Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Letter to the Editor

The Tribune is covering dems sniping at dems.

The Slum Times is publishing Letters that hint at deeper fractures in the leftist narrative:

  • In response to Stefano Esposito’s article, “Post-pandemic ‘crisis’ in Chicago’s cultural arts scene is real,” the major reason for the low numbers at theaters and other cultural arts venues is that because of all the carjackings, murders, muggings, robberies and mobs of youth downtown, people are afraid to come to the city, especially at night. 

    It makes sense that attendance is lower for theater in Chicago than museums because most performances are at night and there’s more crime at night.

    I’ve always lived in Chicago and until the past few years, I’ve felt comfortable going just about anywhere in this city, but now that criminals are emboldened and the police’s hands are tied, I’m afraid to go out.

This is why downtown firms aren't returning to their multi-story office suites. This is why high-end jewelry and clothing boutiques are abandoning Michigan Avenue and Oak Street. This is why the Signature Room closed along with dozens of other classy restaurants....and some not so classy ones.

Who are you going to believe? The politicians or your lying right wing racist eyes?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a second. Conde Nast says Chicago is loved by all tourists and has been number 1 for years. This was blasted on the news today. I tuned to the missus and we were shocked. And then we laughed. What a joke. I guess tourists shelter in place after 3pm if they arent at the emergency room

10/04/2023 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Defund the Police!!!", "No human is illegal!!", "hate has no home here!!!". Now all these leftist douchebags are losing their minds because they're getting precisely what they've been screaming for and they're being personally inconvenienced and placed under direct threat by it.

Maybe next time a 10 time felon carjacks your ass or you get clocked in the back of the head in an alley or they move 100 illegals into your favorite park you can virtue signal just a little harder and everything will be alright.

10/04/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flash back, effectively, a half century ago, late sixyies/early seventies, when skid row north of the river seeped during the evening hours into downtown proper, with south loop being skid row resumed.

You had shitheads from the west of the river/dan ryan, shitheads from north of the river, cabrini, and shitheads of all rainbows from the two skid rows.

Not a recipe for civilized living then, and even more so now.

So, the only factor keeping these civilized entertainment entities where they remain is inertia.

Inertia from their lovely buildings of lengthy history of civilized living.

All of which is being tainted by the free roaming uncivilized denizens from, take a guess, the same as has been, plus the travelers from distant uncivilized regions, both far north, far west and far south.

Why, if there were viable lands to the east, ditto would apply.

Were a clever grift minded cabal to construct floating islands, covered with shelters, sewage pipes exiting underneath, anchored between the water intakes and the shoreline, they might very well both get a bookoo granting of taxpayer dinero and produce yet another source of uncivilized denizens.

And the commute to the hunting lands of plenty, via ferry, would rival those utilized in truly, thoroughly 3rd world countries.


Keeps on slipping into the future......

10/04/2023 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not just Chiraq. Every major big blue city is the same.

You see the shops, stores, and even Walmart and the big grocery stores in the suburbs are cutting back their open hours too. You cannot find any stores open 24 hours anymore. The employees are still inside, stocking shelves and cleaning up, but the stores are all closing their doors at 9 pm. Even the Super Store Gas Stations on the suburban highways are closing early at 9 or 10 pm. They have cut back their hours in the last year, long after killer COVID died off.

It is called Risk Prevention.

"That's because they can't find any employees."

Bullshtuff! The employees are still inside working, but the doors are locked.


When you go 40-50 miles out from the Big Blue Shithole? It's like it was before the George Floyd Riots. The McDonalds is open 24 hours (Drive Through Only), so is the Super Store Gas Station, the Walmart is still open 24/7. And they are busy! Folks working late, or getting up early, called out in the middle of the night, or just can't sleep (like me). All the stores and restaurants might not be open 24/7, but a lot are still open until 11 pm or Midnight.

10/04/2023 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It makes sense that attendance is lower for theater in Chicago than museums because most performances are at night and there’s more crime at night."

Chicago: Come for the Arts
Stay for your Funeral

Chicago: Your Agony and Their Ecstasy.

