Wednesday, July 10, 2013

04 July Wilding

We had a couple people, trolls probably, asking why there was no video of downtown mayhem that the media barely covered, writing one article when there was an actual arrest and another when it was discovered that one of the people assisting in the arrest was a fed-up citizen. The trolls were of the opinion that without video evidence, the allegations of misbehavior was just so much exaggeration.

It probably didn't occur to the trolls that citizens who didn't want to get involved weren't about to attract attention to themselves by waving a cell phone camera around. Or that responding police were too busy actually responding to film themselves in action.

But we're sure that someone in the media could do a FOIA request on event #1318517215 and come up with something. It's a 5 page printout covering the time frame of 2135 hours and wasn't closed for good until 0206 hours on 05 July.

Some of the highlights (and these are from citizens calling in, officers updates, OEMC personnel logging radio traffic, etc):
  •  21:39:41 flash mob stole his cell phone he will point them out to police upon arrival
  • 21:46:25 organized gang, violent mob of m/b steal phones
That's word-for-word from the event record. So something definitely happened, wouldn't you say? The comments close with this:
  • 23:56:19 PER 4190 12TH DIST 16TH DIST UNITS RELEASED
So 016 was a bit shorthanded for the evening. There doesn't appear to be a comprehensive list of cars pulled from everywhere else to handle this disaster, at least not under this event number. There might be a dozen or more event numbers all tied in.

No video though, so nothing happened.

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Anonymous Lt. Frank Drebin: Police Squad said...

"There's nothing to see here, please disperse!!"

7/10/2013 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"wave your Iphones in the air like you just don't care"

Isn't that what the rappers say at their concerts? Try it at Taste and let me know what happens K?

7/10/2013 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/10/2013 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no repercussions. Want to make this stop, make mama be responsible for the terror these animals inflict. Make them pay.Deduct it out of the link cards.
When they get arrested fill out the finance form and send it in.

7/10/2013 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, hang on a there any footage showing that this was a mob of black youths or a "black gang" perpetrating crimes against those who dared enter the Thunderdome known as downtown?

No? OK, the festivities went off without a hitch, then! Just read the papers. They'll tell ya so.

Nothing happened, unless there's video. And even then, who could say what provoked the incident(s). The actual victims? Don't talk to them because all they'll say is "I was with my family enjoying the this event until..."

Until what, do tell?

Wake the f*** up and report what happened. Is that too much to ask? Alert the citizenry that seeing a group of "youths" fighting, taking people's property by force and generally causing mayhem, is a "bad" thing.

There's quite the pattern developing here, and gee whiz, if only the people were aware of the description of those involved in this mayhem (physical descriptions help, such as race, age, clothing, behavior pattern, etc)

But no, no, would be racist to describe the offenders in such incidents. Lord knows middle-aged female Asians are just as much responsible for this mess as are teenaged black male youths.

Keep up the good work, Tribune/Sun-Times! Don't let facts get in the way of your agenda. In a way, I kind of admire how you ignorantly stick to your guns on this issue. A job well done, as always.

7/10/2013 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad we can't set some kind of charge into the phone. Just call in to activate. Either 100,000 volts or a little TNT, problem solved and easy to pick out former offenders.

7/10/2013 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you imagine a bunch of male whites fighting and stealing cell phones at 63ed street beach? It would be national news and called hate crimes.

7/10/2013 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's time to make a stun gun that looks like a smart phone, but BITES!

7/10/2013 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tax payers don't mind being victimized.

7/10/2013 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every one of those callers should be arrested and charged with some type of racial profiling crime

- Sanford, FL. States Attorny office

7/10/2013 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there's no DNA, it didn't happen.

7/10/2013 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a displaced Chicagoan (used to live in the Ashburn neighborhood until it changed in the early 90s). I enjoy reading this blog as it seems to have the real pulse of the city. I have a question for you guys. When I grew up in Ashburn, kids could stay out until the streetlights came on, go to 7-11 for food, play four-corners baseball, etc. The only thing my parents warned me about was not to play on the train tracks (their biggest concern for safety was the railroad). We never worried about gangs, guns, drugs, etc. - even out walking the sidewalk home on a Saturday night at 2am. St. Denis Family Fest was a lot of fun with rides and a beer garden and no problems. My question for you - does this experience still exist anywhere on the South or Southwest Sides anymore?

7/10/2013 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our system of entitlements has gotten out of control.

What happens when the savages want more than the rest of us can give them? What happens when there is no more to give?

These wildings are just the tip of the iceberg as to what is sure to come.

7/10/2013 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Melanie said...

If the mobs saw people using their phones to video the thefts, it would just make it easier for them to know who to rob.

7/10/2013 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rainbow Beach North. Used to be Great: Now, a Jungle. Get ready North Side liberals!

7/10/2013 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is lost. Perhaps CC can save it?

7/10/2013 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's surprising the media doesn't just send some cameramen out there to film this. I guess they don't want people to see it!

