Friday, September 20, 2024

Circular Expenditure

Isn't this a city run program?

It's like a city wide police explorers program, but without the police. They got a nice van, all tricked out, and they either don't park legally or they're getting red-light camera tickets faster than Conehead.


WEP Gains 218th Sponsor

Late yesterday afternoon, the 218th sponsor signed on to the Windfall Elimination Provision Bill, meaning it can head to the House floor for a vote:

  • House lawmakers in Washington have the signatures they need to force a vote on a bill to eliminate rules that reduce Social Security benefits for certain retirees who also receive pension income.

    On Thursday morning, Reps. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., and Garret Graves, R-La., marked the 206 signatures a discharge petition had thus far collected with a press conference outside the Capitol building alongside organizations representing police, firefighters, postal workers, teachers and other government employees often affected by those rules.

    By Thursday afternoon, the number of signatures had climbed to 218, enough to force a vote on the bill.

There seems to be enough support in both houses of Congress to move this through, and the drooling vegetable has said (or was told) that he'll be signing it.

The biggest hurdle now is the election and Congress leaving before anything gets passed. We'll see.


Will Conehead Listen?

An almost intelligent suggestion - combining redundant systems:

  • Community leaders are expected to outline recommendations Thursday to combine the city's homeless shelter system with the system for migrants.The move is expected to boost the city's effort to keep unhoused citizens off the streets.

    Deborah's Place, which helps women experiencing homeless with permanent housing and other services, is hosting the meeting where city and state officials along with stakeholders will unveil their plans to combine Chicago's legacy homeless shelter system wit h the system for migrants.

    The One System Initiative is the newest effort by the city to help both the unhoused and asylum-seekers here in Chicago. The effort comes after a months-long discussion between city and state officials and homeless and service advocates about how to turn the two systems into a unified shelter structure.

Of course, combining systems reduces the opportunity for graft and stealing. Some aldercratures and Conehead might object to their campaign kickbacks getting shorted the money.

Just keep them the Hell out of District stations.


Lawsuit File

CWB has the entire lawsuit we mentioned yesterday posted up on their site.

As to numerous claims that Crimesha has total immunity, if it can be proven she acted with wanton and willful malice - which, knowing how much Crimesha hates the police and her habit of charging persons differently based on certain..."factors" - then she needs to be dragged before a federal court and made to defend her decisions.

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

ShotSpotter Follies Continue

If nothing else, this is entertaining politics:

  • The Chicago City Council made a significant break with Mayor Brandon Johnson, voting to give the deciding vote over ShotSpotter technology to the city’s police superintendent. The ordinance passed 33-14 in City Council chambers on Wednesday, with Johnson immediately vowing to veto the measure.

    The measure passed during a special session of the City Council, and was aimed at taking the decision on whether to retain the controversial technology in place out of the mayor’s hands.

    “The experts seem to think it’s a useful tool,” Ald. Bill Conway said. “Our constituents want that. Clearly a lot of my colleagues want to make sure we can keep it and find a way to do that.”

    According to the measure, Supt. Larry Snelling would ultimately have the final say over whether to keep the technology in place, with a contract set to expire this month with SoundThinking, the company who maintains the network.

Conehead's allies are spouting provable lies in their effort to kill this thing:

  • While the company claims a  97% accuracy rate across all customers, but Chicago officials have argued that the technology’s alerts “rarely produce evidence of a gun-related crime, rarely give rise to investigatory stops, and even less frequently lead to the recovery of gun crime-related evidence,” according to a report from the Chicago Office of Inspector General.

The joke among the CPD, especially Districts with high incidents of gunfire, is that ShotSpotter is the "most expensive shell-casing finder in existence." We've personally been on the scene of dozens of shootings where the camera room (assisted by ShotSpotter maps) literally walked officers over to shell casings in alleys, on street corners, in vacant lots covered in tall grass, even snow banks.

If you want to argue that the tens of millions of dollars spent to save the lives of around 100 people a year would be better spent elsewhere, you aren't going to get much of an argument from us - those 100 people are usually useless gangbangers, dope dealers and assorted fiends that wouldn't be missed. But making up stories doesn't do your credibility nay favors.

Speaking of favors, do yourself one and head over to the merchandise site to check out the new "Walkie-Talkie on a Stick" t-shirts. It helps defray their operating costs.


Who You Gonna Believe?

The politicians who have a vested interest in not seeing their program fail? Or the lady who runs the system and has access to most of the actual numbers?

  • Ahead of the first anniversary of the end of cash bail in Illinois, Cook County’s clerk of court released a statistic that mystified other stakeholders in the county justice system: She warned that three out of four unconfined defendants have failed to show up for court dates over the past year.

    In a letter to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Clerk Iris Martinez wrote, “Together, we need to ensure that victims, witnesses, lawyers, judges, and police officers are not attending tens of thousands of hearings without the defendants being present.”

    Martinez said defendants have failed to appear in court for hearings in roughly 67,000 of 90,000 cases from last September — when cash bail was eliminated in Illinois — until early this month. She called for an independent analysis of what she described as a “disconcerting” trend.

Martinez lost a highly contested primary to a Prickwrinkle sycophant, so this could be a parting shot at the county machine, but the spinning by other politicians leads us to believe there might be something to her numbers. After all, we know Prickwrinkle, Dart and Evans are notorious liars.

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Teamsters Fading

Remember when the Teamsters used to be the union everyone feared? 

The Outfit ran entire chapters. If you weren't negotiating contracts in an appropriately "generous" manner, they'd strangle your job site. Crossing a Teamster picket line was an open invitation to broken limbs and skulls. If you didn't join their ranks, your equipment might catch fire. And if your former president tried to stage a comeback against their wishes.....they still haven't found Jimmy Hoffa.

But now?

  • For the first time in nearly three decades, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters won’t endorse a candidate in the presidential race — a blow to the Democratic Party, which has reliably received the union’s approval for years.

    The Teamsters confirmed the decision not to endorse Wednesday, as the union’s executive board met in Washington and voted on the endorsement.

See, what happened was that the Teamsters promised everyone that they were going to do top-to-bottom survey of their membership and make the endorsement based upon the outcome. The result?

  • Trump 60%, Kackler 35%, other/undecided 5%

That was kind of embarrassing, so they ran an extensive phone survey instead, calling union stewards, union halls, the reliable political class ever-present in a union. That result?

  • Trump 60%, Kackler 35%, other/undecided 5%

Knowing that if they endorsed Trump based on their members' votes, the blue state governors would start making life difficult for them, they took the cowards way out and endorsed no one, claiming neither side represented their members' interests....which is a lie. 

But they did release the results of the survey. It's all over the place. And they'll probably pay a price for that at the next union election.

But in the meantime:

  • Why is the Horse on the logo for the Teamsters? Only animal that can sleep standing up
  • How may Teamsters does it take to change a light bulb? Three, you got a problem with that?
  • What do you call a Teamster in a 3 piece suit? The Defendant.  


