every day that you love them. It is an Honor and privilege to wear both the uniforms of the CPD Blue and Army Green. To those we lost on 9-11; You will never be forgotten. We are still at war. America will Never be defeated. Brave and Still Free-The Coffee Maker
What's wrong with this city? I'm working the Central American Parade today in 017, and there is a Mexican Independence Day parade today in 004. This city has so little respect for our own country. Not just because it is the 10th anniversary, but because we should honor those who lost their lives and never forget what happened that morning. These parades honoring independence in of other countries...they couldn't schedule them for yesterday???? I wonder if they are having 9/11 ceremonies in Mexico and Guatemala today. No they're not because Americans aren't moving into those countries. FYI this is not a race issue..I say to everyone out there that wants to become an American, welcome. We love having you here, we will always respect your culture and religion, but please remember one thing. This is the greatest country on earth. Enjoy your new freedom and liberty, but there is one rule...the USA always comes first.
never forget,Godbless our first responders.
Remember those we lost and those who have served since. Over 350 CPD POs have gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many on multiple tours of duty. You are dedicated twice by choice. Thank you for your service
"...And the heroes who died, just doing what they do..."
God bless, FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, US armed forces, all the victims and families of 09-11-2001.
I still think they should have re-built those towers. To show you can knock us down but we'll still get up.
Just watched opening ceremony at ground zero. So glad to see Obama with his hand over his heart during the national anthem instead of the usual crotch salute.
The world is watching. And crying.
It doesn't feel like 10 years.
I pray for our safety now and forever.
The horrific incident that occurred 10 years ago today at the World Trade Center in New York has served to change all of our lives in both major and less significant ways. It did serve, however, to unite all of us in the Latin phrase "E Pluribus Unum - out of many, one". We would do well to remember that basic tenant of our country, for we must be so united not just during crisis but in every other aspect of our lives. We owe it to our First Responders, our military, those innocents who perished that Tuesday morning and to all those we call our Countrymen. We are still the United States of America. God Bless Us All.
Many tears are being shed today in my house.
God bless the USA.
I was in the academy in front lean and rest when the first plane hit. It was a terrifying moment for my entire class. We all gathered around the tv and watched the horrifying attack play out. We all started making calls to our family to tell them that we loved them. Then they put all of us on a bus and sent us downtown. At that time nobody was sure if Chicago was next. Downtown was a ghost town. Scariest day of my life.
God Bless the victim's families. God Bless our military.
This a reminder of lives that have ended, and a task that will not. - W.
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then
OK, and...
I remember hearing the fighter jets circling downtown and also parking in a park facing Sears Tower and just wondering if another plane was on the way
There was a George W. Bush speech a couple of days later that I was only able to hear on the radio.
I think it was one of the greatest presidential speeches of all time and it actually made me well up.
I've looked everywhere online for it and I cant find it. Wish I was able to though
Funny,I havent't heard anything from the usual "The Bush Gang Did It" conspiracy nutjobs.
Maybe because 10 years later they've finall realized how ridiculous they sound???
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then.
9/11/2011 12:34:00 AM
Really? You are an idiot. Go back in the basement with your malt-o-meal.
The ache in my heart is as painful as that day and it will never go away.
God save this Great Republic!
It was very emotional to watch the names of those 911 victims and heroes being read this a.m.
If possible, please consider attending our 'Candlelight Vigil' Tuesday, 13 Sept. 7:00 p.m. when the names of all Chicago's Finest are likewise read by family members and volunteers.
If job or family obligations preclude attendance, stop for a minute or two for a moment of silence and keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
All Gave Some Because Some Gave All
Until We Meet Again
As a kid I watched the towers go up. Not too many years later, as time is reckoned with large structures, I watched them fall. When they were built I didn't like them; I thought them ugly. Then I got used to seeing them. Now whenever I visit my home town just across the harbor, I miss their presence against the sky amidst the generally more modestly sized buildings of lower Manhattan.
