Saturday, September 09, 2017

Released How Many Times?

  • A man charged in three pending rape cases was released on electronic monitoring Thursday after a Cook County judge reduced his bail.

    Robert Walters, 44, first made headlines in 2016 when DNA evidence linked him to the 2013 kidnapping and rape of a drunken woman who'd been trying to hail a cab outside Castle nightclub in River North.

    Cook County Judge Adam Bourgeois Jr. set bail at $5 million in August 2016. Trial Judge Carol M. Howard later reduced that amount to $200,000. Walters posted the requisite 10 percent and soon went free on electronic monitoring.
That's one arrest and a bail reduction:
  • He was arrested again in November after DNA evidence linked him to a 2014 rape that occurred after an OkCupid date. Judge Maria Kuriakos Ciesil set bail in that matter at $75,000. Walters posted an additional $7,500 to be released — again on electronic monitoring.
That's two arrests and a low bail for a repeat offender:
  • In July of this year, he was brought before Judge Peggy Chiampas on allegations he raped a married woman he met in a bar in July 2016. Walters' DNA recently proven to be a match to that woman's rape kit.

    Chiampas denied Walters bail, calling him "a danger to women."

    At the request of Walters' defense attorney, Howard this week agreed to let Walters go free pending trial so long as he qualifies for electronic monitoring. Walters was released from Cook County Jail, 2700 S. California Ave., on Thursday, according to the Cook County Sheriff's Office.
Three arrests. And he's walking around with an ankle bracelet, just like over 500 other inmates that Dart can't keep track of.

The system is broken, probably beyond repair.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punk judges never heard of Willie Horton.
They must be the female counterparts of the gels.

9/09/2017 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Technically, he is innocent until proven guilty.
That said, there is reason to believe he is a danger to society, and should not be out. Three DNA matches? He is going away.

Hopefully if he is really stupid and attacks someone, they are carrying and can dump a mag into his groinular region.
You all know those three are not his only victims.

9/09/2017 12:19:00 AM  
Blogger Geek4Hire said...

You cannot make this shit up. And again, not a word from any politician. But if a thug gets shot running from the cops in a stolen vehicle, you get the rev runs, BLM and others in a press conference. This is worthy of a press conference. Immediate removal of this judge.

9/09/2017 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think the ankle bracelet has anything to do
with it. The female preoccupation with jewelry and
the warm and fuzzy feelings.

9/09/2017 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rape, murder, it's just a shout away
Prosecution calls Merry Clayton to the
witness stand. Oh wait, she passed away.
Queue up Gimmie Shelter

9/09/2017 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm's trying to buy his reelection.

9/09/2017 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

catch & release is for pussy fishermen
they didn't have this problem on Dragnet
back then the only bracelets were on the secretaries

9/09/2017 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic. I hear certain members of FOP are gettin slammed on Facebook for decisions they've made recently. I think the new regime deserves a chance to make their own decisions and, if proven wrong, they'll be held accountable. Much like our current President of the United Stares. As much as FOP hasn't been as aggressive and/or proactive in fighting for all of us keep in mind that things don't change overnight and it's pretty fuckin easy to play Monday Morning QB. Let's give them at least a little time before shootin from the hip. I know the history doesn't look good but I think there are some good people on there. And, if I'm wrong, they'll be gone too. But let's givem a chance. I fully expect to be pounced on for this statement but it's not made to offend or attack anyone.

9/09/2017 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Star Chamber!

But, this time, no Michael Douglas.

9/09/2017 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should issue him the name and address of every female sibling of every circuit court judge. To prove he is healed.

9/09/2017 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will the public and the media GO NUTS OVER THIS CRAP!!! What is wrong with this city and county? Are the police just wasting their time? Cook county is the worst place on earth for a victim and a sanctuary for evil.

9/09/2017 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for getting women judges on the bench....3 women judges lowered bond and released on electronic monitoring...If that was my mom, sister, wife..etc. I think I would have to bitch slap the 3 STUPID WOMEN JUDGES!
OK so explain to me how this guy is not a risk to the female general public.... Better yet, the jail is empty so what's the problem that a man PROVEN BY DNA, responsible for 3 THREE separate rapes is not in jail....Last but not least, how long does he have to get continuances and not be on trial and convicted in the first arrest? WTF the streets aren't bad enough we have to put a rapist (3 time) back out there. Anyone take a bet that he winds up in a rape murder DNA match....Probably get an I-bond! Just cant make this SHIT up!