Crimesha Sued

This was nearly a year ago:

  • Two Chicago police officers accused of shooting an unarmed man and then lying about it were acquitted by a judge Thursday.

    Sgt. Christopher Liakopoulos and Officer Ruben Reynoso were within their rights to protect themselves when they opened fire, wounding 23-year-old Miguel Medina twice on July 22, 2022, Cook County Judge Lawrence Flood ruled.

    “The officers were not the aggressors,” Flood said, stating it was Medina and a juvenile who approached the their vehicle.

    “I find both officers acted within reason in firing their weapons under these particular circumstances,” the judge said following a two-day bench trial.

Now, a lawsuit has been filed against Crimesha and her toadies for Civil Rights violations and attempting to railroad two cops for being shot at:

We're trying to see if there's a live link to the entire suit - it's about twenty pages long, so we can't post it as photos - but it's interesting reading to see how Crimesha's office lied in front of the Grand Jury to secure an indictment that was bound to fail at trial.


Kommie Kackler

Don't be caught on the wrong side of this bull$hit:

  • As San Francisco's district attorney, Kamala Harris told legal gun owners in her community that authorities could "walk into" their homes to inspect whether they were storing their firearms properly under a new law she helped draft.

    "We're going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs," Harris told a group of reporters in May 2007.

    The remarks came during a press conference introducing legislation that Harris helped draft, which sought to impose penalties for gun owners who fail to store their firearms properly at home.

    The bill, which at the time had just been introduced to the city's board of supervisors, was ultimately signed into law a few months later by then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. It was bundled with other gun control provisions, including a new requirement for legal gun distributors to submit an inventory to the chief of police every six months, and a ban on possessing guns – even legally – in public housing.

This is still the law in San Francisco, and Newsom is waiting in the wings for (A) a spot in the Kackler's administration or (B) his shot to run in four-to-eight years.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

He Needs the Money

The Slum Times asking the important question:

  • Elected city officials are slated to receive a 4.1% raise next year, though Mayor Brandon Johnson has so far declined to say whether he plans to take the pay bump as the city stares down a nearly $1 billion budget gap.

    A spokesman for Johnson said he has “nothing to share at this time.” Spokespersons for City Clerk Anna Valencia and City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin did not respond to requests for comment on whether they’re taking the raise, as they did last year. The raise is tied to the rate of inflation, and each year city officials are given the opportunity to opt out of the automatic increase.

    At least two City Council members — progressive Alds. Byron Sigcho-Lopez and Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez — told WBEZ they are foregoing the raise. They were the lone alderpersons to decline it last year.

After all, Conehead has (had?) overdue water bills not too long ago, and someone has to pay all those red light camera tickets his motorcade racks up. And lord knows maintaining two residences (city and suburbs) can get expensive....and maybe two families.


Proven Cat BBQ Video

The legacy media did what the legacy media always does:

  • calls a government official
  • gets a statement that nothing has been reported to them
  • runs with their "fake news" saying "no proof" and "no knowledge"

Meanwhile, we posted a police report stating there were ducks and geese being hunted, killed and eaten. Granted, that isn't proof, but it's certainly not "no proof." It's the starting point for an investigation.

The new media (blogs, social media, start-ups like CWB) did actual footwork:

  • they were sent a video
  • they traveled to Ohio
  • they located the exact barbecue on the back porch of the building in the video
  • they interviewed the neighbors who said, "Yep, the occupants were cooking stray cats."

Here's part of the report:

  • Our investigation begins in a run-down neighborhood of Dayton, Ohio, the closest major city to Springfield, about a half-hour’s drive away. We identified a social media post, dated August 25, 2023, with a short video depicting what appear to be two skinned cats on top of a blue barbeque. “Yoooo the Africans wildn on Parkwood,” reads the text, referring to Parkwood Drive. The video then pans down to two live cats walking across the grass in front of a run-down fence, with a voice on the video warning: “There go a cat right there. His ass better get missin’, man. Look like his homies on the grill!”

    We spoke with the author of the video, who asked to remain anonymous but confirmed its time, location, and authenticity. He told us that he was picking up his son last summer, when he noticed the unusual situation. “It was some Africans that stay right next door to my kid’s mother,” he said. “This African dude next door had the damn cat on the grill.”

    We then identified the home by matching it to the visuals in the video and cross-referencing them with the eyewitness. When we knocked on the door of the first unit, a family answered, telling us they were from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and that all of the surrounding units were occupied by other African migrants.

And there are links to the pictures of the cats being cooked. We won't post the actual pictures, but they're out there.

This occurred in Dayton (thirty minutes from Springfield) and it was immigrants from Congo (not Haiti) but the legacy media won't even do anything aside from deliberately omitting information because it would cast a bad light on democrat illegal alien policies. 

Up until a few decades ago, the US used to export horses to France for food. In Japan, people eat all manner of raw fish, much of it still twitching. And don't even get us started on China and Southeast Asian "wet markets." They didn't stop eating cats and dogs in Haiti recently - why pretend they didn't bring those cultural habits along with them to Ohio?


Juicy Still Free, Still Lying

You think he'd be happy in a prison shower setting:

  • Lawyers for Jussie Smollett asked the Illinois Supreme Court Tuesday to overturn a jury’s 2021 guilty verdict that found the actor lied to Chicago police when he falsely claimed he was the victim of a hate crime.

    During the actor’s trial, special prosecutors accused Smollett of staging the attack for publicity because he was unhappy with his salary for his role on the hit television show “Empire” and was attempting to launch a music career.

    The jury found the actor guilty of five counts of disorderly conduct, and he was sentenced to 30 months of probation, with the first 150 days to be served at Cook County Jail.

    At the heart of Smollett’s argument is whether the Cook County state’s attorney’s office had earlier entered into a binding agreement not to prosecute Smollett because he voluntarily agreed to forfeit his $10,000 bond and perform community service. Defense attorney Nenye Uche told the justices Tuesday that because Smollett’s attorneys and the government reached the deal together, it should be considered a contractual non-prosecution agreement — regardless of whether that term had been used in court.

The real trial ought to have included the fact that Tina Chen (Mrs Obama's fixer) called Crimesha (worst SA ever) and conspired to get Juicy off on a plea bargain that wouldn't have flown anywhere else and conceal the entire proceeding from the public.

But that would have involved a lot of politically connected people.


Be Careful Out There

Just reading this description makes us cringe:

  • A Chicago police officer discharged their weapon during the pursuit of a gunman who was arrested Monday night in the city’s South Shore neighborhood.

    Around 10:15 p.m., officers were responding to calls of a person with a gun in the 7100 block of South Jeffery Boulevard and approached a gunman who pointed their weapon at officers and began running away, according to police.

    During a pursuit, an officer discharged their weapon but didn’t strike the gunman, police said.

