Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rumors? We’ve got rumors!

With about 8 exempt openings (and more to come!) the rumor mill is in full swing. Who's getting what? Who's moving where? Times like these are among the more exciting ones. The BIG question is for the spot that isn't even vacant yet - Chief of Patrol.

Chief Maurer has taken care of a bunch of his people already; his Sergeants have fled HQ for greener pastures and even the POs are landing in decent spots. They know change is afoot. As we see it here, it's a two horse race for the successor: Area 5 Deputy Chief Maria Maher and Area 3 Deputy Chief Daniel Dugan. I still remember the story of someone showing up at a "barricade" incident where the offender was holding a shotgun and threatening everyone. As was related by eyewitnesses on the scene, POs on the scene were ordered to stand down and holster their weapons as the shotgun was obviously fake and they were making this individual nervous. Of course, when the situation was resolved, the shotgun turned out to be real and loaded to boot. Hmmmm.

Is Maurer getting the Airport or the new Federal Judges Protection detail?

Other openings

1. Deputy Chief of Patrol (Kajari)
2. at least 1 ADS spot (Flanagan)
3. 020 District Commander (Darling)
4. Chief of Detectives (Molloy)
5. Deputy Chief Field Group B (Kobel)
6. Vice (Brannan)
7. Deputy Superintendent Staff Services (Robinson)
8. Deputy Superintendent Crime Strategy and Accountability (Byrne)
9. ?? Assistant Deputy Superintendent Education and Training (Shaver)

Anyone got any hot info on these? Leave it in the Comments section.


Why a blog?

Taking this baby for a test drive. I've always got tons (I mean TONS) of stuff to say, but actually typing it out and reading it over, I've got to admit, it's a bit daunting. A bit about me ---- hhhhmmm. Well, the title says quite a lot. When actually considering starting a blog, I figured I'd end up commenting on "the job" as it were. I was a fan of "SecondCityCoppers.net" before the webmaster took it down because of all the bulls*** he had to put up with, not the least of which was a lawsuit (bad move R - cops shouldn't sue cops.) So I guess, while I'm able, this blog will remain semi-nameless to spare me the crap that O had to put up with. So what do I want to accomplish with this blog?

* I know alot of people liked the "bathroom wall" type mentality that pervaded the SCCN message boards (the way people slow down at a traffic wreck.)
* I know a lot of bosses cruised the message boards looking for their names - whether to laugh (as many of us did) or cringe (as many of them did) when their escapades were brought to light, who knows?
* I know the boards provided a valuable clearinghouse for information that helped to bring down the previous union leadership.

Is this the second coming of the SCCN? I don't know, but I think blogging and related commentary could provide a bit of an outlet for people who miss the better aspects of SCCN. And I can turn off comments and filter the BS as I see fit. You don't like it, get your own blog. I'll even let you link it here. On with the show...


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