The Tribune had a big article in the Sunday paper about the unfortunate young woman who was arrested at Midway Airport, transported to the Deuce, processed and released, then ended up paralyzed following an alleged sex assault and 7 story freefall.
Allegations have been made that she traveled to Chicago as part of a sex industry job. Allegations have also been made about procedures not being followed by 002 District lockup personnel. We're sure that OPS and IAD are doing a thorough investigation and if any malfeasance is discovered, the guilty will be punished (
unless they are politically connected and then all bets are off) or until a final settlement is reached and an adequate amount of blame can be placed.
Have any of our non-police readers ever been in a Area lockup? The places are freaking madhouses. You couldn't pay us nearly enough to volunteer to work in these shitholes (
though in the interest of full disclosure, we've worked there non voluntarily on occasion.) you process through 100 plus bodies a day, sometimes 200. The prisoners talk all sorts of crap, plead all sorts of ailments, try every trick in the book to avoid making it to court and maybe get off on technicalities, and then you have the weekend drunks, the dope sick hypes and the truly psychotic - it's no wonder this woman may have gotten lost in the shuffle. It's also no wonder that the Area lockup may have shortcutted certain procedures designed to prevent this sort of thing.
We're just rambling here. We will be moderating this particular thread comments VERY closely, due to the ongoing litigation against the Department and the fact that scumbag lawyers could use anything posted in the comments as another club to beat the taxpayers with. We aren't excusing anything that was or wasn't done in the lockup or by the injured woman - we're just commenting on the avoidance of any responsibility on all sides. The woman for her choices, the parents for their lack of actions, the lockup for whatever they did do (
or didn't) and the City for it's poor hiring and training.