    The gunman was eventually taken into custody and a gun was recovered, officials said. He was taken to an area hospital for minor injuries.

At least when Camden was releasing statements (and not posting Department propaganda on that "blog" he fronted), he used decent terminology.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What Have You Done for Me Lately?

The DNC success is now a distant memory:

  • A weekend of downtown revelry tied to Mexican Independence Day turned into a nightmare for downtown residents, who fought their way to designated checkpoints only to be turned away by Chicago police officers.

    Downtown Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd) said his inbox was flooded with emails from angry residents. Social media and websites like “Next Door” were filled with complaints from residents who followed all ground rules outlined by Chicago police, but still couldn’t reach their homes in Streeterville, River North or the Loop.

    After last year’s gridlock, the city promised to do a better job of “screening downtown residents and medical employees trying to get to their jobs at Northwestern and Lurie Children’s Hospital” and to make it easier for those people to “get through the roadblocks and checkpoints,” Hopkins said.

    But it didn’t happen. One resident, turned away from a checkpoint on their way home, said they slept in their car.

Assorted social media showed firework mortars going off in the middle of downtown, tens of dozens of cars pulled over on I-55 by McCormick Place blocking two lanes of traffic and partying on the highway, along with the usual street "takeovers."

Whatever the plan was, it sucked and was poorly executed. Obviously, when the DNC was in town, no expense was spared and pretty much any needed authority was exercised to maintain order. But with the spotlight off, Larritorious reverted to form and backed off any real enforcement efforts in case he got called on the carpet.

A number of comments suggested that the Mexican Independence "celebration" needs to go the way of the South Side Irish Parade and take a hiatus for a few years. The trouble here is that there is no central authority controlling the impromptu parades, takeovers and firework displays downtown. The city tried to organize a downtown event to alleviate the illegal celebrants from misbehaving and it failed spectacularly. 

The only thing that gets this under control is a year or two of massive enforcement - tickets, tows, impounds and arrests.Wwhich means it won't happen for a while yet.

Feebs Blow it Again

A second assassination attempt on the former President, and the feebs knew about him again. In fact, there are dozens of questions being raised, some conspiracy-driven, but many legit that should be answered under oath:

  • "known wolf" on federal radar for previous threats;
  • interviews with Newsweek and the NY Times as some sort of "recruiter" for Americans and other foreign fighters to travel to Ukraine;
  • ties to the Azov Brigade in the Ukraine, a hotbed of nazi-ideology;
  • flew from Hawaii to Florida a few days ago and managed to obtain a rifle in that time - even as a convicted felon;
  • spent 12 hours in his sniper "nest" outside of the golf course, even though the golf outing was an OTR (off the record) trip, meaning it wasn't broadcast on press releases or websites

All this is and was known by various federal agencies, and the special agent in charge of the investigation is now known to have posted numerous anti-Trump articles on his social media, which superiors told him to scrub so he could be promoted without someone raising a stink.

And what are the feebs busy doing instead of preventing assassination attempts?

  • posting billboards in Springfield, Ohio - in Hatian Creole - asking for tips on "racists" complaining about their local schools, hospitals, government services, housing, being overrun....along with the complaints about geese and ducks and (maybe) pets being eaten.

And that's when they aren't hassling citizens for daring to exercise politically protected Free Speech - this is from New Hampshire:

  • Jeremy Kauffman, an entrepreneur and Libertarian political activist, was visited at his home Monday by two men claiming to be FBI agents regarding an unspecified X post he made. When he asks them who they are, the bald person claims he’s “Donald from the FBI in New Hampshire,” which understandably does not satisfy Kauffman, who wants full identification.

    The bald man then demands Kauffman stop recording the encounter, which Kauffman refuses to do, citing his 1st Amendment right. He then asks the younger-looking and full-haired person for his name. He declines while also asking Kauffman to stop recording, which Kauffman again refuses.

    Kauffman next lays down an ultimatum: Either show me your name and ID or walk away. The full-haired alleged agent sheepishly says they want to talk to him while the bald man attempts to pass off his supposed badge as identification. After the bald guy finally states the purpose of their visit, which is to speak to Kauffman about a post he made online, Kauffman turns the tables on them and embarrasses them further.

All sorts of video and pictures of the encounter at the link.

The fbi needs to be disbanded along Homeland Security. These wanna-be Stasi should be treated as mere prostitutes and unworthy of organizational trust any longer.


Conehead the Moron

We can't find the exact quote at the moment, but Conehead said something about ShotSpotter "leading to over-policing in the black community" or something similar.

We're going to call bullshit on this mental midget's allegation:

2024 Race of Victim/Assailant

Graphic courtesy of

THAT is what leads to "over-policing."


ShotSpotter Not Dead Yet

The political maneuvering isn't done yet:

  • The gunshot detection system some City Council members are trying desperately to keep is little more than “a walkie-talkie on a pole,” Mayor Brandon Johnson said Monday. Johnson condemned the ShotSpotter system as a costly waste of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars — even as the stage was being set for a legislative showdown.

    At Wednesday’s Council meeting, proponents of the system that Johnson wants to take offline on Sunday will attempt to round up the 34 votes they need to prevent that from happening. They’re backing an ordinance that would give Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling the power to extend the existing ShotSpotter deal or enter into a new contract for similar technology.

    That measure has been assigned to the Rules Committee, where legislation opposed by the mayor typically is sent to die. But its supporters want to invoke Rule 41 on Wednesday. That parliamentary maneuver allows an alderperson to call for immediate consideration of an ordinance if no action has been taken in committee.

    On Monday, however, Ald. Michelle Harris (8th), the committee chair, planned to prevent that showdown by moving the ordinance to another committee. That would make it ineligible for Rule 41. But the game of parliamentary ping-pong was blocked when the committee voted 30-to-17 against the move

Conehead must have already spent the money that was earmarked for ShotSpotter seeing as how desperate he is to shut it down. He's even spreading lies and showing his ass over ShotSpotter again:

  • The city spent "$100 million for a walkie-talkie on a pole, and the reason why they said we needed it was to reduce gun violence,” he added. “It didn’t do that.”

    City records actually peg the overall expenditure on ShotSpotter at $53 million so far.

So he had to out-and-out lie about the expenditure, while he still stonewalls inquiries about how much he burned through for illegals sleeping in police stations and shelters. Estimates are $290 million....which coincidentally is pretty close to the $250 million budget shortfall this year, and would have goen a long way to alleviating the Billion dollar shortfall next year.

Meanwhile, ShotSpotter continues to send cops to shooting scenes even before 9-1-1 calls are made to OEMC:

  • In yet another example of the technology’s usefulness, Chicago police received a ShotSpotter alert of a person shot at 5647 South Throop at 2:06 a.m. Monday. An officer working the local police district’s intelligence center was able to pull up a surveillance camera feed and confirm that a man was lying unresponsive at the ShotSpotter address, police radio transmissions show.

