Monday, May 26, 2014

California Shooting Myths

The leftist trolls are out in full force, here and elsewhere, posting their anti-gun screeds after a psycho ran amok once again. Here's a few things they aren't telling/posting to any site that will listen:
  • he killed 7 people - if you count him;
  • he killed sorority girls - actually, he killed 4 men and 2 women;
  • he shot everyone - fact is he stabbed his 3 housemates, all guys.
  • he needed psychiatric care - he was under the care of one of California's top head shrinkers.
  • there were no warning signs - there were plenty. His parents even had police come out to the house and interview him, they were that worried. He wrote in his manifesto that he thought at that point the gig was up and he was about to be committed. Didn't happen and his planning continued.
There are also persistent rumors that he suffered from Asperger Syndrome, depression and was using similar medications to other mass murderers. We're sure that will be explored at greater length as the investigation continues. Also, he filled his down-time with ....wait for it.... violent video games (the next scapegoat of the nanny state).

California is touted as having some of the strictest gun laws in the country. They also have very specific laws that involuntarily commit people who are adjudged to be mentally unstable and force them to take medications. Yet this asshole passed three different background checks when he bought his three guns and broadcast his intent weeks or more in advance via YouTube, but no one stopped him.

So to any and all trolls surfing this way, stop. Your posts aren't going to see the light of day here. Do you really want to make this guy your poster child? Have you even read his rantings?
  • “the ultimate evil behind sexuality is the human female.”
  • women “think like beasts” and “should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with.”
  • felt that he should be Earth’s “divine ruler,” where he would quarantine all women in concentration camps and then starve them to death.
Sounds to us like more women need to be armed for the next asshole like this who comes knocking.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's just ban all things!

5/26/2014 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The prototype-evil California AW ban/10-round magazine capacity limit WORKED.


I understand the nut just went and bought 34 (THIRTY-FOUR) ten-rounders.

More than a good loadout on yer LBE...

5/26/2014 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was Clouted daddy a movie guy Should have never been able to buy a gun and the Sherriff should have arrested him. He was Cali code for mentally unstable.

Now Liberals will go rabid about gun control.

5/26/2014 12:08:00 AM  
Blogger Jimmy Joe Meeker said...

The SSRI drugs a known side effect, violence. Yes, the mass shootings, the stabbings, etc and so forth are known side effects of FDA approved drugs. Most of the violent side effects don't rise to newsworthy events.

There are millions and millions of people on these drugs. The rate of mass shootings/stabbings is probably below six sigma, which would probably never show up if there were only a few thousand people on these drugs. But with millions taking them, it's a certainty to have a few of these every year.

There's a story of a teenager who was on these SSRI drugs. He took his gun to school but was stopped before killing anyone. Doesn't remember a thing of it. All done in sleepwalking like haze.

The drugs make billions of dollars for the right people while creating a problem that serves political ends by addressing it in a way that empowers government but doesn't solve the problem. (gun bans, etc)

It can only be solved by addressing the root cause.

5/26/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just A Citizen Says: when I am not living in Chiraq fearing for my life just walking to the Walgreens at Chgo/Mich I live in SoCal. Everyone has a gun, don't let the liberals fool anyone with that crap. But this could be the tipping point out here the liberals have been waiting for. Only idiots think guns kill people. People kill people. Will we ban food next since it makes people fat? Or ban trees when the wind blows them over on a roof? Do we ban cars cuz the run people over? The sick fuck refused to take his meds. Not the shrinks fault. The parents didn't call the cops up there after reading that manifesto? The media out here is going CRAZY with this. But none of them tell the truth. As usual.

5/26/2014 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

The offender in this had the best help money could buy.

Just think of all the street people we have to deal with on a daily basis that belong in a long term mental health institution.

5/26/2014 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moms Against Things are awful busy lately!

5/26/2014 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... and was using similar medications to other mass murderers. We're sure that will be explored at greater length as the investigation continues. "

I'm sure it won't. I still see zoloft and paxil zombies stumbling around, pickin their moment to pounce!

5/26/2014 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well he does have freedom of speech. Are you going to arrest him for a few rants. Also until he commits a crime he cannot be arrested, Until he went on his rampage he had not committed a crime. It's perfectly legal to play violent video games. Millions do it every day and they don't turn into serial killers.

It was a sad situation, but again it is a sad world we live in. In other parts of the world innocent people are being blown up in wholesale lots by car bombs.