10/04/2023 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Philadelphia journalist who mocked crime concerns shot and killed at home

Philadelphia journalist and activist Josh Kruger, who frequently downplayed crime concerns in the city, died after being shot in his home Monday.

10/04/2023 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why the Signature Room closed along with dozens of other classy restaurants....and some not so classy ones.

And the Signature Room got four millions dollars in Covid money.

10/04/2023 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My lying right wing racist eyes without a doubt lmfbo

10/04/2023 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still live here waiting for my wife to retire so we can escape this rat hole. I spend a lot of time in mchenry county and it's like being on another planet.

10/04/2023 03:50:00 AM  
Blogger JM said...

Chicago Theaters Are Driving Away Audiences With Their Left Wing Lectures

10/04/2023 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People aren’t going to ‘cultural events’ like the Art Museum because they fired every single a White female volunteer and replaced them with nitwits. The place is being boycotted.

10/04/2023 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see Condé Nast voting Shitcago the best city to visit again…for the seventh year!!


10/04/2023 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are saying close to 16% it seems like much more:

Chicago Q2 2023 | Office Real Estate Report Yet Chicago's office space occupancy tells a different story. In fact, its vacancy rate now stands at 15.7% — a new record high — and move-outs, or negative absorption, are still outpacing move-ins with -3.1 million SF of negative absorption recorded over the past 12 months.Aug 29, 2023

That is just office space not including all the closed store fronts,which is much higher, downtown as a destination for tourists or anyone is done! With brandon and his evil democratic crew it will continue on the same path of the city of chiraq sinking quickly into the abyss!RIP City of Chicago the city of big shoulders, now the city of illegal criminals,crime,murder,carjackings total mayhem!

10/04/2023 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will never blame the the persons responsible for it and then when they finally wake the fuck up its to fucking late. I hate the liberals and democrats who have ruined this city, state and country.

10/04/2023 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100%, my wife and I would often go downtown for dinner or a play, now its out of the question. We couldn't even get the FOP convention because cops nationwide don't want to get murdered and then get blamed for it.

10/04/2023 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

14 year old girl murdered last night at 11:30pm in the loop. I'm sure it was over something very important.

10/04/2023 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 100% true. I now live in a far suburb and everyone out here talks about how they use to love going into Chicago but never will again because it’s too dangerous. It’s the only topic where discussing Chicago. Crime. But as of late they talk about the massive amount of illegal immigrants there and what a disaster it is. Nothing good to talk about when it comes to Chicago

10/04/2023 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porky pig and that BJ wanted the illegals in their liberal democRAT sanctuary shithole so keep sending those rats. I'm so glad I moved out of there and live with civilized people

10/04/2023 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nights? What about weekend daytime? They ride the Red Line early and stay late catching a stolen car ride back south or west to ghetto. Yes I am saying this he 13% are the problem. Just how many videos do you all have to watch the o understand that one simple fact. Time to have that Obama conversation on just why one race is 80+% of shootings and killings in Chicago. Dare you to

10/04/2023 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a second. Conde Nast says Chicago is loved by all tourists and has been number 1 for years. This was blasted on the news today. I tuned to the missus and we were shocked. And then we laughed. What a joke. I guess tourists shelter in place after 3pm if they arent at the emergency room

10/04/2023 12:49:00 AM
But we all have to remember that the media is owned by democrats so they do as told! The lying the corruption all democratic operatives!

10/04/2023 07:59:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I still live here waiting for my wife to retire so we can escape this rat hole. I spend a lot of time in mchenry county and it's like being on another planet.

Go 2 or 3 more counties west of McHenry and it's like being 3 different planets away. 90% of Illinois has nothing in common with Cook County and Chicago especially. Rural is good, 10 minute drive to grocery store and most everything you need. Close to Wisconsin where gas is always $0.25 to $1.00 a gallon cheaper and sales tax at 5.5%. No extra taxes on adult beverages.

10/04/2023 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
They will never blame the the persons responsible for it and then when they finally wake the fuck up its to fucking late. I hate the liberals and democrats who have ruined this city, state and country.

