This probably should have been done prior to yesterday (click for larger view):

This needs to be pushed - and pushed HARD. The Department has effectively hamstrung the rank-and-file with so much oversight, that a cop isn't allowed to make any decision without having it judged, reviewed, re-judged, reviewed again, sent to a committee that dissects every single second, judges yet again, then looks to suspend, fire or jail the officer(s) involved for each and every violation.
Time to play hardball FOP. Demand that the Department draw up some sort of "How To Police" guidebook that will ensure each and every action taken by officers is within legal guidelines, city ordinances, Department Directives and some sort of "community standards" whatever the fuck those may be - as far as we can tell, they depends upon the weather, temperature and day of the weekm biot to mention color of the officer and offender.
Absent these guidelines, the FOP should instruct everyone that no police action will be taken for any situations until such time as guidance is provided. Better re-tool the Academy in an effort to retrain the entire Department. Get it done.
Labels: department issues, FOP, un-fucking-fucking-believable