Thursday, October 05, 2023

Costly Virtue Signaling

Our kingdom for an actual investigative reporter!

  • you want to know why all the migrants are coming to Shitcago? I bet very few of you know, I just found out why yesterday and I was pissed off. My wife and I were out with our three young children and were reached out by some community volunteer who thought we were from Venezuela. Can you believe she wanted our identifications in order to provide us with benefits which included: free medical and dental, shelter, a smart phone,monthly CTA pass (free of course) and $500.00 a month per Child plus $500.00 for my wife and I. I was speechless, I could not believed what I was listening to, at first I thought it was a scam but then lady showed Us the forms on her laptop. But as soon as I said we are not from Venezuela the lady immediately got up and literally fled. I'm assuming she fucked up for sharing the information with us. I felt like heading to 26th st for fake Venezuelan papers. Now I understand why people on section 8 never want to get a job.

Channel 5 has a tiny article about aid agencies charging the City between $135 and $200....PER HOUR:

  • NBC 5 Investigates has been reporting on the hourly rates for Favorite Healthcare Staffing, which contracts show run between $135 to more than $200 an hour – rates aldermen have called “exorbitant.”

    Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration has said those hourly rates were inflated to cover administrative costs for Favorite, including items like hotel fees for out-of-town employees.

    Financial records obtained by NBC 5 Investigates show that the city of Chicago has spent at least $57 million in the past year on Favorite Healthcare Staffing.

We going to note this falls in the same neighborhood as yesterday's post about blue-on-blue battles. After all, the media has enabled and covered for this on a national level, but as more and more citizens express outrage and frustration - especially at the upcoming tax hikes to cover this bullshit - the media is pretending that they cared about this issue all along.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like our Overtime has dried up.

It's going to those commie illegal aliens!

10/05/2023 12:10:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

“do you want to know why all the migrants are coming to Shitcago? I bet very few of you know, I just found out why yesterday and I was pissed off…”

^^^ can you say “never happened”? This is a complete fabrication.

While I don’t doubt there’s disgusting amounts of taxpayer money being lavished upon the ILLEGALS in various ways, I’ll bet everything I own that this tale as told never happened.

10/05/2023 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come check out O’Hare bus shuttle center … last official count 800 illegals. They’re everywhere walking around the bus shuttle center, the Hyatt and terminals 1,2and3. Numerous calls for service tonight. Gambling , Prostitution, DCFS removing kids, illegals fighting over chargers to charge their free cell phones, illegals fighting with CTA for free admission onto the Blue line. Absolutely disgusting the list goes on and on. The 63 team actually got called and assigned jobs ! Go figure is they weree called it just be really bad !!!!

10/05/2023 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all classic grift, classic grifting from taxpayers.

Textbook grifting.

The grifters in this one: mayor, alderpunks, the 'charities' involved, of course the democrat party, and anyone else who could manage to dip their beak in the swag pie.

Grifting from taxpayers is prime choice, triple A grifting.

Almost as juicy is grifting from the truly charitable donations of the generous.

Ditto for the 'charities' conjured up to cover bribes, kickbacks, extortions and the like....

The road to savagery is paved with good intentions.

And paid for by those grifted of their earnings.

Civilization, hanging by a thread, and the grifters pause not for a moment in their griftings.

10/05/2023 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What's with the Bozo Captain from 025? The mutt clearly doesn't know what he's doing and has been promoted way beyond his capabilities. It's a toss up between him and the Commander which one is more retarded. The Captain's credentials? Wait for it.....I know you readers will be shocked....but believe it or not.....he's MERIT! I guess defining merit would be that you are a bi-polar goof! Just worry about the gym Captain and those hunky latino boys wiping the sweat off of the weight machines. Your lack of personal skills speaks volumes about the whole promotional process. Loser

10/05/2023 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Homeless Industrial Complex has now discovered the Illegal Refugee Industrial Complex.

Lots of people are doing well. But are they doing any good?

10/05/2023 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty expensive votes.
I wonder if there is not something else in mind for these illegal immigrants.

10/05/2023 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to brush up on my high school Spanish?

This could be even better than a PPP Loan?


10/05/2023 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but no medical insurance for your first responders who showed up for work for 30 years and risked their life and limb & made crazy personal sacrifices. Or so many other deserving citizens out there who go broke because they can't afford medical expenses. Bizzaro world i swear.