5/26/2014 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think his real problem was a bad case of S.D.S. aka Small Dic Syndrome . Rot in hell you sick bastard. Caution to the police, this guy admitted he was gonna have a loaded gun nearby to shoot the police if they came back a second time. Think about that next time you respond to a check the well being call....

5/26/2014 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watched his youtube video, he seemed like a disturbed brat who always got everything he wanted. She I don't know why daddy just didn't get him a whore

5/26/2014 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sounds to us like more women need to be armed for the next asshole like this who comes knocking."

No joke.

The more I read about violent crime and the breakdown of society, the more I cannot understand people advocating against their right to defend their lives against violent, armed criminals. It makes not sense at all.

5/26/2014 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous S Freud said...

Wasn't he also missing part of a finger?

5/26/2014 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet he was taking some psychotropic drugs like most of these people. The one in Colorado, New Jersey and the naval base to name a few. No real investigation into these " coincidences". Maybe because these huge pharmaceutical companies advertise in the print, on the internet, radio and tv. It is easier to talk about gun control than looking at something that may cost you revenue.

5/26/2014 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

Rather than promoting self defense for women, The leftist trolls are chattering away about Misogyny and how women have to browbeat men into being more respectful and containing their sexual urges.

Not that any of them have experience with real men.

5/26/2014 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son reminded me, that Keith Olbermann once said that we don't show jerks who run onto the playing fields of sporting events; so why do we publicize these assholes and give them what they want?

5/26/2014 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piss poor absentee parenting. His father becamea millionaire making movies about kids killing kids. He was raised by nannys. Self hating son of privilege with no talent. Father should have bought hin a 110 lb set of weights when he was 13. Could have prevented this.

5/26/2014 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but but but GGGGUUUNNNNSSSSSS!!!!!

5/26/2014 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back frontal lobotomies. The Kennedy's believed in them.

5/26/2014 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those last three points mostly resemble hardline Muslim beliefs. I'm not shocked by the similarities...

5/26/2014 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no shame in the anti-gun political movement. They take advantage of a family who lost their child and use them for their political end. I pray for the family of the victims. There is no consolation or justice for them.

5/26/2014 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just made a donation yo the NRA. Democrat moron senator from CT pushing gun control bill....which would have done nothing to stop this event. Not even if they add a knife and car control bill. These shootings and stabbings show how critical it is for law abiding citizens to have the capability to defend themselves. Expect gun sales and contributions to the nra to sky rocket. Not to mention the gun grabbers will lose in the fall elections.

5/26/2014 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification - and protecting the 2nd amendment......

5/26/2014 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a retired CPD wife and one who has her own FOID card and waiting for CCL permit, it is just too bad that no one in California was armed to put an end to his devastation before so many lives were taken. Not that concealed carry would have saved everyone, but even one more live saved, it would have made a difference to some parent.

5/26/2014 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The offender in this had the best help money could buy."

5/26/2014 12:59:00 AM

Another victim of the dreaded Affluenza...just like Adam Lanza, who did the Sandy Hook school in CT.

Visibly crazy to even a casual onlooker, but Adam had the keys to the gun safe...

5/26/2014 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to this idiot:
Anonymous said...
Well he does have freedom of speech. Are you going to arrest him for a few rants. Also until he commits a crime he cannot be arrested, Until he went on his rampage he had not committed a crime. It's perfectly legal to play violent video games. Millions do it every day and they don't turn into serial killers.

Just a Citizen Says:
First of all, who the heck are you? Some liberal bleeding heart? We are well aware you can't arrest someone for ranting, but that was BEYOND ranting. The manifest was BEYOND ranting. His parents knew he was effed up, so did the shrink but GOD FORBID they actually step up and have the balls to take the messed up sick fuck out of school and put him on a 5150. And incase you only read Time Magazine and spend your time kissing a picture of Obama, studies have proven (and you don't even need a study to figure this out) that if you fill your head with violence and murders (those video games that retards play since they have no real life) you will lean towards that kind of thought pattern. Fill your head with garbage and what do you expect to be in your head? No college degree here. Just common sense. Sit and smell garbage all day and you are going to smell like garbage. Live in a pig sty and you are a pig. Sit and clutch those remote things for those stupid ass video games and PRETEND you are a big tough guy killing people, and you are going to start to believe it.

5/26/2014 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No bullshit...during a panel discussion on CNN, the black guy with the glasses-I think he's a doctor-actually said that a shrink should accompany Officers to EVERY well being check calls. Not an officer specially trained, but an actual psychiatrist.

