Saturday, February 10, 2024

For Pete's Sake....

Time for this reminder....again:

Why now?

  • Four people are hospitalized and a driver is in custody after a crash involving a stolen car in Englewood.

    The crash happened around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday on 63rd Street and Stewart. 

    Chicago police say a white vehicle was heading westbound on 63rd street when it hit a red car. A pedestrian was injured by "an unknown object" from the crash.

We're pretty sure the above article is the genesis of this comment the other day:

  • Unrelated but what about the glory boys and gals . ( Carjacking Team ) they haven’t learned chasing a car again yesterday with fugitive unit car crashed almost kills a crossing guard chasing a car flying around a school at dismissal time with kids everywhere . Use use your heads back in the old days we wouldn’t have been chasing a car by a school zone and nowadays are you kidding me . These guys will learn the hard way in prison yet .

Pursuing during school dismissal time. Seriously? With 457 cars being stolen per week, there's plenty of opportunity for pursuits, crashes, lawsuits....and prison time. Be smarter.

The best (and safest) bet is to wait for technology to advance to the point where stolen cars can be disabled via laser beam or electric arc weapon or mental telepathy. You'll save yourself tons of heartbreak and probably your job.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you see something say something unless of course it's the conehead speeding and blowing red light cams

2/10/2024 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the kill switches are installed I suppose carjackers will have to take the drivers hostage to keep the car from being reported as stolen

2/10/2024 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tech for stopping any modern vehicle is already quite effective, if activated.

These 21st century vehicles all have the tech capacity, via wireless signal, to kill their engines, thus vehicle is then not moving.

Remotely, very remotely, as in cell phone distances remotely.

And, these days, yes, they can hear you now, everywhere.

The tech that can trigger an iod can also shut down the digital control circuitry that the engine relies upon to run.

All of it.


Why, the tech even has the potential to then lock the drive train functions.

These 21st century vehicles are much like computers, smart ass phones, and remote controlling them in this simple manner is as simple as touching the screen for starting your download of the porn vids of your proclivities.

No need to ever chase vehicle for simple theft of same.

2/10/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous D O N E said...

The "Carjacking Team" ?

I was on the "Netflix Team" my last 3 years on the job.

I made just as much money as the glory boys and girls made and now I have a great pension with insurance. GET SMART.

2/10/2024 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll end up getting more time for chasing than they'll get for carjacking and fleeing. Use your brains. Pursuits are sadly dead. Even if they weren't, this one would've been stupid. No matter what the criminals did or do, you'll be at fault for what happens after you try to pull them over and they flee. That's just how it is now. Wave goodbye to the fleeing criminals instead of your freedom and paycheck.

2/10/2024 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't Chase.

Until the entire culture of Chitcago law enforcement changes, DO NOT CHASE.

When the people and the government decide that tracking down and stopping criminals is important again, then they will demand the CPD chase criminals, and as we begin apprehend criminals, they will stop fleeing again.

Until it all changes, DO NOT CHASE!

2/10/2024 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These carjacking team kids think they’re the hottest shit on earth.
The teams are absolutely nothing but a walking liability these days.
Anyone chasing cars in today’s day and age is about as slow as you can get.
It doesn’t make you a badass, and you aren’t John Wayne.

It doesn’t even take much special skill.
Between plate readers on the roads and in the cars, it ain’t hard to find a hot car in Chicago.
Everyone else in the city can read the writing on the wall and stopped chasing.
You fucking goofs are the only ones dumb enough to try and chase them all day, every day.

No, I will not support this benefit.
You’ve been told for years and still want to play cowboy.
Good luck with that.

If the city had any sense, they would do away with these carjacking teams before they did away with the shotspotters.

The only way it makes sense is if it’s more investigative.
Putting together patterns, working crews, and piecing together the more complicated cases.
Working off of DNA hits or victims identifications, and tech data.
No one is doing just one carjacking.

Catch them after the fact, when it’s “safer”.
Grab them coming out of a house, or at a court date.
Trying to pull over a carjacked vehicle is about the dumbest way you could go about doing these things.
More than one way to skin a cat, and it’s easier to slap the cuffs on someone with the element of surprise, not while they are in the commission of a felony and fight/flight has kicked in.

Not to mention Kim Foxx seems to think carjacking is a property crime nowadays, so in the end what’s the point?

2/10/2024 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to stop fleeing cars? CPD Aviation needs Rob Scheider and Blue Thunder! Brrrrtt!

2/10/2024 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Or I shall shout Stop! again.

2/10/2024 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is the A/5 carjacking team. With HALF of the guys who can’t stand their sergeant and are looking for soft landings any where they can get.

