Thursday, May 03, 2007

Tax and Spend Again

It's amazing that the main stream media hasn't covered this story in it's entirety. Good thing Captain's Quarters does:
  • Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards said yesterday raising taxes for higher-income families back to their levels under the Clinton administration is a floor, not a ceiling, and he would consider even higher tax increases.

    "What I believe is the starting place is to go back to the Clinton levels," Mr. Edwards told reporters after addressing the 2,000 delegates to California's state Democratic Party convention. ...

So even though at current tax levels, the deficit will disappear around the time Bush leaves office, Edwards is campaigning on a platform of raising taxes and increasing spending which, as Carter, Bush Sr. and Clinton proved, devastates the economy. We guess that the media remembers how well Mondale did after promising to raise taxes and is keeping a lid on Edwards' brush with insanity.



Blogger dave said...

So even though at current tax levels, the deficit will disappear around the time Bush leaves office

Sure... if you don't count the costs of the war in Iraq.

I would rather have the tax and spend Democrats than the cut taxes and spend Republicans.

You do know that the government under Bush and the GOP controlled Congress is the largest it has ever been, right?

5/03/2007 07:43:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

We are aware of Bush's shortcomings as to cutting the size of government. It was our biggest beef with his administration this past election season, and most conservatives also, as you saw they stayed home in record numbers.

But the fact remains that Republicans cut taxes and let us keep more of our money. Lower tax rates produce MORE revenue as proven time and time again by the Laffer curve, the Reagan economy, and the current recovery.

You raise taxes, the econommy grinds to a halt. Inflation runs out of control. Why on earth would anyone want to give the democrats more of your money? Republicans let us keep more of our money and we can spend as we see fit instead of social programs that do nothing but destroy entire swaths of the big cities.

5/03/2007 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tax and spend DemocRATS?

How about cut and run democRATS?

5/03/2007 10:24:00 AM  
Blogger dave said...

well... i will never convince you about the positives of social welfare (but funny... i don't hear you saying anything about corporate welfare).

but i do find it interesting that you did not even acknowledge that the shrinking of the deficit is a myth due to the fact that the vast majority of the costs of the "war on terror," including the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, are not included. When you include those costs, the deficit is getting bigger.

5/03/2007 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing that bcomes from social programs is the need for more social programs.

Until democrats face the reality that no matter how much you do for people they will always want more. Stop using tax dollars for these programs. If you feel strongly about these programs there is nothing anywhere that prevents you from voluntarily giving YOUR money for these programs. Please stop mandating that I give mine.

As for the corporate welfare, I agree to a point. Much of the cw is an incentive based program. Without the incentives the companies would not be willing to take the risks involved in R&D. Some of the incentives are very important while some should be abolished. Your contention that social programs are good is not based in historical fact.
Less percentage of the population in poverty before all of the social programs began. How would you explain this?

5/03/2007 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow they constanly keep you clowns confused with this Dem/Rep shit. Got a great idea, all you idiots that think Cheney/Bush is on the right path, join the fighting force to "take our oil". Any idiot so smart to think that on a local level we (oh sorry you)can move out of the city to get away from the "animals", start a movement. Forget Fred Hampton St.These guys with the money have a lock period. SCC said he has beccome aware of Bush's shortcomings. Dude, Bush is doing just what he wants to do. You just smoked a blunt and became aware of the shortcomings of yourself and those of most of your readers.Yeah, right you really are keeping so much more of your tax dollars. OIl prices up, medical and drug prices up, property taxes up. All up your working class ASS.

5/04/2007 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, on the money. Cook the books, so jagoffs like SCC fail to realize that not only does he not get his full Social Security, (if he ever had one), but his kids and grandkids will be paying Halliburton for years. Oh he just realized this Econ. 101 during the last election season. Hey scc, what social progams and large cities are you refering to. BAGDAD.scc go to the reagan libray, he's dead.

5/04/2007 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone remember Pres. Johnson's WAR ON POVERTY?

The Lib Dems transferred three trillion, thats right, three trillion, from those who work to those who dont and or wont.

Did it cure proverty? Hell no. But what it did do was cement the paracite class into voting straight democrat.

5/06/2007 12:21:00 PM  

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