I also saw a lot of CPD on the CTA yesterday, which I like seeing at any time. Was this in response to the anniversary?
the following year we (Emerald Society Pipe & Drums) stood next to the New York Band in Cleveland for the police memorial as the screen rolled the names of those lost at the towers And they hung their heads tears flowing I will never forget and will always honor my fallen brothers and sisters. Lead Stick 7847
God is My strength and courage ...
Courage is the hallmark of a strong and valiant spirit. It distinguishes men and women in every field of human endeavor. It may glow like a steady flame day in and day out, recognized by everyone, or it may suddenly shine brightly like a brilliant star that had previously gone unnoticed.
Firefighters, Police, and other Public servants show great courage every day. They may feel fearful at times, but they overcome their fear and act with bravery and assurance when other are in need.
I give thanks for all the heroes on the Chicago Police Dept. past and present that I have had the pleasure and honor of working with as well as all other Police, Firemen, and other first responders who do there jobs around the nation. They perform their job and duties courageously at great personal risk. I know that God is with them, now and always, just as God is with me.
Then an Angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength - Luke 22:43
OT but I believe this is the best place to post, I was at a benefit next to the Police Memorial yesterday so I went to visit Alex Valadez on the wall, and saw a picture of Michael Gordon nearby posted against the wall. I pay my respects and leave.
A short time later while passing by I see a group from what I assume is the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation cleaning up the area and making sure it stayed clean. I was filled with an emotion that I don't think I felt in a while, I felt pride....
Thank you
Watching all the tributes and remembrances and as sad and depressing it is, I still feel rage. The thousands of everyday people and heroes taken by true cowards. We must NEVER forget this day.
To that muslim idiot who says that we should get over this tragedy after today, I give you a hearty F.U! If anyone doesn't like our lifestyle in this GREAT country, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
THANK YOU to all our troops who have given their lives for our freedoms, and for all those who have served and those who continue to serve so that we may live a great life in the greatest country.
Thanks to all firefighters and especially the C.F.D.
And to all my fellow Officers on the C.P.D., hold your heads high and please back each other up no matter how trivial the call may be. We are the greatest Police department in the world, bar none. This is because of the Officers that make up our deprtment, not the politicians and political hacks who drag us through the wringer all for their personal gain.
GOD bless all of you and GOD bless the U.S.A.
To my brothers
a day to remember
a day to reflect
a day in our lives we'll
May God Bless those who perished and their families in New York City, Washington D.C., and Shanksville P.A. We will never forget and remember solemnly this day when so many of our fellow Americans lost their lives.
The sacrifices of the first responders were tremendous, and they will always be remembered for their valor and courage.
God Bless those in the Armed Forces who answered the call and responded to the evil that visited our shores.
God Bless the U.S.A today and always.
I was a new teacher at the "P" Phillips HS a hellhole in a hellhole neighborhood. Where they put razor blades between their teeth and gums in case they needed to cut up somebody and those were the girls.
A teacher ran into my classroom and said "We're at war". Turn on the TV showing the second tower being hit. About an hour later we began hearing constant F16's flying past. We could see the Sears Tower and wondered if that would be the next target.
It was eerie just afterwards no planes except for military jets.
God bless the fallen and God bless Seal Team Six
To all the civilians who read this blog- you remeber the first responders who raced to the twin towers and gave their lives so others might survive. Please try to remember today's first responders who respond when you call 911 now. They are fighting to keep their pension funds that were promised to them when they were hired. In Chicago they contribute 9% of their salary from each and every pay check. The City would love to get out of its required contibution and throw the first responders under a bus. Don't let this happen. Let your state legislators know how you feel. If you have facebook go to firstreponderpensionfacts and LIKE the page.
I know where I was on 9/11,I remember watching tv and coudn't believe what was happening,God bless all the victims and hereos on that day,lets not let the politics of the dept. or the city get in the way of backing each other up,we are in this together,if your a worker or just here for a paycheck,were all on the same team,Godspeed CPD
I will never forget that horrific day and where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. You could be sure I will take that to my grave. My heart breaks for those who perished that day, and yet it is swells for pride for those who gave their lives because that was what they were trained to do. It was their job. Simple as that. God bless their souls. God bless the familes and friends they left behind. With a heavy heart I salute the heros of 911.