10/05/2023 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favorite Healthcare Staffing in Overland Park, KS is now a global company as they were acquired by the Acacium Group based in London, UK. They provide medical personnel like RNs, LPNs, medical techs anything in the medical field globally. To spend 57 million on the migrants must mean we are taking in and treating some mighty sick migrants! How much more can we afford. In NYC they are overloading the city’s public hospitals and clinics. They also have higher morbidities for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and asthma than general patient populations.

10/05/2023 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every citizen in this piece of shit state and city should stop paying taxes…including businesses

10/05/2023 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These immigrants (aka "new Democrats") are also getting Social Security numbers.
It's right there on page 3 of their intake documents (shown as their ID#) which were prepared by our own federal government. Their SS numbers all have a 3-digit prefix between 318 and 361, which means they're certified Illinois citizens.
The bottom line is... if you can leave Illinois, get out while you can.
Someone has to pay to feed and house all these people. That "someone" will be us homeowners and taxpayers.

10/05/2023 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are the tent cities getting set up. Going to get cold soon and we can't have these people turning into popsicles.

10/05/2023 03:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can my TAX $$$ NOT be spent on this?! Insanity

10/05/2023 03:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nothing more than a long term, legalized, vote buying strategy, during which democrats will then relocate them to republican stronghold states where democrats will then remind the migrants about who gave them all the free stuff with the hope they will be life long democrats

10/05/2023 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why are they living in a police station for free? At least charge them rent.

10/05/2023 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were they federal forms or state/city?

10/05/2023 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is just great. How long before a major tax hike on anything that is not nailed down to pay for all this BS. But BJ has a plan, tents. Wait until the 13% hears about all the cash being given away, bet they will be in th streets either demanding their share or robbing the illegals. Either way, going to make some entertaining times. Gotta love The City That Works, or not work and get free shit.

10/05/2023 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be the another nail in the coffin for Chicago. Along with unchecked crime.

10/05/2023 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: During his run for Mayor Brandon Johnson said he would get rid of Police Encrypted radios. So how long do we have to wait?

10/05/2023 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Venesuala has released a lot of there prisons and sent them to the U.S. The agreement is that they can’t go back. The jails are too overcrowded there. They are our problem now.

10/05/2023 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The free stuff for illegals has been going on for a long time. 15 years ago, illegal families, here already, would bring new illegals in and ask Spanish speaking officers about where to get more benefits. The Hispanic aldermen were always happy to help them. They had the cell phones and their government link cards. The government has been issuing them id's for a long time. We've all gone on jobs and have dealt with illegals. Immigration used to be able to go to districts and look at who was arrested and take them if they were here illegally. The city and state stopped that. I remember being on a call, doing a name check and getting a positive hit. After verification, we went to the district and ICE came and grabbed him and said he had a bad background and was a violent cartel member. Hey citizens, the people you voted for don't allow that anymore, so the violent illegals get to stay. Most of us would tell our friends and family members about this and they thought we were exaggerating. Americans have had their heads up their assholes and ignored everything pretending things here were bliss. Now they're starting to wake up because the issue is hitting them in the face but they'd prefer to go back to pretending everything is okay and let Texas deal with it. The crisis is getting worse and Joe Biden sucks. Don't just blame the Democrats. The Republicans are also responsible for this mess. Some have been in office for decades and have done nothing. Both parties are destroying this country. Bad things are happening and worse things are in our future. Most Americans don't have any kind of fight in them.

10/05/2023 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

500 a month? Each? Have you driven by a Station? There are hundreds sleeping on mattresses with their babies. The entire thing is a scam. No accountability or transparency until someone FOIA s all of this, which will then be denied. Socialist do what they want without having to answer anyone.

10/05/2023 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Million dollar question:

Who owns that company, or who's that company a front for?

Fucking thieves. Committing robbery without so much as a threat or firearm.

Oh, and #CuckFOPA.

10/05/2023 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. A few years ago I was looking for a pediatric dentist for my little one for Random cleaning each time I called right away they schedule aan appointment. But as soon as they heard me tell them I had the city of Chicago health insurance B.C.B.S. HMO I was turned down and was told they only take medical card. Until my 11th time I found one who accept my insurance. I guess the ones that didn't can't over charge private insurance.

10/05/2023 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This upcoming tax hike could be the final straw for people that are not required to live in Chicago. Say goodbye to a large chunk of your tax base.