5/26/2014 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Elliot Rodger was visited three times by law enforcement. Even if law enforcement thought he was nuts, the threat of civil liability is a higher priority than getting involved or exercising common sense. The family did not intervene. The family failed to acknowledge the outcry from this soon to be mass murderer. Who knows better of an illness than those most involved in this crazy’s life?

Civil liability drives law enforcement decision making. Taking some action and doing the right gets a beat down after balancing civil monetary penalties. It’s a shame a ruthless lawyer can make a personal fortune from an on the spot decision which can lead or transpire into something ugly instantaneously for law enforcement professionals. And lets not forget someone’s felonious criminal behavior. Even doctors are scared to death of civil liability and these ruthless lawyers smearing their professional reputations dragging them through the courts for the almighty dollar. The power and threats of lawyers, validated by the courts and juries, translates into inaction and passing a situation crying out for attention, down the road. These mass killers have a trail of red flags but all the inaction and failed attempts to rectify the problem come to a head on a grand scale. Here is the Supreme Court decision on mental health confinements:

O'Connor v. Donaldson, 422 U.S. 563 (1975), was a landmark decision in mental health law. The United States Supreme Court ruled that a state cannot constitutionally confine a non-dangerous individual who is capable of surviving safely in freedom by themselves or with the help of willing and responsible family members or friends

5/26/2014 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a screw up by this kids therapist. Come on, this professional who is supposed to notice when someone is one the brink of complete insanity did nothing. Yet somehow LE is being blamed for dropping the ball on this kid! His parents begged for help, and the therapist, who could have signed this kid into a hospital or center for help did nothing. LE is NOT any kind of medically certified professional.

5/26/2014 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would not have happened here. Think about it. We have a social media monitoring investigating team, Crystal Ball Analysis unit, (Con) Fusion center, Deployment Operations Center, Intelligent Intelligence Unit, the Predictive Analytical Unit and the dot connectors at CPIC. I forgot, they have the holiday weekend off (most of them). My bad. My very bad.

5/26/2014 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entire State of Commiefornia, like Chicago, Il. Is built upon lies, distortion of the Truth, and manipulation by Hollyweird and their Socialist Media Tools.

5/26/2014 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Truth is that Nationwide, only a very mynute number of people use firearms for criminal purposes, compared to the amount of firearms in existance, and the amount of people who own them legally. Our Country's Political Leaders should concentrate and focus their efforts to improve the Economy, Unemployment, National Debt, and securing our Borders from Entry by Illegal Criminals instead of their continued harassment of Law-Abiding Firearm Owners. In a free Country, there will always be problems associated with many things. It is the price of having such great freedom here. Piticians and tbe News Media are in concert with destroying our freedoms, slowly and steadily. They are the true Enemies of America, and our Constitution. Additionally, their laziness, incompetence, and disfunctionality are tbe reason the U.S. is 20 Triion Dollars in Debt, Taxpayer Dollars which could be being used right now, here in the USA, to improve many conditions across our Nation. We are being scammed, as a Nation, by our worthless, thieving lying Political Leaders and their corrupt, lying, obfuscating tools, the Mainstream News Media, and their Socialist Tools in Hollyweird, CA, who distort facts and perpetuate Lies, thru their Movies and TV Shows.
"Seek Ye the Truth, and the Truth Shalt set thee Free".

5/26/2014 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all part of the Leftist Plot leading to the ban of automobiles and all sharp objects in California.

5/26/2014 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually had the family been a bit more vehement in their concern for junior, they could have scooped him up for a stay at the local Behavioral Issue facility. California allows for involuntary committal, in light of what this asshole was threatening to do. But supposedly the family just couldnt bring themselves to negatively impact his self esteem even more by telling him that the videos he made about his sick fantasies was BAD and that he needed to get his head dry-cleaned. Easier to watch complete strangers get put into body bags or heading for ICU as a result of junior's retribution. the shithead parents should go to jail.

5/26/2014 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy was way nuts even by California standards. Luckily he used a knife to kill his first three victims so it takes a little heat off of the gun thang. Thankfully he offed himself which saves a lot of taxpayer dollars trying to convict and reason why he did what he did. And gun snatchers will still use this morons actions to justify their position. If I lived there and didn't have a gun this story sure would push me to get one. Maybe two.

5/26/2014 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a Hollywood connection. The Santa Barbara killer’s father Peter Rodger was 2nd director of the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games promotes violence with a fight to the death plot. He is also an extreme left winger. What should city leadership do?