Just watched opening ceremony at ground zero. So glad to see Obama with his hand over his heart during the national anthem instead of the usual crotch salute.
Of course he is paying his respects to the US.... it's an election ploy.
Just remember....no politician, running for any office speaks the truth. They just say what you are longing to hear.
Guess Emanuel lied to us again when he put out that "sirens would be blown at noon, and church bells rung, to commemorate 9/11."
025, sound of an empty Flamin' Red Hots bag rustling down the gutter, cars driving past flying Mexican flags -- that's it.
I didn't think that this city had any warning system left.
What a way to demonstrate this.
God Bless all thoe who died that tragic day. May they all Rest in Peace. I remember 9/11 as if it was yesterday. When the towers collapsed all I could think of was all the people that died in that instant. The civilians, the Firefighters and Police. I cried and it still makes me cry everytime I see it over again. How many live with the deep emotion scars of losing a loved one or a co-worker. May we never be the target of another attack of that multitude. NEVER FORGET.
Remember those who have lost their lives, but always remember to be Vigilant because this war on terrorism is a long ways from over.
I remember that day like it was yesterday, as well. I got home from working 1st watch and was going to watch a little TV before going to bed. My girlfriend ( now wife) was slowly getting ready for work. Breaking news reported the 1st tower was on fire when suddenly a plane flew into the 2nd tower. I'll never forget that felling. We were under attack. I never went to bed that day. I watched TV til it was time to go to work that night. after a few hours into the tour, my partner and I drove down to the lakefront. What an errie feeling .The sky was clear that night, not a plane in the sky. I have never forgotten that day nor will I ever.
SCC- Thanks for your pictorial of 9/11- well done.
Beautifully done, SCC.
Many thanks to our first responders, those who were there (and here) on that day and those that joined us after. And prayers for those we lost that day.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then.
9/11/2011 12:34:00 AM
Let's face it, so called memorials from 9/11 to the Columbine tragedy are political events. They are used as a wedge issue. Are we going to have a memorial for the Civil War, for the American Indians that were killed off? Just something to ponder about.
For those who lost loved ones on that tragic day may God be with you and comfort you.
Anonymous bobbo said...
I still think they should have re-built those towers. To show you can knock us down but we'll still get up.
9/11/2011 07:36:00 AM
Economically, it just isn't feasible. Ever since 9/11 the economy went to the crapper and the demand for office space isn't there. Besides that though, they will rebuild those two towers. Guess who will pay for it?
9/11/2011 07:20:00 AM
You forgot to mention that there is a big German-American fest with a parade at Lincoln and Western. Also a bunch of suburbs are having October Fest/German American fests/parades. I am sure you conveniently forgot about those events.
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then.
9/11/2011 12:34:00 AM
Your grandparents didn't watch the Pearl Harbor attack LIVE, as it happened, on their television sets and computers and in screening rooms at work. They did not experience and internalize it the way we all did when the towers went down.
The world was different back then. I don't think anyone was 'tougher'.
As for not having any commemoration of those horrible events at Pearl Harbor, I think your grandparents and whatever 'old-timers' you talked to were sorely mistaken. There are STILL services and memorials conducted EVERY 07 December (you know, that 'day that will live in infamy') and they will continue every year, whether YOU are aware of them, or not.
Horrible day. Don't even want to talk about it.
I lived downtown at the time and had ten feet of windows facing Sears Tower, some five blocks east. I figured, any minute now... And, until I moved out five years later, every day I figured, 'any minute now'.
And that is what 9-11-01 did to us. America lost its innocence that day. We are now older, sadder and, hopefully, wiser. But no longer naive.
Hey 12:34 am....Yes , they were tougher, they had to be..but in MY family , Pearl Harbor was a day to be remembered and to never forget those who lost their lives, and what a big thing it was to have been attacked on our soil. My father was a Marine and my uncles were Navy in WWII, and I think everyone paused and remembered, the whole country. Maybe because they didn't have the internet or instant video it does not seem to you that it was remembered, but it was. And still is!! My father went to the 50yr reunion at Pearl Harbor. So I don't know who you talked to, but in my circles it is still and will always be a day of mourning and thanks. God bless Americans who will never forget, even if they were not born yet!!