10/05/2023 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true and brandon will raise the taxes on the citizens and let the illegal criminals get cash buying votes democratic style, buying elections! For example how many hundreds of millions did jelly belly put in of his vast fortune to buy that job? How many employees is he doling out family fortune money to keep quiet? Just asking!

10/05/2023 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You saw blue vs. blue during the last mayoral election. I know a lot of former Lightfoot voters who went over to Vallas. That will continue as the city continues to rot. And, with a lazy, incompetent moron like Brandon in charge, how can it do otherwise?

10/05/2023 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget $2k once u hit the border!

10/05/2023 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the main stream media!!never support them, don’t watch their toxic lying news.
And most importantly, fuck mayor bj and governor jb, two complete morons ruining our lives.

10/05/2023 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course. And who pays ??? That’s right you, and then these POS cut our overtime.

Plus the overtime was cut just after the mandated retirement date to drop papers for 55 and out. JUST STRAIGHT UP jaggoffs..

Why is morale so low🤔 just another reason to add.

10/05/2023 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the homeless guys we would find and call them "bumsicles"

10/05/2023 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep sending them in from the border. I have never seen so many liberals in panic for eating their own words. Keep fucking sending them in by the bus/plane load here till these idiot liberals scream to kick them out and the calls become of a host family booting illegals. The mayor dug his own grave, his own campaign rerunning terms into the ground everyday these illegals keep coming in.

-A Chicagoan enjoying the madness

10/05/2023 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

…and the imbecile BJ is going to the border to assess things.
Now that’s funny.
How about assessing things here?
What a maroon!

10/05/2023 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where’s the connection with Favorite here in Chicago?

10/05/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need politicians to stop writing checks their asses can't cash. Declaring ourselves a sanctuary city without input from the citizens of this city and this state just to virtue signal has gotten us into this mess. Now the mayor is going to the border to see first hand what's going on. I wonder how much this trip with his whole socialist delegation is going to to cost the taxpayers of Chicago.

10/05/2023 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We ain’t going to vote our way out of this.

10/05/2023 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am surprised no one has created flyers with every politiliar's and they worshippers home and office addresses along with promises of freebies, then passed them out/drone dropped them to every illegal.

Not promoting but: Illegal Problem very quickly solved. NIMBY wins everytime

10/05/2023 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with the Bozo Captain from 025? The mutt clearly doesn't know what he's doing and has been promoted way beyond his capabilities. It's a toss up between him and the Commander which one is more retarded. The Captain's credentials? Wait for it.....I know you readers will be shocked....but believe it or not.....he's MERIT! I guess defining merit would be that you are a bi-polar goof! Just worry about the gym Captain and those hunky latino boys wiping the sweat off of the weight machines. Your lack of personal skills speaks volumes about the whole promotional process. Loser

10/05/2023 01:31:00 AM

Every captain is merit.

10/05/2023 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for nuisance suits anyone including the police department, citizens, can file one…. Seems if the police station is used for migrants and under health laws, etc an injunction would be issued against the city for using a working space as a shelter for migrants. Same with parks, or other buildings that are public nuisances ..

City is spending taxpayer dollars unaccounted for a black hole

One lawsuit was just filed and it asked for an audit

10/05/2023 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

oh well

the clowns in our state caved in with the covid theater and then elected these bozos......

10/05/2023 09:35:00 AM  
Blogger ga6 said...

How many hangers on going to the border with bj and at what cost?

10/05/2023 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon, Chicago Brandon, is headed to the border to assess the situation. Not enough to do around here? Already national ambitions?

10/05/2023 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

15 more busses are arriving today and 15 more are enroute tomorrow...

What will it take to get the Democrats to cry stop..? Keep sending these fleets of interstate buses until they do...Chicago is already so poorly managed. It doesn't matter.

When being an American means something again, and we can have closed borders like any other nation on earth the healing can begin.

This can be turned around, but it will take generations to fix. The stress on our schools, health care, and government entitlements will be crushing.

There has to be another way.

10/05/2023 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this is the wrong thread, but it's crazy that the media headlines talk about CPD getting "two days off in a row" as if that is something special or unique. I remember when we always got two days off in a row. Doesn't everyone else get two days off in a row?

It's like they think we shouldn't be getting it.

10/05/2023 10:06:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Have any busses been spotted heading south?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

10/05/2023 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch, they will get military age illegals to join the military, offering citizenship, then they will use them to clamp down on the rest of the population.