    CPD officers arrived on the scene 62 seconds after being dispatched to the call, well before any 911 calls were received. They administered first aid until EMS arrived, but, unfortunately, the victim, believed to be 19 years old, died from a gunshot wound above his right eye.

Well, at least there's loads of documented proof exactly who is responsible for cancelling the contract should there ever be an election issue over it.

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Reforming Duty Disability

Over at The Contrarian, addressing an issue that should have been solved long ago.

  • When COVID-19 struck the globe, the pandemic forced Chicago to dramatically curtail our way of life. As Chicago residents learned to cope with a daily existence transformed by the pandemic — orienting to draconian lockdowns, mask mandates, and school closures — countless city employees were obligated to continue with their duties.

    While residents were forced to capitulate to the extreme measures imposed by Chicago’s health gurus, members of the Chicago Police Department and Chicago Fire Department had no choice but to work and accept the prospect contracting COVID was just another ordinary hazard of daily duties.

    A terrible period to be on the streets, by the time Chicago emerged from the pandemic’s darkest days, 14 members of CFD and CPD were acknowledged to have succumbed to COVID in the line of duty. In each instance, the families of the 14 deceased were eligible for death benefits. Yet the fate of several CFD and CPD who prevailed but were debilitated by the virus became a source of controversy.  

    Of those officers and firefighters who did manage to overcome COVID, the predicament of Sergeant of Police Joaquin Mendoza was distinct. A 22-year veteran of CPD who had established an impeccable record as a peace officer, Mendoza’s case of COVID had taken such a toll he had to be rescued by CFD after he collapsed at his South Side apartment. Ravaged by the illness, Mendoza eventually spent 72 days in the hospital battling the virus and endured kidney failure, lost the use of his left arm, and suffered a series of strokes.

The state and federal governments had already declared COVID related disabilities to be "line of duty," but this was ignored by the Pension Board, and Groot's people voted 4-3 to deny benefits.

Fortunately for Sgt Mendoza, he had a big name in his corner - Comptroller Suzanne Mendoza, who roasted Groot for her political bull$hit and went to Springfield to push through one segment of needed reform. This is why we supported her for mayor back then. We even had a lawn sign.

The process still takes far too long, placing Officers in real jeopardy of losing insurance benefits, doctors care, untold financial burdens, even their housing, because of senseless bureaucratic red tape. The Contrarian outlines a bunch of common sense reforms that would shorten waiting times and streamline decisions to less these dangers without affecting oversight.

Go read it all.


Legit Criticism is "Racist"

So declares Crimesha, the criminal's bestest friends:

  • Next week will mark a year since Illinois did away with cash bail — an enormous, precedent-setting dismantling of an early central plank of the criminal justice system. The move was borne of Black legislators’ efforts to systemically uproot racist policies and practices following the 2020 police murder of George Floyd.

    Making the change provoked fresh racism, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx said Wednesday, in what she called a necessary “honest conversation about what happened in the leadup” of the Pretrial Fairness Act’s implementation. 

    “I just feel compelled, in my time left in office, to say truths that need to be spoken: It was racist. It was racist,” Foxx said of opponents’ attacks on the law, and her advocacy for it.

No, it was pretty much well thought out criticism. The "racism" argument were just the many baseless claims by Crimesha and her camp, disregarding the input of seasoned law enforcement and prosecutors in her own office. When you don't have actual arguments to back up your side, "racism" is the charge leveled at all critics.

Backing up the pro-bail side, we have the many resignations of decades worth of experienced prosecutors who left after being unable to do their jobs. We also have the CWB blog's extensive archives of crimes committed by persons out on no-cash release and the 20%-plus recidivism rate. 

And if everything is going so swimmingly as Crimesha and her supporters claim:

  • that showed jail population decreases of 14% in Cook County, 14% in other urban counties and 25% in rural counties

Where's the cost savings passed down to taxpayers? We should be seeing a sizeable reduction in the Cook County tax levy, right? Just like we're all expecting a tremendous tax reduction in the schools portion of our bills since student population is down massively. And the City is closing shelters for illegals, meaning another property tax cut. We're going to be loaded next year!



So the non-updated totals from

  • 2 dead, 24 maimed

That's with a number of hours to go on Sunday yet, so expect it to be slightly higher. We'll update Monday morning after they do.

UPDATE: 5 and 33 for the entire weekend, but within our hour restrictions (1700 Friday to 0001 hours Monday) it's 5 and 28.

Someone asked why we trust's numbers but not their hours - it has nothing to do with trust and everything to do with tradition. We never counted Monday's tally in the weekend totals before HeyJackass existed and we just kept it going that way - they make it easier to keep track of. Without a definitive end time you just keep artificially extending the weekend.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Yes, This is Real

This is a bizarre sense of entitlement:


Maybe being the police isn't for you? 

Get some time on the job kid.


ShotSpotter Gone?

Seems a procedural move by Conhead's ally will effectively shut the system down on 22 September:

  • It looks like the ShotSpotter system will be taken offline in Chicago before proponents of the gunshot detection system can make a last attempt to save it.

    Rules Committee Chair Michelle Harris (8th) made certain of it on Friday by placing on Monday’s agenda an ordinance giving Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling the power to extend the existing ShotSpotter deal or enter into a new contract for similar technology.

    Ald. David Moore (17th) had hoped to use a parliamentary maneuver at next week’s City Council meeting to force a vote on that ordinance, which has languished in the Rules Committee, where legislation often is sent to die.

A lot of inside baseball political stuff in the article, but essentially, aldercreature Moore had the 34 votes necessary to temporarily stop Conehead's cancellation, but aldercommunist Harris implemented a  little used rule to circumvent this maneuver and will therefore delay the ordinance hearing by a couple weeks, meaning the switch will be thrown and ShotSpotter will be off on the 22nd.

Is this the last word? Probably not, but moving forward, who knows if ShotSpotter even wants to work with the city or the police department? People will die seeing as how ShotSpotter was herlping send cops to crime scenes that the neighborhood hadn't even bothered to call about. Can't wait to see who gets the blame for those.

UPDATE: The Tribune (paywall article) had an editorial about the necessity of keeping ShotSpotter active. Late to the game again.


Remember, the Media Lies

And they lie ALL the time.

Lie - Illegals are peaceful persons seeking a better life


  • Investigative reporter James O'Keefe published unclassified information from the US Army North Division on X, revealing that the Venezuelan prison gang wreaking havoc across the northern Denver suburb of Aurora has become a nationwide crisis. Law-abiding Americans will soon feel the growing consequences of the Biden-Harris administration's failed open southern border policies (recall what's happening in Springfield, Ohio) of importing the third world into the first world.

Lie - peaceful!


  • A man in the United States illegally has been charged in connection with last month's brutal quadruple homicide in Irondequoit.