2/10/2024 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best (and safest) bet is to wait for technology to advance to the point where stolen cars can be disabled via laser beam or electric arc weapon or mental telepathy. You'll save yourself tons of heartbreak and probably your job.

Or a remote detonation device only if the vehicle is occupied by four or more thieves, the more the messier...

2/10/2024 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best bet is to lock the little bastards up...

2/10/2024 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP should offer free deposition training scenarios so young officers can experience exactly what happens when you’re sued

2/10/2024 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mention how using common sense could potentially save their jobs. Maybe they have a job death wish and want to be fired? Maybe it’s part of a plan to be released from this nightmare of a job without just plain old quitting? You can’t read the minds of millennials today. It’s like trying to examine the mind of a demented, sociopath whose brain has been warped by never hearing the word “no” growing up along with an extremely unhealthy obsession with social media.

2/10/2024 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just let the speed and red light cameras do their job.

2/10/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car chases ain't worth it anymore!

I just retired with 30 years, on the job and just moved to a nice Police friendly, law abiding Red State!

I'M GONE from Blue Liberal, Police Hating Hellinois!

Be smart you young coppers and remember this code "19 Eddie", will save you from a lot of future headaches and say it on the air as fast as you can, bossholes be damned!

2/10/2024 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hardest thing to do is look the other way. I know, I was there dozens of times. Even when you are right you are wrong in today's political climate.

2/10/2024 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally thank any and all officers that have the guts to pursue a fleeing vehicle.
Without these hero’s nobody would be caught.
At least now we catch 10% of the offenders.

Everyone understands the risk and they say “I love America, I’m gonna catch the bad guys doing evil things”.

Trump will promote you in the new national police system....keep making America great.

2/10/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn’t the Hijacking Team. It was the district beat car.

2/10/2024 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I personally thank any and all officers that have the guts to pursue a fleeing vehicle.
Without these hero’s nobody would be caught.
At least now we catch 10% of the offenders.

Everyone understands the risk and they say “I love America, I’m gonna catch the bad guys doing evil things”.

Trump will promote you in the new national police system....keep making America great.

2/10/2024 09:01:00 AM

I hope you are joking.

I don't want a national police system even if Trump was in charge of it.
If, and this is a big if, he gets reelected he will probably be the last republican pres.

Demographics is destiny.
The democrats discovered their policies were unpopular with Americans so they elected to bring in a new electorate.

I do not see the need to fulfill 0bama's dream of a national police force to ignore real crime and spend all their time rounding up subversives and dissidents.

As far as chasing carjackers, most are under 18 and too black to jail.
They will get a slap on the wrist and be home for dinner.

2/10/2024 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luckily noone was behind it when it crashed.

2/10/2024 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disabling devices are racist.

2/10/2024 10:55:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

The Bad Guys know that all they have to do is run.

2/10/2024 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll watch black and white reruns of Broderick Crawford driving a ‘55 Buick in Highway Patrol get my jollies!

2/10/2024 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you wrote the best order ever written and the easiest to study.
It is sad that so many young cops cannot read, comprehend and apply a simple one word instruction.

2/10/2024 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally thank any and all officers that have the guts to pursue a fleeing vehicle.
Without these hero’s nobody would be caught.
At least now we catch 10% of the offenders.

Everyone understands the risk and they say “I love America, I’m gonna catch the bad guys doing evil things”.

Trump will promote you in the new national police system....keep making America great.

2/10/2024 09:01:00 AM

This isn't the most delusional comment I've ever read on here, but it's up there.

2/10/2024 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No is no, well ok. If you chase, it's on you. If you chose not to chase, then be sure to tell the victims and/or their survivors that you may have captured the offender by pursuit, but because of failed policies by Conehead and his Poodle - Larry, you cannot chase due to their policies. Sympathies to all victims, but it's the voting public and the stooge CTU army that apparently wanted BJ and their votes has consequences. Meet the requirements - nothing more nothing less. Every opportunity that presents itself, speak truth to the evil power that permeates the city.

2/10/2024 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do we have to blame for electing Johnson or Foxx other than us not voting but standing in the back of Roll Call Room hating everything and everyone but not taking 10 mins to vote.