10/05/2023 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Progressive liberal socialist democrats getting exactly what there stupid asses voted for !

10/05/2023 10:28:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

Someone needs to look at the ownership of Favorite Healthcare and who they are making political donations to. As to the price being inflated to cover the cost of housing for those who are TDY, why not a sperate breakdown for housing costs like every other governmental agency or private company does. Ooops, I forgot see the first sentence.

10/05/2023 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read conservative estimates there were/are already 500,000 illegal immigrants residing in Illinois, before any of these recent illegal immigrants (please don't refer to them using the Democratic Party and media double speak terms like "migrant" or "asylum seeker") surged across the border at the request of Joe Biden. Let's say half are children not working. So, that gives us 250,000 working illegal immigrants. Let us also assume most are in the Chicago area and making minimum wage, $15 an hour.

$15 an hour * 2080 hours/year (full time hours) = $31,200 a year
$31,200 a year * 250,000 workers = $7,800,000,000 in wages in Illinois per year not going to American workers.

Let us also assume that these illegal immigrants are sending 10% of their pay to their home country, which would be $780,000,000 per year. In Economic terms, this is a "leakage" out of the local economy and the US economy (

If Illinois imposed a surcharge of $1 for every $10 wired/sent to Central and South America, that would raise $ 78,000,000. Not enough to pay for these new illegal immigrants, but it would certainly help.

How did the United States all of a sudden be comes responsible for financing the failed, corrupt governments of Central and South America? The more money that get sent to them, the longer these failed, oppressive governments stay in power. The longer they stay in power, the more illegal immigrants surge across the border. These people need to straighten out their own mess in their own country.

10/05/2023 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that Brandon's grandiose wealth redistribution plans not going as planned. His community voted him in and now they see he has to pander to the national Biden policies of open borders and they aren't getting anything.

10/05/2023 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I look at my property tax bill, the Chicago Park District is listed third from the top and takes a pretty big chunk of my total tax bill, over $3 billion. I pay that to fund access to the parks and the services/classes they offer. If the city is now saying I can not have access to the parks, and the service/classes are being restricted or removed to house illegal immigrants, shouldn't we all be getting a tax refund? Sounds like a big class action lawsuit to me. Are there no lawyers in Chicago that are willing to jump all over this?

10/05/2023 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boom Boom wow city key abundance of caution wow are illegals overwhelming getting illegal identification anna says it without saying it are they finding some of these could be on terror watch lists? just asking things that make you go hmm:

Then you go here

You click on this get this:

Page not found
The requested page could not be found.

10/05/2023 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You actually believe this garbage? Totally made up story but funny anyway.

10/05/2023 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this really true? What forms and who is given out $500 a child. Plus where do they get a free CTA pass and all the benefits. You just don’t type into a computer and the money shows up

10/05/2023 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fixed it!

Chicago migrants crammed on sidewalk with belongings after being locked out of {a bed and breakfast) police station

New York Post|7 hours ago

Some migrants in Chicago were locked out of a {migrant bed and breakfast} police station where they were being housed as they gathered on a crowded sidewalk Wednesday with all their belongings, {as to allow for maid service to dust and straighten up the place)

10/05/2023 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is pure insanity and just evil! Just secure the entire border and start transporting the migrants back to their homeland and NEVER let this happen again! We cannot sustain this financially and physically. It’s a catastrophic disaster. This endless invasion is destroying us. What Joe Biden has done is criminal! Our president is destroying America. I fear it’s too late unless we start flying them back home.

10/05/2023 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Migrant Winterized Slave Labor Detention Camps, Uncle Tom's Cabins

What's in a name? That which we call a Winterize Tent Base Camp by any other name would smell like shit

10/05/2023 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are lifelong residents of America paying for this???? This illegal migration will never end. America is so vulnerable thanks to Biden and the democrats. Sad

10/05/2023 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, it's working

Enhanced background checks in Illinois leads to denial of 3 purchases
CBS News on|18 hours ago
ISP has reviewed 3,174 firearm purchases by those under age 21 since new background checks in the state went into effect in June 2022.

10/05/2023 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

California, New York, Illinois incomes decline in first time since 2009

(The Center Square) – America’s three largest Democratic states, along with Rhode Island, Mississippi, Louisiana and the District of Columbia experienced income declines in the last year while the nation as a whole saw incomes rise by 2%. New York incomes suffered the worst, declining 1.6%, while California incomes declined the least, at just 0.2%.