I remember growing up in NY all the times I went to the twin towers for school trips. It's still hard to believe they're not there anymore.
When the towers went down I was in my barracks room. My boys knowing I was from NY came to my room and told me the news. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I saw some people running passed my room to get to the lounge. So I went and checked out what was going on. The second I walked in the first tower went down. I thought it was a movie. Not one part of me thought it was real. Until I saw the looks on everyone's face. Then I realized it was a news channel showing the coverage of the attacks. We watched as the second tower came down. I don't think I took a breath the entire time between the two towers falling. A couple seconds later one of our platoon commanders stood and said " pack your shit boys... Now it's our turn..." I'll never forget those words.
By September 21st we were in Kandahar getting payback. Best believe that's exactly what we were doing. Getting payback. A lot of it.
To all the families of those that were lost 10 years ago today. Just know we fought for them.
God bless America. Never forget.
Semper Fi!
Nice Gestures on all the NFL fields. Went to the Oak Lawn Memorial Service where 2 Beams are Proudly placed by the Metra Station 95th just east of 52nd....Nice Job by All involved there OLPD/FD Honor Guard..Job Well Done Men.
CPD Ret.
I took the opportunity to go to the field museum recently to see the 9/11 exhibit and I must say it is something everybody should take the time to go see. It's not a very large exhibit but for the size it has to be the most moving one. Close your eyes and take the time to listen to the radio traffic. The sheer panic and terror on that day is something I hope we never have to deal with again. GOD BLESS our brothers and sisters in New York, for those we lost on that horrible day, enjoy your time in heaven for you've already experienced your time in a hell we could not even imagine.
ot trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then.
9/11/2011 12:34:00 AM
Attack on a military target by a sovereign nation and attack against civilians by a terrorist group resulting in innocent victims in the thousands perishing. Just saying.
I felt the need today to invest in a huge fresh turkey and treat today as a day of thanks. First, we thank all of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice on that terrible day 10 yrs ago. Second, we thank all of those who sacrifice now in shitholes overseas that root out the assholes who wish to do us harm. Third, I wish to thank my friends and neighbors who know the sacrifices we all make, in order to ensure their children a brighter future. If a plane would have hit the Sears Tower as planned, 2/3 of my block and Parish would not be here to celebrate. God Bless our brothers both here and abroad and Fuck those who use twisted ideology to condone their acts of savagery.
Nothing will take this away...... I am proud to have served with 10 other CPD Officers on 9/12 from Housing West. All of you guys are Heroes. Unfortunately one is gone, Big Al we think of you always.
We think of Heroes in different ways, it was humbling going home to New York City and standing side by side with the real heroes NYPD and FDNY and the Civilians that came out in droves.
I know I will never forget the faces of the families who lost loved ones handing us fliers as we pulled into Jersey City, begging us to look for their loved ones. The heart break of all of us as we "tried" to keep composure and grace under fire. The shock and happiness when they saw Chicago Police shirts walking towards the boats to get in line to help. Sadness and Pride is all I felt and I think I can speak for the other 10 in the team we were proud to be there, we were saddened to be there, we were determined to help in anyway possible. Thank you partners from Housing West. Peace to you Brothers and God Bless The United States Of America.
May we never forget............
"Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then."
Pearl Harbor was an attack by one governments regular forces on another governments regular forces. 9/11 was an atrocity commited against unarmed, helpless civilians within blocks of major media headquarters
That said, Shanksville PA (Flight 93) should not be a memorial, it should be a National Monument or a National Battlefield since the fight back started there
George W. Bush and his strength, resolve and leadership will always inspire me. He will go down as the most underated President in recent times, and crucified by the Liberal Cabal of the Democratic Party and the Media. God Bless America and the true heroes of that day.
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then
Remember those we lost and those who have served since. Over 350 CPD POs have gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many on multiple tours of duty. You are dedicated twice by choice. Thank you for your service -Amen Semper Fi
God bless the United States of America.
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then.