9/09/2017 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you put all the Aldercreatures into a swimming pool
at a resort, the staff would need to add 3 gallons of
straight Clorox before they even got in. Dirty, filthy,
acidic, fungus supporting life forms.

9/09/2017 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like we used to tell the old dispatchers @ 11th & State, "Squad, put that name on the top of your list!" SCC - the list of rogue judges is continuing to grow - hope we can keep it updated for next year's election. Thank you for letting us know both pro & anti law enforcement judges. My only regret is that we have little input on the Assoc. Judges.

Retired .38 spl +P

9/09/2017 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These judges, ASAs, PDs and politicians should be forced to go to the beat meetings like the district police, so they can explain their moranic decisions to the public. Also does anyone know how to post their official photos so we can remember them when they come up for retention on the ballot.

9/09/2017 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee do you think he will rape again?

9/09/2017 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the new Cook County justice system. Courtesy of liberal judges and a liberal State's Attorney. Where the concern for the criminal outweighs any concern for the victim or for the community.

9/09/2017 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's his lawyer?! Roy Cohn?! I might need to use him one day if the city keeps up this witch hunt on the department.....

9/09/2017 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservatives only wanted wealthy Georgetown Law students to front the $20 per month for their own birth control & THAT'S a "War on Women".

Democrat judges, politicians, & their constituency literally ruining women's lives? Meh, nothing to see here.

9/09/2017 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert Walters sure has bad luck.
The ONLY 3 times in his ENTIRE 44 year life that he RAPES a woman..... he gets caught!!
What are the odds???

The odds are very good that the Cook county politicians/judges will ALLOW further action by Robert Walters.

Robert Walters and this story are nauseating .

9/09/2017 04:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not going to pounce, but think you are missing some of the points raised. Kathy Morre firing was done in the wrong way. The reason of we are going in a different direction is not a reason for someone to lose their job. The city want to take the police in a different direction. Should we let them? No. Because we have a contract. Just because you don't have a contract doesn't mean your fire an employee this way. What is this way? President is flying out on a long vacation to Hawaii. His VP's at his request take this opportunity to fire Kath Morris. A former cop and loyalist to the FOP for 20 yrs when he is in flight. If Graham wanted her gone then he should have done it himself. Like a man. Like a stand up leader. Murray and Prieb have no working knowledge of the day to day at the Lodge and have their own agenda. Other post have implied that field reps are taking a $600 stipend against the bylaws? Is that true if so who? Murray want to hire 2 in house attorneys and give them the 2nd floor, $40k a month and full benefits. Who is this firm? Did they pay for Murrays campaign? Have they ever represented the police before. More importantly have they ever gone after the police on the stand? If true does this should like give them a chance? By the way they both hid the next day away from office because they are cowards and didn't expect a backlash to their actions. This firing is going to cost us a lot of money. You know there will be a law suit and the arm chair an that says employee at will must think that will hold water. Guess what it won't and she will and should get paid. All I can say is they better have it documented well and have the exit papers that she refused to sign handy. Wait there were no exit papers! Fuck it gets even worse. I wonder if it will come out in court that Billy d wanted her gone. A trustee and not even an officer and instructed graham on what to do? Wow that would be a breach of fiduciary duty and maybe she could then file suit against the individual trustees that took part in this act? Btw insurance doesn't cover this. Yes let's give them a chance. For all means let give graham, murray and Prieb to totally fuck up our contract negotioans. Bthats what I want for my last 6 yrs on this job.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic. I hear certain members of FOP are gettin slammed on Facebook for decisions they've made recently. I think the new regime deserves a chance to make their own decisions and, if proven wrong, they'll be held accountable. Much like our current President of the United Stares. As much as FOP hasn't been as aggressive and/or proactive in fighting for all of us keep in mind that things don't change overnight and it's pretty fuckin easy to play Monday Morning QB. Let's give them at least a little time before shootin from the hip. I know the history doesn't look good but I think there are some good people on there. And, if I'm wrong, they'll be gone too. But let's givem a chance. I fully expect to be pounced on for this statement but it's not made to offend or attack anyone.

