We've opined for years here about the various levels of incompetence on display in government - all levels of government. We've been generous spreading around our criticism - it's free and it's our Right as a citizen. Sometimes we've even provoked a response and once in a great while, a change for the better, because sunlight is the best disinfectant and misbehavior brought to the attention of the public is a great motivator.
Mind you, we've done this with a readership that - on a good day - might have been 30,000 people a day, 50,000 on a really good day. After The Hiatus, we've been hitting the 20,000 mark regularly, but we've got a way to go building back.
We might be getting some extra readers after the display from one of those incompetent and lying judges the other day:
- The Cook County judge who oversaw the bench trial of a woman who struck a Chicago cop with his own squad car says she has been receiving threats since finding Whitley Temple not guilty by reason of insanity.
Which we addressed, politely and calmly, pointing out that the allegations of threats were "without an iota of evidence." For the slower readers that means:
- without any supporting documentation or recordings
It's just the judge talking shit from the bench. We would hope that people would use their better judgement and not act like idiots, but after the past eight years of democrats raising the political temperature past boiling, to the point of provoking an assassination attempt on a former President, dissuading unknown morons from being morons is beyond our ability.
Then the outright lies and slander start:
- “Every time we are here, there is a need for me to make a record because
something stupid has happened between the last court date and today’s
court date,” Walton began, saying she had previously mentioned
“disparaging comments and borderline threats” made toward her online and
in the media.
Disparaging, sure. You deserve it.
Threats? Nope. Threats get deleted long before they're published. We tread a fine line and threats are a big no-no. Always have been. "Talking shit" gets a pass a lot of the time, because there's nothing behind it, and it's what a lot of people do - ALL people.
- “I have received phone calls from individuals who have represented that
they are members of the Chicago Police Department and that I should, in
essence, watch my back, and that if — that someone was going to be shot
as a result of my ruling. Those phone calls were made directly to the
presiding judge’s office here in this building and to the chief judge’s
office. In addition to that, I have received a number of calls to call
me, and I’m going to quote, a racist piece of s**t, because I’m Black,
because Ms. Temple is Black, and because Officer Poppish is White,” the
judge continued.
If these calls exist (again, no evidence), then shame on the caller for not being polite, but it's an opinion they're entitled to have regardless of how they express it. Quite frankly, after observing her courtroom demeanor, her obviously biased rulings and slow-walking the case, and her convoluted end result, we can see how someone might get frustrated with the entire process and ascribe certain motives to the participants.
We would then point out there's a reason we encourage everyone to vote "NO" on all judicial retention ballots.
Then, the legally actionable statement from the judge:
- “In addition, my picture has been shared on the Second City Blog,
it has been shared on Second City posts, Facebook, my address at home,
my contact information, and I’ve received a number of calls,” Walton
stated. “So, again, you got the right one because I’m not moved by any
of it, but the marshals and the other persons who are in charge of
judicial security have been made aware of each and every threat and
disparaging comment that I have received and those that have been made
about the attorneys of record in this case.”
This is a LIE.
Repeating for the slower readers:
- THIS IS A LIE and an actionable slander
Judge Tyria Walton's picture has never appeared on this site and it is impossible for commenters to post anything but profile pictures.
Judge Tyria Walton's address in Englewood has never appeared on this site or in the comment sections.
Judge Tyria Walton's phone number and contact information have appeared nowhere on this site.
Now....someone posted a link to The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin that contains a picture, a generalized Englewood location, job and school history and other information THAT THE JUDGE VOLUNTARILY FILLED OUT for the website.
Any office or work number is available via the Cook County Court website and it goes through a switchboard.
That's all public information. We had nothing to do with her voluntarily disclosures, just as we had nothing to do with her political appointment to the bench, nor her twisted reasoning to find a naked crack addict mentally incompetent for her near-deadly actions against a Police Officer.
In light of recent developments where a murderer was able to stand trial for chopping up her landlord, while simultaneously successfully suing the CTA for a couple million dollars under a separate name, we will be consulting with legal counsel about any action we can take against the judge while maintaining our anonymity. Cook County rules are made for being bent it would seem.
Labels: blogging, un-fucking-fucking-believable