    Julio Cesar Pimentel Soriano, 34, who is originally from the Dominican Republic, was arrested last week, Irondequoit Police Chief Scott Peters announced Friday. He was charged with four counts of first-degree murder in connection with the Aug. 31 killings of a family of four.

Lie - Haitians are not eating pets and other animals.

Reality - half of that statement is disproven already via police reports:

It's probably only a matter of days before the "pet" portion is proven to be true.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Place Your Bets

Warm weather, an out-of-control celebration, cancelled days off. Time to predict the weekend violence numbers!

As usual, the weekend started about 7 hours ago at 1700 hours Friday and runs through 0001 hours Monday morning. is the official numbers keeper - accept no substitutes.

We're feeling slightly optimistic about the weekend, so we're going to bet low this year.

  • 9 deceased, 18 maimed

Total street "takeovers" will be around a dozen.

Stop Sticks deployed will be zero.

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Lawsuit #1

As predicted, here comes the first COPA lawsuit that will inevitably cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars:

  • A former high-ranking police oversight official has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the city of Chicago, alleging he was wrongfully fired after raising alarms about bias and mismanagement within the Civilian Office of Police Accountability.

    The complaint, filed Thursday in Cook County by former COPA deputy chief administrator Matthew Haynam, marks the latest broadside against the agency charged with probing serious allegations of police misconduct, including officer-involved shootings.

    The suit claims COPA Chief Administrator Andrea Kersten fired him and another COPA employee, Garrett Schaaf, after they complained to both a civilian oversight panel and the city’s top watchdog about the integrity of COPA’s investigations and the allegedly prejudicial actions of agency leaders.

    Devlin Schoop, the attorney representing both former officials, said Schaaf was expected to file suit Friday. They were both terminated on Aug. 30 amid a firestorm at COPA.

We aren't sure to whom COPA answers to, but Conehead ought to look into firing Kersten ASAP because she is one bad headline after another, with no upside.


Recognizing Good Work

It still happens and deserves acknowledgement:

  • A group of Chicago cops who tracked down and arrested two robbers who fired shots while mugging a woman in Logan Square this spring are being honored for their efforts.

    In May, CPD’s Shakespeare (14th) District was withering under a double-digit increase in robberies on top of last year’s dramatic surge. But, thanks to several key arrests, including those made by the honored officers, Shakespeare is now enjoying a 35% decline in holdups year-to-date.

    The 30-year-old victim was in the 3100 block of North Christiana when two boys, ages 15 and 17, confronted her around 2:20 p.m. on May 24. They took her purse at gunpoint, and the 15-year-old fired shots, a Chicago police report said.

    While uninjured, the victim was “shaken to the core,” said the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation as they announced that ten cops involved in the police response and investigation are being honored as the organization’s Officers of the Month.

Head over to the CWB link up top to read the whole thing. An excellent job all around.


Friday, September 13, 2024

"Woefully Unprepared"

If only that were the baseline....but he's far worse:

  • Mayor Brandon Johnson was portrayed Thursday as a “woefully unprepared” captive of the “radical left” who is well on his way to becoming a “one-termer.”

    Downtown Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) said he has not decided whether to challenge Johnson in 2027. But his brutal assessment of the mayor’s first 16 months in office sure sounds like it’s coming from a mayoral candidate.

    As the City Council member representing downtown business interests, Reilly is in almost constant contact with business leaders — and “all they want to talk about” is fielding a candidate to replace Johnson, he said.

The term "ball-less" comes to mind. Along with communist, leftist, socialist, gutless, brainless, incompetent, wishy-washy, poor decision maker.

CTU's bitch.

We don't know that Reilly is a capable candidate, and who knows what Vallas' intent is. The Hispanic caucus is lining up any number of candidates. Willie Wilson might be filling gas tanks and grocery carts again to sway voters and there was even a rumor of the Return of Groot.

We're probably looking at another ten or twelve candidates splitting the voting factions any number of ways. Always a fun time.


How Many Layers?

Once again, something we were advocating how many years ago?

  • The recent firing of two Chicago police oversight officials and subsequent calls for Andrea Kersten, chief administrator of the Chicago Office of Police Accountability, to resign add another unfortunate chapter in the drama that is Chicago policing.

    More importantly, they are symptoms of an obvious failure in Chicago governance. The failure is this: Our policing is political, not professional.

    Professional policing involves constitutional practices and effective community policing. Political policing, on the other hand, is a game of gotcha, conflict and a lack of constructive cooperation.

How bad is it?

  • First, there is the Chicago Police Board (with a budget of $602,000). Second, there is COPA ($16.8 million and 157 employees). Third, there is the Community Commission on Public Safety and Accountability ($4 million, with 66 elected officials). Further complicating things, Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th Ward) in May introduced an ordinance that would place a referendum on the ballot to expand the size and scope of the Community Commission on Public Safety and Accountability, while leaving the rest of the entities untouched.

    In addition to these three bodies, the mayor, City Council and Office of Inspector General all play significant roles in policing as well.

And they don't even mention the "consent decree" oversight people with their own budget and personnel. 

Conehead supposedly wants to cut costs, but won't make the easy decisions.


Twenty Percent Re-Offending

CWB again, doing the reporting that the legacy media won't:

  • Nearly 20% of people arrested and charged with felonies in Chicago are already on pretrial release for another pending criminal case, a number that appears to be substantially higher than during a comparable period last summer, when Illinois still operated on a cash bail system.

    That’s one finding from a deep dive that CWBChicago conducted into Cook County court records as the state approaches the one-year anniversary of the cashless bail era.

    Our research also found that the odds of a felony defendant being tossed in jail instead of going home vary greatly, depending on which judge presides over their initial court appearance.

Remember, this is by design, between Chicago "progressives," judge Evans, the Prickwrinkle/Dart jail and governor Fata$$, they allow felons out to re-offend, and the victims are almost always the exact same community victimized previously.

But as long as it isn't costing them votes, they'll keep it going.

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Unsafe Everywhere

Of course, it's the west side:

  • A woman was hospitalized after a shooting in East Garfield Park Thursday afternoon, according to Chicago police.

    The woman, 63, was on the sidewalk in the 500 block of South Albany Avenue about 5:20 p.m. when two people approached her, and one of them fired shots, police said. She was shot in the head and taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital in fair condition.

    No one is in custody.

A regular occurrence in that part of town, but the address....

The 011 District is on Harrison, between Kedzie and Albany. The parking garage borders Albany, as does the Area 4 Police garage. And the old "Albany Inn" of tavern stories is literally right there. You'd think there were a dozen cops within sight and sound of that location.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Once Again, F#$% Conehead

He's simply a straight up jagoff, hiring other jagoffs and creating government jobs for them:

  • Three members of Mayor Brandon Johnson’s City Council leadership team and the police union president are demanding that Johnson fire a top mayoral aide for calling police “f---ing pigs” and talking openly about defunding and even “abolition” of police.