The top three states for personal income growth were Delaware — the president’s home state — North Dakota and Idaho, coming in at 8.8%, 7% and 6.5% respectively.

10/05/2023 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First we kill all the lawyers??

Sept 21 (Reuters) - Illinois' highest court on Thursday released orders disciplining 26 lawyers, including the former CEO of the state's largest electric utility, the utility's former influential lobbyist and the founder of a Chicago law firm.

The Illinois Supreme Court said it had suspended the law licenses of Anne Pramaggiore and Mike McClain on an interim basis following their convictions in May on federal charges of bribery, bribery conspiracy and willful falsification of records.

Prosecutors in Chicago alleged Pramaggiore, the former CEO of Commonwealth Edison, and McClain, a lobbyist for the utility, conspired with others to influence former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan in an effort to pass certain legislation.

10/05/2023 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

......Bad things are happening and worse things are in our future. Most Americans don't have any kind of fight in them.

10/05/2023 06:35:00 AM

Now, now, now.....

Let's not be a boo bird about this....

The enema is working!!!

You wouldn't want all those 'most' heads popping out of those buttholes a once, now, would you?

That would be, why, inelegant!

Furthermore, is violence, aka fight, really all you default to?

The essence of fighting fire with fire is to burn out what the fire has yet to reach.

Yet, a pouring rain of not fire will douse those pesky flames.

The quality of MAGA is not strained, as the quantity of MAGA increases with every tax bill received.

Trump 2024, baby.

10/05/2023 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago's Migrant Kingpin missed the virtue signalling boat which is not surprising coming from the decrepit Chicago Public School system. The chosen phrase "winterized tent base caps" does not invoke stroke enough emotions to win the hearts and minds.

Try using "Orphanages" and see what images the masses conjure up in their minds. Drop the migrants, refugee and asylees and use orphans.

An orphanage is a residential institution, total institution or group home, devoted to the care of orphans and children who, for various reasons, cannot be cared for by their biological families. The parents may be deceased, absent, or abusive.

Chicago has more than 17,000 25, 35, 45, 55 year old orphans in institutionalize group home shelters right now separated from their parents/families. Child is not reserved for minors people under the age of 18. You can be 70 years old and you are still your parents child. Yeah so orphans and orphanages.

10/05/2023 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now the DEMS say they need a wall to stop the migration and crime at the border. White House blaming the Republicans in the House. What the F..K is in the water these guys drink or bathe in?

10/05/2023 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat mayors along with their lieutenants going on Central American and southern border tours taking away much needed hotel rooms away from the migrants. For shame.

NYC mayor is in sunny Panama. Chicago mayor and his lieutenants on their way to El Paso. Prolly gonna try to slash tires on the buses there, hand out informational flyers and shit lol

Anyways, When BJ packs up for the trip he and his delegation should travel on the migrant buses to the border and back. Save the taxpayers some $$$'s

10/05/2023 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s with bosses escorting a celebrity comedian and going to meet him when he landed at midway on the 4th? Didn’t some other boss get dumped for that when Elton John came in???

10/05/2023 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anchor babies or abortions. Mixed messaging

Migrants raped by drug cartels creating and economic windfall for big pharma and the medical community on the taxpayers dime.

Illinois Hospitals Are Receiving More Out-of-State Patients Due to Abortion Bans
The University of Illinois health system may be treating three times as many abortion patients from other states.

The number of out-of-state abortions at Rush has quadrupled since Roe was overturned (and the U.S..border was opened)

Sending Patients Over State Lines for Care

ICE to Guarantee Abortions for Detained Migrants Despite State Bans

As the memo noted, the directive is not a change to existing ICE policy but rather a reinforcement that its current rules regarding abortion services remain in place in the wake of the High Court's decision last month.

"This memorandum serves as a reminder of existing ICE policies and standards requiring that pregnant individuals detained in ICE immigration custody have access to full reproductive health care," the memo read, according to The Wall Street Journal. "This is also a reminder that, pursuant to existing ICE policy, it may be necessary to transfer a detained pregnant individual within an area of responsibility (AOR) or to another AOR, when appropriate and practicable, in order to ensure such access."