7/10/2013 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Arminius said...

I suspect we are getting to the point where this is so common that a lot of the wilding goes unreported. People just don't bother.

7/10/2013 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna make it stop, call them domestic terrorists.

Which they are.  They attempt to deny ordinary people the use of public spaces and extort benefits and changes in people's behavior through violence.

7/10/2013 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to SCC, I now avoid the lakefront unless its 60 degrees or cooler and a driving rain/snow storm is present. Oddly, I feel very safe among my fellow beach goers when Lake Michigan is doing its impersonation of the Bering Sea. But anyhoo - the reason I'm posting is that when I do venture towards this large, natural attraction intended for all of our citizens to enjoy, and which our tax dollars no doubt support, but which the law abiding can only enjoy free from fear of imminent assault in cold and wet weather, I do sometimes utilize the underpass at North Avenue Beach. There are cameras inside the tunnel and at both openings. Are there no such cameras (again, supported by our tax dollars) observing the Division Street tunnel? Could a member of the press file a FOIA request to see THAT footage? Or, are the cameras (intended to replace how many officers of the law?) totally useless and just for show?

7/10/2013 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By this time next year, law abiding citizens will be issues CCW permits. I plan to have the lowest permit number issues in Chicago. Hopefully I'll never have to do any more than pay attention to my surroundings and avoid trouble, but I will be much more comfortable if I can defend me and mine from roving gangs of troublemakers. Enjoy your last free-for-all summer guys and girls.
Signed, NAC (not a cop)

7/10/2013 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something happened but you show only six calls, some of which can be others calling about the same incident.

7/10/2013 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Articles like this are what makes this blog so awesome.

I have a note for NAC @13:24, though: go ahead and carry your gun, but for heaven's sake not to a crowded beach. I have zero confidence in your ability to avoid shooting innocent bystanders in a big crowd.

7/10/2013 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least IMPD is ahead of the game, but every year, Black Expo is a problem...

7/10/2013 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notacop: I applied for my City of Chicago permit back in April and still haven't heard back from the city. Does anyone on this blog know if the city is holding applications until this CC law was passed? If so, is the state law going to supercede Chicago law and I'm going to be able to carry?

Thanks for any info.

7/10/2013 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer on the cameras in the Ped way underpass,they are live view only so no modem to enable a download of footage. They are just the small pod cameras not the big box ones with the hard drive in it. I work at the oemc....and most of the cameras are in need of repair, I would love to leave my identity but alas as u all know retribution is expensive.

7/10/2013 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

St. Denis Family Fest was a lot of fun with rides and a beer garden and no problems. My question for you - does this experience still exist anywhere on the South or Southwest Sides anymore?

Try St Sym's Fest, 6200 S Austin this Thur-Sun.

My kids go there.

7/10/2013 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Notacop: I applied for my City of Chicago permit back in April and still haven't heard back from the city. Does anyone on this blog know if the city is holding applications until this CC law was passed? If so, is the state law going to supercede Chicago law and I'm going to be able to carry?

Thanks for any info.

7/10/2013 06:44:00 PM

This might shock you but the City is very screwed up in how they administer stuff like this. I had trouble finding people down at HQ that even knew about these permits. They have lots fewer people than they need to get stuff done even part way efficiently. Probably your app is sitting in a pile on a desk.

Was the check cashed?

7/10/2013 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Every one of those callers should be arrested and charged with some type of racial profiling crime

- Sanford, FL. States Attorny office

7/10/2013 07:40:00 AM

I don't believe there is such a thing as a racial profiling crime.

7/10/2013 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a displaced Chicagoan (used to live in the Ashburn neighborhood until it changed in the early 90s). I enjoy reading this blog as it seems to have the real pulse of the city. I have a question for you guys. When I grew up in Ashburn, kids could stay out until the streetlights came on, go to 7-11 for food, play four-corners baseball, etc. The only thing my parents warned me about was not to play on the train tracks (their biggest concern for safety was the railroad). We never worried about gangs, guns, drugs, etc. - even out walking the sidewalk home on a Saturday night at 2am. St. Denis Family Fest was a lot of fun with rides and a beer garden and no problems. My question for you - does this experience still exist anywhere on the South or Southwest Sides anymore?

7/10/2013 08:38:00 AM

It disappeared when the honor students moved in

7/10/2013 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait till an armed civilian defends themselves against one of these packs of animals. cc just leveled the playing field. Hope the good people of the city are prepared to do what it takes when great bodily harm is threatened by these savages!

7/11/2013 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Every one of those callers should be arrested and charged with some type of racial profiling crime

- Sanford, FL. States Attorny office

7/10/2013 07:40:00 AM

I don't believe there is such a thing as a racial profiling crime.

7/10/2013 10:52:00 PM

Well, make one up then....

7/11/2013 06:59:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Rahm will not upset his voting base. More to come.