    Kennedy Bartley is the former executive director of United Working Families, which worked to elect Johnson and a more progressive City Council and defeat more conservative members who might oppose the mayor’s agenda.

    Bartley joined the Johnson administration last spring as managing deputy of external relations, a job created for her. Johnson then decided to place Bartley in charge of the Mayor’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, which earlier this week triggered the abrupt resignation of Sydney Holman, the mayor’s chief liaison to and lobbyist of the City Council.

Hey mayor dickweed, you want to cut some spending, start with this bitch.

And bitch knows she fucked up:

  • Later Wednesday, however, Bartley started calling alderpersons in an attempt to mend fences and save her job.

    “She was very apologetic, and said she’d like to work with me,” said Ald. Peter Chico (10th), who also was among those calling for her resignation. He remained unmoved.

Stay unmoved Mr Chico.

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Life Sentence

If you can believe Illinois sentencing guidelines that is:

  • A judge sentenced a man to life in prison Wednesday for shooting and killing Chicago police Officer Ella French and injuring her partner, marking an emotional end to the case months after jurors viewed harrowing body-camera footage throughout a weeklong trial.

    Emonte Morgan, 24, was found guilty in March of killing French, seriously injuring Officer Carlos Yanez Jr. and shooting at Officer Joshua Blas during a traffic stop on Aug. 7, 2021, on the South Side. Life was the statutory minimum in the case, prosecutors had told Judge Ursula Walowski, who added another 57 years on other counts.

    “Your actions turned this into what it is today,” Walowski said. “You made these decisions. You pulled the trigger.”

The hearing devolved into a shouting match among family members and sheriffs removing the scumbag's mother who is only in this for a payday of some sort. Not that we wish any evil upon her, but if she got hit by a bus, we wouldn't shed a tear.

RIP Officer French. And prayers for a continuing recovery for Officers Yanez and Blas.


Hiring and OT Returns

What a difference a day or so makes:

  • Under fire from first responders and their City Council champions, Mayor Brandon Johnson said Wednesday his hiring freeze will not impact the city’s police and fire departments.

    “It’s one of those, to quote the NFL, `Upon further review,’ “ Public Safety Committee Chair Brian Hopkins (2nd) said Wednesday. “Initially, we were told it’s an across-the-board hiring freeze. … They rushed the announcement on a Monday morning without fully vetting it, not realizing that it was something they would have to walk back. There was pushback from the aldermen. They went back and realized there were positions they really needed to exempt from the hiring freeze.”

    On Monday, Johnson froze hiring and travel and eliminated overtime “not directly required for public safety operations” to begin to confront a burgeoning budget crisis that will force him to close a $223 million budget gap by Dec. 31 and a $982.4 million shortfall in 2025.

    Budget Director Annette Guzman’s memo to city department heads made it appear the hiring freeze would apply to a $2 billion-a-year Chicago Police Department that already is roughly 2,000 sworn officers short of the strength it had just a few years ago. The only exception appeared to be police positions mandated by a federal consent decree outlining terms of federal court oversight over CPD.

Those "exceptions" are most likely the politically motivated "oversight" personnel.

In the meantime, the incompetence of Conehead's administration comes to the fore without any prompting or encouragement. If there was a republican somewhere in the city, they'd try to figure out how to blame them for this debacle. But it's all democrats and "progressives" across the board $hitting the bed, so there's no one to blame except the jagoff at the top.

Conehead will have his revenge though - expect massive property tax increases, along with another wave of middle class homeowners of all races fleeing the rapidly disintegrating city.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Twenty-Three Years

There are cops on the job now who weren't even born when 9/11 happened.

There are even more who have no actual recollection of the events of that day due to age, but they grew up under the reverberations of it.

There are also a large number of Officers who served in the string of conflicts following the attack and experienced an entirely different theater of the War on Terror.

And then there are the dinosaurs who lived and worked through one of the more disquieting and defining portions of our careers. As we exited the stage, we kind of got a sense of how the Vietnam Era coppers probably felt about us, and how the Korean War and WWII vets felt about them. Defining events of a generation.



COPA Scandal Growing?

CWB isn't a huge media outlet, but they're more on the ball that most others, and they're giving this the coverage it deserves. We'll quote from the middle of the article:

  • The source directed us to two cases COPA recently published on its public case portal.

    In April 2023, COPA determined that a Chicago police sergeant unreasonably used “excessive force, akin to deadly force” by putting his knee on the neck of a person he was trying to arrest. COPA’s deputy chief investigator recommended that CPD fire the sergeant or suspend him for 270 days.

    Interim CPD Supt. Fred Waller blasted the agency’s findings, saying its investigators “chose not to interview any of the other officers on scene or the civilian witness” to the alleged behavior. In fact, Waller said, the accused sergeant “was the only individual interviewed by COPA, and a proper investigation cannot be completed without statements from the complainant, other Department members on scene, specifically the officers who assisted in placing [the arrestee] into custody, and a civilian witness.”

    COPA also failed to secure a sworn affidavit or an affidavit override as required by the CPD police sergeants’ union contract, Waller claimed.

    Two months ago, Kersten signed off on a supplemental finding that the allegation of excessive force was “not sustained.” In her memo, Kersten maintained that there was “sufficient evidence to sustain the allegation” but “various factors, including the age of this case, the requirements of the collective bargaining agreement, and the attendant procedural issues in this case significantly reduce the likelihood of success at an evidentiary hearing.”

    In February, COPA’s chief investigator recommended a 30-day suspension for another CPD sergeant due to comments she allegedly made about migrants living inside the Albany Park (17th) District police station.

    Specifically, the sergeant was accused of telling someone that, if they wanted to help the migrants, they should “pick out one of them, and take it home like they do at the [dog] pound.”

    The sergeant vehemently denied the allegations.

These are merely two examples of what Snelling and Catanzara ought to be broadcasting every single day. If the mainstream media won't do it, social media blast it AND locate outlets (like CWB and The Contrarian) who are less biased than anything else out there.


Saving Money Already

We guess the buses from Texas have slowed down?

  • The City of Chicago announced planned closures of three migrant shelters on Tuesday.

    The city said it currently has more than 5,000 unused beds in the new arrivals system and is re-evaluating the needs of migrants for the rest of this year.

    Those shelter closures are just a few weeks away.

Of course, if those shelters had never been opened in the first place and the "welcoming city" ordinance revoked years ago, Conehead would be swimming in money that could have been spent wisely instead of lit on fire and burned.



Interesting comment earlier yesterday:

  • ....the goal is permanent 12 hr days and 6,500 police and it’s coming soon

We say "interesting" because this was discussed here over a decade ago where the rumor was that 9.5's desire was a replica of Houston, a city similar in size to Chicago, but with only about half the Police manpower.

Texas has a very large County Sheriff presence across the state however, which stood in for the Houston PD numbers. In fact, LA is run similarly with a number of major departments within the boundaries of Los Angeles proper and a significant CHP presence.