10/05/2023 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw let’s go Brandon say (whining voice):they are not illegal, they are asylum seekers. Ok, they are asylum seekers. Stats say 40% are granted asylum, but that doesn’t matter if I’m not mistaken. No assistance given to ICE for deportation information. We have 3rd countries treaty for asylum seekers, let them stay in Mexico while their case is moved through the system, just like Canada us doing to us! Glad your back SCC

10/05/2023 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When msm calls an ambush invasion a "Parade"

Headline reads... Immigrants parade across El Paso border in chaotic scene

Who doesn't like a parade right? Parades have marching bands and baton twirlers, decorated floats, dancers, good fun for the entire family like who doesn't like a parade. If you've seen the viral video however it wasn't anywhere close to a immigrant parade it was a flash mob ambush on our border control agents

Here I fixed it ....

Immigrants frustrated after waiting on the southern side of the United States border wall staged a mass (flash mob style) crossing late Tuesday, captured in a video that has since gone viral.

Several hundred immigrants stormed (ambushed) past Mexican authorities (and U.S. border control agents), chanting (anti police slogans?) and cheering (democrat slogans)in a chaotic scene as they paraded (mobbed) toward the border, intent on crossing and being admitted through (around) locked (welded open) gates in the wall.

10/05/2023 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VIDEO: Hundreds attempt mass flash mob style entry at bridge to U.S

10/05/2023 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead or a real estate transfer tax to fund housing for illegals they could tax hotel rooms. However that would likely have a heavy INCLUSION impact on EQUITY of the prickster HYATT hotel chain profits making his billion dollar family pay their fair share..

10/05/2023 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the ghetto riots begin once they get wind that the brown illegals are getting more than they are. Fun fun fun until daddy gives away their free shit. Guess the City Hall money tree just got bigger. Oh wait no tree just taxpayers to shakedown harder. Typical Democratic policies and vote buying. Nothing to see here until the 13% demand their fair share. Again.

10/05/2023 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice how that staged flash mob ambush at the border VIDEO (diversion tactic) has many women and children? Unlike so many other images of military aged men crossing at other BORDER locations. Nice IC propaganda

10/05/2023 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow hypocrites let these pos in then deport them great now can we find these criminals democratic assholes?

10/05/2023 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just saw let’s go Brandon say (whining voice):they are not illegal, they are asylum seekers. Ok, they are asylum seekers. Stats say 40% are granted asylum, but that doesn’t matter if I’m not mistaken. No assistance given to ICE for deportation information. We have 3rd countries treaty for asylum seekers, let them stay in Mexico while their case is moved through the system, just like Canada us doing to us! Glad your back SCC

10/05/2023 02:40:00 PM

FACT….95% of these illegals don’t qualify for asylum.

10/05/2023 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat mayors along with their lieutenants going on Central American and southern border tours taking away much needed hotel rooms away from the migrants. For shame.

NYC mayor is in sunny Panama. Chicago mayor and his lieutenants on their way to El Paso. Prolly gonna try to slash tires on the buses there, hand out informational flyers and shit lol

Anyways, When BJ packs up for the trip he and his delegation should travel on the migrant buses to the border and back. Save the taxpayers some $$$'s

10/05/2023 02:04:00 PM
True and how many "security specialists" unlimited overtime will be on his presidential scale detail?

10/05/2023 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is mayor bj going to the southern border? A free taxpayer paid trip?? Wtf is this idiot going to do?

10/05/2023 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

File this story under "things that never happened"

The Clearing Kid

10/05/2023 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How quickly will they start the deportation? Let’s load them up and move them out. They are illegal criminals as Brandon. The brainless says they are asylum-seekers. No they’re not. He obviously was a so-called teacher, but he never studied history round them up to what they have to do pull in the rail cars, if that’s what’s needed, load them up there, bring them down to the border, throw them all back let the Mexican authorities figure out what to do after all, they let them go through their country and encourage them to come through here Shut the trains down that are bringing them also through the countries that they are hanging onto enough put the military on the border that would stop them. They want to play let the military get involved enough Z’Nuff.

10/05/2023 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just charter 747s & A380s in all coach seating & ship them all back to Venezuela!
A lot cheaper than housing them here!

10/05/2023 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gibs meh dat!

Inglés? Qué idioma hablas?

10/05/2023 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch, they will get military age illegals to join the military, offering citizenship, then they will use them to clamp down on the rest of the population.

10/05/2023 10:26:00 AM

Use them how?