2/10/2024 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

every car needs one of these

2/10/2024 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget kids. A sgt is currently in federal court for terminating a pursuit that was within department policy. The result is a kid got shot and paralyzed for life from those same offenders. The vehicle was taken in a robbery and used in numerous armed robberies citywide. The Sgt not wanting to stay late to do a pursuit report immediately terminated it. Remember, 98 percent of sgts who terminate a pursuit are not doing it for the safety of the public or the officer.. they are doing it because they don’t want to do any more work than they have too. Argue with it all you want, I’ve done the sgts job and I know. So let’s stop with the sgt is trying to keep you out of trouble crap, they are trying to not be disturbed. Also, many sgts these days really don’t have a spine or the knowledge to know our pursuit policy. Remember, we have a policy.. just like there is a duty to weigh if a pursuit is worth it, there is also a duty to decide if terminating is detrimental to the safety to the public. We CAN pursue for certain things. Armed robbery and carjacking are two of those things. Follow the order by the numbers and you will be within policy. Sued?? Maybe.. but you hang your hat on the policy itself. Sometimes police work needs to be done NOT to give the criminals a free pass and let some poor 19 year old kid get shot in the face and paralyzed for the rest of his life. Sorry, but that one is on us. I don’t agree or sympathize one bit with that sgt. Way too many cops these days take the side of the criminal and not the victims. We give criminals more of a break these days than normal hardworking people and we are making those people fend for themselves. Too many of us blame politics and use that as an excuse. We’re not politicians. Follow policy and follow law.

2/10/2024 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The national police force is already here. It’s called Calea, Bwc, and consent decrees

Unfortunately people haven’t connected the dots.

Keep chasing the bad guys.

Trump will defend you at the same time he’ll pardon all the j6 crew.

2/11/2024 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Car chases ain't worth it anymore!

I just retired with 30 years, on the job and just moved to a nice Police friendly, law abiding Red State!

I'M GONE from Blue Liberal, Police Hating Hellinois!

Be smart you young coppers and remember this code "19 Eddie", will save you from a lot of future headaches and say it on the air as fast as you can, bossholes be damned!

2/10/2024 08:06:00 AM

Friend, I have been all over this beautiful land and I assure you, red or blue, there is no such thing as a law-abiding state. Morals and decency just are not what they used to be back in our day, unfortunately.

A Retired Cop

2/11/2024 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s likely the guys who decided to chase don’t even know where the schools are in each district. Google maps has done this to us. stop relying on your cell phone to get you around town. Learn the city.

2/11/2024 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I’ll watch black and white reruns of Broderick Crawford driving a ‘55 Buick in Highway Patrol get my jollies!

2/10/2024 11:49:00 AM

Most people otj today have no clue who Broderick Crawford is

2/11/2024 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most people otj today have no clue who Broderick Crawford is

2/11/2024 08:08:00 AM

Most people otj today have no clue who Peter Faulk is.

Or Jack Webb.

Or Lee Marvin.

Or Paul Burke.

Or Karl Malden.

Or Telly Savalas.

Or Jack Lord.

Or Robert Stack.

Or Joe E. Ross and Fred Gwynne, for fuck sake

2/11/2024 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell those dumbass carjacking 2 yr wonders stop calling out on the zone where there is a stolen car read. No one cares. The beat coppers are busy. Just because you never worked the streets doesnt mean you have to give us more work. Get your lazy fat ass out of your cubicle and handle it. Get off the air morons. That unit should be disbanded. Useless.

2/11/2024 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same with CST one - two year wonders

2/11/2024 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, the liberal sitting around with no life who posted this story should work for CNN. Carjacking team was chasing? Just because they handled the arrest means they were chasing? Wonder what story this person will make up?

2/12/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaping forward in time to the present.

Vehicles whose motive driving force is provided by internal combustion engine require electricity to function.

Electricity for this functioning can be energized via remote radio wave transmission.

Ditto for de energizing.


Owner of vehicle has the ability to de energize engine functioning remotely.

Why does owner not do so?

Key fob starts engine, key fob stops engine.

Owner no have key fob extra one to stop engine when vehicle stolen from owner whilst owner is present?

Car jack me.

Drive away.

I stop engine after you get a bit down the road.

Then, car jacker, what you do, eh?

2/12/2024 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the fool that wrote about sgts not terminating. F*** you. Goof. I terminate immediately. Not because I don’t want to do paper but because I don’t want dead coppers from a crash. Ole boy who was paralyzed will still be paralyzed if you caught the offenders and then he won’t assist in the prosecution. Squad, tell that car to terminate the pursuit. Words an officer should never hear because he never initiates. Stay Safe

2/12/2024 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget kids. A sgt is currently in federal court for terminating a pursuit that was within department policy. The result is a kid got shot and paralyzed for life from those same offenders. The vehicle was taken in a robbery and used in numerous armed robberies citywide. The Sgt not wanting to stay late to do a pursuit report immediately terminated it. Remember, 98 percent of sgts who terminate a pursuit are not doing it for the safety of the public or the officer.. they are doing it because they don’t want to do any more work than they have too. Argue with it all you want, I’ve done the sgts job and I know. So let’s stop with the sgt is trying to keep you out of trouble crap, they are trying to not be disturbed. Also, many sgts these days really don’t have a spine or the knowledge to know our pursuit policy