Chicago doesn't have that in terms of County sheriffs nor ISP.



Tuesday, September 10, 2024

No Hiring, No OT

Here comes the pain....and the stupid:

  • Mayor Brandon Johnson on Monday froze hiring and travel in all city departments — including police and fire — and eliminated overtime “not directly required for public safety operations” to begin to confront Chicago’s burgeoning budget crisis.

    Johnson is not the first mayor to freeze hiring and restrict overtime to solve a budget crisis. But most past hiring freezes have been confined to “non-essential” positions. Public safety jobs in the Chicago Police Department and the Chicago Fire Department have routinely been exempt.

    Johnson doesn’t have that luxury at a time when he’s refusing to rule out the property tax increase he campaigned against.

So Conehead will most likely be proven a liar in short order, along with being a completely ball-less tool of hte Chicago Teachers Union:

  • He’s got just four months to fill a $223 million gap in 2024 caused, in large part, by the Chicago Board of Education’s refusal to absorb a $175 million pension payment for non-teaching school employees. After that, Johnson faces a $982.4 million deficit in 2025.

    The mayor has warned “sacrifices will be made.” Those sacrifices will include freezing hiring at a $2 billion-a-year Chicago Police Department that already is roughly 2,000 sworn officers short of the strength it had just a few years ago.

    It also means no new hires at the $663.8 million-a-year Chicago Fire Department, which is so short of paramedics and ambulances, the 80 ambulances it does have are “running night and day,” according to Pat Cleary, president of Chicago Fire Fighters Union Local 2.

One also has to wonder about the promotions from last week along with the ones on tap before the end of the year. If there's no money to hire, there's probably no money to promote. And as for OT cuts, how much of that OT was mandatory?

That death spiral we were talking about years ago just went into overdrive.

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Prolific Robbers

These two are f#$%ing up the curve:

  • Eleven people were robbed at gunpoint in less than an hour early Monday on the Southwest Side.

    Four robberies occurred along different blocks in and near the Brighton Park neighborhood and each included two gunmen who forced the victims to the ground while they took their belongings before fleeing in a dark-colored SUV.

Crime is down! 

Oh, and Chicago is short 2,000 Officers with a hiring freeze beginning today:

  • The mayor has warned “sacrifices will be made.” Those sacrifices will include freezing hiring at a $2 billion-a-year Chicago Police Department that already is roughly 2,000 sworn officers short of the strength it had just a few years ago. 
  • Civic Federation President Joe Ferguson said including police and fire in the hiring freeze is “very unusual” but a “clear recognition of the magnitude of the problem and the responsibility on the fiscal front to get the house in order.”

    The question now is whether the freeze will continue through next year and whether police spending will be reduced in 2025 by permanently eliminating police vacancies from the budget.

Gee, if only there was some sort of warning, some lone "insignificant" voice calling out from a free, publicly accessible blog that was sounding the alarm about this five years ago and more.


Vote - Save Cats and Dogs

Springfield, Ohio is a small town, population sixty-thousand and shrinking. Shrinking until the Biden/Harris administration imported twenty thousand Haitians, nearly a 33% increase in the population which the locals were ill-equipped to handle. 

And Haiti - being a third world $hithole - brought along some of its....cultural habits:

The illegals go to the park and slaughter geese and ducks. And then, citizens started reporting the absence of stray cats

The usual media suspects leapt to the defense of the illegals, claiming such accusations are racist and such. These are the same people who claimed any such accusations of apartment building takeovers in Aurora, Colorado were racist and false, until video proof emerged mere days later.

But if you like animals, there's only one way to vote.


Monday, September 09, 2024

Col. McCormick Weeps

The Tribune has gone full commie lately, supporting bans on free speech in foreign countries:

  • Elon Musk, the eccentric, far-right billionaire behind X (formerly Twitter), SpaceX and Tesla is testing the world’s willingness to regulate the ultrarich. Billionaires, with money to burn and control over the vital industries that created their wealth, can make great friends and difficult enemies. 

    But the power that is their appeal is also the reason that governing their actions is so critical. This is even more urgent with Musk since he controls one of the most powerful information distribution mechanisms in the world.

    Brazil’s government understands this, and that is why it has been embroiled in a battle with him for months.

Of course, until Musk bought X/Twitter and opened up the censorship gates closed for years at the behest of governments, Musk was a hero to the leftists for all sorts of reasons.

Now he's "eccentric, far-right" for supporting free speech.

Meanwhile in Illinois, we have far-left billionaires:

We'll take Musk, for all his faults.


Not So Fast Larry

Hoover ain't coming to town:

  • More than six weeks after ordering prosecutors to deliver Larry Hoover to his courtroom later this month, a federal judge says the notorious co-founder of the Gangster Disciples street gang will appear virtually through a video link instead.

    U.S. District Judge John Blakey cited "logistical and safety concerns" in his order Friday.

We thought for sure they were going to release him shortly

Looks like Larry has to wait a bit yet.


CCL Success Story

Good news from the south side:

  • A woman said she jumped into action Saturday night to protect her children as a man allegedly tried to break into their home in the city’s South Shore neighborhood.

    According to the Chicago Police Department, officers responded to a report of a person shot around 10:45 p.m. in the 2300 block of East 69th Street. They found a man, initially believed to be the victim of a shooting, with a gunshot wound to his leg.

    Investigators quickly learned the man had allegedly tried to break into a nearby home and was shot by a woman who is a Concealed Carry License (CCL) holder.

And she had praise for responding Officers:

  • The victim of the alleged attempted burglary said she is grateful for the actions of the CPD officers who responded, and while the man she said is responsible was found, the entire incident has left her feeling uneasy. She is looking for a new place to call home with her children.

    “The officers were really good last night and helped us through it,” said the woman. “It was just unnerving and I’m jittery still, so. I’m just thankful we weren’t harmed last night, and they got the guy.”

Someone really ought to come up with a "free box of ammo" offer for citizens who successfully defend themselves, their families and their homes. We might see even more stories like this.


Separate and Unequal

You remember how we used to joke that if the powers that be would just give us a list of laws that certain portions of society are exempted from, we would save the police efforts for neighborhoods that actually wanted the police around?

We didn't realize the Kackler actually supported this very idea back in 2019:

  • Call me a conspiracist, but something about this does NOT sound like equal justice under the law.

    This is from 2019 while Kamala was running for president in the Democratic primary. You can watch the whole video of Kamala at this black barbershop right here.

    This was shortly before she dropped out of the 2020 race for being the worst candidate in the history of the world.

    [...] Literally, this man in the nice suit is saying "Black people need their own special laws to help them get ahead because we are 400 years behind due to slavery."

    Do you think this man read the 1619 Project before this interview?

    This should be such a scandal for Kamala. A real press would ask her, in detail, which laws should apply to black people and which laws shouldn't.