9/09/2017 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge Peggy for Chief Judge. She would set some new rules for the lefties.

9/09/2017 06:24:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Don't blame Judge Chiampas. She had it right.

9/09/2017 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is absolutely embarrassing. If one of these idiots commits another violent crime on em when they shouldn't be?? I would sue the pants off of someone

9/09/2017 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howard keeps releasing him in hopes he comes to her house and donkey punches her fart box.
Howard has to be on the take no doubt about it.

9/09/2017 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta be PHUQ'EN KIDDIN ME....I just don't know what to say anymore about our Criminal justice system....

9/09/2017 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In July of this year, he was brought before Judge Peggy Chiampas on allegations he raped a married woman he met in a bar in July 2016. Walters' DNA recently proven to be a match to that woman's rape kit.

Chiampas denied Walters bail, calling him "a danger to women."

At the request of Walters' defense attorney, Howard this week agreed to let Walters go free pending trial so long as he qualifies for electronic monitoring. Walters was released from Cook County Jail, 2700 S. California Ave., on Thursday, according to the Cook County Sheriff's Office.

According to this, Peggy Chiampas denied bail and "Howard" agreed to release. Chiampas is probably the only judge I would retain due to her history in prosecutors office and her decisions on the bench.

9/09/2017 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat war on women.

9/09/2017 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's just misunderstood. He's about to turn his life around and will dream of becoming a gynecologist.

9/09/2017 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this guy is out is there anyone who qualifies tostay?

9/09/2017 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: We need to give our new slate a chance. Let them clean out the people who have been there way too long and start fresh. Everyone knows that when a new regime comes in they bring in their own people. Now is the time to start fresh and let them fight for us. Our money has been wasted for years. The old union had fancy lunches, kickbacks from lawyers, paid trips by us for alleged union meetings..... Should I go on? Our contract is expired. We need new, fresh faces fighting for us and who aren't in bed with Rahm! Let them fight the crooked media and Rahm. Preib is fight the media and our bs CPS. Our union finally has some balls, let them do their thing, we voted them in. Go Trump!

9/09/2017 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say fire the rest and let Peggy choose the replacements. She's the only one we hear about repeatedly that seems to have a spine.

9/09/2017 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous David said...

If the people of Chicago ever want serious change, they need to vote Rahm out of office. After that, people need to really begin paying attention to the candidates running for judge. The City Council is probably beyond hope--it will always be a nest of vipers. But get rid of Rahm and begin putting judges on the bench who don't have a social agenda--judges who know the law and know how to apply it to the cases they hear (and who aren't afraid to do so), and then maybe (and that's a big "maybe") things in Chicago will begin to change for the better. (And one of the first things the new mayor should do is to tell Ms. Madigan to take a baseball bat, go off somewhere with it and pleasure herself for a while, and keep her nose out of Chicago law enforcement for the rest of her sorry career.)

I know how fantastical everything I've suggested sounds, but the alternative is to keep doing the same thing, over and over, and hope for different results. Everyone who reads this blog knows what that's the definition of.

9/09/2017 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of Judge Carol M Howard

9/09/2017 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. Female judges turning rapists loose on other women. Do they think all the victims, and future victims, all voted for Trump?
Not a word from fake feminist Hillary either.
Not a headline from the liberal democrat loving media.

Vote democrat and BOHICA, dumbasses!


9/09/2017 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are my leftist neighbors and their ridiculous pink hats over this?? They lost their minds over a guy who made a comment about p****. Oh wait, they're ok with rapists though (see: Bill Clinton).
-Lakeview Mom

9/09/2017 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 women judges lowered bond and released on electronic monitoring...If that was my mom, sister, wife..etc. I think I would have to bitch slap the 3 STUPID WOMEN JUDGES!

"Judge Peggy Chiampas denied Walters bail, calling him "a danger to women." Learn how to read before you start your slapping

9/09/2017 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off it shouldn't matter what race anyone is, rapist arrested with DNA evidence identifying them should be held without bond. I was surprised to find this accused defendant being a M/2 being treated very leniently as the usual M/1 in similar cases. This guy and his attorney must have means and politically connected and that's not unusual in Cook.

9/09/2017 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will change until something happens to a family member of someone with clout. Bet on it.