10/04/2023 07:08:00 AM

There’s only one word for what’s happened to Chicago and other cities. DEMOCRATS. For 70 plus years Chicago has been controlled by only democrats. There is not one republican making policy in Chicago. EVER! Same with Springfield Illinois. Super majority of democrats. And now a majority of democrats on the Illinois Supreme Court. Can you guess how they will rule? So what’s the outlook for Chicago and Illinois going forward? And gamblers out there?

10/04/2023 08:55:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

The entire city is up for grabs.
Even Edison Park is getting hit by the KIA street robber crews. Tons of section rental units up and down Northwest Hwy. With they even have migrants (illegal aliens) sleeping in the Norridge village hall. Chaos everywhere.

10/04/2023 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should re-imagine Chicago Theaters The Looking Glass theater, Stepping Wolf Theater , etc. theater's reformed as migrant shelters/hideouts. AND/OR...

Remember theater in the round?

A theatre in the round, arena theatre or central staging is a space for theatre in which the audience surrounds the stage. Chicago should reform all the theatre's using a Dante Nine Circles of Hell concept, concentric circles of robbers, looters, murderers, carjackers, gang members, drug cartels etc...surround the stage you get the idea.

Interactive Murder Mystery Theater Scripts for Audience Participation would be good fun for all. Chicago does have a never ending unlimited number of murder mysteries.

Episode 1 "Snitches Get Stitches" comedy will have the audience in stitches am I right? And who would need buildings. Episode #2. "I Heard a Noise, Felt Pain" Episode #3 " The Kia Boys Suv With The Broken Rear Window Went That-a-way" Episode #4 "Who's Riding Shotgun"

Think of pop-up street theater whereas crime scenes stages cordoned off with yellow or red tape Dante's Nine Circles of Hell surround them, audience murder mystery participation. If one didn't hear the nightly screaming street corner preachers call to prayer whoo-whoo-whoo crime scene theater participation sirens Chicago Shot Spotter alerts and the PH-1 chopper can drop democrat propaganda leaflets notifying neighborhood audience members to the latest locations. Drug dealers and elote vendors could rush to the scene run the concession stands stocked with edibles and Narcan

All we need are the ticket sales. Ask about our blue light special. Show your electronic monitoring bracelet and enter for free. Choose Chicago promos

10/04/2023 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCHAFENFREUDE: One's great pleasure at another one's pain.
CHICAGO SCHADENFREUDE: Watching AWFLs (Angry White Female Leftists) getting attacked by the very same criminals they empowered by emasculated the police. Sit back. Make some popcorn. Watch the Shipshewana. "Oh boy, is this great!"

10/04/2023 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gimme Dat Ding

My Glock has a switch
It holds fifty rounds
My bros all have A-K's
We terrorize this town

Our hoodies well hide our faces
So Prosecutors have no cases.
If by mistake we're caught to lack
Crimeshia will have our backs

Gimme all your pocketbooks
Gimme all your billfolds
Gimme your SUV keys
We're not the criminals

Social JUST-US warriors
Doing survival work
Gimme your belongings
Commie Mayor is a jerk

10/04/2023 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Electronic monitoring bracelets are the new participation trophy's of choice. Wear it proudly.

10/04/2023 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black Liberals MELTDOWN Over Rapper Sexyy Red ENDORSING TRUMP For President Says The Hood LOVES HIM!


10/04/2023 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PSA -14 Illinois is ready. Registrations for your assault weapons are now being accepted better hurry

10/04/2023 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, God, how true! The woke media keeps blaming "Covid" but I know many people who have dropped off the cultural map because it's too damn dangerous to stay out after dark in Chicago now. I used to go to jazz shows at least once a week. Took the Red Line or Blue Line home about midnight. I'd be crazy to do that now, and cabs or Uber are just too expensive. I only go to matinees for other cultural events and never in marginal neighborhoods, which is where many of the small theaters and musical events are located. I know other people from the 'burbs who used to come downtown for culture all the time. No more. Culture is nice, but not worth getting killed over.

10/04/2023 11:40:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Mayor BJ does not care. He wants the whole city to be just like the Wesside. Now, kees me you fool!!!!

10/04/2023 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safe T Act doesn't help either.