10/05/2023 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So BLM--BJ and company heading to the border. Well that should fix things. The MSM won't be asking about the cost of the trip and why the hell it was necessary.

Then you had the flash mob scene at the border near El Paso, no telling how many criminals among that lot that rushed in like the zombie sheep after the last roll of toilet paper.

Utah just became a Sanctuary State basically by default because the local law enforcement wouldn’t work with ICE, according to Mayor Staggs. Biden talks about building the wall now. A little late for that. And after they sold off the materials for next to nothing. This country is so fucked, it will never go back to the way it was.

10/05/2023 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Now the DEMS say they need a wall to stop the migration and crime at the border. White House blaming the Republicans in the House. What the F..K is in the water these guys drink or bathe in?

10/05/2023 02:00:00 PM

I don’t believe a word of their bullshit. That money won’t go to build the wall, it will get funneled to Ukraine, and some of it back to the democrats.
What’s their next whopper of a lie, Biden is going to reopen the Keystone Pipeline?

10/05/2023 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only stipulation was promising to vote democratic.

10/05/2023 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction. In his campaign he said "not another foot of wall will be built". When asked to explain the change he replied, it still stands not another foot, we are using meters now.

10/05/2023 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead or a real estate transfer tax to fund housing for illegals they could tax hotel rooms. However that would likely have a heavy INCLUSION impact on EQUITY of the prickster HYATT hotel chain profits making his billion dollar family pay their fair share..

10/05/2023 03:22:00 PM

Taxpayers are paying premium rates for this big grift.

To the grifters, taxes are an inexhaustable source of graft.

Were the quantity of pieces, aka illegals, in this big graft to be equal or greater than the number of hotel rooms existent, they'd all be occupied by these pieces of the big grift, paid for, at premium rates, by taxpayers.

A grifter's wet dream.....

Better than section 8 landlords.

Only in those regions where the populace would burn the hotel(s) to the ground would this graft be not imposed.

Thinking of governments as anything other than people of grafting, grifting natures is so last century awareness.

Trump's best gifted talent is making all the grifters show themselves with reckless abandon.

10/05/2023 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Let the ghetto riots begin once they get wind that the brown illegals are getting more than they are. Fun fun fun until daddy gives away their free shit. Guess the City Hall money tree just got bigger. Oh wait no tree just taxpayers to shakedown harder. Typical Democratic policies and vote buying. Nothing to see here until the 13% demand their fair share. Again.

Thats in progress already, complaining about Field house take overs, affordable housing not being built for them. Illinois SNAP benefit fraudsters draining Link cards of food funds. Always entertaining seeing dissension in the ranks.

10/05/2023 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump's best gifted talent is making all the grifters show themselves with reckless abandon.

LOL 😂 Trump is the biggest grifter of them all! He grifted 250 million dollars from his manipulated supporters for stop the steal. He never gave a dime to any of the non violent J6ers legal defense. He grifted 5 million on his worthless NFT's. He's grifted tens of millions from his arrest and indictments. He's nothing but a con man. Wake up and stop being manipulated!

10/05/2023 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My view is stock up on guns, ammo, tools, food, fuel, medicine, cash and gold. Buy an older, non-descript 4x4 pick-up truck or Tahoe. Don't waste money on bitcoin for savings. The NSA and CIA will turn off the electrons and it will disappear. Try to purchase property in a rural area. 2024 leading up to the election is going to be crazy. Bidens handlers are intent on creating numerous pandemic like crisis to manufacture the illusion that only he is capable of rescuing the country. After the election, he will be replaced in short order by Kamala who is beholden to George Soros and Bloomberg. I think the possibility is high that there will be a Mad Max moment in our Country.

Between now and January 2025, Biden will attempt to pack at least another 2-4 million more illegals into the country. I read an article that if re-elected, Biden and then Harris will allow another 10-15 million illegals into the country. Our country will then be finished as a Christian nation and the middle class will cease to exist.

If President Trump is elected, expect the BLM and Antifa riots to re-start as well as a deepening financial crisis. We are $33 trillion in debt growing at a rate of $600 billion per month. This is unsustainable. The only way out is to hyperinflate, devaluate the dollar or crash the Treasury Market.

I do expect President Trump to suspend the Posse Comitatus Act and nationalize the US Army to expel as many illegals back into Mexico just like President Eisenhower did in Operation Wetback in 1955. And I also think that if Chicago, New York and other Democratic strongholds want to be sanctuary cities, they will lose federal funding. Buckle up.