--No Cop Here

9/09/2017 09:07:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

No biggie. Just another chapter in the democrats 'War On Women'. :-)

9/09/2017 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Howard is a sympathizer and part of the problem. A wise detective told me once, "203, set em free kid."

9/09/2017 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No reason to have trials anymore.

Let the clergy... the folks of peace and love run em... just like the Catholic church did in the 1300's

9/09/2017 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From AXIOS website: in contention for Amazon 2nd HQ:
Denver & Providence, R.I., with the emphasis of Prov., R.I.
being the better choice. Chicago is still on the list, but the
tech insiders are betting on Providence because of its
proximity to N.Y. and the general east coast area.

9/09/2017 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC, speaking of Dart read this on the Sheriff blog. This is what Dart is trying to fire officers for. Dart really is evil. Can you post this. .

They took extended workouts. OH NO!

Cara Smith detailed to the press what the deputies who allegedly falsified timesheets were doing. The Sheriff is accusing 13 officers of logging a total of 85 hours of fraudulent time. That comes out to about 6.5 hours of time per officer, or under a minute a day in the time frame the Sheriff was investigating them. Now they are claiming the majority of the officers allegedly took extended workouts/meals according to Cara Smith. Not one is accused of skipping work or doing something nefarious on duty.. One thing is for certain, this is not a massive time fraud case as Dart has been advertising to the public. This is appearing to be witch-hunt from a ruthless ambitious Sheriff who will stop at nothing to reach his ultimate goal of Mayor or County Board President. There has also been numerous sources informing us that Tom Dart's management staff frequently take extended lunches at Hog Wild in Midlothian. We have been informed that some of them stationed in the jail have been spotted at Hog Wild over 40 miles from their work assignment. But the one hour lunch rule doesn't appear to apply to Dart's donors or politicos with clout!

9/09/2017 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the person that is bad mouthing 3 Judges, reading is fundamental. The one held him without bond AND said that he is
"A Danger To Women". Then his attorney went in front of the 1st judge and got it reduced.
So for now its just the 2 judges

In July of this year, he was brought before Judge Peggy Chiampas on allegations he raped a married woman he met in a bar in July 2016. Walters' DNA recently proven to be a match to that woman's rape kit.

Chiampas denied Walters bail, calling him "a danger to women."

9/09/2017 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone should link this article to as many feminist websites, Facebook pages, etc. as possible. Let the games begin.

9/09/2017 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question? Where is Rich Ag-u-liar vice president at? Modovia? He is not elected to shit.

He was not elected to anything yet is drawing 138k salary? Time for the state FOP to take over this lodge.

9/07/2017 11:07:00 PM

How did this POS get back in there ??????
Who did this ?????
I thought we got rid of it last election ????

How is this possible ????????

9/09/2017 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for getting women judges on the bench....3 women judges lowered bond and released on electronic monitoring...If that was my mom, sister, wife..etc. I think I would have to bitch slap the 3 STUPID WOMEN JUDGES!
OK so explain to me how this guy is not a risk to the female general public.... Better yet, the jail is empty so what's the problem that a man PROVEN BY DNA, responsible for 3 THREE separate rapes is not in jail....Last but not least, how long does he have to get continuances and not be on trial and convicted in the first arrest? WTF the streets aren't bad enough we have to put a rapist (3 time) back out there. Anyone take a bet that he winds up in a rape murder DNA match....Probably get an I-bond! Just cant make this SHIT up!

You are naive if you thought getting more female judges would change anything, especially rape cases regarding length of sentence and amounts of bail

9/09/2017 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, dude has a lot of bail money. Does the criminal element have an overtime initiative going on?

9/09/2017 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The judical system doesn't exist anymore.
It started 10 years ago with kangaroo Traffic Court, now the revolving doors have moved to felony courtrooms.
Carol M Howard following the lead of Cheef Judger Tito Evans, Prunewrinkle and KMFxxx.
She'll be the next unhinged nutbag throwing a hysterical fit in the Daley Ctr. lobby.

What should be looked into is where all the prosecutor money is going (pay raises) with the empty jail cells and huge ankle monitor budget.

Eventually the Feral are going to inherit Chicago with the help of Cook County and a weak, pansy-assed chickenshit Rahm2019.

Fetal is better but if necessary, any or all arrests should only be a last resort, solely for OT purposes.

9/09/2017 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But it's The Police who are the problem
and are in dire need of reform that has to happen
hard, fast and right now...