7/11/2013 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am a displaced Chicagoan (used to live in the Ashburn neighborhood until it changed in the early 90s). I enjoy reading this blog as it seems to have the real pulse of the city. I have a question for you guys. When I grew up in Ashburn, kids could stay out until the streetlights came on, go to 7-11 for food, play four-corners baseball, etc. The only thing my parents warned me about was not to play on the train tracks (their biggest concern for safety was the railroad). We never worried about gangs, guns, drugs, etc. - even out walking the sidewalk home on a Saturday night at 2am. St. Denis Family Fest was a lot of fun with rides and a beer garden and no problems. My question for you - does this experience still exist anywhere on the South or Southwest Sides anymore?

7/10/2013 08:38:00 AM

It disappeared when the honor students moved in

7/10/2013 11:43:00 PM

It disappeared when the good folks ran,thereby allowing the honor students and their families to move in. If good folks stay the jagoffs can't move in,but I guess the the profits reaped for selling their homes was too great to pass up. As usual the real estate agents made a fortune.

7/11/2013 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous That 5100 Car said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am a displaced Chicagoan (used to live in the Ashburn neighborhood until it changed in the early 90s). I enjoy reading this blog as it seems to have the real pulse of the city. I have a question for you guys. When I grew up in Ashburn, kids could stay out until the streetlights came on, go to 7-11 for food, play four-corners baseball, etc. The only thing my parents warned me about was not to play on the train tracks (their biggest concern for safety was the railroad). We never worried about gangs, guns, drugs, etc. - even out walking the sidewalk home on a Saturday night at 2am. St. Denis Family Fest was a lot of fun with rides and a beer garden and no problems. My question for you - does this experience still exist anywhere on the South or Southwest Sides anymore?

7/10/2013 08:38:00 AM

It disappeared when the honor students moved in

7/10/2013 11:43:00 PM

Fisherfest is about the only one left. But if they keep advertising for it with signs placed on Vincennes and 95-111th, it only has a few more years left. As a parishioner, I worked security at it for many years.Until the liberal, left Pastor complained about us asking groups of ghetto rats from sitting on residents front porches, like they lived there. At least once every year, a group of anywhere from 10-30 of these mutts would show up there, bringing back memories to most of people there, of what they moved away from 20-30 yrs ago. Lat year I worked it, I worked harder there the 3 days than I do on our job. One of the ghetto gladiators that invade it every year is going to do what they do best, up a missle there,pop off a few rounds, and that will be the end of it. Remember when Dennis and Tommie More had to stop having them.

7/11/2013 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a bouncing giant black guy tell me I was "racist" because I wouldn't buy him McDonalds, when he approached me I just shrugged and went back to my newspaper.
The shit he said after that provoked me and it escalated into a shouting match. Massive sense of entitlement.

7/11/2013 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait till an armed civilian defends themselves against one of these packs of animals. cc just leveled the playing field. Hope the good people of the city are prepared to do what it takes when great bodily harm is threatened by these savages!

Hope your right about that , but a conviction of Zimmerman will take all the steam out of the CCW. If he gets convicted of killing Trayvon Martin, most citizens will be reluctant to do anything

7/11/2013 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who said the good guys need to stay - that is easier said than done. My folks were pained to leave their house on the SW Side. They stayed to 95 when I graduated high school. They in no way made a killing on that house; they had to sell it undervalued because we weren't the first to leave. My Mom, while planting flowers in front of the house, had two black teens tell her, "Bitch this ain't your neighborhood anymore." My Dad, ex Marine, chased blacks who were throwing gravel at our car. Have you seen the film Gran Turino? I watched that whole movie amazed because that was my Dad. He is now 73 and living in the burbs. If we were still in the city, like that movie my Dad would be dead or in jail. It is easy to say stay, but as your property value plummets, your property and life is threatened, and the institutions change (school, church) - your neighborhood truly is gone.

7/11/2013 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the guy who talked about FisherFest - wow if Beverly and Mt Greenwood can't hold where else are city workers going to live on the south side? And I understand what you mean about liberal pastors. My last one at St. Denis was James Hagan. He disgusted me with his politics and I stopped going to mass. Turns out a few years later he left the priesthood after being charged with multiple counts of child sexual abuse.

7/11/2013 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am waiting to see how the ccw plays out here in chicago. if that doesn't change things for the better here then it will be the last straw for this shitty city. other than growing up here as a child what makes it so good to stay here? this city is full of savages who strut their shit like they own the joint yet they never work or contribute to society. our pensions are in jeopardy, but there is magically always money to give the thieving scum who leach off the taxpayers. our politicians treat us like we are the burden on the state yet they piss away money daily on bullshit and they treat the thieving scum like they deserve our money more than we do. why would anyone want to be apart of this bull shit. the housing market is bouncing back, so i think for those still interested in leaving it would make the transition out of this shithole a little easier. good luck and everyone please be safe.

7/12/2013 11:16:00 PM  

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