10/04/2023 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is 100% true. I now live in a far suburb and everyone out here talks about how they use to love going into Chicago but never will again because it’s too dangerous. It’s the only topic where discussing Chicago. Crime. But as of late they talk about the massive amount of illegal immigrants there and what a disaster it is. Nothing good to talk about when it comes to Chicago

10/04/2023 07:28:00 AM

Hope you’re comfortable just a matter of time until they’re coming to your town. They are going to spread them everywhere. He’s a legal criminals will be throughout the state, especially the suburbs that are closer to Chicago, when we have leaderless cowards that refuse to do the job and say we have enough when will they stand up?

10/04/2023 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to Stefano Esposito’s article, “Post-pandemic ‘crisis’ in Chicago’s cultural arts scene is real,” the major reason for the low numbers


10/04/2023 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still live here waiting for my wife to retire so we can escape this rat hole. I spend a lot of time in mchenry county and it's like being on another planet.
Sir, still carry out that way. The cancer has spread far and wide, cashless bail ya' know.

10/04/2023 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago downtown restaurant sales dropping ... just wait when Chicago city council passes law giving tipped waiters $16 min and then expect extra tip.. No more chicago restaurants.. Oakbrook, Deerfield here we come

10/04/2023 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
This is 100% true. I now live in a far suburb and everyone out here talks about how they use to love going into Chicago but never will again because it’s too dangerous. It’s the only topic where discussing Chicago. Crime. But as of late they talk about the massive amount of illegal immigrants there and what a disaster it is. Nothing good to talk about when it comes to Chicago

10/04/2023 07:28:00 AM

Hope you’re comfortable just a matter of time until they’re coming to your town. They are going to spread them everywhere. He’s a legal criminals will be throughout the state, especially the suburbs that are closer to Chicago, when we have leaderless cowards that refuse to do the job and say we have enough when will they stand up?

10/04/2023 02:08:00 PM

Not in the county I live in. It’s 100% Republican controlled. Criminals get hammered, Government leaves people alone, budget is always solid, they tell Pigster to pound sand and they will not allow illegals to take over. Direct opposite of Chicago. It’s amazing how good things can be when Democrats aren’t around.

10/04/2023 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger DixonSyder said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I still live here waiting for my wife to retire so we can escape this rat hole. I spend a lot of time in mchenry county and it's like being on another planet.

Go 2 or 3 more counties west of McHenry and it's like being 3 different planets away. 90% of Illinois has nothing in common with Cook County and Chicago especially. Rural is good, 10 minute drive to grocery store and most everything you need. Close to Wisconsin where gas is always $0.25 to $1.00 a gallon cheaper and sales tax at 5.5%. No extra taxes on adult beverages.

10/04/2023 08:45:00 AM

McHenry County is solid. Lots of law and order responsible people living and moving there. AKA Republicans. 18 members on the county board with only 5 being democrats but they’re nothing like a Chicago Democrat and their number is decreasing. Sheriff, States Attorney, Judges, nearly all positions are all republicans. Criminals actually get hard sentences for their crimes. A woman got one year in jail for giving a fictitious name to the police. Cook County would throw it out. Lots of beautiful wide open land too. Unfortunately it’s still Illinois but worlds away from Chicago.

10/04/2023 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you sir!

10/04/2023 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chicago downtown restaurant sales dropping ... just wait when Chicago city council passes law giving tipped waiters $16 min and then expect extra tip.. No more chicago restaurants.. Oakbrook, Deerfield here we come

== the savage has already found Oakbrook

10/04/2023 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
This is 100% true. I now live in a far suburb and everyone out here talks about how they use to love going into Chicago but never will again because it’s too dangerous. It’s the only topic where discussing Chicago. Crime. But as of late they talk about the massive amount of illegal immigrants there and what a disaster it is. Nothing good to talk about when it comes to Chicago

10/04/2023 07:28:00 AM

Hope you’re comfortable just a matter of time until they’re coming to your town. They are going to spread them everywhere. He’s a legal criminals will be throughout the state, especially the suburbs that are closer to Chicago, when we have leaderless cowards that refuse to do the job and say we have enough when will they stand up?