9/09/2017 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell does this guy come u with so much bond money? I'd be cooling my heels in county cause I sure don't have that much cash laying around.

9/09/2017 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Doctrine of Selective Incorporation is one reason things are so broken. "The people versus ..." is FOULNESS too. Its supposed to be the VICTIM versus and theres supposed to a right to a speedy trial - with a JURY doing the DECIDING.

Additionally, umm yeah, the federal Constitution actually DOES umm "apply to the states" and it was created BY the states TO apply to tge states.

This article points a judges being the problem and that's correct. Judges, all bar members really, fancy themselves as our betters, as the Constitutions better. The judicial chicanery that has gone on all along has chipped away until yeah... things are broken alright.

Fixed is broken.

From "because commerce" to hat trick rapists released, judges have brought all the criminality to our doorsteps.

Had enough yet?

9/09/2017 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge Howard. Probably in the top 3 worst in the building.

9/09/2017 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can tell you from my experience with some of my family members who had the bracelet on is that most of the program is a fraud. The deputies that have the job of monitoring these inmates and checking up on them are falsifying their reports. I would have reported them except i could not get the cooperation from my family members. On one occasion the member cut the bracelet off and had no repercussions, The entire program needs to be investigated as it is putting the public in danger.As usual we get the worst managed and run county sheriff's department of any major city.Politics reins supreme

9/09/2017 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They give these scum criminals three free passes, where the fuck is my pass?

Im not a criminal pos so i get nothing right?

Oh, and fuck you rahm.

9/09/2017 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides the dozens of reasons people are leaving Chicago(taxes, crime, COL, spending, CPS, etc.) did any politician ever think unbelievable stories like this also drives good productive out of Chicago cook county to much safer areas? This story isn't going to help.

9/09/2017 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep voting Democrat for more of the same!!!!

9/09/2017 12:52:00 PM  
Blogger said...

No accountability.

9/09/2017 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart gives him some pizza and then puts a bracelet on his ankle and turns him loose.

9/09/2017 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

So when is "Tha Communerty" and the white-guilt SJWs
#blm/antifa "death to everybody that ain't us"
Maoist rent-a-mob going to demand "Reform"
(Revenge) against the Cook County Judicial system?

Oh shit.. Wait...
The collectivist shit-ass revenge fantasy
is only aimed at The Police.

Who the fuck is the problem again?

Police Like You Have No Friends.

9/09/2017 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe investors should be looking into Howard.

9/09/2017 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google judge Howard, there's so many criminals she set free and many are horrific crimes. She needs to go. Where do we sign the petition.

9/09/2017 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to make judges accountable. That's so ridiculous, it's criminal. Allow victims to sue judges and remove these judges from their benches.

9/09/2017 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Gee do you think he will rape again?"

since he's already raped at least thrice, why would any "fair minded" person think he might do it again & again & again ?

9/09/2017 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Jack Tors said...

Wait a second. This is a white guy. He should be locked up just for that. #ChicagoValues

9/09/2017 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So much for getting women judges on the bench....3 women judges lowered bond and released on electronic monitoring...If that was my mom, sister, wife..etc. I think I would have to bitch slap the 3 STUPID WOMEN JUDGES!
OK so explain to me how this guy is not a risk to the female general public.... Better yet, the jail is empty so what's the problem that a man PROVEN BY DNA, responsible for 3 THREE separate rapes is not in jail....Last but not least, how long does he have to get continuances and not be on trial and convicted in the first arrest? WTF the streets aren't bad enough we have to put a rapist (3 time) back out there. Anyone take a bet that he winds up in a rape murder DNA match....Probably get an I-bond! Just cant make this SHIT up!

9/09/2017 01:08:00 AM

Please read the linked article again. Judge Carol Howard reversed Judge Peggy Chiampas's denial of bond. Judge Chiampas is astute enough to know that this offender is a menace and ruled accordingly. As a female PO who is also a sexual assault (rape) survivor, I am outraged.

9/09/2017 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't John garrido spend half as much time on the 016 Dist crime rate as he spends on the Jefferson park community functions???
I get it he never was a policemen to begin with but come on your a lt of police act like one!!

9/09/2017 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put him down like the dog he is.