Ok hero, you let them chases go and see how it goes for you. It only takes one to bury you, and this dept, city council and mayor don’t give a flying fuck about us. Coppers or innocent civilians get seriously hurt or killed and they, and you the supervisor will eat it, and you’ll be lucky if you only lose your job. Copa feeds off these pursuits and is dying to indict coppers and supervisors for any reckless negligence they think they can prove. Coppers usually make it easy for them by screaming on the radio sounding completely out of control, while their gps locks them in at 100 mph on the road and their cameras capture the church bus full of nuns coming from bingo getting plowed into, or the baby carriage getting run over on the sidewalk killing the infant (happened chasing a murder suspect in 003 about 7 years ago).

That Sgt is being sued because the family has nobody else with big pockets to sue, the offenders don’t have shit, so they sue us because they know the city settles 99.9 % of all cases. Maybe they could sue the hospital for some kind of negligence or malpractice for not keeping him from paralysis, but the hospital won’t just roll over and cut a check like the city does, but if the slimy lawyer thought he could, he’d probably try that too, but he’d have to work hard on that angle; suing the department and city is much easier, and an almost certain payday.

The Sgt made the smart choice to terminate a dangerous high speed chase which he is within policy to do if he deemed it was too dangerous to all involved. Can’t be disciplined for terminating a chase. They can sue all they want and the city will prob cave and settle but that kid getting shot in a robbery is nobody's fault but the offenders and their parents that raised scumbags. You can play the “if” game all you want but if you do, remember: if the victim didn’t resist and fight the offender he might not of been shot.

Chases are over, smarten up..

P.S. I’m pretty sure that Sgt. isn’t looking for your approval or sympathy and can probably give two shits what you or anyone else thinks. The only person he has to be ok with is himself and his decision, which was sound in today’s environment we try to work and survive in.

2/14/2024 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget kids. A sgt is currently in federal court for terminating a pursuit that was within department policy. The result is a kid got shot and paralyzed for life from those same offenders. The vehicle was taken in a robbery and used in numerous armed robberies citywide. The Sgt not wanting to stay late to do a pursuit report immediately terminated it. Remember, 98 percent of sgts who terminate a pursuit are not doing it for the safety of the public or the officer.. they are doing it because they don’t want to do any more work than they have too. Argue with it all you want, I’ve done the sgts job and I know. So let’s stop with the sgt is trying to keep you out of trouble crap, they are trying to not be disturbed. Also, many sgts these days really don’t have a spine or the knowledge to know our pursuit policy. Remember, we have a policy.. just like there is a duty to weigh if a pursuit is worth it, there is also a duty to decide if terminating is detrimental to the safety to the public. We CAN pursue for certain things. Armed robbery and carjacking are two of those things. Follow the order by the numbers and you will be within policy. Sued?? Maybe.. but you hang your hat on the policy itself. Sometimes police work needs to be done NOT to give the criminals a free pass and let some poor 19 year old kid get shot in the face and paralyzed for the rest of his life. Sorry, but that one is on us. I don’t agree or sympathize one bit with that sgt. Way too many cops these days take the side of the criminal and not the victims. We give criminals more of a break these days than normal hardworking people and we are making those people fend for themselves. Too many of us blame politics and use that as an excuse. We’re not politicians. Follow policy and follow law.

2/10/2024 11:22:00 PM

What a joke. Sounds like you imagine rank higher than Sgt. Feel free to overrule the termination decisions the order states you can, but then you would be on the hook for that paperwork. The order also states that Any accident with probability of personal injury must be terminated, that includes the offending vehicle(yes I've had the TRB demand a SPAR for that). 98% of these pursuits involve a crash, COPA or the TRB always take their pound of flesh if a crash is involved, guess who is taking time for that? The coppers dumb fuck, you only take time if you don't terminate something you should have
Which I'm sure you trained your people to say the right thing. After all, when they make a nice pinch you look good right? But then when COPA hits them with a 30 day suspension you don't sweat it for a second. Chase enough of these cars and a fatality will occur. You sure you want your men to live with that? Actually you don't give a fuck. You feel good leaving your people swinging by their dick so you can look good for the bosses, you're the absolute worst type of boss. You actually believe policy will save you if COPA wants you? Must be a merit stroke looking to keep the boss good and topped off
Look at Stillman you retard, they are hanging him for a policy that was created because of his event. Let your people get into a high profile crash with fatality and show what a dog shit boss you are let me know how policy does for you.

2/16/2024 10:32:00 PM  

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