10/04/2023 02:08:00 PM

Not in the county I live in. It’s 100% Republican controlled. Criminals get hammered, Government leaves people alone, budget is always solid, they tell Pigster to pound sand and they will not allow illegals to take over. Direct opposite of Chicago. It’s amazing how good things can be when Democrats aren’t around.

10/04/2023 06:02:00 PM
What county?

10/04/2023 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets do the math.
Hamilton actors mock and ridicule conservative politicians who paid to be in their audience. Then ensured that the mocking and ridiculing got national media coverage, to secure their hero status amongst the leftists. Alienating 47% of the public with expendable income for highbrow entertainment, check. Now Hamilton has run it's course, and the starving artists are wondering why sales are down. Great for-site, great business model.

Versus, Michael Jordan saying 35 years ago, "Republicans bye sneakers too." Michael has the interpersonal strength to withstand the race baiting, label you uncle Tom if you don't play by our rules, conartists who comprise politics and media.

Result: This week Michael Jordan acknowledged as first African American businessman to eclipse $3 Billion, with a B, personal value. It's time we all call out bullshit for what it is, and let the race hustlers wollow in their bankruptcies.

10/04/2023 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you’re comfortable just a matter of time until they’re coming to your town. They are going to spread them everywhere. He’s a legal criminals will be throughout the state, especially the suburbs that are closer to Chicago, when we have leaderless cowards that refuse to do the job and say we have enough when will they stand up?

10/04/2023 02:08:00 PM

You omit the salient factor of the abundance of acrage merely awaiting the addition of fertilizer to the soil.

As Herlock Holmes once stated, the vast emptiness of country lands begats far more heinous acts than the crowded, packed to the gills city.

Someone will hear you scream in the city.

The countrysides, your pleas will vanish into the air as raindrops vanish during a thuderstorm......

10/04/2023 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup. My mother was going to get me Mellencamp tickets. I said forget it. In addition to sitting for the Anthem at a ball game, the venue was downtown. Nope, not going there...

10/04/2023 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100%, my wife and I would often go downtown for dinner or a play, now its out of the question.

Same here.

10/05/2023 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say they are happy and all is going as planned. Last person here turn out the lights.

10/05/2023 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
This is 100% true. I now live in a far suburb and everyone out here talks about how they use to love going into Chicago but never will again because it’s too dangerous. It’s the only topic where discussing Chicago. Crime. But as of late they talk about the massive amount of illegal immigrants there and what a disaster it is. Nothing good to talk about when it comes to Chicago

10/04/2023 07:28:00 AM

Hope you’re comfortable just a matter of time until they’re coming to your town. They are going to spread them everywhere. He’s a legal criminals will be throughout the state, especially the suburbs that are closer to Chicago, when we have leaderless cowards that refuse to do the job and say we have enough when will they stand up?

10/04/2023 02:08:00 PM

Not in the county I live in. It’s 100% Republican controlled. Criminals get hammered, Government leaves people alone, budget is always solid, they tell Pigster to pound sand and they will not allow illegals to take over. Direct opposite of Chicago. It’s amazing how good things can be when Democrats aren’t around.

10/04/2023 06:02:00 PM
What county?

10/04/2023 09:14:00 PM


10/05/2023 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous JohnThomas said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
They will never blame the the persons responsible for it and then when they finally wake the fuck up its to fucking late. I hate the liberals and democrats who have ruined this city, state and country.

10/04/2023 07:08:00 AM

There’s only one word for what’s happened to Chicago and other cities. DEMOCRATS. For 70 plus years Chicago has been controlled by only democrats. There is not one republican making policy in Chicago. EVER! Same with Springfield Illinois. Super majority of democrats. And now a majority of democrats on the Illinois Supreme Court. Can you guess how they will rule? So what’s the outlook for Chicago and Illinois going forward? And gamblers out there?
Don’t drag Springfield into this. Springfield/Sangamon County votes Red. It’s the transient Democrat political hacks from Chicago/Cook County/collar counties (mostly) driving Illinois into the toilet. Note: I don’t know if it’s one of many toilets that his exhalted massiveness Gov Pritzker removed from his second (doesn’t everyone have two??) Chicago mansion.

10/05/2023 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago has become a Sun down town.

10/05/2023 03:15:00 PM  

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