9/09/2017 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And guess what nobody cares nobody's going to care nobody's ever going to care tomorrow business will be as usual same is next month same as next year same as 10 years from now

9/09/2017 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....3 women judges lowered bond and released on electronic monitoring...."

that is not what I read...thought it said Judge Peggy C was "NO bail"

9/09/2017 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So much for getting women judges on the bench....3 women judges lowered bond and released on electronic monitoring...If that was my mom, sister, wife..etc. I think I would have to bitch slap the 3 STUPID WOMEN JUDGES!
OK so explain to me how this guy is not a risk to the female general public.... Better yet, the jail is empty so what's the problem that a man PROVEN BY DNA, responsible for 3 THREE separate rapes is not in jail....Last but not least, how long does he have to get continuances and not be on trial and convicted in the first arrest? WTF the streets aren't bad enough we have to put a rapist (3 time) back out there. Anyone take a bet that he winds up in a rape murder DNA match....Probably get an I-bond! Just cant make this SHIT up!

Can you read? Peggy Chiampas denied him bond.

9/09/2017 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not going to pounce, but think you are missing some of the points raised. Kathy Morre firing was done in the wrong way. The reason of we are going in a different direction is not a reason for someone to lose their job. The city want to take the police in a different direction. Should we let them? No. Because we have a contract. Just because you don't have a contract doesn't mean your fire an employee this way. What is this way? President is flying out on a long vacation to Hawaii. His VP's at his request take this opportunity to fire Kath Morris. A former cop and loyalist to the FOP for 20 yrs when he is in flight. If Graham wanted her gone then he should have done it himself. Like a man. Like a stand up leader. Murray and Prieb have no working knowledge of the day to day at the Lodge and have their own agenda. Other post have implied that field reps are taking a $600 stipend against the bylaws? Is that true if so who? Murray want to hire 2 in house attorneys and give them the 2nd floor, $40k a month and full benefits. Who is this firm? Did they pay for Murrays campaign? Have they ever represented the police before. More importantly have they ever gone after the police on the stand? If true does this should like give them a chance? By the way they both hid the next day away from office because they are cowards and didn't expect a backlash to their actions. This firing is going to cost us a lot of money. You know there will be a law suit and the arm chair an that says employee at will must think that will hold water. Guess what it won't and she will and should get paid. All I can say is they better have it documented well and have the exit papers that she refused to sign handy. Wait there were no exit papers! Fuck it gets even worse. I wonder if it will come out in court that Billy d wanted her gone. A trustee and not even an officer and instructed graham on what to do? Wow that would be a breach of fiduciary duty and maybe she could then file suit against the individual trustees that took part in this act?

Let's make sure we cover all your points! KM worked for Murray and Bartlett not Graham. Field reps have their own secretaries. There have always been changes in the secretaries in every administration. Any company that fires an at will employee is not going to explain why they fired her in this forum. I'm sure it will be done at the next board meeting. As far as direction of the Lodge we can only go up after that last contract. Don't know Murray as well as I know Prieb, but Prieb has done a great job engaging the media. I hope he keeps up the good work. New attorneys I think is a great idea. The attorneys we have now should be changed. Don't know about the field rep stipends. Ask the treasuer at the next meeting. In house attorneys is the way to go. Cheaper and more efficient then labor firms. I do know that Herbert's firm and Baum/Sigman paid for mailings for Dean. Did you ever see so many mailings by one person in an election? I think there is a lot that would come out in a lawsuit. I personally was told something by Kathy M that was a lie about a lodge officer. She always was a chatty catty especially when she was sitting on a bar stool at McNally's. Liked to talk about everyone including Billy D. Kathy also liked to get involved in lodge elections. She would always have a dog in the race, which I always thought was odd given the changes that always occurred during the elections. You obviously have an ax to grind. Any decent policemen would get all the facts before they posted one side of the story. But either way firing secretaries is nothing knew it happens all the time. The only difference this time is the politics of the lodge has seen the Angelo administration put this out on Facebook before hearing all the facts. Always thinking of the organization and its members as usual Dean!

9/09/2017 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gee do you think he will rape again?

9/09/2017 01:57:00 AM

Total mystery.

Maybe he got it out of his system?