9/11/2011 12:34:00 AM
Really? You are an idiot. Go back in the basement with your malt-o-meal.
Well why you were hiding in the basement I drove to NYC on the 12th to help. Did you? Ill guess no. So since I was there im entitled to my own opinion. So since you were not there. STFU.
At that moment, on that day, and every day since, I have known only this...
Fist-clenching, jaw-grinding, impotent rage at the assault on my home, my city, my Country. Pacing through the house like a caged beast, screaming curses at the obscenities flashing before my eyes. Vowing vengeance and justice for my Country and my neighbors, to whichever deity was listening.
Sound good to you? Well it does to me.
Yes, I this want war. I demand it. I demand that violence be visited upon the enemies of my Nation. I just wish that I be one of the fortunate ones who get the chance to face the foes of America, and hurl them screaming into Allah's arms.
But their ends, for all my labors, would be too quick. I want death for the enemy to be a lingering, burning, screaming, pleading death, just like the 3,000 who were murdered two years ago.
Watching Fox news, I got to see revenge, live and in flaming color. I reveled in the vengeance from the skies, thundering clouds of flames like the anger and wrath of God.
I want war. I want vengeance. I want flaming holy justice to descend upon the enemies of freedom, be they Muslim or Marxist. I want blood in their streets. I want ash in their skies. And I want the cry to ring throughout the land, from the book of Revelations: "Lord, Your anger is upon the wicked is righteous and just!"
If that disturbs, offends, or troubles anyone, tough. Police Officers and Soldiers have 1st Amendment rights, just like YOU do. Your rights are guaranteed by people like me, here and abroad. You are free tonight, because we are ready to keep you safe to do so. Remind a Cop or a soldier today, how you feel.
No, I won't forget or forgive, either. Join me today, and every day, in the loss and the anger. The job's not done. This anger won't stop, until it is finished..
I want to hunt these bastards down where ever they hide and exterminate them. No negotiations, No reasoning, No prisoners. Just dead. Years from now, I want their children's children's children's children to cower and cringe in fear whenever they hear the sounds of jet engines overhead because their legends tell of fire from the sky.
I want them to hide in dark caves and holes in the earth, shivering with terror whenever they hear the roar of diesel engines because the tales of their ancestors talk about metal monsters crawling over the earth, spitting death and destruction.
I want their mothers to be able to admonish them with "If you don't behave, the Pale Destroyers from America, will come for you". and that will be enough to reduce them to quivering obedience.
I want the annihilation to be so complete that their mythology will tell them of the day of judgment when the stern God from across the sea and the powerful Americans .. destroyed their forefathers' wickedness."
Ret NYPD Det.
10 yrs after 9/11, in NY a large percentage of rescue workers are dying due to lack of respirators. We STILL DON'T have that same equipment and with mayhem SCHEDULED in May. Could the Union DEMAND this simple tool.
Never Forget!!!!
It is up to us to honor the memories of those that we lost on that horrific day. We shall honor them by making sure that our freedom is not taken away. We need to remember that there is evil, and we shall not or will nor allow our enemies to prevail.
September 11, 2011 will pass, but we need not let our guard down. Our enemy has been weakened, but not defeated. Let's stay alert and try to prevent the enemy from doing any harm now or in the future.
If you have facebook go to firstreponderpensionfacts and LIKE the page.
9/11/2011 10:44:00 AM
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then.
9/11/2011 12:34:00 AM
I'm responding to your post against my better judgement as I believe you to be a troll. That said, I pity you, I really do. What a sad pathetic existence you must lead, all alone in your parents basement. Your greatest pleasure in life is spreading the misery you feel, borne of your isolation and despair.
Here's an idea, instead of dishonoring the memory of fallen American Heroes in a childish attempt to bait your betters, move out of your parent's basement, rise to the challenge and do something for your community or country.
Anonymous said...
George W. Bush and his strength, resolve and leadership will always inspire me. He will go down as the most underated President in recent times, and crucified by the Liberal Cabal of the Democratic Party and the Media. God Bless America and the true heroes of that day.