Rahm and the city council should introduce a proclamation identifying Chicago as a Cinematic gun-free movie making production city. Chicago has earned the reputation as a world re-known leader in crime and death by violence. All scenes depicting guns or their use will be banned and alternatives such as conflict resolution, diversity training and cultural awareness will be promoted on the silver screen as solutions.

Critics will point out this violates the 1st Amendment Rights infringing on their right to make money. Its their right to portray violent role models to youths for profit along with the boilerplate make believe death and mayhem in American cities. And Hollywood would also argue this violates the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. Maybe this is a stretch. Such city supervisor’s resolutions would make cinema less profitable since Hollywood’s bread and butter violence captivates audiences with scenes of endless shootouts, blood & guts and dead bodies dropping like Manna bread from Heaven.

Ariel Zev “Ari” Emanuel, rahm’s 21st Century Hollywood millionaire mogul brother, arranges for moviemaking violence in Chicago while directing Hollywood types to donate campaign contribution to Rahm’s politician election type campaigns. Rahm, muster the courage to take a leadership stance against Chicago’s violence. Donate these ethically questionable tax- deductible campaign contributions to faith based community anti-violence programs in poorer communities. Hey rahm, “Just Say No” to Hollywood big money along with their special interests. Rahm will you help transform Hollywood?

5/26/2014 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ban all shrinks!

5/26/2014 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your missing the point. The news media,the family and the Monday morning quarterbacks and the lawyers are aiming for the police. The police should have known. The parents stated that they called the police. Its always the police fault and not the parents.It will be the police need better training. How many times have we heard that.How about the parents having some responsibly for the kids actions. They know the kid is a wacko but they call the police.

5/26/2014 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The farther of one of those slain is really going off on the NRA and gun laws.

I really feel for this man, but I hope he eventually realizes if it wasn't a gun, it would have been a knife, a car, fire, poison, or any combination of those things.

The killer was a bad seed.

Perhaps created by a lack of parenting, being spoiled & drugs.

It's not about guns and gun laws.

5/26/2014 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you lokk at this a-holes eyes you can see he was a meth user, great work by the police there it was a bad situation.

5/26/2014 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Anonymous said...

"This Elliot Rodger was visited three times by law enforcement. Even if law enforcement thought he was nuts, (MANAGING/MITIGATING) the (EVER PRESENT) THREAT OF CIVIL LIABILITY (AGAINST THE POLICE) IS A HIGHER PRIORITY than getting involved or exercising common sense. The family did not intervene. The family failed to acknowledge the outcry from this soon to be mass murderer. Who knows better of an illness than those most involved in this crazy’s life?"

5/26/2014 11:43:00 AM

Good post...
We made some what we felt were some timely and worthwhile revisions/additions.

"Why didn't you Cops DO SOMETHING?"

Because the days of Policemen taking it on the chin while doing society a solid are loooooooooongg gone.

You see... American Society has demanded that necessary protections on the back end be stripped away for Policemen making the decision to place the greater good and protection of society over the constitutional rights of a (very wealthy) not as yet legally adjudicated (as a) lunatic who unfortunately went on a killing spree.


What if this situation worked out another way?

The Police pounced on this unmedicated, very wealthy, VERY CONNECTED to the Hollyweird/media spin machine through his father and by less than a degree of separation, the very best lawyers money can buy?

Those coppers wouldn't have stood a fucking chance against intentionally being driven into career, financial and personal ruin in criminal and civil court and in the court of public opinion.

What if trying to take this loon, this situation decayed into a flaming shit-show of a hostage-barricade incident complete with death, destruction, fire, flying bullets, screams for mercy and visibly shit-blown pants for all involved?

Conversely, what The Police were able to take him into protective custody without incident but his parents (predictably) turned their coats on The Police and demanded they be sent to the litigation hanging tree for "violating" the civil rights of a not as yet legally adjudicated (as a ) lunatic?

Who knows how this could have played out.

When big money, media influence and big money's lawyers are in the mix, The Policeman is guaranteed an uphill skate with many hard and painful falls.

"Being a cop looks easy..."

Please... There would be so much hatred and ginned-up outrage against "Police Excesses" that the political class would feel free and easy to openly declare their badly wanted "war" on The Police...

Eh... Fuck It...
This thing is going to decay to "Blame The Police" anyway...

Do your tour.
Protect yourselves, your fellow officers and your families.

Society demands you be willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good but society wants air and opportunity to make a mockery of you and your sacrifice...