9/09/2017 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) then this headline:

48 Cook County Sheriff's deputies facing discipline after time fraud investigation

Bullshit or not this will be tied into Cpd investigation of time also, take it to the bank iad is working along with ig on this, that is why ot will be checked, hope everything was legit which of course it is no coppers are stupid enough to jeopardize everything knowing we have cameras everywhere right? Right?

9/09/2017 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leftists DO hate women, all feminists do. By denying that women are inherently different from men, and by encouraging them to engage in behavior that is far more risky for smaller, weaker people, they perpetually expose women to unnecessary risk.
A man can pretty safely be by himself in a secluded area (as long as it isn't in a total shithole neighborhood), a woman, not so much, she's much more likely to be attacked. A man can go get shitfaced drunk and not worry about much more than making a fool of himself/how he's going to get home, a woman has to worry about getting raped while she's incoherent. Guys can pretty much chose their friends without much worry, women need to know a lot more about who they are with and avoid being alone with strangers/people not well known.
It isn't a victim's fault if they get raped or abused, but it is also damn stupid to pretend that there aren't behaviors/lifestyles that are much more likely to expose you to that risk. And yet that is exactly the erroneous worldview propagated by leftist feminists.

9/09/2017 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just craziness. Dart needs to be investigated for EM AWOL. If he can't run EM how is he gonna run a big city like Chicago. Hey CPD what are you guys and gals gonna do if he becomes da mayor. Publishers Clearing House is right dreams can really come true.

9/09/2017 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter if he's white, black, brown, yellow or purple. Fucking rapists ought to have their nuts cut off!
(Cut everything off if their victim is a child & let'em bleed.)


9/09/2017 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't blame the judges blame the morons that vote these slugs in. ♠️

9/09/2017 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blazing saddles? Qualifications?rape,murder, arson and rape. You said rape twice? I like rape🤔

9/09/2017 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I read this article, i became intrigued. And during the last few paragraphs I said out loud, what the f! This is typical cook county. I vote to hang all of our politicians and start over with realistic family loving people. The total opposite of what we have today.

9/09/2017 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't John garrido spend half as much time on the 016 Dist crime rate as he spends on the Jefferson park community functions???
I get it he never was a policemen to begin with but come on your a lt of police act like one!!

Well I'd have to agree with ya on this one JG he worries to much of what people think about him than rather doing a job. He wants alderman which I know he would be great at but do your job as a LT of police first.

9/09/2017 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) sharptons daughter arrested like father like daughter typical criminals::

9/09/2017 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leftists DO hate women, all feminists do. By denying that women are inherently different from men, and by encouraging them to engage in behavior that is far more risky for smaller, weaker people, they perpetually expose women to unnecessary risk.
A man can pretty safely be by himself in a secluded area (as long as it isn't in a total shithole neighborhood), a woman, not so much, she's much more likely to be attacked. A man can go get shitfaced drunk and not worry about much more than making a fool of himself/how he's going to get home, a woman has to worry about getting raped while she's incoherent. Guys can pretty much chose their friends without much worry, women need to know a lot more about who they are with and avoid being alone with strangers/people not well known.
It isn't a victim's fault if they get raped or abused, but it is also damn stupid to pretend that there aren't behaviors/lifestyles that are much more likely to expose you to that risk. And yet that is exactly the erroneous worldview propagated by leftist feminists.

I agree many women engage in risky behaviors that I wouldn't personally do, and they should exercise more caution. My mother taught me this, she was an old school feminist, believed in equal rights but be realistic about risks. But what does that have to do with the release of rapist on bond/ em, etc?

9/09/2017 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
Meat Loaf

9/10/2017 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See that the state's public guardian is getting promoted. He quit to becom a cook county judge. He is now set for life! Another rubber stamp come next election...

9/10/2017 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Howard, Maria Kuriakos, Luckman, I'm finally starting a list, for whenever I see their names on a ballot, fwiw. How dare they turn these criminals loose on the public, after the harm they caused and the effort to arrest them?

9/10/2017 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the dummycrats that allow our women and children to be raped , robbed ,murdered have to be voted out of office
all want to protect criminals and illegals
politicians only care about raising taxes , fees on the working class in Chicago and cook county
kids are fed a breakfast everyday at public schools while baby mama can use link , wic money on drugs , weaves and alcohol
teachers have observed parents eating breakfast at schools

9/10/2017 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call Carol Moron channel 5 news investigating blah blah

9/12/2017 11:43:00 AM  

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