9/11/2011 07:47:00 PM
Agreed. President George W. Bush inspired and rallied the nation in the wake of the worst terrorist attacks on our soil. He epitomized the steel resolve felt by so many Americans in response to the attacks. The liberal media be damned, I still like Dubya!
Not trying to discount what happened or anything like that. But I talked to grandparents and old timers and they told me they never had a 10,25, or 50 year remeberance of Pearl Harbor. Just sayiing. I guess it was different times then. Guess they were a little tougher back then
no disrespect to them but, that was an attack on the military. 9/11 was on civilian men, women and children. it's not about being tougher back then.
thank you to all the first responders who lost their lives and to those who risk their lives every day.... xoxo
Some veterans bear visible signs of their service: a missing limb, a jagged scar, a certain look in the eye.
Others may carry the evidence inside them: a pin holding a bone together, a piece of shrapnel in the leg - or perhaps another sort of inner steel: the soul's ally forged in the refinery of adversity. Except in parades, however, the men and women who have kept America safe wear no badge or emblem. You can't tell a vet just by looking.
What is a vet?
He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn't run out
of fuel.
He is the barroom loudmouth, dumber than five wooden planks, whose overgrown frat-boy behavior is outweighed a hundred times in the cosmic scales by
four hours of exquisite bravery near the 38th parallel.
She - or he - is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep sobbing every night for two solid years in Da Nang.
He is the POW who went away one person and came back another - or didn't come back AT ALL.
He is the Quantico drill instructor who has never seen combat - but has saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang members into Marines, and teaching them to watch each other's backs.
He is the parade - riding Legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals with a prosthetic hand.
He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and medals pass him by.
He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of The Unknowns, whose presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the memory of
all the anonymous heroes whose valor dies unrecognized with them on the battlefield or in the ocean's sunless deep.
He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket - palsied now and aggravatingly slow - who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who wishes
all day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when the nightmares come.
He is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being - a person who offered some of his life's most vital years in the service of his country, and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice theirs.
He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness, and he is nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the finest, greatest nation ever known.
So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country, just lean over and say Thank You. That's all most people need, and in most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were awarded.
Two little words that mean a lot, "THANK YOU".
God bless America!! We will never forget!!!
Well it's 10 years later and I still feel angry. 10 years ago I was on my way to work (homan square/S.O.S)when the first plane hit, then the second. I was listening to mancow that morning and not sure if this was another one of his publicity stunts so I switched over to wls am radio. It was confirmed, we were under attack. I knew as being a member of HBT I had to get to work ASAP. I knew that we were gonna be tasked with some special assignment. All of S.O.S. was sent to both airports. I was sent to ohare airport ,this is where I spent the next month in a half working sometimes 18 hour days. Today, I am a member of the SWAT team, 10 years older, grey hair and more knowledge. I will never forget this day, after making peace with myself and God I was prepared to die that day. I hope we never have to experience this again but if we do, I stand ready! It pained me to see people protestesting 9/11 today calling it a conspiracy and not one proud American citizens did anything about it. It's about time the majority no longer remain silent and stick up for themselves. We the police can no longer stick up for you, our hands have been tied. Americans stand up and be heard before it's to late. I have this to say to the protesters, I was prepared to die that day, were you? God bless the U.S.A. Love her or leave her!
Guess they were a little tougher back then.
Mostly posturing going on these days. Back then they did what they had to do to protect the country. These days, not so much.
Ret NYPD Det.
9/11/2011 08:18:00 PM
God Bless you dear Officer, may you someday find your peace.
In response to the below individuals (last sentence reproduced) post...
Two little words that mean a lot, "THANK YOU".
9/12/2011 12:22:00 AM
Nicely done... Thank YOU!
"So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country, just lean over and say Thank You. That's all most people need, and in most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were awarded.
Two little words that mean a lot, "THANK YOU".
--9/12/2011 12:22:00 AM
...especially to Mother, who worked at an arms factory during WWII, inspecting Enfield receivers.
In her clumsy new work shoes, she slipped on an oily metal factory stairway and fell and broke her coccyx.
It still hurts.
She's eighty-seven now.
Like you say, some wounds don't show...
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