Now we're going to have to re-think our entire political position.

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WEP and the Post Office

The Post Office is behind this push, so it might actually have some legs (from July):

  • As we celebrate our nation this summer, what could be better than honoring and respecting our public service workers – postal workers, teachers, police officers, firefighters, foreign pension recipients, and many more – who have tirelessly fought to be free from unjust penalties? As we have done in past years, retirees recognize the anniversaries of Social Security signed into law in August 1935 and Medicare, which was signed into law in July 1965. For 48 years, any retiree paying into Social Security reaped fair and equitable benefits from Social Security. Unfortunately, over the last 40 years, millions of retirees no longer celebrate the anniversary of Social Security because Congress enacted the Government Pension Offset (GPO) in 1977, and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) in 1983.

    The WEP reduces Social Security benefits for workers that pay into the Social Security system, but who also worked additional job(s) that did not pay into Social Security.

We wrote back in August about the push to get this elimination provision voted on before the election. Obviously, it's used to drive votes while little is actually done to move it, but the USPS brings some heft to the table.


Sunday, September 08, 2024

Lieutenants List

Nothing like releasing the list on a Friday night after 1700 hours:

Only seventeen. Someone had mentioned twenty-five?

There was also a comment about one-hundred sergeants, but that sounded higher than what the Department was short. We'll see this week....maybe.


Responsibility Rolls Downhill

You knew this was coming:

  • On Wednesday, an all-too-familiar tragic scene played out, when a student at a Georgia high school opened fire on his teachers and classmates. The student killed four and injured nine others with a semiautomatic rifle. He stands charged with murder. But police also promptly arrested his father and charged him with four counts of involuntary manslaughter and eight counts of cruelty to children. Police have alleged that the father "knowingly allowed him to possess" the rifle. Although police have not released the full details of the case against the father, this case has the potential to drastically expand criminal liability against parents for the criminal acts of their children.

The Michigan school shooter parents got ten-to-fifteen years for failing to intervene in their son's mental health issues and failing to secure a weapon used.

The Highland Park parade shooter's father pled guilty to co-signing a FOID card for his obviously mentally ill (alternative lifestyle shooter) kid and got sixty days.

The father of the recent school shooter in Georgia (another alternative lifestyle shooter with mental issues) supposedly bought his kid a gun - the exact gun he described in social media posts about a "fantasy school shooting" - even after being interviewed by the feebs. 

Hooray for responsibility! 


The feebs knew about the Georgia school shooter and did nothing about it. They dished to the local sheriff.....who did nothing about it. 

Anyone know where the "responsibility" begins and ends, especially with the so-called "professionals" in the FBI office?

And when does Crimesha start charging parents in Cook County for not knowing their kids have mental issues, access to guns and are hanging with persons of ill-repute on a daily basis.


Summer Totals has closed out the summer shooting season with a boatload of statistics:

  • 2024 Summer of Silly Decisions*: 225 killed, 953 wounded

Amazingly, this matches last year EXACTLY in terms of dead bodies:

  • Summer 2023: 225 killed, 907 wounded

Further breaking down this summer:

  • 204 (90.6%) shot & killed
  • 10 (4.5%) beaten
  • 8 (3.5%) stabbed
  • 3 (1.4%) killed via other means
  • A person shot every 2 hour, 7 minutes
  • A person killed every 10 hours, 53 minutes
  • Everyday tallied at least 2 people shot
  • 17 days did not record a homicide
  • 16 mass shootings (81 shot, 8 fatally)
  • 93% of homicides were on South or West sides
  • 4 police-involved shootings, 2 fatal
  • 3 shot in self defense, 0 fatal
  • 12 homicide-linked arrests
  • 222 in serious or critical condition
  • 196 males killed vs 29 females
  • Killed: 168 Blacks, 49 Hispanics, 8 White/Other

There's more at the link.....there always is. Go check it out.


Saturday, September 07, 2024

Is Vallas Running Already?

Not that we're complaining, but he's definitely trying to stay in the public eye as a counterpoint to Conehead's reign of error:

  • Critics of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA) should be madly celebrating the fact two high-ranking officials with the police oversight agency were abruptly fired last Friday. The dismissals came only days after one of the men shown the door had lodged a complaint with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), imputing the office with a bias against Chicago Police (CPD). The action gives us a clear view into how Chief Administrator Andrea Kersten manages the agency; the firings leave no doubt of Ms. Kersten’s personal animus with CPD and how she has created an atmosphere at COPA that allows an anti-police bias to flourish. The firings also expose the political nature and incompetence of the agency.

    Ms. Kersten should be fired and COPA itself should be abolished as part of a long overdue consolation and professionalization of the multiple lawyers of police oversight. It should be crystal clear by now that Ms. Kersten is hopelessly biased against the Chicago Police Department. The most recent in a series of missteps that has marked her term as Chief Administrator of the troubled agency, Kersten gained notoriety for publishing a report recommending the suspension of Officer Ella French, though French had been slain in the line of duty months before the official review was released to the public.

COPA is an easy target, which is why we suggested yesterday that Larritorious and Catanzara ought to be piling on while the headlines are working in their favor. 

This far out from the next mayoral election, you have to exploit the opportunities as they present themselves, and with Conehead's poor decision making and incompetent staff, you can turn him into the next Groot with little effort. And once he's Groot-ified, he can't control the narrative.


COVID Numbers

This is a chart of the past four years of COVID Emergency Room visits (click to enlarge):


As you can see, the COVID "peak" for 2024 happened nearly a month ago and it was nearly six times lower than three years ago. 

This Election Year Variant is a non-starter.


Friday, September 06, 2024

Great Job Roberto!

WTF were you thinking?

  • A high-ranking member of the Chicago Police Department has been demoted and relieved of his police powers after being charged with damaging a citizen’s vehicle during this year’s Puerto Rican Fest in Humboldt Park, according to information provided by law enforcement sources and a CPD spokesperson.

    The spokesperson said that Nieves, the 53-year-old Deputy Chief of Area Five, and Officer Jacob Gies, 26, surrendered at the Central (1st) District station on Thursday to face misdemeanor charges.

    While details have not been officially released, a source familiar with the matter said Nieves and Gies are accused of damaging a car in an alley behind the 2600 block of West North Avenue around 11:19 p.m. on June 7. The source said Nieves slashed a car tire while in uniform. Gies is accused of similar conduct, a second source stated.

    Gies is charged with two counts of criminal damage to property, while Nieves faces one count of the same charge.

This is probably the most ridiculous self-own in the history of the CPD. You couldn't be miles away from this incident? You had to get your licks in? Dumber than a bag of hammers.

Nieves is right at the 29-year mark....but he's only 53.

Better retire now to save the pension and suck it up on the insurance costs. It's affordable at a captain pension, and we're sure the old-boy network will find him a connected job to make up for the stupidity.


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