10/05/2023 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook County judge among 6 robbed in North Side crime spree; charges filed

10/05/2023 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Migrant robbed Divvy bike employee in Lincoln Park, Chicago police report says
October 5, 2023 6:49 PM CWBChicago Lincoln Park

Anthony De Jesus Bautista | Chicago Police Department
CHICAGO — A Venezuelan migrant charged with robbing a Divvy bike worker in Lincoln Park was released from custody the next day to await trial, according to Chicago police and court records.

10/05/2023 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use them how?

10/05/2023 06:52:00 PM

Oh, I don’t know glowie.

10/06/2023 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honest question - is any of this really of any surprise? Money makes the (people of the) world go 'round!

10/06/2023 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will fund the illegals before they fund the pensions!

10/06/2023 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is BJ going to the southern border? What, he can't get a good taco on 26th street, he has to go to the border for one. WTF is he going to do there, he can't make any policy, in case you didn't know BJ you are not in the federal government. Stay here and take care of this shit city you have created.

10/06/2023 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My view is stock up on guns, ammo, tools, food, fuel, medicine, cash and gold. Buy an older, non-descript 4x4 pick-up truck or Tahoe. Don't waste money on bitcoin for savings. The NSA and CIA will turn off the electrons and it will disappear. Try to purchase property in a rural area. 2024 leading up to the election is going to be crazy. Bidens handlers are intent on creating numerous pandemic like crisis to manufacture the illusion that only he is capable of rescuing the country. After the election, he will be replaced in short order by Kamala who is beholden to George Soros and Bloomberg. I think the possibility is high that there will be a Mad Max moment in our Country.

Between now and January 2025, Biden will attempt to pack at least another 2-4 million more illegals into the country. I read an article that if re-elected, Biden and then Harris will allow another 10-15 million illegals into the country. Our country will then be finished as a Christian nation and the middle class will cease to exist.

If President Trump is elected, expect the BLM and Antifa riots to re-start as well as a deepening financial crisis. We are $33 trillion in debt growing at a rate of $600 billion per month. This is unsustainable. The only way out is to hyperinflate, devaluate the dollar or crash the Treasury Market.

I do expect President Trump to suspend the Posse Comitatus Act and nationalize the US Army to expel as many illegals back into Mexico just like President Eisenhower did in Operation Wetback in 1955. And I also think that if Chicago, New York and other Democratic strongholds want to be sanctuary cities, they will lose federal funding. Buckle up.

10/05/2023 10:14:00 PM
this used to be tin foil hast stuff but now it is reality and truth!

10/06/2023 07:35:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

"...Trump is the biggest grifter of all....wake up and stop being manipulated... "

Bad Touch Joe? Is that you?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

10/06/2023 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Watch, they will get military age illegals to join the military, offering citizenship, then they will use them to clamp down on the rest of the population.

10/05/2023 10:26:00 AM

Use them how?

10/05/2023 06:52:00 PM

Check out the thread upstream about EXTRA BUSSES INBOUND. All males. Are their intentions becoming clearer to you yet?
You are either a clueless moron, or an agent provocateur.

10/06/2023 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch, they will get military age illegals to join the military, offering citizenship, then they will use them to clamp down on the rest of the population.

10/05/2023 10:26:00 AM

Use them how?
The answer is in your wildest dreams

10/06/2023 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the thread upstream about EXTRA BUSSES INBOUND. All males. Are their intentions becoming clearer to you yet?
You are either a clueless moron, or an agent provocateur.

10/06/2023 10:04:00 AM

Or maybe you just don't know the answers to the question?

What is this 'clamp down' you say?

10/06/2023 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or maybe you just don't know the answers to the question?

What is this 'clamp down' you say?

10/06/2023 06:38:00 PM

GFY clownie.

10/07/2023 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use them how, is a question.

So far, not one has offered any specific answer.

Nor even a general answer.

Merely non answers.

Why, one might imagine that these few responses are from democrats.....

10/08/2023 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Use them how, is a question.

So far, not one has offered any specific answer.

Nor even a general answer.

Merely non answers.

Why, one might imagine that these few responses are from democrats.....

10/08/2023 08:28:00 AM

Use your head for something other than a hat rack. Look around at what is happening in the world and draw your own conclusions……..nice try glowie.

10/08/2023 06:08:00 PM  

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