"You knew it would be like this when you signed up!"

It's as if people want The Police to be made to "go away" as if something better was coming along in the near future.

Wish we could see what they're seeing so we can govern ourselves accordingly.

5/26/2014 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

For the record, a "second unit" director is essentially the guy who shoots stock footage that's used in the rest of the movie.

5/26/2014 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The killer was a bad seed."

5/26/2014 02:46:00 PM

Shit that the left refuses to even talk about...

Welcome to the yellow-pinky lefty lib moonbat euro-weenie "re-imaging" of America.

Things like manliness, decisiveness, doing greater goods for society, (and society willingly admits it was the appropriate, timely and best thing to do under the circumstances) being honorable even in opposition, being direct in speech, action and demeanor etc...

Nowadays m/fers demand a trophy and an ice cream after the game just for showing up...

Concensus Building...
High fallutin' speechifying when some ass-meat needs to be kicked off the fucking bone...
The talentless tenth being allowed to drown the rest of everybody else because casting them adrift to scream, shit, cry and climb on top of each other to save their own asses from drowning has been deemed by the cynical arbiters of social engineering as "wrong."

"This train is bound for glory but y'all gots to pay our fare... Or we finna be mad at y'all!"


Hard-Head m/fers were banging on the side of Noah's Ark when that water got uncomfortably high so what's old is new...

Chaos is the end game?

5/26/2014 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... We have a social media monitoring investigating team, Crystal Ball Analysis unit, (Con) Fusion center, Deployment Operations Center, Intelligent Intelligence Unit, the Predictive Analytical Unit and the dot connectors at CPIC...
5/26/2014 12:06:00 PM

Hey silly, these are support units secreted in HQ and other assorted command bunkers. These units collect and input raw data. These critical staffs then use their supercomputers and their personal on the street knowledge translating volumes of uncollated information into actionable criminal intelligence output.

Their contribution to crime eradication efforts must not be discounted. Immeasurable numbers of homicides were prevented via digital missions. You won’t find these prevented homicides on your district’s statistics. This is one of the untold secrets and success stories of the CompStat crime fighting strategies.

Crimes are solved one terabyte at a time. Many long hours were logged at the flickering computer screens taking its toll on these analysts causing an upsurge in injury on duty eyestrains and chipped manucured fingernails. These keyboard commandos overcome all obstacles to get out the crime fighting message to the troops.

5/26/2014 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judging by the comments on here no one understands mental illness or the effects of medications. you also don't understand how hard it is to get someone committed long term, lets just say nearly impossible. Quit blaming the parents!!!! Parents can't force an adult child to take medications and can't involuntarily commit them long term. SSRI's have been proven to make persons with mood disorders have suicidal and homicidal ideations and yet doctors continue to prescribe them through lack of their own education. this will continue to happen unless we start to address some of the serious mental health issues we have in this country. Lack of funding and lack of education and harsh stigma.

5/26/2014 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, it's California all right.

I used to work in the CMI mental health field (in another state). Send a cop to check on a psycho's mental well being? Bullshit. The parents should have contacted a judge (or whatever the protocol is in that state) to have him in involuntary hold way before this occurred.

I feel for the victims' families, but - people kill (shoot, stab) people, not weapons.

--No Cop Here

5/26/2014 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Judging by the comments on here no one understands mental illness or the effects of medications. you also don't understand how hard it is to get someone committed long term, lets just say nearly impossible. Quit blaming the parents!!!! Parents can't force an adult child to take medications and can't involuntarily commit them long term. SSRI's have been proven to make persons with mood disorders have suicidal and homicidal ideations and yet doctors continue to prescribe them through lack of their own education. this will continue to happen unless we start to address some of the serious mental health issues we have in this country. Lack of funding and lack of education and harsh stigma."

Well said. Isn't it amazing that big media never questions or scrutinizes big pharma?

5/26/2014 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Judging by the comments on here no one understands mental illness or the effects of medications. you also don't understand how hard it is to get someone
committed long term, lets just say nearly impossible. Quit blaming the parents!!!! Parents can't force an adult child to take medications and can't involuntarily commit them long term..."

And why the fuck NOT blame the parents?

Who the fuck is USUALLY blamed in the aftermath of a shit show like this?

The Police?

Send in the fucking lawyers... Yet some more coppers have to unnecessarily face career and financial ruin just because they're first in the pecking order of who society gets to take a long and luxurious shit on when ever awful things like this happen...

Judges, prosecutors, legislators, head shrinkers and this loon's parents have ample air and opportunity to run and hide from THIS!

Oh yes... Some coppers WILL be sacrificed to appease the media spin and public relations apparatus.

The NRA is being dragged into this too.

Also... Is there any known provision in any State or Federal gun laws allowing a mental health professional to pre-emptively notify local and state authorities that a person not yet adjudicated as insane, should be prohibited from purchasing weapons and ammunition?

Good of society vs. individual rights slippery slope that the mental health profession does not want to be involved in due to the specter of civil litigation?

Anyone smarter than we are willing to shed a little light on this?

5/27/2014 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The father says the reason for this rampage is there are no strong gun laws. So there you have it. It wasn't his own mentally ill son, it was the gun.

Didn't they have the gun decals on those stores and dorm?

5/27/2014 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was up in God's Country for 4 days. Great little trip. On the way back I had to get near Rockford before I saw a baggy pants and wife beater t-shirt wearing LINK card carrying democrat walking around the truck stop talking on his cell phone and eating cheese curls while asking for money.

His cohorts then asked me if I had jumper cables and I was on a motorcycle. Oxygen stealing scum. I told them in Polish that I didn't speak English. The moment was priceless.

5/27/2014 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the NSA missed all of this. Just like every other event.

5/27/2014 05:38:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Nutballs are everywhere. Protect yourselves and your family.

5/27/2014 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person that posted numerous comments about ssri drugs. Do you even have any idea how many cops are on those? Ssri are not the be all end all reason this shit show happened.

5/27/2014 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey 2130hrs, sorry for blaming the parents for this little shitstain, when who's really to blame are the short-sighted psalm singers who outlawed frontal lobotomys. forget the drugs, the shrinks, long term care facilities. just peel that bad melon, Hannibal Lecter a chunk of it off and WE THE PEOPLE never have to worry about any of these defectives flinging JHP's(or getting curb-squashed by a Beamer) ever again.

5/27/2014 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Judging by the comments on here no one understands mental illness or the effects of medications. you also don't understand how hard it is to get someone
committed long term, lets just say nearly impossible. Quit blaming the parents!!!! Parents can't force an adult child to take medications and can't involuntarily commit them long term..."

And why the fuck NOT blame the parents?

Who the fuck is USUALLY blamed in the aftermath of a shit show like this?

The Police?

Everyone wants to blame the police. Now the mother is.
So the police are supposed to make a judgement on a persons mental health after a 10 minute interview on a well being check. What about the 3 shrinks that had or were treating him. They can't figure it out,but the police should.
Also CNN had commentator, a lib who is always against the police and for indidual rights and after the guests,lawyers and police kept saying they could not enter his home, she still couldnt get it. Kept saying they should have done more. This is the same type of lib that says you cant come in police, but in this case they should have.

5/27/2014 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous The Bear said...

To: Box Chevy Phantom
Thank you, and thanks again. You and anonymous nailed it!

5/27/2014 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy Joe Meeker said...
The SSRI drugs a known side effect, violence. Yes, the mass shootings, the stabbings, etc and so forth are known side effects of FDA approved drugs. Most of the violent side effects don't rise to newsworthy events.

There are millions and millions of people on these drugs. The rate of mass shootings/stabbings is probably below six sigma, which would probably never show up if there were only a few thousand people on these drugs. But with millions taking them, it's a certainty to have a few of these every year.

There's a story of a teenager who was on these SSRI drugs. He took his gun to school but was stopped before killing anyone. Doesn't remember a thing of it. All done in sleepwalking like haze.

The drugs make billions of dollars for the right people while creating a problem that serves political ends by addressing it in a way that empowers government but doesn't solve the problem. (gun bans, etc)

It can only be solved by addressing the root cause.

5/26/2014 12:31:00 AM

Bingo! Give that man a cigar.

5/27/2014 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The father says the reason for this rampage is there are no strong gun laws. So there you have it. It wasn't his own mentally ill son, it was the gun.

Didn't they have the gun decals on those stores and dorm?

5/27/2014 01:18:00 AM

It's not the parents fault. They have a psychotic son. They knew. He was seeing three different shrinks. They shipped him off to a school and out from their influence. It was easier.

Don't tell me they had no control. My kid turns out to be that way. He stays with me for my whole life, one way or another. I put him here. I am responsible. There is no pushing away that cross to bear. No "I called the police". The parents are to blame. They made some efforts so they shouldn't be crucified, but they ARE to blame. No one else.

5/28/2014 06:08:00 AM  

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